The Most Beautiful Streets in the World

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Beautiful scenery is something that has to be admired forever. Just think about luxury flower fields, endless seas, beautiful mountains, wild forests, quiet lakes and cozy streets. The Japanese even have a great tradition of admiring the sakura flowering - Hanami, which lasts 10 days. And sometimes splendor of nature is embodied not in pristine wild areas, but in the cities made by human hands! Natural urban parks, garden smallholdings and even whole streets sometimes amaze with theirs bright colors and natural beauty. We suggest you take a stroll through the most beautiful streets of blooming spring.

You don’t need any excuse to walk through the magnificent flowering streets, enjoy the wonderful plants and trees. Let your heart fill with love and joy when you look at this man-made beauty. You can learn about top-10 unusual and amazing places in our article.

1. The city of Bonn (Germany)

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Cherry tunnel in Bonn is truly one of the city attractions. With thousands of planted Sakura the whole town turns into a luxurious maze of tunnels of pink petals for two weeks. By the way, they appeared here by chance. Half a century ago, the local authorities began to fight air pollution, and the beautiful scenery was out of the question for a time. But the result exceeded all expectations!

2. The island of Lesbos (Greece)

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The streets of the small town Milovos are covered by a splendid ceiling of climbing flowers in spring. The island of Lesbos, so tenderly praised by the poet Sappho, attracts thousands of tourists to its beautiful places every spring. Here in Greece, on the island of Peloponnese another great street is located.

3. Spello (Italy)

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This town is considered to be one of the most beautiful and cozy in the world. Like every town of sunny Italy, Spello has a large number of architectural attractions. However, not everyone knows about it. The narrow cobbled streets of this earthly paradise are decorated with pots of flowers. You may feel even a little overwhelmed from the diversity of these fabulous plants and colors. Also one of the best flower festivals of the country is held here.

4. Stockholm (Sweden)

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Another place that fascinates with its beauty is Royal Garden in Sweden, part of which is Cherry Alley, planted in 1998. Every spring cherry tree blossoms here, wrapping everything around them with millions of pink petals. Trees in the park are planted in such a way that they form a colonnade covered with branches and flowers. Here you have one more reason to visit Stockholm!

5. Grafton (Australia)

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The small Australian town of Grafton earlier was the business center of the country. And now it is famous not only for its commercial institutions, but also for the beautiful streets. Delicate shades of purple glitter in the air with the arrival of spring. Thousands of tourists come here to admire the splendor of this amazing scenery.

Here they are, the most magnificent blooming streets of the world. It's time for us to enjoy the luxury and beauty  of nature around us!

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