Designer Charles Jencks and His Cosmic Art Projects

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The world-famous landscape designer Charles Jencks turned piles of devastated and desolated land into this green galaxy. Most recently abandoned coal mine Crawick Multiverse was like an environmentalists` and local authorities` eyesore. Today, this place is on the top in tourist guides as the amazing sight of Dumfries (Scotland).

Garden of cosmic Speculation
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Back in 1988, the theorist Maggie Chesvik received 22 hectares of land in inheritance. At this point there were only remnants of the mining complex and the dark hills without plants and flowers. However, the next year the owner along with her husband Charles Jencks opened unearthly park full of life.

Garden of cosmic Speculation
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Charles explains the essence of his work on the greening of coal mines so that in order to "see the world in a grain of sand" you need to find the relationship between large and small, between the scientific and the spiritual, the universe and landscape.

Garden of cosmic Speculation
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His galactic project Garden of Cosmic Speculation is deservedly regarded as the best art embodiment of our universe. Indeed, the ecological park contains the spiral coils, rounded hills, personifying the planet, as well as the DNA chain. Unearthly garden filled with echoes of the most different sciences: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and geometry. In fact, the "garden of cosmic speculation" – is just an incredible place that every traveler should visit. And if you look at former coal mines with a bird's eye…it's a sight that really excites!

Garden of cosmic Speculation
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The most important place in the garden outlined by designer is a huge stairs of 25 spans. Each of them represents an important evolution stage of the universe. The top of the ladder symbolizes nowadays. Lower huge steps that gently tucked in the depths of the murky water mean the same hidden mystery of the our world`s origin. Also, each element and the structure in the wonderful park keep the concept of being and the whole evolution of life.

Garden of cosmic Speculation
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Another no less amazing art project of Charles Jencks is the Garden Northumberlandia. The shape of park resembles a huge female figure. According to the designer, there is goddess of earth in height of 34 m. and a length of about 400 m. displayed on wasteland. Today "Northern Goddess" – this is the biggest human figure in the world that ever was created by landscape designers.

Garden of cosmic Speculation
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Thus, the pair of theorists solved an environmental problem. And who knows how long abandoned mines could remain the same lifeless and exhausted without unique project of Charles Jencks.

Garden of cosmic Speculation
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We should pay attention to the most environmentally problematic areas and by all means try to rebuild what had been destroyed by us. Everything is interconnected in our world. Take care of your environment, help our planet, and then your life will become much more colorful and brighter. 

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