Autumn Garden: Plants that Flower in October

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Favorite summer flowers complete the period of its beautiful blooms somewhere in the middle of September. There is the October a long time outside the window, and you want to see again the bright petals that adorn everything too much. Well, it even is possible in this month, because there is a considerable amount of garden plants, showing all its beauty in this rather cold month. Plants that bloom in October extend the sunny summer for us, delighting the eyes with their magnificent appearance. What autumn flowers will decorate your garden a long time and what does bloom in October – more read in our article.

Autumn flowers
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Autumn Anemones

There are no many autumn-flowering anemones, but Japanese anemone is considered the most popular variety among growers. The leaves of this species are very beautiful dark green; the flowers can be white or pink with a golden center. Japanese anemones bloom until late October, can survive even severe night frosts. The plant looks so gentle, that it is difficult even to imagine how it can withstand the cold autumn nights. But anemones wonderfully withstand freezing and delight with its beautiful inflorescences until early November.

Autumn anemones
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Perennial shrub asters

Bright asters – are perhaps one of the most favorite plants of every gardener. They are considered only autumn flowers, because they begin to bloom profusely in this period and decorate all around colorful petals. It blooms beautifully in late autumn, before the first snow. Varieties of asters are quite a lot, it is very simple to choose beautiful flowers for your autumn garden.

Perennial shrub asters
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Unusual plant with nice inflorescences has a number of good qualities. In the first place they are – unpretentious, beautiful appearance and long flowering from July to the end of October. Snapdragon greatly brings little frozen up to 3 degrees. Coloring of inflorescences is very diverse, ranging from white to bright pink shades.

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Autumn crocus

Picturesque plants reveal their beautiful lilac-purple flowers against all cold, wind and strong rain. The most favorable conditions for flowering – are moist soil and temperatures between 4 and 8 degrees. Crocus` inflorescences are large and broad, so they will stand out among the other plants in the autumn garden.

Autumn crocus
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Perennial spray chrysanthemums

They are very popular among gardeners as asters. Spray chrysanthemums can decorate the garden with bright colors until late autumn when other flowers and plants have long faded. The color range of garden chrysanthemums is very diverse. The inflorescences come in all shades of orange, pink, red, yellow and white.

Perennial spray chrysanthemums
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As you can see, work in the garden is not the end in October. Autumn – is a good excuse to put as much as possible the charming flowers in your garden.

Do not forget to delight loved ones with a beautiful bouquet together with now!

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