The most unusual hotels in the world

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A hotel is supposed to be the resting place after the day full of traveller’s activities. In this article, we made an attempt to outline the hotels which break stereotypes and are truly incredible and interesting architectural masterpieces.

Ice Hotel (Jukkasjarvi, Sweden)

Little town Jukkasjarvi is located close to the North Arctic Pole. And here you can find quite odd Ice Hotel which was built 25 years ago. The characteristic feature of this place is that all the apartments are fully rebuilt each winter. The material for the reconstruction is crystal clear water of the Torne River. The necessity of the reconstruction results in the fact that each spring the ice is simply melting, so the interior of the suits will be different every year. For the convenience of the visitors, the staff of the Ice Hotel gives them thermal underwear, hats, and sleeping bags as the temperature is never more than -7 °C. The room rate in this amazing place is approximately 350 €.

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Hang Nga Guest House (Dalat, Vietnam)

Hang Nga Guest House or also a «Crazy House» truly impresses by its architecture. It is more like as if Antoni Gaudí had visited Vietnam and constructed this architectural marvel. Inside this place is no less amazing than outside. There are no corners and a lot of circular stairs. The elements of decoration are the images and sculptures of animals, plants, mushrooms and also the imitation of caves. Since its building the Guest House is considered to be one of the queerest in the world. At daytime, this place is available for excursions and at night you can rent a room. Average price for the apartment is 25 €. 

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The Old Railway Station (Petworth, UK)

The next unique hotel is situated not far from English town, Chichester. It consists of four refurbished waggons and railway station of the epoch of King Edward VII.  Once arrival hall is now a guest lounge zone and a previously office of the station chief with ticket offices converted into a big kitchen. The suits have all necessary things as a big bathroom, satellite TV and free Wi-Fi. The luxurious interior decorations complement purely British image of this place. The rooms' prices range from 250 into 400 €.

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Magic Mountain Hotel (Neltume, Chile)

In the heart of the outlandish natural resort, you can find a fantastic hotel which reminds a volcano. Waters of artificial waterfall descends down its slopes. The Magic Mountain Hotel is made according to the best traditions of fantasy. If you stay here you will have a feeling that you fall into the hobbit’s house from «The Lord of the Rings»: wooden furniture, fairy-tale interior and wrap-around windows. Vacation in this place will cost about 400 €.  If you adore traveling a lot you should visit the most beautiful beaches in the world and stay in extraordinary hotels, which you have never seen in your life! Also we recommend reading an interesting article about the most expensive school in USA, Switzerland, Great Britain and China.

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