The Most Fragrant Flowers in the World

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Flowers are everything. It's true, they're like the whole world: they absorbed an incredible variety of colors and shades, appear in all known shapes, sizes, volumes, alone and whole Pleiades are decorating our planet. Their affection on our senses is able to reconcile people and make them believe, help to say the most important thing and accompany a person throughout life. And no wonder it seems that the flowers have souls: they exude a unique aroma.

While choosing a bouquet note the flowers with the widest soul - the ones that smell the brightest. Fragrant flowers will not just be a nice present, they will make a lasting impression. The most important gift for February 14 and March 8 is a fragrant bouquet. At this time, don’t we all miss natural colors and smells of life? Especially in February and March first spring flowers appear in flower shops and not only the first: in late winter  lilacs and lilies of the valley can already be found. However, not only spring primroses are distinguished by the strong notes. Today we'll show you how to make a magical gift to the girlfriend or wife by giving her the most fragrant flowers in the bouquet.

1. Hyacinths

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They set a romantic mood and fill everything around with triumph and inexplicable joy. If you have not discovered these fragrant flowers, try to present a bouquet of hyacinth, for example, on Valentine's Day. Your beloved one certainly does not expect to get such a lovely gift! And for those who want to make a splash for their spouse, we suggest  to grow your own hyacinths from bulbs.

2. Lavender

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This plant is truly legendary, you can admire  lavender fields endlessly and twigs of lilac fragrance calms and literally enters into a state of inexplicable happiness. Not surprisingly, you can often find original bouquets with the addition of lavender.

3. Lily of the valley

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Cute and charming flower-bell. Fragrant diamond of woods, the most spring aroma. Freshness, coolness and light of astringency smell lily of the valley create a feeling of weightlessness and enter into a state of love.

4. Lilac

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Plunging into the garden with blooming lilac is the dream of everyone who is not devoid of feelings. Bouquet of lush, breathing with the smell of freedom and serenity of lilac branches will appeal to all without any exceptions.

5. Peony

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Kings of a garden, luxury peonies awaken the most delicate strings of the soul. Refined, delicate fragrance of these flowers is able to enchant and inspire hope.

6. Rose

Queen rose again fell in the ranking of the most. Among the diversity of varieties a huge amount of roses is released that have an amazing smell. Not surprisingly, many perfumers often use rose as an inspiration in their compositions..

7. Mimosa

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Mimosa is a sun of March, the companion of spring and 8 March. Its special aroma - sweet, powdery, with woody base motives and honey are absolutely festive.

8. Lily

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Many may argue that Lily has an extremely pleasant aroma. But everybody agree with the fact that it is very active and thick. Spicy, exciting bouquet of lilies will be loved by a true queen.

9. Narcissus

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The smell of this flower is very strong, it is able to captivate a dizzying whirlwind of happiness. Bouquet of daffodils excite feelings and finally wake spring and passion.

10. Jasmine

One of the most exquisite aromas and favorite perfumes. The white flowers are endowed with divine floral fragrance with notes of freshness and fruit.

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No matter how attractive fragrant bouquets are, yet it is worth considering that many people suffer from allergies to pollen, as well as not all the odors can be enjoyable. Choosing a sweet gift, consider the tastes of the recipient and do not forget the most important thing - the sincerity of your feelings.

Недавние публикации Пылающие сердца, нежность и весеннее настроение к 14 февраля
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