How to preserve rose petals?

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Rose is incredibly beautiful and truly particular type of flowers. A lot of people madly love its refined aroma and a variety of shades. Rose petals are the most romantic you could fill the special evening with, and it also a great attribute of any wedding ceremony. How to preserve rose petals? What has to be done to keep their saturated and fresh aroma last longer? We got some recommendations for you to make it easily. 
How to preserve rose petals. Preparations
You will have known how to keep rose petals fresh longer when you read the instructions:
  • Use fresh flowers petals. It’s very important to use only fresh flowers.
  • Cut the flowers early in the morning, before it’s hot. Use a sharp knife for doing it. It also highly recommended to make only oblique (diagonal) incisions.
  • Avoid cutting flowers after rain, when the petals are wet. It’s very important rose petals to be dry. If it’s not possible, dry them with clean towel carefully after the collecting.
  • Keep roses in a cold place before you need the petals. After you’ve cut the flowers, put them in cold water. Use a clean vase for this aim. Keep roses in the vase till you need the petals. Place the vase in some cold place, like cellar or garage; if you don’t have a place like that, put the vase in some shadowed place to avoid direct sunbeams. You also need to be sure that there are no eclectic devices, such as TV or heater, situated beside. The warms could harm the flowers.
  • Change the water every day. It’s important for your flowers the water to be fresh and clean.
  • Tear of the petals of not fully opened buds. Try to collect petals of the “young” flowers. But pay attention, it’s important the flower to start opening.
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How to keep rose petals fresh longer

There are also a few tips that will help you to keep rose petals last longer:
  • Tear off the petals of roses. Shake off the insects carefully, remove all damaged petals.
  • Use a towel. Take a towel, fold it few times, make it wet. It could absorb moisture like a sponge. Put the wet towel inside a plastic container or a plastic food package. It’s important it to be clean and dry.
  • Put the collected petals on the towel. Make sure there is some space between the petals. It will prevent the petals rotting.
  • Lock the bag or cover the container. Put it into the fridge. Make sure no other goods will harm it. Avoid the bag or the container contact with most cold parts of the refrigerator.
  • Put the bag or the container out of the fridge every two days. It’s very important. When you do this, shake the petals a bit and turn them on the other side. It also will prevent their rotting.
  • Keep the petals according to these recommendations in a period from three to seven days. The sooner you use the petals — the better it would be. Try to use the petals on the third day they’ve been turned off of roses.
It’s a good idea to dry rose petals after their using. The dried petals can be used for making potpourri.

If you’re going to keep rose petals for some important occasion, such as a wedding, it’s better for you to train a few weeks before the time. It will help you to determine how long rose petals will stay fresh.

Try to avoid the petals cutting as long as possible. The best place for keeping rose petals is a rose bush! Anyway, it’s better to tear them off at the last moment.

We believe the tips will help you to understand how to preserve rose petals fresh. Enjoy yourself! 
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