How to Prepare for the New Year: 5 Useful Tips

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The New Year, a holiday that is expected by both adults and children will come very soon. It is better to start preparing for this event in advance, not less than one month in order to plan everything. We have compiled a mini-plan for you, and if you follow it, you will calmly and joyfully meet the New Year without any rush.

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1. Get rid of the old

The most important thing to do before the New Year is to throw out all odds and ends. Pay attention to each locker, glance in every corner of your house and on the balcony. Throw away all the things that you do not use:

  • сracked  dishes;
  • expired medicines and cosmetics;
  • ragged clothes;
  • shoes you haven’t worn for a long time;
  • old newspapers and magazines;
  • broken appliances that you are not going to repair.

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These are the things that bring unfavorable energy in your home. Keeping them prevents the arrival of new in your life and can badly affect any important areas: work, love, or even health. If you have items in good condition, and you feel sorry to throw them away - give them to someone else. For example, a friend or take it to a children’s house, you can simply submit an ad on the Internet - perhaps you will find someone who needs exactly these things!

2. Decorate the house

It’s time to think about how you will decorate the Christmas tree and your entire house. At the same time, we should also bear in mind that Blue Goat will be a symbol of year 2015 (on the eastern calendar) or Green Sheep (in the Chinese horoscope). A good solution would be to pick decorations in these colors, or even find figures of animals and add them to the interior.

Today in decor shops it is possible to buy very beautiful unique bagatelles. Some companies let out the whole collections which are dedicated to holidays. If desired, you will be able to decorate your house easily and to bring New Year's mood, warmth and coziness in it.

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3. Order gifts

It is better to take care of the present for loved ones in advance, because on the holiday’s eve prices usually go up. Another unpleasant possibility is that whatever you need could be out of stock and, in addition, you would have to stand in long lines. If someone from your family or friends is going to celebrate the New Year in another city or country you can order delivery of your gift or flower bouquet on the Internet. Nowadays it is a great way to pass your greetings and love on time, even being at distance. For example, a toy made of flowers in a shape of a goat will be very symbolic!

4. Think about a festive menu

If you are going to celebrate the New Year at a party or in a restaurant this task becomes easier for you. However, this magical holiday we celebrate with family, friends and colleagues at least a few days, and you still will have to lay a festive table. When planning the menu, note that the symbol of the year (goat or sheep) is an herbivores animal, and therefore there should be lots of vegetable meals, perhaps even vegetarian.

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5. Write a plan for the next year

This is a very important pat for the successful start of the new year and optimistic changes in life. Spend at least an hour of your time and analyze the «ups» and «downs» of previous 12 months. Concentrate on what you would like to achieve the next year, and think about how it would be better to do it:

  • recall the problems that you've always wanted to be solved, but still cannot find the time for it;
  • what personal qualities you would like to develop and what habits to get rid of;
  • think of where you have been dreaming to go, but haven’t fulfilled it yet ;
  • think of something new to learn, and which occupations should be given up.

Be sure to write down your plan on paper or in electronic form and set a goal to complete it in the new year. It will be great to perform scheduled start from the first of January!

We wish you a successful and happy New Year!

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