How Flowers Affect Human Health

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At every opportunity we give people flowers. Everybody loves them for the pleasant aroma and extraordinary beauty. Butonly few people know that in addition to aesthetic properties, they may have  properties affecting the well-being. Especially this issue is relevant now, at the end of winter, when the human body is vulnerable and susceptible to viral infections. To avoid unpleasant disease process or  to speed recovery, you need to know what plants can positively affect our health and in which way.

Flower teas

Everybody knows that if you add in the usual tea some dried flowers or leaves of certain plants, you can get a medicinal drink, which has antiseptic antivirals or anti-stress effect, cleansing the internal organs from toxins and normalizing the overall functioning of the body.

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Under conditions of high virus attack you just need daily drink tea with chamomile flowers, or linden. This drink is a good prevention against influenza. And if you already feel unwell, then chamomile tea will be a useful addition to the basic treatment, contributing to the rapid recovery. A lime containing vitamin C, has analgesic properties and helps with coughing.

In addition, you can add dried flowers of rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, lavender. They will help in some diseases of the digestive system, namely:

  • rose petals helps with gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  • chrysanthemum  improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lavender  removes stomach cramps and spasms.

Medicine kit on your windowsill

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Many housewives love to plant ornamental plants at home. But they can and should be used not only for decorative purposes. For example, a plurality of aloe leaves has medicinal properties, in particular wound healing and reducing of inflammation. Its mucosal pulp is often added to the home ointments and creams. Aloe also contains the necessary ingredient for healthy hair - allantoin.

Not more than in any home will Kalanchoe. This plant is rich in vitamins, so in winter it is recommended to add to salads. In addition, Kalanchoe help cure sore throat and relieve a headache.

A real treasure for someone who adheres to unconventional therapies is a golden mustache. On the basis of the plant extracts are prepared, which are stored for a long time at room temperature. Thanks to its strong bactericidal properties such infusion can cure cystitis.

Healing flavor

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Finally, fresh flowers also have a positive effect on physical and emotional health. All flowering plants are capable of releasing  substances that are absorbed by our lungs and catalyze biochemical processes and metabolism. It's no wonder there is a tradition to visit a patient with a bouquet of flowers. Inhaling their fragrance throughout the day, you will feel their beneficial effects:

  • scent of chamomile soothes and relieves stress, improves sleep, normalizes blood pressure;
  • even the faint scent of rosebuds remove a migraine attack or motion sickness, as well as helps with vascular dystonia, angina, stress;
  • positive effect on the nervous system has a delicate flavor of peony;
  • for better sleep, use a bag of dried lavender.

Here's how it turns out, it is important and useful to give people flowers, especially in the winter, especially during flu. 

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