Grown Furniture from Gavin Munro

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The owner of the British company "Full Grown", a brilliant designer Gavin Munro (Gavin Munro) created a furor in the production of wooden furniture, lifting it to a new, higher level. He has developed a unique and innovative technique that allows producing a variety of household items with an environmentally friendly way, shifting much of the hard work on Mother Nature.

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The designer and his team engaged in the revolutionary project to grow trees around the frames and carcasses, as a result of turning into chairs, tables, lamps, chandeliers and mirror frames. The process takes a few years, but eventually, when it comes to cutting with the usual furniture, delivery to a sawmill, manufacturing of boards, grinding, polishing and so on, the innovative technology saves time and effort.

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Furniture Factory Company "Full Grown" is situated in the open air, in the small town of Wirksworth, English county of Derbyshire and takes one hectare of land. There are naturally about 400 chairs, tables and lampshades grow in its original beds.

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Through its innovation, Munroe had already created several prototypes, and he already hopes to raise the next harvest, more refined, it in 2016. Annually furniture company "Full Grown" produces about 50 wood products.

The project of 39-year-old designer was launched nearly 10 years ago and soon his idea will start bringing quality results. Gavin Munro grows young trees in specially designed plastic molds, at certain stages of trimming branches so as to form a very tight joint.

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After giving the desired shape to sapling, there is time given to thickening and maturation. Then the formed material is removed and sent for processing. So the young trunk of the natural growth process twists around the frame, repeating the shape of certain products, and eventually turns into a solid piece of furniture without any joints.

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Depending on the wood and the complexity of the object creating, manufacturing process can takes from 4 to 8 years. There is fast-growing willow used in the construction, but Gavin is also experimenting with many other species of wood. There are growing hazel, ash, maple, sycamore, wild apple, red and sessile oak on his "furniture field".

Inventor is sure that the cultivation techniques he uses for growing furniture, dubbed "botanical production", will be used in a much larger scale in the future - his company is working on such complex structures as a chest of drawers and a bookshelf.

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The idea of the original technology was born in the distant past, when Gavin as a young boy saw  an old bonsai tree, flowery bushes of those closely resembled a throne, in his mother`s garden. Soon after, ironically, he needed an orthopedic corset to straighten the spine that also left a significant mark on the soul of the future designer. Many years later, having considered all events in his life, Gavin chose to use personal experience to create something entirely new.

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After graduating from art school, getting the designer's degree and becoming carpenter, Munro worked as a gardener in San Francisco. In parallel, he was engaged in the manufacture of furniture from driftwood found on the beach, looking forward to what new materials every tide will bring. One day, remembering bonsai in his mother`s garden, he realized that to grow a tree in a beautiful and useful forms will be much easier than chopping to the piece an adult plant and then collect from it a variety of items.

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The owner of the company "Full Grown" called its technology of the furniture manufacture the organic 3D-printing, which uses air, soil, sun as starting materials and does not require fasteners.

Experiments in the field of developing of everyday objects from living trees began in 2006. The first serious attempts at cultivation of chairs and tables were not successful - already in two days after planting the young trees have suffered from cows that escaped from a nearby farm.

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In spring 2008, on the outskirts of the city of Wirksworth, in an open air factory, the company "Full Grown" planted living furniture from 3000 trees. In 2010 there were the first products from the willows, which were really looking like chairs.

Today there are about 400 trees cultivated on the territory of the land, giving about 4,000 sprouts that regularly need to be directed and trimmed. Gavin Munro calls this true art.

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The first harvest of high quality products is expected in October this year, and the first batch of designer furniture from British company "Full Grown" will go on sale in 2016. It will be relatively quickly formed frames for mirrors, chandeliers and lamps, but more complicated structures such as tables and chairs will be “ready” closer to 2017.

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Grown furniture will be released in a limited edition. The cost of the chairs will be approximately 2,500 pounds (about 3,800 dollars) per copy; fans of the exclusive furniture will get lamps and frames for £ 1,500 ($ 2,300).

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