Garden in Broken Flower Pot

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There is a new trend among gardeners in this season: to give new life to old broken flower pots. Now you do not need to throw away with regret, because it is a great base for miniature creative flower composition. Such a small corner of paradise will perfectly fit into any decor and can become magnificent decoration for country house.

Flower pot garden
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Create a miniature garden in flower pots with your hands

First, let's understand what kinds of pots are best suited for such a garden. Large clay pots that have strayed a part of the side wall, leaving everything else without damage perfectly suited for this purpose. In this case, you can make a multi-tiered landscape composition of shards, small pots, flowers and decorative elements. It is necessary to remember that, however chipping must be only for half, or composition will be broken. It is better to forget about glazed pots, because they are less durable.

Garden in broken flower pot
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If the stone chip is big enough, you can make a composition using small pots located on different levels.

Saved rim sidewall will help you to make a "monolithic" installation of flowers with multi-level complex.

Beautiful gardens in flower pots
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How to make such little flower pot garden step by step:

  • Wash the flower pot and break off cracked pieces;
  • Think of how the tiers can accommodate in composition. Shards will serve as walls of levels, fixing the soil from landslides;
  • It is better to work on-site installation of the pot, because after finishing, it will weigh quite a lot;
  • Create a drainage layer, using gravel, stones, broken bricks or other materials;
  • Prepare the necessary ground for your plants. Often it's mixture of soil and sand in equal proportions;

How to make garden in broken pot
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  • Gradually fill the container with soil, exposing the layers and fixing them by shrapnel. Do not fill up all at once - it's very difficult;
  • Plant in moist soil flowers that you want, saving part of the "native" soil around the roots. Start planting from the lower levels;
  • Exposed areas need to cover with moss, small stones, paper or creeping plants to retain moisture on the surface;
  • Finish your landscape composition with accessories. Use small toys, flowers, jewelry, decorative items, wooden doll furniture.

How to make flower pot garden step by step
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Flowers for garden pots:

  • Periwinkle;
  • Succulents;
  • Saxifraga paniculata;
  • Sagina subulata;
  • Thyme.

Flowers for flower pot gardens
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Here you have your own miniature garden in a broken flowerpot. Create beautiful decor with your hands and enjoy the spectacular flowering all year round!

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