Green flowers: a remedy for stress

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Green is one of the basic shades in theory of colors. But in floristry it relates more to the subsidiary colors, as it is the tint of leaves and ornamental plants (so-called "greenery"), which dilute bright flowers and decorate all kinds of bouquets. The flowers of different shades of green are relatively rare, but in bouquets they look pretty original.

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What kinds of flowers are green?

Green color in flowers is obtained from an excess of chlorophyll and protective coloration. Breeding this color artificially is quite difficult, because green is influenced by other pigments. The result of this breeding work introduced flowers in green to us: roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, carnations etc.

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Interestingly, green petals are almost always more dense than their «relatives», that are the same flowers with another color. Due to this fact green flowers can grow in climates that are not generally inherent in nature.

Besides already mentioned flowers, green is the predominant color for:

  • dahlias;
  • asters;
  • gladiolus;
  • orchid;
  • anthurium;
  • hellebore;
  • amaranth;
  • sorrel;
  • dieffenbachia.

What do green flowers tell us?

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Scientists have proven that the human eye perceives green spectrum better than anyone else. Just by looking at it our eyes relax, and therefore the entire nervous system rests. It is recommended to use it as wall color in rooms: the office green walls help to focus and tune into productive work, and at home it will help you relax after a hard day. Green is the color of spring, blooming and nature.

Green bouquets and floral arrangements

Flowers of green hues radiate vitality, peace and tranquility. These flowers are more than appropriate in bouquets to friends, acquaintances, colleagues at work. Green color subconsciously appears to be soothing and balancing. Green roses symbolize generosity and abundance.

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Green bouquets are mostly used in thematic celebrations and weddings in green. Bridal bouquet in green cannot be called a classic; it will not give the desired effect without the overall atmosphere of the wedding. Green flowers fit perfectly for weddings in country style, rustic, boho, vintage. Green goes well with white and therefore it will be a beautiful addition to the bride's wedding dress.

Green bouquets are always beautiful, original and above all non-trivial versions of the flower gifts. You can safely present them to your loved one with best wishes.

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