Divination by Flowers

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Everything in our world is interconnected, and you probably have repeatedly seen this. With the help of the many things you can predict what awaits us in the future and how to turn this or that event. Today you will not only learn what plants can provide answers to the tormenting questions, but also how to divine by flowers.

Divination by flowers
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In this article, we will focus on the 5 most popular plants that are used for divination: chamomile, calendula, lilac, lily of the valley and rose.

1. Beautiful chamomile

Divination by flowers
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So, the first flower, which we`ll describe - is known to all as chamomile. We think many of the girls did not miss the opportunity at least once to tell fortunes on the petals of this plant to learn does guy “love them” or “doesn`t love”. Divination by this flower is very simple. Holding a chamomile, think of the person whom you want to receive the information from, and taking one by one petal, say:

“Loves – doesn`t love, will spit – will kiss, will embrace to the heart – will send to hell”. Each petal corresponds to a certain phrase. Last petal and the final word will be for you to answer.

2. Fragrant marigold (calendula)

Divination by flowers
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Do you have questions that need a clear answer - either “yes” or “no”? Then a bright calendula will help to get it. To do this, take two flowers (one will answer the question “yes”, another – “no”) and make special marks on them, so as not to interchange the plants. Pluck the flowers is not necessary, just remember which one that is. Ask your question and watch out for the plants during the day. The flower, that`ll be closed the first, will give the answer.

3. Magic lilac

Divination by flowers
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Perhaps each of us has a number of desires that sooner or later we are trying to implement. However, having spent a lot of time and not seeing the advancements, we just begin to give up. At such time, there is a very strong desire to look into the future to find out "try or not to try".

In the old days people learned the fate with the help of lilac. Putting beautiful bouquet of purple plants, girls (or boys) made a wish and began to look for a flower which would have five petals, not four. Find it meant that the wish necessarily will come true.

4. Spring lilies of the valley

Divination by flowers
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Another good way to learn the fate of desire is divination by lily of the valley. In the morning, go to the forest and find there its white "bells". Picking up off one flower after another you need to pronounce:

“It will come true soon. It`ll come true any time soon. It will not ever come true”. And, of course, the last flower will over on such the phrase that it will be the answer.

5. Sensual Rose

Divination by flowers
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With the queen of flowers you can also learn a lot. Do you doubt the sincerity of your other half`s feelings? Typically, this issue mostly is asked by girls. Then put a rose in a vase with water, and said:

"Rose-belle, you're the queen of all flowers, endearing people and animals. Tell me does my dear one love me?"

Then you must wait until it will completely over blossom and shower. Look carefully at the base of flower, but rather to the number of petals, which will remain there. If there will be at least 2-3 petals, you can be sure that the person, who you think about, is indifferent to you. However, if all the petals will fell off, it can be assumed that the person does not feel anything.

People say that for best results you need to divine three times and on this basis have to draw conclusions. However, to learn about the opinion, intentions or feelings of a person, it`s just enough to ask. Just be brave! Well, to fulfill desire, you must go to the purpose and action avoiding even the smallest doubt about the positive result. Believe us, with such a motivation, whatever you want to do will come true at the right time. Just do not be lazy and work for your dream :) Get learn more with UA-Flowers.com!

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