History of Beautiful David Austin`s Roses

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Luxury David Austin`s English roses have won many hearts of gardeners from around the world thanks to theirs heady scent of dog-rose and a variety of palette colors. Today, the flowers of this variety are used in the preparation of wedding bouquets and decor. They are so refined that it is impossible not to admire their beauty! The history of these beautiful vintage roses is inextricably linked with the name of the talented English breeder, about which we will tell you in this article.

David Austin`s roses
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Inspiration of David Austin that changed floral world

The history of the charming roses began with a trip to an English farmer in Paris in the 50's of last century. A man named David Austin was a big fan of roses, so he decided definitely to visit Paris rosary that fascinated him with its beauty. Vintage rose’s shrubs gave off a fragrant scent of the divine that soon radically changed the life of a simple farmer. David Austin admired roses, but he could not understand why they still have major drawbacks, since they bloom only once and often had been a subject to diseases.

David Austin`s roses
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Then the man decided to change the look of old roses, delivering them from these unpleasant qualities. Farmer folded while modern hybrid tea roses with the old, received absolutely new and amazing varieties that differed with duration of flowering shrubs and lush form. Initially, David Austin`s goal was not to create unusual flowers of beautiful colors, gentle charm in addition to the delicate flavor of each bud was important for him.

David Austin`s roses
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The first roses David Austin and the global success

Inspired by English farmer didn`t spent years in vain, because already in 1961 the world had saw his first roses «Constance Spry». During flowering, they completely covered by the large cupped buds in pale pink hue. After the resounding success of the breeder three years later he was able to present the first seven varieties of terry remontant roses to the world and many growers fell in love with them around the world. Ever since former farmer has devoted himself to the selection of English roses, and soon founded the company «David Austin Roses».

David Austin`s roses
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The first David Austin`s roses «Constance Spry»

In 1983, David Austen presented his wonderful terry rose «Graham Thomas» and «Mary Rose», which was completely unlike the other classic varieties at the famous exhibition in Chelsea. Then the breeder brought about two hundred varieties, created with his son, David Austin Jr.

David Austin`s roses
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The whole world loved luxury English roses. For almost 50 years, they have received 15 gold medals at the Chelsea flower show in as well as many other valuable prizes. Until today, the Austin family presents the world wonderful new varieties of roses, which cannot be compared with others. Roses of simple farmer from England differ with lush bushes, abundant flowering buds and delicate aroma.

David Austin`s roses
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Amazing bouquets of David Austin`s roses

These roses can be called perfect. They look easy, gentle and solemn at the bridal bouquet. Precisely because of this, David Austin`s roses are so popular in wedding floristry. Their large buds and color blends with the leaves of eucalyptus, cotton, as well as the small shrub roses.

David Austin`s roses
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To buy a David Austin rose is quite difficult, because they are considered elite flowers, which must be specially ordered in advance. But in our online shop you can buy a wonderful bouquet with these delicate roses with delivery from the UA-Flowers.com.

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