Top 10 Unusual Places on the Planet

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Travelling is always fun! It is the only way to meet new cultures, get inspired by unusual landscapes or acquaintances. We offer you a virtual tour of the most beautiful corners of our planet. These places are like the scenery to fairy tales. You can find more unusual beauty in our fascinating article. Immerse yourself in the world of beauty with the help of a brief tour without leaving the screen.

1. The city of Colmar, France

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You'll definitely enjoy this medieval town in Alsace, because it will be a perfect illustration of the fairy tale of Cinderella or any other princess. Houses in Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Classicism, Empire, eclectic and modern styles perfectly complement the natural scenery and modern buildings. One can say that this is an architectural open-air museum. You can visit lots of festivals here, including jazz, wine, and cinematic ones.

2. Wisteria Tunnel, Japan

This is a magical tunnel in a small Japanese town of Kitakyushu, in the Kawachi Fuji garden of flowers.

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The garden itself shines with all sorts of colors and varieties of flowers, but the wisteria walkway is simply unforgettable! Wisteria is a climbing plant, like a vine with beautiful buds of white, purple, blue, pink and purple colors.

3. Angel Falls, Venezuela

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The highest waterfall of the world is truly majestic. It is just breathtaking, as it falls down from a height of more than 1000 meters. Isn’t it one of true miracles of nature?

4. Halong Bay, Vietnam

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This place seems to be a paradise on earth! Water of unreal blue color, more than 3,000 rocks, underwater caves and pristine nature - these are even not all delights of this fabulous place.

5. Dark Alley, Ireland

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One of the most frightening, but not less beautiful places on planet Earth is the Dark Alley in Northern Ireland. You will definitely get a feeling that in just a few minutes before scared Hansel and Grettel ran through here, or some wicked witch limped by. But during sunny weather this beech avenue is not terrible, but even romantic.

6. Santorini, Greece

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This mountain with a city located on top of it resembles the image of Baghdad from the Aladdin cartoon. It has the same small streets, "hanging" houses and bright, bustling Greek bazaars.

7. Rice Terraces, China

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No, this is not stained glass windows of the church and not even paintings of expressionists. This is the miraculous way rice grows in China. This unique phenomenon of "Longji" comes from the XIII century. Today, these rice fields are the only and unique kind throughout the world and are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

8. Neuschwanstein, Germany

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"In the distance, above the dense primeval forest, he saw the tower of a castle ..." This is a quote from Charles Perrault fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. Description fits to the beautiful castles of Neuschwanstein, which are based in Germany. And who knows, maybe it is still possible to find a spindle here, which pricked the finger of Aurora?

9. Crystal Cave, Iceland

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It seems that this cannot happen, and it's just a beautiful drawing oil. In fact, these are crystal caves in Iceland - a centuries-old tunnels in the great glacier.

10. Glenfinnan Viaduct, Scotland

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Dedicated to all fans of Harry Potter. This "road to Hogwarts" exists in the real world, in Scotland. 21 Arch structures 30 meters high look really fantastic! In addition, this building has recently been recognized among the most beautiful structures in the world!

Take your camera, belief in miracles create your own a fairy tale!

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