    [9872] => Array
            [id] => 9872
            [name] => Happy birthday
            [ru_name] => Букет с Днем Рождения
            [ua_name] => Букет з Днем Народження
            [en_name] => Happy birthday
            [title] => Купить букет Happy birthday недорого
            [small_image] => /bouquet/vesenniy_potseluy-9872_a23_s.jpg
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Have you had feelings for a girl for a long time, and you want to confess to her original? Order a bouquet of "Spring Kiss" with delivery to your home or recipient's workplace! Prepare a few pleasant words that express your true intentions. Believe me, such a sensual and beautiful gift will not remain without attention of the girl!

Graceful roses, delicate eustomas of various shades and gerberas are carefully wrapped in beautiful Kraft paper, giving colors of elegance and comfort. You can present a beautiful bouquet on the occasion of the birthday of your wife, name of your girlfriend or prom daughter. Just order the “Spring Kiss” bouquet, add flowers with the main gift, and our couriers will deliver it on time.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images on the site.

[rutext] =>

Уже давно есть чувства к девушке, и хотите ей признаться в этом оригинально? Закажите букет «Весенний поцелуй» с доставкой на дом или на рабочее место получательницы! Подготовьте несколько приятных слов, которые выражают Ваши истинные намерения. Поверьте, такой чувственный и красивый подарок не останется без внимания девушки!

Изящные розы, нежные эустомы различных оттенков и гербера бережно закутанные в красивый крафт-бумага, придает цветам изысканности и уюта. Вы можете вручить красивый букет по случаю Дня Рождения жены, именин любимой девушки или выпускного вечера дочери. Просто закажите букет «Весенний поцелуй», дополните цветы основным подарком, а наши курьеры доставят его вовремя.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от изображений на сайте.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет с Днем Рождения - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Гербера малиновая, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Эустома розовая, Роза белая местная. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет з Днем Народження - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Гербера малинова, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Еустома рожева, Троянда біла місцева. [en_product_sostav] => Happy birthday - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Crimson gerbera, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Eustoma pink, Roses white local. 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=> 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9872 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9872 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [997] => Array ( [id] => 9872 [flower_id] => 997 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [877] => Array ( [id] => 9872 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9869] => Array ( [id] => 9869 [name] => Sunny happiness [ru_name] => Букет цветов Солнечное счастье [ua_name] => Букет квітів Сонячне щастя [en_name] => Sunny happiness [title] => Купить букет Sunny happiness недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/-9869_7aa_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/-9869_7aa_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/-9869_7aa_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Flowers are a great opportunity to express feelings, to give a sign of attention. Composition of fragrant plants "Sunny happiness" is a great addition to a gift for any holiday. A bouquet can instantly make a sad woman happy, please a lady, cheer up a mother or grandmother, make a girl in love smile. As a song accompanies a person through life, so flowers are present at every event. Elevated at the beginning, these flowers will perform the role of decoration all day, and will enchant with a wonderful aroma. For some time, they will remind the recipient of a pleasant event.

[rutext] =>

Цветы – прекрасная возможность выразить чувства, придать знак внимания. Композиция из благоухающих растений «Солнечное счастье» — прекрасное дополнение к подарку на любой праздник. Букет способен мгновенно сделать расстроенную женщину счастливой, обрадовать даму, поднять настроение маме или бабушке, заставить улыбаться влюбленной девушке.
Как песня сопровождает человека по жизни, так цветы присутствуют на каждом мероприятии. Возвышенные в начале, эти цветы весь день будут исполнять роль украшения и будут очаровывать великолепным ароматом. Какое-то время они будут напоминать о приятном событии получателю.

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[video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9869 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/-9869_7aa_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/-9869_7aa_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/-9869_7aa_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Sunny happiness [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9866] => Array ( [id] => 9866 [name] => Willow branches [ru_name] => Букет цветов Веточки вербы [ua_name] => Букет квітів Гілочки верби [en_name] => Willow branches [title] => Купить букет Willow branches недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] => [rutext] => [kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_s.jpg [large] => vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => vetochki-verby [ru_link] => vetochki-verby [en_link] => willow-branches [ua_link] => gilochky-verby [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2019-03-25 16:35:27 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 485 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 556 [vpl_url] => konfety [vpl_list_id] => 485 [vpl_name_ru] => Конфеты {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Цукерки {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Candies [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( ) [composition_ua] => Array ( ) [flowers] => Array ( ) [weight] => 0 [url_link] => vetochki-verby [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9866 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/vetochki_verbyi-9866_b26_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Willow branches [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9863] => Array ( [id] => 9863 [name] => Rose Capuchino by piece [ru_name] => Роза Капучино поштучно [ua_name] => Троянда Капучіно поштучно [en_name] => Rose Capuchino by piece [title] => Купить букет Rose Capuchino by piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Compact, low, elegant, attractive - this is how you can describe the Cappuccino rose. It is sold individually, so you can order any quantity in a bouquet or one rose. The flower will delight you with its wonderful aroma and delicate sensuality of the buds. The recipient will be happy with the large, densely terry flowers of the perfect shape for roses. Delicate petals unfold in a spiral, showing one by one their perfect purity and sweet aroma. The color of the inflorescence is neutral orange with a cream admixture.

[rutext] =>

Компактная, невысокая, элегантная, привлекательная – именно так можно охарактеризовать розу Капучино. Она продается поштучно, поэтому можно заказать любое количество букета или одну розу. Цветок порадует отличным ароматом и нежной чувственностью бутонов. Получатель будет рад большим, густомахровым цветкам идеальной для роз формы. Нежные лепестки распускаются по спирали, демонстрируя один за другим свою идеальную чистоту и сладкий аромат. Окрас соцветия нейтрально-оранжевый с кремовой примесью.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Роза Капучино поштучно - Состав: Роза капучино (Голландия). [ua_product_sostav] => Троянда Капучіно поштучно - Склад: Троянда капучино (Голандія). [en_product_sostav] => Rose Capuchino by piece - Composition: Rose cappuccino (Holland). [url_link] => roza-kapuchino-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9863_second_21c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9863_second_21c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9863_third_42b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9863_third_42b_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 6 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Compact, low, elegant, attractive - this is how you can describe the Cappuccino rose. It is sold individually, so you can order any quantity in a bouquet or one rose... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9863 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/roza_kapuchino_poshtuchno-9863_f02_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9863_second_21c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9863_second_21c_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9863_second_21c_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9863_third_42b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9863_third_42b_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9863_third_42b_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Rose Capuchino by piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => importnye-rozy-poshtuchno [name] => Imported roses by piece [link] => [slug] => importnye-rozy-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1430] => Array ( [id] => 9863 [flower_id] => 1430 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9860] => Array ( [id] => 9860 [name] => Sincere feeing [ru_name] => Букет цветов Искренние чувства [ua_name] => Букет квітів Щирі почуття [en_name] => Sincere feeing [title] => Купить букет Sincere feeing недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The tradition of giving flowers has become an integral part of our lives. Today, many people give beautiful, exquisite bouquets for various celebrations and even for no reason. The composition under the gentle name "Sincere feelings" will create a festive atmosphere. You can decorate the room with it. A flower bouquet will be a chic way to cheer up, ask for forgiveness, congratulate on a significant date, express sympathy or admiration. This composition includes a red tulip and a cream rose. Such a bouquet serves as an affordable gift that does not oblige you to anything. You can safely hand it to the lady of the heart on the first date.

[rutext] =>

Традиция дарить цветы стала неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Сегодня многие дарят красивые, изысканные букеты на различные торжества и даже без повода. Композиция под нежным названием «Искренние чувства» создаст праздничную атмосферу. Ею можно украшать помещение. Цветочный букет станет шикарным способом поднять настроение, извиниться, поздравить со знаменательной датой, выразить симпатию или восхищение. В эту композицию входит тюльпан красный, роза кустовая кремовая. Такой букетик служит доступным подарком, ни к чему не обязывающим. Его можно смело вручать женщине сердца на первом свидании.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_s.jpg [large] => iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => iskrenniie_chuvstva_697_s.jpg [large] => iskrenniie_chuvstva_697_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => iskrennie-chuvstva [ru_link] => iskrennie-chuvstva [en_link] => sincere-feeling [ua_link] => schyri-pochuttya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-12 21:55:20 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.1 [main_list_id] => 532 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 7 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 427 [vpl_url] => buketi-na-8-marta [vpl_list_id] => 532 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты цветов на 8 марта [vpl_name_ua] => Букети квітів на 8 березня [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for March 8 [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.42 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Tulip red [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Тюльпан червоний [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19365 [flower_id] => 962 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Tulip red [ru_name] => Тюльпан красный [ua_name] => Тюльпан червоний [en_name] => Tulip red [group] => 12 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19366 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19367 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19368 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => Sincere feeing - Состав: Tulip red, Rose spray cream, Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Искренние чувства - Состав: Тюльпан красный, Роза кустовая кремовая, Упаковать букет цветов, Зелень в букет. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Щирі почуття - Склад: Тюльпан червоний, Троянда кущова кремова, Упаковка на букет квітів, Зелень у букет. [en_product_sostav] => Sincere feeing - Composition: Tulip red, Rose spray cream, Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens. [url_link] => iskrennie-chuvstva [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The tradition of giving flowers has become an integral part of our lives. Today, many people give beautiful, exquisite bouquets for various celebrations and even for no reason... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9860 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/iskrenniie_chuvstva-9860_50f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Sincere feeing [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [962] => Array ( [id] => 9860 [flower_id] => 962 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9860 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9860 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9860 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9857] => Array ( [id] => 9857 [name] => Michael brown 120 cm [ru_name] => Михаил коричневый 120 см [ua_name] => Михайло коричневий 120 см [en_name] => Michael brown 120 cm [title] => Товар «Michael brown 120 cm» [small_image] => /bouquet/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A huge soft bear, as if from a child's dream, is ready to please your relatives and friends right now. And to make the gift more interesting and original, our decorators add a beautiful rose. The result is a harmonious tandem for any holiday.

Who will be the most happy for the big Teddy with a rose?

You can order this teddy bear with a live rose on our website or by calling the phone numbers. We will ship your order on the specified date and time.

Attention: the appearance of the product may differ from the presented image

[rutext] =>

Огромный мягкий медведь, как из детской мечты, готов радовать ваших родных и близких уже в этот момент. Чтобы подарок стал более интересным и оригинальным, наши декораторы добавляют красивую розу. Результат – гармоничный тандем к любому празднику.
Кто обрадуется великому Тедди с розой больше всего?


Заказать этого мишку с живой розой можно на нашем сайте или позвонив по телефонам. Мы отправим ваш заказ в установленные дату и время.

Внимание: товар может внешне отличаться от представленного изображения

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_s.jpg [large] => mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => mikhail-korichneviy-120cm [ru_link] => mikhail-korichneviy-120cm [en_link] => michael-brown-120cm [ua_link] => mykhailo-korychnevy-120cm [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-04 17:13:35 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 130 [google_product_category] => 1259 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 1 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 359 [vpl_url] => myahkie-igrushki [vpl_list_id] => 130 [vpl_name_ru] => Мягкие игрушки [vpl_name_ua] => М'які іграшки [vpl_name_en] => Soft toys [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Toy Teddy bear, 120 cm [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Іграшка Ведмедик 120 см [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19355 [flower_id] => 1220 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Toy Teddy bear, 120 cm [ru_name] => Игрушка Мишка 120 см [ua_name] => Іграшка Ведмедик 120 см [en_name] => Toy Teddy bear, 120 cm [group] => 48 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19356 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.08 [product_sostav] => Michael brown 120 cm - Состав: Toy Teddy bear, 120 cm, Rose red. [ru_product_sostav] => Михаил коричневый 120 см - Состав: Игрушка Мишка 120 см, Роза красная. [ua_product_sostav] => Михайло коричневий 120 см - Склад: Іграшка Ведмедик 120 см, Троянда червона. [en_product_sostav] => Michael brown 120 cm - Composition: Toy Teddy bear, 120 cm, Rose red. [url_link] => mikhail-korichneviy-120cm [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 35 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A huge soft bear, as if from a child's dream, is ready to please your relatives and friends right now... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9857 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/mihail_korichnevyiy_120_sm-9857_acc_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Michael brown 120 cm [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1220] => Array ( [id] => 9857 [flower_id] => 1220 [price] => 1200 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 1500 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 1500 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 1500 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [882] => Array ( [id] => 9857 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9851] => Array ( [id] => 9851 [name] => Mix of orchids [ru_name] => Букет цветов Разноцветные орхидеи [ua_name] => Букет квітів Різнокольорові орхидеї [en_name] => Mix of orchids [title] => Купить букет Mix of orchids недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Multicolored orchids are a long-awaited gift

Orchid is a hypoallergenic flower, which is considered a real female talisman for a reason. A composition made of flowers in various colors will allow you to show your gratitude or admiration in the most beautiful way. A bright and gentle gift that will touch the heart of every woman, regardless of her age and status in your life, whether she is a lover, mother or colleague at work.

It will be appropriate to buy colorful orchids for any occasion, even if you are not nearby, because thanks to us, the delivery of flowers in Kyiv will take place quickly and at the specified address.

[rutext] =>

Разноцветные орхидеи – долгожданный подарок

Орхидея – гипоаллергенный цветок, который не зря считается настоящим женским талисманом. Композиция, собранная из цветов в разнообразных цветах, позволит вам показать свою благодарность или восхищение самым красивым способом. Яркий и нежный подарок, коснется сердца каждой женщины, независимо от возраста и статуса в вашей жизни, будь то любимая, мать или коллега по работе.

Купить разноцветные орхидеи будет уместно по любому поводу даже если вы не рядом, потому что благодаря нам доставка цветов по Киеву состоится быстро и по указанному адресу.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9851_four_e7f_s.jpg [large] => 9851_four_e7f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9851_second_f6e_s.jpg [large] => 9851_second_f6e_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9851_third_0a4_s.jpg [large] => 9851_third_0a4_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei_b09_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei_b09_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei_second_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei_third_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei_four_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnyie_orhidei_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => raznotsvtnie-orhidei [ru_link] => raznotsvtnie-orhidei [en_link] => mix-of-orchids [ua_link] => riznokolyorovi-orhydei [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-02-10 22:59:40 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 541 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 15 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 523 [vpl_url] => tsveti-na-den-materi [vpl_list_id] => 541 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы на День Матери [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти на День Матері [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for Mother's Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.41 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium mix (flower) [count] => 15 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => цимбідіум мікс (квітка) [count] => 15 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19334 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19335 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19336 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19511 [flower_id] => 2153 [ammount] => 15 [name] => Cymbidium mix (flower) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум микс (цветок) [ua_name] => цимбідіум мікс (квітка) [en_name] => Cymbidium mix (flower) [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 9 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.76 [product_sostav] => Mix of orchids - Состав: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium mix (flower). [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Разноцветные орхидеи - Состав: Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Цимбидиум микс (цветок). [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Різнокольорові орхидеї - Склад: Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, цимбідіум мікс (квітка). [en_product_sostav] => Mix of orchids - Composition: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium mix (flower). [url_link] => raznotsvtnie-orhidei [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9851_second_f6e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9851_second_f6e_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9851_third_0a4_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9851_third_0a4_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9851_four_e7f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9851_four_e7f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 3 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Multicolored orchids are a long-awaited giftOrchid is a hypoallergenic flower, which is considered a real female talisman for a reason... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9851 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnyie_orhidei-9851_2d5_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9851_four_e7f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9851_four_e7f_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9851_four_e7f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9851_second_f6e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9851_second_f6e_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9851_second_f6e_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9851_third_0a4_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9851_third_0a4_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9851_third_0a4_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Mix of orchids [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9851 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9851 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9851 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2153] => Array ( [id] => 9851 [flower_id] => 2153 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 19 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 19 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 19 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9850] => Array ( [id] => 9850 [name] => Mimosa by piece [ru_name] => Букет цветов Мимоза поштучно [ua_name] => Букет квітів Мімоза поштучно [en_name] => Mimosa by piece [title] => Купить букет Mimosa by piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Mimosas are wonderful flowers for congratulations on the holiday (March 8, anniversary) as well as for a gift for no reason


[rutext] =>

Мимозы - прекрасные цветы для поздравения с праздником (8 марта, юбилей, годовщина) а также для подарка без причины 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_s.jpg [large] => mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => mimoza-poshtuchno [ru_link] => mimoza-poshtuchno [en_link] => mimosa-by-piece [ua_link] => mimoza-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-04-03 15:34:04 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Mimosa [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Мімоза [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19332 [flower_id] => 1534 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Mimosa [ru_name] => Мимоза [ua_name] => Мімоза [en_name] => Mimosa [group] => 68 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Mimosa by piece - Состав: Mimosa. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Мимоза поштучно - Состав: Мимоза. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Мімоза поштучно - Склад: Мімоза. [en_product_sostav] => Mimosa by piece - Composition: Mimosa. [url_link] => mimoza-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 12 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Mimosas are wonderful flowers for congratulations on the holiday (March 8, anniversary) as well as for a gift for no reason . [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9850 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/mimoza_poshtuchno-9850_06f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Mimosa by piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1534] => Array ( [id] => 9850 [flower_id] => 1534 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 90 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 90 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9849] => Array ( [id] => 9849 [name] => Flower joy [ru_name] => Цветы + конфеты: Цветочная Радость [ua_name] => Букет квітів Квіткова радість [en_name] => Flower joy [title] => Купить букет Flower joy недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Flowers and sweets occupy up to 90% of gift ideas. So we took the freshest flowers, added delicious sweets, put them in a minimalist box and got an incredible surprise option for your loved ones.

Why will the recipient like a box with flowers and candies?

Place an order on the website - and we will instantly send such a box to your loved one.

[rutext] =>

Цветы и сладости занимают до 90% идей для подарков. Мы взяли самые свежие цветы, добавили вкусные сладости, поместили в минималистический бокс и получили невероятный вариант сюрприза для ваших близких.

Почему бокс с цветами и конфетами понравится получателю?

Оформляйте заказ на сайте – и мы мгновенно отправим такой бокс вашему близкому человеку.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9849_four_210_s.jpg [large] => 9849_four_210_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9849_second_2f1_s.jpg [large] => 9849_second_2f1_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9849_third_339_s.jpg [large] => 9849_third_339_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_radost_3ae_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_radost_3ae_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_radost_second_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_radost_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_radost_third_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_radost_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_radost_four_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_radost_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => tsvetochnaya-radost [ru_link] => tsvetochnaya-radost [en_link] => flower-joy [ua_link] => kvitkova-radist [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.54 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-02-02 22:39:54 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 538 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 5 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 240 [vpl_url] => cvetochnye-kompozicii [vpl_list_id] => 538 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветочные композиции [vpl_name_ua] => Квіткові композиції [vpl_name_en] => Flower Arrangement [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 27 [rating_value] => 4.59 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Box [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray red [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Ferrero Rocher candies by piece [count] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Trahelium white [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Коробка [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова червона [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно [count] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Трахеліум білий [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19325 [flower_id] => 1161 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box [ru_name] => Коробка квадратная М [ua_name] => Коробка [en_name] => Box [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19326 [flower_id] => 896 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose spray red [ru_name] => Роза кустовая красная [ua_name] => Троянда кущова червона [en_name] => Rose spray red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19327 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19329 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19330 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19331 [flower_id] => 1984 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Ferrero Rocher candies by piece [ru_name] => Конфеты Ferrero Rocher поштучно [ua_name] => Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно [en_name] => Ferrero Rocher candies by piece [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 19801 [flower_id] => 1917 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Trahelium white [ru_name] => Трахелиум белый [ua_name] => Трахеліум білий [en_name] => Trahelium white [group] => 65 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.48 [product_sostav] => Flower joy - Состав: Box, Rose spray red, Eustoma white, Greens, Oasis, Ferrero Rocher candies by piece, Trahelium white. [ru_product_sostav] => Цветы + конфеты: Цветочная Радость - Состав: Коробка квадратная М, Роза кустовая красная, Эустома белая, Зелень в букет, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Конфеты Ferrero Rocher поштучно, Трахелиум белый. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Квіткова радість - Склад: Коробка, Троянда кущова червона, Еустома біла, Зелень у букет, Оазис, Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно, Трахеліум білий. [en_product_sostav] => Flower joy - Composition: Box, Rose spray red , Eustoma white, Greens, Oasis, Ferrero Rocher candies by piece, Trahelium white. [url_link] => tsvetochnaya-radost [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9849_second_2f1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9849_second_2f1_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9849_third_339_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9849_third_339_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9849_four_210_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9849_four_210_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 9 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Flowers and sweets occupy up to 90% of gift ideas... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9849 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_radost-9849_466_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9849_four_210_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9849_four_210_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9849_four_210_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9849_second_2f1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9849_second_2f1_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9849_second_2f1_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9849_third_339_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9849_third_339_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9849_third_339_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower joy [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [3] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9849 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 9849 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9849 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9849 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9849 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1984] => Array ( [id] => 9849 [flower_id] => 1984 [price] => 16 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1917] => Array ( [id] => 9849 [flower_id] => 1917 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9848] => Array ( [id] => 9848 [name] => Gift box Be my Love big [ru_name] => Подарочная коробка Be my Love большая [ua_name] => Подарункова коробка Be my Love велика [en_name] => Gift box Be my Love big [title] => Товар «Gift box Be my Love big» [small_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Size: 19x19 cm

Height: 8 cm

[rutext] =>

Размер: 19х19 см

Высота: 8 см

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_s.jpg [large] => podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => podarochnaya-korobka-be-my-love-bolshaya [ru_link] => podarochnaya-korobka-be-my-love-bolshaya [en_link] => gift-box-be-my-love-big [ua_link] => podarunkova-korobka-be-my-love-velyka [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2019-02-13 01:21:30 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 226 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 256 [vpl_url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [vpl_list_id] => 226 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки на День Валентина девушке [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки на День Валентина дівчині [vpl_name_en] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 17 [rating_value] => 4.41 ) [composition] => Array ( ) [composition_ua] => Array ( ) [flowers] => Array ( ) [weight] => 0 [url_link] => podarochnaya-korobka-be-my-love-bolshaya [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Size: 19x19 cmHeight: 8 cm. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9848 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_bolshaya-9848_b10_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Gift box Be my Love big [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9847] => Array ( [id] => 9847 [name] => Gift box Be my Love small [ru_name] => Подарочная коробка Be my Love маленькая [ua_name] => Подарункова коробка Be my Love маленька [en_name] => Gift box Be my Love small [title] => Товар «Gift box Be my Love small» [small_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Size: 19x19 cm

Height: 8 cm

[rutext] =>

Размер: 19х19 см

Высота: 8 см

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_s.jpg [large] => podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => podarochnaya-korobka-be-my-love-mal [ru_link] => podarochnaya-korobka-be-my-love-mal [en_link] => gift-box-be-my-love-small [ua_link] => podarunkova-korobka-be-my-love-ma [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2019-02-13 01:23:06 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 226 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 256 [vpl_url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [vpl_list_id] => 226 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки на День Валентина девушке [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки на День Валентина дівчині [vpl_name_en] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 17 [rating_value] => 4.41 ) [composition] => Array ( ) [composition_ua] => Array ( ) [flowers] => Array ( ) [weight] => 0 [url_link] => podarochnaya-korobka-be-my-love-mal [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Size: 19x19 cmHeight: 8 cm. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9847 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korobka_be_my_love_malenkaya-9847_840_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Gift box Be my Love small [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9846] => Array ( [id] => 9846 [name] => Pleasant greeting [ru_name] => Букет 15 красных роз [ua_name] => Букет 15 червоних троянд [en_name] => Pleasant greeting [title] => Купить букет Pleasant greeting недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

To make your loved one even more happy, add original designer packaging from our florists to the composition. And our decorators will decorate the bouquet with a ribbon and add the cutest soft Teddy.

Teddy bears are small, so they will comfortably settle on the desk or bedside table of the person to whom you are giving it.
It's easy to evoke wonderful, sincere emotions if you take care of the type of gift in advance. Order creative design on the website or by phone.

A mouse and red roses are best suited as a gift to a beloved girl. This is a classic gift for lovers. Moreover, the mouse will remain with the recipient as a memory of your feelings.

Teddy bear and red roses are the best gift for a girlfriend. This is a classic gift for lovers. Moreover, the bear will remain your feelings to the recipient for a long time.

Attention! The design of the teddy-bear can differ depending on citiy and country of delivery.

[rutext] =>

Чтобы ваш близкий человек еще больше обрадовался, добавьте в композицию оригинальную дизайнерскую упаковку от наших флористов. А наши декораторы украсят букет лентой и добавят милейшего мягкого Тедди.

Медвежонок Тедди маленького размера, поэтому уютно поселятся на рабочем столе или прикроватной тумбе того, кому дарите.
Вызвать удивительные искренние эмоции просто, если заранее позаботиться о виде подарка. Заказывайте креативное оформление на сайте или по телефонам.

Мишка и красные розы лучше всего подойдут для подарка любимой девушке. Это классический подарок для влюбленных. Тем более, что мишка останется получателю на память о Ваших чувствах. Вас может заинтересовать раздел букет из 15 роз.

Внимание! Дизайн мягкой игрушки-мишки может отличаться в разных городах и странах.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет 15 красных роз - Состав: Лента на цветы, Красная роза для влюбленных , Упаковка 2 м, Серый тедди 13 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет 15 червоних троянд - Склад: Стрічка на квіти, Червона троянда для закоханих , Упаковка 2 м, Сірий теді 13 см. [en_product_sostav] => Pleasant greeting - Composition: Tape for flowers, Red roses , Wrapping 2 m, Grey teddy 13 cm. [url_link] => priyatniy-surpriz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 708 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 4 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => To make your loved one even more happy, add original designer packaging from our florists to the composition... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9846 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/syurpriz_priyatnyiy-9846_49b_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/cherkassy/649361.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/cherkassy/649361_full.jpg [city] => cherkassy [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/618711.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/618711_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/601495_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/601495_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( 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/delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/587655_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [8] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kirovograd/576542_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kirovograd/576542_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kirovograd [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [9] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/slavyansk/574125.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/slavyansk/574125_full.jpg [city] => slavyansk [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Pleasant greeting [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [5] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [6] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9846 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2765] => Array ( [id] => 9846 [flower_id] => 2765 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) [2570] => Array ( [id] => 9846 [flower_id] => 2570 [price] => 120 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) 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Array ( [small] => /bouquet/krasnaya_premium_roza_poshtuchno_50_sm-9845_db5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/krasnaya_premium_roza_poshtuchno_50_sm-9845_db5_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/krasnaya_premium_roza_poshtuchno_50_sm-9845_db5_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9845_second_d26_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9845_second_d26_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9845_second_d26_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Red rose premium by piece 50cm [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9844] => 9844 [9843] => Array ( [id] => 9843 [name] => White orchid + heart balloon [ru_name] => Белая орхидея + шарик сердце [ua_name] => Біла орхідея + кулька серце [en_name] => White orchid + heart balloon [title] => Товар «White orchid + heart balloon» [small_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A white orchid + a heart balloon is an excellent gift with a taste of love

Europeans consider orchids a symbol of perfection, and Chinese consider them fertility, a talisman against impotence, and an emblem of beauty and sophistication. A flower decorated with a heart-shaped ball represents chastity and love, and will be a wonderful gift:

Buy a white orchid + ball heart with delivery will be a very good gift if you are not around. The professionals of the UFL team will be able to quickly process and deliver your order to the specified address and the holiday will not be spoiled.

[rutext] =>

Белая орхидея + шарик сердце – отличный подарок с привкусом любви

Европейцы считают орхидеи символом совершенства, а китайцы – плодородия, талисманом против бессилия и эмблемой красоты и изысканности. Цветок, украшенный шариком в форме сердца олицетворяет целомудрие и любовь, и станет отличным подарком:

  1. матери или бабушки, которые любят цветы в горшках:
  2. любимой женщине в канун Дня влюбленных;
  3. педагогу и коллеге в знак внимания перед праздником, ведь цветок украсит любую комнату их дома.

Купить белую орхидею + шарик сердце с доставкой будет очень хорошим подарком, если вы не рядом. Профессионалы команды UFL смогут быстро обработать и доставить заказ по указанному адресу и праздник не будет испорчен.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Белая орхидея + шарик сердце - Состав: Орхидея фаленопсис в горшке 2 ветки, Фольгированный гелиевый шарик (средний), Гелий. [ua_product_sostav] => Біла орхідея + кулька серце - Склад: Орхідея фаленопсис у горщику, Фольгована гелієва кулька (середній), Гелій. [en_product_sostav] => White orchid + heart balloon - Composition: Orchid phalaenopsis, Foil helium balloon Heart (middle size), Helium. [url_link] => belaya-orhideya-sharik-serdtse [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 41 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A white orchid + a heart balloon is an excellent gift with a taste of loveEuropeans consider orchids a symbol of perfection, and Chinese consider them fertility, a talisman against impotence, and an emblem of beauty and sophistication... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9843 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya_plus_sharik_serdtse-9843_5d0_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/594655_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/594655_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар White orchid + heart balloon [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) [2] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1073] => Array ( [id] => 9843 [flower_id] => 1073 [price] => 455 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 800 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 800 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 800 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1145] => Array ( [id] => 9843 [flower_id] => 1145 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1.8 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2565] => Array ( [id] => 9843 [flower_id] => 2565 [price] => 40 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9841] => Array ( [id] => 9841 [name] => Gift package Be my Love [ru_name] => Пакет подарочный Be my Love [ua_name] => Пакет подарунковий Be my Love [en_name] => Gift package Be my Love [title] => Товар «Gift package Be my Love» [small_image] => /bouquet/paket_podarochnyiy_be_my_love-9841_336_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/paket_podarochnyiy_be_my_love-9841_336_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/paket_podarochnyiy_be_my_love-9841_336_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Size: 29×31х11,5 сm

[rutext] =>

Размер: 29×31х11,5 см

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A wonderful romantic gift. The bouquet is made of 11 red roses, greenery and heart-shaped decorations. Good for a gift to a girlfriend or a  wife.

[rutext] =>

Прекрасный романтический подарок. Букет выполнен из 11 красных роз, зелени и украшения в виде сердечек. Хорошо подойдет для подарка девушке, жене или подруге.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9840_four_1e2_s.jpg [large] => 9840_four_1e2_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9840_second_7be_s.jpg [large] => 9840_second_7be_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9840_third_42e_s.jpg [large] => 9840_third_42e_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda_d46_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda_d46_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda_second_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda_third_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda_four_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => pereday-chuvstva [ru_link] => pereday-chuvstva [en_link] => send-your-feelings [ua_link] => pereday-pochutya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-12 19:47:49 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 594 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 744 [vpl_url] => 11-roz [vpl_list_id] => 594 [vpl_name_ru] => 11 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 11 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 11 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 11 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Decorative heart [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 11 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Декоративне сердечко [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19309 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 11 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19310 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19311 [flower_id] => 1156 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Decorative heart [ru_name] => Декоративное сердечко [ua_name] => Декоративне сердечко [en_name] => Decorative heart [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19312 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19313 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Send your feelings 11 roses - Состав: Rose red, Greens, Decorative heart, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Передай чувства 11 роз - Состав: Роза красная, Зелень в букет, Декоративное сердечко, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Передай почуття 11 роз - Склад: Троянда червона, Зелень у букет, Декоративне сердечко , Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Send your feelings 11 roses - Composition: Rose red, Greens, Decorative heart, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => pereday-chuvstva [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 22 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A wonderful romantic gift. The bouquet is made of 11 red roses, greenery and heart-shaped decorations. Good for a gift to a girlfriend or a  wife. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9840 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => [name] => ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Send your feelings 11 roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-pervoklassniku [name] => Flowers for a pupil [link] => [slug] => tsvety-pervoklassniku ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1156] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 1156 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9839] => Array ( [id] => 9839 [name] => Teddy of synthetic roses [ru_name] => Мишка из искусственных роз [ua_name] => Ведмедик з штучних троянд [en_name] => Teddy of synthetic roses [title] => Товар «Teddy of synthetic roses» [small_image] => /bouquet/mishka_iz_iskusstvennyih_roz-9839_a6d_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/mishka_iz_iskusstvennyih_roz-9839_a6d_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/mishka_iz_iskusstvennyih_roz-9839_a6d_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Soft teddy bear made with more than 500 roses of foamiran. Foamiran is a soft, water-resistant and pleasant to touch, material. Foamiran teddy bears look like a real flower arrangement but these roses will never wither and will please the recipient for a long time.


Height: 25 cm

Color: pink

[rutext] =>

Мишка из фоамирановых роз - популярный тренд в области подарков. Мишки собраны вручную из более 500 мягких искусственных розочек из приятного на ощупь, влагоустойчивого материала - фоамирана. Внешне игрушка напоминает настоящую цветочную композицию, однако такие розы никогда не завянут, и будут радовать своего получателя долгое время.

Высота: 25 см

Цвет: розовый

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Soft teddy bear made with more than 500 roses of foamiran. Foamiran is a soft, water-resistant and pleasant to touch, material. Foamiran teddy bears look like a real flower arrangement but these roses will never wither and will please the recipient for a long time.


Height: 25 cm

[rutext] =>

Мишка из фоамирановых роз - популярный тренд в области подарков. Мишки собраны вручную из более 500 мягких искусственных розочек из приятного на ощупь, влагоустойчивого материала - фоамирана. Внешне игрушка напоминает настоящую цветочную композицию, однако такие розы никогда не завянут, и будут радовать своего получателя долгое время.

Высота игрушки: 25 см

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In ancient times, a wild relative of the ranunculus grew in the southern regions of Europe and Western Asia. Ever since people discovered this flower with its multi-layered, colorful petals, it has been a source of admiration and wonder. The agricultural communities that first encountered the flower were struck by its beauty and quickly incorporated it into their rituals and traditions.

According to one story, ranunculus was brought to Europe in the XIII century, probably by Turkish merchants. They brought it from Persia, and the flower quickly became popular due to its bright colors and unusual texture. Its delicate petals and rich colors were very attractive to Europeans, and soon it became one of the most popular flowers in Europe.

According to another story, the flower received its scientific name "Ranunculus" from the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century. The name translates as "little frog" because of its love for moist places, like frogs.

Today, ranunculus is cultivated in many countries around the world, and its uses include everything from garden decor to wedding bouquets. Its delicate, multi-layered petals and variety of colors make it a great choice for any occasion

[rutext] =>

В глубокой древности, в южных регионах Европы и Западной Азии, рос дикий родственник ранункулюса. С тех пор как люди обнаружили этот цветок с его многослойными пестро-окрашенными лепестками, он стал предметом восхищения и удивления. Сельскохозяйственные общины, которые первыми столкнулись с этим цветком, были поражены его красотой, и быстро включили его в свои ритуалы и традиции.

По одной из историй, ранункулюс привезли в Европу в XIII веке, вероятно, турецкими купцами. Они привезли его из Персии, и цветок быстро стал популярным благодаря своим ярким цветам и необычной текстуре. Его нежные лепестки и богатые цвета очень привлекали европейцев, и вскоре он стал одним из самых популярных цветов в Европе.

По другой истории, цветок получил свое научное имя "Ranunculus" от шведского натуралиста Карла Линнея в XVIII веке. Название переводится как "маленькая лягушка" из-за его любви к влажным местам, подобно лягушкам.

Сегодня ранункулюс культивируется во многих странах мира, и его использование охватывает все - от садового декора до свадебных букетов. Его нежные, многослойные лепестки и разнообразие цветов делают его прекрасным выбором для любого события

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Currently, only according to official data, up to 100 subspecies of Protea are registered. Our florists like to use red Protea, because this flower complements the composition of any plants and has a pleasant aroma of exotic fruits.

Why does Proteus attract the eye?

Complement the bouquet with Protea for an impressive composition. You can order such a composition on the website or by phone numbers.

[rutext] =>

В настоящее время только по официальным данным зарегистрировано до 100 подвидов Протеи. Наши флористы любят использовать Протея красную, ведь этот цветок дополняет композицию из любых растений и имеет приятный аромат экзотических фруктов.

Почему Протея привлекает взгляд?

Дополняйте букет Протеей, чтобы получить впечатляющую композицию. Заказать такую композицию можно на сайте или по телефонам. Смотрите также раздел: купить протея {$city}.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => proteya_poshtuchno-9836_b71_s.jpg [large] => proteya_poshtuchno-9836_b71_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9836_second_0bc_s.jpg [large] => 9836_second_0bc_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => proteya_poshtuchno_5a4_s.jpg [large] => proteya_poshtuchno_5a4_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => proteya_poshtuchno_second_s.jpg [large] => proteya_poshtuchno_second_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => proteya-poshtuchno [ru_link] => proteya-poshtuchno [en_link] => protea-by-piece [ua_link] => proteya-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-01-27 11:36:56 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Proteus red [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Протея червона [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19301 [flower_id] => 923 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Proteus red [ru_name] => Протея красная [ua_name] => Протея червона [en_name] => Proteus red [group] => 26 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Protea by piece - Состав: Proteus red. [ru_product_sostav] => Протея поштучно - Состав: Протея красная. [ua_product_sostav] => Протея поштучно - Склад: Протея червона. [en_product_sostav] => Protea by piece - Composition: Proteus red. [url_link] => proteya-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/proteya_poshtuchno-9836_b71_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/proteya_poshtuchno-9836_b71_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/proteya_poshtuchno-9836_b71_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9836_second_0bc_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9836_second_0bc_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 36 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Currently, only according to official data, up to 100 subspecies of Protea are registered... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9836 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/proteya_poshtuchno-9836_b71_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/proteya_poshtuchno-9836_b71_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/proteya_poshtuchno-9836_b71_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9836_second_0bc_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9836_second_0bc_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9836_second_0bc_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/610226_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/610226_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Protea by piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [923] => Array ( [id] => 9836 [flower_id] => 923 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 500 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 500 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 500 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9835] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [name] => Flowers for the dearest [ru_name] => Цветы для самой любимой [ua_name] => Квіти для самої коханої [en_name] => Flowers for the dearest [title] => Купить букет Flowers for the dearest недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

For the most beloved. The perfect combination of beautiful, delicate flowers with Raffaello candies. The gift is suitable for raising the mood and a delicious tea party.

[rutext] =>

Для самой любимой.Идеальное сочетание красивых,нежных цветов с конфетами Раффаэлло. Подарок подходит для поднятия настроения и вкусного чаепития.

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[count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Коробка [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт. [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19284 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19285 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19286 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19287 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19288 [flower_id] => 1161 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box [ru_name] => Коробка квадратная М [ua_name] => Коробка [en_name] => Box [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19289 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 19567 [flower_id] => 2148 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Pink cymbidium orchids [ru_name] => Цимбидиум розовый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Pink cymbidium orchids [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20227 [flower_id] => 948 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Candies Raffaello 4 pcs. [ru_name] => Конфеты Raffaello 4 шт. [ua_name] => Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт. [en_name] => Candies Raffaello 4 pcs. [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Flowers for the dearest - Состав: Rose spray cream, Eustoma white, Freesia white, Hypericum green, Box, Oasis, Pink cymbidium orchids, Candies Raffaello 4 pcs.. [ru_product_sostav] => Цветы для самой любимой - Состав: Роза кустовая кремовая, Эустома белая, Фрезия белая, Гиперикум зелёный, Коробка квадратная М, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Цимбидиум розовый (цветок орхидея), Конфеты Raffaello 4 шт.. [ua_product_sostav] => Квіти для самої коханої - Склад: Троянда кущова кремова, Еустома біла, Фрезія біла, Гіперікум зелений, Коробка, Оазис, Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея), Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт.. [en_product_sostav] => Flowers for the dearest - Composition: Rose spray cream, Eustoma white, Freesia white, Hypericum green, Box, Oasis, Pink cymbidium orchids, Candies Raffaello 4 pcs.. [url_link] => dlya-samoy-lubimoy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 31 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 5 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => For the most beloved. The perfect combination of beautiful, delicate flowers with Raffaello candies. The gift is suitable for raising the mood and a delicious tea party. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9835 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flowers for the dearest [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rebenku [name] => For a child [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rebenku ) [3] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [5] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) [6] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [977] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 977 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2148] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 2148 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [948] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 948 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9827] => Array ( [id] => 9827 [name] => Candy heart [ru_name] => Сердце из конфет [ua_name] => Серце з цукерок [en_name] => Candy heart [title] => Товар «Candy heart» [small_image] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_konfet-9827_c3a_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_konfet-9827_c3a_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_konfet-9827_c3a_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The sweetest and the niciest surprise, which will be a great addition to a bouquet of flowers.

A surprise that will delight and warm the soul.

[rutext] =>

Самый сладкий и милый сюрприз, который станет прекрасным дополнением к букету цветов.

Сюрприз,  который будет радовать и согревать душу. 

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[ru_product_sostav] => Сердце из конфет - Состав: Конфеты Любимов 125 г, Kinder chocolate 100г, Конфеты Ferrero Rocher поштучно, Конфеты Twix 150 г, Леденцы Чупа-Чупс. [ua_product_sostav] => Серце з цукерок - Склад: Цукерки Любимов 125 г, Kinder chocolate, Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно, Цукерки Twix 150 г, Льодяники Чупа-Чупс. [en_product_sostav] => Candy heart - Composition: Chocolates Lubimov 125 g, Kinder chocolate, Ferrero Rocher candies by piece, Candies Twix 150 г, Lollipops Chupa-Chups. [url_link] => serdtse-iz-konfet [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/serdtse_iz_konfet-9827_c3a_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_konfet-9827_c3a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_konfet-9827_c3a_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 198 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The sweetest and the niciest surprise, which will be a great addition to a bouquet of flowers.A surprise that will delight and warm the soul. 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A colorful rose heart is the perfect way to say "I love you"

Show your love and affection with a rose heart. Our gorgeous arrangement is presented in a wide range of colors, from lush whites to bright pinks, and will add the perfect romantic touch to any event. Make the gift easy and unforgettable!

Do not be upset if you are not nearby, because it is very easy to buy a multi-colored rose heart in Kyiv thanks to UFL:

[rutext] =>

Разноцветное сердце из роз – идеальный способ сказать «Я тебя люблю»

Покажите свою любовь и привязанность с помощью сердца из роз. Наша замечательная композиция представлена широким спектром цветов, от пышных белых до ярких розовых и придаст идеальную романтическую нотку любому событию. Сделайте подарок легким и незабываемым!
Не огорчайтесь, если вы не рядом, потому что купить разноцветное сердце из роз в Киеве совсем просто благодаря UFL:

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz-9825_478_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz-9825_478_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9825_four_032_s.jpg [large] => 9825_four_032_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9825_second_d91_s.jpg [large] => 9825_second_d91_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9825_third_bbc_s.jpg [large] => 9825_third_bbc_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz_24d_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz_24d_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz_second_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz_third_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz_four_s.jpg [large] => raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => raznotsvetnoe-serdce-iz-roz [ru_link] => raznotsvetnoe-serdce-iz-roz [en_link] => multicolored-heart-of-roses [ua_link] => riznokolyorove-sertse-z-troyand [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-02-02 13:15:09 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 168 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 28 [vpl_url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [vpl_list_id] => 168 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы на день Валентина {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти на День Валентина {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 17 [rating_value] => 4.53 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 15 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 21 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 19 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 15 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 21 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 19 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19265 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 15 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19266 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 21 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19267 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 19 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19268 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19269 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.32 [product_sostav] => Multicolored heart of roses - Состав: Roses white local, Rose red, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Oasis, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => Разноцветное сердце из роз - Состав: Роза белая местная, Роза красная, Роза розовая до 60 см, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => Різнокольорове серце з троянд - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Троянда червона, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Оазис, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => Multicolored heart of roses - Composition: Roses white local, Rose red, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Oasis, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => raznotsvetnoe-serdce-iz-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz-9825_478_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz-9825_478_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz-9825_478_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9825_second_d91_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9825_second_d91_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9825_third_bbc_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9825_third_bbc_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9825_four_032_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9825_four_032_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 8 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A colorful rose heart is the perfect way to say "I love you"Show your love and affection with a rose heart... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9825 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz-9825_478_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz-9825_478_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/raznotsvetnoe_serdtse_iz_roz-9825_478_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9825_four_032_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9825_four_032_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9825_four_032_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9825_second_d91_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9825_second_d91_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9825_second_d91_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9825_third_bbc_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9825_third_bbc_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9825_third_bbc_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Multicolored heart of roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 9825 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) [882] => Array ( [id] => 9825 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 21 ) [887] => Array ( [id] => 9825 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 19 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9825 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9825 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9824] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [name] => First sight [ru_name] => Букет цветов Первая встреча [ua_name] => Букет квітів Перша зустріч [en_name] => First sight [title] => Купить букет First sight недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "First Meeting" - a beautiful floral arrangement of spray roses, hypericum, eustoma, chrysanthemum stalion, gerberas and roses. This gift can express your most strong and sincere feelings for your loved ones. Red rose is a symbol of pure love, chamomile is a symbol of truth and reliable and sincere feeling. Perfect for March 8, Wedding Anniversary, Valentine's Day, Birthday, for Mom, Daughter, Wife, say Love, Friend, Sister, say I miss You.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image on the website.

[rutext] =>

Букет "Первая встреча" - прекрасная цветочная композиция из  кустовая розы, гиперикума,  эустомы, хризантемы сталлион , герберы и розы. Таким подарком можно выразить свои самые сильные и искренние чувства к Вашим любимым. Красная роза - символ чистой любви, ромашка - символ  правды и надежного и искреннего чувства. Отлично подойдет на 8 Марта, Годовщину Свадьбы, День Святого Валентина, День рождения, для Мамы, Дочке, Женщине, сказать Люблю, Подруге, Сестре, сказать Скучаю.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

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Состав: Roses white local, Gerberа red, Сhrysanthemum stalion white, Eustoma white, Hypericum red, Rose spray red, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Decorative heart, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Первая встреча - Состав: Роза белая местная, Гербера красная, Хризантема сталлион белая, Эустома белая, Гиперикум красный, Роза кустовая красная, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Декоративное сердечко, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Перша зустріч - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Гербера червона, Хризантема сталліон біла, Еустома біла, Гіперікум червоний, Троянда кущова червона, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Декоративне сердечко , Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => First sight - Composition: Roses white local, Gerberа red, Сhrysanthemum stalion white, Eustoma white, Hypericum red, Rose spray red , Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Decorative heart, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => pervaya-vstrecha [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "First Meeting" - a beautiful floral arrangement of spray roses, hypericum, eustoma, chrysanthemum stalion, gerberas and roses... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9824 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/pervaya_vstrecha-9824_0d9_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет First sight [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [845] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 845 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [991] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 991 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [978] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 978 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1156] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 1156 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9824 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9816] => Array ( [id] => 9816 [name] => Flower box About Love [ru_name] => Цветочная коробка Про любовь [ua_name] => Квіткова коробка Про кохання [en_name] => Flower box About Love [title] => Купить букет Flower box About Love недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

It is necessary to speak in words about your feelings, but it is better to do it in the language of flowers. The combination of red spray and delicate cream roses, like nothing else, can express the fullness of your love, embodying both irrepressible, all-consuming passion, and quivering tenderness. A bright accent and a real highlight of this bouquet will be three Cymbidium orchids of a unique green hue.

A bright red round box was used to decorate the composition, making the bouquet unique and memorable. The finishing touch is a beautiful pale pink bow. Your chosen one will definitely appreciate such a sign of attention.

Order delivery of a charming bouquet in a box in our company. This will allow you to be sure of the freshness of the flowers used, the exact match of the composition to your order and quick delivery. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of pampering your loved ones, and our couriers and florists will make every effort to do this.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the images shown.

[rutext] =>

Говорить словами о своих чувствах нужно, но лучше делать это языком цветов. Соединение красных кустовых и нежных кремовых роз как ни что другое способно выразить всю полноту вашей любви, воплотив в себе и неудержимую, всепоглощающую страсть, и трепетную нежность. Ярким акцентом и настоящей изюминкой этого букета станут три орхидеи Цимбидиум уникального зеленого оттенка. 

Для оформления композиции использована ярко-красная круглая коробка, делающая букет уникальным и запоминающимся. Завершающим штрихом выступает красивый нежно-розовый бант. Ваша избранница точно оценит такой знак внимания.

Заказывайте доставку очаровательного букета в коробке в нашей компании. Это позволит вам быть уверенным в свежести используемых цветов, точном соответствии композиции вашему заказу и быстрому вручению. Не отказывайте себе в удовольствии баловать своих любимых и родных людей, а наши курьеры и флористы приложат к этому максимум усилий.

Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленных изображений.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Цветочная коробка Про любовь - Состав: Роза кремовая, Роза кустовая красная, Зелень в букет, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Бант, Цимбидиум зеленый (цветок орхидея), Коробка круглая M 20x21см. [ua_product_sostav] => Квіткова коробка Про кохання - Склад: Троянда кремова, Троянда кущова червона, Зелень у букет, Оазис, Бант, Цимбідіум зелений (квітка орхідея), Коробка кругла M 20x21см. [en_product_sostav] => Flower box About Love - Composition: Rose cream, Rose spray red , Greens, Oasis, Bow, Cymbidium green (flower orchid), Box round M 20x21cm. [url_link] => pro-lubov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9816_second_c75_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9816_second_c75_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9816_third_7af_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9816_third_7af_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9816_four_aad_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9816_four_aad_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 12 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => It is necessary to speak in words about your feelings, but it is better to do it in the language of flowers... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9816 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/pro_lyubov-9816_0d4_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9816_four_aad_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9816_four_aad_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9816_four_aad_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9816_second_c75_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9816_second_c75_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9816_second_c75_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9816_third_7af_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9816_third_7af_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9816_third_7af_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower box About Love [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [10] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [881] => Array ( [id] => 9816 [flower_id] => 881 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 9816 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9816 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9816 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1152] => Array ( [id] => 9816 [flower_id] => 1152 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1969] => Array ( [id] => 9816 [flower_id] => 1969 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [2554] => Array ( [id] => 9816 [flower_id] => 2554 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9815] => Array ( [id] => 9815 [name] => Pink roses in box [ru_name] => Розовые розы в коробке [ua_name] => Рожеві троянди в коробці [en_name] => Pink roses in box [title] => Купить букет Pink roses in box недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A box of pink roses is an extremely original gift that includes a very interesting presentation. It will undoubtedly be able to surprise and evoke positive emotions from anyone.



[rutext] =>

Коробка розовых роз - крайне оригнальный подарок, что включает очень интересную подачу. Он несомненно сможет удивить и вызвать положительные эмоции у кого угодно. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 9815_five_54d_s.jpg [large] => 9815_five_54d_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9815_four_d31_s.jpg [large] => 9815_four_d31_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9815_second_b66_s.jpg [large] => 9815_second_b66_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9815_third_54d_s.jpg [large] => 9815_third_54d_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_cd2_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_cd2_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_second_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_third_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_four_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_four_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_five_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => rozovie-rozy-v-korobke [ru_link] => rozovie-rozy-v-korobke [en_link] => pink-roses-in-box [ua_link] => rozhevi-troyandy-v-korobtsi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-06-25 01:26:47 [height] => 25 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 432 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 262 [vpl_url] => kompozitsii-na-den-valentina [vpl_list_id] => 432 [vpl_name_ru] => Композиции на День Валентина [vpl_name_ua] => Композиції на День Святого Валентина [vpl_name_en] => Flower arrangements for Valentine's Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.59 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 24 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Box [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 24 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Коробка [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19242 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 24 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19243 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19244 [flower_id] => 1161 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box [ru_name] => Коробка квадратная М [ua_name] => Коробка [en_name] => Box [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19245 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.08 [product_sostav] => Pink roses in box - Состав: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Roses white local, Box, Oasis. [ru_product_sostav] => Розовые розы в коробке - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Роза белая местная, Коробка квадратная М, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции. [ua_product_sostav] => Рожеві троянди в коробці - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Троянда біла місцева, Коробка, Оазис. [en_product_sostav] => Pink roses in box - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Roses white local, Box, Oasis. [url_link] => rozovie-rozy-v-korobke [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9815_second_b66_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9815_second_b66_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9815_third_54d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9815_third_54d_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9815_four_d31_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9815_four_d31_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9815_five_54d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9815_five_54d_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 34 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A box of pink roses is an extremely original gift that includes a very interesting presentation. It will undoubtedly be able to surprise and evoke positive emotions from anyone... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9815 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozovyie_rozyi_v_korobke-9815_781_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9815_five_54d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9815_five_54d_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9815_five_54d_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9815_four_d31_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9815_four_d31_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9815_four_d31_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9815_second_b66_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9815_second_b66_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9815_second_b66_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9815_third_54d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9815_third_54d_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9815_third_54d_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Pink roses in box [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [887] => Array ( [id] => 9815 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 24 ) [877] => Array ( [id] => 9815 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9815 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9815 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9811] => Array ( [id] => 9811 [name] => Add-on to bouquet on Valentine's Day [ru_name] => Декор к букету на День Валентина [ua_name] => Декор до букету на День Валентина [en_name] => Add-on to bouquet on Valentine's Day [title] => Товар «Add-on to bouquet on Valentine's Day» [small_image] => /bouquet/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

You can add additional decoration for a bouquet on Valentine's Day. The decoration may include Rafaello candies, hearts and red satin ribbon bow or similar. This photo is a approximate example of suh add-on to bouquets on Valentine's Day and may be substitute by the florist to similar one for the same value.


Attention: the item cannot be ordered as the only one item in the cart and goes only as add-on to the flowers. The item may differ from the photo.

[rutext] =>

Вы можете добавить дополнительный декор к букету на День Святого Валентина в виде конфет Raffaello, декоративных сердечек и красного атласного банта или аналогичного. Данное фото является приблизительным примером оформления и может быть изменено флористом по его усмотрению.

Внимание: товар можно заказать только как дополнение к цветочной продукции. Также товар может внешне отличаться от представленного изображения.


[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_s.jpg [large] => dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina_602_s.jpg [large] => dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina_602_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => dekor-k-buketu-na-den-valentina [ru_link] => dekor-k-buketu-na-den-valentina [en_link] => add-on-to-bouquet-on-valentines-day [ua_link] => dekor-do-buketu-na-den-valentyna [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-02-13 00:28:55 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 194 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 14 [vpl_url] => kupyt-buket-cvetov [vpl_list_id] => 194 [vpl_name_ru] => Купить цветы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Купити квіти {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Buy flowers Kherson [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.41 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Decorative heart [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Candies Raffaello 4 pcs. [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Декоративне сердечко [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт. [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 23054 [flower_id] => 1156 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Decorative heart [ru_name] => Декоративное сердечко [ua_name] => Декоративне сердечко [en_name] => Decorative heart [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23056 [flower_id] => 948 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Candies Raffaello 4 pcs. [ru_name] => Конфеты Raffaello 4 шт. [ua_name] => Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт. [en_name] => Candies Raffaello 4 pcs. [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.12 [product_sostav] => Add-on to bouquet on Valentine's Day - Состав: Decorative heart, Candies Raffaello 4 pcs.. [ru_product_sostav] => Декор к букету на День Валентина - Состав: Декоративное сердечко, Конфеты Raffaello 4 шт.. [ua_product_sostav] => Декор до букету на День Валентина - Склад: Декоративне сердечко , Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт.. [en_product_sostav] => Add-on to bouquet on Valentine's Day - Composition: Decorative heart, Candies Raffaello 4 pcs.. [url_link] => dekor-k-buketu-na-den-valentina [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => You can add additional decoration for a bouquet on Valentine's Day. The decoration may include Rafaello candies, hearts and red satin ribbon bow or similar... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9811 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/dekor_k_buketu_na_den_valentina-9811_89a_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Add-on to bouquet on Valentine's Day [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1156] => Array ( [id] => 9811 [flower_id] => 1156 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [948] => Array ( [id] => 9811 [flower_id] => 948 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9810] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [name] => Gift set Get Well! [ru_name] => Подарочный набор Выздоравливай! [ua_name] => Подарунковий набір Одужуй [en_name] => Gift set Get Well! [title] => Товар «Gift set Get Well!» [small_image] => /bouquet/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Get well soon gift set - exactly what your family and friends need if they are sick. The most important medicines are, of course, your care and attention. A cute bear cub, honey, healthy nuts and dried fruits, citrus fruits, delicious tea and chocolate are a nice bonus. Give your loved ones my warmest wishes right now!


[rutext] =>

Подарочный набор "Выздоравливай!" - именно то, что нужно Вашим родным и друзьям, если они заболели. Самые главные лекарства - это, конечно же, Ваша забота и уход. А милый медвежонок, мед, полезные орехи и сухофрукты, цитрусы, вкусный чай и шоколад - приятный бонус. Передайте Вашим любимым самые теплые пожелания прямо сейчас!

Внимание: товар может отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_s.jpg [large] => podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => podarochniy-nabor-vyzdoravlivay [ru_link] => podarochniy-nabor-vyzdoravlivay [en_link] => gift-set-get-well [ua_link] => podarunkovy-nabir-oduzhuy [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.82 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-02-02 22:02:46 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 220 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 785 [vpl_url] => svyatogo-nikolaya [vpl_list_id] => 220 [vpl_name_ru] => День Святого Николая [vpl_name_ua] => День Святого Миколая [vpl_name_en] => Saint Nicholas Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Teddy 8 cm [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => A jar of honey [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Lemon [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tangerines [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tea in a tin [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Nut mix (200g) [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Cinnamon [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Square box S [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Chocolate Ritter Sport 100 g [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Брелок ведмедик teddy 8 см [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Баночка меда [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Лимон [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Мандарини [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Чай в жерстяній банці [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Горіховий мікс (200г) [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Кориця [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Коробка квадратна S [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Шоколад Ritter Sport 100 г [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20944 [flower_id] => 2027 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Teddy 8 cm [ru_name] => Мишка teddy 8 см [ua_name] => Брелок ведмедик teddy 8 см [en_name] => Teddy 8 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20945 [flower_id] => 2057 [ammount] => 1 [name] => A jar of honey [ru_name] => Баночка меда [ua_name] => Баночка меда [en_name] => A jar of honey [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20946 [flower_id] => 1269 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Lemon [ru_name] => Лимон [ua_name] => Лимон [en_name] => Lemon [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20947 [flower_id] => 1271 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tangerines [ru_name] => Мандарины [ua_name] => Мандарини [en_name] => Tangerines [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 20948 [flower_id] => 1873 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tea in a tin [ru_name] => Чай в жестяной банке [ua_name] => Чай в жерстяній банці [en_name] => Tea in a tin [group] => 56 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 20949 [flower_id] => 1724 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Nut mix (200g) [ru_name] => Ореховый микс (200г) [ua_name] => Горіховий мікс (200г) [en_name] => Nut mix (200g) [group] => 56 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 20951 [flower_id] => 1160 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Cinnamon [ru_name] => Корица [ua_name] => Кориця [en_name] => Cinnamon [group] => 36 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20952 [flower_id] => 2190 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Square box S [ru_name] => Коробка квадратная S [ua_name] => Коробка квадратна S [en_name] => Square box S [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 22611 [flower_id] => 2305 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chocolate Ritter Sport 100 g [ru_name] => Шоколад Ritter Sport 100 г [ua_name] => Шоколад Ritter Sport 100 г [en_name] => Chocolate Ritter Sport 100 g [group] => 50 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.4 [product_sostav] => Gift set Get Well! - Состав: Teddy 8 cm, A jar of honey, Lemon, Tangerines, Tea in a tin, Nut mix (200g), Cinnamon, Square box S, Chocolate Ritter Sport 100 g. [ru_product_sostav] => Подарочный набор Выздоравливай! - Состав: Мишка teddy 8 см, Баночка меда, Лимон, Мандарины, Чай в жестяной банке , Ореховый микс (200г), Корица, Коробка квадратная S, Шоколад Ritter Sport 100 г. [ua_product_sostav] => Подарунковий набір Одужуй - Склад: Брелок ведмедик teddy 8 см, Баночка меда, Лимон, Мандарини, Чай в жерстяній банці, Горіховий мікс (200г), Кориця, Коробка квадратна S, Шоколад Ritter Sport 100 г. [en_product_sostav] => Gift set Get Well! - Composition: Teddy 8 cm, A jar of honey, Lemon, Tangerines, Tea in a tin, Nut mix (200g), Cinnamon, Square box S, Chocolate Ritter Sport 100 g. [url_link] => podarochniy-nabor-vyzdoravlivay [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 84 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Get well soon gift set - exactly what your family and friends need if they are sick. The most important medicines are, of course, your care and attention... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9810 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/podarochnyiy_nabor_vyizdoravlivay-9810_325_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/krivoyrog/571023_delivered.JPG [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/krivoyrog/571023_delivered_full.JPG [city] => krivoyrog [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/thekharkovarea/570200.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/thekharkovarea/570200_full.jpg [city] => thekharkovarea [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Gift set Get Well! [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => novyy-god [name] => New Year [link] => [slug] => novyy-god ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [6] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [7] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2027] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 2027 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2057] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 2057 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1269] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 1269 [price] => 10 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1271] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 1271 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1873] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 1873 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1724] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 1724 [price] => 275 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1160] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 1160 [price] => 5 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 10 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 10 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 10 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2190] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 2190 [price] => 110 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2305] => Array ( [id] => 9810 [flower_id] => 2305 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 120 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9809] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [name] => Box with roses and orchids [ru_name] => Коробка с розами и орхидеями [ua_name] => Коробка з трояндами та орхидеями [en_name] => Box with roses and orchids [title] => Купить букет Box with roses and orchids недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Delicate bouquets in light colors are an excellent gift for any occasion for your nearest and dearest.

This weightless composition will be the best congratulations on your birthday, anniversary, Valentine's day or other significant date. By ordering an arrangement of orchids with delivery, you can pleasantly surprise your girlfriend, wife, mother, sister or other loved one and give him unforgettable emotions.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website

[rutext] =>

Нежные букеты в светлых тонах - отличный подарок к любому поводу для самых родных и близких.

Эта невесомая композиция станет лучшим поздравлением с Днем Рождения, годовщиной, днем Святого Валентина или другой знаменательной датой. Заказав композицию из орхидей с доставкой вы сможете приятно удивить девушку, жену, маму, сестру или другого близкого человека и подарить ему незабываемые эмоции.

Внимание: букет может отличаться от предствленного на сайте изображения

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_s.jpg [large] => korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => korobka-s-rozami-s-orhideyami [ru_link] => korobka-s-rozami-s-orhideyami [en_link] => box-with-roses-and-orchids [ua_link] => korobka-z-troyandamy-ta-orhydeyami [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-12 16:12:30 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.05 [main_list_id] => 371 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 3 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 307 [vpl_url] => orhidei [vpl_list_id] => 371 [vpl_name_ru] => Орхидеи {$loc} [vpl_name_ua] => Орхідеї {$loc_ua} [vpl_name_en] => Orchid [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Ferrero Rocher candies by piece [count] => 7 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Big round box [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно [count] => 7 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Коробка кругла велика [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19223 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19224 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19225 [flower_id] => 1984 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Ferrero Rocher candies by piece [ru_name] => Конфеты Ferrero Rocher поштучно [ua_name] => Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно [en_name] => Ferrero Rocher candies by piece [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19228 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19229 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19688 [flower_id] => 1704 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 19689 [flower_id] => 2150 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Big round box [ru_name] => Коробка круглая большая [ua_name] => Коробка кругла велика [en_name] => Big round box [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Box with roses and orchids - Состав: Rose spray cream, Eucalyptus, Ferrero Rocher candies by piece, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Big round box. [ru_product_sostav] => Коробка с розами и орхидеями - Состав: Роза кустовая кремовая, Эвкалипт, Конфеты Ferrero Rocher поштучно, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея), Коробка круглая большая. [ua_product_sostav] => Коробка з трояндами та орхидеями - Склад: Троянда кущова кремова, Евкаліпт, Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея), Коробка кругла велика. [en_product_sostav] => Box with roses and orchids - Composition: Rose spray cream, Eucalyptus, Ferrero Rocher candies by piece, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Big round box. [url_link] => korobka-s-rozami-s-orhideyami [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 47 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 5 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Delicate bouquets in light colors are an excellent gift for any occasion for your nearest and dearest... 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A heart-shaped box filled with El Toro red roses. In the middle of arrangement is a Ferrero Rocher candy with a nut. The composition will delight the recipient with its beauty for a long time.

[rutext] =>

Коробочка в форме сердца, наполнена красной розой Эль Торо. В середине расположена  конфета Ферреро Роше с орехом. Композиция будет долго радовать своей красотой получателя. Смотрите все композиции в коробке в {$city_where}

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[ru_product_sostav] => Сердце из 15 роз Эль Торо - Состав: Роза красная Эль Торо 50 см, Коробка в форме сердца, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Конфеты Ferrero Rocher поштучно. [ua_product_sostav] => Серце з троянд Ель Торо - Склад: Троянди Ель Торо 50 см, Коробка у формі серця, Оазис, Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно. [en_product_sostav] => Heart of roses El Toro - Composition: Roses El Toro 50 cm, Box in heart shape, Oasis, Ferrero Rocher candies by piece. [url_link] => serdce-iz-roz-el-toro [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/serdtse_iz_roz_el_toro-9808_81f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_el_toro-9808_81f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_el_toro-9808_81f_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9808_second_def_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9808_second_def_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 119 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A heart-shaped box filled with El Toro red roses. In the middle of arrangement is a Ferrero Rocher candy with a nut... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9808 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_el_toro-9808_81f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_el_toro-9808_81f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_el_toro-9808_81f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9808_second_def_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9808_second_def_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9808_second_def_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/652530_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/652530_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/638175.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/638175_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/605255_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/605255_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/605255_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/605255_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [4] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/582589_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/582589_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [5] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/573709.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/573709_full.jpg [city] => odessa [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Heart of roses El Toro [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-vlyublennyh [name] => Love [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-vlyublennyh ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [4] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) [11] => Array ( [url] => serdtsa [name] => Hearts [link] => [slug] => serdtsa ) [12] => Array ( [url] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina [name] => Heards Valentines Day [link] => [slug] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2080] => Array ( [id] => 9808 [flower_id] => 2080 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) [1010] => Array ( [id] => 9808 [flower_id] => 1010 [price] => 110 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9808 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1984] => Array ( [id] => 9808 [flower_id] => 1984 [price] => 16 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9804] => Array ( [id] => 9804 [name] => Grey teddy in a dress [ru_name] => Серый тедди в платье [ua_name] => Сірий тедді в сукні [en_name] => Grey teddy in a dress [title] => Товар «Grey teddy in a dress» [small_image] => /bouquet/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The Teddy bear has long been a symbol of the holiday, because this infinitely cute plush friend is the best gift. It can be given both independently and in addition to the main present. Made in gentle gray-blue tones, it will help you express your love, because it has “I love you” written on its paw.

Such a bear will appeal to both a child and an adult. It can be presented to a loved one on February 14, to a son or daughter for a birthday, to a mother or sister on March 8. In addition, such a bear can be supplemented with a New Year's gift: a knitted scarf makes this toy themed, winter.

Height: 11 cm

[rutext] =>

Мишка Тедди давно уже стал символом праздника, ведь этот бесконечно милый плюшевый друг как нельзя лучше подходит для подарка. Его можно дарить как самостоятельно, так и в дополнение к основному презенту. Выполненный в нежных серо-голубых тонах, он поможет вам выразить свою любовь, ведь на лапке у него написано “I love you”. 

Такой мишка понравится как ребёнку, так и взрослому. Его можно подарить любимому человеку на 14 февраля, сыну или дочке на день рождения, маме или сестре на 8 марта. Кроме того, таким медведем можно дополнить новогодний подарок: вязаный шарфик делает эту игрушку тематичной, зимней.

Мишка тедди в шарфике.
Высота: 11 см

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_s.jpg [large] => seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => seriy-teddy-i-love-you [ru_link] => seriy-teddy-i-love-you [en_link] => grey-teddy-i-love-you [ua_link] => siry-teddy-i-love-you [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-06 03:45:15 [height] => 13 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 19 [google_product_category] => 1259 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 1 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 157 [vpl_url] => podarki [vpl_list_id] => 19 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки [vpl_name_en] => Presents [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 25 [rating_value] => 4.6 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Grey teddy 13 cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Сірий теді 13 см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20451 [flower_id] => 2197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Grey teddy 13 cm [ru_name] => Серый тедди 13 см [ua_name] => Сірий теді 13 см [en_name] => Grey teddy 13 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 13 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Grey teddy in a dress - Состав: Grey teddy 13 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Серый тедди в платье - Состав: Серый тедди 13 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Сірий тедді в сукні - Склад: Сірий теді 13 см. [en_product_sostav] => Grey teddy in a dress - Composition: Grey teddy 13 cm. [url_link] => seriy-teddy-i-love-you [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 77 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The Teddy bear has long been a symbol of the holiday, because this infinitely cute plush friend is the best gift... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9804 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/seryiy_teddi_v_plate-9804_3e3_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Grey teddy in a dress [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2197] => Array ( [id] => 9804 [flower_id] => 2197 [price] => 126 [price_rate] => 1.185 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 0 ) [9802] => Array ( [id] => 9802 [name] => Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm [ru_name] => Коричневый мишка с бантиком 60 см [ua_name] => Коричневий ведмедик з бантиком 60 см [en_name] => Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm [title] => Товар «Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm» [small_image] => /bouquet/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Height: 60cm
Possible colors: white, brown, grey, red.Г‚
Attention: the item can differ from the photo.Г‚ In the case of absence, the florist can replace the item with a similar for the same value.

[rutext] =>

Высота: 60 см.
Цвет: белый, серый, коричневый, рыжий. Цвет игрушки можно согласовать с менеджером.

Внимание: внешне товар может отличаться от представленной на сайте фотографии. В случае его отсутствия флорист может заменить его на похожий, в той же ценовой категории.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_s.jpg [large] => korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm_8b3_s.jpg [large] => korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm_8b3_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => korichneviy-mishka-s-bantikom-60cm [ru_link] => korichneviy-mishka-s-bantikom-60cm [en_link] => brown-teddy-with-a-bow-60cm [ua_link] => korychnevy-vedmedyk-z-bantykom-60cm [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-05-04 09:31:34 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 19 [google_product_category] => 1259 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 157 [vpl_url] => podarki [vpl_list_id] => 19 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки [vpl_name_en] => Presents [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 25 [rating_value] => 4.6 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Ведмедик коричневий з бантом 60 см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20452 [flower_id] => 2198 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm [ru_name] => Мишка коричневый с бантиком 60 см [ua_name] => Ведмедик коричневий з бантом 60 см [en_name] => Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm [group] => 48 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm - Состав: Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Коричневый мишка с бантиком 60 см - Состав: Мишка коричневый с бантиком 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Коричневий ведмедик з бантиком 60 см - Склад: Ведмедик коричневий з бантом 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm - Composition: Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm. [url_link] => korichneviy-mishka-s-bantikom-60cm [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 85 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Height: 60cmPossible colors: white, brown, grey, red.Г‚Attention: the item can differ from the photo... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9802 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/korichnevyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9802_7f7_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/642080.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/642080_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/yavorov/599362_delivered.JPG [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/yavorov/599362_delivered_full.JPG [city] => yavorov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586370_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586370_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/575001.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/575001_full.jpg [city] => odessa [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [4] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569312.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569312_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2198] => Array ( [id] => 9802 [flower_id] => 2198 [price] => 0 [price_rate] => 0 [price_ukraine] => 700 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 700 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 600 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 7 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9801] => Array ( [id] => 9801 [name] => White teddy with a bow 60 cm [ru_name] => Белый мишка с бантиком 60 см [ua_name] => Білий ведмедик з бантиком 60 см [en_name] => White teddy with a bow 60 cm [title] => Товар «White teddy with a bow 60 cm» [small_image] => /bouquet/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Height: 60cm
Possible colors: white, brown, grey, red.
Attention: the item can differ from the photo. In the case of absence, the florist can replace the item with a similar for the same value.

[rutext] =>

Высота: 60 см.
Цвет: белый, серый, коричневый, рыжий. Цвет игрушки можно согласовать с менеджером.

Внимание: внешне товар может отличаться от представленной на сайте фотографии. В случае его отсутствия флорист может заменить его на похожий, в той же ценовой категории.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_s.jpg [large] => belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm_7fd_s.jpg [large] => belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm_7fd_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => beliy-mishka-s-bantikom-60cm [ru_link] => beliy-mishka-s-bantikom-60cm [en_link] => white-teddy-with-a-bow-60cm [ua_link] => bily-vedmedyk-z-bantykom-60cm [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-02-11 23:42:26 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 19 [google_product_category] => 1259 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 157 [vpl_url] => podarki [vpl_list_id] => 19 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки [vpl_name_en] => Presents [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 25 [rating_value] => 4.6 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Toy Teddy bear white 60 cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Іграшка Ведмедик білий 60 см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20903 [flower_id] => 1674 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Toy Teddy bear white 60 cm [ru_name] => Игрушка Мягкий мишка белый 60 см [ua_name] => Іграшка Ведмедик білий 60 см [en_name] => Toy Teddy bear white 60 cm [group] => 48 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => White teddy with a bow 60 cm - Состав: Toy Teddy bear white 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Белый мишка с бантиком 60 см - Состав: Игрушка Мягкий мишка белый 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Білий ведмедик з бантиком 60 см - Склад: Іграшка Ведмедик білий 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => White teddy with a bow 60 cm - Composition: Toy Teddy bear white 60 cm. [url_link] => beliy-mishka-s-bantikom-60cm [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 104 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Height: 60cmPossible colors: white, brown, grey, red.Attention: the item can differ from the photo... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9801 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_60_sm-9801_aeb_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/lviv/588133_delivered.JPG [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/lviv/588133_delivered_full.JPG [city] => lviv [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар White teddy with a bow 60 cm [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1674] => Array ( [id] => 9801 [flower_id] => 1674 [price] => 0 [price_rate] => 0 [price_ukraine] => 780 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 780 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 780 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 7 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9799] => 9799 [9791] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [name] => Edible men bouquet [ru_name] => Съедобный мужской букет [ua_name] => Їстівний чоловічий букет [en_name] => Edible men bouquet [title] => Товар «Edible men bouquet» [small_image] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Would you like to congratulate a person, but you know that he is indifferent to flower bouquets? Then there is an edible men's bouquet for you!

[rutext] =>

Вы хотели бы поздравить человека, но знаете, что он равнодушен к цветочным букетам? Тогда для вас есть съедобный мужской букет!

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [large] => syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket_e2c_s.jpg [large] => syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket_e2c_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => syedovniy-muzhskoy-buket [ru_link] => syedovniy-muzhskoy-buket [en_link] => edible-men-bouquet [ua_link] => yistiny-cholovichy-buket [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-13 23:26:39 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.93 [main_list_id] => 458 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 365 [vpl_url] => podarki-dlya-muzhchin [vpl_list_id] => 458 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки для мужчин [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки для чоловіків [vpl_name_en] => Men's presents [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Red hot chilli pepper [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Lemon [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Beer (bottle/can) [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Sausages / Snack (pack) [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Chocolate bar Snickers [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Cheese (packing, 150g) [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Smoked sausages [count] => 6 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Wrapping 1m [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Перець червоний гіркий [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Лимон [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Пиво (пляшка/банка) [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Ковбаски/снек (упаковка) [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Шоколадний батончик Snickers [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Сир (упаковка, 150г) [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Сосиски копчені [count] => 6 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка 1 м [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20628 [flower_id] => 2209 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Red hot chilli pepper [ru_name] => Перец красный горький [ua_name] => Перець червоний гіркий [en_name] => Red hot chilli pepper [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20629 [flower_id] => 1269 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Lemon [ru_name] => Лимон [ua_name] => Лимон [en_name] => Lemon [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20630 [flower_id] => 1313 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Beer (bottle/can) [ru_name] => Пиво (бутылка/банка) [ua_name] => Пиво (пляшка/банка) [en_name] => Beer (bottle/can) [group] => 38 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20631 [flower_id] => 2210 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Sausages / Snack (pack) [ru_name] => Колбаски/снек (упаковка) [ua_name] => Ковбаски/снек (упаковка) [en_name] => Sausages / Snack (pack) [group] => 56 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 20632 [flower_id] => 1575 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Chocolate bar Snickers [ru_name] => Шоколадный батончик Snickers [ua_name] => Шоколадний батончик Snickers [en_name] => Chocolate bar Snickers [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 20633 [flower_id] => 2213 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Cheese (packing, 150g) [ru_name] => Сыр (упаковка, 150г) [ua_name] => Сир (упаковка, 150г) [en_name] => Cheese (packing, 150g) [group] => 56 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 20635 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20636 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 20637 [flower_id] => 2212 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Smoked sausages [ru_name] => Сосиски копченые [ua_name] => Сосиски копчені [en_name] => Smoked sausages [group] => 56 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 22390 [flower_id] => 2569 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Wrapping 1m [ru_name] => упаковка 1 м [ua_name] => Упаковка 1 м [en_name] => Wrapping 1m [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.92 [product_sostav] => Edible men bouquet - Состав: Red hot chilli pepper, Lemon, Beer (bottle/can), Sausages / Snack (pack), Chocolate bar Snickers, Cheese (packing, 150g), Greens, Tape for flowers, Smoked sausages, Wrapping 1m. [ru_product_sostav] => Съедобный мужской букет - Состав: Перец красный горький, Лимон, Пиво (бутылка/банка), Колбаски/снек (упаковка), Шоколадный батончик Snickers, Сыр (упаковка, 150г), Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Сосиски копченые, упаковка 1 м. [ua_product_sostav] => Їстівний чоловічий букет - Склад: Перець червоний гіркий, Лимон, Пиво (пляшка/банка), Ковбаски/снек (упаковка), Шоколадний батончик Snickers, Сир (упаковка, 150г), Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Сосиски копчені, Упаковка 1 м. [en_product_sostav] => Edible men bouquet - Composition: Red hot chilli pepper, Lemon, Beer (bottle/can), Sausages / Snack (pack), Chocolate bar Snickers, Cheese (packing, 150g), Greens, Tape for flowers, Smoked sausages, Wrapping 1m. [url_link] => syedovniy-muzhskoy-buket [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 104 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Would you like to congratulate a person, but you know that he is indifferent to flower bouquets. Then there is an edible men's bouquet for you. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9791 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/601545_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/601545_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/587306.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/587306_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Edible men bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2209] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2209 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1269] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1269 [price] => 10 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1313] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1313 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 80 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 80 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 80 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [2210] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2210 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1575] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1575 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [2213] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2213 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2212] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2212 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [2569] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2569 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2672] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2672 [price] => 2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 4 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 4 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 4 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 8 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9785] => Array ( [id] => 9785 [name] => Pink piggie [ru_name] => Розовая свинка [ua_name] => Рожева свинка [en_name] => Pink piggie [title] => Товар «Pink piggie» [small_image] => /bouquet/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Soft toy pig Rose 16 cm is a great gift for children and adults who love cute and kind animals. This toy has a bright and attractive design that will attract attention and bring smiles to everyone who sees it.

Pig Rose is made of high quality materials that are pleasant to the touch and do not cause allergies. It has a soft and fluffy surface that is pleasant to the touch and creates a feeling of comfort and safety.

The size of the toy is 16 cm, which makes it comfortable to hold in your hand and carry with you anywhere. It is light and compact, making it easy to pack and transport.

Rose Pig is the perfect gift for kids who will love her for her cute look and softness. It can also be part of a toy collection for adults who love to collect cute animals. This toy can be a great addition to the interior of a child's room or a great gift for a birthday, New Year or any other holiday.

All in all, the 16 cm Rose pig soft toy is a wonderful choice for those who want to give an unforgettable moment of joy and smile to their loved ones and friends. It will become a favorite toy for many and will remind you of good feelings and emotions for a long time.

[rutext] =>

Мягкая игрушка свинка Роуз 16 см - это прекрасный подарок для детей и взрослых, которые любят милых и добрых животных. Эта игрушка имеет яркий и привлекательный дизайн, который будет привлекать внимание и вызывать улыбки у всех, кто ее увидит.

Свинка Роуз выполнена из высококачественных материалов, которые приятны на ощупь и не вызывают аллергии. Она имеет мягкую и пушистую поверхность, которая приятна на ощупь и создает ощущение комфорта и безопасности.

Размер игрушки составляет 16 см, что делает ее удобной для держания в руке и носки с собой в любое место. Она легкая и компактная, что позволяет легко упаковывать и транспортировать.

Свинка Роуз - это прекрасный подарок для детей, которые будут любить ее за ее милый вид и мягкость. Она также может стать частью коллекции игрушек для взрослых, которые любят собирать милых животных. Эта игрушка может стать прекрасным дополнением к интерьеру детской комнаты или станет отличным подарком на день рождения, Новый год или любой другой праздник.

В общем, мягкая игрушка свинка Роуз 16 см - это замечательный выбор для тех, кто хочет подарить незабываемый момент радости и улыбки своим близким и друзьям. Она станет любимой игрушкой для многих и будет напоминать о добрых чувствах и эмоциях на долгое время.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_s.jpg [large] => rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => rozovaya-svinka [ru_link] => rozovaya-svinka [en_link] => pink-piggie [ua_link] => rozheva-svynka [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-01 14:18:34 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 130 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 1 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 359 [vpl_url] => myahkie-igrushki [vpl_list_id] => 130 [vpl_name_ru] => Мягкие игрушки [vpl_name_ua] => М'які іграшки [vpl_name_en] => Soft toys [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Soft toy Rose Piggie 16 cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => М'яка іграшка свинка Роуз 16 см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19155 [flower_id] => 2113 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Soft toy Rose Piggie 16 cm [ru_name] => Мягкая игрушка свинка Роуз 16 см [ua_name] => М'яка іграшка свинка Роуз 16 см [en_name] => Soft toy Rose Piggie 16 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 13 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Pink piggie - Состав: Soft toy Rose Piggie 16 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Розовая свинка - Состав: Мягкая игрушка свинка Роуз 16 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Рожева свинка - Склад: М'яка іграшка свинка Роуз 16 см. [en_product_sostav] => Pink piggie - Composition: Soft toy Rose Piggie 16 cm. [url_link] => rozovaya-svinka [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 46 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Soft toy pig Rose 16 cm is a great gift for children and adults who love cute and kind animals... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9785 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozovaya_svinka-9785_2ee_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586348_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586348_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/585274.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/585274_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Pink piggie [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2113] => Array ( [id] => 9785 [flower_id] => 2113 [price] => 85 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 85 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 85 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 85 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 ) [9760] => Array ( [id] => 9760 [name] => Flower Unicorn [ru_name] => Букет цветов Цветочный единорог [ua_name] => Букет квітів Квітковий єдиноріг [en_name] => Flower Unicorn [title] => Купить букет Flower Unicorn недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Do you want to give a gift to a creative and original person? Then he will definitely like the bright flower arrangement in the form of a unicorn!


[rutext] =>

Вы хотите сделать подарок творческому и оригинальному человеку? Тогда ему определенно прийдется по вкусу яркая цветочная компзиция в виде единорога! 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => tsvetochniy-edinorog [ru_link] => tsvetochniy-edinorog [en_link] => flower-unicorn [ua_link] => kvitkovy-edynorig [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.3 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-01-28 04:54:08 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0.95 [main_list_id] => 319 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 15 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 207 [vpl_url] => tsvety-v-korobke [vpl_list_id] => 319 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы в коробке [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти в коробці [vpl_name_en] => Flowers in a box [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 20 [rating_value] => 4.6 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Decorative elements [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose bush lavender [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea white [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma pink [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Box round M 20x21cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Декоративні елементи букети квітів [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кустова лавандер [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія біла [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Еустома рожева [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Коробка кругла M 20x21см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20814 [flower_id] => 1155 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Decorative elements [ru_name] => Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов [ua_name] => Декоративні елементи букети квітів [en_name] => Decorative elements [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20815 [flower_id] => 1999 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose bush lavender [ru_name] => Роза кустовая лавандер [ua_name] => Троянда кустова лавандер [en_name] => Rose bush lavender [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20816 [flower_id] => 909 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Hydrangea white [ru_name] => Гортензия белая [ua_name] => Гортензія біла [en_name] => Hydrangea white [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20817 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 9 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 20818 [flower_id] => 997 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Eustoma pink [ru_name] => Эустома розовая [ua_name] => Еустома рожева [en_name] => Eustoma pink [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 20819 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 21516 [flower_id] => 2554 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round M 20x21cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая M 20x21см [ua_name] => Коробка кругла M 20x21см [en_name] => Box round M 20x21cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.12 [product_sostav] => Flower Unicorn - Состав: Decorative elements, Rose bush lavender, Hydrangea white, Freesia white, Eustoma pink, Oasis, Box round M 20x21cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Цветочный единорог - Состав: Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов, Роза кустовая лавандер, Гортензия белая, Фрезия белая, Эустома розовая, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Коробка круглая M 20x21см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Квітковий єдиноріг - Склад: Декоративні елементи букети квітів, Троянда кустова лавандер, Гортензія біла, Фрезія біла, Еустома рожева, Оазис, Коробка кругла M 20x21см. [en_product_sostav] => Flower Unicorn - Composition: Decorative elements, Rose bush lavender, Hydrangea white, Freesia white, Eustoma pink, Oasis, Box round M 20x21cm. [url_link] => tsvetochniy-edinorog [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 6 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Do you want to give a gift to a creative and original person. Then he will definitely like the bright flower arrangement in the form of a unicorn. . [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9760 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_edinorog-9760_e39_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/589756_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/589756_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower Unicorn [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rebenku [name] => For a child [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rebenku ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [5] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1155] => Array ( [id] => 9760 [flower_id] => 1155 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1999] => Array ( [id] => 9760 [flower_id] => 1999 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [909] => Array ( [id] => 9760 [flower_id] => 909 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 9760 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [997] => Array ( [id] => 9760 [flower_id] => 997 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9760 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [2554] => Array ( [id] => 9760 [flower_id] => 2554 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9751] => Array ( [id] => 9751 [name] => Roses in box Juliet [ru_name] => Розы в коробке Джульетта [ua_name] => Троянди в коробці Джульета [en_name] => Roses in box Juliet [title] => Купить букет Roses in box Juliet недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A bouquet of roses will tell about your feelings without words. These flowers not only look luxurious, but also have a delicate aroma that unfolds gradually and is truly enchanting. If you are looking for a present for a female representative (girl, mother or colleague), pay attention to "Juliet" roses.
The composition consists of two types of roses - bush peony and cream, and it is also supplemented with greenery. The stems are placed in a box with an oasis, which ensures their longer storage and the opportunity to enjoy the beauty for a longer time.

[rutext] =>

Букет из роз расскажет о ваших чувствах без слов. Эти цветы не только роскошно смотрятся, но еще и обладают нежным ароматом, который раскрывается постепенно и по-настоящему очаровывает. Если вы ищете презент для представительницы женского пола (девушки, мамы или коллеги), обратите внимание на розы «Джульетта».
Состоит композиция из двух видов роз – кустовой пионовидной и кремовой, а также она дополнена зеленью. Размещаются стебли в коробке с оазисом, что обеспечивает более длительное их хранение и возможность дольше наслаждаться красотой.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Розы в коробке Джульетта - Состав: Роза Сильва Пинк Баблз, Роза кустовая кремовая, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Коробка круглая M 20x21см. [ua_product_sostav] => Троянди в коробці Джульета - Склад: Троянда Сільва Пінк, Троянда кущова кремова, Оазис, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Коробка кругла M 20x21см. [en_product_sostav] => Roses in box Juliet - Composition: Rose Silva Pink, Rose spray cream, Oasis, Greens, Tape for flowers, Box round M 20x21cm. [url_link] => julietta-rozy-v-korobke [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9751_second_036_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9751_second_036_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9751_third_fb3_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9751_third_fb3_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9751_four_977_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9751_four_977_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 38 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A bouquet of roses will tell about your feelings without words. These flowers not only look luxurious, but also have a delicate aroma that unfolds gradually and is truly enchanting... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9751 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_djuletta-9751_db4_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9751_four_977_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9751_four_977_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9751_four_977_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9751_second_036_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9751_second_036_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9751_second_036_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9751_third_fb3_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9751_third_fb3_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9751_third_fb3_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/596754_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/596754_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/589970_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/589970_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Roses in box Juliet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [2] => Array ( [url] => kustovie-rozy [name] => Spray roses {$city} [link] => [slug] => kustovie-rozy ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2104] => Array ( [id] => 9751 [flower_id] => 2104 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9751 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9751 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9751 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9751 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2554] => Array ( [id] => 9751 [flower_id] => 2554 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2652] => Array ( [id] => 9751 [flower_id] => 2652 [price] => 85 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9750] => Array ( [id] => 9750 [name] => 101 red roses El-Toro [ru_name] => 101 красная роза Эль-Торо [ua_name] => 101 червона троянда Ель-Торо [en_name] => 101 red roses El-Toro [title] => Купить букет 101 red roses El-Toro недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/101_krasnaya_roza_el_toro-9750_f31_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/101_krasnaya_roza_el_toro-9750_f31_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/101_krasnaya_roza_el_toro-9750_f31_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Luxurious bouquet of 101 roses can surprise and please even the most demanding girl! Such a surprise is perfect for the anniversary of a relationship or marriage, for congratulations on Valentine's Day or Birthday. In addition, this gift can be elegantly presented to mother, sister or dear person. With this gift you can give truly unforgettable emotions to your loved person! The El Toro rose is distinguished by a beautiful form of a bud with terry delicate edges and a rich scarlet color. Make your congratulations original! Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image on the website.

[rutext] =>

Роскошный букет из 101 розы способен удивить и порадовать даже самую взыскательную девушку! Такой сюрприз отлично подойдет для годовщины отношений или брака, для поздравления на День Святого Валентина или День Рождения. Кроме того, таким подарком можно изысканно поздравить маму, сестру или дорогого человека.

С таким презентом вы сможете подарить поистине незабываемые эмоции любимому человеку! Роза Эль Торо отличается красивой формой бутона с махровыми нежными краями и насыщенным алым цветом. 

А также Вы можете посмотреть и другие варианты букетов из 101 розы 101 белая роза, 101 красно-белая роза, 101 розовая роза, 101 желтая роза. 

Сделайте свое поздравление оригинальным!

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Просмотреть другие букеты из 101 розы: 101 роза {$city}

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[ru_product_sostav] => 101 красная роза Эль-Торо - Состав: Роза красная Эль Торо 50 см, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => 101 червона троянда Ель-Торо - Склад: Троянди Ель Торо 50 см, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => 101 red roses El-Toro - Composition: Roses El Toro 50 cm, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. 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6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [20] => Array ( [id] => 42 [name] => Sport event ) [21] => Array ( [id] => 43 [name] => Sportsman ) [22] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [23] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) [24] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [25] => Array ( [id] => 25 [name] => Exotic bouquets ) [26] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_9750_1713879053_small.jpeg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_9750_1713879053_full.jpeg [city] => [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/639564_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/639564_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 101 red roses El-Toro [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [5] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Flowers for mother-in-law [link] => 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=> 2080 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 101 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9750 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9750 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9749] => 9749 [9748] => Array ( [id] => 9748 [name] => Roses in box 'With love' [ru_name] => Розы 51 шт в коробке 'С любовью' [ua_name] => Троянди в коробці 'З любов'ю' [en_name] => Roses in box 'With love' [title] => Купить букет Roses in box 'With love' недорого [small_image] => 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Flower box 'With love' - a luxurious composition of 51 different types of roses. It can be a pleasant surprise for a loved one on a holiday or a significant date.

[rutext] =>

Цветочная коробка 'С любовью' - роскошная композиция из 51 розы разных видов. Может стать приятным сюрпризом для любимого на праздник или значимую дату. 

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[ru_product_sostav] => Розы 51 шт в коробке 'С любовью' - Состав: Роза красная, Роза белая местная, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Коробка квадратная L, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции. [ua_product_sostav] => Троянди в коробці 'З любов'ю' - Склад: Троянда червона, Троянда біла місцева, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Коробка квадратная L, Оазис. [en_product_sostav] => Roses in box 'With love' - Composition: Rose red, Roses white local, Greens, Tape for flowers, Square box L, Oasis. [url_link] => rozi-v-korobke-s-lubovyu [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozyi_v_korobke_s_lyubovyu-9748_a98_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_s_lyubovyu-9748_a98_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_s_lyubovyu-9748_a98_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9748_second_e7f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9748_second_e7f_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9748_third_c19_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9748_third_c19_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9748_four_93c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9748_four_93c_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9748_five_229_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9748_five_229_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 32 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Flower box 'With love' - a luxurious composition of 51 different types of roses. It can be a pleasant surprise for a loved one on a holiday or a significant date. 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Presenting a flower arrangement is an amazing opportunity to surprise and delight friends and loved ones. For such an unusual and stuttering presentation, a flowered pig is suitable, which undoubtedly can cause a sincere smile from anyone.


[rutext] =>

Подарить цвточную композицию - удивительная возможность удивить и порадовать друзей и близких. Для такого необычного и запоминающегося презента подходит цеточный поросенок, что несомненно сможет вызвать искреннюю улыбку у кого-либо 

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Состав: Hydrangea, Carnation pink, Eustoma white, Rose bush lavender, Eucalyptus, Oasis, Decorative elements, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Box round M 20x21cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Цветочный поросенок - Состав: Гортензия, Гвоздика розовая, Эустома белая, Роза кустовая лавандер, Эвкалипт, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов, Роза розовая до 60 см, Коробка круглая M 20x21см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Квіткове порося - Склад: Гортензія, Гвоздика рожева, Еустома біла, Троянда кустова лавандер, Евкаліпт, Оазис, Декоративні елементи букети квітів, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Коробка кругла M 20x21см. [en_product_sostav] => Flower little pig - Composition: Hydrangea, Carnation pink, Eustoma white, Rose bush lavender, Eucalyptus, Oasis, Decorative elements, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Box round M 20x21cm. [url_link] => tsvetochniy-porosenok [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 6 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Presenting a flower arrangement is an amazing opportunity to surprise and delight friends and loved ones... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9745 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/637766_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/637766_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower little pig [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rebenku [name] => For a child [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rebenku ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [908] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 908 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [833] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 833 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1999] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 1999 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1155] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 1155 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [887] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [2554] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 2554 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9744] => 9744 [9743] => 9743 [9739] => 9739 [9735] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [name] => «I Love You» [ru_name] => «I Love You» [ua_name] => «I Love You» [en_name] => «I Love You» [title] => Купить букет «I Love You» недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "I love you" - speaks for itself about the most sincere and strong feelings for your soulmate. As they say, "instead of a thousand words"! This bouquet contains the perfect combination of soft Teddy bears and Raffaello sweets. All this beauty is wrapped in a beautiful and festive package, which produces the effect "Wow!" on the girl. We wish you a good Valentine's Day next to your beloved!

[rutext] =>

Букет "I love you" - сам за себя говорит о самых искренних и сильных чувствах к Вашей  второй половинке. Как говорится, "вместо тысячи слов"! В данном букете собрана идеальная комбинация из мягких мишек Тедди и конфет Raffaello. Вся эта красота завернута в красивую и праздничную упаковку, что производит на девушку эффект "Вау!". Желаем Вам хорошо провести День Святого Валентина рядом с Вашей любимой!

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => i_love_you-9402_3c6_s.jpg [large] => i_love_you-9402_3c6_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9402_four_7c9_s.jpg [large] => 9402_four_7c9_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9402_second_50c_s.jpg [large] => 9402_second_50c_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9402_third_7c9_s.jpg [large] => 9402_third_7c9_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-i-love-you [ru_link] => buket-i-love-you [en_link] => i-love-you [ua_link] => buket-i-love-you [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-29 08:58:36 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 0 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 476 [vpl_url] => podarki-na-8-marta [vpl_list_id] => 506 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки на 8 марта [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки на 8 березня [vpl_name_en] => Presents for 8 March [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.62 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Teddy 8 cm [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Candies Raffaello per piece [count] => 13 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Брелок ведмедик teddy 8 см [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Raffaello поштучно [count] => 13 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18993 [flower_id] => 2027 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Teddy 8 cm [ru_name] => Мишка teddy 8 см [ua_name] => Брелок ведмедик teddy 8 см [en_name] => Teddy 8 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18994 [flower_id] => 1983 [ammount] => 13 [name] => Candies Raffaello per piece [ru_name] => Конфеты Raffaello поштучно [ua_name] => Цукерки Raffaello поштучно [en_name] => Candies Raffaello per piece [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18995 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 18996 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.8 [product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Состав: Teddy 8 cm, Candies Raffaello per piece, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Состав: Мишка teddy 8 см, Конфеты Raffaello поштучно, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Склад: Брелок ведмедик teddy 8 см, Цукерки Raffaello поштучно, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Composition: Teddy 8 cm, Candies Raffaello per piece, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-i-love-you [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/i_love_you-9402_3c6_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9402_second_50c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9402_second_50c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9402_third_7c9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9402_third_7c9_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9402_four_7c9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9402_four_7c9_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "I love you" - speaks for itself about the most sincere and strong feelings for your soulmate. As they say, "instead of a thousand words"... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9735 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9402_four_7c9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9402_four_7c9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9402_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9402_second_50c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9402_second_50c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9402_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9402_third_7c9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9402_third_7c9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9402_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет «I Love You» [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2027] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [flower_id] => 2027 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1983] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [flower_id] => 1983 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9734] => Array ( [id] => 9734 [name] => Flower delivery by MIME [ru_name] => Доставка цветов МИМОМ [ua_name] => Доставка квітів МІМом [en_name] => Flower delivery by MIME [title] => Товар «Flower delivery by MIME» [small_image] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] => [rutext] =>
Мимы — потрясающие, эксцентричные, и всеми любимые актёры! Кто из нас в силах устоять перед очарованием этих кудесников?

Мы спешим порадовать любительниц сценических мастеров замечательной новостью о том, что теперь по Киеву, и только по Киеву, доступна услуга доставки цветов мимом! Это — поистине замечательная новость как для любителей делать оригинальные подарки, так и для любительниц их получать! Ведь что может быть экстравагантнее, чем букет, доставленный мимом?

Мы предлагаем уникальную в своем роде услугу, особенности которой:
Внимание! Услугу необходимо заказать за 3-4 дня до даты доставки. Костюм и внешний вид мима могут отличаться от  представленных на сайте изображений. Дополнительные детали вы можете уточнить у менеджера.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [large] => dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => dostavka-cvetov-mimom [ru_link] => dostavka-cvetov-mimom [en_link] => flower-delivery-by-mime [ua_link] => dostavka-cvetov-mimom [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-10-03 01:59:44 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 0 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Delivery with Mim [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Доставка мімом [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18992 [flower_id] => 2101 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Delivery with Mim [ru_name] => Доставка мимом [ua_name] => Доставка мімом [en_name] => Delivery with Mim [group] => 93 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 10 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Flower delivery by MIME - Состав: Delivery with Mim. [ru_product_sostav] => Доставка цветов МИМОМ - Состав: Доставка мимом. [ua_product_sostav] => Доставка квітів МІМом - Склад: Доставка мімом. [en_product_sostav] => Flower delivery by MIME - Composition: Delivery with Mim. [url_link] => dostavka-cvetov-mimom [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9734 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Flower delivery by MIME [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2101] => Array ( [id] => 9734 [flower_id] => 2101 [price] => 1400 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 1100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 1100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 1100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9733] => Array ( [id] => 9733 [name] => Evening Kiev [ru_name] => Киев вечерний [ua_name] => Вечірній Київ [en_name] => Evening Kiev [title] => Товар «Evening Kiev» [small_image] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] => These delicious chocolate candies represent the «golden» classic of the confectionery production. The candies have been presented by famous Ukrainian brand, the products of which widely known by kids and adults.

Candies «Evening Kiev» have made their name for the highest quality of components, the adequate price, and its design, which represents its name. The box of candies chosen in addition to a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of champagne is a classic combination you can’t go wrong with. So please your dear ones with taste!  [rutext] => Вкусные конфеты с арахисовой начинкой — так выглядит «золотая» классика кондитерской продукции. «Плоды» из чёрного шоколада представлены небезызвестным украинским брендом, изделия которого повсеместно завоевали сердца как взрослых, так и детей.

Конфеты «Киев вечерний» заработали себе имя благодаря высокому качеству составляющих, доступной цене и дизайнерской упаковке, отражающей название продукта. Коробка конфет, дополненная букетом цветов или шампанским — классический набор, заслуженно именуемый беспроигрышным. Порадуйте же дорогих вам людей со вкусом! [kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [large] => vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9142_second_941_s.jpg [large] => 9142_second_941_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => kiev-vechernij [ru_link] => kiev-vechernij [en_link] => evening-kiev [ua_link] => kiev-vechernij [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Candies «Evening Kiev» [image_title_en] => Candies «Evening Kiev» [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2018-10-18 14:13:05 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => Candies «Evening Kiev» | delicious gifts on UFL [p_description] => Candies «Evening Kiev» have made their name for the highest quality of components, the adequate price, and its design, which represents its name. [p_keywords] => delicious candies, evening kiev candies, kiev sweets buy [p_h1] => Candies «Evening Kiev» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Київ Вечірній 176 г [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18989 [flower_id] => 933 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g [ru_name] => Конфеты Киев Вечерний 176 г [ua_name] => Цукерки Київ Вечірній 176 г [en_name] => Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Evening Kiev - Состав: Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g. [ru_product_sostav] => Киев вечерний - Состав: Конфеты Киев Вечерний 176 г. [ua_product_sostav] => Вечірній Київ - Склад: Цукерки Київ Вечірній 176 г. [en_product_sostav] => Evening Kiev - Composition: Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g. [url_link] => kiev-vechernij [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 2 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => These delicious chocolate candies represent the «golden» classic of the confectionery production... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9733 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Evening Kiev [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [933] => Array ( [id] => 9733 [flower_id] => 933 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 193 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 193 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 193 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) [9732] => Array ( [id] => 9732 [name] => Evening Kiev as gift [ru_name] => Киев вечерний - в подарок [ua_name] => Київ Вечірній [en_name] => Evening Kiev as gift [title] => Товар «Evening Kiev as gift» [small_image] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

These delicious chocolate candies represent the «golden» classic of the confectionery production. The candies have been presented by famous Ukrainian brand, the products of which widely known by kids and adults.

Candies «Evening Kiev» have made their name for the highest quality of components, the adequate price, and its design, which represents its name. The box of candies chosen in addition to a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of champagne is a classic combination you can’t go wrong with. So please your dear ones with taste! 

[rutext] =>

Вкусные конфеты с арахисовой начинкой — так выглядит «золотая» классика кондитерской продукции. «Плоды» из чёрного шоколада представлены небезызвестным украинским брендом, изделия которого повсеместно завоевали сердца как взрослых, так и детей.

Конфеты «Киев вечерний» заработали себе имя благодаря высокому качеству составляющих, доступной цене и дизайнерской упаковке, отражающей название продукта. Коробка конфет, дополненная букетом цветов или шампанским — классический набор, заслуженно именуемый беспроигрышным. Порадуйте же дорогих вам людей со вкусом!

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [large] => vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9142_second_941_s.jpg [large] => 9142_second_941_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => kiev-vechernij-podarok [ru_link] => kiev-vechernij-podarok [en_link] => evening-kiev-gift [ua_link] => kiev-vechernij-podarok [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Candies «Evening Kiev» [image_title_en] => Candies «Evening Kiev» [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-13 23:16:09 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => Candies «Evening Kiev» | delicious gifts on UFL [p_description] => Candies «Evening Kiev» have made their name for the highest quality of components, the adequate price, and its design, which represents its name. [p_keywords] => delicious candies, evening kiev candies, kiev sweets buy [p_h1] => Candies «Evening Kiev» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 0 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Київ Вечірній 176 г [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18988 [flower_id] => 933 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g [ru_name] => Конфеты Киев Вечерний 176 г [ua_name] => Цукерки Київ Вечірній 176 г [en_name] => Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Evening Kiev as gift - Состав: Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g. [ru_product_sostav] => Киев вечерний - в подарок - Состав: Конфеты Киев Вечерний 176 г. [ua_product_sostav] => Київ Вечірній - Склад: Цукерки Київ Вечірній 176 г. [en_product_sostav] => Evening Kiev as gift - Composition: Chocolates Evening Kiev 176 g. [url_link] => kiev-vechernij-podarok [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => These delicious chocolate candies represent the «golden» classic of the confectionery production... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9732 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/vecherniy_kiev-9142_f8f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9142_second_941_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Evening Kiev as gift [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [933] => Array ( [id] => 9732 [flower_id] => 933 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 193 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 193 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 193 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 ) )
Страница №6 - Цветы Santa Maria (Brazil) — купить в интернет магазине | Цена: 1₴ - 10000₴ | Высота: 5-200 | К-во цветов: 1-1001 | Сортировка: Сначала новые

Подбор букета: найдено 777 товаров.

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5 cm
200 cm
Flowers count
1 pc
1001 pc
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To person
  • Happy birthday Santa Maria (Brazil)


    Happy birthday

    6834 ₴

  • 9849-2196-3

    Flower joy

    6814 ₴

  • 9843-2196-3

    White orchid + heart balloon

    8017 ₴

  • 9840-2196-3

    Send your feelings 11 roses

    5612 ₴

  • 9836-2196-3

    Protea by piece

    4810 ₴

  • 9835-2196-3

    Flowers for the dearest

    8418 ₴

  • 9827-2196-3

    Candy heart

    9820 ₴

  • 9824-2196-3

    First sight

    9500 ₴

  • 9816-2196-3

    Flower box About Love

    8778 ₴

  • 9811-2196-3

    Add-on to bouquet on Valentine's Day

    1010 ₴

  • 9809-2196-3

    Box with roses and orchids

    7113 ₴

  • 9804-2196-3

    Grey teddy in a dress


  • 9802-2196-3

    Brown teddy with a bow 60 cm

    4810 ₴

  • 9801-2196-3

    White teddy with a bow 60 cm

    6253 ₴

  • 9785-2196-3

    Pink piggie


  • 9734-2196-3

    Flower delivery by MIME

    8818 ₴

  • 9733-2196-3

    Evening Kiev

    1547 ₴


Address: UA, Santa Maria (Brazil)
Telephone: +380 68 390 9090
Mon-Sun: 8:00-21:00
Santa Maria (Brazil) — Courier delivery 0 ₴

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