    [0] => Array
            [id] => 7672
            [name] => White Queen
            [ru_name] => Белая королева
            [ua_name] => Біла королева
            [en_name] => White Queen
            [title] => Купить букет White Queen недорого
            [small_image] => /bouquet/belaya_koroleva-7672_s.jpg
            [big_image] => /bouquet/belaya_koroleva-7672_b.jpg
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No wedding ceremony is complete without a beautiful bridal bouquet. After all, each flower has a certain symbolism. Bouquet "The White Queen" combines the love and loyalty of graceful callas, confidence and youthfulness - of white freesia and happy destiny divided by two - of flowers intertwined by ribbons.

Any girl will turn into a beautiful baroque aristocrat and chivalrous stories with such a bouquet. Wonderful white arrangement makes it feels like the heir of the royal families and guests will never forget the bride`s look.

Attention: design of the bouquet may differ slightly from that shown in the website pictures.

[rutext] =>

Ни одна свадебная церемония не обходится без шикарного букета для невесты. Ведь каждый цветок несет в себе определенную символику. Букет «Белая королева» сочетает в себе любовь и верность от грациозных калл, доверие и молодость - от белоснежных фрезий, а также счастливую судьбу, разделенную на двоих, - от переплетающей цветы ленты.

С таким букетом любая девушка превратится в аристократическую красавицу эпохи барокко и рыцарских историй. Чудесная белая композиция заставит почувствовать себя настоящей наследницей королевских семей, а для гостей торжества образ невесты станет незабываемым.

Внимание: оформление может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

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[p_keywords] => bridal bouquet, Bouquets for bride, wedding bouquet of callas, flowers delivery, buy a bouquet for the bride, buy flowers, order a bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet 'White Queen' [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 400 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 18 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 119 [vpl_url] => traurnyie-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 400 [vpl_name_ru] => Траурные букеты [vpl_name_ua] => Траурні букети [vpl_name_en] => Mourning bouquets [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Calla white [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Beargrass [count] => 10 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Decorative elements [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 10 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum green [count] => 7 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Кала біла [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Берграсс [count] => 10 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Декоративні елементи букети квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 10 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 7 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9761 [flower_id] => 854 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Calla white [ru_name] => Калла белая [ua_name] => Кала біла [en_name] => Calla white [group] => 9 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9762 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9763 [flower_id] => 1014 [ammount] => 10 [name] => Beargrass [ru_name] => Берграсс [ua_name] => Берграсс [en_name] => Beargrass [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 9764 [flower_id] => 1155 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Decorative elements [ru_name] => Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов [ua_name] => Декоративні елементи букети квітів [en_name] => Decorative elements [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9765 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 14145 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 10 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 23403 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 1.64 [product_sostav] => White Queen - Состав: Calla white, Freesia white, Beargrass, Decorative elements, Tape for flowers, Greens, Hypericum green. [ru_product_sostav] => Белая королева - Состав: Калла белая, Фрезия белая, Берграсс, Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов, Лента на цветы, Зелень в букет, Гиперикум зелёный. [ua_product_sostav] => Біла королева - Склад: Кала біла, Фрезія біла, Берграсс, Декоративні елементи букети квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Зелень у букет, Гіперікум зелений. [en_product_sostav] => White Queen - Composition: Calla white, Freesia white, Beargrass, Decorative elements, Tape for flowers, Greens, Hypericum green. 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To order a bouquet that will amaze with its original design, you will not have to make any effort. After all, before you already presented a composition that pleases the eye with its contrasting design, bright colors and at the same time aristocratic, accentuated by the winning choice of packaging.
A bouquet of red and white roses is useful for any holiday, will help to express your feelings, will surprise you with its complex unique design. No wonder these flowers are so popular, because with their help you can safely experiment with different compositions, each time getting an unexpected, but a winning result.
Get 25 roses with delivery in Kiev right now, because you have a great opportunity to pamper someone you love, to make a real surprise, which will remain in your memory for a long time. And our specialists will help you with this, who will create an original bouquet worthy of admiration.

Rose height: 50 cm

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the photos on the website.

[rutext] =>

Чтобы заказать букет, который будет поражать своим оригинальным оформлением, не придется прилагать каких-либо усилий. Ведь перед вами уже представлена композиция, которая радует глаз своим контрастным дизайном, яркими красками и при этом аристократичностью, подчеркнутой выигрышным выбором упаковки.
Букет из красных и белых роз пригодится для любого праздника, поможет выразить ваши чувства, удивит своим сложным уникальным дизайном. Не зря эти цветы являются настолько популярными, ведь именно с их помощью можно смело экспериментировать с различными композициями, каждый раз получая неожиданный, но выигрышный результат.
Приобретайте 25 роз с доставкой по {$city_dat} прямо сейчас, ведь у вас есть замечательная возможность побаловать того, кого вы любите, сделать настоящий сюрприз, который надолго останется в памяти. А помогут вам в этом специалисты нашей компании, которые создадут оригинальный букет, достойный восхищения.

Высота розы: 50 см

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

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[ru_product_sostav] => 25 красных и белых роз - Состав: Роза красная Эль Торо 50 см, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза белая до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Великий букет квітів з днем Народження - Склад: Троянди Ель Торо 50 см, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда біла до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => 25 red and white roses - Composition: Roses El Toro 50 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Rose white. 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[flower_id] => 2080 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9686 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9686 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2284] => Array ( [id] => 9686 [flower_id] => 2284 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 12 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1540 [price] => 10780 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10780 [price_cur] => 273 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 273 [price_discount] => 10780 [price_discount_cur] => 273 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10780 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 273 [price_member] => 10780 [price_member_cur] => 273 [price_member_qty] => 10780 [price_member_qty_cur] => 273 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 13) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (60 * 12) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 273 [business] => 314 [vip] => 355 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7573 [name] => Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies [ru_name] => Траурный букет из калл [ua_name] => Траурний букет з калл [en_name] => Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies [title] => Купить букет Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies недорого [small_image] => 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Flowers are not only joy and happiness, they are also support in difficult times. With the help of a laconic bouquet you can express your gratitude, honor the memory of a loved one, or express condolences regarding a death.

A funeral bouquet of calla lilies is a simple but heartfelt composition that, with its light tones, will tell about your respect and feelings for someone who is no longer alive. With the help of such a bouquet you can comfort the living and honor those who are no longer with us. The discreet decor in the form of a black ribbon symbolizes deep sorrow.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Цветы – это не только радость и счастье, это еще и поддержка в сложные времена. С помощью лаконичного букета можно выразить свою благодарность, почтить память родного человека или выразить соболезнования по поводу смерти.

Траурный букет из калл – это простая, но проникновенная композиция, которая своими светлыми тонами расскажет о Вашем уважении и чувствах к тому, кого уже нет. С помощью такого букета Вы сможете утешить живых и почтить тех, кого с нами уже нет. Сдержанный декор в виде черной ленты символизирует глубокую скорбь.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [large] => traurnyiy_buket-7573_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => traurnyiy_buket_s.jpg [large] => traurnyiy_buket_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => traurnyj-buket-iz-kall [ru_link] => traurnyj-buket-iz-kall [en_link] => funeral-bouquet-of-calla [ua_link] => traurnyj-buket-z-kall [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-12 16:11:13 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 58 [google_product_category] => 5606 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 10 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 297 [vpl_url] => cvety-calla [vpl_list_id] => 58 [vpl_name_ru] => Каллы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Кали {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Callas [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.41 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Calla white [count] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Кала біла [count] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9269 [flower_id] => 854 [ammount] => 10 [name] => Calla white [ru_name] => Калла белая [ua_name] => Кала біла [en_name] => Calla white [group] => 9 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9271 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.48 [product_sostav] => Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies - Состав: Calla white, Greens, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Траурный букет из калл - Состав: Калла белая, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Траурний букет з калл - Склад: Кала біла, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies - Composition: Calla white, Greens, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => traurnyj-buket-iz-kall [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Flowers are not only joy and happiness, they are also support in difficult times... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7573 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [3] => Array ( [url] => kupyt-buket-cvetov [name] => Buy flowers Kherson [link] => [slug] => kupyt-buket-cvetov ) [5] => Array ( [url] => kupit-tsvety [name] => Buy flowers [link] => [slug] => kupit-tsvety ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [854] => Array ( [id] => 7573 [flower_id] => 854 [price] => 79 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 10 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7573 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7573 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1570 [price] => 10467 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10467 [price_cur] => 265 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 265 [price_discount] => 10467 [price_discount_cur] => 265 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10467 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 265 [price_member] => 10467 [price_member_cur] => 265 [price_member_qty] => 10467 [price_member_qty_cur] => 265 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (150 * 10) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 265 [business] => 305 [vip] => 345 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 9687 [name] => 25 white roses [ru_name] => 25 белых роз [ua_name] => 25 білих троянд [en_name] => 25 white roses [title] => Купить букет 25 white roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A bouquet of white roses - the noblest decision that can not leave indifferent. There is so much tenderness, romance and love in it, that when it is presented you can say nothing at all - everything is clear without words. 25 white roses come in handy for a date, birthday or wedding anniversary. They are not just beautiful, they are magnificent, especially in such a spectacular design of neutral craft paper and properly selected decorative tape. The buds themselves are selected almost “size to size”, which makes the composition competent, symmetrical and attractive.

Make the decision to order white roses with delivery right now to please your loved one . With such a composition you will not have a chance to remain without attention or a whole stream of emotions. Quick preparation, the work of professionals, prompt delivery, a pleasant price - this is what awaits you when buying a bouquet from us.

Rose height: 50 cm

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image on the website.

[rutext] =>

Букет из белых роз – благороднейшее решение, которое не может оставить равнодушным. В нем столько нежности, романтичности и любви, что при его вручении можно вообще ничего не говорить – все понятно без слов.
25 белых роз пригодятся для свидания, Дня рождения или годовщины свадьбы. Они не просто красивы, они великолепны, тем более в таком эффектном оформлении из нейтральной крафтовой бумаги и правильно подобранной декоративной ленты. Сами же бутоны подобраны практически «размер в размер», что делает композицию грамотной, симметричной и привлекательной.
Принимайте решение заказать белые розы с доставкой прямо сейчас, чтобы порадовать своего близкого и любимого человека. С такой композицией у вас не будет шанса остаться без внимания или целого потока эмоций. Быстрая подготовка, работа профессионалов, оперативная доставка, приятная цена – вот, что ожидает вас при покупке букета у нас.

Высота розы: 50 см

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

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[ru_product_sostav] => 25 белых роз - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза белая до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => 25 білих троянд - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда біла до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => 25 white roses - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Rose white. [url_link] => 25-belyh-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 251 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A bouquet of white roses - the noblest decision that can not leave indifferent... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9687 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/641256_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/641256_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/614110_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/614110_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608091_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608091_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/607953_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/607953_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [4] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595208_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595208_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [5] => Array ( [small_image] => 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[flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9687 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9687 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2284] => Array ( [id] => 9687 [flower_id] => 2284 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 25 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1560 [price] => 10400 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10400 [price_cur] => 264 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 264 [price_discount] => 10400 [price_discount_cur] => 264 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10400 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 264 [price_member] => 10400 [price_member_cur] => 264 [price_member_qty] => 10400 [price_member_qty_cur] => 264 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (60 * 25) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 264 [business] => 303 [vip] => 343 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [name] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy [ru_name] => Букет из леденцов с мишкой [ua_name] => Букет з льодяників з ведмедиком [en_name] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy [title] => Товар «Lollipop bouquet with teddy» [small_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet of candy lollipop with a lovely little soft bear Teddy - an original gift for adults and children on New Year's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day and without any reason! Especially, it will delight the sweet tooth. Just think - 50 chocolates and a wonderful soft toy combined in one sweet and sincere gift. It should not be underestimated. It wishes a happy and "sweet" life that will understand a little girl and a grown lady.

Buy a bouquet of sweet lollipop with a cute teddy bear - give more than joy - give attention and care!

Note! Design of the sweet bouquet may differ from the one presented on the site.

[rutext] =>

Букет из леденцов чупа-чупс с чудным маленьким мишкой Teddy – оригинальный подарок для детей и взрослых на Новый год, День Рождения, День всех влюбленных и просто так! Особенно он порадует сладкоежек. Подумать только – 50 конфет и чудная мягкая игрушка, соединенные в один милый и душевный презент. Его нельзя недооценить. Это пожелание радостной и «сладкой» жизни, которое поймет и маленькая девочка, и вполне взрослая леди.

Купить сладкий букет из чупа-чупсов с милым мишкой – подарить больше, чем радость: подарить внимание и заботу!

Внимание: букет из конфет может внешне несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7081_four_s.jpg [large] => 7081_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7081_second_s.jpg [large] => 7081_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7081_third_s.jpg [large] => 7081_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-iz-ledentsov-s-mishkoy [ru_link] => buket-iz-ledentsov-s-mishkoy [en_link] => lollipop-bouquet-with-teddy [ua_link] => buket-buket-z-lyodyanykiv-z-vedmedykom [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy bouquet of lollipop and teddy bear [image_title_en] => Bouquet of lollipop and teddy bear with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2020-06-15 13:21:32 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => Buy sweet bouquet of chupa-chups and teddy with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet of candy and soft bear Teddy - original sweet gift for children and adult sweet tooth. Delivery of bouquets of sweets - UFL! [p_keywords] => Bouquet of lollipop, bouquet with teddy bear, sweet bouquet buy, order bouquet with teddy [p_h1] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 435 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 257 [vpl_url] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [vpl_list_id] => 435 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты из конфет на День Валентина [vpl_name_ua] => Букети з цукерок на День Валентина [vpl_name_en] => Candies for Valentine's day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 23 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [count] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Льодяники Чупа-Чупс [count] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6869 [flower_id] => 1434 [ammount] => 50 [name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [ru_name] => Леденцы Чупа-Чупс [ua_name] => Льодяники Чупа-Чупс [en_name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6870 [flower_id] => 1378 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [ru_name] => Игрушка Мишка Teddy 15 см [ua_name] => Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см [en_name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 13 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6871 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6872 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.12 [product_sostav] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy - Состав: Lollipops Chupa-Chups, Toy Teddy bear 15 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет из леденцов с мишкой - Состав: Леденцы Чупа-Чупс, Игрушка Мишка Teddy 15 см, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет з льодяників з ведмедиком - Склад: Льодяники Чупа-Чупс, Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy - Composition: Lollipops Chupa-Chups, Toy Teddy bear 15 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-iz-ledentsov-s-mishkoy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7081_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7081_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7081_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7081_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7081_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7081_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet of candy lollipop with a lovely little soft bear Teddy - an original gift for adults and children on New Year's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day and without any reason... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7081 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7081_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7081_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7081_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7081_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7081_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7081_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7081_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7081_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7081_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Lollipop bouquet with teddy [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [2] => Array ( [url] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Candies for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) [3] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1434] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [flower_id] => 1434 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 50 ) [1378] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [flower_id] => 1378 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1340 [price] => 8933 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8933 [price_cur] => 227 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 227 [price_discount] => 8933 [price_discount_cur] => 227 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8933 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 227 [price_member] => 8933 [price_member_cur] => 227 [price_member_qty] => 8933 [price_member_qty_cur] => 227 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 50) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 9589 [name] => Bouquet of baby\'s breath [ru_name] => Букет из белой гипсофилы [ua_name] => Букет з білої гіпсофіли [en_name] => Bouquet of baby\'s breath [title] => Купить букет Bouquet of baby\'s breath недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_beloy_gipsofilyi-9589_045_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_beloy_gipsofilyi-9589_045_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_beloy_gipsofilyi-9589_045_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Beauty is in simplicity. This bouquet of white gypsophila is delicate and elegant. Gypsophila, also known as "baby's breath", is a very popular flower for wedding bouquets and decorations due to its exquisite beauty and simplicity. This bouquet uses only white gypsophila, which adds extra elegance and purity to it. This bouquet is perfect for a wedding celebration, a romantic evening or simply as a gift to show love and respect to the recipient.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the images shown.

[rutext] =>

Красота в простоте. Этот букет из белой гипсофилы является нежным и элегантным. Гипсофила, также известная как "дыхание младенца", является очень популярным цветком для создания свадебных букетов и декора, благодаря своей изысканной красоте и простоте. В этом букете используется только белая гипсофила, что добавляет ему дополнительную изящность и чистоту. Этот букет идеально подойдет для свадебного торжества, романтического вечера или просто в качестве подарка, чтобы показать любовь и уважение к получателю.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленных изображений

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет из белой гипсофилы - Состав: Гипсофила белая, Лента на цветы, Упаковка 4 м. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет з білої гіпсофіли - Склад: Гіпсофіла біла, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка 4 м. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet of baby\'s breath - Composition: Gypsophila white, Tape for flowers, Wrapping 4 m. [url_link] => buket-iz-beloj-gipsofily [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_iz_beloy_gipsofilyi-9589_045_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_beloy_gipsofilyi-9589_045_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_beloy_gipsofilyi-9589_045_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9589_four_455_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9589_four_455_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9589_second_f1c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9589_second_f1c_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 201 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Beauty is in simplicity. This bouquet of white gypsophila is delicate and elegant... 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A heart-shaped box filled with El Toro red roses. In the middle of arrangement is a Ferrero Rocher candy with a nut. The composition will delight the recipient with its beauty for a long time.

[rutext] =>

Коробочка в форме сердца, наполнена красной розой Эль Торо. В середине расположена  конфета Ферреро Роше с орехом. Композиция будет долго радовать своей красотой получателя. Смотрите все композиции в коробке в {$city_where}

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[ru_product_sostav] => Сердце из 15 роз Эль Торо - Состав: Роза красная Эль Торо 50 см, Коробка в форме сердца, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Конфеты Ferrero Rocher поштучно. [ua_product_sostav] => Серце з троянд Ель Торо - Склад: Троянди Ель Торо 50 см, Коробка у формі серця, Оазис, Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно. [en_product_sostav] => Heart of roses El Toro - Composition: Roses El Toro 50 cm, Box in heart shape, Oasis, Ferrero Rocher candies by piece. 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Delicate and romantic bouquet in light colors is a symbol of tenderness and purity. Most often such bouquets become a bright wedding bouquet of the bride, because in addition to sophistication in such compositions is charm and individuality.

Bouquet "Of freesias" is a weightless lightness of white flowers, complemented by lush greenery and simple but exquisite decor. Such a wedding bouquet will be a harmonious completion of the bride's image. In addition, this composition can be a great gift for the anniversary of the relationship, Valentine's Day, March 8 or Mother's Day.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Нежный и романтичный букет в светлых тонах – это символ нежности и чистоты. Чаще всего такие букеты становятся ярким свадебным букетом невесты, ведь помимо утонченности в таких композициях заключен шарм и индивидуальность.

Букет «Из фрезий» - это невесомая легкость белых цветов, дополненная сочной зеленью и простым, но изысканным декором. Такой свадебный букет станет гармоничным завершением образа невесты. Кроме того, эта композиция может быть отличным подарком на годовщину отношений, День Влюбленных, 8 Марта или День Матери.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7572_four_s.jpg [large] => 7572_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7572_second_s.jpg [large] => 7572_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7572_third_s.jpg [large] => 7572_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_second_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_third_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_four_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-iz-frezyj [ru_link] => buket-iz-frezyj [en_link] => Bouquet-of-freesies [ua_link] => buket-buket-iz-frezyj [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-10 16:05:01 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 556 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 21 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 557 [vpl_url] => buket-nevesti [vpl_list_id] => 556 [vpl_name_ru] => Букет невесты [vpl_name_ua] => Букет нареченої {$city} [vpl_name_en] => The bride's bouquet [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.36 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9263 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 21 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9264 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9265 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.96 [product_sostav] => Bouquet of freesies - Состав: Freesia white, Greens, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет невесты Из фрезий - Состав: Фрезия белая, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Із фрезій - Склад: Фрезія біла, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet of freesies - Composition: Freesia white, Greens, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-iz-frezyj [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7572_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7572_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7572_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7572_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7572_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7572_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 13 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Delicate and romantic bouquet in light colors is a symbol of tenderness and purity... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7572 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7572_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7572_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7572_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7572_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7572_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7572_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7572_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7572_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7572_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595187_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595187_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet of freesies [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [968] => Array ( [id] => 7572 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 21 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7572 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7572 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1170 [price] => 7800 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7800 [price_cur] => 198 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 198 [price_discount] => 7800 [price_discount_cur] => 198 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7800 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 198 [price_member] => 7800 [price_member_cur] => 198 [price_member_qty] => 7800 [price_member_qty_cur] => 198 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 21) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 198 [business] => 228 [vip] => 257 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7939 [name] => Gourmet Gift [ru_name] => Букет цветов Изысканный подарок [ua_name] => Букет квітів Вишуканий комплімент [en_name] => Gourmet Gift [title] => Купить букет Gourmet Gift недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_111-7939_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_111-7939_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_111-7939_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

What can be better than a bouquet of beautiful roses? Only if it’s orange roses! If you want to surprise your girlfriend, wife, mother, sister or friend — stop your choice on this bright arrangement. You can present it to her Birthday, 8th of March or St. Valentine’s Day. Classic design with a combination of greens element makes this bouquet so delicate!

Bouquet «Gourmet Gift» — is a combination of grace and femininity. Our florists pay attention to every detail that’s why it looks perfect. This bouquet can be presented as a main gift or as an additional one. Every woman will appreciate it, especially in an ordinary day.

Attention! Bouquet may differ from images presented on our site.

[rutext] =>

Долго не виделись с любимой, и желаете как-то загладить свою вину? Букет «Изысканный подарок» - это сочетание грациозности и женственности, который поможет подчеркнуть красоту Вашей возлюбленной и смягчить ее строптивое сердце. 17 оранжевых роз бережно обвивает со всех сторон сочная зелень, а декоративная лента нежного оттенка идеально дополняет дизайн.

Лаконичный и нежный букет поздравит дорогих женщин с Днем Рождения или любым другим праздником, а также поблагодарит за все те радостные моменты, которые они Вам подарили. Сделайте им приятный сюрприз, преподнеся «Идеальный подарок» просто так, без повода и они это оценят по достоинству.

Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_111-7939_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_111-7939_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7939_four_s.jpg [large] => 7939_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7939_second_s.jpg [large] => 7939_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7939_third_s.jpg [large] => 7939_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_111_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_111_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_111_second_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_111_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_111_third_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_111_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_111_four_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_111_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-izyskannyj-podarok [ru_link] => buket-izyskannyj-podarok [en_link] => gourmet-gift [ua_link] => buket-vyshukanyj-kompliment [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order the composition in our online shop. Delivery! [image_title_en] => Buy fabulous composition «Gourmet Gift» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-07 01:39:51 [height] => 55 [diametre] => 30 [color] => orange [p_title] => Buy extraordinary composition «Gourmet Gift» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Gourmet Gift» — is a combination of grace and femininity [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Gourmet Gift» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.05 [main_list_id] => 502 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Orange [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 436 [vpl_url] => buketi-roz-na-8-marta [vpl_list_id] => 502 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты роз на 8 марта {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Букети троянд на 8 березня [vpl_name_en] => Roses bouquets for March 8 [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.46 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose orange [count] => 17 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда помаранчева [count] => 17 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10990 [flower_id] => 885 [ammount] => 17 [name] => Rose orange [ru_name] => Роза оранжевая [ua_name] => Троянда помаранчева [en_name] => Rose orange [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 10991 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 10992 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.76 [product_sostav] => Gourmet Gift - Состав: Rose orange, Greens, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Изысканный подарок - Состав: Роза оранжевая, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Вишуканий комплімент - Склад: Троянда помаранчева, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Gourmet Gift - Composition: Rose orange, Greens, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-izyskannyj-podarok [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novyiy_buket_111-7939_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_111-7939_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_111-7939_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7939_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7939_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7939_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7939_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7939_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7939_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 18 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => What can be better than a bouquet of beautiful roses. Only if it’s orange roses... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7939 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_111-7939_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_111-7939_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_111-7939_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7939_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7939_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7939_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7939_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7939_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7939_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7939_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7939_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7939_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/641499_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/641499_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/629231_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/629231_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Gourmet Gift [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [885] => Array ( [id] => 7939 [flower_id] => 885 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 17 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7939 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7939 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1090 [price] => 7630 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7630 [price_cur] => 194 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 194 [price_discount] => 7630 [price_discount_cur] => 194 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7630 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 194 [price_member] => 7630 [price_member_cur] => 194 [price_member_qty] => 7630 [price_member_qty_cur] => 194 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 17) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 194 [business] => 223 [vip] => 252 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9154 [name] => Fountain of tenderness [ru_name] => Букет цветов Фонтан нежности [ua_name] => Букет квітів Фонтан ніжності [en_name] => Fountain of tenderness [title] => Товар «Fountain of tenderness» [small_image] => /bouquet/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Attention! The decoration of the bouquet may differ slightly from the images displayed on our site. Please contact our manager to know the details.

[rutext] =>

Внимание! Оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. Детали вы можете уточнить у менеджера.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_s.jpg [large] => fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9154_four_e19_s.jpg [large] => 9154_four_e19_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9154_second_35e_s.jpg [large] => 9154_second_35e_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9154_third_439_s.jpg [large] => 9154_third_439_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => fontan-nezhnosti [ru_link] => fontan-nezhnosti [en_link] => fountain-of-tenderness [ua_link] => fontan-nizhnosti [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-02-04 18:09:57 [height] => 40 [diametre] => 20 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 190 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 21 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 15 [vpl_url] => nezhnye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 190 [vpl_name_ru] => Нежные букеты {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Ніжні букети {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Tender flowers [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.36 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Freesia pink [count] => 11 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія рожева [count] => 11 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17148 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 10 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17149 [flower_id] => 973 [ammount] => 11 [name] => Freesia pink [ru_name] => Фрезия розовая [ua_name] => Фрезія рожева [en_name] => Freesia pink [group] => 4 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17150 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 17151 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 17152 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.96 [product_sostav] => Fountain of tenderness - Состав: Freesia white, Freesia pink, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Фонтан нежности - Состав: Фрезия белая, Фрезия розовая, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Фонтан ніжності - Склад: Фрезія біла, Фрезія рожева, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Fountain of tenderness - Composition: Freesia white, Freesia pink, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => fontan-nezhnosti [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9154_second_35e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9154_second_35e_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9154_third_439_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9154_third_439_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9154_four_e19_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9154_four_e19_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 32 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Attention. The decoration of the bouquet may differ slightly from the images displayed on our site. Please contact our manager to know the details. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9154 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/fontan_nejnosti-9154_655_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9154_four_e19_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9154_four_e19_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9154_four_e19_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9154_second_35e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9154_second_35e_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9154_second_35e_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9154_third_439_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9154_third_439_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9154_third_439_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Fountain of tenderness [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [968] => Array ( [id] => 9154 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 10 ) [973] => Array ( [id] => 9154 [flower_id] => 973 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9154 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9154 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9154 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1140 [price] => 7600 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7600 [price_cur] => 193 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 193 [price_discount] => 7600 [price_discount_cur] => 193 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7600 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 193 [price_member] => 7600 [price_member_cur] => 193 [price_member_qty] => 7600 [price_member_qty_cur] => 193 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 10) *1 + (50 * 11) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 9873 [name] => Tender gift [ru_name] => Букет цветов Нежный подарок [ua_name] => Букет квітів Ніжний подарунок [en_name] => Tender gift [title] => Купить букет Tender gift недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

If you want to present a truly delicate bouquet to a dear person, stop your attention on an amazing combination of eustoma, rose, orchid and freesia. The predominance of white and pink shades in the composition gives it a certain ethereality and charming magic. Such a bouquet impresses with its originality and warmth. Thanks to the combination of roses with eustoma, florists manage to somewhat muffle the pride of the queen of flowers, making her more sophisticated. And the use of a rich pink cymbidium brings its own zest, making the cent of the bouquet expressive and memorable.

To complete the composition, a single-colored cream package and a pink ribbon to match the flowers, tied with a laconic bow, are enough. Such a bouquet will be appreciated by any girl or woman, it will be appropriate for a birthday and wedding anniversary, an anniversary and even a corporate celebration. Order flowers in our company to please your dear woman today, without waiting for a reason or memorable date.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the images shown.

[rutext] =>

Если вы хотите преподнести поистине нежный букет дорогому сердцу человеку, остановите свое внимание на удивительном сочетании эустомы, розы, орхидеи и фрезии. Преобладание в композиции бело-розовых оттенков дарит ей некую эфирность и очаровательное волшебство. Такой букет поражает своей оригинальностью и теплотой. Благодаря сочетанию розы с эустомой флористам удается несколько приглушить горделивость царицы цветов, сделав ее более утонченной. А использование цимбидиума насыщенного розового оттенка вносит свою изюминку, делая цент букета выразительным и запоминающимся.

Чтобы завершить композицию достаточно однотонной кремовой упаковки и розовой ленты в тон цветам, завязанной лаконичным бантом. Такой букет оценит любая девушка или женщина, он будет уместен на Дне рождении и годовщине свадьбы, юбилее и даже корпоративном торжестве. Закажите цветы в {$city_where} в нашей компании, чтобы сделать приятное дорогой женщине уже сегодня, не дожидаясь повода или памятной даты.

Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленных изображений.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Нежный подарок - Состав: Роза кремовая, Фрезия белая, Эустома белая, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Эустома розовая, Цимбидиум розовый (цветок орхидея). [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Ніжний подарунок - Склад: Троянда кремова, Фрезія біла, Еустома біла, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Еустома рожева, Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея). [en_product_sostav] => Tender gift - Composition: Rose cream, Freesia white, Eustoma white, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Eustoma pink, Pink cymbidium orchids. [url_link] => nezhniy-podarok [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9873_second_cc7_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9873_second_cc7_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9873_third_d9c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9873_third_d9c_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9873_four_51a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9873_four_51a_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1624 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 18 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => If you want to present a truly delicate bouquet to a dear person, stop your attention on an amazing combination of eustoma, rose, orchid and freesia... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9873 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_podarok-9873_c16_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9873_four_51a_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9873_four_51a_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9873_four_51a_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9873_second_cc7_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9873_second_cc7_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9873_second_cc7_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9873_third_d9c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9873_third_d9c_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9873_third_d9c_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/654005_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/654005_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => 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/delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/602366_befdel_full.jpeg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Tender gift [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [name] => Flowers for graduates [link] => [slug] => tsvety-vypusknikam ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [881] => Array ( [id] => 9873 [flower_id] => 881 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 9873 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9873 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9873 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9873 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [997] => Array ( [id] => 9873 [flower_id] => 997 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [2148] => Array ( [id] => 9873 [flower_id] => 2148 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 975 [price] => 7150 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7150 [price_cur] => 182 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 182 [price_discount] => 7150 [price_discount_cur] => 182 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7150 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 182 [price_member] => 7150 [price_member_cur] => 182 [price_member_qty] => 7150 [price_member_qty_cur] => 182 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 5) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (100 * 2) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (100 * 2) *1 + (55 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 182 [business] => 209 [vip] => 236 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 3337 [name] => Coral petals [ru_name] => Лепестки коралловых роз [ua_name] => Коралові пелюстки [en_name] => Coral petals [title] => Купить букет Coral petals недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/3337_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/3337_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/3337_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Petals of orange roses with a bottle of champagne is the most romantic surprise for the date of wedding.

Composition: 10 orange roses

[rutext] =>

Лепестки роз 3

Лепестки роз добавят Вашей свадьбе романтической атмосферы. К каждому заказу бутылка шампанского в подарок!

Состав: роза оранжевая – 10 шт.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Лепестки коралловых роз - Состав: Лепестки роз, Роза коралловая до 60 см, Корзина M. [ua_product_sostav] => Коралові пелюстки - Склад: Пелюстки троянд, Троянда коралова до 60 см, Кошик M. [en_product_sostav] => Coral petals - Composition: Rose petals, Rose coral under 60 cm, Box M. [url_link] => buket-lepestki-korallovih-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/3337_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/3337_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/3337_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 2 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Petals of orange roses with a bottle of champagne is the most romantic surprise for the date of wedding.Composition: 10 orange roses. 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The bouquet "Heart of roses with sweets" is a romantic and original gift that will surprise any girl! This is a beautiful heart-shaped box, inside of which are elegantly laid out red roses (a symbol of eternal and pure love), and on top, flowers adorn the plates of milk chocolate. Such a beautiful and delicious gift will not leave any woman aside, and delight and admiration from your surprise is guaranteed!


[rutext] =>
Букет "Сердце из роз с конфетами" - романтический и оригинальный подарок, который удивит любую девушку! Это красивая коробочка в форме сердца, внутри которой элегантно выложены красные розы (символ вечной и чистой любви), а сверху цветы украшают пластинки молочного шоколада. Такой красивый и вкусный подарок не оставит в стороне ни одну женщину, а восторг и восхищение от Вашего сюрприза гарантирован!
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[ru_product_sostav] => Сердце из роз с конфетами - Состав: Роза красная, Коробка в форме сердца, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Конфеты Любимов 125 г. [ua_product_sostav] => Серце з троянд з цукерками - Склад: Троянда червона, Коробка у формі серця, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Цукерки Любимов 125 г. [en_product_sostav] => Heart of roses with sweets - Composition: Rose red, Box in heart shape, Greens, Tape for flowers, Chocolates Lubimov 125 g. [url_link] => buket-serdce-iz-roz-s-konfetami [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/serdtse_iz_roz_s_konfetami-9461_b1d_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_s_konfetami-9461_b1d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_s_konfetami-9461_b1d_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9461_second_a8c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9461_second_a8c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9461_third_361_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9461_third_361_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9461_four_7c7_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9461_four_7c7_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9461_five_ec6_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9461_five_ec6_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 32 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The bouquet "Heart of roses with sweets" is a romantic and original gift that will surprise any girl... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9461 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_s_konfetami-9461_b1d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_s_konfetami-9461_b1d_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/serdtse_iz_roz_s_konfetami-9461_b1d_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9461_five_ec6_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9461_five_ec6_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9461_five_ec6_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9461_four_7c7_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9461_four_7c7_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9461_four_7c7_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9461_second_a8c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9461_second_a8c_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9461_second_a8c_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9461_third_361_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9461_third_361_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9461_third_361_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/lviv/581200_delivered.JPG [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/lviv/581200_delivered_full.JPG [city] => lviv [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Heart of roses with sweets [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) [1] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [3] => Array ( [url] => serdtsa [name] => Hearts [link] => [slug] => serdtsa ) [4] => Array ( [url] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina [name] => Heards Valentines Day [link] => [slug] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 9461 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1010] => Array ( [id] => 9461 [flower_id] => 1010 [price] => 110 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9461 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9461 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [936] => Array ( [id] => 9461 [flower_id] => 936 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 970 [price] => 6467 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6467 [price_cur] => 164 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 164 [price_discount] => 6467 [price_discount_cur] => 164 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6467 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 164 [price_member] => 6467 [price_member_cur] => 164 [price_member_qty] => 6467 [price_member_qty_cur] => 164 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 13) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 164 [business] => 189 [vip] => 213 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 9373 [name] => Sweet teddy [ru_name] => Сладкий мишка [ua_name] => Солодкий ведведик [en_name] => Sweet teddy [title] => Товар «Sweet teddy» [small_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_mishka-9373_a9b_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_mishka-9373_a9b_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_mishka-9373_a9b_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

On Valentine's Day, people around the world confess their love to each other, give each other gifts, valentines. But what to give your beloved to make the gift seem special? We have an answer for you - this is "Sweet Bear"



[rutext] =>

На День Святого Валентина люди по всему миру признаются друг другу в любви, дарят друг другу подарки, валентинки. Но что подарить своей возлюбленной, чтобы подарок казался особенным? У нас есть для Вас ответ - это "Сладкий Мишка". Это коллекция вкусных конфет Kinder Chocolate и Любимов в форме сердца на котором сидит мягкий и милый мишка Teddy. Такой трогательный и приятный подарок поможет Вам выразить свои чувства к любимой и показать как сильно она Вам дорога. Помимо Дня Влюбленных мы рекомендуем дарить его на 8 марта, на День Рождение, на День Ангела.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Сладкий мишка - Состав: Игрушка Мишка Teddy 15 см, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Kinder chocolate 100г, Конфеты Любимов 125 г, Лента на цветы, Сизаль. [ua_product_sostav] => Солодкий ведведик - Склад: Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см, Оазис, Kinder chocolate, Цукерки Любимов 125 г, Стрічка на квіти, Сизаль. [en_product_sostav] => Sweet teddy - Composition: Toy Teddy bear 15 cm, Oasis, Kinder chocolate, Chocolates Lubimov 125 g, Tape for flowers, Sisal. 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[video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9373 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/sladkiy_mishka-9373_a9b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/sladkiy_mishka-9373_a9b_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/sladkiy_mishka-9373_a9b_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9373_second_d3e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9373_second_d3e_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9373_second_d3e_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Sweet teddy [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [3] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1378] => Array ( [id] => 9373 [flower_id] => 1378 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9373 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1294] => Array ( [id] => 9373 [flower_id] => 1294 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 130 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 130 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 130 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [936] => Array ( [id] => 9373 [flower_id] => 936 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9373 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1582] => Array ( [id] => 9373 [flower_id] => 1582 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 955 [price] => 6367 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6367 [price_cur] => 162 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 162 [price_discount] => 6367 [price_discount_cur] => 162 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6367 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 162 [price_member] => 6367 [price_member_cur] => 162 [price_member_qty] => 6367 [price_member_qty_cur] => 162 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (130 * 4) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 9378 [name] => Cake with flower arrangement [ru_name] => Торт с цветочным оформлением [ua_name] => Торт з квітковим оформленням [en_name] => Cake with flower arrangement [title] => Товар «Cake with flower arrangement» [small_image] => /bouquet/tort_s_tsvetochnyim_oformleniem-9378_228_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/tort_s_tsvetochnyim_oformleniem-9378_228_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/tort_s_tsvetochnyim_oformleniem-9378_228_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A cake is always a good gift for any occasion! With such a nice sign of attention, you can easily congratulate a friend, family, relatives or loved ones with a significant date, an important event or just without reason! Flower decoration on the cake will be a nice addition to a tasty gift. Give happiness to those who are dear to you with an exquisite cake with floral decorations! Attention! This product may differ from the image on the website

[rutext] =>

Торт - это всегда хороший подарок к любому поводу! С таким милым знаком внимания Вы можете легко поздравить друга, близких, родственников или любимых со знаменательной датой, важным событием или просто так! Цветочное оформление на торте станет приятным дополнением к вкусному презенту.

Подарите счастье тем, кто Вам дорог с изысканным тортом с цветочным оформлением!

Внимание! Товар может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.


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Состав: Greens, Cake 850 g, Rose spray red, Eustoma white, Hypericum red.Chrysanthemum spray green, [ru_product_sostav] => Торт с цветочным оформлением - Состав: Зелень в букет, Торт 850 г, Роза кустовая красная, Эустома белая, Гиперикум красный.Хризантема кустовая зеленая, [ua_product_sostav] => Торт з квітковим оформленням - Склад: Зелень у букет, Торт 850 г, Троянда кущова червона, Еустома біла, Гіперікум червоний.Хризантема кущова зелена, [en_product_sostav] => Cake with flower arrangement - Composition: Greens, Cake 850 g, Rose spray red , Eustoma white, Hypericum red.Chrysanthemum spray green, [url_link] => tort-s-tsvetochnym-oformleniem [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tort_s_tsvetochnyim_oformleniem-9378_228_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tort_s_tsvetochnyim_oformleniem-9378_228_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tort_s_tsvetochnyim_oformleniem-9378_228_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9378_second_a0b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9378_second_a0b_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9378_third_be5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9378_third_be5_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9378_four_be5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9378_four_be5_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 64 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A cake is always a good gift for any occasion... 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Bouquet of Admiration is a refined and elegant gift that symbolizes tenderness, purity and aesthetic beauty.

This wrapped bouquet of pink roses and white lilies makes the perfect gift for the special person in your life. It will emphasize your tenderness, admiration and care, and will leave unforgettable impressions and pleasant emotions on the person who receives it.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Букет Восхищение— это изысканный и элегантный подарок, который символизирует нежность, чистоту и эстетическую красоту.

Этот букет из розовых роз и белых лилий в упаковке станет прекрасным подарком для особого человека в вашей жизни. Он подчеркнет вашу нежность, восхищение и заботу, и оставит незабываемые впечатления и приятные эмоции у того, кто его получит.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Восхищение - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Лилия белая, Фрезия белая, Зелень в букет, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея). [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Захоплення - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Лілія біла, Фрезія біла, Зелень у букет, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея). [en_product_sostav] => Delight - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Lily white, Freesia white, Greens, Cymbidium white (flower orchid). 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[video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 2760 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/voshischenie-2760_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/voshischenie-2760_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/voshischenie-2760_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2760_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2760_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2760_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2760_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2760_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2760_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2760_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2760_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2760_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Delight [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [name] => Flowers for graduates [link] => [slug] => tsvety-vypusknikam ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [887] => Array ( [id] => 2760 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [863] => Array ( [id] => 2760 [flower_id] => 863 [price] => 105 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 2760 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 2760 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1704] => Array ( [id] => 2760 [flower_id] => 1704 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 930 [price] => 6200 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6200 [price_cur] => 157 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 157 [price_discount] => 6200 [price_discount_cur] => 157 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6200 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 157 [price_member] => 6200 [price_member_cur] => 157 [price_member_qty] => 6200 [price_member_qty_cur] => 157 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 7) *1 + (100 * 1) *1 + (50 * 5) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (55 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 157 [business] => 181 [vip] => 205 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 8319 [name] => Sincerity of love [ru_name] => Искренность любви [ua_name] => Щирість любові [en_name] => Sincerity of love [title] => Купить букет Sincerity of love недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
The bouquet «Sincerity of love» is one of the best ways to represent your sincere feelings. Make a great surprise for your beloved ones with help of this arrangement and you will not regret it. The lush mix and perfect form of the composition will pleasantly surprise even the most demanding recipient.

Birthday, anniversary, name day, wedding or any other official or personal celebration, order the bouquet «Sincerity of love» on our website. Our team will do everything that your loved ones will receive this present exactly on time.

Attention! Bouquet may differ from the represented image on the website.
[rutext] =>
Букет «Искренность любви» - лучший способ выразить те чувства, которые скрыты глубоко в сердце. Сделайте волшебный сюрприз для близких с помощью этого подарка и не пожалеете. Яркое сочетание и безупречная форма композиции приятно удивят даже самого требовательного человека.

Ароматные розы и восхитительные орхидеи наполнят сердца получателей благодарностью за проявленную заботу и внимание. День Рождение, юбилей, торжественное мероприятие или особая дата – наша команда сделает все чтобы угодить и доставить ваш заказ вовремя.

Внимание! Букет может отличатся от представленного на сайте изображения. 
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_s.jpg [large] => iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8319_four_2b9_s.jpg [large] => 8319_four_2b9_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8319_second_12f_s.jpg [large] => 8319_second_12f_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8319_third_909_s.jpg [large] => 8319_third_909_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => iskrennost_lyubvi_s.jpg [large] => iskrennost_lyubvi_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_265_second_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_265_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_265_third_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_265_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_265_four_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_265_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-iskrennost-lyubvi [ru_link] => buket-iskrennost-lyubvi [en_link] => sincerity-of-love [ua_link] => buket-schirist-lyubovi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order the bouquet «Sincerity of love» with delivery to any chosen city of the country and the world. [image_title_en] => Buy the bouquet «Sincerity of love» for your dearest ones. The fastest delivery in Kiev. [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2020-06-16 16:12:56 [height] => 35 [diametre] => 25 [color] => red [p_title] => Order the bouquet «Sincerity of love» for closest one with delivery. [p_description] => The bouquet «Sincerity of love» is a real impression, which you can offer for your beloved ones just like that or on any official occasion. [p_keywords] => flowers shop online, flowers bouquet, flowers shop, flowers buy, gifts flowers, send flowers to, shop flowers, flowers international delivery, flowers [p_h1] => Bouquet «Sincerity of love» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 371 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 8 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 307 [vpl_url] => orhidei [vpl_list_id] => 371 [vpl_name_ru] => Орхидеи {$loc} [vpl_name_ua] => Орхідеї {$loc_ua} [vpl_name_en] => Orchid [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium green (flower orchid) [count] => 5 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум зелений (квітка орхідея) [count] => 5 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12567 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12568 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12569 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12570 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19485 [flower_id] => 1969 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Cymbidium green (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум зеленый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум зелений (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium green (flower orchid) [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 12 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Sincerity of love - Состав: Eustoma white, Rose red, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium green (flower orchid). [ru_product_sostav] => Искренность любви - Состав: Эустома белая, Роза красная, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Цимбидиум зеленый (цветок орхидея). [ua_product_sostav] => Щирість любові - Склад: Еустома біла, Троянда червона, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Цимбідіум зелений (квітка орхідея). [en_product_sostav] => Sincerity of love - Composition: Eustoma white, Rose red, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium green (flower orchid). [url_link] => buket-iskrennost-lyubvi [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8319_second_12f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8319_second_12f_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8319_third_909_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8319_third_909_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8319_four_2b9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8319_four_2b9_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 7 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The bouquet «Sincerity of love» is one of the best ways to represent your sincere feelings... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8319 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/iskrennost_lyubvi-8319_12f_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8319_four_2b9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8319_four_2b9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8319_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8319_second_12f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8319_second_12f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8319_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8319_third_909_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8319_third_909_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8319_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 25 [name] => Exotic bouquets ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Sincerity of love [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [994] => Array ( [id] => 8319 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [882] => Array ( [id] => 8319 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8319 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8319 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1969] => Array ( [id] => 8319 [flower_id] => 1969 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 915 [price] => 6100 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6100 [price_cur] => 155 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 155 [price_discount] => 6100 [price_discount_cur] => 155 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6100 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 155 [price_member] => 6100 [price_member_cur] => 155 [price_member_qty] => 6100 [price_member_qty_cur] => 155 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 3) *1 + (50 * 5) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (65 * 5) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 155 [business] => 178 [vip] => 201 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 9031 [name] => Spring tenderness (wholesale) [ru_name] => Нежность весны (ОПТ) [ua_name] => Ніжність весни (ГУРТ) [en_name] => Spring tenderness (wholesale) [title] => Купить букет Spring tenderness (wholesale) недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The radiance of quivering petals resembles a scattering of pearls. An elegant bouquet of white, cream and pink alstroemerias captivates with its beauty. It is intended for ladies as lovely as these Peruvian lilies.

Want to put a smile on a respected colleague? Give her a bouquet of "Tenderness of Spring"! If you dream of seeing joy in the eyes of the leader, give her a bouquet on her birthday or on March 8th. Alstroemerias radiate tenderness and admiration, gratitude and appreciation, love and kindness.
Give women flowers, let them become a little bit happier!

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from that presented on the site. The vase is not included in the price. The company offers a 20% discount on corporate orders. The conditions of the promotion are valid when ordering from 5 units of goods.

[rutext] =>

Сияние трепетных лепестков напоминает россыпь жемчуга. Изящный букет из белых, кремовых и розовых альстромерий очаровывает красотой. Он предназначен дамам, таким же прелестным, как эти перуанские лилии.

Хотите вызвать улыбку на уважаемой коллеги? Подарите ей букет «Нежность весны»! Мечтаете увидеть радость в глазах руководительницы — вручите ей букет в День рождения или на 8 марта. Альстромерии излучают нежность и восхищение, благодарность и признательность, любовь и добро.
Дарите женщинам цветы, пусть они станут чуть-чуть счастливей!

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте. Ваза в его стоимость не включена. Компания предлагает скидку 20% на корпоративные заказы. Условия акции действуют при заказе от 5 единиц товара.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_s.jpg [large] => nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9031_four_f10_s.jpg [large] => 9031_four_f10_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9031_second_63c_s.jpg [large] => 9031_second_63c_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9031_third_f10_s.jpg [large] => 9031_third_f10_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-nezhnost-vesny [ru_link] => buket-nezhnost-vesny [en_link] => spring-tenderness-wholesale [ua_link] => buket-nezhnost-vesny [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-29 22:49:30 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 30 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 353 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 15 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [count] => 15 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія різнокольорова [count] => 15 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16649 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16650 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16651 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16652 [flower_id] => 809 [ammount] => 15 [name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [ru_name] => Альстромерия разноцветная [ua_name] => Альстромерія різнокольорова [en_name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.72 [product_sostav] => Spring tenderness (wholesale) - Состав: Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens, Tape for flowers, Alstroemeria varicolored. [ru_product_sostav] => Нежность весны (ОПТ) - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Альстромерия разноцветная. [ua_product_sostav] => Ніжність весни (ГУРТ) - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Альстромерія різнокольорова. [en_product_sostav] => Spring tenderness (wholesale) - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens, Tape for flowers, Alstroemeria varicolored. [url_link] => buket-nezhnost-vesny [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9031_second_63c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9031_second_63c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9031_third_f10_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9031_third_f10_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9031_four_f10_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9031_four_f10_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The radiance of quivering petals resembles a scattering of pearls. An elegant bouquet of white, cream and pink alstroemerias captivates with its beauty... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9031 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/nejnost_vesnyi-9031_418_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9031_four_f10_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9031_four_f10_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9031_four_f10_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9031_second_63c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9031_second_63c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9031_second_63c_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9031_third_f10_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9031_third_f10_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9031_third_f10_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/593455_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/593455_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Spring tenderness (wholesale) [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu [name] => Flowers for a boss [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-partneram [name] => Flowers for partners [link] => [slug] => tsvety-partneram ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-korporativnym-klientam [name] => Flowers for corporate clients [link] => [slug] => tsvety-korporativnym-klientam ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9031 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9031 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9031 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [809] => Array ( [id] => 9031 [flower_id] => 809 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 915 [price] => 6100 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6100 [price_cur] => 155 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 155 [price_discount] => 6100 [price_discount_cur] => 155 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6100 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 155 [price_member] => 6100 [price_member_cur] => 155 [price_member_qty] => 6100 [price_member_qty_cur] => 155 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (55 * 15) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 2305 [name] => Afrodith [ru_name] => Афродита 11 коралловых роз [ua_name] => Букет квітів Афродіта [en_name] => Afrodith [title] => Купить букет Afrodith недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>
Note: the picture that is presented is an example. Bouquet will be different from the represented image


With this remarkable bouquet ancient Greek Goddess of beauty and love will help you to conquer the heart of girl who values everything beautiful.Aphrodite enchant, captivate and steal the heart of beauty ... just for you! ...

Size: 60 х 60 сm.

Composition: 11 (12) roses.

The vase is not included to the price. You can order it separately.
[rutext] =>

Смотрите также страницу купить букет {$city}

Пленительный букет для яркой красавицы. В нем собрано 11 коралловых роз с тонким ароматом.

Это — символ женственности и пожелание удачи. Букет хорош для Дня рождения и юбилея, его с удовольствием примут от вас жена и сестренка, мама и тетя. Розы покорят своей яркой красотой строгую начальницу в день 8 Марта. Эти цветы как будто специально созданы для того, чтобы наполнять счастьем женские сердца!

Внимание! Оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте. Ваза в его стоимость не включена.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_s.jpg [large] => afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 2305_four_ef1_s.jpg [large] => 2305_four_ef1_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 2305_second_6f8_s.jpg [large] => 2305_second_6f8_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 2305_third_c4d_s.jpg [large] => 2305_third_c4d_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => Kleo_s.jpg [large] => Kleo_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => Kleo_second_s.jpg [large] => Kleo_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => Kleo_third_s.jpg [large] => Kleo_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => Kleo_four_s.jpg [large] => Kleo_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 48 [link] => buket-afrodita [ru_link] => buket-afrodita [en_link] => afrodith [ua_link] => buket-afrodita [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 21 [product_raiting] => 83 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Afrodith, Coral roses, bouquet of colar roses, bouquet of roses. bouquet for lady, peach bouquet [image_title_en] => The bouquet «Afrodith» is the bouquet of peach roses and greens. [fake_perc_sale] => 1.25 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-07 00:50:09 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => coral [p_title] => The bouque is ready to be delivered in Ukraine! [p_description] => These peach flowers will be perfect gift for the romantic woman! [p_keywords] => Afrodith, Coral roses, bouquet of colar roses, bouquet of roses. bouquet for lady, terracotta bouqu [p_h1] => The bouquet «Afrodith» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 1.05 [main_list_id] => 479 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Coral [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 402 [vpl_url] => korallovye-rozy [vpl_list_id] => 479 [vpl_name_ru] => Коралловые розы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Коралові троянди {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Коралові троянди {$ city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [count] => 11 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Ruskus [count] => 5 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда коралова до 60 см [count] => 11 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Рускус [count] => 5 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 204 [flower_id] => 880 [ammount] => 11 [name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза коралловая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда коралова до 60 см [en_name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 205 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 206 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6610 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 23712 [flower_id] => 1063 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Ruskus [ru_name] => Рускус [ua_name] => Рускус [en_name] => Ruskus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 0.76 [product_sostav] => Afrodith - Состав: Rose coral under 60 cm, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Ruskus. [ru_product_sostav] => Афродита 11 коралловых роз - Состав: Роза коралловая до 60 см, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Рускус. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Афродіта - Склад: Троянда коралова до 60 см, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Рускус. [en_product_sostav] => Afrodith - Composition: Rose coral under 60 cm, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Ruskus. [url_link] => buket-afrodita [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2305_second_6f8_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2305_second_6f8_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2305_third_c4d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2305_third_c4d_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2305_four_ef1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2305_four_ef1_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 313 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 11 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Note: the picture that is presented is an example... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 4 [code] => SP 2305 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/afrodita_11_korallovyih_roz-2305_b6d_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2305_four_ef1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2305_four_ef1_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2305_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2305_second_6f8_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2305_second_6f8_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2305_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2305_third_c4d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2305_third_c4d_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2305_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615424_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615424_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/poltava/614450.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/poltava/614450_full.jpg [city] => poltava [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614211_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614211_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/zaporozhie/598161.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/zaporozhie/598161_full.jpg [city] => zaporozhie [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [4] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/zmiev/571903.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/zmiev/571903_full.jpg [city] => zmiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Afrodith [rate] => 4 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [880] => Array ( [id] => 2305 [flower_id] => 880 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 2305 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 2305 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 2305 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1063] => Array ( [id] => 2305 [flower_id] => 1063 [price] => 18 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 850 [price] => 5950 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5950 [price_cur] => 151 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 151 [price_discount] => 5950 [price_discount_cur] => 151 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5950 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 151 [price_member] => 5950 [price_member_cur] => 151 [price_member_qty] => 5950 [price_member_qty_cur] => 151 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 11) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 5) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 151 [business] => 174 [vip] => 196 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 7775 [name] => Milka-basket [ru_name] => Milka-корзина шоколада [ua_name] => Milka-кошик шоколаду [en_name] => Milka-basket [title] => Товар «Milka-basket» [small_image] => /bouquet/milka_korzina-7775_056_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/milka_korzina-7775_056_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/milka_korzina-7775_056_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The whole basket of tender milk chocolate from our favorite company Milka! This composition will captivate by its lovely appearance, marvelous aroma, and, of course, its magnificent taste of chocolate! The basket is including a large variety of tastes: here we see Milka with hazelnuts, Milka with caramel, Milka with blueberry and cream, and even the white porous chocolate. It is difficult to make mistake with such selection, is not it?

This basket will be the great gift for a birthday or any other occasion. It will please both adult and child. And we guarantee that this present can leave only the most pleasant and sweet memories.

The basket may differ from image at website.

[rutext] =>

Целая корзина нежного молочного шоколада от любимой многими фирмы Milka! Эта композиция очаровывает своим милым внешним видом, божественным ароматом, и, конечно же, вкусом великолепного шоколада! Корзина таит в себе большое разнообразие вкусов: тут и Milka с лесными орехами, и с карамелью, и с черникой и кремом, и даже белый пористый шоколад. С таким выбором сложно прогадать, не правда ли?

Такая корзина может стать отличным подарком на День Рождения или в любой другой день. Она порадует как взрослого человека, так и ребенка, и, без сомнений, оставит после себя только самые приятные и сладкие воспоминания.

Внимание! Внешний вид корзины может не полностью совпадать с изображением на сайте.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => milka_korzina-7775_056_s.jpg [large] => milka_korzina-7775_056_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [second] => Array ( [small] => milka_korzina_second_s.jpg [large] => milka_korzina_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => milka_korzina_third_s.jpg [large] => milka_korzina_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => milka_korzina_four_s.jpg [large] => milka_korzina_four_b.jpg ) [first] => Array ( [small] => milka_korzina_97f_s.jpg [large] => milka_korzina_97f_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => milka-korzina [ru_link] => milka-korzina [en_link] => milka-basket [ua_link] => milka-koshyk [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Milka-basket, Basket of Milka, basket of chocolate, basket of sweets, order gift, gift delivery, swe [image_title_en] => Milka-basket will be the perfect gift for anyone. [fake_perc_sale] => 1.25 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-13 23:13:18 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => purple [p_title] => Order Milka-basket with delivery from UFL! [p_description] => Milka-basket will be the perfect gift for anyone. [p_keywords] => Milka-basket, Basket of Milka, basket of chocolate, basket of sweets, order gift, gift delivery, sweet gift [p_h1] => Milka-basket [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.1 [main_list_id] => 485 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Purple [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 556 [vpl_url] => konfety [vpl_list_id] => 485 [vpl_name_ru] => Конфеты {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Цукерки {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Candies [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Basket S [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Milka Chocolate [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Chocolate Milka 90g [count] => 6 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Milka Milk Chocolate 300g [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Bow [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Кошик S [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Шоколад Мілка батончик [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Шоколад Milka 90г [count] => 6 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Шоколад молочний Milka 300 г [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Бант [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20456 [flower_id] => 2201 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Basket S [ru_name] => Корзина S [ua_name] => Кошик S [en_name] => Basket S [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23204 [flower_id] => 1715 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Milka Chocolate [ru_name] => Шоколад Милка батончик [ua_name] => Шоколад Мілка батончик [en_name] => Milka Chocolate [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23205 [flower_id] => 2020 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Chocolate Milka 90g [ru_name] => Шоколад Milka 90г [ua_name] => Шоколад Milka 90г [en_name] => Chocolate Milka 90g [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 23207 [flower_id] => 1677 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Milka Milk Chocolate 300g [ru_name] => Шоколад молочный Milka 300 г [ua_name] => Шоколад молочний Milka 300 г [en_name] => Milka Milk Chocolate 300g [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 23208 [flower_id] => 1152 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Bow [ru_name] => Бант [ua_name] => Бант [en_name] => Bow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.56 [product_sostav] => Milka-basket - Состав: Basket S, Milka Chocolate, Chocolate Milka 90g, Milka Milk Chocolate 300g, Bow. [ru_product_sostav] => Milka-корзина шоколада - Состав: Корзина S, Шоколад Милка батончик, Шоколад Milka 90г, Шоколад молочный Milka 300 г, Бант. [ua_product_sostav] => Milka-кошик шоколаду - Склад: Кошик S, Шоколад Мілка батончик , Шоколад Milka 90г, Шоколад молочний Milka 300 г, Бант. [en_product_sostav] => Milka-basket - Composition: Basket S, Milka Chocolate , Chocolate Milka 90g, Milka Milk Chocolate 300g, Bow. [url_link] => milka-korzina [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/milka_korzina-7775_056_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/milka_korzina-7775_056_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/milka_korzina-7775_056_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 207 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The whole basket of tender milk chocolate from our favorite company Milka... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7775 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/milka_korzina-7775_056_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/milka_korzina-7775_056_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/milka_korzina-7775_056_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615414_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615414_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/592387_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/592387_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Milka-basket [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [5] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [6] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2201] => Array ( [id] => 7775 [flower_id] => 2201 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1715] => Array ( [id] => 7775 [flower_id] => 1715 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [2020] => Array ( [id] => 7775 [flower_id] => 2020 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [1677] => Array ( [id] => 7775 [flower_id] => 1677 [price] => 170 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 125 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 125 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 125 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1152] => Array ( [id] => 7775 [flower_id] => 1152 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2438] => Array ( [id] => 7775 [flower_id] => 2438 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 800 [price] => 5867 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5867 [price_cur] => 149 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 149 [price_discount] => 5867 [price_discount_cur] => 149 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5867 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 149 [price_member] => 5867 [price_member_cur] => 149 [price_member_qty] => 5867 [price_member_qty_cur] => 149 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (150 * 1) *1 + (35 * 5) *1 + (50 * 6) *1 + (125 * 1) *1 + (25 * 1) *1 + (25 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [20] => Array ( [id] => 8270 [name] => Juicy basket [ru_name] => Корзина фруктов [ua_name] => Кошик фруктів [en_name] => Juicy basket [title] => Товар «Juicy basket» [small_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_3-8270_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_3-8270_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_3-8270_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
Fruits are a wonderful present for those whom you dream to represent your care and make a pleasant surprise. Such delicious, it would seem, minor presents can make even the most usual day of your close person become one of the most unforgettable moments in life.

So bring a lot of positive and joy for your dear parents, grandmothers, grandfathers or beloved ones, ordering for them a basket of oranges and grapes with delivery to home or to the office. Believe, they will remember this gesture of attention for a very long time.

Attention! The product may differ from the represented image on website.
[rutext] =>

Фрукты – это замечательный подарок для тех, кому Вы желаете показать свою заботу или просто сделать приятный сюрприз. Такие вкусные и, казалось бы, незначительные презенты могут сделать самый обычный день близкого человека одним из незабываемых моментов жизни!

Поэтому приносите море позитива и радости дорогим родителям, бабушкам, дедушкам или возлюбленным, заказывая для них корзинку апельсинов и винограда с доставкой на дом или рабочее место. Поверьте, они будут помнить такой жест внимания еще очень долгое время. 

Внимание! Товар может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novaya_korzina_3-8270_s.jpg [large] => novaya_korzina_3-8270_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novaya_korzina_3_s.jpg [large] => novaya_korzina_3_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => korzina-fruktov [ru_link] => korzina-fruktov [en_link] => juicy-basket [ua_link] => koshyk-fruktiv [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-12-28 16:50:50 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 19 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 157 [vpl_url] => podarki [vpl_list_id] => 19 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки [vpl_name_en] => Presents [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 25 [rating_value] => 4.6 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Oranges, 1 kg [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Grape 0,5 kg [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Апельсини, 1 кг [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Виноград 0,5 кг [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 23494 [flower_id] => 1425 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Oranges, 1 kg [ru_name] => Апельсины, 1 кг [ua_name] => Апельсини, 1 кг [en_name] => Oranges, 1 kg [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23495 [flower_id] => 1492 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Grape 0,5 kg [ru_name] => Виноград 0,5 кг [ua_name] => Виноград 0,5 кг [en_name] => Grape 0,5 kg [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23496 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.2 [product_sostav] => Juicy basket - Состав: Oranges, 1 kg, Grape 0,5 kg, Box M. [ru_product_sostav] => Корзина фруктов - Состав: Апельсины, 1 кг, Виноград 0,5 кг, Корзина M. [ua_product_sostav] => Кошик фруктів - Склад: Апельсини, 1 кг, Виноград 0,5 кг, Кошик M. [en_product_sostav] => Juicy basket - Composition: Oranges, 1 kg, Grape 0,5 kg, Box M. [url_link] => korzina-fruktov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novaya_korzina_3-8270_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_3-8270_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_3-8270_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 27 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Fruits are a wonderful present for those whom you dream to represent your care and make a pleasant surprise... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8270 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_3-8270_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_3-8270_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_3-8270_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/604977.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/604977_full.jpg [city] => kremenchyg [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Juicy basket [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => korziny-fruktov [name] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [link] => [slug] => korziny-fruktov ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1425] => Array ( [id] => 8270 [flower_id] => 1425 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1492] => Array ( [id] => 8270 [flower_id] => 1492 [price] => 125 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 125 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 125 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 125 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 8270 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 700 [price] => 5600 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5600 [price_cur] => 142 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 142 [price_discount] => 5600 [price_discount_cur] => 142 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5600 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 142 [price_member] => 5600 [price_member_cur] => 142 [price_member_qty] => 5600 [price_member_qty_cur] => 142 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 8 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 2) *1 + (125 * 2) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [name] => Sweet present [ru_name] => Сладкий подарунок [ua_name] => Солодкий подарунок [en_name] => Sweet present [title] => Товар «Sweet present» [small_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

"Sweet February" is a beautiful floral arrangement of Ferrero Rocher sweets, spray roses and eustoma. This is the perfect Valentine's Day gift for your sweetheart. The red rose symbolizes pure and sincere love, and the British even call eustoma a “symbol of love.” A wonderful complement to these flowers will be the legendary candies with a delicate chocolate filling, which will make the gift not only pleasant, but also delicious.

[rutext] =>

"Сладкий февраль" - прекрасная цветочная композиция из конфет Ferrero Rocher, кустовой розы и эустомы. Это идеальный подарок на День Святого Валентина своей возлюбленной. Красная роза символизирует чистую и искреннюю любовь, а эустому англичане и вовсе называют "символом любви". Прекрасным дополнением этим цветам будут легендарные конфеты с нежной шоколадной начинкой, что сделает подарок не только приятным, но и вкусным.

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Состав: Candies Chocolates Ferrero Rocher 200 g, Rose spray red, Eustoma white, Freesia white, Greens, Decorative heart, Oasis, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Сладкий подарунок - Состав: Конфеты Ferrero Rocher 200 г, Роза кустовая красная, Эустома белая, Фрезия белая, Зелень в букет, Декоративное сердечко, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Солодкий подарунок - Склад: Цукерки Ferrero Rocher 200 г, Троянда кущова червона, Еустома біла, Фрезія біла, Зелень у букет, Декоративне сердечко , Оазис, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Sweet present - Composition: Candies Chocolates Ferrero Rocher 200 g, Rose spray red , Eustoma white, Freesia white, Greens, Decorative heart, Oasis, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => sladkiy-fevral [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9376_second_d49_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9376_second_d49_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9376_third_0a1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9376_third_0a1_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9376_four_51e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9376_four_51e_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 26 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => "Sweet February" is a beautiful floral arrangement of Ferrero Rocher sweets, spray roses and eustoma. This is the perfect Valentine's Day gift for your sweetheart... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9376 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/sladkiy_fevral-9376_887_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9376_four_51e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9376_four_51e_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9376_four_51e_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9376_second_d49_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9376_second_d49_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9376_second_d49_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9376_third_0a1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9376_third_0a1_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9376_third_0a1_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/606263.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/606263_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Sweet present [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [3] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [943] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 943 [price] => 259 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1156] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 1156 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2685] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 2685 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 830 [price] => 5533 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5533 [price_cur] => 141 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 141 [price_discount] => 5533 [price_discount_cur] => 141 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5533 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 141 [price_member] => 5533 [price_member_cur] => 141 [price_member_qty] => 5533 [price_member_qty_cur] => 141 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (350 * 1) *1 + (70 * 2) *1 + (100 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (30 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [22] => Array ( [id] => 4334 [name] => 13 Pink roses [ru_name] => 13 розовых роз [ua_name] => 13 рожевих троянд [en_name] => 13 Pink roses [title] => Купить букет 13 Pink roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/4334_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/4334_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/4334_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

Pink Flamingo

Amazing bouquet from 13 roses laid out by a cascade, as though handings down to the heart.

Composition: 13 (14) roses.

Size: 60 х 40 сm.
Attention: The bouquet may differ from the image on website. Value of the vase is not included into a price of the bouquet.

[rutext] =>

Представляем хит: розовый каскад, покоряющий сердца. Изумительно нежный оттенок роз, составляющих композицию, навевает мысли о теплых рассветах, романтических закатах и стаях птиц.

Розы такого цвета – символ любви и нежности. Букет, покоряющий женские сердца. С его помощью можно сказать «люблю» и попросить прощения, поздравить с рождением малыша и успешной сдачей экзамена. Он может стать проявлением благодарности любимой маме или учительнице.

Только первосортные цветы используются нашими флористами. Закажите букет в подарок любимым женщинам, и его свежесть и тонкий аромат будут радовать их долгое время. Дарите любовь и внимание вместе с нами!

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Ваза в его стоимость не включена, ее Вы можете заказать отдельно.

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[ru_product_sostav] => 13 розовых роз - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Упаковать букет цветов, Рускус. [ua_product_sostav] => 13 рожевих троянд - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Упаковка на букет квітів, Рускус. [en_product_sostav] => 13 Pink roses - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Ruskus. [url_link] => rozovy-flamingo [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/4334_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4334_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4334_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4334_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4334_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4334_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4334_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4334_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4334_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 31 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Pink FlamingoAmazing bouquet from 13 roses laid out by a cascade, as though handings down to the heart.Composition: 13 (14) roses.Size: 60 х 40 сm... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 4334 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4334_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4334_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4334_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4334_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4334_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4334_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4334_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4334_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4334_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4334_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4334_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4334_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kherson/569061_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kherson/569061_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kherson [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 13 Pink roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [887] => Array ( [id] => 4334 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 4334 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1063] => Array ( [id] => 4334 [flower_id] => 1063 [price] => 18 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 900 [price] => 5400 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5400 [price_cur] => 137 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 137 [price_discount] => 5400 [price_discount_cur] => 137 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5400 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 137 [price_member] => 5400 [price_member_cur] => 137 [price_member_qty] => 5400 [price_member_qty_cur] => 137 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 13) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 5) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 137 [business] => 158 [vip] => 178 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [23] => Array ( [id] => 5081 [name] => Thumbelina [ru_name] => Букет цветов Снежное безе [ua_name] => Букет квітів Дюймовочка [en_name] => Thumbelina [title] => Купить букет Thumbelina недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/5081_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/5081_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/5081_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

A small elegant basket of white flowers for a little girl. Simply choose a gift for flower girls, women, children also have a sense of beauty. This basket of chrysanthemums chamomile in a child's curiosity and enthusiasm will.

Ingredients : white chrysanthemum daisy - 3 pcs., baby's breath - 1 branch, bucket, greenery. Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image.

[rutext] =>

Легкая, как утренний туман, композиция из белых цветов в корзиночке. В ней собраны белые ромашковые хризантемы и хрупкие веточки гипсофилы, окутавшие цветы полупрозрачной дымкой.

Прелестный подарок для девочки и юной девушки на День рождения или День Ангела. Его можно заказать возлюбленной, чтобы пожелать ей доброго утра. Кстати, и в корпоративных поздравительных традициях ему найдется достойное место. Такие цветочные подарки можно заказать для сотрудниц к 8 Марта. Они будут искренне тронуты нежностью и изяществом этих прелестных цветов.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 5081_s.jpg [large] => 5081_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 5081_four_s.jpg [large] => 5081_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 5081_second_s.jpg [large] => 5081_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 5081_third_s.jpg [large] => 5081_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => Snezhok_s.jpg [large] => Snezhok_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => Snezhok_second_s.jpg [large] => Snezhok_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => Snezhok_third_s.jpg [large] => Snezhok_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => Snezhok_four_s.jpg [large] => Snezhok_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 317 [link] => buket-snejnoe-beze [ru_link] => buket-snejnoe-beze [en_link] => thumbelina [ua_link] => buket-dyuymovochka-5081 [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 51 [product_raiting] => 247 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-06-29 14:11:20 [height] => 30 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 60 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 4 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 317 [vpl_url] => cvety-chrysanthemum [vpl_list_id] => 60 [vpl_name_ru] => Хризантема {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Хризантема {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Сhrysanthemum {$city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 18 [rating_value] => 4.61 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Сhrysanthemum stalion white [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Gypsophila white [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Butterflies decorative [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема сталліон біла [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гіпсофіла біла [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Метелики декоративні [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова біла [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [flower_id] => 991 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Сhrysanthemum stalion white [ru_name] => Хризантема сталлион белая [ua_name] => Хризантема сталліон біла [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum stalion white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 38 [flower_id] => 913 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gypsophila white [ru_name] => Гипсофила белая [ua_name] => Гіпсофіла біла [en_name] => Gypsophila white [group] => 20 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 42 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 2763 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6490 [flower_id] => 1151 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Butterflies decorative [ru_name] => Бабочки декоративные [ua_name] => Метелики декоративні [en_name] => Butterflies decorative [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 6491 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 22047 [flower_id] => 1463 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая белая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова біла [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.32 [product_sostav] => Thumbelina - Состав: Сhrysanthemum stalion white, Gypsophila white, Greens, Box M, Butterflies decorative, Oasis, Chrysanthemum spray white. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Снежное безе - Состав: Хризантема сталлион белая, Гипсофила белая, Зелень в букет, Корзина M, Бабочки декоративные, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Хризантема кустовая белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Дюймовочка - Склад: Хризантема сталліон біла, Гіпсофіла біла, Зелень у букет, Кошик M, Метелики декоративні, Оазис, Хризантема кущова біла. [en_product_sostav] => Thumbelina - Composition: Сhrysanthemum stalion white, Gypsophila white, Greens, Box M, Butterflies decorative , Oasis, Chrysanthemum spray white. [url_link] => buket-snejnoe-beze [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/5081_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5081_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5081_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5081_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5081_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5081_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5081_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5081_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5081_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 59 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A small elegant basket of white flowers for a little girl. Simply choose a gift for flower girls, women, children also have a sense of beauty... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 5081 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5081_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5081_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5081_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5081_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5081_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5081_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5081_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5081_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5081_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5081_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5081_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5081_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595251_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595251_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Thumbelina [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [991] => Array ( [id] => 5081 [flower_id] => 991 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [913] => Array ( [id] => 5081 [flower_id] => 913 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 5081 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 5081 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1151] => Array ( [id] => 5081 [flower_id] => 1151 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 5081 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1463] => Array ( [id] => 5081 [flower_id] => 1463 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 790 [price] => 5267 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5267 [price_cur] => 134 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 134 [price_discount] => 5267 [price_discount_cur] => 134 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5267 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 134 [price_member] => 5267 [price_member_cur] => 134 [price_member_qty] => 5267 [price_member_qty_cur] => 134 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (65 * 1) *1 + (100 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (65 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 134 [business] => 154 [vip] => 174 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [24] => Array ( [id] => 9294 [name] => 15 roses [ru_name] => Букет цветов 15 роз [ua_name] => Букет квітів 15 троянд [en_name] => 15 roses [title] => Купить букет 15 roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/15_roz-9294_f3b_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/15_roz-9294_f3b_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/15_roz-9294_f3b_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A bouquet of "15 roses" is a great affordable option to impress your loved one or loved ones. It is a perfect size: neither big nor small, that is, it will look great in the hands of the one who is being congratulated. In our online flower shop UFL, in addition to flowers and bouquets of flowers, you will find a wide selection of gifts that will surely please even the most demanding loved ones. Hurry up to buy 15 roses with round-the-clock delivery, and the manager will immediately contact you to discuss the details of the order, and we, in turn, guarantee high-quality and timely delivery to the specified place and time. A bouquet of 15 red roses is the perfect birthday present for a round date.

And also order bouquets of 15 white roses, 21 red, and 25 red roses.

[rutext] =>

Букет "15 роз" - это отличный доступный вариант проявить впечатление на Вашу любимую или близких. Он идеального размера: и не большой и не маленький, тоесть отлично будет смотреться в руках того кого поздравляют. В нашем интернет магазине цветов UFL помимо цветов и букетов из цветов Вы найдете широкий выбор  подарков, которые обязательно порадуют даже самых требовательных близких. Поспешите купить 15 роз с круглосуточной доставкой, и менеджер моментально свяжется с Вами для обсуждения деталей заказа, а мы в свою очередь гарантируем качественную и своевременную доставку в указанное место и время. Букет из 15 красных роз - это идеальный подарок на День Рождения к круглой дате. А также заказывайте букеты из 15 белых роз {$city}, 21 красной розы {$city} и 25 красных роз {$city} 

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов 15 роз - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів 15 троянд - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => 15 roses - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => buket-15-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/15_roz-9294_f3b_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/15_roz-9294_f3b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/15_roz-9294_f3b_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9294_third_371_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9294_third_371_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9294_second_1f9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9294_second_1f9_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9294_four_d4e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9294_four_d4e_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 613 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 9 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A bouquet of "15 roses" is a great affordable option to impress your loved one or loved ones... 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[link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [3] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9294 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9294 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 9294 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 790 [price] => 5267 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5267 [price_cur] => 134 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 134 [price_discount] => 5267 [price_discount_cur] => 134 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5267 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 134 [price_member] => 5267 [price_member_cur] => 134 [price_member_qty] => 5267 [price_member_qty_cur] => 134 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 15) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 134 [business] => 154 [vip] => 174 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [25] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [name] => Wonderful moment [ru_name] => Букет цветов Чудесный момент [ua_name] => Букет квітів Чудовий момент [en_name] => Wonderful moment [title] => Товар «Wonderful moment» [small_image] => /bouquet/chudesnyiy_moment-9377_c63_s.jpg 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"Wonderful Moment" is the perfect surprise for your beloved on Valentine's Day. It combines flowers symbolizing love - spray rose, chrysanthemum and flowers symbolizing gratitude and recognition - hypericum and oasis. Raffaello sweets with a pleasant and delicate filling will be a great addition. Your gift will be pleasant and tasty at the same time, which will make the most romantic day of the year wonderful and unforgettable!

[rutext] =>

"Чудесный момент" - идеальный сюрприз для возлюбленной на День Святого Валентина. Он сочетает в себе цветы символизирующие любовь - кустовую розу, хризантему и цветы символизирующие благодарность и признание — гиперикум и оазис. Прекрасным дополнением будут конфеты Raffaello с приятной и нежной начинкой. Ваш подарок будет приятным и одновременно вкусным, что сделает самый романтический день в году прекрасным и незабываемым!

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Чудесный момент - Состав: Роза кустовая красная, Хризантема сталлион белая, Гиперикум зелёный, Зелень в букет, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Конфеты Raffaello 150 г, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Чудовий момент - Склад: Троянда кущова червона, Хризантема сталліон біла, Гіперікум зелений, Зелень у букет, Оазис, Цукерки Raffaello 150 г, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Wonderful moment - Composition: Rose spray red , Сhrysanthemum stalion white, Hypericum green, Greens, Oasis, Candies Raffaello 150 g, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => chudesniy-moment [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/chudesnyiy_moment-9377_c63_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/chudesnyiy_moment-9377_c63_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/chudesnyiy_moment-9377_c63_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9377_second_a24_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9377_second_a24_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9377_third_e7a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9377_third_e7a_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9377_four_02d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9377_four_02d_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 19 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => "Wonderful Moment" is the perfect surprise for your beloved on Valentine's Day... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9377 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/chudesnyiy_moment-9377_c63_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/chudesnyiy_moment-9377_c63_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/chudesnyiy_moment-9377_c63_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9377_four_02d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9377_four_02d_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9377_four_02d_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9377_second_a24_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9377_second_a24_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9377_second_a24_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9377_third_e7a_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9377_third_e7a_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9377_third_e7a_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Wonderful moment [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [3] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [896] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [991] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 991 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [977] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 977 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [947] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 947 [price] => 139 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2685] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 2685 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 640 [price] => 5120 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5120 [price_cur] => 130 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 130 [price_discount] => 5120 [price_discount_cur] => 130 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5120 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 130 [price_member] => 5120 [price_member_cur] => 130 [price_member_qty] => 5120 [price_member_qty_cur] => 130 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 8 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (70 * 2) *1 + (65 * 1) *1 + (75 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [26] => Array ( [id] => 8157 [name] => Tender sapphire [ru_name] => Букет 11 кустовых роз [ua_name] => Букет 11 кущових троянд [en_name] => Tender sapphire [title] => Купить букет Tender sapphire недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Have you had feelings for a girl for a long time, and do you want to confess this to her in an original way? Order a bouquet of "Tenderness of Sapphire" with delivery to the recipient's home or workplace! Prepare some nice words expressing your sincere intentions. Believe me, such a sensual and beautiful gift will not go unnoticed by the girl, you'll see!

Refined roses of various shades, carefully wrapped in beautiful kraft paper, give the flowers sophistication and comfort. You can give a beautiful bouquet on the occasion of your wife's birthday, the name day of your girlfriend, or your daughter's prom. Just order "Sapphire Tenderness", complete the flowers with the main gift, and our couriers will deliver it on time.

Species feature: the outer petals of roses may differ from others - this is the so-called “shirt” that protects the bud from external damage. Often florists deliberately leave these petals on the buds so that the roses retain their freshness longer. You can easily remove it at will.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image represented on the site.

[rutext] =>

Уже давно испытываете чувства к девушке, и желаете ей признаться в этом оригинально? Закажите букет «Нежность сапфира» с доставкой на дом или рабочее место получательницы! Подготовьте несколько приятных слов, выражающие Ваши искренние намерения. Поверьте, такой чувственный и красивый подарок не останется без внимания девушки, вот увидите!

Утонченные розы различных оттенков, бережно укутаны в красивую крафт-бумагу, которая придает цветам изысканность и уют. Вы можете вручить красивый букет в {$city_where} по случаю Дня Рождения супруги, именин любимой девушки или выпускного вечера дочурки. Просто закажите «11 кущових троянд», дополните цветы основным подарком, ну а наши курьеры доставят его вовремя. 

Особенности сорта кустовой розы Бомбастик: наружные лепестки роз могут отличаться от других – это так называемая "рубашка", защищающая бутон от внешних повреждений. Часто флористы специально оставляют эти лепестки на бутонах, чтоб розы дольше сохраняли свежесть. Вы легко можете удалить их по собственному желанию.

Внимание: букет, а также цвет и сорт роз может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет 11 кустовых роз - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза кустовая красная, Розы кустовые розовые, Роза кустовая кремовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет 11 кущових троянд - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда кущова червона, Троянди кущові рожеві, Троянда кущова кремова. [en_product_sostav] => Tender sapphire - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Rose spray red , Roses spray pink , Rose spray cream. [url_link] => buket-nejnost-sapphira [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1010 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 6 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Have you had feelings for a girl for a long time, and do you want to confess this to her in an original way... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8157 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/11_kustovyih_roz-8157_a87_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615701_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615701_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/613138_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/613138_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/613138_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/613138_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608156_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608156_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [4] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608208_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608208_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [5] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/607910_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/607910_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [6] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/607686_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/607686_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [7] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/603971_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/603971_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [8] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/597892_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/597892_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [9] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/594578_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/594578_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Tender sapphire [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => kustovie-rozy [name] => Spray roses {$city} [link] => [slug] => kustovie-rozy ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8157 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8157 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 8157 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 8157 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 8157 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 730 [price] => 5110 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5110 [price_cur] => 130 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 130 [price_discount] => 5110 [price_discount_cur] => 130 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5110 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 130 [price_member] => 5110 [price_member_cur] => 130 [price_member_qty] => 5110 [price_member_qty_cur] => 130 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (70 * 3) *1 + (60 * 4) *1 + (60 * 4) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 130 [business] => 149 [vip] => 169 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [27] => Array ( [id] => 6190 [name] => Nice surprise [ru_name] => Букет цветов Милый сюрприз [ua_name] => Букет квітів Милий сюрприз [en_name] => Nice surprise [title] => Купить букет Nice surprise недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/6190_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/6190_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/6190_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
We offer you an original gift – a delicate-looking flower decoration on a box of "Raffaello" chocolates. Sweets and flowers are the best gifts for a girl!

Choose this candy-flower duet for your beloved girl to wish her good morning. Send it to your sister or friend for their birthdays. You can present such gifts to your coworkers to celebrate a corporate holiday or March 8. They will be delighted by your attention and beauty of the flowers!
Attention: the bouquet may differ from the photo.
[rutext] =>
Предлагаем вашему вниманию оригинальный подарок - нежное цветочное оформление на коробке конфет "Раффаелло". Сладости и цветы — лучший презент для девушки!

Пестрые ароматные головки и бутончики светятся нежностью и заботой. Выберите этот конфетно-цветочный дует для своей любимой, чтобы пожелать ей доброго утра. Отправьте его сестре и подруге в День рождения. Вручить такие подарки можно сотрудницам в честь корпоративного праздника или 8 Марта. Они будут в восхищении от вашего внимания и красоты цветов!

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 6190_s.jpg [large] => 6190_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6190_four_s.jpg [large] => 6190_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6190_second_s.jpg [large] => 6190_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6190_third_s.jpg [large] => 6190_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => malenkiy_podarok_fd2_s.jpg [large] => malenkiy_podarok_fd2_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => Malenkiy_podarok_second_s.jpg [large] => Malenkiy_podarok_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => Malenkiy_podarok_third_s.jpg [large] => Malenkiy_podarok_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => Malenkiy_podarok_four_s.jpg [large] => Malenkiy_podarok_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => milyy-syurpriz [ru_link] => milyy-syurpriz [en_link] => nice-surprise [ua_link] => mily-surpryz [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-07-01 15:10:30 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 19 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 5 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 157 [vpl_url] => podarki [vpl_list_id] => 19 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки [vpl_name_en] => Presents [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 25 [rating_value] => 4.6 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Candies Raffaello 150 g [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Statice violet [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Rose shrub yellow [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Raffaello 150 г [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Статиця фіолетова [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова жовта [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5320 [flower_id] => 947 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Candies Raffaello 150 g [ru_name] => Конфеты Raffaello 150 г [ua_name] => Цукерки Raffaello 150 г [en_name] => Candies Raffaello 150 g [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 21587 [flower_id] => 927 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Statice violet [ru_name] => Статица фиолетовая [ua_name] => Статиця фіолетова [en_name] => Statice violet [group] => 16 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 21588 [flower_id] => 894 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose shrub yellow [ru_name] => Роза кустовая жёлтая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова жовта [en_name] => Rose shrub yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 21589 [flower_id] => 1552 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая зеленая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 21590 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 23881 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 0.36 [product_sostav] => Nice surprise - Состав: Candies Raffaello 150 g, Statice violet, Rose shrub yellow, Chrysanthemum spray green, Eustoma white, Greens, [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Милый сюрприз - Состав: Конфеты Raffaello 150 г, Статица фиолетовая, Роза кустовая жёлтая, Хризантема кустовая зеленая, Эустома белая, Зелень в букет, [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Милий сюрприз - Склад: Цукерки Raffaello 150 г, Статиця фіолетова, Троянда кущова жовта, Хризантема кущова зелена, Еустома біла, Зелень у букет, [en_product_sostav] => Nice surprise - Composition: Candies Raffaello 150 g, Statice violet, Rose shrub yellow, Chrysanthemum spray green, Eustoma white, Greens, [url_link] => milyy-syurpriz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/6190_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6190_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6190_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6190_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6190_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6190_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6190_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6190_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6190_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 33 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => We offer you an original gift – a delicate-looking flower decoration on a box of "Raffaello" chocolates. Sweets and flowers are the best gifts for a girl... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6190 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6190_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6190_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6190_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6190_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6190_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6190_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6190_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6190_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6190_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6190_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6190_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6190_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Nice surprise [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [947] => Array ( [id] => 6190 [flower_id] => 947 [price] => 139 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [927] => Array ( [id] => 6190 [flower_id] => 927 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 39 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 39 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 39 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [894] => Array ( [id] => 6190 [flower_id] => 894 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1552] => Array ( [id] => 6190 [flower_id] => 1552 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 6190 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2685] => Array ( [id] => 6190 [flower_id] => 2685 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 6190 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 743 [price] => 4953 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4953 [price_cur] => 126 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 126 [price_discount] => 4953 [price_discount_cur] => 126 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4953 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 126 [price_member] => 4953 [price_member_cur] => 126 [price_member_qty] => 4953 [price_member_qty_cur] => 126 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (200 * 1) *1 + (39 * 2) *1 + (70 * 2) *1 + (65 * 2) *1 + (100 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 126 [business] => 145 [vip] => 164 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [28] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [name] => Bouquet 11 red roses [ru_name] => Букет 11 красных роз [ua_name] => Букет 11 червоних троянд [en_name] => Bouquet 11 red roses [title] => Купить букет Bouquet 11 red roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

If you’re choosing this bouquet — it means that your woman adores red roses. You’re not mistaken! A real beauty of red roses is impossible to notice. Besides flowers, this bouquet is decorated by elements of greens, stylish packing and a tape. It’s a great gift for your girlfriend, wife, sister, mother, daughter or colleague.

Bouquet «11 roses» — is a bright gift which will like everyone. It’s a great way to show your care and love. If you need a bigger bouquet, change it on business or VIP. We guarantee not only a higher quality of flowers, but also fast delivery in time. Also don’t forget making happy your women not only in a festive day, but also without any case.
Attention! Bouquet may differ from images presented on our site.

[rutext] =>

Букет-каскад из алых роз – это классика цветочных композиций и в то же время оригинальный вариант для выражения своих чувств. Словно 11 стрел Амура, королевы цветов расскажут всё без лишних слов и помогут проявить Вашу заботу и любовь.

Букет «11 красных роз» – страстное признание на свидании, романтическом ужине, годовщине и уместный презент на День рождения или юбилей. Подарите его своей жене в знак примирения или оставьте на постели любимой девушки с запиской «Прости» – и Ваши старания будут оценены по достоинству! Делайте яркие подарки и дарите только самые лучшие мгновения своим близким и любимым!

 А также смотрите и другие варианты букетов из 11 и 15 белых и красных роз 11 красных роз {$city}, 11 белых роз {$city}, 15 красных роз {$city}, 15 белых роз {$city}
Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

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[p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «11 roses» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 594 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 744 [vpl_url] => 11-roz [vpl_list_id] => 594 [vpl_name_ru] => 11 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 11 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 11 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 11 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 11 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5695 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5696 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6574 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20551 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 11 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Bouquet 11 red roses - Состав: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет 11 красных роз - Состав: Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет 11 червоних троянд - Склад: Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet 11 red roses - Composition: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => buket-11-krasnih-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6888_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6888_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6888_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6888_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6888_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6888_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 41 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => If you’re choosing this bouquet — it means that your woman adores red roses. You’re not mistaken. A real beauty of red roses is impossible to notice... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6888 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6888_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6888_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6888_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6888_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6888_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6888_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6888_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6888_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6888_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet 11 red roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1031] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 740 [price] => 4933 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4933 [price_cur] => 125 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 125 [price_discount] => 4933 [price_discount_cur] => 125 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4933 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 125 [price_member] => 4933 [price_member_cur] => 125 [price_member_qty] => 4933 [price_member_qty_cur] => 125 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 11) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 125 [business] => 144 [vip] => 163 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [29] => Array ( [id] => 2800 [name] => Classic compliment [ru_name] => Классический комплимент 11 роз [ua_name] => Букет квітів Класичний комплімент [en_name] => Classic compliment [title] => Купить букет Classic compliment недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>
Note: the picture that is presented is an example. Bouquet will be different from the represented image


A bouquet of red roses will suit absolutely for any event: from greeting with addition of the family, to love expression.

Composition: 11 red roses, eucalyptus.
Size: 50 х 60 cm.
[rutext] =>

В искусстве составления букетов есть свой романтизм и своя классика. Красная роза – королева классического стиля и фаворитка любого торжества. Высокие и стройные, как манекенщицы, цветы поражают своим великолепием. Их броская красота лишена излишеств – только алый бархат бутонов и зеленый шелк листвы.

Букет из одиннадцати красных роз уместен на любом празднике, будь то долгожданное повышение по службе, юбилей старинной приятельницы, рождение ребенка или возвращение любимого человека домой после разлуки. Свежие, полные жизнеутверждающей энергии, цветы станут отличным комплиментом адресату любого пола!

Внимание: Оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте. Ваза в его стоимость не включена.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_s.jpg [large] => klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 2800_four_s.jpg [large] => 2800_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 2800_second_s.jpg [large] => 2800_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 2800_third_s.jpg [large] => 2800_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => klassicheskiy_kompliment_52a_s.jpg [large] => klassicheskiy_kompliment_52a_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => Klassicheskiy_kompliment_second_s.jpg [large] => Klassicheskiy_kompliment_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => Klassicheskiy_kompliment_third_s.jpg [large] => Klassicheskiy_kompliment_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => Klassicheskiy_kompliment_four_s.jpg [large] => Klassicheskiy_kompliment_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 125 [link] => buket-klassicheskiy-kompliment [ru_link] => buket-klassicheskiy-kompliment [en_link] => classic-compliment [ua_link] => buket-klasichniy-kompliment [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 13 [product_raiting] => 65 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-07-06 14:12:17 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 594 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 744 [vpl_url] => 11-roz [vpl_list_id] => 594 [vpl_name_ru] => 11 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 11 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 11 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 11 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 11 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 259 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 260 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6630 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 23246 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 11 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Classic compliment - Состав: Eucalyptus, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Классический комплимент 11 роз - Состав: Эвкалипт, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Класичний комплімент - Склад: Евкаліпт, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Classic compliment - Composition: Eucalyptus, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => buket-klassicheskiy-kompliment [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2800_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2800_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2800_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2800_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2800_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2800_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 70 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Note: the picture that is presented is an example... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 2800 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/klassicheskiy_kompliment-2800_a46_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2800_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2800_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2800_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2800_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2800_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2800_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2800_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2800_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2800_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Classic compliment [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1027] => Array ( [id] => 2800 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 2800 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 2800 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 2800 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 740 [price] => 4933 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4933 [price_cur] => 125 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 125 [price_discount] => 4933 [price_discount_cur] => 125 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4933 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 125 [price_member] => 4933 [price_member_cur] => 125 [price_member_qty] => 4933 [price_member_qty_cur] => 125 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 11) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 125 [business] => 144 [vip] => 163 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [30] => Array ( [id] => 2357 [name] => White night [ru_name] => Букет из белых роз - Белая ночь [ua_name] => Біла ніч [en_name] => White night [title] => Купить букет White night недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belaya_noch-2357_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belaya_noch-2357_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belaya_noch-2357_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

Amazing bouquet from 13 large white roses, laid out a cascade, as though handings down to the heart.Avalanche white night will wrap your head in delight, and bestow happiness.

Composition: 13 (12) roses.

Size: 60 х 30 сm.

[rutext] =>

Изумительный букет из 13 крупных белых роз. Букет выложен каскадом, и это придает ему еще большей роскоши. Снежная лавина белой ночи окутает получательницу нежным ароматным облаком и принесет с собой ощущение радости и счастья.

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от фото, представленных на сайте.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belaya_noch-2357_s.jpg [large] => belaya_noch-2357_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 2357_second_s.jpg [large] => 2357_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 2357_third_s.jpg [large] => 2357_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belaya_noch_a02_s.jpg [large] => belaya_noch_a02_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => belaya_noch_third_s.jpg [large] => belaya_noch_third_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => belaya_noch_second_s.jpg [large] => belaya_noch_second_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 43 [link] => buket-belaya-noch [ru_link] => buket-belaya-noch [en_link] => white-night [ua_link] => buket-bila-nich [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 4 [product_raiting] => 20 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-08-02 13:51:37 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 160 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 43 [vpl_url] => tsvety-na-rozhdenie-syna [vpl_list_id] => 160 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы на рождение сына {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти на народження сина {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Flowers on son's birthday [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 13 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 13 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4760 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 13 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4761 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4762 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => White night - Состав: Roses white local, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет из белых роз - Белая ночь - Состав: Роза белая местная, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => Біла ніч - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => White night - Composition: Roses white local, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-belaya-noch [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belaya_noch-2357_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2357_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2357_second_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2357_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2357_third_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belaya_noch-2357_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belaya_noch-2357_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 42 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Amazing bouquet from 13 large white roses, laid out a cascade, as though handings down to the heart.Avalanche white night will wrap your head in delight, and bestow happiness... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 2357 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belaya_noch-2357_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belaya_noch-2357_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belaya_noch-2357_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2357_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2357_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2357_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2357_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2357_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2357_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет White night [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-rozhdenie-syna [name] => Flowers on son's birthday [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-rozhdenie-syna ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 2357 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 2357 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 2357 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 720 [price] => 4800 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4800 [price_cur] => 122 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 122 [price_discount] => 4800 [price_discount_cur] => 122 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4800 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 122 [price_member] => 4800 [price_member_cur] => 122 [price_member_qty] => 4800 [price_member_qty_cur] => 122 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 13) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 122 [business] => 140 [vip] => 158 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [31] => Array ( [id] => 2369 [name] => Chic [ru_name] => Шик 7 бордовых роз [ua_name] => Букет квітів Шик [en_name] => Chic [title] => Купить букет Chic недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/shik-2369_848_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/shik-2369_848_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/shik-2369_848_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

Roses and camomiles - simplicity and grandeur. Such differing on the face of it – but such harmonizings. Camomiles and roses in design of decorative verdure in country style. Simply, to create a mood!

Flowers as a gift are always a good idea. Of course, women especially rejoice at such surprises. When choosing a bouquet, be sure to consider which flowers your significant other, mother or friend likes. And we want to offer a luxurious bouquet of red roses and white chrysanthemums for connoisseurs of these beautiful flowers.

Red and white colors are very well combined and create a beautiful combination. The flowers are wrapped in wrapping paper and finished with a ribbon.

[rutext] =>

Розы и ромашки – простота и величие. Такие разные на первый взгляд – но такие гармонирующие. Ромашки и розы в оформлении декоративной зелени в кантри стиле. Просто, чтобы создать настроение!


Цветы в качестве подарка – это всегда хорошая идея. Особенно таким неожиданно радуются, конечно, женщины. Выбирая букет, обязательно учитывайте, какие именно цветы любит ваша вторая половинка, мама или подруга. А мы хотим предложить роскошный букет из красных роз и белых хризантем для ценителей этих прекрасных цветов.

Красный и белый цвета очень удачно комбинируются и создают красивое сочетание. Завернутые цветы в упаковочную бумагу и дополнены лентой.

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[p_keywords] => bouquet of chrysanthemums, bouquet of camomiles, camomiles and roses, order camomiles, camomiles delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Chic» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 118 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 5 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 336 [vpl_url] => cvety-dlja-mamy [vpl_list_id] => 118 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты маме [vpl_name_ua] => Мамі [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for a mom [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 28 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 7 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова біла [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 7 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 96 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6633 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 22050 [flower_id] => 1463 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая белая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова біла [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 23242 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.56 [product_sostav] => Chic - Состав: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Chrysanthemum spray white, Roses red up to 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Шик 7 бордовых роз - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Хризантема кустовая белая, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Шик - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Хризантема кущова біла, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Chic - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Chrysanthemum spray white, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => buket-shik [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/shik-2369_848_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/shik-2369_848_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/shik-2369_848_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2369_second_724_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2369_second_724_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2369_third_ceb_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2369_third_ceb_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2369_four_9eb_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2369_four_9eb_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 118 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 10 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Roses and camomiles - simplicity and grandeur. Such differing on the face of it – but such harmonizings. Camomiles and roses in design of decorative verdure in country style... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 4 [code] => SP 2369 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/shik-2369_848_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/shik-2369_848_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/shik-2369_848_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2369_four_9eb_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2369_four_9eb_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2369_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2369_second_724_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2369_second_724_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2369_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2369_third_ceb_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2369_third_ceb_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2369_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615253_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615253_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/597863_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/597863_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Chic [rate] => 4 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 2369 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 2369 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1463] => Array ( [id] => 2369 [flower_id] => 1463 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 2369 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 715 [price] => 4767 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4767 [price_cur] => 121 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 121 [price_discount] => 4767 [price_discount_cur] => 121 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4767 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 121 [price_member] => 4767 [price_member_cur] => 121 [price_member_qty] => 4767 [price_member_qty_cur] => 121 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (65 * 5) *1 + (50 * 7) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 121 [business] => 139 [vip] => 157 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [32] => Array ( [id] => 9561 [name] => Of 9 pink roses [ru_name] => Из 9 розовых роз [ua_name] => З 9 рожевих троянд [en_name] => Of 9 pink roses [title] => Купить букет Of 9 pink roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/iz_9_rozovyih_roz-9561_f5c_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/iz_9_rozovyih_roz-9561_f5c_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/iz_9_rozovyih_roz-9561_f5c_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

An incredible and gentle gift for a person dear to the heart. What could be more exquisite than a bouquet of roses? It contains 9 pink roses (up to 60 cm in size) combined with three sprigs of greenery, selected by a talented florist.

Roses are suitable both for greetings and for other occasions to give flowers to a loved one, mother, grandmother, friend, colleague. The delicate color of such roses and the medium size of the bouquet add sophistication and will be a good gift. Such a bouquet will attract and enchant for a long time with its incredible aroma.

[rutext] =>

Невероятный и нежный подарок для дорогого сердца человеку. Что может быть изысканнее букета роз? В нем собрано 9 розовых роз (размером до 60 см) в сочетании с тремя веточками зелени, подобранными талантливым флористом.

Розы подходят, как для поздравления так, и для другого повода подарить цветы любимому человеку, маме, бабушке, подруге, коллеге. Нежный цвет роз и средний размер букета придает изысканность и станет хорошим подарком. Такой букет будет долго привлекать и очаровывать своим невероятным ароматом.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Из 9 розовых роз - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Упаковать букет цветов, Зелень в букет. [ua_product_sostav] => З 9 рожевих троянд - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Упаковка на букет квітів, Зелень у букет. [en_product_sostav] => Of 9 pink roses - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens. [url_link] => iz-9-rozovyh-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/iz_9_rozovyih_roz-9561_f5c_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/iz_9_rozovyih_roz-9561_f5c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/iz_9_rozovyih_roz-9561_f5c_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9561_second_89f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9561_second_89f_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9561_third_395_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9561_third_395_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9561_four_290_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9561_four_290_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 57 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => An incredible and gentle gift for a person dear to the heart. What could be more exquisite than a bouquet of roses... 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A wonderful romantic gift. The bouquet is made of 11 red roses, greenery and heart-shaped decorations. Good for a gift to a girlfriend or a  wife.

[rutext] =>

Прекрасный романтический подарок. Букет выполнен из 11 красных роз, зелени и украшения в виде сердечек. Хорошо подойдет для подарка девушке, жене или подруге.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9840_four_1e2_s.jpg [large] => 9840_four_1e2_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9840_second_7be_s.jpg [large] => 9840_second_7be_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9840_third_42e_s.jpg [large] => 9840_third_42e_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda_d46_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda_d46_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda_second_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda_third_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => vmeste_navsegda_four_s.jpg [large] => vmeste_navsegda_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => pereday-chuvstva [ru_link] => pereday-chuvstva [en_link] => send-your-feelings [ua_link] => pereday-pochutya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-12 19:47:49 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 594 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 744 [vpl_url] => 11-roz [vpl_list_id] => 594 [vpl_name_ru] => 11 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 11 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 11 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 11 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Decorative heart [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 11 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Декоративне сердечко [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19309 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 11 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19310 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19311 [flower_id] => 1156 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Decorative heart [ru_name] => Декоративное сердечко [ua_name] => Декоративне сердечко [en_name] => Decorative heart [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19312 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19313 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Send your feelings 11 roses - Состав: Rose red, Greens, Decorative heart, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Передай чувства 11 роз - Состав: Роза красная, Зелень в букет, Декоративное сердечко, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Передай почуття 11 роз - Склад: Троянда червона, Зелень у букет, Декоративне сердечко , Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Send your feelings 11 roses - Composition: Rose red, Greens, Decorative heart, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => pereday-chuvstva [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 22 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A wonderful romantic gift. The bouquet is made of 11 red roses, greenery and heart-shaped decorations. Good for a gift to a girlfriend or a  wife. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9840 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/vmeste_navsegda-9840_9f0_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9840_four_1e2_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9840_second_7be_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9840_third_42e_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => [name] => ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Send your feelings 11 roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-pervoklassniku [name] => Flowers for a pupil [link] => [slug] => tsvety-pervoklassniku ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1156] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 1156 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9840 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 700 [price] => 4667 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4667 [price_cur] => 119 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 119 [price_discount] => 4667 [price_discount_cur] => 119 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4667 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 119 [price_member] => 4667 [price_member_cur] => 119 [price_member_qty] => 4667 [price_member_qty_cur] => 119 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 11) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (30 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 119 [business] => 136 [vip] => 154 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [34] => Array ( [id] => 9437 [name] => Lovely flower little box [ru_name] => Букет в коробке [ua_name] => Букет в коробці [en_name] => Lovely flower little box [title] => Купить букет Lovely flower little box недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

"Bouquet cute box" is an unusual and beautiful arrangement of flowers, which will be an ideal gift for March 8th. It includes tulips - a symbol of harmony and nobility, a bush rose - a symbol of pure and sincere love. The composition is fresh, colorful and reminiscent of the most beautiful time of the year - spring. It will be the perfect gift for lovely ladies and will bring warm and pleasant emotions that they will never forget.


[rutext] =>

"Букет милая коробочка" - необычная и красивая композиция из цветов, которая станет идеальным подарком на 8 марта. В ее состав входят тюльпаны - символ гармонии и благородности, кустовая роза - символ чистой и искренней любви. Композиция свежая, красочная и напоминает самую прекрасную пору года - весну. Это будет идеальным подарком милым дамам и принесет теплые и приятные эмоции, которые они никогда не забудут.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_s.jpg [large] => milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9437_four_60f_s.jpg [large] => 9437_four_60f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9437_second_140_s.jpg [large] => 9437_second_140_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9437_third_acc_s.jpg [large] => 9437_third_acc_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-milaya-korobochka [ru_link] => buket-milaya-korobochka [en_link] => lovely-little-box [ua_link] => buket-milaya-korobochka [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-13 01:29:57 [height] => 23 [diametre] => 26 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => small [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 614 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 5 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 806 [vpl_url] => kompozitsii-na-den-materi [vpl_list_id] => 614 [vpl_name_ru] => Композиции на День Матери [vpl_name_ua] => Композиції на День Матері [vpl_name_en] => Flower arrangements for Mothers' Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Tulip varicolored [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Box [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Statice blue [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Rose shrub coral [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Тюльпан різнокольоровий [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова біла [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Коробка [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Статиця синя [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова коралова [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18030 [flower_id] => 966 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Tulip varicolored [ru_name] => Тюльпан разноцветный [ua_name] => Тюльпан різнокольоровий [en_name] => Tulip varicolored [group] => 12 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18033 [flower_id] => 1463 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая белая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова біла [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18034 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 18035 [flower_id] => 1161 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box [ru_name] => Коробка квадратная М [ua_name] => Коробка [en_name] => Box [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19625 [flower_id] => 926 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Statice blue [ru_name] => Статица синяя [ua_name] => Статиця синя [en_name] => Statice blue [group] => 16 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19857 [flower_id] => 895 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose shrub coral [ru_name] => Роза кустовая коралловая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова коралова [en_name] => Rose shrub coral [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 19858 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 0.4 [product_sostav] => Lovely flower little box - Состав: Tulip varicolored, Chrysanthemum spray white, Oasis, Box, Statice blue, Rose shrub coral, Greens. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет в коробке - Состав: Тюльпан разноцветный, Хризантема кустовая белая, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Коробка квадратная М, Статица синяя, Роза кустовая коралловая, Зелень в букет. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет в коробці - Склад: Тюльпан різнокольоровий, Хризантема кущова біла, Оазис, Коробка, Статиця синя, Троянда кущова коралова, Зелень у букет. [en_product_sostav] => Lovely flower little box - Composition: Tulip varicolored, Chrysanthemum spray white, Oasis, Box, Statice blue, Rose shrub coral, Greens. [url_link] => buket-milaya-korobochka [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9437_second_140_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9437_second_140_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9437_third_acc_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9437_third_acc_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9437_four_60f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9437_four_60f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 44 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => "Bouquet cute box" is an unusual and beautiful arrangement of flowers, which will be an ideal gift for March 8th... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9437 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/milaya_korobochka-9437_16e_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9437_four_60f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9437_four_60f_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9437_four_60f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9437_second_140_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9437_second_140_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9437_second_140_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9437_third_acc_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9437_third_acc_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9437_third_acc_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569284.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569284_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Lovely flower little box [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rebenku [name] => For a child [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rebenku ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [966] => Array ( [id] => 9437 [flower_id] => 966 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1463] => Array ( [id] => 9437 [flower_id] => 1463 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9437 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9437 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [926] => Array ( [id] => 9437 [flower_id] => 926 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [895] => Array ( [id] => 9437 [flower_id] => 895 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9437 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 690 [price] => 4600 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4600 [price_cur] => 117 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 117 [price_discount] => 4600 [price_discount_cur] => 117 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4600 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 117 [price_member] => 4600 [price_member_cur] => 117 [price_member_qty] => 4600 [price_member_qty_cur] => 117 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 3) *1 + (65 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 + (40 * 1) *1 + (70 * 2) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 117 [business] => 134 [vip] => 152 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [35] => Array ( [id] => 5788 [name] => Grace [ru_name] => Букет цветов Прелесть [ua_name] => Букет квітів Грація [en_name] => Grace [title] => Купить букет Grace недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/5788_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/5788_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/5788_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>
Note: the picture that is presented is an example. Bouquet will be different from the represented image

Light tender bouquet, charming as youth. It creates a magic romantic mood, expresses quivering of senses...A soft fragrance charms, and the colors are pleasing to the eye. Decoration could be different from the picture

Composition: 5 pink roses, alstroemerias, bush chrysanthemum.
Size: 60 х 30 сm.
Attention: Value of the vase is not included into a price of the bouquet.

[rutext] =>

Воздушный нежный букет, очаровательный, как сама юность. Создает волшебное романтическое настроение, выражает трепетность чувств. Мягкий аромат завораживает, а цвета радуют глаз.

Изящный, словно кружевной, розовый презент для хорошенькой, как куколка, девушки. Он полон очарования и женственности. Роскошные розы, нежные альстромерии и пышные хризантемы кокетливо выглядывают из зелени.

Букет хорош на все случаи жизни — для свидания и Дня рождения, в честь годовщины знакомства или профессионального праздника. И еще! Этот его можно заказать на День Ангела и 8 Марта. Он будет принят с восторгом и благодарностью вашей подругой, мамой и сотрудницей!

Внимание: букет может внешне отличаться от изображения. В стоимость букета ваза не включена, ее Вы можете заказать отдельно.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 5788_s.jpg [large] => 5788_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 5788_four_s.jpg [large] => 5788_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 5788_second_s.jpg [large] => 5788_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 5788_third_s.jpg [large] => 5788_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => Prichuda_s.jpg [large] => Prichuda_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => Prichuda_second_s.jpg [large] => Prichuda_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => Prichuda_third_s.jpg [large] => Prichuda_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => Prichuda_four_s.jpg [large] => Prichuda_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 488 [link] => buket-prelest [ru_link] => buket-prelest [en_link] => grace1 [ua_link] => buket-graciya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 51 [product_raiting] => 204 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-03-24 08:14:47 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 200 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 6 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 44 [vpl_url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [vpl_list_id] => 200 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы выпускникам [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти випускникам {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for graduates [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 28 [rating_value] => 4.61 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria pink [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Сhrysanthemum pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія рожева [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Хризантеми рожеві [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2588 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 9 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2591 [flower_id] => 811 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Alstroemeria pink [ru_name] => Альстромерия розовая [ua_name] => Альстромерія рожева [en_name] => Alstroemeria pink [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 9 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2594 [flower_id] => 984 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Сhrysanthemum pink [ru_name] => Хризантема розовая [ua_name] => Хризантеми рожеві [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum pink [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 2595 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 16174 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 16175 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.56 [product_sostav] => Grace - Состав: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Alstroemeria pink, Сhrysanthemum pink, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Прелесть - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Альстромерия розовая, Хризантема розовая, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Грація - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Альстромерія рожева, Хризантеми рожеві, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Grace - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Alstroemeria pink, Сhrysanthemum pink, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-prelest [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/5788_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5788_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5788_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5788_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5788_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5788_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5788_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5788_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5788_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 157 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Note: the picture that is presented is an example. Bouquet will be different from the represented image Light tender bouquet, charming as youth... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 4 [code] => SP 5788 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5788_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5788_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5788_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5788_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5788_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5788_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5788_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5788_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5788_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5788_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5788_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5788_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/582989_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/582989_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Grace [rate] => 4 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [name] => Flowers for graduates [link] => [slug] => tsvety-vypusknikam ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [887] => Array ( [id] => 5788 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [811] => Array ( [id] => 5788 [flower_id] => 811 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1.5 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [984] => Array ( [id] => 5788 [flower_id] => 984 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 5788 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 5788 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 5788 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 675 [price] => 4500 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4500 [price_cur] => 114 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 114 [price_discount] => 4500 [price_discount_cur] => 114 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4500 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 114 [price_member] => 4500 [price_member_cur] => 114 [price_member_qty] => 4500 [price_member_qty_cur] => 114 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 5) *1 + (30 * 3) *1 + (65 * 3) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 114 [business] => 132 [vip] => 149 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [36] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [name] => Men's format [ru_name] => Букет цветов Мужской формат [ua_name] => Чоловічий формат [en_name] => Men's format [title] => Купить букет Men's format недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

To add a special mood to a man's gift, order a composition of anthuriums, quercus and chrysanthemums. This stylish and restrained bouquet is specially assembled by our florists to emphasize the status and individuality of the person you are welcoming.

Who will like the bouquet?

You can order this and other types of gifts for men on our website. To do this, place an order and wait for instant delivery to the addressee's door.

Pay attention! The decoration of the bouquet may differ slightly from the images displayed on our site. Please contact our manager to know the details.

[rutext] =>

Чтобы добавить особое настроение мужскому подарку, закажите композицию из антуриумов, куэркусов и хризантем. Этот стильный и сдержанный букет специально собран нашими флористами, чтобы подчеркнуть статус и индивидуальность приветствуемого.

Кому понравится букет?

Эта и другие разновидности подарков для мужчин вы можете заказать на нашем сайте. Для этого оформляйте заказ и ждите мгновенную доставку к двери адресата.

Внимание: внешний вид букета может немного отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. Детали вы можете уточнить у менеджера. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_s.jpg [large] => mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9193_four_5dc_s.jpg [large] => 9193_four_5dc_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9193_second_6b5_s.jpg [large] => 9193_second_6b5_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9193_third_8c5_s.jpg [large] => 9193_third_8c5_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-muzhskoj-format [ru_link] => buket-muzhskoj-format [en_link] => mens-format [ua_link] =>  cholovichy-format [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-29 11:02:09 [height] => 70 [diametre] => 35 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 490 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 5 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 417 [vpl_url] => podarki-muzhschine-na-14-fevralya [vpl_list_id] => 490 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки мужчине на 14 февраля [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки чоловікові на 14 лютого [vpl_name_en] => Gifts for a man on February 14 [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 27 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum green single-head [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Quercus burgundy [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Roulette [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Антуріум зелений [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема зелена одноголова [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Куеркус бордовий [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Рулетка [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17239 [flower_id] => 819 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia [ru_name] => Антуриум зелёный [ua_name] => Антуріум зелений [en_name] => Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia [group] => 10 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17240 [flower_id] => 1552 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая зеленая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17241 [flower_id] => 1628 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Chrysanthemum green single-head [ru_name] => Хризантема зеленая одноголовая [ua_name] => Хризантема зелена одноголова [en_name] => Chrysanthemum green single-head [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 17242 [flower_id] => 1993 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Quercus burgundy [ru_name] => Куэркус бордовый [ua_name] => Куеркус бордовий [en_name] => Quercus burgundy [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 17243 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 17244 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 17245 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 17246 [flower_id] => 1994 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Roulette [ru_name] => Рулетка [ua_name] => Рулетка [en_name] => Roulette [group] => 36 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => Men's format - Состав: Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia, Chrysanthemum spray green, Chrysanthemum green single-head, Quercus burgundy, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roulette. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Мужской формат - Состав: Антуриум зелёный, Хризантема кустовая зеленая, Хризантема зеленая одноголовая, Куэркус бордовый, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Рулетка. [ua_product_sostav] => Чоловічий формат - Склад: Антуріум зелений, Хризантема кущова зелена, Хризантема зелена одноголова, Куеркус бордовий, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Рулетка. [en_product_sostav] => Men's format - Composition: Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia, Chrysanthemum spray green, Chrysanthemum green single-head, Quercus burgundy, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roulette. [url_link] => buket-muzhskoj-format [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9193_second_6b5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9193_second_6b5_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9193_third_8c5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9193_third_8c5_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9193_four_5dc_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9193_four_5dc_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 2 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => To add a special mood to a man's gift, order a composition of anthuriums, quercus and chrysanthemums... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9193 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/mujskoy_razmer-9193_e85_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9193_four_5dc_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9193_four_5dc_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9193_four_5dc_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9193_second_6b5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9193_second_6b5_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9193_second_6b5_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9193_third_8c5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9193_third_8c5_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9193_third_8c5_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 43 [name] => Sportsman ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Men's format [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-muzhu [name] => Flowers for men [link] => [slug] => tsvety-muzhu ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-drugu [name] => Flowers for a friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-drugu ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu [name] => Flowers for a boss [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-partneram [name] => Flowers for partners [link] => [slug] => tsvety-partneram ) [5] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-korporativnym-klientam [name] => Flowers for corporate clients [link] => [slug] => tsvety-korporativnym-klientam ) [6] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-kollege [name] => Flowers for a colleague [link] => [slug] => tsvety-kollege ) [7] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-dlya-muzhchiny [name] => Bouquets for men [link] => [slug] => tsveti-dlya-muzhchiny ) [8] => Array ( [url] => den-zashhitnika-ukrainy [name] => Defender of Ukraine Day [link] => [slug] => den-zashhitnika-ukrainy ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [819] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [flower_id] => 819 [price] => 130 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1552] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [flower_id] => 1552 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1628] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [flower_id] => 1628 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1993] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [flower_id] => 1993 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1994] => Array ( [id] => 9193 [flower_id] => 1994 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 670 [price] => 4467 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4467 [price_cur] => 114 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 114 [price_discount] => 4467 [price_discount_cur] => 114 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4467 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 114 [price_member] => 4467 [price_member_cur] => 114 [price_member_qty] => 4467 [price_member_qty_cur] => 114 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 1) *1 + (65 * 2) *1 + (70 * 2) *1 + (30 * 2) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (150 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 114 [business] => 131 [vip] => 148 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [37] => Array ( [id] => 8299 [name] => Gentle melody [ru_name] => Букет цветов Нежная мелодия [ua_name] => Букет квітів Ніжна мелодія [en_name] => Gentle melody [title] => Купить букет Gentle melody недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/8299-8299_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/8299-8299_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/8299-8299_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
Bouquet «Gentle melody» is one of the most feminine compositions in our collection. The combination of delicate roses and exotic alstroemerias gives it a special brilliance that will be enjoyed by any woman.

If you are looking for a present that will be suitable for any holiday, choose the bouquet «Gentle melody». In addition, it is carefully wrapped in a kraft paper, which helps to emphasize all the magnificence of buds. Give this gift to your girlfriend, mother or colleague, and you will become an exceptional object of attention at any celebration.

Attention! The product may differ from the represented image on website.
[rutext] =>
Букет «Нежная мелодия» – одна из самых женственных композиций в нашей коллекции. Сочетание хрупких роз и экзотических альстромерий придают ему особый блеск, который придется по вкусу любой женщине.

Если вы ищете презент, который будет подходить под любой праздник – букет «Нежная мелодия», то, что нужно. В дополнении он бережно завернут в крафт-бумагу, ее контраст лучше всего подчеркивает все великолепие гаммы бутонов. Подарите этот букет вашей любимой девушке, маме или коллеге, и вы станете исключительным объектом внимания на любом торжестве.

Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 8299-8299_s.jpg [large] => 8299-8299_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8299_five_s.jpg [large] => 8299_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8299_four_s.jpg [large] => 8299_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8299_second_s.jpg [large] => 8299_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8299_third_s.jpg [large] => 8299_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 8299_s.jpg [large] => 8299_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8299_second_s.jpg [large] => 8299_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8299_third_s.jpg [large] => 8299_third_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-nezhnaya-melodiya [ru_link] => buket-nezhnaya-melodiya [en_link] => gentle-melody [ua_link] => buket-nizhna-melodiya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order the bouquet «Gentle melody» in the internet-shop UFL. Fast delivery service. [image_title_en] => Buy the bouquet «Gentle melody» for your precious ones. Reliable service, [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-30 00:39:59 [height] => 55 [diametre] => 40 [color] => multicolor [p_title] => Bouquet «Gentle melody» - wonderful gift for your beloved women, [p_description] => If you are looking for a present that will be suitable for any holiday, choose the bouquet «Gentle melody». [p_keywords] => order flowers with delivery, buy blooms, online flower shop, buy flower for mother, order an arrangement for a sister, fllowers with delivery, plants [p_h1] => Bouquet «Gentle melody» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 499 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 3 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Multicolored [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 433 [vpl_url] => cvety-tjoshhe-na-8-marta [vpl_list_id] => 499 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы тёще на 8 марта [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти тещі на 8 березня [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for mother-in-law [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія рожева [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12457 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12458 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12459 [flower_id] => 811 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Alstroemeria pink [ru_name] => Альстромерия розовая [ua_name] => Альстромерія рожева [en_name] => Alstroemeria pink [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12460 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 12461 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Gentle melody - Состав: Rose red, Rose spray cream, Alstroemeria pink, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Нежная мелодия - Состав: Роза красная, Роза кустовая кремовая, Альстромерия розовая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Ніжна мелодія - Склад: Троянда червона, Троянда кущова кремова, Альстромерія рожева, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Gentle melody - Composition: Rose red, Rose spray cream, Alstroemeria pink, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-nezhnaya-melodiya [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/8299-8299_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8299-8299_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8299-8299_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8299_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8299_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8299_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8299_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8299_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8299_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8299_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8299_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 48 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 5 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet «Gentle melody» is one of the most feminine compositions in our collection... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8299 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8299-8299_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8299-8299_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8299-8299_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8299_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8299_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8299_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8299_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8299_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8299_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8299_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8299_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8299_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8299_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8299_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8299_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Gentle melody [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 8299 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 8299 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [811] => Array ( [id] => 8299 [flower_id] => 811 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1.5 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8299 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8299 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 660 [price] => 4400 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4400 [price_cur] => 112 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 112 [price_discount] => 4400 [price_discount_cur] => 112 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4400 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 112 [price_member] => 4400 [price_member_cur] => 112 [price_member_qty] => 4400 [price_member_qty_cur] => 112 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 7) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (30 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 112 [business] => 129 [vip] => 145 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [38] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [name] => Feelings mystery [ru_name] => Букет цветов Мистерия чувств [ua_name] => Букет квітів Містерія почуттів [en_name] => Feelings mystery [title] => Купить букет Feelings mystery недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
The magnificent bouquet represents a lightness of feelings, caused by a moment of happiness. This sudden flash of happiness in a dear’s life is a reflection of the variety of red roses, pink carnations, a gorgeous brassica, pink hypericum berries and airy bouvardia petals, making this flower bunch an expression of beauty and tenderness.

Bouquet «Feelings mystery» is an incredible compliment for sophisticated and refined ladies. The elegant bunch of flowers will become a wonderful gift for such holidays as beloved’s Birthday, March 8th and February 14th, Mother’s Day and an anniversary, also any grand celebrations. What could help you release your feelings more than this dizzying mix of beauty, luxury and grace?

Attention! Bouquet decoration may differ from the images displayed on our site.
[rutext] =>
Потрясающий и элегантный букет воплощает в себе легкость чувств, отождествленную с торжеством момента радости в глазах любимого человека. Внезапная и ослепительная вспышка радости является отражением идиллии кустовых алых роз, светло-розовых гвоздик, прекрасной и  элегантной брассики, ягод розового гиперикума и воздушных хлопьев бувардии, делающих великолепную связку сосредоточием нежности и галантности.

Букет «Мистерия чувств» — невероятный комплимент для изысканных и утонченных леди. Элегантная охапка цветов станет замечательным подарком к таким праздникам, как День Рождения любимой, 8 марта и 14 февраля, День матери и годовщина свадьбы, фактически к любому знаменательному событию, располагающему праздничной и торжественной атмосферой. Желая подарить дорогому человеку праздник, очень важно выбрать подходящий букет. Что скажет о ваших чувствах лучше, чем головокружительный микс красоты, роскоши и грации ослепительных растений?

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
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Delivery! [image_title_en] => Buy fabulous bouquet «Feelings mystery» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2017-10-05 19:14:46 [height] => 35 [diametre] => 25 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy gorgeous bouquet «Feelings mystery» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Feelings mystery» is an incredible compliment for sophisticated and refined ladies. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Feelings mystery» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 174 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 9 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 137 [vpl_url] => originalnye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 174 [vpl_name_ru] => Оригинальные букеты Киев [vpl_name_ua] => Оригінальні букети {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Original bouquets Kiev [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.33 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Carnation light pink [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum pink [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray red [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Bouvardia [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => hamelatsium [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Brassica white [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика світло-рожева [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гіперикум рожевий [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова червона [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Бувардія [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Хамелаціум [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Брассика біла [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 15132 [flower_id] => 1592 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation light pink [ru_name] => Гвоздика светло-розовая [ua_name] => Гвоздика світло-рожева [en_name] => Carnation light pink [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 15133 [flower_id] => 1673 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Hypericum pink [ru_name] => Гиперикум розовый [ua_name] => Гіперикум рожевий [en_name] => Hypericum pink [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 15134 [flower_id] => 896 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose spray red [ru_name] => Роза кустовая красная [ua_name] => Троянда кущова червона [en_name] => Rose spray red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 15135 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 15136 [flower_id] => 1537 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Bouvardia [ru_name] => Бувардия [ua_name] => Бувардія [en_name] => Bouvardia [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 15137 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 15138 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 15354 [flower_id] => 1567 [ammount] => 1 [name] => hamelatsium [ru_name] => Хамелациум [ua_name] => Хамелаціум [en_name] => hamelatsium [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 15765 [flower_id] => 1880 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Brassica white [ru_name] => Брассика белая [ua_name] => Брассика біла [en_name] => Brassica white [group] => 66 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.52 [product_sostav] => Feelings mystery - Состав: Carnation light pink, Hypericum pink, Rose spray red, Packing for a flower bouquet, Bouvardia, Tape for flowers, Greens, hamelatsium, Brassica white. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Мистерия чувств - Состав: Гвоздика светло-розовая, Гиперикум розовый, Роза кустовая красная, Упаковать букет цветов, Бувардия, Лента на цветы, Зелень в букет, Хамелациум, Брассика белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Містерія почуттів - Склад: Гвоздика світло-рожева, Гіперикум рожевий, Троянда кущова червона, Упаковка на букет квітів, Бувардія, Стрічка на квіти, Зелень у букет, Хамелаціум, Брассика біла. [en_product_sostav] => Feelings mystery - Composition: Carnation light pink, Hypericum pink, Rose spray red , Packing for a flower bouquet, Bouvardia, Tape for flowers, Greens, hamelatsium, Brassica white. [url_link] => buket-misteriya-chuvstv [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8795_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8795_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8795_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8795_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8795_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8795_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8795_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8795_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 20 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The magnificent bouquet represents a lightness of feelings, caused by a moment of happiness... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8795 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/misteriya_chuvstv-8795_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8795_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8795_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8795_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8795_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8795_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8795_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8795_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8795_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8795_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8795_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8795_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8795_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Feelings mystery [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [6] => Array ( [url] => originalnie-buketi [name] => Original bouquets [link] => [slug] => originalnie-buketi ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1592] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 1592 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1673] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 1673 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1537] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 1537 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1567] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 1567 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 61 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 61 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 61 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1880] => Array ( [id] => 8795 [flower_id] => 1880 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 656 [price] => 4373 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4373 [price_cur] => 111 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 111 [price_discount] => 4373 [price_discount_cur] => 111 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4373 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 111 [price_member] => 4373 [price_member_cur] => 111 [price_member_qty] => 4373 [price_member_qty_cur] => 111 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (45 * 3) *1 + (60 * 2) *1 + (70 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (65 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (61 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 111 [business] => 128 [vip] => 144 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [39] => Array ( [id] => 9160 [name] => Flower bouquet Samba [ru_name] => Букет цветов Самба [ua_name] => Букет квітів Самба [en_name] => Flower bouquet Samba [title] => Товар «Flower bouquet Samba» [small_image] => /bouquet/samba-9160_1fc_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/samba-9160_1fc_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/samba-9160_1fc_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A charming bouquet reminiscent of a tropical dessert of mango, kiwi and passion fruit. A bright combination of orchids, chrysanthemums and roses create a symphony of love and good mood! Flowers will be able to touch the heart of even the most capricious, and the meaning of this flower holiday is admiration and respect!

A wonderful gift for grandma, wedding anniversary, birthday, mom or loved one.

Attention! The design of the bouquet may differ from the images presented on the website. You can check with the manager for details.

[rutext] =>

Очаровательный букет, напоминающий тропический десерт из манго, киви и маракуйи. Яркое сочетание орхидеи, хризантемы и розы, создают симфонию любви и хорошего настроения! Цветы сумеют тронуть сердце даже самых капризных, а смысл этого цветочного праздника- восхищение, уважение!

Прекрасный подарок для бабушки, на годовщину свадьбы, день рождения, для мамы или любимой.

Внимание! Оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. Детали вы можете уточнить у менеджера.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => samba-9160_1fc_s.jpg [large] => samba-9160_1fc_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9160_four_ec5_s.jpg [large] => 9160_four_ec5_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9160_second_e68_s.jpg [large] => 9160_second_e68_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9160_third_979_s.jpg [large] => 9160_third_979_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => samba [ru_link] => samba [en_link] => samba [ua_link] => samba [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-11 14:34:25 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 169 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 8 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 331 [vpl_url] => cvety-v-znak-blagodarnosti [vpl_list_id] => 169 [vpl_name_ru] => Благодарность [vpl_name_ua] => Вдячність [vpl_name_en] => Gratitude [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 16 [rating_value] => 4.56 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Сhrysanthemum green [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray red [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Aspidistra [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Yellow orchid [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема зелена [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова червона [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Аспідістра [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум жовтий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17139 [flower_id] => 981 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Сhrysanthemum green [ru_name] => Хризантема зелёная [ua_name] => Хризантема зелена [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17140 [flower_id] => 896 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray red [ru_name] => Роза кустовая красная [ua_name] => Троянда кущова червона [en_name] => Rose spray red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17141 [flower_id] => 1006 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Aspidistra [ru_name] => Аспидистра [ua_name] => Аспідістра [en_name] => Aspidistra [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 17142 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 17143 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19490 [flower_id] => 2147 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Yellow orchid [ru_name] => Цимбидиум желтый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум жовтий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Yellow orchid [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 3 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Flower bouquet Samba - Состав: Сhrysanthemum green, Rose spray red, Aspidistra, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Yellow orchid. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Самба - Состав: Хризантема зелёная, Роза кустовая красная, Аспидистра, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Цимбидиум желтый (цветок орхидея). [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Самба - Склад: Хризантема зелена, Троянда кущова червона, Аспідістра, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Цимбідіум жовтий (квітка орхідея). [en_product_sostav] => Flower bouquet Samba - Composition: Сhrysanthemum green, Rose spray red , Aspidistra, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Yellow orchid. [url_link] => samba [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/samba-9160_1fc_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/samba-9160_1fc_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/samba-9160_1fc_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9160_second_e68_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9160_second_e68_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9160_third_979_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9160_third_979_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9160_four_ec5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9160_four_ec5_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A charming bouquet reminiscent of a tropical dessert of mango, kiwi and passion fruit... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9160 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/samba-9160_1fc_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/samba-9160_1fc_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/samba-9160_1fc_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9160_four_ec5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9160_four_ec5_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9160_four_ec5_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9160_second_e68_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9160_second_e68_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9160_second_e68_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9160_third_979_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9160_third_979_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9160_third_979_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Flower bouquet Samba [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Flowers for mother-in-law [link] => [slug] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu [name] => Flowers for a boss [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-partneram [name] => Flowers for partners [link] => [slug] => tsvety-partneram ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-kollege [name] => Flowers for a colleague [link] => [slug] => tsvety-kollege ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [981] => Array ( [id] => 9160 [flower_id] => 981 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 9160 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1006] => Array ( [id] => 9160 [flower_id] => 1006 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9160 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9160 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2147] => Array ( [id] => 9160 [flower_id] => 2147 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 630 [price] => 4200 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4200 [price_cur] => 107 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 107 [price_discount] => 4200 [price_discount_cur] => 107 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4200 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 107 [price_member] => 4200 [price_member_cur] => 107 [price_member_qty] => 4200 [price_member_qty_cur] => 107 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 2) *1 + (70 * 3) *1 + (25 * 5) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [40] => Array ( [id] => 6848 [name] => White Orchid wedding bouquet [ru_name] => Свадебный букет из орхидей [ua_name] => Весільни букет з орхидей [en_name] => White Orchid wedding bouquet [title] => Купить букет White Orchid wedding bouquet недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "White Orchid" is a small, insanely beautiful and fragrant companion of the bride on the happiest day of her life. Would it be possible to imagine such a solemn moment without flowers? Amazing white orchids will add oriental exoticism and mystery to the holiday. By the way, the well-known vanilla also belongs to their family.

Flowers will keep their freshness for a long time, thanks to the porter. In addition, it is lightweight and very comfortable for a girl's hand. Such a marvelous bouquet will please both the wedding anniversary and the engagement day. From all sides – handsome!

Attention: the bouquet may look different from the image presented on the site, the composition will remain unchanged.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Белая орхидея» – небольшой, безумно красивый и ароматный спутник невесты в самый счастливый день в ее жизни. Разве можно представить такой торжественный момент без цветов? Изумительные белые орхидеи добавят празднику восточной экзотики и загадки. Кстати, всем известная ваниль тоже принадлежит к их семейству.

Цветы долго сохранят свою свежесть, благодаря портбукетнице. К тому же, она легкая и очень удобная для девичьей руки. Такой дивный букет порадует и в годовщину бракосочетания, и в день помолвки. Со всех сторон – красавчик!

Внимание: букет может внешне отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения, состав останется без изменений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya-6848_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6848_four_s.jpg [large] => 6848_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6848_second_s.jpg [large] => 6848_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6848_third_s.jpg [large] => 6848_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya_second_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya_third_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya_four_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => belaya-orkhideya-6848 [ru_link] => belaya-orkhideya-6848 [en_link] => white-orchid-6848 [ua_link] => bila-orhideya-6848 [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-04-24 10:15:16 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.1 [main_list_id] => 556 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 9 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 557 [vpl_url] => buket-nevesti [vpl_list_id] => 556 [vpl_name_ru] => Букет невесты [vpl_name_ua] => Букет нареченої {$city} [vpl_name_en] => The bride's bouquet [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.36 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [count] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5558 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19420 [flower_id] => 1704 [ammount] => 9 [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 2 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 24212 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => White Orchid wedding bouquet - Состав: Greens, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Свадебный букет из орхидей - Состав: Зелень в букет, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея), Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Весільни букет з орхидей - Склад: Зелень у букет, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея), Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => White Orchid wedding bouquet - Composition: Greens, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Tape for flowers. [url_link] => belaya-orkhideya-6848 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6848_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6848_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6848_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6848_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6848_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6848_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 5 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "White Orchid" is a small, insanely beautiful and fragrant companion of the bride on the happiest day of her life... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6848 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6848_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6848_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6848_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6848_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6848_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6848_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6848_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6848_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6848_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => [name] => ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет White Orchid wedding bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1031] => Array ( [id] => 6848 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1704] => Array ( [id] => 6848 [flower_id] => 1704 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6848 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 565 [price] => 4143 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4143 [price_cur] => 105 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 105 [price_discount] => 4143 [price_discount_cur] => 105 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4143 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 105 [price_member] => 4143 [price_member_cur] => 105 [price_member_qty] => 4143 [price_member_qty_cur] => 105 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 1) *1 + (55 * 9) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 105 [business] => 121 [vip] => 137 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [41] => Array ( [id] => 8401 [name] => Sapphire tenderness [ru_name] => Букет цветов Сапфировая нежность [ua_name] => Букет квітів Сапфіровa ніжність [en_name] => Sapphire tenderness [title] => Купить букет Sapphire tenderness недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Have romantic feelings to a girl and do not know how to confess in an original way? Order a bouquet  «Sapphire tenderness » with a delivery to home or workplace of the recipient! Prepare small but pleasant speech which will express your sincere intentions. Trust us, such sensual and beautiful gift will not be left without girl's attention! You'll see.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the presented image.

[rutext] =>

Уже давно испытываете чувства к девушке, и желаете ей признаться в этом оригинально? Закажите 2 букета на нашем сайте с доставкой, и получите красивую композицию «Нежность сапфира» в подарок! 

Подготовьте несколько приятных слов, выражающие Ваши искренние намерения. Поверьте, такой чувственный и красивый презент не останется без внимания девушки, вот увидите!

Внимание! Акция действует при заказе двух букетов от 700 грн с доставкой на любую дату до 15.12.16. Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_s.jpg [large] => sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8401_five_s.jpg [large] => 8401_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8401_four_s.jpg [large] => 8401_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8401_second_s.jpg [large] => 8401_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8401_third_s.jpg [large] => 8401_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-sapfirovaja-nejnost [ru_link] => buket-sapfirovaja-nejnost [en_link] => sapphire-tenderness [ua_link] => buket-sapfirova-nijnist [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-29 23:15:50 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 0 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 3 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray red [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова червона [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12941 [flower_id] => 896 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray red [ru_name] => Роза кустовая красная [ua_name] => Троянда кущова червона [en_name] => Rose spray red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12942 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12943 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12944 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 12945 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => Sapphire tenderness - Состав: Rose spray red, Rose spray cream, Roses spray pink, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Сапфировая нежность - Состав: Роза кустовая красная, Роза кустовая кремовая, Розы кустовые розовые, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Сапфіровa ніжність - Склад: Троянда кущова червона, Троянда кущова кремова, Троянди кущові рожеві, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => Sapphire tenderness - Composition: Rose spray red , Rose spray cream, Roses spray pink , Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-sapfirovaja-nejnost [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8401_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8401_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8401_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8401_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8401_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8401_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8401_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8401_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 5 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Have romantic feelings to a girl and do not know how to confess in an original way... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8401 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/sapfirovaya_nejnost-8401_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8401_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8401_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8401_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8401_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8401_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8401_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8401_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8401_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8401_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8401_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8401_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8401_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Sapphire tenderness [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [896] => Array ( [id] => 8401 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 8401 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 8401 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8401 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8401 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 610 [price] => 4067 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4067 [price_cur] => 103 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 103 [price_discount] => 4067 [price_discount_cur] => 103 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4067 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 103 [price_member] => 4067 [price_member_cur] => 103 [price_member_qty] => 4067 [price_member_qty_cur] => 103 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (70 * 3) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 103 [business] => 119 [vip] => 134 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [42] => Array ( [id] => 9899 [name] => Bright summer mix [ru_name] => Яркий летний микс [ua_name] => Яскравий літній мікс [en_name] => Bright summer mix [title] => Купить букет Bright summer mix недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquets of bright rosebuds, alstroemerias and gerberas look spectacular than traditional combinations. Our floral mix is sure to cheer you up even on the gloomiest day. We offer compact summer bouquets that can be presented to a girl, mother, girlfriend or colleague. An inexpensive composition from experienced florists will not leave anyone indifferent. You don't need a reason to order a bright summer mix for a gift from us.

[rutext] =>

Букеты из ярких бутонов роз, альстромерий и гербер смотрятся эффектнее традиционных сочетаний. Наш цветочный микс обязательно поднимет настроение даже в самый хмурый день. Предлагаем компактные летние букеты, которые можно подарить девушке, маме, подруге или коллеге. Недорогая композиция от опытных флористов не оставить никого равнодушным. Чтобы заказать у нас яркий летний микс для подарка, повод не нужен. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_s.jpg [large] => yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9899_four_8df_s.jpg [large] => 9899_four_8df_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9899_second_a52_s.jpg [large] => 9899_second_a52_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9899_third_a15_s.jpg [large] => 9899_third_a15_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => yarkiy_letniy_miks_622_s.jpg [large] => yarkiy_letniy_miks_622_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => yarkiy_letniy_miks_second_s.jpg [large] => yarkiy_letniy_miks_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => yarkiy_letniy_miks_third_s.jpg [large] => yarkiy_letniy_miks_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => yarkiy_letniy_miks_four_s.jpg [large] => yarkiy_letniy_miks_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => yarkiy-letniy-miks [ru_link] => yarkiy-letniy-miks [en_link] => bright-summer-mix [ua_link] => yaskravy-litniy-miks [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-02 04:35:42 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => cream [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.1 [main_list_id] => 397 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 5 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Cream [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 116 [vpl_url] => dostavka-tsvetov [vpl_list_id] => 397 [vpl_name_ru] => Доставка цветов {$city} недорого [vpl_name_ua] => Доставка квітів {$city} недорого [vpl_name_en] => Send Flowers to Kiyv cheap [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.38 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Rose cream [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Gerberа varicolored [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія різнокольорова [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кремова [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Гербера різнокольорова [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20746 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20747 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 21643 [flower_id] => 809 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [ru_name] => Альстромерия разноцветная [ua_name] => Альстромерія різнокольорова [en_name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 21644 [flower_id] => 881 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose cream [ru_name] => Роза кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кремова [en_name] => Rose cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 21645 [flower_id] => 848 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Gerberа varicolored [ru_name] => Гербера разноцветная [ua_name] => Гербера різнокольорова [en_name] => Gerberа varicolored [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.36 [product_sostav] => Bright summer mix - Состав: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Alstroemeria varicolored, Rose cream, Gerberа varicolored. [ru_product_sostav] => Яркий летний микс - Состав: Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Альстромерия разноцветная, Роза кремовая, Гербера разноцветная. [ua_product_sostav] => Яскравий літній мікс - Склад: Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Альстромерія різнокольорова, Троянда кремова, Гербера різнокольорова. [en_product_sostav] => Bright summer mix - Composition: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Alstroemeria varicolored, Rose cream, Gerberа varicolored. [url_link] => yarkiy-letniy-miks [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9899_second_a52_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9899_second_a52_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9899_third_a15_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9899_third_a15_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9899_four_8df_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9899_four_8df_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 175 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 8 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquets of bright rosebuds, alstroemerias and gerberas look spectacular than traditional combinations. Our floral mix is sure to cheer you up even on the gloomiest day... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9899 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/yarkiy_letniy_miks-9899_5bf_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9899_four_8df_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9899_four_8df_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9899_four_8df_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9899_second_a52_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9899_second_a52_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9899_second_a52_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9899_third_a15_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9899_third_a15_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9899_third_a15_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/617828.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/617828_full.jpg [city] => kremenchyg [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/russia/moscow/571339_befdel.jpeg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/russia/moscow/571339_befdel_full.jpeg [city] => moscow [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bright summer mix [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9899 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9899 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [809] => Array ( [id] => 9899 [flower_id] => 809 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [881] => Array ( [id] => 9899 [flower_id] => 881 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [848] => Array ( [id] => 9899 [flower_id] => 848 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 480 [price] => 3520 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 3520 [price_cur] => 90 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 90 [price_discount] => 3520 [price_discount_cur] => 90 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 3520 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 90 [price_member] => 3520 [price_member_cur] => 90 [price_member_qty] => 3520 [price_member_qty_cur] => 90 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (55 * 2) *1 + (60 * 2) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 90 [business] => 103 [vip] => 116 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [43] => Array ( [id] => 9194 [name] => Male Standart [ru_name] => Букет цветов Мужской стандарт [ua_name] => Чоловічий стандарт [en_name] => Male Standart [title] => Купить букет Male Standart недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_format-9194_593_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_format-9194_593_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_format-9194_593_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Attention! The bouquet may differ slightly from the images displayed on our site. Please contact our manager to know the details. 

[rutext] =>

Внимание! Внешний вид букета может немного отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. Детали вы можете уточнить у менеджера.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => mujskoy_format-9194_593_s.jpg [large] => mujskoy_format-9194_593_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9194_four_cb1_s.jpg [large] => 9194_four_cb1_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9194_second_593_s.jpg [large] => 9194_second_593_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9194_third_8ed_s.jpg [large] => 9194_third_8ed_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-muzhskoj-standart [ru_link] => buket-muzhskoj-standart [en_link] => male-standart [ua_link] => cholovichiy-standart [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-06-05 19:30:36 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 30 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => Bouquet «Male Standart» [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 171 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 2 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 12 [vpl_url] => tsvety-muzhu [vpl_list_id] => 171 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы мужу {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти для чоловіка {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for men [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 26 [rating_value] => 4.38 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Screwdriver [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Викрутка [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17247 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17248 [flower_id] => 1552 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая зеленая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17249 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 17250 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 17251 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 17252 [flower_id] => 1995 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Screwdriver [ru_name] => Отвертка [ua_name] => Викрутка [en_name] => Screwdriver [group] => 36 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => Male Standart - Состав: Rose red, Chrysanthemum spray green, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Screwdriver. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Мужской стандарт - Состав: Роза красная, Хризантема кустовая зеленая, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Отвертка. [ua_product_sostav] => Чоловічий стандарт - Склад: Троянда червона, Хризантема кущова зелена, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Викрутка. [en_product_sostav] => Male Standart - Composition: Rose red, Chrysanthemum spray green, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Screwdriver. [url_link] => buket-muzhskoj-standart [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/mujskoy_format-9194_593_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/mujskoy_format-9194_593_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/mujskoy_format-9194_593_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9194_second_593_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9194_second_593_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9194_third_8ed_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9194_third_8ed_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9194_four_cb1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9194_four_cb1_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Attention. The bouquet may differ slightly from the images displayed on our site. Please contact our manager to know the details.  . [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9194 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/mujskoy_format-9194_593_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/mujskoy_format-9194_593_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/mujskoy_format-9194_593_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9194_four_cb1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9194_four_cb1_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9194_four_cb1_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9194_second_593_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9194_second_593_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9194_second_593_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9194_third_8ed_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9194_third_8ed_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9194_third_8ed_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 43 [name] => Sportsman ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Male Standart [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-muzhu [name] => Flowers for men [link] => [slug] => tsvety-muzhu ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-pape [name] => Flowers for dad [link] => [slug] => tsvety-pape ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-dlya-muzhchiny [name] => Bouquets for men [link] => [slug] => tsveti-dlya-muzhchiny ) [4] => Array ( [url] => den-zashhitnika-ukrainy [name] => Defender of Ukraine Day [link] => [slug] => den-zashhitnika-ukrainy ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 9194 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1552] => Array ( [id] => 9194 [flower_id] => 1552 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9194 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9194 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9194 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1995] => Array ( [id] => 9194 [flower_id] => 1995 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 520 [price] => 3467 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 3467 [price_cur] => 88 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 88 [price_discount] => 3467 [price_discount_cur] => 88 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 3467 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 88 [price_member] => 3467 [price_member_cur] => 88 [price_member_qty] => 3467 [price_member_qty_cur] => 88 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 5) *1 + (65 * 2) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 88 [business] => 101 [vip] => 115 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [44] => Array ( [id] => 4351 [name] => Kiev cake [ru_name] => Киевский торт [ua_name] => Київський торт [en_name] => Kiev cake [title] => Товар «Kiev cake» [small_image] => /bouquet/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

The symbol of Kiev, the most popular cake for guests - a Kiev cake. This cake is sweet as a souvenir for visitors and tourists. We offer to deliver, together with your chosen bouquet of classic Kiev cake, made by a traditional recipe.
Weight - 850 g

* The exterior view of the cake may differ from the image. In case of absence, replacement will be performed at the maximum similar characteristics or other cake will be provided.
* Confectionery is delivered with floral products only!

[rutext] =>

Символ Киева, самое популярное лакомство для гостей города — это Киевский торт. Этот торт служит в качестве сладкого сувенира для приезжих и туристов. Мы предлагаем доставить вместе с выбранным Вами букетом классический Киевский торт, изготовленный по традиционному рецепту.

* Внешний вид торта может отличаться от картинки. В случае отсутствия, будет выполнена замена на максимально похожий по своим характеристикам или др. торт
* Кондитерские изделия доставляются только с цветочной продукцией!

Вес: 850 г

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_s.jpg [large] => kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 4351_second_754_s.jpg [large] => 4351_second_754_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => kievskiy_tort_1_kg_s.jpg [large] => kievskiy_tort_1_kg_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 185 [link] => kievskiy-tort-4351 [ru_link] => kievskiy-tort-4351 [en_link] => kiev-cake [ua_link] => kiyivskiy-tort [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 49 [product_raiting] => 245 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-11-18 04:23:54 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 407 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 1 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 138 [vpl_url] => torty [vpl_list_id] => 407 [vpl_name_ru] => Сладкие подарки [vpl_name_ua] => Солодкі подарунки [vpl_name_en] => Sweet Presents [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 26 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Cake Kiev [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Торт Київський 850 гр [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1104 [flower_id] => 1247 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Cake Kiev [ru_name] => Торт Киевский 850 гр [ua_name] => Торт Київський 850 гр [en_name] => Cake Kiev [group] => 52 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Kiev cake - Состав: Cake Kiev. [ru_product_sostav] => Киевский торт - Состав: Торт Киевский 850 гр. [ua_product_sostav] => Київський торт - Склад: Торт Київський 850 гр. [en_product_sostav] => Kiev cake - Composition: Cake Kiev . [url_link] => kievskiy-tort-4351 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4351_second_754_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4351_second_754_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 104 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 5 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The symbol of Kiev, the most popular cake for guests - a Kiev cake. This cake is sweet as a souvenir for visitors and tourists... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 4351 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/kievskiy_tort-4351_9e4_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4351_second_754_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4351_second_754_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4351_second_754_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Kiev cake [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1247] => Array ( [id] => 4351 [flower_id] => 1247 [price] => 450 [price_rate] => 1.1 [price_ukraine] => 500 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 500 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 500 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 500 [price] => 3333 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 3333 [price_cur] => 85 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 85 [price_discount] => 3333 [price_discount_cur] => 85 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 3333 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 85 [price_member] => 3333 [price_member_cur] => 85 [price_member_qty] => 3333 [price_member_qty_cur] => 85 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (500 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [45] => Array ( [id] => 5312 [name] => Bear [ru_name] => Мишка [ua_name] => Ведмедик [en_name] => Bear [title] => Товар «Bear» [small_image] => /bouquet/mishka-5312_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/mishka-5312_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/mishka-5312_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Soft teddy bear is a great gift for the most delicate ladies! Size: 30-40 cm

[rutext] =>

Мягкая игрушка - это замечательный подарок для самых нежных девушек! А плюшевый мишка - это еще и символ трепетного отношения к барышне любого возраста.

Заказать мягкого медвежонка можно на любой праздник и к любому букету. Подарите маленькое чудо!

Размер: 30-40 см.

Внимание! Внешне игрушка может отличаться от представленной фотографии. В случае отсутствия данного товара флорист может заменить его на похожий, в той же ценовой категории.

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Bouquet of socks is a truly wonderful and amazing gift. The 9 pairs of high-quality socks have been combined with a stylish decorative wrapping, to make a bouquet fated to become an adorable one.

Use this to congratulate your dear and near with Birthday or any other occasion. Your sister, sweetheart or friend will be delighted with its marvelous charms. Warning! The bouquet causes laughing, rapture, and adoration.

Attention! The product appearance may differ from the images displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Букеты из носков — что может быть удивительнее и… приятнее? 9 пар симпатичных носков, состоящих из высококачественной ткани, довершенные стильной декоративной упаковкой — подарок, к которому невозможно остаться равнодушным.

Вручите этот «букет» девушке, сестре или подруге, чтобы сделать праздничное событие или самый обычный вечер незабываемым. Готовьтесь, подарок может вызвать смех, восторг и обожание.

Внимание! Внешний вид товара может немного отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. 

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[ru_product_sostav] => Прикольный Букет из носков для мужчин - Состав: Носки женские (пара), Флористический материал, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Прикольний Букет із шкарпеток для чоловіків - Склад: Шкарпетки жіночі (пара), Флористичний матеріал, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet of socks - Composition: Women\'s socks (pair), Floristic material, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-iz-noskov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_iz_noskov-9064_db8_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_noskov-9064_db8_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_noskov-9064_db8_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9064_second_0bf_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9064_second_0bf_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9064_third_0bf_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9064_third_0bf_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9064_four_e38_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9064_four_e38_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 2 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet of socks is a truly wonderful and amazing gift... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9064 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/buket_iz_noskov-9064_db8_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/buket_iz_noskov-9064_db8_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/buket_iz_noskov-9064_db8_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9064_four_e38_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9064_four_e38_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9064_four_e38_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9064_second_0bf_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9064_second_0bf_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9064_second_0bf_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9064_third_0bf_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9064_third_0bf_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9064_third_0bf_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Bouquet of socks [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1433] => Array ( [id] => 9064 [flower_id] => 1433 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [1954] => Array ( [id] => 9064 [flower_id] => 1954 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9064 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9064 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [47] => Array ( [id] => 8122 [name] => Sweet memories [ru_name] => Букет цветов Милые воспоминания [ua_name] => Букет квітів Ранкова ніжність [en_name] => Sweet memories [title] => Купить букет Sweet memories недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet «Sweet memories» is a living embodiment of a fantasy of our florists that cannot worry the hearts of the owners. Present beautiful flowers for any celebration and much better make a pleasant surprise for a beloved woman just like that, without any reason. Like that you will be able to offer them one more reason to love, hold and care for you.

Lovely bouquet consists of tender tulips, whitely eustomas, airy hyacinths supplemented with fluffy Solidago flowers. You will see that with such a gift like that you will become an exceptional object of regard on the celebration.

Attention! Bouquet may differ from the represented image on the website.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Милые воспоминания» - это удивительное воплощение фантазии наших флористов, которая не может не взволновать сердца получательниц. Вручите красивые цветы на любое торжество, а еще лучше - сделайте приятный сюрприз любимым женщинам просто так, без повода. Так Вы подарите им еще один повод любить, дорожить и заботиться о Вас.

Красивый букет состоит из нежных тюльпанов, белоснежных эустом, воздушных гиацинтов, дополненных пушистыми цветками солидаго. Вот увидите, с таким чувственным подарком Вы станете исключительным объектом внимания на торжестве.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_s.jpg [large] => utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8122_five_s.jpg [large] => 8122_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8122_four_s.jpg [large] => 8122_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8122_second_s.jpg [large] => 8122_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8122_third_s.jpg [large] => 8122_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => utrennyaya_nejnost_s.jpg [large] => utrennyaya_nejnost_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => utrennyaya_nejnost_second_s.jpg [large] => utrennyaya_nejnost_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => utrennyaya_nejnost_third_s.jpg [large] => utrennyaya_nejnost_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => utrennyaya_nejnost_four_s.jpg [large] => utrennyaya_nejnost_four_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => utrennyaya_nejnost_five_s.jpg [large] => utrennyaya_nejnost_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-miliye-vospominaniya [ru_link] => buket-miliye-vospominaniya [en_link] => sweet-memories [ua_link] => buket-rankova-nizhnist [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order beautigul bouquet with «Sweet memories» in Ukraine with delivery to any city [image_title_en] => Buy charming bouquet «Sweet memories» in online shop with the fast delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-02 23:47:37 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 40 [color] => multicolor [p_title] => Order amazing flower bouquet «Sweet memories» with fast delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Sweet memories» is a perfect mix of tender colors and romantic accents that will delight even the most demanding recipients [p_keywords] => international flower delivery, bouquet of flowers, flower bouquets, delightful bouquets, rose bouquet, online flower shops, same day flower delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Sweet memories» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 370 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 1 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 14 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Multicolored [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 78 [vpl_url] => tjulpany [vpl_list_id] => 370 [vpl_name_ru] => Тюльпаны {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Тюльпини [vpl_name_en] => Tulips [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Tulip pink [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Solidago [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Hyacinth mix [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Тюльпан рожевий [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Солидаго [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Гіацинт мікс [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 11716 [flower_id] => 964 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Tulip pink [ru_name] => Тюльпан розовый [ua_name] => Тюльпан рожевий [en_name] => Tulip pink [group] => 12 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 11717 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 11718 [flower_id] => 1568 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Solidago [ru_name] => Солидаго [ua_name] => Солидаго [en_name] => Solidago [group] => 81 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11720 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11721 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 11724 [flower_id] => 1019 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hyacinth mix [ru_name] => Гиацинт микс [ua_name] => Гіацинт мікс [en_name] => Hyacinth mix [group] => 19 [flower_color] => 6 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Sweet memories - Состав: Tulip pink, Eustoma white, Solidago, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Hyacinth mix. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Милые воспоминания - Состав: Тюльпан розовый, Эустома белая, Солидаго, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Гиацинт микс. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Ранкова ніжність - Склад: Тюльпан рожевий, Еустома біла, Солидаго, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Гіацинт мікс. [en_product_sostav] => Sweet memories - Composition: Tulip pink, Eustoma white, Solidago, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Hyacinth mix. [url_link] => buket-miliye-vospominaniya [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8122_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8122_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8122_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8122_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8122_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8122_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8122_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8122_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 30 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet «Sweet memories» is a living embodiment of a fantasy of our florists that cannot worry the hearts of the owners... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8122 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/utrennyaya_nejnost-8122_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8122_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8122_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8122_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8122_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8122_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8122_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8122_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8122_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8122_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8122_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8122_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8122_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/612660_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/612660_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/612660_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/612660_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Sweet memories [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tjulpany [name] => Tulips [link] => [slug] => tjulpany ) [14] => Array ( [url] => tulpany [name] => Tulips [link] => [slug] => tulpany ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [964] => Array ( [id] => 8122 [flower_id] => 964 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 8122 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1568] => Array ( [id] => 8122 [flower_id] => 1568 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8122 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8122 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1019] => Array ( [id] => 8122 [flower_id] => 1019 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [48] => Array ( [id] => 9598 [name] => Elegance of roses [ru_name] => Букет цветов Элегантность роз [ua_name] => Букет квітів Елегантність роз [en_name] => Elegance of roses [title] => Купить букет Elegance of roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

This composition elicits delight, admiration, and a quickened heartbeat. And the eloquent name of this bouquet “Elegance of Roses”, at the right time, displays the first impression of such a combination.
By ordering red roses in a black box, you can know that they will be a great addition to any gift or an independent surprise that you will give to your dear person. The strict, graphic form of this bouquet makes it complex and unusual, and precisely matched buds are thoughtful and fabulously attractive. Add to this a touch of contrast packaging and the colors, and you will get the success formula for this fantastic composition.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the photos on the website.

Attention: The ability to deliver this composition abroad must be clarified with the operator.

[rutext] =>

Сказать, что красные розы в коробке – это красиво, не сказать ничего. Ведь такие композиции просто не могут не вызывать восторга, восхищения и учащенного сердцебиения. И красноречивое название этого букета «Элегантность роз», как нельзя кстати отображает первое впечатление о таком сочетании.
Заказав красные розы в черной коробке, вы можете рассчитывать на то, что они станут отличным дополнением к любому подарку или самостоятельным сюрпризом, который вы вручите близкому для себя человеку. Строгая, графическая форма этого букета делает его сложным и необычным, а точно подобранные по размеру бутоны – продуманным и сказочно привлекательным. Добавьте к этому нотку контраста упаковки и самих цветов, и вы получите формулу успеха этой фантастической композиции.
Быстрая доставка роз в Киеве позволит вам сделать роскошный подарок в удобное для вас время, даже если вы не были готовы к этому заранее. Просто доверьтесь настоящим профессионалам своего дела.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

Внимание: Возможность доставки данной композиции заграницу нужно уточнять с оператором.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_s.jpg [large] => elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 9598_five_1ce_s.jpg [large] => 9598_five_1ce_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9598_four_2b1_s.jpg [large] => 9598_four_2b1_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9598_second_099_s.jpg [large] => 9598_second_099_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9598_third_6d5_s.jpg [large] => 9598_third_6d5_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => elegantnost_roz_884_s.jpg [large] => elegantnost_roz_884_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => elegantnost_roz_second_s.jpg [large] => elegantnost_roz_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => elegantnost_roz_third_s.jpg [large] => elegantnost_roz_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => elegantnost_roz_four_s.jpg [large] => elegantnost_roz_four_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => elegantnost_roz_five_s.jpg [large] => elegantnost_roz_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => ehlegantnost-roz [ru_link] => ehlegantnost-roz [en_link] => elegance-of-roses [ua_link] => elegantnist-roz [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.498 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-07 01:47:47 [height] => 25 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 597 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 750 [vpl_url] => 15-roz [vpl_list_id] => 597 [vpl_name_ru] => 15 роз {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => 15 троянд {$city} [vpl_name_en] => 15 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Box [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 15 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Коробка [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 15 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18620 [flower_id] => 1161 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box [ru_name] => Коробка квадратная М [ua_name] => Коробка [en_name] => Box [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18621 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23254 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 15 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.68 [product_sostav] => Elegance of roses - Состав: Box, Oasis, Roses red up to 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Элегантность роз - Состав: Коробка квадратная М, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Елегантність роз - Склад: Коробка, Оазис, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Elegance of roses - Composition: Box, Oasis, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => ehlegantnost-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9598_second_099_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9598_second_099_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9598_third_6d5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9598_third_6d5_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9598_four_2b1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9598_four_2b1_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9598_five_1ce_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9598_five_1ce_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 79 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This composition elicits delight, admiration, and a quickened heartbeat... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9598 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/elegantnost_roz-9598_fe3_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9598_five_1ce_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9598_five_1ce_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9598_five_1ce_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9598_four_2b1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9598_four_2b1_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9598_four_2b1_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9598_second_099_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9598_second_099_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9598_second_099_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9598_third_6d5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9598_third_6d5_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9598_third_6d5_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Elegance of roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9598 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9598 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 9598 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [49] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [name] => Tenderness of bride [ru_name] => Нежность невесты [ua_name] => Ніжність нареченої [en_name] => Tenderness of bride [title] => Купить букет Tenderness of bride недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] => [rutext] =>

Самый счастливый и волнительный день для каждой девушки должен быть утонченным и особенным. Именно потому букет невесты – это воплощение нежности, чистоты, изысканности и индивидуального вкуса. Кроме того, сочетание белого и нежных сиреневых оттенков всегда гармонично завершают образ, наполняя его романтичными красками.

«Нежность невесты» - это оригинальный свадебный букет, который станет изюминкой торжества в любом стиле. Подчеркните утонченность и трогательность момента с помощью ранних весенних гиацинтов, белых фрезий, светлых эустом, сочной зелени и ненавязчивого стильного декора.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

Наличие гиацинтов уточняйте у менеджера. Заказ осуществляется за 2 недели до даты доставки.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7557_four_s.jpg [large] => 7557_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7557_second_s.jpg [large] => 7557_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7557_third_s.jpg [large] => 7557_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_second_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_third_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_four_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-nezhnost-nevesty [ru_link] => buket-nezhnost-nevesty [en_link] => tenderness-of-bride [ua_link] => buket-nizhnist-narechenoyi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-06 14:04:07 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 374 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 10 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 326 [vpl_url] => buket-nevesty [vpl_list_id] => 374 [vpl_name_ru] => Букет невесты [vpl_name_ua] => Букет нареченої [vpl_name_en] => Bridal bouquet [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 20 [rating_value] => 4.6 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hyacinth mix [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum green [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гіацинт мікс [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9241 [flower_id] => 1019 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Hyacinth mix [ru_name] => Гиацинт микс [ua_name] => Гіацинт мікс [en_name] => Hyacinth mix [group] => 19 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9242 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9244 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 9245 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9246 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19993 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.52 [product_sostav] => Tenderness of bride - Состав: Hyacinth mix, Freesia white, Hypericum green, Greens, Tape for flowers, Eustoma white. [ru_product_sostav] => Нежность невесты - Состав: Гиацинт микс, Фрезия белая, Гиперикум зелёный, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Эустома белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Ніжність нареченої - Склад: Гіацинт мікс, Фрезія біла, Гіперікум зелений, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Еустома біла. [en_product_sostav] => Tenderness of bride - Composition: Hyacinth mix, Freesia white, Hypericum green, Greens, Tape for flowers, Eustoma white. [url_link] => buket-nezhnost-nevesty [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7557_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7557_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7557_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7557_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7557_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7557_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 3 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7557 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7557_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7557_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7557_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7557_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7557_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7557_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7557_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7557_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7557_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/595322_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/595322_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Tenderness of bride [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [5] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1019] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 1019 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [977] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 977 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) )
Страница №7 - Цветы Saint-Denis — купить в интернет магазине | Цена: 1$ - 10000$ | Высота: 5-200 | К-во цветов: 1-1001 | Сортировка: Сначала дорогие

Подбор букета: найдено 777 товаров.

Go to main
Selection by parameters
5 cm
200 cm
Flowers count
1 pc
1001 pc
Composition type
To person
  • 7672-3604-3

    White Queen

    443 $

  • 9686-3604-3

    25 red and white roses

    273 $

  • 7573-3604-3

    Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies

    265 $

  • 9687-3604-3

    25 white roses

    264 $

  • 7081-3604-3

    Lollipop bouquet with teddy

    227 $

  • 9589-3604-3

    Bouquet of baby\'s breath

    226 $

  • 9808-3604-3

    Heart of roses El Toro

    220 $

  • 7572-3604-3

    Bouquet of freesies

    198 $

  • 7939-3604-3

    Gourmet Gift

    194 $

  • 9154-3604-3

    Fountain of tenderness

    193 $

  • 9873-3604-3

    Tender gift

    182 $

  • Coral petals Saint-Denis


    Coral petals

    167 $

  • 9461-3604-3

    Heart of roses with sweets

    164 $

  • 9373-3604-3

    Sweet teddy

    162 $

  • 9378-3604-3

    Cake with flower arrangement

    162 $

  • 2760-3604-3


    157 $

  • 8319-3604-3

    Sincerity of love

    155 $

  • 9031-3604-3

    Spring tenderness (wholesale)

    155 $

  • Afrodith Saint-Denis



    151 $

  • 7775-3604-3


    149 $

  • 8270-3604-3

    Juicy basket

    142 $

  • 9376-3604-3

    Sweet present

    141 $

  • 13 Pink roses Saint-Denis


    13 Pink roses

    137 $

  • Thumbelina Saint-Denis



    134 $

  • 9294-3604-3

    15 roses

    134 $

  • 9377-3604-3

    Wonderful moment


  • Tender sapphire Saint-Denis


    Tender sapphire

    130 $

  • 6190-3604-3

    Nice surprise

    126 $

  • 6888-3604-3

    Bouquet 11 red roses

    125 $

  • Classic compliment Saint-Denis


    Classic compliment

    125 $

  • White night Saint-Denis


    White night

    122 $

  • Chic Saint-Denis



    121 $

  • 9561-3604-3

    Of 9 pink roses

    120 $

  • 9840-3604-3

    Send your feelings 11 roses

    119 $

  • 9437-3604-3

    Lovely flower little box

    117 $

  • Grace Saint-Denis



    114 $

  • 9193-3604-3

    Men's format

    114 $

  • 8299-3604-3

    Gentle melody

    112 $

  • 8795-3604-3

    Feelings mystery

    111 $

  • 9160-3604-3

    Flower bouquet Samba

    107 $

  • 6848-3604-3

    White Orchid wedding bouquet

    105 $

  • 8401-3604-3

    Sapphire tenderness

    103 $

  • 9899-3604-3

    Bright summer mix

    90 $

  • 9194-3604-3

    Male Standart

    88 $

  • Kiev cake Saint-Denis


    Kiev cake


  • 5312-3604-3


    85 $


Address: UA, Saint-Denis
Telephone: +380 68 390 9090
Mon-Sun: 8:00-21:00
Saint-Denis — Courier delivery 0 $

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