Zamioculcas Teofipol

ID: 3011-168-3

  • Bouquet of flowers Zamioculcas
  • Bouquet of flowers Zamioculcas Teofipol

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  • Consist: Zamioculcas
  • ID product: 3011-168-3
  • Views per week: 1 person

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«Dollar tree».
Temperature: Moderate, preferably in winter 16-18 OC), but not below 12 degrees C.
Lighting: Bright place with a diffused light. In the summer prefer accommodation in the fresh air on the balcony in the garden, etc. in the Winter will have to be removed zamioculcas closer to the window.
Watering: Moderate spring to fall, but on the pallet should not remain water in winter watering is rare, the soil should be well dry out before the next irrigation. Zamioculcas easy transfers of dryness than stagnation of water in the soil may cause root rot and education stem rot.
Fertilizer: From April to August every two weeks conduct, foliar fertilizers, as zamioculcas quickly Deplete nutrients. You can use fertilizer for cacti and succulents.
Humidity: Zamioculcas does not require leaf spraying, but sometimes it is necessary to arrange wash.
Transplantation: a year in the spring.

You may be interested in: go to the main page of the city Flowers delivery Teofipol, and Flowers delivery Khmelnitsky or Send flowers to Kiev

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