Arrangement Sweety Kostanay

ID: 4998-3045-3

  •  Bouquet Arrangement Sweety
  •  Bouquet Arrangement Sweety Kostanay

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  • ID product: 4998-3045-3
  • Views per week: 1 person

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Description goods

Fruity bouquet, "Sweetness" is made in the original combination of exotic fruits with outstanding taste with white and dark chocolate which gently poured on slices of banana. The most that can just be a surprised business partner!

The fruit bouquet is available for Kiev area only. The product must be ordered at least 2 days before the delivery date. 

Weight is 3,2 kg

Ingredients: strawberries, melon 'Galia', melon "Cantaloupe", Kiva, banana, dark grapes, mango black chocolate, white chocolate.




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