Philodendron Baranovichi

ID: 3043-1640-3

  • Bouquet of flowers Philodendron
  • Bouquet of flowers Philodendron Baranovichi

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  • Consist: Philodendron
  • ID product: 3043-1640-3
  • Height: ↕ 35 cm
  • Views per week: 1 person

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Description goods

Philodendron is a large decorative deciduous plant that belongs to the aroid family.

TEMPERATURE: Moderate, 18-20 ° C in summer, minimum 15 ° C in winter.

LIGHTING: Needs bright, but diffused light, partial shade is possible.

WATERING: Moderate as the soil dries out. Dislikes neither overflow nor drying out of the earth.

AIR HUMIDITY: Requires regular spraying, showering, or wiping the leaves with a damp soft cloth. Does not tolerate drafts.

TRANSFER: Young plants are transplanted annually, adults over three years old are transplanted after two years, but the top layer of the earth is replaced annually.

REPRODUCTION: In summer, with soil heating and using phytohormones, apical and leaf cuttings are rooted. Also propagated by side shoots and air layers.

SIZE: Height - 50 cm, diameter of the pot - 20 cm.

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