Sweetness premium roses by the piece Alma-Ata

ID: 7657-3023-3

  • Sweetness premium roses by the piece Sweetness premium roses by the piece
  • Sweetness premium roses by the piece Sweetness premium roses by the piece
  • Sweetness premium roses by the piece Alma-Ata
  • Sweetness premium roses by the piece Alma-Ata

Already bought: 8 person

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  • Consist: Ecuadorian rose Sweetness
  • ID product: 7657-3023-3
  • Height: ↕ 70 cm
  • Views per week: 1 person

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Buy a Sweetness premium roses by the piece with delivery in Alma-Ata

Description bouquet

Attention! Order these roses 1 week before the date of delivery.

Sensual roses fascinate any lady's heart, because they are made of the most gentle and sincere feelings. Luxury rose bouquet can become not only a complement to the celebration of anniversary, but also surprisingly gentle way to say "I miss you", "Sorry" or "You are my life."

Original Sweetness premium roses are the perfect way to tell about the rich palette of colorful feelings that overwhelm you. The middle of delicate creamy color, like a symbol of fidelity and purity, elegantly framed by a passionate whirlwind of carmine color, adding passion and burning kisses to the bouquet. In addition, with unforgettable premium roses by the piece, you can create a unique bouquet.

CareHow to care for a bouquet?

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