Chlorophytum Avdarma

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ID: 3034-5270-3

  • Bouquet of flowers Chlorophytum
  • Bouquet of flowers Chlorophytum Avdarma

Already bought: 4 person

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  • Consist: Chlorophytum
  • ID product: 3034-5270-3
  • Views per week: 1 person

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Description bouquet

Chlorophytum has long, narrow, curled leaves that are usually green in color but may be striped or white. It can reach up to 60 cm in height and has numerous stems that can grow up to 90 cm in length.

Chlorophytums are very easy growing plants and can be easily propagated by laying out daughter plants that grow from the main plant. They usually thrive in bright but diffused light and are well suited for use as indoor ornamental plants.

Chlorophytums are also very useful plants for indoor air purification, as they can purify the air of various toxins and pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene.

CareHow to care for a bouquet?

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