Bonsai Zug

ID: 245-4589-3

  • Bouquet of flowers Bonsai
  • Bouquet of flowers Bonsai Zug

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  • Consist: Bonsai
  • ID product: 245-4589-3
  • Height: ↕ 30 cm
  • Views per week: 1 person

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Description goods

LIGHTNING: a lot of plants need a bright light, bot not direct sunrays. All bonsais need a shadow from the hot sun in summer.
WATERING:the soil should be always wet. Maybe it will need daily watering, it’s better to do it with a rain or warm water. It’s recommended to water with a method of steeping, It’s also possible to water it with a thin sprayer of a bailer.
ATMOSPHERIC DAMP: It needs a high air moisture. Put the plant on the pan with pebble, and sometimes spray the leaves.
REPLANTING: once in 2 years in spring. Some part of soil is removed, roots is cut in Ѕ of the lenght. Then the plant is replaced in an old pot again.
SIZE: the height is 20, diameter is 15.
*Notation: there are big bonsais in stock, please, ask

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