White belgian chocolate «Summer taste» Tbilisi

ID: 8777-1679-3

  • White belgian chocolate «Summer taste» White belgian chocolate «Summer taste»
  • White belgian chocolate «Summer taste» White belgian chocolate «Summer taste»
  • White belgian chocolate «Summer taste» Tbilisi
  • White belgian chocolate «Summer taste» Tbilisi

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  • ID product: 8777-1679-3
  • Views per week: 1 person

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Buy White belgian chocolate «Summer taste» with shipping to Tbilisi

Description goods

White belgian chocolate «Summer taste» with delicious raspberry, black currant, cherry and strawberry is incredibly sweet and tender gift. Enjoy the unusual taste of the chocolate and  feel nostalgic about  easy-going and joyful summer days! 

The size of the bar of chocolate: 23,5*12,1*1,5.
The weight: 98 g.

Attention: the product may differ from the image presented on the website. The delivery is possible only throughout Kiev.

Please place order 3-4 days in advance till delivery date.

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