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            [name] => Bouquet 51 white roses
            [ru_name] => Букет 51 белая роза
            [ua_name] => Букет 51 біла троянда
            [en_name] => Bouquet 51 white roses
            [title] => Купить букет Bouquet 51 white roses недорого
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A bouquet of 51 white roses will not leave indifferent not a single girl. Ordering this bouquet, you will be satisfied. The bouquet is suitable for a gift for a birthday, anniversary, wedding day or for the birth of a child.

[rutext] =>

Букет из 51 белой розы не оставит равнодушной не одну девушку. Заказав этот букет, Вы останетесь довольны. Букет подойдет для подарка на День Рождение, Юбилей, в день Свадьбы или на рождение ребенка.

Смотрите также: букет из 51 красной розы {$city} и букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет 51 белая роза - Состав: Лента на цветы, Роза белая до 60 см, упаковка 1 м. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет 51 біла троянда - Склад: Стрічка на квіти, Троянда біла до 60 см, Упаковка 1 м. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet 51 white roses - Composition: Tape for flowers, Rose white, Wrapping 1m. 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Open your heart to your beloved woman. Tell her about your love, your passion, your admiration and strong feelings. She is a goddes and you love her: tell about this by any possible ways! Let she receive magic flower composition of white and red roses! Do you see it? It is the velvet heart for her.

Any woman cannot forget such a present. Because all of rose petals are whispering to her «I love you». Give this rose composition in the box for your Goddes and her heart will melt.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image at our website.

[rutext] =>

Вас распирает от чувств так, что хочется выражать их всеми возможными способами? Вы хотите порадовать объект своей страсти так, чтобы это запомнилось навсегда? Хотите завоевать сердце богини, положив к её ногам целый мир? Пускай Она получит в подарок чувственную композицию из белых и рубиново красных роз в виде сердца.

Такой подарок не может оставить равнодушной ни одну женщину. Ведь каждый лепесток этих дивных цветов словно шепчет ей «Я люблю тебя!»

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Рубиновый поцелуй - Состав: Роза белая местная, Роза красная, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Бант, Лента на цветы, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Рубіновий поцілунок - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Троянда червона, Оазис, Бант, Стрічка на квіти, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [en_product_sostav] => Ruby Kiss - Composition: Roses white local, Rose red, Oasis, Bow, Tape for flowers, Box round L 25x13cm. 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=> Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/653781_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/653781_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/589778_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/589778_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Ruby Kiss [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [3] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca [name] => Roses in a shape of a heart [link] => [slug] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca ) [5] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [10] => Array ( [url] => serdtsa [name] => Hearts [link] => [slug] => serdtsa ) [11] => Array ( [url] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina [name] => Heards Valentines Day [link] => [slug] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 7800 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 17 ) [882] => Array ( [id] => 7800 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 7800 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1152] => Array ( [id] => 7800 [flower_id] => 1152 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7800 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2555] => Array ( [id] => 7800 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1905 [price] => 13970 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 13970 [price_cur] => 13970 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 13970 [price_discount] => 13970 [price_discount_cur] => 13970 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 13970 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 13970 [price_member] => 13970 [price_member_cur] => 13970 [price_member_qty] => 13970 [price_member_qty_cur] => 13970 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 17) *1 + (50 * 13) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (25 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (230 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 13970 [business] => 16066 [vip] => 18161 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 8390 [name] => Bouquet in a box [ru_name] => Букет красных роз в коробке [ua_name] => Букет червоних троянд в коробці [en_name] => Bouquet in a box [title] => Купить букет Bouquet in a box недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/margo-8390_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/margo-8390_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/margo-8390_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

On the one hand Bouquet «Margo» is concise; on the other, it is an uncommon gift which will delight the recipient at a glance. Delicate roses, as a symbol of passionate love, cautiously put into a decorative box wrapped by the red ribbon. This flower arrangement will help you to bring into relations of two lovers a tone of tenderness and frankness; congratulate dear woman with an anniversary, Valentine’s Day, apologise or it can be simply small but very pleasant surprise.
Fascinating «Margo» is also a great gift for attentive mother, grandmother, aunt or sister on Birthday, name day or jubilee.  Give your closest one unforgettable emotions, show your love, talk about your feelings and you won’t be overlooked, we promise you!

[rutext] =>

Букет «Марго» - это с одной стороны лаконичный, а с другой – оригинальный презент, который восхищает с первого взгляда. Нежные розы, символизирующие страстную любовь, бережно поставлены в декоративное кашпо, обернутое лентой. Такая композиция поможет Вам вернуть нежность и искренность в отношения двух влюбленных, поздравить дорогую женщину с годовщиной, Днем святого Валентина, попросить прощение или же просто сделать приятный сюрприз.

Очаровательная «Марго» также станет отличный подарком для заботливой мамы, бабушки, тети или сестры на День Рождения, именины или юбилей. Дарите своим близким незабываемые эмоции, проявляйте свою любовь, говорите о чувствах, и Вы не останетесь без их внимания, вот увидите! Другие варианты смотрите на странице купить розы {$city} 

Внимание! Композиция может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => margo-8390_s.jpg [large] => margo-8390_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8390_four_s.jpg [large] => 8390_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8390_second_s.jpg [large] => 8390_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8390_third_s.jpg [large] => 8390_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => anita_s.jpg [large] => anita_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => anita_second_s.jpg [large] => anita_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => anita_third_s.jpg [large] => anita_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => anita_four_s.jpg [large] => anita_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-margo [ru_link] => buket-margo [en_link] => margo [ua_link] => buket-margo [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.54 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-13 01:22:35 [height] => 25 [diametre] => 25 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0.98 [main_list_id] => 632 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 912 [vpl_url] => 35-roz [vpl_list_id] => 632 [vpl_name_ru] => 35 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 35 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 35 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 31 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 31 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12899 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 31 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12900 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12901 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12903 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 21426 [flower_id] => 2555 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [ua_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [en_name] => Box round L 25x13cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.4 [product_sostav] => Bouquet in a box - Состав: Rose red, Greens, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Box round L 25x13cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет красных роз в коробке - Состав: Роза красная, Зелень в букет, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет червоних троянд в коробці - Склад: Троянда червона, Зелень у букет, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet in a box - Composition: Rose red, Greens, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Box round L 25x13cm. [url_link] => buket-margo [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/margo-8390_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/margo-8390_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/margo-8390_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8390_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8390_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8390_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8390_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8390_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8390_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 40 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => On the one hand Bouquet «Margo» is concise; on the other, it is an uncommon gift which will delight the recipient at a glance... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8390 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/margo-8390_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/margo-8390_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/margo-8390_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8390_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8390_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8390_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8390_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8390_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8390_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8390_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8390_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8390_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet in a box [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [2] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 8390 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 31 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8390 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 8390 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8390 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2555] => Array ( [id] => 8390 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1895 [price] => 13619 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 13619 [price_cur] => 13619 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 13619 [price_discount] => 13619 [price_discount_cur] => 13619 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 13619 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 13619 [price_member] => 13619 [price_member_cur] => 13619 [price_member_qty] => 13619 [price_member_qty_cur] => 13619 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.1866666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 31) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (230 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 13619 [business] => 15662 [vip] => 17704 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 9081 [name] => Weightlessness [ru_name] => Букет цветов Невесомость [ua_name] => Букет квітів Невагомість [en_name] => Weightlessness [title] => Купить букет Weightlessness недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/nevesomost-9081_fbf_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/nevesomost-9081_fbf_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/nevesomost-9081_fbf_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

This combination of red roses, viburnum, eustomas, red hypericum, and oasis has exceeded our expectations. The bouquet of flowers, complemented with such stylistic elements, as a decorative chest and a ribbon, revealed in a form of refined composition that is fated to become a fascinating present.

But what is «Weightlessness»? That’s the feeling when you feel no floor under your feet. With that composition, the receiver will experience it. Don’t be afraid: she’ll appreciate it!

Attention! The composition may differ from the images displayed on our site. Please contact our manager to know the details. 

[rutext] =>

Комбинация красных роз, вибурнума, эустом, красного гиперикума и оазиса превзошла самые смелые ожидания. Букет этих цветов, дополненный стилистическими элементами — декоративным ящиком и лентой, находит свою кульминацию в виде изысканной композиции, обречённой стать изумительным подарком.

Что есть «Невесомость»? Этоотсутствие чувства опоры. Очарованная этой композицией, получательница ненадолго потеряет ощущение земли под ногами. Не стоит беспокоиться: она будет вам благодарна.

Внимание! Композиция может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. Детали вы можете уточнить у менеджера.

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[p_keywords] => composition of flowers, arragement of flowers, flower arrangement [p_h1] => Composition «Weightlessness» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 161 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 9 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 23 [vpl_url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [vpl_list_id] => 161 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы жене на День Рождение {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти дружині на День Народження {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Viburnum [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum red [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Decorative box [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Вібурнум [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум червоний [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Декоративний ящик [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16966 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 9 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16967 [flower_id] => 1512 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Viburnum [ru_name] => Вибурнум [ua_name] => Вібурнум [en_name] => Viburnum [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16969 [flower_id] => 978 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Hypericum red [ru_name] => Гиперикум красный [ua_name] => Гіперікум червоний [en_name] => Hypericum red [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16970 [flower_id] => 1866 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Decorative box [ru_name] => Декоративный ящик [ua_name] => Декоративний ящик [en_name] => Decorative box [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 16971 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 16972 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 20011 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.84 [product_sostav] => Weightlessness - Состав: Rose red, Viburnum, Hypericum red, Decorative box, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Eustoma white. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Невесомость - Состав: Роза красная, Вибурнум, Гиперикум красный, Декоративный ящик, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Эустома белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Невагомість - Склад: Троянда червона, Вібурнум, Гіперікум червоний, Декоративний ящик, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Еустома біла. [en_product_sostav] => Weightlessness - Composition: Rose red, Viburnum, Hypericum red, Decorative box, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Eustoma white. [url_link] => buket-nevesomost [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/nevesomost-9081_fbf_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/nevesomost-9081_fbf_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/nevesomost-9081_fbf_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9081_second_05c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9081_second_05c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9081_third_05c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9081_third_05c_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9081_four_941_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9081_four_941_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This combination of red roses, viburnum, eustomas, red hypericum, and oasis has exceeded our expectations... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9081 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/nevesomost-9081_fbf_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/nevesomost-9081_fbf_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/nevesomost-9081_fbf_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9081_four_941_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9081_four_941_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9081_four_941_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9081_second_05c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9081_second_05c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9081_second_05c_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9081_third_05c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9081_third_05c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9081_third_05c_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Weightlessness [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu [name] => Flowers for a boss [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-partneram [name] => Flowers for partners [link] => [slug] => tsvety-partneram ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-korporativnym-klientam [name] => Flowers for corporate clients [link] => [slug] => tsvety-korporativnym-klientam ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-kollege [name] => Flowers for a colleague [link] => [slug] => tsvety-kollege ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 9081 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [1512] => Array ( [id] => 9081 [flower_id] => 1512 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 108 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 108 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 108 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [978] => Array ( [id] => 9081 [flower_id] => 978 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1866] => Array ( [id] => 9081 [flower_id] => 1866 [price] => 450 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 450 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 450 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 450 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9081 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9081 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9081 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1607 [price] => 11785 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 11785 [price_cur] => 11785 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11785 [price_discount] => 11785 [price_discount_cur] => 11785 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 11785 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11785 [price_member] => 11785 [price_member_cur] => 11785 [price_member_qty] => 11785 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11785 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 9) *1 + (108 * 4) *1 + (30 * 2) *1 + (450 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 11785 [business] => 13552 [vip] => 15320 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5776 [name] => Bouquet 25 roses [ru_name] => Букет цветов 25 красных роз [ua_name] => Букет квітів 25 троянд [en_name] => Bouquet 25 roses [title] => Купить букет Bouquet 25 roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

Every girl loves to receive flowers. This is always a special manifestation of attention, care and love from the giver. It is also, among other things, also a pleasant surprise. Each lady has her own preferences in compositions. But the rose still remains a classic of the genre.

This fragrant flower is the real queen among all representatives of the flora. Such a luxurious plant is very pleasantly fragrant and looks royal, not otherwise. One rose… It looks self-sufficient in itself and brings a lot of positive impressions to the recipient. But how many flowers are in the bouquet - solid and incredibly beautiful?

Imagine what a bouquet looks like, which consists, for example, of 25 roses. In Ukraine, it is not a problem to acquire such happiness for any celebration. The Queen of Flowers organically "flows" into any composition, and when it comes to a full-fledged bouquet, which consists of two dozen flowers and more - that's where the real explosion of emotions is.

[rutext] =>

Каждая девушка безумно любит получать цветы. Это всегда особенное для нее проявление внимания, заботы и любви со стороны дарящего. Также это, помимо прочего, еще и приятный сюрприз. У каждой дамы есть свои предпочтения в композициях. Но классикой жанра все также остается роза.

Этот ароматный цветок – самая настоящая королева, среди всех представителей флоры. Одна роза… Она сама по себе самодостаточно смотрится и приносит много положительных впечатлений получательнице. А вот насколько цветов в букете – солидно и невероятно красиво. Смотрите также раздел все розы в {$city_where} или 25 роз {$city}.

А так же Вы можете посмотреть букеты на 35 и 51 розу

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_s.jpg [large] => plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 5776_four_36f_s.jpg [large] => 5776_four_36f_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 5776_second_s.jpg [large] => 5776_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 5776_third_s.jpg [large] => 5776_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => ogon_strasti_25_roz_31e_s.jpg [large] => ogon_strasti_25_roz_31e_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => Ogon_strasti_second_s.jpg [large] => Ogon_strasti_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => Ogon_strasti_third_s.jpg [large] => Ogon_strasti_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => ogon_strasti_25_roz_four_s.jpg [large] => ogon_strasti_25_roz_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 239 [link] => buket-25-roz [ru_link] => buket-25-roz [en_link] => 25-roses [ua_link] => buket-25-troyand [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 30 [product_raiting] => 147 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-12 20:20:23 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 1.05 [main_list_id] => 595 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 745 [vpl_url] => 25-roz [vpl_list_id] => 595 [vpl_name_ru] => 25 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 25 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 25 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 25 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 25 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6388 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6389 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20563 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 25 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 1.16 [product_sostav] => Bouquet 25 roses - Состав: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов 25 красных роз - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів 25 троянд - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet 25 roses - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => buket-25-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5776_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5776_second_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5776_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5776_third_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5776_four_36f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5776_four_36f_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 225 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Every girl loves to receive flowers. This is always a special manifestation of attention, care and love from the giver. It is also, among other things, also a pleasant surprise... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 5776 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/plamya_chuvstv_25_roz-5776_445_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5776_four_36f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5776_four_36f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5776_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5776_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5776_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5776_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5776_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5776_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5776_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595913_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595913_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/589050_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/589050_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/586585.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/586585_full.jpg [city] => odessa [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/582045_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/582045_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [4] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/582045_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/582045_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet 25 roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 5776 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 5776 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 5776 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 25 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1455 [price] => 11204 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 11204 [price_cur] => 11204 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11204 [price_discount] => 11204 [price_discount_cur] => 11204 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 11204 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11204 [price_member] => 11204 [price_member_cur] => 11204 [price_member_qty] => 11204 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11204 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.7 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 2) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 + (55 * 25) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 11204 [business] => 12884 [vip] => 14565 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 2973 [name] => Flame of passion 23 roses [ru_name] => Пламя страсти 23 розы [ua_name] => Полум'я пристрасті 23 троянди [en_name] => Flame of passion 23 roses [title] => Купить букет Flame of passion 23 roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

A classic bouquet from 23 roses will match in any case. 

Classic red roses, the beauty of which is effectively emphasized by greenery, its curved leaves add splendor and make the bouquet very elegant and festive. You can safely choose it for any occasion.

"Flame of passion" - 23 bright red roses. The indomitable ardor of desire, expressed by flowers, is slightly diluted with the coolness of greenery. Each shade tries to convey its own message to the addressee. This is a message of passionate love, and enticing promises, and exciting experiences.

Such a bouquet will not only decorate any family celebration or a romantic evening for two, thanks to its classic content and form, it will help you find the necessary words of congratulations for the manager on their professional holiday, touching wishes for a colleague, birthday girl, gratitude to parents, friends, partners. Give positive emotions to those who are close to you! Other bouquets with red roses.

Attention: The design of the bouquet may differ from that presented on the site. The vase is not included in the price.

Composition: 23 (22) roses.

Size: 50 х 60 сm.

Attention: The vase is not included to the price. You can order it separately. 
[rutext] =>

Классические красные розы, красота которых эффектно подчеркнута зеленью, ее изогнутые листья добавляют пышности и делают букет очень нарядным и праздничным. Можете смело выбирать его для любого случая.

"Пламя страсти" - 23 розы ярко красного цвета. Неукротимый пыл желания, выражаемый цветами, немного разбавлен прохладой зелени. Каждый оттенок пытается донести свое собственное сообщение адресату. Это и послание страстной любви, и манящие обещания, и волнующие переживания.

Подобный букет не только украсит любое семейное торжество или романтический вечер для двоих, благодаря своему классическому наполнению и форме, он поможет подобрать необходимые слова поздравлений для руководителя в профессиональный праздник, трогательные пожелания для коллеги-именинницы, благодарности - родителям, друзьям, партнерам. Дарите положительные эмоции тем, кто с вами рядом! Другие букеты с составом красная роза.

Внимание: Оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте. Ваза в его стоимость не включена.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Пламя страсти 23 розы - Состав: Аспидистра, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Полум'я пристрасті 23 троянди - Склад: Аспідістра, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Flame of passion 23 roses - Composition: Aspidistra, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => buket-plamya-strasti-23-rozyi [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2973_second_d9b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2973_second_d9b_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2973_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2973_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2973_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2973_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 32 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A classic bouquet from 23 roses will match in any case... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 4 [code] => SP 2973 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/plamya_strasti_23_rozyi-2973_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2973_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2973_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2973_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2973_second_d9b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2973_second_d9b_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2973_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2973_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2973_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2973_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flame of passion 23 roses [rate] => 4 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1006] => Array ( [id] => 2973 [flower_id] => 1006 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 8 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 2973 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 2973 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 2973 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 23 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1465 [price] => 10743 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10743 [price_cur] => 10743 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10743 [price_discount] => 10743 [price_discount_cur] => 10743 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10743 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10743 [price_member] => 10743 [price_member_cur] => 10743 [price_member_qty] => 10743 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10743 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 8) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (55 * 23) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 10743 [business] => 12355 [vip] => 13966 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 9713 [name] => 25 white roses craft [ru_name] => 25 белых роз крафт [ua_name] => 25 білих троянд крафт [en_name] => 25 white roses craft [title] => Купить букет 25 white roses craft недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A bouquet of white roses is the noblest decision that cannot leave anyone indifferent. There is so much tenderness, romance and love in it that when handing it, you can say nothing at all - everything is clear without words.
25 white roses will be useful for a date, birthday or wedding anniversary. They are not just beautiful, they are gorgeous, especially in such a spectacular design of neutral craft paper and the right decorative tape. The buds themselves are chosen practically “size to size”, which makes the composition competent, symmetrical and attractive.
Make a decision to order white roses with delivery right now to please your loved one. With such a composition, you will not have a chance to be left without attention or a whole stream of emotions. Quick preparation, professional work, prompt delivery, reasonable price - that's what awaits you when buying a bouquet from us.

Rose height: 50 cm

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the photos presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Букет из белых роз – благороднейшее решение, которое не может оставить равнодушным. В нем столько нежности, романтичности и любви, что при его вручении можно вообще ничего не говорить – все понятно без слов. Заказать букет цветов в  {$city_dat} с бесплатной открыткой ручной работы вам поможет оператор UFL.
25 белых роз пригодятся для свидания, Дня рождения или годовщины свадьбы. Они не просто красивы, они великолепны, тем более в таком эффектном оформлении из нейтральной крафтовой бумаги и правильно подобранной декоративной ленты. Сами же бутоны подобраны практически «размер в размер», что делает композицию грамотной, симметричной и привлекательной.
Принимайте решение заказать белые розы с доставкой прямо сейчас, чтобы порадовать своего близкого и любимого человека. С такой композицией у вас не будет шанса остаться без внимания или целого потока эмоций. Быстрая подготовка, работа профессионалов, оперативная доставка, приятная цена – вот, что ожидает вас при покупке букета у нас. Смотрите также раздел все розы в {$city_where} или 25 роз {$city}.

Высота розы: 50 см

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [large] => 25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9687_four_7f1_s.jpg [large] => 9687_four_7f1_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9687_second_14b_s.jpg [large] => 9687_second_14b_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9687_third_a2f_s.jpg [large] => 9687_third_a2f_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 25_belyih_roz_527_s.jpg [large] => 25_belyih_roz_527_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 25_belyih_roz_second_s.jpg [large] => 25_belyih_roz_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 25_belyih_roz_third_s.jpg [large] => 25_belyih_roz_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 25_belyih_roz_four_s.jpg [large] => 25_belyih_roz_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => 25-belyh-roz-9713 [ru_link] => 25-belyh-roz-9713 [en_link] => 25-white-roses-9713 [ua_link] => 25-bilyh-troyand-9713 [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-15 15:34:13 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 617 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 392 [vpl_url] => belye-rozy [vpl_list_id] => 617 [vpl_name_ru] => Белые розы [vpl_name_ua] => Білі троянди {$city} [vpl_name_en] => White roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 18 [rating_value] => 4.61 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 25 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 25 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18885 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18886 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18887 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 25 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 1.12 [product_sostav] => 25 white roses craft - Состав: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses white local. [ru_product_sostav] => 25 белых роз крафт - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза белая местная. [ua_product_sostav] => 25 білих троянд крафт - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда біла місцева. [en_product_sostav] => 25 white roses craft - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses white local. [url_link] => 25-belyh-roz-9713 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 158 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A bouquet of white roses is the noblest decision that cannot leave anyone indifferent... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9713 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/25_belyih_roz-9687_d96_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9687_four_7f1_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9687_second_14b_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9687_third_a2f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 25 white roses craft [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9713 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9713 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [877] => Array ( [id] => 9713 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 25 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1435 [price] => 10523 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10523 [price_cur] => 10523 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10523 [price_discount] => 10523 [price_discount_cur] => 10523 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10523 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10523 [price_member] => 10523 [price_member_cur] => 10523 [price_member_qty] => 10523 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10523 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (55 * 25) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 10523 [business] => 12102 [vip] => 13680 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 8327 [name] => Bouquet Colors of summer [ru_name] => Букет Краски лета 25 роз [ua_name] => Букет Фарби літа 25 троянд [en_name] => Bouquet Colors of summer [title] => Купить букет Bouquet Colors of summer недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/kraski_leta-8327_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/kraski_leta-8327_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/kraski_leta-8327_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A warm bouquet, which includes the sunniest roses - yellow and orange, gives positive emotions and charges with cheerfulness.

The positive energy of this flower arrangement is very strong. Yellow reveals your friendly intentions, reddish-orange - inspires joy and optimism. Any woman will be pleased to receive this cheerful greeting from the "Colors of Summer" as a gift. A bunch of these juicy flowers will be a more than appropriate birthday present for your mother, grandmother, work colleague. Give a sunny mood to your loved ones!

Attention: the bouquet may look different from the image. The price of the bouquet does not include a vase, you can order it separately.

[rutext] =>

Тёплый букет, в составе которого самые солнечные розы – жёлтая и оранжевая, дарит положительные эмоции и заряжает жизнерадостностью.

Позитивная энергетика этой цветочной композиции очень сильна. Жёлтый цвет раскрывает ваши дружеские намерения, рыжевато-апельсиновый – вселяет радость и оптимизм. Любой женщине будет приятно получить в подарок этот весёлый привет от «Краски лета». Охапка этих сочных цветов станет более чем уместным презентом на День рождения вашей мамы, бабушки, коллеги по работе. Подарите солнечное настроение своим близким!

Внимание: букет может внешне отличаться от изображения. В стоимость букета ваза не включена, ее Вы можете заказать отдельно.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => kraski_leta-8327_s.jpg [large] => kraski_leta-8327_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8327_four_s.jpg [large] => 8327_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8327_second_s.jpg [large] => 8327_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8327_third_s.jpg [large] => 8327_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => kraski_leta_s.jpg [large] => kraski_leta_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => kraski_leta_second_s.jpg [large] => kraski_leta_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => kraski_leta_third_s.jpg [large] => kraski_leta_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => kraski_leta_four_s.jpg [large] => kraski_leta_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-kraski-leta-1 [ru_link] => buket-kraski-leta-1 [en_link] => colors-of-summer [ua_link] => buket-farby-lita [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.498 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-06-22 11:43:04 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => yellow [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 595 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Yellow [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 745 [vpl_url] => 25-roz [vpl_list_id] => 595 [vpl_name_ru] => 25 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 25 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 25 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose yellow [count] => 13 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose orange [count] => 12 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда жовта [count] => 13 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда помаранчева [count] => 12 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12605 [flower_id] => 879 [ammount] => 13 [name] => Rose yellow [ru_name] => Роза жёлтая [ua_name] => Троянда жовта [en_name] => Rose yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12606 [flower_id] => 885 [ammount] => 12 [name] => Rose orange [ru_name] => Роза оранжевая [ua_name] => Троянда помаранчева [en_name] => Rose orange [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12608 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12609 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.08 [product_sostav] => Bouquet Colors of summer - Состав: Rose yellow, Rose orange, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет Краски лета 25 роз - Состав: Роза жёлтая, Роза оранжевая, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет Фарби літа 25 троянд - Склад: Троянда жовта, Троянда помаранчева, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet Colors of summer - Composition: Rose yellow, Rose orange, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-kraski-leta-1 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/kraski_leta-8327_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/kraski_leta-8327_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/kraski_leta-8327_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8327_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8327_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8327_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8327_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8327_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8327_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 12 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A warm bouquet, which includes the sunniest roses - yellow and orange, gives positive emotions and charges with cheerfulness... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8327 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/kraski_leta-8327_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/kraski_leta-8327_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/kraski_leta-8327_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8327_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8327_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8327_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8327_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8327_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8327_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8327_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8327_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8327_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/655907_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/655907_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet Colors of summer [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [879] => Array ( [id] => 8327 [flower_id] => 879 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [885] => Array ( [id] => 8327 [flower_id] => 885 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 12 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8327 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8327 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1415 [price] => 10377 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10377 [price_cur] => 10377 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10377 [price_discount] => 10377 [price_discount_cur] => 10377 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10377 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10377 [price_member] => 10377 [price_member_cur] => 10377 [price_member_qty] => 10377 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10377 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 13) *1 + (55 * 12) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 10377 [business] => 11933 [vip] => 13490 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 8496 [name] => Funeral bouquet in gold color [ru_name] => Траурный букет в золотом цвете [ua_name] => Траурний букет в золотому кольорі [en_name] => Funeral bouquet in gold color [title] => Купить букет Funeral bouquet in gold color недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
Funeral flower composition is a special type of the floristic art. The main reason is decorating a dear one’s grave with flowers is a deeply symbolical ritual. It’s a way to show the special kind of respect and deep love.

In spite of its lamentable purpose, the funeral bouquet in gold looks pretty elegant. The bouquet decorated with a funeral ribbon and the same type wrapping.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site. 
[rutext] =>

Траурные цветочные композиции - это особый вид флористики. Ведь возложение цветов на могилу ушедшего из жизни человека является глубоко символичным ритуалом. Это дань уважения и любви. 

Несмотря на своё печальное назначение траурный букет в золотом цвете выглядит элегантно и сдержано. Главная задача желтых и белых розы в этой композиции - смягчить горечь потери и трагичность момента. Из декора на букете присутствует траурная лента и соответствующая упаковка.
Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8496_second_s.jpg [large] => 8496_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8496_third_s.jpg [large] => 8496_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12_second_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12_third_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12_third_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => traurnyj-buket-v-zolotom-cvete [ru_link] => traurnyj-buket-v-zolotom-cvete [en_link] => funeral-bouquet-in-gold-color [ua_link] => traurntj-buket-v-zolotomu-koljori [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy the funeral bouquet in our internet shop | Delivery [image_title_en] => Order Funeral bouquet in gold with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-01-28 03:43:48 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => yellow [p_title] => Order the funeral bouquet in gold with delivery [p_description] => In spite of its lamentable purpose, the funeral bouquet in gold looks pretty elegant. [p_keywords] => funeral bouquets, funeral wreath, funeral composition, order funeral bouquet, buy funeral bouquet, funeral composition delivery [p_h1] => Funeral bouquet in gold [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 400 [google_product_category] => 5606 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Yellow [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 119 [vpl_url] => traurnyie-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 400 [vpl_name_ru] => Траурные букеты [vpl_name_ua] => Траурні букети [vpl_name_en] => Mourning bouquets [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose yellow [count] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 6 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Rose shrub yellow [count] => 8 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда жовта [count] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 6 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова жовта [count] => 8 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 13342 [flower_id] => 879 [ammount] => 10 [name] => Rose yellow [ru_name] => Роза жёлтая [ua_name] => Троянда жовта [en_name] => Rose yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 13343 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 13344 [flower_id] => 894 [ammount] => 8 [name] => Rose shrub yellow [ru_name] => Роза кустовая жёлтая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова жовта [en_name] => Rose shrub yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 13345 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 13346 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 13347 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 1.08 [product_sostav] => Funeral bouquet in gold color - Состав: Rose yellow, Roses white local, Rose shrub yellow, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Greens. [ru_product_sostav] => Траурный букет в золотом цвете - Состав: Роза жёлтая, Роза белая местная, Роза кустовая жёлтая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Зелень в букет. [ua_product_sostav] => Траурний букет в золотому кольорі - Склад: Троянда жовта, Троянда біла місцева, Троянда кущова жовта, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Зелень у букет. [en_product_sostav] => Funeral bouquet in gold color - Composition: Rose yellow, Roses white local, Rose shrub yellow, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Greens. [url_link] => traurnyj-buket-v-zolotom-cvete [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8496_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8496_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8496_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8496_third_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 53 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Funeral flower composition is a special type of the floristic art. The main reason is decorating a dear one’s grave with flowers is a deeply symbolical ritual... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8496 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novyiy_traurnyiy_buket_12-8496_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8496_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8496_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8496_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8496_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8496_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8496_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/652513_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/652513_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/591002_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/591002_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Funeral bouquet in gold color [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [879] => Array ( [id] => 8496 [flower_id] => 879 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 10 ) [877] => Array ( [id] => 8496 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [894] => Array ( [id] => 8496 [flower_id] => 894 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 8 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8496 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8496 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8496 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1410 [price] => 10340 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10340 [price_cur] => 10340 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10340 [price_discount] => 10340 [price_discount_cur] => 10340 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10340 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10340 [price_member] => 10340 [price_member_cur] => 10340 [price_member_qty] => 10340 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10340 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 10) *1 + (55 * 6) *1 + (55 * 8) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 10340 [business] => 11891 [vip] => 13442 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9255 [name] => Из разноцветных роз + Конфеты Merci [ru_name] => Из разноцветных роз + Конфеты Merci [ua_name] => Із різнокольорових троянд + Цукерки Merci [en_name] => Из разноцветных роз + Конфеты Merci [title] => Купить букет Из разноцветных роз + Конфеты Merci недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The bouquet “From colorful roses” consists of pink, red, yellow and white roses. This is a wonderful combination of beauty and color. It is presentable and looks rich, with it, you can go to any holiday or event. It can be presented foremost to your beloved girl, she will be delighted with so many colors and melt right before your eyes. Or, for example, give as a token of gratitude to a doctor, teacher, business partner.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Букет "Из разноцветных роз" состоит из розовой, красной, желтой и белой розы. Это прекрасное сочетание красоты и цвета. Он презентабельный и выглядит по-богатому, с ним можно пойти на любой праздник или мероприятие. Его можно подарить в первую очередь любимой девушке, она обрадуется такому количеству красок и растает прямо у Вас на глазах. Или, например, подарить в знак благодарности врачу, преподавателю, партнеру по бизнесу.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Из разноцветных роз + Конфеты Merci - Состав: Роза разноцветная, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов, Зелень в букет, Конфеты Merci Finest Selection 250 г. [ua_product_sostav] => Із різнокольорових троянд + Цукерки Merci - Склад: Троянда різнокольорова, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів, Зелень у букет, Цукерки Merci Finest Selection 250 г. [en_product_sostav] => Из разноцветных роз + Конфеты Merci - Composition: Rose varicolored, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens, Chocolates Merci Finest Selection 250 g. [url_link] => buket-iz-raznocvetnyh-roz-plyus-konfety-merci [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9255_second_350_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9255_second_350_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9255_third_83d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9255_third_83d_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9255_four_83d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9255_four_83d_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 3 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The bouquet “From colorful roses” consists of pink, red, yellow and white roses. This is a wonderful combination of beauty and color... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9255 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/iz_raznotsvetnyih_roz_plus_konfetyi_merci-9255_a03_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9255_four_83d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9255_four_83d_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9255_four_83d_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9255_second_350_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9255_second_350_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9255_second_350_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9255_third_83d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9255_third_83d_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9255_third_83d_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Из разноцветных роз + Конфеты Merci [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [886] => Array ( [id] => 9255 [flower_id] => 886 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 19 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9255 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9255 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9255 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [946] => Array ( [id] => 9255 [flower_id] => 946 [price] => 239 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1385 [price] => 10157 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10157 [price_cur] => 10157 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10157 [price_discount] => 10157 [price_discount_cur] => 10157 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10157 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10157 [price_member] => 10157 [price_member_cur] => 10157 [price_member_qty] => 10157 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10157 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 19) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (250 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 10157 [business] => 11680 [vip] => 13204 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 8258 [name] => Burning feeling [ru_name] => Пламенные чувства [ua_name] => Букет квітів Палкі почуття [en_name] => Burning feeling [title] => Купить букет Burning feeling недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "Fiery feelings" is a gift for the most sincere and ardent recognition. This gigantic arrangement of 25 red roses is precisely what you need to surprise your beloved women.

Proud, scarlet buds, together with emerald greenery, create a truly delightful present that will easily brighten up both an ordinary day and delight at an official event or a quiet family celebration. Present this bouquet to the one whose heart you decide to win and let only mutual feelings be in your life, and the days will be filled with warmth and comfort.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>
Букет «Пламенные чувства» - это подарок для самого искреннего и горячего признания. Эта огромная композиция из 25 красных роз именно то, что нужно, для того чтобы удивить любимых женщин.

Гордые, алые бутоны вместе с изумрудной зеленью создают воистину восхитительный презент, который с легкостью скрасит как обычный день, так и порадует на официальном мероприятии или тихом семейном торжестве. Преподнесите этот букет той, чье сердце вы решили завоевать и пусть в вашей жизни будут только взаимные чувства, а дни будут наполнены теплотой и уютом.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_s.jpg [large] => plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8258_four_s.jpg [large] => 8258_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8258_second_s.jpg [large] => 8258_second_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => plamennyie_chuvstva_s.jpg [large] => plamennyie_chuvstva_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => plamennyie_chuvstva_second_s.jpg [large] => plamennyie_chuvstva_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => plamennyie_chuvstva_third_s.jpg [large] => plamennyie_chuvstva_third_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-plamennye-chuvstva [ru_link] => buket-plamennye-chuvstva [en_link] => burning-feeling [ua_link] => buket-palki-pochuttya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-30 00:44:56 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 595 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 745 [vpl_url] => 25-roz [vpl_list_id] => 595 [vpl_name_ru] => 25 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 25 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 25 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 25 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 25 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12301 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 25 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12302 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12303 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.16 [product_sostav] => Burning feeling - Состав: Rose red, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => Пламенные чувства - Состав: Роза красная, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Палкі почуття - Склад: Троянда червона, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => Burning feeling - Composition: Rose red, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-plamennye-chuvstva [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8258_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8258_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8258_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8258_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 38 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "Fiery feelings" is a gift for the most sincere and ardent recognition... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8258 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/plamennyie_chuvstva-8258_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8258_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8258_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8258_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8258_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8258_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8258_second_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Burning feeling [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 8258 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 25 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8258 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8258 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1330 [price] => 9753 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 9753 [price_cur] => 9753 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 9753 [price_discount] => 9753 [price_discount_cur] => 9753 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 9753 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 9753 [price_member] => 9753 [price_member_cur] => 9753 [price_member_qty] => 9753 [price_member_qty_cur] => 9753 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 25) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 9753 [business] => 11216 [vip] => 12679 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [name] => Marseillaise [ru_name] => Букет цветов Марсельеза [ua_name] => Букет квітів Марсельєза [en_name] => Marseillaise [title] => Купить букет Marseillaise недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/marseleza-8377_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/marseleza-8377_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/marseleza-8377_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet «Marseillaise» reminds a French melody that gives confidence and inspires to do something really beautiful. Such gift will definitely remain in the memory of dear female receiver. Soft dianthuses are surrounded by sea of greens that tenderly covers roses, hyacinths, trachelium. This charming mixture of tints and a floral harmony in bright box will be a wonderful gift for beloved woman.
The Bouquet «Marseillaise» will be suitable for different events as Birthday, jubilee, anniversary, Women’s Day, professional holiday or as a surprise.
Give happiness to ones you love, show them your love and attention and they will respond to you with the same attitude.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from images on website. Seasonal flowers can be substituted.

[rutext] =>

Композиция «Марсельеза», словно французская мелодия, придает уверенности и воодушевляет создавать что-то прекрасное. Такой букет однозначно запомнится дорогой получательнице, и оставит после себя незабываемое впечатление. Воздушные гвоздики расцветают из-под густой зелени, которая бережно укутывает бутоны роз, гиацинтов и трахелиума. Такое чудное сочетание оттенков и гармония растений в яркой декоративной коробке станет замечательным презентом для любимой женщины или дорогой мамы.

На самом деле, Вы можете преподносить букет «Марсельеза» по случаю любого торжества: Дня Рождения, юбилея, годовщины отношений, профессионального праздника, 8 Марта или просто в качестве сюрприза обычным днем. Дарите своим близким счастливые мгновения, проявляйте свою любовь, и они ответят Вам тем же, вот увидите! 

Внимание! Композиция может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Сезонные цветы могут быть заменены в случае отсутствия.

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cream [count] => 7 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Carnation pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Solidago [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Trahelium purple [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гіацинт мікс [count] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кремова [count] => 7 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика рожева [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Солидаго [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Трахеліум фіолетовий [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12820 [flower_id] => 1019 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Hyacinth mix [ru_name] => Гиацинт микс [ua_name] => Гіацинт мікс [en_name] => Hyacinth mix [group] => 19 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12821 [flower_id] => 881 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Rose cream [ru_name] => Роза кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кремова [en_name] => Rose cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12822 [flower_id] => 833 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation pink [ru_name] => Гвоздика розовая [ua_name] => Гвоздика рожева [en_name] => Carnation pink [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12823 [flower_id] => 1568 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Solidago [ru_name] => Солидаго [ua_name] => Солидаго [en_name] => Solidago [group] => 81 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 12824 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 12827 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 12828 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 12829 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 19773 [flower_id] => 1709 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Trahelium purple [ru_name] => Трахелиум фиолетовый [ua_name] => Трахеліум фіолетовий [en_name] => Trahelium purple [group] => 65 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 21514 [flower_id] => 2555 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [ua_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [en_name] => Box round L 25x13cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.96 [product_sostav] => Marseillaise - Состав: Hyacinth mix, Rose cream, Carnation pink, Solidago, Rose spray cream, Oasis, Greens, Tape for flowers, Trahelium purple, Box round L 25x13cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Марсельеза - Состав: Гиацинт микс, Роза кремовая, Гвоздика розовая, Солидаго, Роза кустовая кремовая, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Трахелиум фиолетовый, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Марсельєза - Склад: Гіацинт мікс, Троянда кремова, Гвоздика рожева, Солидаго, Троянда кущова кремова, Оазис, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Трахеліум фіолетовий, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [en_product_sostav] => Marseillaise - Composition: Hyacinth mix, Rose cream, Carnation pink, Solidago, Rose spray cream, Oasis, Greens, Tape for flowers, Trahelium purple, Box round L 25x13cm. [url_link] => buket-marselyeza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/marseleza-8377_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/marseleza-8377_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/marseleza-8377_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8377_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8377_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8377_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8377_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8377_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8377_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 54 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 4 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet «Marseillaise» reminds a French melody that gives confidence and inspires to do something really beautiful... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8377 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/marseleza-8377_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/marseleza-8377_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/marseleza-8377_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8377_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8377_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8377_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8377_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8377_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8377_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8377_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8377_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8377_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/639712_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/639712_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Marseillaise [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [4] => Array ( [url] => kupyt-buket-cvetov [name] => Buy flowers Kherson [link] => [slug] => kupyt-buket-cvetov ) [6] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [7] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [8] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [9] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-neveste [name] => Flowers for a bride [link] => [slug] => tsvety-neveste ) [10] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-partneru [name] => Flowers for a partner [link] => [slug] => tsvety-partneru ) [11] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-kollege [name] => Flowers for a colleague [link] => [slug] => tsvety-kollege ) [12] => Array ( [url] => renamed [name] => Flower arrangements [link] => [slug] => renamed ) [13] => Array ( [url] => kupit-tsvety [name] => Buy flowers [link] => [slug] => kupit-tsvety ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1019] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 1019 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [881] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 881 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [833] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 833 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1568] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 1568 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1709] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 1709 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2555] => Array ( [id] => 8377 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1338 [price] => 9714 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 9714 [price_cur] => 9714 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 9714 [price_discount] => 9714 [price_discount_cur] => 9714 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 9714 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 9714 [price_member] => 9714 [price_member_cur] => 9714 [price_member_qty] => 9714 [price_member_qty_cur] => 9714 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.26 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 4) *1 + (55 * 7) *1 + (21 * 3) *1 + (65 * 1) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (45 * 2) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (230 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 9714 [business] => 11171 [vip] => 12628 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9413 [name] => Candy bouquet Gold [ru_name] => Букет из конфет Золотой [ua_name] => Букет з цукерок Золотий [en_name] => Candy bouquet Gold [title] => Товар «Candy bouquet Gold» [small_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy-9413_8a6_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy-9413_8a6_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy-9413_8a6_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet of sweets "Golden" - a wonderful composition of Ferrero Rocher sweets and beautiful packaging. The gift will be pleasant, beautiful and delicious. Perfect for Valentine's Day, March 8, Birthday, Wedding.



[rutext] =>

Букет из конфет "Золотой" - прекрасная композииция из конфет Ferrero Rocher и красивой упаковки. Подарок будет приятным, красивым и вкусным. Отлично подойдет на День Святого Валентина, на 8 Марта, в День Рождения, на Свадьбу.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy-9413_8a6_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy-9413_8a6_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9413_four_a32_s.jpg [large] => 9413_four_a32_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy_a6e_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy_a6e_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-iz-konfet-zolotoy [ru_link] => buket-iz-konfet-zolotoy [en_link] => candy-bouquet-gold [ua_link] => buket-buket-z-tsukerok-zoloty [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-13 23:12:58 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 485 [google_product_category] => 4748 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 556 [vpl_url] => konfety [vpl_list_id] => 485 [vpl_name_ru] => Конфеты {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Цукерки {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Candies [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Candies Chocolates Ferrero Rocher 200 g [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Ferrero Rocher 200 г [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17972 [flower_id] => 943 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Candies Chocolates Ferrero Rocher 200 g [ru_name] => Конфеты Ferrero Rocher 200 г [ua_name] => Цукерки Ferrero Rocher 200 г [en_name] => Candies Chocolates Ferrero Rocher 200 g [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17973 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17974 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.2 [product_sostav] => Candy bouquet Gold - Состав: Candies Chocolates Ferrero Rocher 200 g, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет из конфет Золотой - Состав: Конфеты Ferrero Rocher 200 г, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет з цукерок Золотий - Склад: Цукерки Ferrero Rocher 200 г, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Candy bouquet Gold - Composition: Candies Chocolates Ferrero Rocher 200 g, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-iz-konfet-zolotoy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy-9413_8a6_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy-9413_8a6_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_konfet_zolotoy-9413_8a6_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9413_four_a32_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9413_four_a32_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 98 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet of sweets "Golden" - a wonderful composition of Ferrero Rocher sweets and beautiful packaging. The gift will be pleasant, beautiful and delicious... 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This bouquet has been composed of airy hydrangea florets, white eustomas, spray and Tales roses, is a charming masterpiece. The combination of its particular style, pastel palette, and harmonic green colors is exactly what you’ve been looking for!

Bouquet «Valley of senses» is a refined and sophisticated gift. Unlike the traditional and classic bunches of flowers, its elegance makes it a nice Birthday and a pertinent 8th of March present. Regardless of the woman’s age and social status, she will be delighted by its charms… and your sign of attention.

Pay attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on out site.

[rutext] =>

Букет, состоящий из белых эустом, воздушных цветочков гортензии, кустовых роз и дивных роз Талея, дополненных лёгкими штрихами эвкалипта, способен вскружить голову своим шармом. Нетривиальный стиль цветочной связки, пастельные тона в контрасте с зеленью — то, что вам нужно, чтобы произвести неповторимый эффект.

Букет «Долина чувств» — элегантный и утонченный подарок. В отличие от классических цветочных связок, мягкие черты этого букета позволяют преподнести его ко Дню рождения или 8 марта, так и к другому важному событию в жизни дорого человека. И не важно, студентка она или бизнес-леди — букет «Долина чувств» найдет отзыв в сердце самой изысканной дамы. Подобрать другой красивый букет в {$city_where}

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.

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[p_keywords] => order flowers, flowers delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Valley of senses» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0.96 [main_list_id] => 152 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 7 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 1 [vpl_url] => krasivye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 152 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты на годовщину свадьбы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Букети на річницю весілля {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Bouquets for wedding anniversary [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 27 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Ornithogalum [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Rose cream [count] => 5 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Орнитогалум [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кремова [count] => 5 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16566 [flower_id] => 908 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Hydrangea [ru_name] => Гортензия [ua_name] => Гортензія [en_name] => Hydrangea [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16569 [flower_id] => 1047 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Ornithogalum [ru_name] => Орнитогалум [ua_name] => Орнитогалум [en_name] => Ornithogalum [group] => 59 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16570 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16571 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19825 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 23409 [flower_id] => 881 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose cream [ru_name] => Роза кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кремова [en_name] => Rose cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.68 [product_sostav] => Valley of Senses - Состав: Hydrangea, Ornithogalum, Eustoma white, Eucalyptus, Roses spray pink, Rose cream. [ru_product_sostav] => Красивый букет Долина чувств - Состав: Гортензия, Орнитогалум, Эустома белая, Эвкалипт, Розы кустовые розовые, Роза кремовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Красивий букет Долина почуттів - Склад: Гортензія, Орнитогалум, Еустома біла, Евкаліпт, Троянди кущові рожеві, Троянда кремова. [en_product_sostav] => Valley of Senses - Composition: Hydrangea, Ornithogalum, Eustoma white, Eucalyptus, Roses spray pink , Rose cream. [url_link] => buket-dolina-chuvstv [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/dolina_chuvstv-9004_bba_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/dolina_chuvstv-9004_bba_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/dolina_chuvstv-9004_bba_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9004_second_a6c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9004_second_a6c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9004_third_c10_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9004_third_c10_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9004_four_c10_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9004_four_c10_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9004_five_42d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9004_five_42d_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 17 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This bouquet has been composed of airy hydrangea florets, white eustomas, spray and Tales roses, is a charming masterpiece... 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A wicker basket with sweets is a wonderful gift for any person who loves sweets. Inside the basket are various goodies that will pleasantly surprise the recipient:

The basket is decorated with a red bow and a decorative heart, which emphasizes the romantic and welcoming nature of the gift. This set is suitable for many occasions such as Valentine's Day, March 8, Birthday, Anniversary or just as a sign of attention and care.

[rutext] =>

Плетенная корзина со сладостями - это прекрасный подарок для любого человека, который любит сладости. Внутри корзины находятся различные лакомства, которые приятно удивят получателя:

Корзина украшена красным бантом и декоративным сердцем, что подчеркивает романтический и приветливый характер подарка. Этот набор подойдет для многих случаев, таких как День святого Валентина, 8 Марта, День рождения, Юбилей или просто как проявление внимания и заботы.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Корзина со сладостями и мишкой - Состав: Корзина M, Nutella 200г, Лента на цветы, Конфеты Milka 100 г, Конфеты Raffaello 150 г, Серый мишка тедди I love you. [ua_product_sostav] => Кошик з солодощами та ведмедиком - Склад: Кошик M, Nutella 200г, Стрічка на квіти, Цукерки Milka 100 г, Цукерки Raffaello 150 г, Сірий ведмедик тедді I love you. [en_product_sostav] => Basket with sweets and teddy - Composition: Box M, Nutella 200g, Tape for flowers, Chocolate Milka 100 g, Candies Raffaello 150 g, Grey teddy bear I love you. [url_link] => korzina-so-sladostyami-i-mishkoy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/korzina_so_sladostyami_i_mishkoy-9368_361_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/korzina_so_sladostyami_i_mishkoy-9368_361_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/korzina_so_sladostyami_i_mishkoy-9368_361_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 46 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A wicker basket with sweets is a wonderful gift for any person who loves sweets. Inside the basket are various goodies that will pleasantly surprise the recipient: Bear... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9368 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/korzina_so_sladostyami_i_mishkoy-9368_361_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/korzina_so_sladostyami_i_mishkoy-9368_361_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/korzina_so_sladostyami_i_mishkoy-9368_361_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595116_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595116_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Basket with sweets and teddy [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [3] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1197] => Array ( [id] => 9368 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1241] => Array ( [id] => 9368 [flower_id] => 1241 [price] => 149 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9368 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2759] => Array ( [id] => 9368 [flower_id] => 2759 [price] => 85 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [947] => Array ( [id] => 9368 [flower_id] => 947 [price] => 139 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2410] => Array ( [id] => 9368 [flower_id] => 2410 [price] => 320 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 450 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 450 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 450 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1220 [price] => 8768 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8768 [price_cur] => 8768 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 8768 [price_discount] => 8768 [price_discount_cur] => 8768 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8768 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 8768 [price_member] => 8768 [price_member_cur] => 8768 [price_member_qty] => 8768 [price_member_qty_cur] => 8768 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.1866666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (150 * 1) *1 + (250 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (150 * 1) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 + (450 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 9874 [name] => Hydrangea in a box [ru_name] => Гортензия микс в коробке [ua_name] => Гортензія мікс в коробці [en_name] => Hydrangea in a box [title] => Купить букет Hydrangea in a box недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Is it possible to create a charming arrangement of flowers of the same type, striking in its charm and depth, if only neutral packaging and a contrasting box are used as decoration? Easily! Our florists know how to reveal the beauty of each flower without dimming it with unnecessary tinsel. This is exactly how - delicate, sophisticated, even simple, at first glance - a bouquet of hydrangeas of three shades appears before us.


[rutext] =>

Можно ли создать очаровательную композицию из цветов одного вида, поражающую своим очарованием и глубиной, если в качестве декора использована только нейтральная упаковка и контрастная коробка? Легко! Наши флористы знают, как раскрыть красоту каждого цветка, не приглушив ее ненужной мишурой. Именно таким – нежным, утонченным, даже простым, на первый взгляд, — предстает перед нами букет из гортензий трех оттенков. 

Эта маленькая композиция отлично поместится на рабочем месте или журнальном столике, что позволит ей всегда оставаться на виду, вызывая улыбку и прекрасные воспоминания о дарителе. Сочетание светло-голубых, нежно-розовых и приглушенно фиолетовых округлых лепесточков делает ее легкой и невесомой, как воздушное облачко в волшебном мире грез. Хотите подарить такие и массу других эмоций дорогому и близкому человеку? Обращайтесь в наш интернет-магазин. Флористы составят выбранную композицию из свежих цветов, а курьеры доставят ее точно в срок. 

Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Гортензия микс в коробке - Состав: Гортензия голубая, Гортензия розовая, Гортензия в букете фиолетовая, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Упаковать букет цветов, Коробка квадратная M. [ua_product_sostav] => Гортензія мікс в коробці - Склад: Гортензія блакитна, Гортензія рожева, Гортензія в букеті фіолетова, Оазис, Упаковка на букет квітів, Коробка квадратна M. [en_product_sostav] => Hydrangea in a box - Composition: Hydrangea blue, Hydrangea pink, Hydrangea violet, Oasis, Packing for a flower bouquet, Square box M. [url_link] => gortenziya-v-korobke [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 21 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Is it possible to create a charming arrangement of flowers of the same type, striking in its charm and depth, if only neutral packaging and a contrasting box are used as decoration... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9874 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/gortenziya_v_korobke-9874_5ac_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Hydrangea in a box [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [910] => Array ( [id] => 9874 [flower_id] => 910 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [911] => Array ( [id] => 9874 [flower_id] => 911 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [912] => Array ( [id] => 9874 [flower_id] => 912 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9874 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9874 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2191] => Array ( [id] => 9874 [flower_id] => 2191 [price] => 200 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1165 [price] => 8543 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8543 [price_cur] => 8543 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 8543 [price_discount] => 8543 [price_discount_cur] => 8543 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8543 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 8543 [price_member] => 8543 [price_member_cur] => 8543 [price_member_qty] => 8543 [price_member_qty_cur] => 8543 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [name] => Aquamarine dreams [ru_name] => Аквамариновые мечты [ua_name] => Букет Аквамаринові мрії [en_name] => Aquamarine dreams [title] => Купить букет Aquamarine dreams недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The bouquet «Aquamarine dreams» is like a divine beauty of the lady which impresses the artists to create real masterpieces. Just look how successfully selected the flowers, how tenderly they look together. This bouquet deserves the attention of each happy bride. 

Owing to the diversity of plants, the «Aquamarine dreams» consists of marine waves colour hydrangeas, snow-white freesias with an addition of tender roses. Unusual wedding bouquet will be an appropriate accessory for the beautiful girl and make her image more unique.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Аквамариновые мечты», словно божественная красота миледи, которая вдохновляет творцов на создание настоящих шедевров. Вы только взгляните, как тонко и удачно подобраны цветы, как нежно смотрятся они вместе! Данный букет заслуживает внимания каждой счастливой невесты.

Благодаря разнообразию растений, «Аквамариновые мечты» словно разделяется на две стороны, созданных из гортензий цвета морской волны и белоснежных фрезий, дополненных нежными розами. Необычный свадебный букет отлично украсит милую девушку, и сделает ее образ более оригинальным. 

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

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Delivery! [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-06 15:54:28 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => Order wedding bouquet «Aquamarine dreams». Delivery! [p_description] => Bouquet «Aquamarine dreams» will perfectly decorate the image of the bride. [p_keywords] => wedding bouquets, bride's wedding bouquet, bride bouquet, flower bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, white bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «Aquamarine dreams» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 323 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 12 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 548 [vpl_url] => svadebnaja-floristika [vpl_list_id] => 323 [vpl_name_ru] => Свадебная флористика {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Весільна флористика {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Wedding floristry {$city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 28 [rating_value] => 4.61 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea blue [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => limonium [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія блакитна [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гіперикум рожевий [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Лімоніум [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 13765 [flower_id] => 910 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hydrangea blue [ru_name] => Гортензия голубая [ua_name] => Гортензія блакитна [en_name] => Hydrangea blue [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 13766 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 13768 [flower_id] => 1673 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hypericum pink [ru_name] => Гиперикум розовый [ua_name] => Гіперикум рожевий [en_name] => Hypericum pink [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 13769 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 13770 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 13771 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 13878 [flower_id] => 1591 [ammount] => 1 [name] => limonium [ru_name] => Лимониум [ua_name] => Лімоніум [en_name] => limonium [group] => 80 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 13879 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Aquamarine dreams - Состав: Hydrangea blue, Freesia white, Hypericum pink, Eustoma white, Greens, Tape for flowers, limonium, Eucalyptus. [ru_product_sostav] => Аквамариновые мечты - Состав: Гортензия голубая, Фрезия белая, Гиперикум розовый, Эустома белая, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Лимониум, Эвкалипт. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет Аквамаринові мрії - Склад: Гортензія блакитна, Фрезія біла, Гіперикум рожевий, Еустома біла, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Лімоніум, Евкаліпт. [en_product_sostav] => Aquamarine dreams - Composition: Hydrangea blue, Freesia white, Hypericum pink, Eustoma white, Greens, Tape for flowers, limonium, Eucalyptus. [url_link] => buket-akvamarinoviye-mechty [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8554_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8554_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8554_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8554_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8554_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8554_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8554_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8554_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 17 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The bouquet «Aquamarine dreams» is like a divine beauty of the lady which impresses the artists to create real masterpieces... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8554 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_4111-8554_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8554_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8554_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8554_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8554_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8554_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8554_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8554_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8554_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8554_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8554_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8554_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8554_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/605290_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/605290_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/605290_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/605290_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Aquamarine dreams [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [6] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [910] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 910 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1673] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 1673 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1591] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 1591 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2652] => Array ( [id] => 8554 [flower_id] => 2652 [price] => 85 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1155 [price] => 8470 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8470 [price_cur] => 8470 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 8470 [price_discount] => 8470 [price_discount_cur] => 8470 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8470 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 8470 [price_member] => 8470 [price_member_cur] => 8470 [price_member_qty] => 8470 [price_member_qty_cur] => 8470 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (20 * 4) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (55 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (100 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 8470 [business] => 9741 [vip] => 11011 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [name] => Элегантность танца [ru_name] => Букет цветов Элегантность танца [ua_name] => Букет квітів Елегантність танку [en_name] => Элегантность танца [title] => Купить букет Элегантность танца недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet Elegance of dance - the perfect combination of spray rose, carnation, gerbera and brunia. The composition is created in pleasant pink-red tones that are pleasing to the eye. Pink rose and red carnation symbolizes sincere love; gerbera expresses joy and love of life, brunia is a symbol of eternity and longevity. With such a gift, you can express your most frank and pure feelings for your loved one and wish him love, joy in life and longevity. Ideal for your beloved mother, girl, friend, or grandmother, on the occasion of the Anniversary, on March 8, or February 14.

[rutext] =>

Букет Элегантность танца - идеальное сочетание кустовой розы, гвоздики, герберы и брунии. Композиция создана в приятных розово-красных тонах, которые приятны глазу. Розовая роза и красная гвоздика символизируют искреннюю любовь, гербера выражает радость и любовь к жизни, бруния - символ вечности и долголетия. Таким подарком можно  выразить свои самые откровенные и чистые чувства к Вашему любимому человеку и пожелать ему любви, радости в жизни и долголетия. Идеально подойдет для любимой мамы, девушки, подруге, бабушке, по поводу Юбилея, на 8 марта, 14 февраля.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Элегантность танца - Состав: Бруния, Гвоздика, Леукодендрон, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Зелень в букет, Коробка круглая большая, Роза кустовая оранжевая, Гербера кремовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Елегантність танку - Склад: Брунія, Гвоздика, Леукодендрон, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Зелень у букет, Коробка кругла велика, Троянда кущова помаранчева, Гербера кремова. [en_product_sostav] => Элегантность танца - Composition: Brunia, Carnation, Leucadendron, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Greens, Big round box, Rose shrub orange, Gerbera creamy. [url_link] => buket-ehlegantnost-tanca [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9381_second_cb3_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9381_second_cb3_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9381_third_081_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9381_third_081_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9381_four_82d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9381_four_82d_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet Elegance of dance - the perfect combination of spray rose, carnation, gerbera and brunia. The composition is created in pleasant pink-red tones that are pleasing to the eye... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9381 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/elegantnost_tantsa-9381_9d9_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9381_four_82d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9381_four_82d_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9381_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9381_second_cb3_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9381_second_cb3_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9381_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9381_third_081_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9381_third_081_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9381_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Элегантность танца [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1395] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 1395 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1772] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 1772 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1042] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 1042 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 85 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 85 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 85 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2150] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 2150 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [900] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 900 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [846] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 846 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] 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letnee_nebo_four_s.jpg [large] => letnee_nebo_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => letnee-nebo [ru_link] => letnee-nebo [en_link] => summer-sky [ua_link] => litne-nebo [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-14 16:10:16 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => multicolor [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 255 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 1 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 10 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Multicolored [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 53 [vpl_url] => sezonnie-cvety [vpl_list_id] => 255 [vpl_name_ru] => Сезонные цветы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Сезонні квіти {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Seasonal flowers [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 26 [rating_value] => 4.54 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Peony [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea blue [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum green [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma pink [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Півонія [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія синя [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Еустома рожева [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18485 [flower_id] => 918 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Peony [ru_name] => Пион [ua_name] => Півонія [en_name] => Peony [group] => 24 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18486 [flower_id] => 1426 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hydrangea blue [ru_name] => Гортензия синяя [ua_name] => Гортензія синя [en_name] => Hydrangea blue [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18488 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 18489 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 18490 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 18491 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 20037 [flower_id] => 997 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eustoma pink [ru_name] => Эустома розовая [ua_name] => Еустома рожева [en_name] => Eustoma pink [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.56 [product_sostav] => Summer sky - Состав: Peony, Hydrangea blue, Hypericum green, Rose spray cream, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Eustoma pink. [ru_product_sostav] => Летнее небо - Состав: Пион, Гортензия синяя, Гиперикум зелёный, Роза кустовая кремовая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Эустома розовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Літнє небо - Склад: Півонія, Гортензія синя, Гіперікум зелений, Троянда кущова кремова, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Еустома рожева. [en_product_sostav] => Summer sky - Composition: Peony, Hydrangea blue, Hypericum green, Rose spray cream, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Eustoma pink. 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[ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9581 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9581 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [997] => Array ( [id] => 9581 [flower_id] => 997 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1150 [price] => 8433 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8433 [price_cur] => 8433 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 8433 [price_discount] => 8433 [price_discount_cur] => 8433 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8433 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 8433 [price_member] => 8433 [price_member_cur] => 8433 [price_member_qty] => 8433 [price_member_qty_cur] => 8433 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (80 * 5) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (75 * 2) *1 + (55 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 8433 [business] => 9698 [vip] => 10963 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 9502 [name] => Jasmine [ru_name] => Букет цветов Жасмин [ua_name] => Букет квітів Жасмин [en_name] => Jasmine [title] => Купить букет Jasmine недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/jasmin-9502_47b_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/jasmin-9502_47b_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/jasmin-9502_47b_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "Jasmine" - an elegant combination of spray and red roses. When you want to make a nice gift for your beloved, what could be better than roses? They, as you know, are a symbol of purity, love, perfection, therefore, with such a gift, you are able to melt the heart of any girl. This composition is very pointwise complemented by skimia and oasis branches, thus forming an incredible flower symphony of love.

We recommend about: declarations of Love, Birthday, a gift for Mom, Girlfriend, Woman.

[rutext] =>

Букет "Жасмин" - элегантное сочетание кустовой и красной розы. Когда хочешь сделать приятный подарок для любимой, что может быть лучше роз? Они, как известно, являются символом чистоты, любви, совершенства, поэтому таким подарком, Вы способны растопить сердце любой девушки. Эту композицию очень точечно дополняют веточки скимии и оазиса, образуя таким образом невероятную цветочную симфонию любви.

Рекомендуем по поводу: признаний в Любви, День Рождения, подарок для Мамы, Подруги, Женщины.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Жасмин - Состав: Роза красная, Скиммия, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Коробка круглая M 20x21см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Жасмин - Склад: Троянда червона, Скімія, Оазис, Коробка кругла M 20x21см. [en_product_sostav] => Jasmine - Composition: Rose red, Skimmia, Oasis, Box round M 20x21cm. [url_link] => buket-dzhasmin [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/jasmin-9502_47b_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/jasmin-9502_47b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/jasmin-9502_47b_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9502_second_763_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9502_second_763_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9502_third_12e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9502_third_12e_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9502_four_4cc_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9502_four_4cc_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "Jasmine" - an elegant combination of spray and red roses. When you want to make a nice gift for your beloved, what could be better than roses... 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This tender and airy bouquet, has been weaved of amazing white flowers, will become especially-bright attribute of a wedding dress, emphasizing its’ best details. Gorgeous mix of white gypsophilas and eustomas, complemented with wealth if spray roses, green notes and an expressive white ribbon, are all necessary elements of such an important detail, has been composed by proficient florists hands.

Bouquet «Leona», bright and glaring, will gift to a bride joy and euphoria, emphasizing her confidence of being the most beautiful princess all over the world. Let your chosen one feel that confidence.

Attention! Bouquet decoration may differ from image displayed on our site. 

[rutext] =>
Нежный и воздушный букет, сотканный из ослепительно-белых цветов, станет потрясающе-ярким атрибутом наряда невесты, подчеркнув и усилив лучшие его детали. Союз белых гипсофил и эустом, дополненный богатством кустовых роз, нотками зелени и выразительной белой лентой, стали обязательными элементами столь важной детали, филигранно собранной умелыми руками флористов.

Букет «Леона» — яркий и ослепительный, подарит невесте радость и праздничную эйфорию, подчеркнув её уверенность в том, что она — самая красивая, единственная и непревзойденная принцесса на празднике жизни. Подарите вашей любимой эту уверенность.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => leona-8736_s.jpg [large] => leona-8736_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8736_five_s.jpg [large] => 8736_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8736_four_s.jpg [large] => 8736_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8736_second_s.jpg [large] => 8736_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8736_third_s.jpg [large] => 8736_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => leona_s.jpg [large] => leona_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => leona_second_s.jpg [large] => leona_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => leona_third_s.jpg [large] => leona_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => leona_four_s.jpg [large] => leona_four_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => leona_five_s.jpg [large] => leona_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-leona [ru_link] => buket-leona [en_link] => leona [ua_link] => buket-leona [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order the bouquet «Leona» in our online shop. Delivery! [image_title_en] => Buy fabulous bouquet «Leona» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-08-18 11:03:24 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy refined bouquet «Leona» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Leona», bright and glaring, will gift to a bride joy and euphoria, emphasizing her confidence of being the most beautiful princess all over t [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, wedding flowers, wedding bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «Leona» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 556 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 8 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 557 [vpl_url] => buket-nevesti [vpl_list_id] => 556 [vpl_name_ru] => Букет невесты [vpl_name_ua] => Букет нареченої {$city} [vpl_name_en] => The bride's bouquet [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.36 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Gypsophila white [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 4 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гіпсофіла біла [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 4 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 14771 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 14772 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 14773 [flower_id] => 913 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Gypsophila white [ru_name] => Гипсофила белая [ua_name] => Гіпсофіла біла [en_name] => Gypsophila white [group] => 20 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 14774 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 14775 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 23948 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.76 [product_sostav] => Leona - Состав: Roses spray pink, Eustoma white, Gypsophila white, Greens, Tape for flowers, Rose spray cream. [ru_product_sostav] => Свадебный букет Леона - Состав: Розы кустовые розовые, Эустома белая, Гипсофила белая, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Роза кустовая кремовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Леона - Склад: Троянди кущові рожеві, Еустома біла, Гіпсофіла біла, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда кущова кремова. [en_product_sostav] => Leona - Composition: Roses spray pink , Eustoma white, Gypsophila white, Greens, Tape for flowers, Rose spray cream. [url_link] => buket-leona [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/leona-8736_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/leona-8736_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/leona-8736_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8736_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8736_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8736_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8736_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8736_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8736_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8736_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8736_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 3 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This tender and airy bouquet, has been weaved of amazing white flowers, will become especially-bright attribute of a wedding dress, emphasizing its’ best details... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8736 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/leona-8736_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/leona-8736_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/leona-8736_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8736_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8736_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8736_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8736_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8736_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8736_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8736_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8736_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8736_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8736_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8736_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8736_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Leona [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-neveste [name] => Flowers for a bride [link] => [slug] => tsvety-neveste ) [6] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [901] => Array ( [id] => 8736 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 8736 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [913] => Array ( [id] => 8736 [flower_id] => 913 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8736 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8736 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 8736 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1115 [price] => 8177 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8177 [price_cur] => 8177 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 8177 [price_discount] => 8177 [price_discount_cur] => 8177 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8177 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 8177 [price_member] => 8177 [price_member_cur] => 8177 [price_member_qty] => 8177 [price_member_qty_cur] => 8177 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 5) *1 + (50 * 5) *1 + (100 * 3) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (55 * 4) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 8177 [business] => 9403 [vip] => 10630 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [id] => 9370 [name] => Sweet surprise in the box [ru_name] => Сладкий сюрприз в коробке [ua_name] => Солодкий сюрприз в коробці [en_name] => Sweet surprise in the box [title] => Товар «Sweet surprise in the box» [small_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

It is a Kinder surprise. We recommend a gift for March 8, in a confession of love, for Angel Day.

[rutext] =>

Представляет собой Kinder-сюрприз. Мы рекомендуем подарок на 8 марта, в признаниях в Любви, на День Ангела.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_s.jpg [large] => sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9370_second_30b_s.jpg [large] => 9370_second_30b_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => sladkiy_podarok_na_den_vlyublennyih_b2c_s.jpg [large] => sladkiy_podarok_na_den_vlyublennyih_b2c_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => sladkiy_podarok_na_den_vlyublennyih_second_s.jpg [large] => sladkiy_podarok_na_den_vlyublennyih_second_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => sladkiy-surpriz-v-korobke [ru_link] => sladkiy-surpriz-v-korobke [en_link] => sweet-surprise-inthebox [ua_link] => solodky-surpryz-v-korobtsi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-05-28 12:31:36 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 526 [google_product_category] => 4748 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 1 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 497 [vpl_url] => podarki-ljubimoj-na-8-marta [vpl_list_id] => 526 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки на 8 марта любимой [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки на 8 березня коханій [vpl_name_en] => Gifts for March 8 to beloved one [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.4 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Nutella 200g [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Decorative heart [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Block gum Love is [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Nutella 200г [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Декоративне сердечко [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Яйце Kinder сюрприз [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Блок жувальних гумок Love is [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17804 [flower_id] => 1241 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Nutella 200g [ru_name] => Nutella 200г [ua_name] => Nutella 200г [en_name] => Nutella 200g [group] => 50 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17805 [flower_id] => 1500 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [ru_name] => Шоколад молочный Kinder Chocolate со злаками [ua_name] => Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals [en_name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [group] => 50 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17806 [flower_id] => 1156 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Decorative heart [ru_name] => Декоративное сердечко [ua_name] => Декоративне сердечко [en_name] => Decorative heart [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 17807 [flower_id] => 1295 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [ru_name] => Яйцо Kinder сюрприз [ua_name] => Яйце Kinder сюрприз [en_name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 17808 [flower_id] => 931 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Block gum Love is [ru_name] => Блок жевательных резинок Love is [ua_name] => Блок жувальних гумок Love is [en_name] => Block gum Love is [group] => 36 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 17809 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 21472 [flower_id] => 2555 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [ua_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [en_name] => Box round L 25x13cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.48 [product_sostav] => Sweet surprise in the box - Состав: Nutella 200g, Kinder milk chocolate with cereals, Decorative heart, Egg Kinder Surprise, Block gum Love is, Packing for a flower bouquet, Box round L 25x13cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Сладкий сюрприз в коробке - Состав: Nutella 200г, Шоколад молочный Kinder Chocolate со злаками, Декоративное сердечко, Яйцо Kinder сюрприз, Блок жевательных резинок Love is, Упаковать букет цветов, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [ua_product_sostav] => Солодкий сюрприз в коробці - Склад: Nutella 200г, Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals, Декоративне сердечко , Яйце Kinder сюрприз, Блок жувальних гумок Love is, Упаковка на букет квітів, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [en_product_sostav] => Sweet surprise in the box - Composition: Nutella 200g, Kinder milk chocolate with cereals, Decorative heart, Egg Kinder Surprise, Block gum Love is, Packing for a flower bouquet, Box round L 25x13cm. [url_link] => sladkiy-surpriz-v-korobke [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9370_second_30b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9370_second_30b_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 12 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => It is a Kinder surprise. We recommend a gift for March 8, in a confession of love, for Angel Day. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9370 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/sladkiy_syurpriz_v_krrobke-9370_c33_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9370_second_30b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9370_second_30b_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9370_second_30b_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Sweet surprise in the box [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [4] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [5] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1241] => Array ( [id] => 9370 [flower_id] => 1241 [price] => 149 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1500] => Array ( [id] => 9370 [flower_id] => 1500 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1156] => Array ( [id] => 9370 [flower_id] => 1156 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1295] => Array ( [id] => 9370 [flower_id] => 1295 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [931] => Array ( [id] => 9370 [flower_id] => 931 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9370 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2555] => Array ( [id] => 9370 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1095 [price] => 8030 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8030 [price_cur] => 8030 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 8030 [price_discount] => 8030 [price_discount_cur] => 8030 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8030 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 8030 [price_member] => 8030 [price_member_cur] => 8030 [price_member_qty] => 8030 [price_member_qty_cur] => 8030 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (250 * 1) *1 + (45 * 5) *1 + (0 * 2) *1 + (70 * 1) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (230 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [22] => Array ( [id] => 9076 [name] => Roxana\'s Kingdom [ru_name] => Царство Роксаны [ua_name] => Царство Роксани [en_name] => Roxana\'s Kingdom [title] => Купить букет Roxana\'s Kingdom недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/tsarstvo_roksanyi-9076_d47_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/tsarstvo_roksanyi-9076_d47_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/tsarstvo_roksanyi-9076_d47_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The Kingdom of marvelous flowers will reveal its charms to thou who worth it. The fairy combination of orchids Vanda, bouvardia, veronica, scabiosa, chamelaucium, pink hydrangeas and spray roses is a magic garden living its own life.

Bouquet «Kingdom of Roxana» is the luxurious gift. Such a remarkable bunch of flowers will become a pertinent gift for mom, sister, sweetheart, colleague and a director. Besides, this bouquet is a magnificent interior adornment regardless of where you are.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Царство дивных растений откроет владения особой красоты той, кому предназначен этот букет. Волшебные переплетения  орхидей Ванда, бувардии, вероники, скабиозы, хамелациума, розовых гортензий и кустовых роз — это цветущий сад, который живёт, кажется, собственной жизнью.

Букет «Царство Роксаны» достоен принцессы. Эта великолепная связка цветов будет уместным подарком маме, сестре, возлюбленной, коллеге и руководительнице. Кроме того, такой букет не только украсит, но и преобразит любой интерьер. А как он пахнет!

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsarstvo_roksanyi-9076_d47_s.jpg [large] => tsarstvo_roksanyi-9076_d47_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9076_four_488_s.jpg [large] => 9076_four_488_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9076_second_15c_s.jpg [large] => 9076_second_15c_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9076_third_64d_s.jpg [large] => 9076_third_64d_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-tsatstvo-roxanni [ru_link] => buket-tsatstvo-roxanni [en_link] => roxanas-kingdom [ua_link] => buket- [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Bouquet «Kingdom of Roxana» | order now [image_title_en] => Bouquet «Kingdom of Roxana» | buy with delivery in our online-shop [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-11 21:38:24 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 30 [color] => pink [p_title] => Bouquet «Kingdom of Roxana» | refined bouquet with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Kingdom of Roxana» is the luxurious gift. [p_keywords] => rafined bouquet, bouqeut of roses, spray roses bouquet, luxurious bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «Kingdom of Roxana» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 152 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 7 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 1 [vpl_url] => krasivye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 152 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты на годовщину свадьбы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Букети на річницю весілля {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Bouquets for wedding anniversary [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 27 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea pink [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Bouvardia [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Scabiosa [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Veronica [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => hamelatsium [count] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Vanda Orchid [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія рожева [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Бувардія [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Скабіоза [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Вероніка [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Хамелаціум [count] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Орхідея Ванда [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16927 [flower_id] => 911 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hydrangea pink [ru_name] => Гортензия розовая [ua_name] => Гортензія рожева [en_name] => Hydrangea pink [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16929 [flower_id] => 1537 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Bouvardia [ru_name] => Бувардия [ua_name] => Бувардія [en_name] => Bouvardia [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16930 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16931 [flower_id] => 1798 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Scabiosa [ru_name] => Скабиоза [ua_name] => Скабіоза [en_name] => Scabiosa [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 16932 [flower_id] => 1535 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Veronica [ru_name] => Вероника [ua_name] => Вероніка [en_name] => Veronica [group] => 78 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 16933 [flower_id] => 1567 [ammount] => 4 [name] => hamelatsium [ru_name] => Хамелациум [ua_name] => Хамелаціум [en_name] => hamelatsium [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 16934 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 19727 [flower_id] => 1356 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Vanda Orchid [ru_name] => Орхидея Ванда [ua_name] => Орхідея Ванда [en_name] => Vanda Orchid [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.72 [product_sostav] => Roxana\'s Kingdom - Состав: Hydrangea pink, Bouvardia, Roses spray pink, Scabiosa, Veronica, hamelatsium, Packing for a flower bouquet, Vanda Orchid. [ru_product_sostav] => Царство Роксаны - Состав: Гортензия розовая, Бувардия, Розы кустовые розовые, Скабиоза, Вероника, Хамелациум, Упаковать букет цветов, Орхидея Ванда. [ua_product_sostav] => Царство Роксани - Склад: Гортензія рожева, Бувардія, Троянди кущові рожеві, Скабіоза, Вероніка, Хамелаціум, Упаковка на букет квітів, Орхідея Ванда. [en_product_sostav] => Roxana\'s Kingdom - Composition: Hydrangea pink, Bouvardia, Roses spray pink , Scabiosa, Veronica, hamelatsium, Packing for a flower bouquet, Vanda Orchid. [url_link] => buket-tsatstvo-roxanni [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tsarstvo_roksanyi-9076_d47_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tsarstvo_roksanyi-9076_d47_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tsarstvo_roksanyi-9076_d47_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9076_second_15c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9076_second_15c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9076_third_64d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9076_third_64d_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9076_four_488_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9076_four_488_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 2 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The Kingdom of marvelous flowers will reveal its charms to thou who worth it... 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Bouquet "I love you" - speaks for itself about the most sincere and strong feelings for your soulmate. As they say, "instead of a thousand words"! This bouquet contains the perfect combination of soft Teddy bears and Raffaello sweets. All this beauty is wrapped in a beautiful and festive package, which produces the effect "Wow!" on the girl. We wish you a good Valentine's Day next to your beloved!

[rutext] =>

Букет "I love you" - сам за себя говорит о самых искренних и сильных чувствах к Вашей  второй половинке. Как говорится, "вместо тысячи слов"! В данном букете собрана идеальная комбинация из мягких мишек Тедди и конфет Raffaello. Вся эта красота завернута в красивую и праздничную упаковку, что производит на девушку эффект "Вау!". Желаем Вам хорошо провести День Святого Валентина рядом с Вашей любимой!

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[ru_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Состав: Мишка teddy 8 см, Конфеты Raffaello поштучно, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Склад: Брелок ведмедик teddy 8 см, Цукерки Raffaello поштучно, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Composition: Teddy 8 cm, Candies Raffaello per piece, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-i-love-you [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/i_love_you-9402_3c6_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9402_second_50c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9402_second_50c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9402_third_7c9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9402_third_7c9_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9402_four_7c9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9402_four_7c9_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "I love you" - speaks for itself about the most sincere and strong feelings for your soulmate. As they say, "instead of a thousand words"... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9735 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/i_love_you-9402_3c6_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9402_four_7c9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9402_four_7c9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9402_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9402_second_50c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9402_second_50c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9402_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9402_third_7c9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9402_third_7c9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9402_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет «I Love You» [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2027] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [flower_id] => 2027 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1983] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [flower_id] => 1983 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9735 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1050 [price] => 7700 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7700 [price_cur] => 7700 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 7700 [price_discount] => 7700 [price_discount_cur] => 7700 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7700 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 7700 [price_member] => 7700 [price_member_cur] => 7700 [price_member_qty] => 7700 [price_member_qty_cur] => 7700 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (150 * 5) *1 + (20 * 13) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 7700 [business] => 8855 [vip] => 10010 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [24] => Array ( [id] => 9071 [name] => White Nights [ru_name] => Букет цветов Белые ночи [ua_name] => Білі ночі [en_name] => White Nights [title] => Купить букет White Nights недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

This magnificent bunch of flowers will help you to reveal your best wishes on each of the festive events. Are you going to a Birthday celebration? You won’t find a bouquet better. Do you want to congratulate your dear with her anniversary? The elegant bunch of flowers will handle it better than a thousand words. Is it a special day in the life of your girlfriend? You won’t miss, just take it with you.

Bouquet «White nights» composed of pink tulips, spray cream roses, yellow statices, agapanthus florets, panicum, and matiola. This elegant bunch of flowers will be a pertinent and an appropriate on any of the festive events. Besides, you won’t find anything better in you’re going on a date. You will create a particularly special romantic atmosphere with this one. Just try.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Эта замечательная охапка цветов раскроет себя в лучшем виде к любому из поводов. Вы собираетесь на День рождения? Лучше букета вы не найдёте. Хотите поздравить близкого человека с юбилеем? Эта связка справится лучше ваших самых красноречивых слов. Спешите поздравить любимую девушку с важным событием в её жизни? Вот он — ваш подарок №1.

Букет «Белые ночи» состоит из розовых тюльпанов, кустовых кремовых роз, желтых статиц, воздушных цветочков агапантуса, паникума и матиолы. Эта элегантная связка будет уместной как на любом из торжественных мероприятий, так и на вечерней встрече. Букет поможет создать особенную, романтическую и неповторимую атмосферу.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.

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[p_keywords] => refined bouquet, fabulous bouquet, bouquet for a date [p_h1] => Bouquet «White nights» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 161 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 9 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 23 [vpl_url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [vpl_list_id] => 161 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы жене на День Рождение {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти дружині на День Народження {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Tulip pink [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Statice yellow [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Panikum [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Matiola [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Тюльпан рожевий [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Статиця жовта [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Панікум [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Матіола [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [id] => 16872 [flower_id] => 964 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Tulip pink [ru_name] => Тюльпан розовый [ua_name] => Тюльпан рожевий [en_name] => Tulip pink [group] => 12 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16873 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16874 [flower_id] => 1573 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Statice yellow [ru_name] => Статица желтая [ua_name] => Статиця жовта [en_name] => Statice yellow [group] => 16 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 16875 [flower_id] => 1619 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Panikum [ru_name] => Паникум [ua_name] => Панікум [en_name] => Panikum [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 16876 [flower_id] => 1044 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Matiola [ru_name] => Матиола [ua_name] => Матіола [en_name] => Matiola [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 16877 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 0.76 [product_sostav] => White Nights - Состав: Tulip pink, Rose spray cream, Statice yellow, Panikum, Matiola.Greens, [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Белые ночи - Состав: Тюльпан розовый, Роза кустовая кремовая, Статица желтая, Паникум, Матиола.Зелень в букет, [ua_product_sostav] => Білі ночі - Склад: Тюльпан рожевий, Троянда кущова кремова, Статиця жовта, Панікум, Матіола.Зелень у букет, [en_product_sostav] => White Nights - Composition: Tulip pink, Rose spray cream, Statice yellow, Panikum, Matiola.Greens, [url_link] => buket-beliye-nochi [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9071_second_8a2_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9071_second_8a2_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9071_third_25a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9071_third_25a_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9071_four_25a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9071_four_25a_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 19 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This magnificent bunch of flowers will help you to reveal your best wishes on each of the festive events. Are you going to a Birthday celebration... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9071 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belyie_nochi-9071_8a2_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9071_four_25a_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9071_four_25a_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9071_four_25a_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9071_second_8a2_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9071_second_8a2_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9071_second_8a2_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9071_third_25a_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9071_third_25a_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9071_third_25a_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/625925.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/625925_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет White Nights [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu [name] => Flowers for a boss [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-partneram [name] => Flowers for partners [link] => [slug] => tsvety-partneram ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [999] => Array ( [id] => 9071 [flower_id] => 999 [price] => 32 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 52 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 52 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 52 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [964] => Array ( [id] => 9071 [flower_id] => 964 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9071 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1573] => Array ( [id] => 9071 [flower_id] => 1573 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1619] => Array ( [id] => 9071 [flower_id] => 1619 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1044] => Array ( [id] => 9071 [flower_id] => 1044 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9071 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1039 [price] => 7619 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7619 [price_cur] => 7619 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 7619 [price_discount] => 7619 [price_discount_cur] => 7619 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7619 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 7619 [price_member] => 7619 [price_member_cur] => 7619 [price_member_qty] => 7619 [price_member_qty_cur] => 7619 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (52 * 2) *1 + (40 * 7) *1 + (55 * 4) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (45 * 2) *1 + (65 * 3) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 7619 [business] => 8762 [vip] => 9905 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [25] => Array ( [id] => 9412 [name] => Marshmallow [ru_name] => Букет цветов Зефир [ua_name] => Букет квітів Зефір [en_name] => Marshmallow [title] => Купить букет Marshmallow недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/zefir-9412_fe0_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/zefir-9412_fe0_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/zefir-9412_fe0_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "Zephyr" is an unsurpassed combination of pink rose, eustoma, giancite, white freesia. The delicate white tones of the bouquet are reminiscent of sweet and delicate marshmallows. Such a fresh bouquet is perfect for a gift for your beloved on Valentine's Day, March 8, Birthday, Wedding Anniversary. It symbolizes the most sincere and strong feelings for a person - love, admiration, gratitude.

[rutext] =>

Букет "Зефир" - непревзойденное сочетание розовой розы, эустомы, гианцита, белой фрезии. Нежно-белые тона букета напоминают сладкий и нежный зефир. Такой свежий букетик отлично подойдет на подарок любимой в День святого Валентина, на 8 Марта, на День Рождение, на Годовщину Свадьбы. Он символизирует самые искренние и сильные чувства к человеку - любовь, восхищение, благодарность. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => zefir-9412_fe0_s.jpg [large] => zefir-9412_fe0_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9412_four_738_s.jpg [large] => 9412_four_738_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9412_second_66c_s.jpg [large] => 9412_second_66c_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9412_third_66c_s.jpg [large] => 9412_third_66c_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => zefirnoe_schaste_07c_s.jpg [large] => zefirnoe_schaste_07c_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => zefirnoe_schaste_second_s.jpg [large] => zefirnoe_schaste_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => zefirnoe_schaste_third_s.jpg [large] => zefirnoe_schaste_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => zefirnoe_schaste_four_s.jpg [large] => zefirnoe_schaste_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-zefir-9412 [ru_link] => buket-zefir-9412 [en_link] => marshmallow [ua_link] => zefir [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-08 20:03:15 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 497 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 20 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 341 [vpl_url] => cvety-lubimoy-devushke [vpl_list_id] => 497 [vpl_name_ru] => Девушке [vpl_name_ua] => Дівчині [vpl_name_en] => For a girlfriend [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.37 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 7 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Hyacinth mix [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 10 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 7 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гіацинт мікс [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 10 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17966 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17967 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17968 [flower_id] => 1019 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hyacinth mix [ru_name] => Гиацинт микс [ua_name] => Гіацинт мікс [en_name] => Hyacinth mix [group] => 19 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 17969 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 10 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 17970 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 17971 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.08 [product_sostav] => Marshmallow - Состав: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Eustoma white, Hyacinth mix, Freesia white, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Зефир - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Эустома белая, Гиацинт микс, Фрезия белая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Зефір - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Еустома біла, Гіацинт мікс, Фрезія біла, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Marshmallow - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Eustoma white, Hyacinth mix, Freesia white, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-zefir-9412 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/zefir-9412_fe0_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/zefir-9412_fe0_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/zefir-9412_fe0_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9412_second_66c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9412_second_66c_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9412_third_66c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9412_third_66c_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9412_four_738_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9412_four_738_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "Zephyr" is an unsurpassed combination of pink rose, eustoma, giancite, white freesia... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9412 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/zefir-9412_fe0_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/zefir-9412_fe0_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/zefir-9412_fe0_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9412_four_738_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9412_four_738_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9412_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9412_second_66c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9412_second_66c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9412_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9412_third_66c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9412_third_66c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9412_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Marshmallow [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [887] => Array ( [id] => 9412 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9412 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [1019] => Array ( [id] => 9412 [flower_id] => 1019 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 9412 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 10 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9412 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9412 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1030 [price] => 7553 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7553 [price_cur] => 7553 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 7553 [price_discount] => 7553 [price_discount_cur] => 7553 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7553 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 7553 [price_member] => 7553 [price_member_cur] => 7553 [price_member_qty] => 7553 [price_member_qty_cur] => 7553 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 5) *1 + (50 * 7) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (20 * 10) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 7553 [business] => 8686 [vip] => 9819 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [26] => Array ( [id] => 6837 [name] => Pink peonies [ru_name] => Розовые пионы [ua_name] => Рожеві півонії [en_name] => Pink peonies [title] => Купить букет Pink peonies недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "Pink Peonies" {$city} - a delicate, airy, lacy, and fragrant gift. It is especially spring-like and light, like a cloud at dawn. The large buds, gathered in a lush living present, glow from within, as if they contain wonderful magical sparks.

You can buy pink peonies for a wedding as a gift for your friends or relatives. These wonderful flowers will be very relevant for a prom, symbolizing youth, purity, and femininity. They will help celebrate Mother's Day, Birthdays, anniversaries of acquaintance and marriage.

A lovely bouquet of pink peonies is a perfect gift for a girl on a first date. Unobtrusive, exquisite, and fresh, like a blush on her cheeks. Such a floral compliment will undoubtedly be appreciated by a beloved lady, mother, or colleague. And the occasion for it is not necessary at all! Go to the section buy peonies in {$city}



Buy pink peonies with delivery in: KyivOdesa, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipro, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Vinnytsia, Kherson, Cherkasy, Kryvyi Rih, Poltava, Chernihiv, Sumy, Zhytomyr, Mariupol, Uzhhorod, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Kremenchuk, Khmelnytskyi, Lutsk.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Розовые пионы» {$city} – нежный, воздушный, кружевной и такой ароматный подарок. Он по-особенному весенний и легкий, словно облако на рассвете. Крупные бутоны, собранные в пышный живой презент, светятся изнутри, будто в них скрыты дивные волшебные искорки.

Вы можете купить розовые пионы на свадьбу друзьям или родственникам. Эти чудесные цветы будут очень актуальны и на выпускном балу, символизируя юность, чистоту и женственность. Они помогут поздравить с Днем Матери и Днем Рождения, годовщиной знакомства и бракосочетания.

Прелестный букет из розовых пионов – отличный подарок девушке на первое свидание. Ненавязчивый, изысканный и свежий, как румянец на ее щеках. Такой цветочный комплимент, несомненно, понравится милой сердцу барыше, маме или сотруднице. И повод для него совсем необязателен! Перейти в раздел купить пионы {$city}



Купить розовые пионы с доставкой в: КиевОдесса, Харьков, Львов, Днепр, Николаев, Запорожье, Винница, Херсон, Черкассы, Кривой Рог, Полтава, Чернигов, Сумы, Житомир, Мариуполь, Ужгород, Ивано-Франковск, Черновцы, Кременчуг, Хмельницкий, Луцк.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Розовые пионы - Состав: Пион розовый. [ua_product_sostav] => Рожеві півонії - Склад: Півонія рожева. [en_product_sostav] => Pink peonies - Composition: Peony pink. [url_link] => buket-rozovie-piony [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6837_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6837_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6837_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6837_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6837_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6837_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 53 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 8 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "Pink Peonies" {$city} - a delicate, airy, lacy, and fragrant gift. It is especially spring-like and light, like a cloud at dawn... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6837 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozovyie_pionyi-6837_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6837_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6837_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6837_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6837_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6837_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6837_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6837_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6837_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6837_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/657180_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/657180_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/587635_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/587635_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586500_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586500_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586500_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586500_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Pink peonies [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-podruge [name] => Flowers for a girl friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-podruge ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-devochke [name] => Flowers for a girl [link] => [slug] => tsvety-devochke ) [5] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-neveste [name] => Flowers for a bride [link] => [slug] => tsvety-neveste ) [6] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-dlya-druzey [name] => Flowers or friends [link] => [slug] => tsvety-dlya-druzey ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [920] => Array ( [id] => 6837 [flower_id] => 920 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 17 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1020 [price] => 7480 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7480 [price_cur] => 7480 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 7480 [price_discount] => 7480 [price_discount_cur] => 7480 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7480 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 7480 [price_member] => 7480 [price_member_cur] => 7480 [price_member_qty] => 7480 [price_member_qty_cur] => 7480 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 17) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 7480 [business] => 8602 [vip] => 9724 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [27] => Array ( [id] => 8482 [name] => Perfection rose [ru_name] => Букет цветов Совершенство роз [ua_name] => Букет квітів Досконалість троянд [en_name] => Perfection rose [title] => Купить букет Perfection rose недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] => Roses always look attractive. Perhaps not surprisingly, that with the help of this flower people express the almost the whole spectrum of their feelings. Shrub roses look more tender that their classic "relatives", that's why the bouquets with this flowers are granted very often to young girls. 

Is it a birthday of your beloved girl? Or you do not know how to congratulate a girlfriend with the Women's Day, anniversary or Valentine's Day? Then choose the bouquet «Perfection rose » will perfectly handle this task. Such amazing gift will excite the gentle heart of dearest woman, will give her positive emotions and make her day the most amazing one. 

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website. [rutext] =>

Букет благоухающих роз - классика, проверенная временем. Разноцветная кустовая роза, в неброской упаковке, словно бриллиант - не нуждается в дополнительных украшениях. Она искушает своим изяществом и хрупкостью, а тонкий, едва уловимый аромат придаёт особый шарм всей композиции. Букет «Совершенство роз» - сочетает в себе как яркие, так и пастельные тона что в совокупности представляет собой одновременно простую и элегантную композицию. 

На языке цветов красная роза символизирует страсть и любовь, в то время как бледно-розовая подразумевает под собой легкость, свежесть и молодость, а белые розы - это проявление нежности и непорочности. Такой симбиоз оттенков со столь разношёрстным подтекстом превращает букет в поистине эффектную композицию.

Букет «Совершенство роз» отличный подарок коллеге, партнеру по бизнесу. Но наибольший эффект он произведёт на вашу любимую женщину - это прекрасное невербальное свидетельство ваших нежных чувств и преклонения перед прекрасной получательницей. Ведь цветы способны говорить сами за себя.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.  [kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8482_four_s.jpg [large] => 8482_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8482_second_s.jpg [large] => 8482_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8482_third_s.jpg [large] => 8482_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_kustovyih_roz_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-sovershenstvo-roz [ru_link] => buket-sovershenstvo-roz [en_link] => perfection-rose [ua_link] => buket-doskonalist-trojand [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2017-10-10 14:38:48 [height] => 55 [diametre] => 42 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 478 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 400 [vpl_url] => krasnye-rozy [vpl_list_id] => 478 [vpl_name_ru] => Красные розы [vpl_name_ua] => Червоні троянди [vpl_name_en] => Red roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.76 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Spray rose multi-colored [count] => 17 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кустова різнокольорова [count] => 17 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 13296 [flower_id] => 1389 [ammount] => 17 [name] => Spray rose multi-colored [ru_name] => Роза кустовая разноцветная [ua_name] => Троянда кустова різнокольорова [en_name] => Spray rose multi-colored [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 13297 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 13298 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.76 [product_sostav] => Perfection rose - Состав: Spray rose multi-colored, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Совершенство роз - Состав: Роза кустовая разноцветная, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Досконалість троянд - Склад: Троянда кустова різнокольорова, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Perfection rose - Composition: Spray rose multi-colored, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-sovershenstvo-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8482_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8482_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8482_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8482_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8482_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8482_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 24 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Roses always look attractive. Perhaps not surprisingly, that with the help of this flower people express the almost the whole spectrum of their feelings... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8482 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/buket_iz_kustovyih_roz-8482_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8482_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8482_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8482_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8482_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8482_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8482_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8482_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8482_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8482_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Perfection rose [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => kustovie-rozy [name] => Spray roses {$city} [link] => [slug] => kustovie-rozy ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1389] => Array ( [id] => 8482 [flower_id] => 1389 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 17 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8482 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8482 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 975 [price] => 7150 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7150 [price_cur] => 7150 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 7150 [price_discount] => 7150 [price_discount_cur] => 7150 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7150 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 7150 [price_member] => 7150 [price_member_cur] => 7150 [price_member_qty] => 7150 [price_member_qty_cur] => 7150 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 17) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 7150 [business] => 8223 [vip] => 9295 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [28] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [name] => Flower Bouquet Delights [ru_name] => Букет цветов Изыск [ua_name] => Букет квітів Вишуканість [en_name] => Flower Bouquet Delights [title] => Купить букет Flower Bouquet Delights недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Unusual, tender and beautiful - that's how we can describe the bride's bouquet «Delights». As you see, its style and design differ from classical floral arrangements. That is why it will be a perfect accessory for the bride who want to make a fairy-tale wedding and become a real princess.

This stunning bouquet has been made of purple shrub roses, curly carnations which radiate charm and luxury, and also of decorative twigs and abundance of greens that helps the arrangements looks different. With the bouquet «Delights» your wedding will become a solemn and royal celebration. 

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Необычный, нежный и прекрасный – именно так можно описать представленный букет невесты «Изыск». Как видите, его стиль и дизайн отличается от классического оформления. Поэтому он станет замечательным аксессуаром для тех невест, которые желают окунуться в сказочную атмосферу и стать одной из самых оригинальных невест.

Красивый букет был создан из кустовых роз покрытых лиловым цветом, пушистых гвоздик, излучающих шарм и великолепие, а также декоративных веточек и густой зелени, которые и придают композиции особенный вид. С «Изыском» Ваша свадьба станет по-настоящему торжественным и королевским событием, которое гости будут вспоминать еще очень долгое время. 

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Изыск - Состав: Гвоздики фиолетовые, Гвоздика салатовая, Орнитогалум, Розы кустовые розовые, Эвкалипт, Декоративные ветки, Бувардия, Лента на цветы, Лимониум. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Вишуканість - Склад: Гвоздика фіолетова, Гвоздика салатова, Орнитогалум, Троянди кущові рожеві, Евкаліпт, Декоративні гілки, Бувардія, Стрічка на квіти, Лімоніум. [en_product_sostav] => Flower Bouquet Delights - Composition: Carnation violet, Carnation lime, Ornithogalum, Roses spray pink , Eucalyptus, Decorative branches, Bouvardia, Tape for flowers, limonium. [url_link] => buket-izysk [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8477_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8477_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8477_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8477_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8477_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8477_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Unusual, tender and beautiful - that's how we can describe the bride's bouquet «Delights»... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8477 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy_buket_145-8477_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8477_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8477_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8477_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8477_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8477_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8477_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8477_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8477_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8477_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower Bouquet Delights [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1393] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 1393 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1418] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 1418 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1047] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 1047 [price] => 46 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 46 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 46 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 46 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1574] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 1574 [price] => 10 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 10 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 10 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 10 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1537] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 1537 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1591] => Array ( [id] => 8477 [flower_id] => 1591 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 972 [price] => 7128 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7128 [price_cur] => 7128 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 7128 [price_discount] => 7128 [price_discount_cur] => 7128 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7128 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 7128 [price_member] => 7128 [price_member_cur] => 7128 [price_member_qty] => 7128 [price_member_qty_cur] => 7128 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (21 * 4) *1 + (40 * 3) *1 + (46 * 3) *1 + (55 * 5) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (10 * 1) *1 + (65 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (55 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 7128 [business] => 8197 [vip] => 9266 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [29] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [name] => Macaroon surprise [ru_name] => Макаруновый сюрприз [ua_name] => Макаруновий сюрприз [en_name] => Macaroon surprise [title] => Товар «Macaroon surprise» [small_image] => /bouquet/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Attention: design of the bouquet may differ slightly from that shown in the website pictures.

Macaroon surprise is a grandiose and romantic gift for your soul mate, which will win the hearts of the most capricious ladies! It consists of white statice, trachelium, oasis flower, beautiful and colorful box, spray rose, very tasty macaroon livers. This is the most obvious way to confess your love, surprise your second half, or just cheer up loved ones. Perfect for a gift to your beloved, boyfriend, birthday, wedding, get well soon.

[rutext] =>

Макаруновый сюрприз - грандиозный и романтический подарок Вашей половинке, который покорит сердца самых капризных дам! Он состоит из белой статицы, трахелиума, цветка оазиса, красивой и красочной коробки, кустовой розы, из очень вкусных макаруновых печень. Это самый очеведний способо признаться в любви, удивить вторуб половинку или просто подняь настроение близким. Отлично подойдет на подарок любимой, парню, на День рождение, свадьбу, сказать выздоравливай.

Внимание: букет внешне может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Макаруновый сюрприз - Состав: Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Коробка квадратная М, Печенье макарон, Роза кустовая лавандер, Статица синяя, Трахелиум белый. [ua_product_sostav] => Макаруновий сюрприз - Склад: Оазис, Коробка, Печиво макарон, Троянда кустова лавандер, Статиця синя, Трахеліум білий. [en_product_sostav] => Macaroon surprise - Composition: Oasis, Box, Cookies macaron, Rose bush lavender, Statice blue, Trahelium white. [url_link] => makarunovyj-syurpriz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9270_second_490_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9270_second_490_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9270_third_e93_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9270_third_e93_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9270_four_c3f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9270_four_c3f_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9270_five_c3f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9270_five_c3f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 12 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Attention: design of the bouquet may differ slightly from that shown in the website pictures... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9270 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/makarunovyiy_syurpriz-9270_c86_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9270_five_c3f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9270_five_c3f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9270_five_c3f_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9270_four_c3f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9270_four_c3f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9270_four_c3f_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9270_second_490_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9270_second_490_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9270_second_490_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9270_third_e93_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9270_third_e93_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9270_third_e93_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/568224.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/568224_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Macaroon surprise [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => buketi-s-makarunami [name] => Bouquets with macaroons [link] => [slug] => buketi-s-makarunami ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1403] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [flower_id] => 1403 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [1999] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [flower_id] => 1999 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [926] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [flower_id] => 926 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1917] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [flower_id] => 1917 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 950 [price] => 6967 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6967 [price_cur] => 6967 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6967 [price_discount] => 6967 [price_discount_cur] => 6967 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6967 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6967 [price_member] => 6967 [price_member_cur] => 6967 [price_member_qty] => 6967 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6967 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (45 * 1) *1 + (0 * 1) *1 + (60 * 6) *1 + (100 * 2) *1 + (40 * 3) *1 + (75 * 3) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [30] => Array ( [id] => 9298 [name] => Счастливая пара [ru_name] => Букет цветов Счастливая пара [ua_name] => Букет квітів Щаслива пара [en_name] => Счастливая пара [title] => Купить букет Счастливая пара недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "Happy couple" is an excellent, romantic, flower-bouquet gift for loved ones. It consists of a spray rose, lavender, white statice, trachelium, oasis and a box of Ferrero Roche chocolates.

Which makes it a universal gift for congratulating your soulmate on the anniversary, as well as a gift for a birthday or an important date. Perfect for a gift to a girl, boyfriend, mom, birthday.

[rutext] =>

Букет "Счастливая пара"- отличный, романтический, цветочно-букетный подарок для любимых и близких. Он состоит из кустовой розы, лавандера, белой статицы, трахелиума, оазиса и коробки конфет Ferrero Rocher, что делает его универсальным подарком как для поздравления с годовщиной своей второй половинки, так и для подарка на День Рождение или важную дату. Отлично подойдет на подарок девушке, парню, маме, на день рождение.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Счастливая пара - Состав: Роза кустовая лавандер, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Коробка квадратная М, Конфеты Ferrero Rocher 200 г, Статица синяя, Трахелиум белый. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Щаслива пара - Склад: Троянда кустова лавандер, Оазис, Коробка, Цукерки Ferrero Rocher 200 г, Статиця синя, Трахеліум білий. [en_product_sostav] => Счастливая пара - Composition: Rose bush lavender, Oasis, Box, Candies Chocolates Ferrero Rocher 200 g, Statice blue, Trahelium white. [url_link] => buket-schastlivaya-para [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9298_second_11f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9298_second_11f_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9298_third_007_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9298_third_007_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9298_four_909_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9298_four_909_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9298_five_800_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9298_five_800_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 8 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 4 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "Happy couple" is an excellent, romantic, flower-bouquet gift for loved ones... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9298 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/schastlivaya_para-9298_11f_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9298_five_800_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9298_five_800_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9298_five_800_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9298_four_909_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9298_four_909_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9298_four_909_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9298_second_11f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9298_second_11f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9298_second_11f_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9298_third_007_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9298_third_007_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9298_third_007_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Счастливая пара [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1999] => Array ( [id] => 9298 [flower_id] => 1999 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9298 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9298 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [943] => Array ( [id] => 9298 [flower_id] => 943 [price] => 259 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [926] => Array ( [id] => 9298 [flower_id] => 926 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1917] => Array ( [id] => 9298 [flower_id] => 1917 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 940 [price] => 6893 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6893 [price_cur] => 6893 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6893 [price_discount] => 6893 [price_discount_cur] => 6893 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6893 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6893 [price_member] => 6893 [price_member_cur] => 6893 [price_member_qty] => 6893 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6893 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 2) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (0 * 1) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (40 * 3) *1 + (75 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 6893 [business] => 7927 [vip] => 8961 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [31] => Array ( [id] => 8269 [name] => Fruit basket Vitamin [ru_name] => Корзина фруктов Витамин [ua_name] => Кошик фруктів Вітамін [en_name] => Fruit basket Vitamin [title] => Товар «Fruit basket Vitamin» [small_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_2-8269_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_2-8269_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_2-8269_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
Do not search an official occasion to make a pleasant gift for a close person! If your beloved spouse has an important event, make for her a little surprise by ordering the fruit basket «Vitamin» with delivery. Such a little pleasantness will help her to remove anxiety and reinforce the body with delicious apples, grapes, grenade and oranges.

In addition, you can present such a gift as an addition to the beautiful bouquet on March 8, Mother’s Day, Anniversary, name-day, Easter or on other celebrations. Give your closest ones not only beautiful gifts, but also useful ones. They deserve it.

Attention! The product may differ from the represented image on website.
[rutext] =>

Не ищите официального повода, чтобы сделать приятный подарок близкому человеку! У Вашей любимой супруги сегодня ответственное мероприятие? Тогда сделайте для нее небольшой сюрприз, заказав корзину фруктов «Витамин» с доставкой! Такое небольшая приятность поможет убрать волнение и подкрепить организм вкусными яблоками, виноградом, гранатом и апельсинами.

Также этот подарок можно вручить в качестве дополнения к красивому букету на 8 Марта, День матери, годовщину, именины, Пасху или другое торжество. Дарите своим близким не только красивые подарки, но и полезные, ведь они этого заслуживают. 

Внимание! Товар может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novaya_korzina_2-8269_s.jpg [large] => novaya_korzina_2-8269_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novaya_korzina_2_s.jpg [large] => novaya_korzina_2_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => vitamin [ru_link] => vitamin [en_link] => vitamin [ua_link] => vitamin [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-12 02:28:27 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 254 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 52 [vpl_url] => korziny-fruktov [vpl_list_id] => 254 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты из фруктов {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Букети з фруктів Одеса [vpl_name_en] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 28 [rating_value] => 4.61 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Grape 1 kg [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Orange [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Pomegranate [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Apple [count] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Виноград 1 кг [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Апельсин [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гранат [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Яблуко [count] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12333 [flower_id] => 1490 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Grape 1 kg [ru_name] => Виноград 1 кг [ua_name] => Виноград 1 кг [en_name] => Grape 1 kg [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12334 [flower_id] => 1258 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Orange [ru_name] => Апельсин [ua_name] => Апельсин [en_name] => Orange [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12335 [flower_id] => 1261 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Pomegranate [ru_name] => Гранат [ua_name] => Гранат [en_name] => Pomegranate [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12336 [flower_id] => 1275 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Apple [ru_name] => Яблоко [ua_name] => Яблуко [en_name] => Apple [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 12337 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => Fruit basket Vitamin - Состав: Grape 1 kg, Orange, Pomegranate, Apple, Box M. [ru_product_sostav] => Корзина фруктов Витамин - Состав: Виноград 1 кг, Апельсин, Гранат, Яблоко, Корзина M. [ua_product_sostav] => Кошик фруктів Вітамін - Склад: Виноград 1 кг, Апельсин, Гранат, Яблуко, Кошик M. [en_product_sostav] => Fruit basket Vitamin - Composition: Grape 1 kg, Orange, Pomegranate, Apple, Box M. [url_link] => vitamin [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novaya_korzina_2-8269_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_2-8269_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_2-8269_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 70 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Do not search an official occasion to make a pleasant gift for a close person... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8269 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_2-8269_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_2-8269_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_2-8269_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/629901.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/629901_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Fruit basket Vitamin [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => korziny-fruktov [name] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [link] => [slug] => korziny-fruktov ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1490] => Array ( [id] => 8269 [flower_id] => 1490 [price] => 300 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1258] => Array ( [id] => 8269 [flower_id] => 1258 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1261] => Array ( [id] => 8269 [flower_id] => 1261 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1275] => Array ( [id] => 8269 [flower_id] => 1275 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 8269 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 780 [price] => 6864 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6864 [price_cur] => 6864 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6864 [price_discount] => 6864 [price_discount_cur] => 6864 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6864 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6864 [price_member] => 6864 [price_member_cur] => 6864 [price_member_qty] => 6864 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6864 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 8.8 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (35 * 4) *1 + (70 * 1) *1 + (30 * 4) *1 + (150 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [32] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [name] => Flower box of happiness [ru_name] => Цветочная коробочка счастья [ua_name] => Квіткова коробочка щастя [en_name] => Flower box of happiness [title] => Купить букет Flower box of happiness недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

“The Flower Box of Happiness” is a unique tandem of luxurious flowers and a magnificent dessert. A beautiful romantic box in the shape of a heart hides in itself the languor of orchids, the tenderness of spray roses, the weightlessness of white freesias, the dreaminess of lavender and the richness of summer greens. The highlight of this gift is a unique cookies Macarons.
Please your beloved with such a unique gift that will tell about your love more eloquently than all the words!

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image on the website.

[rutext] =>

Сердце женщины – это большой утонченный цветок, который предпочитает такие же изысканные и оригинальные подарки. Отличным дополнением к цветочному подарку может стать коробка ее любимых сладостей. С таким подарком Вы точно сможете удивить ее!

«Цветочная коробочка счастья» - это уникальный тандем роскошных цветов и великолепного десерта. Красивая романтичная коробка в виде сердца скрывает в себе томность орхидей, нежность кустовых роз, невесомость белых фрезий, мечтательность лаванды и сочность летней зелени. Изюминкой этого подарка является неповторимое печенье макарон.
Порадуйте любимую таким уникальным подарком, который расскажет о Вашей любви красноречивее, чем все слова!

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Смотрите все композиции в коробке в {$city_where}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 7585_five_s.jpg [large] => 7585_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7585_four_s.jpg [large] => 7585_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7585_second_s.jpg [large] => 7585_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7585_third_s.jpg [large] => 7585_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_second_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_third_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_four_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_four_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_five_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-tsvetochnaya-korobochka-schastya [ru_link] => buket-tsvetochnaya-korobochka-schastya [en_link] => flower-box-of-happiness [ua_link] => buket-kvitkova-korobochka-shastya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-28 15:26:09 [height] => 15 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 409 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 6 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 168 [vpl_url] => bestsellers [vpl_list_id] => 409 [vpl_name_ru] => Бестселлеры [vpl_name_ua] => Бестселери {$city} [vpl_name_en] => bestsellers [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.59 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Lavender [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Cookies macaron [count] => 6 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Decorative branches [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => hamelatsium [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Box in heart shape [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Лаванда [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Печиво макарон [count] => 6 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Декоративні гілки [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Хамелаціум [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Коробка у формі серця [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9375 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9376 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9377 [flower_id] => 1397 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Lavender [ru_name] => Лаванда [ua_name] => Лаванда [en_name] => Lavender [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 9378 [flower_id] => 1403 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Cookies macaron [ru_name] => Печенье макарон [ua_name] => Печиво макарон [en_name] => Cookies macaron [group] => 49 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9380 [flower_id] => 1574 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Decorative branches [ru_name] => Декоративные ветки [ua_name] => Декоративні гілки [en_name] => Decorative branches [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 1567 [ammount] => 1 [name] => hamelatsium [ru_name] => Хамелациум [ua_name] => Хамелаціум [en_name] => hamelatsium [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 19561 [flower_id] => 1704 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20386 [flower_id] => 1010 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box in heart shape [ru_name] => Коробка в форме сердца [ua_name] => Коробка у формі серця [en_name] => Box in heart shape [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.92 [product_sostav] => Flower box of happiness - Состав: Freesia white, Roses spray pink, Lavender, Cookies macaron, Decorative branches, hamelatsium, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Box in heart shape. [ru_product_sostav] => Цветочная коробочка счастья - Состав: Фрезия белая, Розы кустовые розовые, Лаванда, Печенье макарон, Декоративные ветки, Хамелациум, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея), Коробка в форме сердца. [ua_product_sostav] => Квіткова коробочка щастя - Склад: Фрезія біла, Троянди кущові рожеві, Лаванда, Печиво макарон, Декоративні гілки, Хамелаціум, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея), Коробка у формі серця. [en_product_sostav] => Flower box of happiness - Composition: Freesia white, Roses spray pink , Lavender, Cookies macaron, Decorative branches, hamelatsium, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Box in heart shape. [url_link] => buket-tsvetochnaya-korobochka-schastya [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7585_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7585_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7585_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7585_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7585_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7585_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7585_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7585_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 29 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => “The Flower Box of Happiness” is a unique tandem of luxurious flowers and a magnificent dessert... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7585 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7585_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7585_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7585_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7585_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7585_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7585_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7585_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7585_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7585_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7585_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7585_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7585_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608532_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608532_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower box of happiness [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) [1] => Array ( [url] => buketi-s-makarunami [name] => Bouquets with macaroons [link] => [slug] => buketi-s-makarunami ) [8] => Array ( [url] => serdtsa [name] => Hearts [link] => [slug] => serdtsa ) [9] => Array ( [url] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina [name] => Heards Valentines Day [link] => [slug] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina ) [12] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [968] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1397] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1397 [price] => 160 [price_rate] => 0.4 [price_ukraine] => 180 [price_ukraine_rate] => 0.5 [price_cis] => 180 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 180 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1403] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1403 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [1574] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1574 [price] => 10 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 10 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 10 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 10 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1567] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1567 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 61 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 61 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 61 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1704] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1704 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1010] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1010 [price] => 110 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2573] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 2573 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 15 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 15 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 15 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 916 [price] => 6717 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6717 [price_cur] => 6717 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6717 [price_discount] => 6717 [price_discount_cur] => 6717 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6717 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6717 [price_member] => 6717 [price_member_cur] => 6717 [price_member_qty] => 6717 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6717 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 3) *1 + (55 * 2) *1 + (18 * 5) *1 + (60 * 6) *1 + (10 * 2) *1 + (61 * 1) *1 + (0 * 3) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 + (15 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 6717 [business] => 7725 [vip] => 8733 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [33] => Array ( [id] => 9878 [name] => Pink cloud [ru_name] => Букет Розовое Облако [ua_name] => Букет квітів Рожева хмара [en_name] => Pink cloud [title] => Купить букет Pink cloud недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The name of the bouquet "Pink Cloud" perfectly reflects its appearance. It is the associations with something light, delicate and weightless that cause pale pink hydrangeas, peach roses of Kenya and rich purple matiolas, which act as a kind of bright accent in the whole composition. As a green addition, florists used discreet faded green eucalyptus.

This is a classic, rather restrained bouquet, decorated with multi-layered packaging of several shades. It is appropriate to give it to serious women who know their worth, behind whose cold and somewhat feigned restraint lies a sensitive, subtle soul to a little girl. It is she who is symbolized in that composition by the most delicate hydrangea.

Order a beautiful bouquet, assembled from fresh, fragrant flowers by our florists and delivered to your doorstep by courteous couriers. Give your proud queen a piece of reminder of the girl that is hidden deep inside.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the images shown.

[rutext] =>

Название букета «Розовое облако» как нельзя лучше отображает его вид. Именно ассоциации с чем-то легким, нежным и невесомым вызывают нежно-розовые гортензии, персиковые розы Кения и насыщенно фиолетовые матиолы, выступающие неким ярким акцентом во всей композиции. В качестве зеленого дополнения флористами использован сдержанный блекло-зеленый эвкалипт.

Это классический, достаточно сдержанный букет, оформленный многослойной упаковкой нескольких оттенков. Его уместно подарить серьезным, знающим себе цену женщинам, за холодной и несколько напускной сдержанностью которых скрывается чуткая, тонкая душа маленькой девочке. Именно ее символизирует в той композиции нежнейшая гортензия.

Закажите красивый букет, собранный из свежих, ароматных цветов нашими флористами и доставленный на порог обходительными курьерами. Подарите своей горделивой королеве частичку напоминания о той девочке, что спрятана глубоко внутри.  

Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленных изображений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_s.jpg [large] => rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyiy_zefir_054_s.jpg [large] => rozovyiy_zefir_054_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => rozovoe-oblako [ru_link] => rozovoe-oblako [en_link] => pink-cloud [ua_link] => rozheva-hmara [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-29 08:56:24 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 440 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 6 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 295 [vpl_url] => cvety-hydrangea [vpl_list_id] => 440 [vpl_name_ru] => Гортензия {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Гортензія {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Hydrangea [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 20 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea pink [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma lilac [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Wrapping 2 m [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія рожева [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Еустома бузкова [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка 2 м [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20507 [flower_id] => 911 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hydrangea pink [ru_name] => Гортензия розовая [ua_name] => Гортензія рожева [en_name] => Hydrangea pink [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20510 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20511 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20512 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 22284 [flower_id] => 1731 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Eustoma lilac [ru_name] => Эустома сиреневая [ua_name] => Еустома бузкова [en_name] => Eustoma lilac [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 23230 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 23231 [flower_id] => 2570 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Wrapping 2 m [ru_name] => Упаковка 2 м [ua_name] => Упаковка 2 м [en_name] => Wrapping 2 m [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Pink cloud - Состав: Hydrangea pink, Packing for a flower bouquet, Eucalyptus, Tape for flowers, Eustoma lilac, Rose spray cream, Wrapping 2 m. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет Розовое Облако - Состав: Гортензия розовая, Упаковать букет цветов, Эвкалипт, Лента на цветы, Эустома сиреневая, Роза кустовая кремовая, Упаковка 2 м. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Рожева хмара - Склад: Гортензія рожева, Упаковка на букет квітів, Евкаліпт, Стрічка на квіти, Еустома бузкова, Троянда кущова кремова, Упаковка 2 м. [en_product_sostav] => Pink cloud - Composition: Hydrangea pink, Packing for a flower bouquet, Eucalyptus, Tape for flowers, Eustoma lilac, Rose spray cream, Wrapping 2 m. [url_link] => rozovoe-oblako [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 52 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The name of the bouquet "Pink Cloud" perfectly reflects its appearance... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9878 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozovoe_oblako-9878_9ed_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Pink cloud [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [name] => Flowers for graduates [link] => [slug] => tsvety-vypusknikam ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [911] => Array ( [id] => 9878 [flower_id] => 911 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9878 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 9878 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9878 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1731] => Array ( [id] => 9878 [flower_id] => 1731 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9878 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [2570] => Array ( [id] => 9878 [flower_id] => 2570 [price] => 120 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 915 [price] => 6710 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6710 [price_cur] => 6710 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6710 [price_discount] => 6710 [price_discount_cur] => 6710 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6710 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6710 [price_member] => 6710 [price_member_cur] => 6710 [price_member_qty] => 6710 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6710 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 5) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (100 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 6710 [business] => 7717 [vip] => 8723 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [34] => Array ( [id] => 8780 [name] => Winter touch [ru_name] => Изморозь [ua_name] => Паморозь [en_name] => Winter touch [title] => Купить букет Winter touch недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/izmoroz-8780_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/izmoroz-8780_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/izmoroz-8780_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Incredibly fabulous bouquet "Hoarfrost" is made in white and blue tones and is full of outlandish flowers and plants. There is a delicate rose, and miniature buds of purple statice, as well as outlandish brunia, bizarre eringum and ellosia. Thanks to the wonderful variety of ingredients, this bouquet will be a great gift for a number of celebrations. Including Christmas and New Years.

Present a bouquet of "Hoarfrost" and create a truly fabulous winter atmosphere in the recipient's house.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Невероятно сказочный букет «Изморозь» выполнен в бело-голубых тонах и полон диковинных цветов и растений. Тут и нежная роза, и миниатюрные бутончики фиолетовой статицы, а так же диковинная бруния, причудливый эрингум и эллозия. Благодаря прекрасному разнообразию ингридиентов, этот букет станет великолепным подарком к ряду торжеств. В том числе и к Новому Году или Рождеству.

Преподнесите букет «Изморозь» и создайте в доме получателя поистине сказочную зимнюю атмосферу.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => izmoroz-8780_s.jpg [large] => izmoroz-8780_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8780_five_s.jpg [large] => 8780_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8780_four_s.jpg [large] => 8780_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8780_second_s.jpg [large] => 8780_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8780_third_s.jpg [large] => 8780_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => izmoroz_s.jpg [large] => izmoroz_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => izmoroz_second_s.jpg [large] => izmoroz_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => izmoroz_third_s.jpg [large] => izmoroz_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => izmoroz_four_s.jpg [large] => izmoroz_four_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => izmoroz_five_s.jpg [large] => izmoroz_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-izmoroz [ru_link] => buket-izmoroz [en_link] => winter-touch [ua_link] => buket-pamoroz [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy bouquet «Winter touch» in the online store with delivery! [image_title_en] => Order winter bouquet «Winter touch»! Delivery! [fake_perc_sale] => 2.1 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-12-28 19:35:06 [height] => 25 [diametre] => 23 [color] => white [p_title] => Order bouquet «Winter touch». Delivery to any city! [p_description] => Tender shades and marvellous flowers and plants are the main ingredients of the fabulous bouquet «Winter touch». [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery, winter bouquet, new year, [p_h1] => Bouquet «Winter touch» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 174 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 8 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 137 [vpl_url] => originalnye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 174 [vpl_name_ru] => Оригинальные букеты Киев [vpl_name_ua] => Оригінальні букети {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Original bouquets Kiev [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.33 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Eringium [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Statice violet [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Brunia [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Ерінгіум [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Статиця фіолетова [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Брунія [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 15005 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 9 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 15006 [flower_id] => 1588 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eringium [ru_name] => Эрингиум [ua_name] => Ерінгіум [en_name] => Eringium [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 15007 [flower_id] => 927 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Statice violet [ru_name] => Статица фиолетовая [ua_name] => Статиця фіолетова [en_name] => Statice violet [group] => 16 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 15008 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 15009 [flower_id] => 1395 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Brunia [ru_name] => Бруния [ua_name] => Брунія [en_name] => Brunia [group] => 61 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 15364 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 0.88 [product_sostav] => Winter touch - Состав: Roses white local, Eringium, Statice violet, Tape for flowers, Brunia, Eucalyptus. [ru_product_sostav] => Изморозь - Состав: Роза белая местная, Эрингиум, Статица фиолетовая, Лента на цветы, Бруния, Эвкалипт. [ua_product_sostav] => Паморозь - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Ерінгіум, Статиця фіолетова, Стрічка на квіти, Брунія, Евкаліпт. [en_product_sostav] => Winter touch - Composition: Roses white local, Eringium, Statice violet, Tape for flowers, Brunia, Eucalyptus. [url_link] => buket-izmoroz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/izmoroz-8780_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/izmoroz-8780_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/izmoroz-8780_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8780_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8780_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8780_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8780_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8780_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8780_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8780_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8780_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 31 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Incredibly fabulous bouquet "Hoarfrost" is made in white and blue tones and is full of outlandish flowers and plants... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8780 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/izmoroz-8780_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/izmoroz-8780_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/izmoroz-8780_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8780_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8780_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8780_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8780_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8780_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8780_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8780_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8780_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8780_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8780_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8780_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8780_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/650881_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/650881_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Winter touch [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => originalnie-buketi [name] => Original bouquets [link] => [slug] => originalnie-buketi ) [7] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 8780 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [1588] => Array ( [id] => 8780 [flower_id] => 1588 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [927] => Array ( [id] => 8780 [flower_id] => 927 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 39 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 39 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 39 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8780 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1395] => Array ( [id] => 8780 [flower_id] => 1395 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 8780 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 885 [price] => 6490 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6490 [price_cur] => 6490 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6490 [price_discount] => 6490 [price_discount_cur] => 6490 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6490 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6490 [price_member] => 6490 [price_member_cur] => 6490 [price_member_qty] => 6490 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6490 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 9) *1 + (0 * 2) *1 + (39 * 5) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 6490 [business] => 7464 [vip] => 8437 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [35] => Array ( [id] => 8493 [name] => 15 pink spray roses [ru_name] => 15 кустовых роз [ua_name] => 15 кущових троянд [en_name] => 15 pink spray roses [title] => Купить букет 15 pink spray roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Pink spray roses look very neat and tender. Usually these flowers are for beloved daughters and girls to emphasize their beauty and delicacy. You can send spay roses for Mother's Day, St.Valentine's, birthday or anniversary. Also the bouquet of 15 spray pink roses will become an ideal present on the date. This romantic gift will definitely surprise your woman.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the photo.

[rutext] =>

Кустовые розы сами по себе выглядят очень нежно и аккуратно. Обычно такие цветы дарят любимым дочкам или юным девушкам, тем самым подчеркивая их красоту и хрупкость. Подарите и Вы кустовые розы своей избраннице на 8 Марта, именины, годовщину или День святого Валентина. И не забудьте о приятном дополнении –  сладостях, корзинке сочных фруктов и другом. Такой набор романтика станет отличным свидетельством Ваших чувств и произведет неизгладимое впечатление на получательницу.

На самом деле, кустовые розы предназначаются не только для возлюбленных, но и просто близких людей. Не знаете, как лишний раз порадовать дорогую бабушку или маму, тогда подарите им вот такой очаровательный букет цветов просто так, без повода. 15 кустовых роз принесут массу положительных эмоций, а также помогут сгладить горечь долговременной разлуки между Вами. 

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_s.jpg [large] => 15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8493_four_439_s.jpg [large] => 8493_four_439_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8493_second_bd5_s.jpg [large] => 8493_second_bd5_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8493_third_71c_s.jpg [large] => 8493_third_71c_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 15_kustovyih_roz_7d4_s.jpg [large] => 15_kustovyih_roz_7d4_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 15_kustovyih_roz_second_s.jpg [large] => 15_kustovyih_roz_second_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-15-kustovyh-roz [ru_link] => buket-15-kustovyh-roz [en_link] => 15-pink-spray-roses [ua_link] => buket-15-kushovyh-trojand [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2019-09-24 12:50:04 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 40 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 597 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 750 [vpl_url] => 15-roz [vpl_list_id] => 597 [vpl_name_ru] => 15 роз {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => 15 троянд {$city} [vpl_name_en] => 15 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 15 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 15 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 13411 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18854 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 15 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18855 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.68 [product_sostav] => 15 pink spray roses - Состав: Tape for flowers, Roses spray pink, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => 15 кустовых роз - Состав: Лента на цветы, Розы кустовые розовые, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => 15 кущових троянд - Склад: Стрічка на квіти, Троянди кущові рожеві, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => 15 pink spray roses - Composition: Tape for flowers, Roses spray pink , Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-15-kustovyh-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8493_second_bd5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8493_second_bd5_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8493_four_439_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8493_four_439_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8493_third_71c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8493_third_71c_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 59 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Pink spray roses look very neat and tender. Usually these flowers are for beloved daughters and girls to emphasize their beauty and delicacy... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8493 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/15_kustovyih_roz-8493_f34_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8493_four_439_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8493_four_439_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8493_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8493_second_bd5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8493_second_bd5_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8493_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8493_third_71c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8493_third_71c_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8493_third_71c_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/598118_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/598118_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 15 pink spray roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => kustovie-rozy [name] => Spray roses {$city} [link] => [slug] => kustovie-rozy ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8493 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 8493 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8493 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 865 [price] => 6343 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6343 [price_cur] => 6343 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6343 [price_discount] => 6343 [price_discount_cur] => 6343 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6343 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6343 [price_member] => 6343 [price_member_cur] => 6343 [price_member_qty] => 6343 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6343 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (55 * 15) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 6343 [business] => 7295 [vip] => 8246 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [36] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [name] => Delicate marshmallows [ru_name] => Нежный зефир [ua_name] => Букет квітів Ніжний зефір [en_name] => Delicate marshmallows [title] => Купить букет Delicate marshmallows недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The colors of this bouquet resemble summer days. A beautiful and delicate combination of pink and white roses, lily and cymbidium, complemented by stylish ribbon and delicate color packaging - this is the most delicate composition for your half.

Bouquet "Delicate marshmallow" - an armful of flowers that can cause delight and amazement in his girlfriend. An incredible bunch of flowers is a wonderful gift for relatives of mother and sister, beloved girl and desired woman, colleagues and manager, whose warm tones will not leave a chance to resist her charm. Regardless of the reason on which this bouquet will be chosen as a gift, you can be sure that it will meet your expectations!

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images presented on the site.

[rutext] =>

Композиция в коробке "Нежный зефир". Цвета этого букета напоминают собой летние дни. Прекрасное и нежное сочетание розовых и белых роз, лилии и цимбидиума, дополненных стильной лентой и нежного цвета упаковкой, — так выглядит самая нежная композиция для Вашей половинки.

Букет «Нежный зефир» — охапка цветов, способная вызвать восторг и изумление у любимой девушки. Невероятная связка цветов — замечательный подарок для родных мамы и сестры, любимой девушки и желанной женщины, коллеги и руководителя, тёплые тона которой не оставят и шанса устоять перед её очарованием. Независимо от повода, по которому будет выбран в качестве подарка этот букет, можете быть уверены, он оправдает ваши смелые ожидания!

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_s.jpg [large] => nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9597_four_11b_s.jpg [large] => 9597_four_11b_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9597_second_cf5_s.jpg [large] => 9597_second_cf5_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9597_third_8a1_s.jpg [large] => 9597_third_8a1_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => nejnyiy_zefir_b96_s.jpg [large] => nejnyiy_zefir_b96_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => nejnyiy_zefir_second_s.jpg [large] => nejnyiy_zefir_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => nejnyiy_zefir_third_s.jpg [large] => nejnyiy_zefir_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => nejnyiy_zefir_four_s.jpg [large] => nejnyiy_zefir_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => nezhnyj-zefir [ru_link] => nezhnyj-zefir [en_link] => delicate-marshmallows [ua_link] => nezhnyj-zefir [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-07 23:15:37 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 190 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 8 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 15 [vpl_url] => nezhnye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 190 [vpl_name_ru] => Нежные букеты {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Ніжні букети {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Tender flowers [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.36 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma pink [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum Anastasia [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Lily white [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => limonium [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Gypsophila [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [count] => 2 ) [11] => Array ( [name] => Round box S 15x16cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Еустома рожева [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема Анастасiя [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Лілія біла [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Лімоніум [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Гіпсофіла [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 2 ) [11] => Array ( [name] => Коробка кругла S 15x16см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18918 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18919 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18920 [flower_id] => 997 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eustoma pink [ru_name] => Эустома розовая [ua_name] => Еустома рожева [en_name] => Eustoma pink [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 18921 [flower_id] => 1899 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chrysanthemum Anastasia [ru_name] => Хризантема Анастасия [ua_name] => Хризантема Анастасiя [en_name] => Chrysanthemum Anastasia [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 18922 [flower_id] => 863 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Lily white [ru_name] => Лилия белая [ua_name] => Лілія біла [en_name] => Lily white [group] => 6 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 18923 [flower_id] => 1591 [ammount] => 1 [name] => limonium [ru_name] => Лимониум [ua_name] => Лімоніум [en_name] => limonium [group] => 80 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 18924 [flower_id] => 1672 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gypsophila [ru_name] => Гипсофила [ua_name] => Гіпсофіла [en_name] => Gypsophila [group] => 20 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 18925 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 18926 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 18928 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 19566 [flower_id] => 1704 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 21446 [flower_id] => 2553 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Round box S 15x16cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая S 15x16см [ua_name] => Коробка кругла S 15x16см [en_name] => Round box S 15x16cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Delicate marshmallows - Состав: Roses white local, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Eustoma pink, Chrysanthemum Anastasia, Lily white, limonium, Gypsophila, Eucalyptus, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Round box S 15x16cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Нежный зефир - Состав: Роза белая местная, Роза розовая до 60 см, Эустома розовая, Хризантема Анастасия, Лилия белая, Лимониум, Гипсофила, Эвкалипт, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея), Коробка круглая S 15x16см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Ніжний зефір - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Еустома рожева, Хризантема Анастасiя, Лілія біла, Лімоніум, Гіпсофіла, Евкаліпт, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея), Коробка кругла S 15x16см. [en_product_sostav] => Delicate marshmallows - Composition: Roses white local, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Eustoma pink, Chrysanthemum Anastasia, Lily white, limonium, Gypsophila, Eucalyptus, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Round box S 15x16cm. [url_link] => nezhnyj-zefir [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9597_second_cf5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9597_second_cf5_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9597_third_8a1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9597_third_8a1_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9597_four_11b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9597_four_11b_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 16 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The colors of this bouquet resemble summer days... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9597 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_zefir-9597_433_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9597_four_11b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9597_four_11b_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9597_four_11b_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9597_second_cf5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9597_second_cf5_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9597_second_cf5_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9597_third_8a1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9597_third_8a1_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9597_third_8a1_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Delicate marshmallows [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [name] => Flowers for graduates [link] => [slug] => tsvety-vypusknikam ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [887] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [997] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 997 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1899] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 1899 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [863] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 863 [price] => 105 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1591] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 1591 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1672] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 1672 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1704] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 1704 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [2553] => Array ( [id] => 9597 [flower_id] => 2553 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 855 [price] => 6270 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6270 [price_cur] => 6270 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6270 [price_discount] => 6270 [price_discount_cur] => 6270 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6270 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6270 [price_member] => 6270 [price_member_cur] => 6270 [price_member_qty] => 6270 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6270 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 2) *1 + (55 * 2) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (75 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (55 * 1) *1 + (70 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (0 * 2) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 6270 [business] => 7211 [vip] => 8151 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [37] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [name] => Roses and lilies [ru_name] => Розы и лилии [ua_name] => Троянди та лілії [en_name] => Roses and lilies [title] => Купить букет Roses and lilies недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozyi_i_lilii-9877_e51_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozyi_i_lilii-9877_e51_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozyi_i_lilii-9877_e51_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Looking for a bouquet worthy of a queen? Then the unique combination of premium roses and fragrant charming lily is exactly what you need. Greatness, luxury and beauty - such epithets come to mind when considering this enchanting bouquet.

[rutext] =>

Ищите букет, достойный королевы? Тогда уникальное сочетание премиум роз и ароматной очаровательной лилии — это именно то, что вам нужно. Величие, роскошь и красота – такие эпитеты приходят на ум при рассмотрении этого очаровательного букета. В композиции флористам удивительным образом удалось сочетать сдержанность с насыщенностью. Лилия, несмотря на то, что она представлена в единственном экземпляре, выступает неким центром букета, его связующим звеном, объединяющим другие элементы в одно целое.

Выигрышно также смотрится лаконичная круглая коробка темного оттенка, дополненная небольшим поддоном такой же формы. В качестве украшения использована сдержанная одноцветная упаковочная бумага приглушенного розового цвета, тонкая лента такого же оттенка и толстая насыщенно зеленая, которая используется для формирования банта. Закажите букет в нашем магазине для истинной леди.

Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленных изображений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozyi_i_lilii-9877_e51_s.jpg [large] => rozyi_i_lilii-9877_e51_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9877_four_9c1_s.jpg [large] => 9877_four_9c1_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9877_second_9a1_s.jpg [large] => 9877_second_9a1_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9877_third_ff8_s.jpg [large] => 9877_third_ff8_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozyi_i_liliii_7f0_s.jpg [large] => rozyi_i_liliii_7f0_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => rozyi_i_liliii_second_s.jpg [large] => rozyi_i_liliii_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => rozyi_i_liliii_third_s.jpg [large] => rozyi_i_liliii_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => rozyi_i_liliii_four_s.jpg [large] => rozyi_i_liliii_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => lilii-roses [ru_link] => lilii-roses [en_link] => roses-and-lilies [ua_link] => troyandy-ta-liliyi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-06-28 20:04:20 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 614 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 3 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 806 [vpl_url] => kompozitsii-na-den-materi [vpl_list_id] => 614 [vpl_name_ru] => Композиции на День Матери [vpl_name_ua] => Композиції на День Матері [vpl_name_en] => Flower arrangements for Mothers' Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose premium pink [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Pink lilies [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria pink [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Antirrhinum [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Round box S 15x16cm [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда преміум рожева [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Лілії рожеві [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія рожева [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Антирринум [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Коробка кругла S 15x16см [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20496 [flower_id] => 907 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose premium pink [ru_name] => Роза премиум розовая [ua_name] => Троянда преміум рожева [en_name] => Rose premium pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 15 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20498 [flower_id] => 868 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Pink lilies [ru_name] => Лилии розовые [ua_name] => Лілії рожеві [en_name] => Pink lilies [group] => 6 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20499 [flower_id] => 811 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Alstroemeria pink [ru_name] => Альстромерия розовая [ua_name] => Альстромерія рожева [en_name] => Alstroemeria pink [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20500 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 20502 [flower_id] => 1977 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Antirrhinum [ru_name] => Антирринум [ua_name] => Антирринум [en_name] => Antirrhinum [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 20503 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 20504 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20505 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 21489 [flower_id] => 2553 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Round box S 15x16cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая S 15x16см [ua_name] => Коробка кругла S 15x16см [en_name] => Round box S 15x16cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 23350 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Roses and lilies - Состав: Rose premium pink, Pink lilies, Alstroemeria pink, Oasis, Antirrhinum, Greens, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet, Round box S 15x16cm, Rose spray cream. [ru_product_sostav] => Розы и лилии - Состав: Роза премиум розовая , Лилии розовые, Альстромерия розовая, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Антирринум, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов, Коробка круглая S 15x16см, Роза кустовая кремовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Троянди та лілії - Склад: Троянда преміум рожева , Лілії рожеві, Альстромерія рожева, Оазис, Антирринум, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів, Коробка кругла S 15x16см, Троянда кущова кремова. [en_product_sostav] => Roses and lilies - Composition: Rose premium pink , Pink lilies, Alstroemeria pink, Oasis, Antirrhinum, Greens, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet, Round box S 15x16cm, Rose spray cream. 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[video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9877 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozyi_i_lilii-9877_e51_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozyi_i_lilii-9877_e51_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozyi_i_lilii-9877_e51_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9877_four_9c1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9877_four_9c1_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9877_four_9c1_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9877_second_9a1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9877_second_9a1_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9877_second_9a1_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9877_third_ff8_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9877_third_ff8_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9877_third_ff8_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Roses and lilies [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [907] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 907 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 0.9 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 0.9 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [868] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 868 [price] => 120 [price_rate] => 1.5 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [811] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 811 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1.5 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1977] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 1977 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2553] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 2553 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9877 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 850 [price] => 6233 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6233 [price_cur] => 6233 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 6233 [price_discount] => 6233 [price_discount_cur] => 6233 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6233 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 6233 [price_member] => 6233 [price_member_cur] => 6233 [price_member_qty] => 6233 [price_member_qty_cur] => 6233 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 3) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (30 * 2) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (65 * 2) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 + (55 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 6233 [business] => 7168 [vip] => 8103 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [38] => Array ( [id] => 8746 [name] => Feelings alchemy [ru_name] => Букет цветов Алхимия чувств [ua_name] => Букет квітів Алхімія почуттів [en_name] => Feelings alchemy [title] => Купить букет Feelings alchemy недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Surprisingly delicate bouquet in the best colors can reveal a huge variation of feelings, making bells swaying plants in the opened buds emotions. Beautiful pink rose, elegant light green eustoma, air-purple hydrangea, green anthurium flowers and carnations, whose elegant appearance to complete the stylish package, allow florists create expressive floral work, promises to be the highlight of a long-awaited holiday.
Bouquet «Feelings alchemy» – is a great present to your girl-friend, sister, mother, business-colleagues. These flowers are extraordinary and important attribute in every kind of celebrations: birthday, 8th of March, wedding or romantic evening. If you want to surprise someone, this bouquet will do it instead of you. You can make an order right now and we promise that this bouquet impresses everyone.

Attention! Bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>
Удивительно нежный букет в лучших цветах способен раскрыть гамму чувств, превратив колышущиеся колокольчики растений в раскрывшиеся бутоны эмоций. Прекрасная розовая роза, изящная салатовая эустома, воздушная фиолетовая гортензия, зелёные цветочки антуриума и гвоздики, чей элегантный облик довершен стильной упаковкой, позволили флористам создать экспрессивное цветочное произведение, обещающее стать изюминкой долгожданного праздника.

Букет «Алхимия чувств» — завораживающий своей нежностью и выразительной мягкостью подарок, который прекрасно раскроет себя на именинах подруги или сестры, Дне рождения коллеги, 8 марта и профессиональном празднике любимого преподавателя. Красноречивая связка цветов также послужит незначительным, но важным и стильным атрибутом приятной встречи, создавая необычными тонами и тонкими ароматами неповторимую атмосферу романтического вечера. Какое бы из знаменательных событий для благоухающего букета вы ни выбрали, будьте уверены, он поможет передать вам самое важное.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
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[image_title_en] => Buy fabulous bouquet «Feelings alchemy» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-08-18 16:31:35 [height] => 40 [diametre] => 35 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy gorgeous bouquet «Feelings alchemy» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Feelings alchemy» – is a great present to your girl-friend, sister, mother, business-colleagues. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Feelings alchemy» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 174 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 9 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 137 [vpl_url] => originalnye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 174 [vpl_name_ru] => Оригинальные букеты Киев [vpl_name_ua] => Оригінальні букети {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Original bouquets Kiev [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.33 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Carnation green [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma light green [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea pink [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Антуріум зелений [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика зелена [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Еустома салатова [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія рожева [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 14854 [flower_id] => 819 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia [ru_name] => Антуриум зелёный [ua_name] => Антуріум зелений [en_name] => Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia [group] => 10 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 14856 [flower_id] => 828 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation green [ru_name] => Гвоздика зелёная [ua_name] => Гвоздика зелена [en_name] => Carnation green [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 14857 [flower_id] => 1801 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma light green [ru_name] => Эустома салатовая [ua_name] => Еустома салатова [en_name] => Eustoma light green [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 14858 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 14859 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 20849 [flower_id] => 911 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hydrangea pink [ru_name] => Гортензия розовая [ua_name] => Гортензія рожева [en_name] => Hydrangea pink [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 23395 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.56 [product_sostav] => Feelings alchemy - Состав: Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia, Carnation green, Eustoma light green, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Hydrangea pink, Roses spray pink. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Алхимия чувств - Состав: Антуриум зелёный, Гвоздика зелёная, Эустома салатовая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Гортензия розовая, Розы кустовые розовые. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Алхімія почуттів - Склад: Антуріум зелений, Гвоздика зелена, Еустома салатова, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Гортензія рожева, Троянди кущові рожеві. [en_product_sostav] => Feelings alchemy - Composition: Anthurium green, Anthurium Marysia, Carnation green, Eustoma light green, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Hydrangea pink, Roses spray pink . [url_link] => buket-alkhimiya-chuvstv [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8746_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8746_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8746_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8746_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8746_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8746_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8746_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8746_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 29 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Surprisingly delicate bouquet in the best colors can reveal a huge variation of feelings, making bells swaying plants in the opened buds emotions... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8746 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/alhimiya_chuvstv-8746_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8746_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8746_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8746_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8746_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8746_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8746_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8746_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8746_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8746_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8746_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8746_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8746_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/594911_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/594911_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Feelings alchemy [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [4] => Array ( [url] => originalnie-buketi [name] => Original bouquets [link] => [slug] => originalnie-buketi ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [819] => Array ( [id] => 8746 [flower_id] => 819 [price] => 130 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [828] => Array ( [id] => 8746 [flower_id] => 828 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1801] => Array ( [id] => 8746 [flower_id] => 1801 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8746 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8746 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [911] => Array ( [id] => 8746 [flower_id] => 911 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 8746 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 808 [price] => 5925 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5925 [price_cur] => 5925 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 5925 [price_discount] => 5925 [price_discount_cur] => 5925 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5925 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 5925 [price_member] => 5925 [price_member_cur] => 5925 [price_member_qty] => 5925 [price_member_qty_cur] => 5925 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (45 * 2) *1 + (21 * 3) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 5925 [business] => 6814 [vip] => 7703 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [39] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [name] => Spring watercolor [ru_name] => Букет цветов Акварель [ua_name] => Букет квітів Акварель [en_name] => Spring watercolor [title] => Купить букет Spring watercolor недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/akvarel-5761_aca_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/akvarel-5761_aca_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/akvarel-5761_aca_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>
Bright, contrast, cheerful bouquet will cheer up even in the most cloudy day. This is a real ode to beauty and femininity. It contains the most graceful seasonal flowers!

The greens and decor give to the composition a special elegance and make it a wonderful gift for women's holidays - Birthday, Graduation party, Angel day, 8th of March. You can present it to your grandmother and mother, friends and colleagues. It’s natural to order such beautiful flowers for your beloved women on Valentine's Day, the anniversary of dating and as a sign of affection and tenderness.

Note: the picture that is presented is an example. Bouquet may differ from the represented images.


[rutext] =>
Яркий, контрастный, жизнерадостный букет поднимет настроение даже в самый пасмурный день.
Настоящая ода красоте и женственности. В нем собраны самые изящные цветы! Разноцветный веселый микс этой восхитительной композиции напоминает безудержный солнечный коктейль.

Зелень и эффектная упаковка придают всей композиции особую нарядность и делают ее замечательным подарком для женских праздников - Дня рождения, выпускного бала, Дня Ангела, 8 Марта. Презентовать его можно бабушке и маме, подругам и сотрудницам. Ну, и сам Бог велел заказывать такие цветы для любимых женщин в День святого Валентина, годовщину знакомства, в знак симпатии и нежности.

Внимание: Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
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[name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Gerberа varicolored [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Statice violet [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray red [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Lily white [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [count] => 4 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Гербера різнокольорова [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Статиця фіолетова [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова червона [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Лілія біла [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Троянда коралова до 60 см [count] => 4 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1979 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6418 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6469 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 21591 [flower_id] => 848 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Gerberа varicolored [ru_name] => Гербера разноцветная [ua_name] => Гербера різнокольорова [en_name] => Gerberа varicolored [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 21592 [flower_id] => 927 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Statice violet [ru_name] => Статица фиолетовая [ua_name] => Статиця фіолетова [en_name] => Statice violet [group] => 16 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 21593 [flower_id] => 896 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray red [ru_name] => Роза кустовая красная [ua_name] => Троянда кущова червона [en_name] => Rose spray red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 21594 [flower_id] => 863 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Lily white [ru_name] => Лилия белая [ua_name] => Лілія біла [en_name] => Lily white [group] => 6 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 21595 [flower_id] => 880 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза коралловая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда коралова до 60 см [en_name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 21596 [flower_id] => 1552 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая зеленая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.76 [product_sostav] => Spring watercolor - Состав: Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens, Tape for flowers, Gerberа varicolored, Statice violet, Rose spray red, Lily white, Rose coral under 60 cm, Chrysanthemum spray green. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Акварель - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Гербера разноцветная, Статица фиолетовая, Роза кустовая красная, Лилия белая, Роза коралловая до 60 см, Хризантема кустовая зеленая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Акварель - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Гербера різнокольорова, Статиця фіолетова, Троянда кущова червона, Лілія біла, Троянда коралова до 60 см, Хризантема кущова зелена. [en_product_sostav] => Spring watercolor - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens, Tape for flowers, Gerberа varicolored, Statice violet, Rose spray red , Lily white, Rose coral under 60 cm, Chrysanthemum spray green. [url_link] => watercolor-springtime [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/akvarel-5761_aca_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/akvarel-5761_aca_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/akvarel-5761_aca_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5761_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5761_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5761_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5761_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/5761_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/5761_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 88 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bright, contrast, cheerful bouquet will cheer up even in the most cloudy day. This is a real ode to beauty and femininity. It contains the most graceful seasonal flowers... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 5761 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/akvarel-5761_aca_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/akvarel-5761_aca_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/akvarel-5761_aca_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5761_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5761_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5761_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5761_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5761_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5761_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/5761_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/5761_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/5761_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Spring watercolor [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [848] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 848 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [927] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 927 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 39 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 39 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 39 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [863] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 863 [price] => 105 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [880] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 880 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1552] => Array ( [id] => 5761 [flower_id] => 1552 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 808 [price] => 5925 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5925 [price_cur] => 5925 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 5925 [price_discount] => 5925 [price_discount_cur] => 5925 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5925 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 5925 [price_member] => 5925 [price_member_cur] => 5925 [price_member_qty] => 5925 [price_member_qty_cur] => 5925 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (35 * 3) *1 + (39 * 2) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (55 * 4) *1 + (25 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 5925 [business] => 6814 [vip] => 7703 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [40] => Array ( [id] => 9537 [name] => White cloud [ru_name] => Букет пионов Белое облако [ua_name] => Букет квітів Біла хмара [en_name] => White cloud [title] => Купить букет White cloud недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Allow us to introduce you to our charming White Cloud bouquet. This unique ensemble of flowers is assembled with special attention to detail, making it the perfect gift for any special occasion.

The bouquet harmoniously combines five branches of astilbe, giving the composition tenderness and lightness, with three white peonies, adding luxury and elegance. White eustoms and bush cream roses enhance the feeling of freshness and purity, while limonium and greenery add texture and dynamics to the composition. All of these flowers are carefully packed to accentuate the natural beauty of the bouquet.

The height of the bouquet is 35 cm, which makes it compact and easy to carry and store. This bouquet is perfect as a gift for a mother, girlfriend, friend, woman or colleague. It can also be a great way to say "I'm sorry," "I miss you," or just to please a loved one on their birthday.

A white cloud is more than just a gift. It is an expression of your feelings and caring, wrapped in beautiful flowers.

Go to buy peonies {$city}

[rutext] =>

Позвольте представить вам наш очаровательный букет Белое облако. Этот уникальный ансамбль цветов собран с особым вниманием к деталям, делая его идеальным подарком для любого особенного случая.

В букете гармонично сочетается пять веток астильбы, придающих композиции нежность и легкость, с тремя белыми пионами, добавляющими роскошь и элегантность. Белые эустомы и кустовые кремовые розы усиливают ощущение свежести и чистоты, а лимониум и зелень добавляют текстуру и динамику композиции. Все эти цветы тщательно упакованы для подчеркивания естественной красоты букета.

Высота букета составляет 35 см, что делает его компактным и удобным для переноски и хранения. Этот букет идеально подходит для подарка маме, девушке, подруге, женщине или коллеге. Он также может быть отличным способом сказать "Прости", "Скучаю" или просто порадовать близкого человека в его день рождения.

Белое облако - это больше, чем просто подарок. Это выражение ваших чувств и заботы, упакованное в прекрасные цветы.

Перейти в раздел пионы купить {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_s.jpg [large] => beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9537_four_99f_s.jpg [large] => 9537_four_99f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9537_second_5ea_s.jpg [large] => 9537_second_5ea_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9537_third_e40_s.jpg [large] => 9537_third_e40_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => beloe_oblako_5ea_s.jpg [large] => beloe_oblako_5ea_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => beloe_oblako_second_s.jpg [large] => beloe_oblako_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => beloe_oblako_third_s.jpg [large] => beloe_oblako_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => beloe_oblako_four_s.jpg [large] => beloe_oblako_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-beloe-oblako [ru_link] => buket-beloe-oblako [en_link] => white-cloud [ua_link] => buket-bila-hmara [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-14 16:10:23 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 63 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 1 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 6 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 308 [vpl_url] => cvety-peony [vpl_list_id] => 63 [vpl_name_ru] => Пионы [vpl_name_ua] => Півонії [vpl_name_en] => Peonies [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 17 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Астильба [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => limonium [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Peony white [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Лімоніум [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Півонія біла [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18384 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18385 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18386 [flower_id] => 1566 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Астильба [ru_name] => Астильба [ua_name] => [en_name] => Астильба [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 18387 [flower_id] => 1591 [ammount] => 1 [name] => limonium [ru_name] => Лимониум [ua_name] => Лімоніум [en_name] => limonium [group] => 80 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19876 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 20034 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 23371 [flower_id] => 919 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Peony white [ru_name] => Пион белый [ua_name] => Півонія біла [en_name] => Peony white [group] => 24 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => White cloud - Состав: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Астильба, limonium, Rose spray cream, Eustoma white, Peony white. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет пионов Белое облако - Состав: Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Астильба, Лимониум, Роза кустовая кремовая, Эустома белая, Пион белый. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Біла хмара - Склад: Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, , Лімоніум, Троянда кущова кремова, Еустома біла, Півонія біла. [en_product_sostav] => White cloud - Composition: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Астильба, limonium, Rose spray cream, Eustoma white, Peony white. [url_link] => buket-beloe-oblako [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9537_second_5ea_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9537_second_5ea_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9537_third_e40_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9537_third_e40_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9537_four_99f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9537_four_99f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 5 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Allow us to introduce you to our charming White Cloud bouquet... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9537 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/beloe_oblako-9537_3ee_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9537_four_99f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9537_four_99f_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9537_four_99f_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9537_second_5ea_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9537_second_5ea_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9537_second_5ea_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9537_third_e40_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9537_third_e40_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9537_third_e40_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет White cloud [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9537 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9537 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1566] => Array ( [id] => 9537 [flower_id] => 1566 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1591] => Array ( [id] => 9537 [flower_id] => 1591 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9537 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9537 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [919] => Array ( [id] => 9537 [flower_id] => 919 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 770 [price] => 5647 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5647 [price_cur] => 5647 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 5647 [price_discount] => 5647 [price_discount_cur] => 5647 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5647 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 5647 [price_member] => 5647 [price_member_cur] => 5647 [price_member_qty] => 5647 [price_member_qty_cur] => 5647 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (40 * 5) *1 + (55 * 1) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 5647 [business] => 6494 [vip] => 7341 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [41] => Array ( [id] => 4323 [name] => Florist designed bouquet [ru_name] => Букет от флориста [ua_name] => Букет від флориста [en_name] => Florist designed bouquet [title] => Купить букет Florist designed bouquet недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

Special offer from promotional mixed bouquet, made at the experienced florist’s choice. Quality, freshness and exquisite desire are guaranteed! On ordering you can specify the gift reason to guide the flight of florist’s fancy.

When ordering flowers in {$city_where}, you can specify the occasion and the recipient's favorite flowers to guide the flight of imagination of our master florist.
This is an excellent opportunity to delight your loved one with a custom-made bouquet created especially for them!
Receiving SUCH gifts is truly delightful. They are a sign of attention, care, and sincere emotions. And what can be more valuable than bringing joy to our loved ones?

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images.

[rutext] =>
Специальное предложение от букет из разных цветов и декоративной зелени, сделанный на усмотрение и вкус опытного флориста. Качество, свежесть и изысканный дизайн гарантирован!

При заказе цветов в {$city_where} можно указать {$city_where} повод и любимые цветы получателя, чтобы сориентировать полет фантазии нашего мастера.
Это превосходный шанс порадовать дорогого сердцу человека авторским букетом, созданным специально для него!
Получать ТАКИЕ подарки очень приятно. Ведь они — знак внимания, заботы и искренних чувств. А что может быть дороже, чем радость дорогих нам людей?

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_s.jpg [large] => buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => eksklyuzivnyiy_buket_ot_florista_marii_f54_s.jpg [large] => eksklyuzivnyiy_buket_ot_florista_marii_f54_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_ot_florista_marii_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_ot_florista_marii_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_ot_florista_marii_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_ot_florista_marii_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_ot_florista_marii_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_ot_florista_marii_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 296 [link] => buket-ot-florista [ru_link] => buket-ot-florista [en_link] => florist-designed-bouquet [ua_link] => buket-vid-florista [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 65 [product_raiting] => 303 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.82 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-04 11:29:09 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 118 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 8 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 336 [vpl_url] => cvety-dlja-mamy [vpl_list_id] => 118 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты маме [vpl_name_ua] => Мамі [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for a mom [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 28 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Trahelium purple [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Rose Silva Pink [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma violet [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Wrapping 1m [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Трахеліум фіолетовий [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда Сільва Пінк [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Еустома фіолетова [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка 1 м [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 22367 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 22368 [flower_id] => 1709 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Trahelium purple [ru_name] => Трахелиум фиолетовый [ua_name] => Трахеліум фіолетовий [en_name] => Trahelium purple [group] => 65 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 22369 [flower_id] => 2104 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose Silva Pink [ru_name] => Роза Сильва Пинк Баблз [ua_name] => Троянда Сільва Пінк [en_name] => Rose Silva Pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 22370 [flower_id] => 998 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma violet [ru_name] => Эустома фиолетовая [ua_name] => Еустома фіолетова [en_name] => Eustoma violet [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 22371 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 22372 [flower_id] => 2569 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Wrapping 1m [ru_name] => упаковка 1 м [ua_name] => Упаковка 1 м [en_name] => Wrapping 1m [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Florist designed bouquet - Состав: Roses spray pink, Trahelium purple, Rose Silva Pink, Eustoma violet, Eucalyptus, Wrapping 1m. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет от флориста - Состав: Розы кустовые розовые, Трахелиум фиолетовый, Роза Сильва Пинк Баблз, Эустома фиолетовая, Эвкалипт, упаковка 1 м. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет від флориста - Склад: Троянди кущові рожеві, Трахеліум фіолетовий, Троянда Сільва Пінк, Еустома фіолетова, Евкаліпт, Упаковка 1 м. [en_product_sostav] => Florist designed bouquet - Composition: Roses spray pink , Trahelium purple, Rose Silva Pink, Eustoma violet, Eucalyptus, Wrapping 1m. [url_link] => buket-ot-florista [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 2335 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 43 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Special offer from promotional mixed bouquet, made at the experienced florist’s choice. Quality, freshness and exquisite desire are guaranteed... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 4323 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/buket_ot_florista-4323_71c_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [20] => Array ( [id] => 25 [name] => Exotic bouquets ) [21] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/652681_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/652681_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/643566_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/643566_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/628344_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/628344_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614597_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614597_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [4] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614180_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614180_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [5] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/612823_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/612823_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [6] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/612614_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/612614_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [7] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/608553_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/608553_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [8] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/602668_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/602668_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [9] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/600044_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/600044_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Florist designed bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [901] => Array ( [id] => 4323 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1709] => Array ( [id] => 4323 [flower_id] => 1709 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [2104] => Array ( [id] => 4323 [flower_id] => 2104 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [998] => Array ( [id] => 4323 [flower_id] => 998 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 4323 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2569] => Array ( [id] => 4323 [flower_id] => 2569 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 735 [price] => 5390 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5390 [price_cur] => 5390 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 5390 [price_discount] => 5390 [price_discount_cur] => 5390 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5390 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 5390 [price_member] => 5390 [price_member_cur] => 5390 [price_member_qty] => 5390 [price_member_qty_cur] => 5390 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 3) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 5390 [business] => 6199 [vip] => 7007 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [42] => Array ( [id] => 7795 [name] => Bouquet Mix in Red Colors [ru_name] => Букет-микс в красных тонах [ua_name] => Букет-мікс в червоних тонах [en_name] => Bouquet Mix in Red Colors [title] => Купить букет Bouquet Mix in Red Colors недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Red is the color of passion, the color of adoration and worship, the color of hot and loving, impetuous and energetic. This color attracts attention; it cannot leave anyone indifferent. When you choose a bouquet of seasonal flowers of a bright red palette, you can be sure that this gift will be remembered for a long time.

Our professional florist will bring together bouquet of the freshest quality flowers especially for you, and we promise that you will like the result. You can also check the availability of seasonal flowers in the salon or leave your notes about your wishes. Contact our manager to clarify the order.


The bouquet consists of seasonal flowers. Its composition will differ from the image at our website.

Photos are showed for as an example of design of the bouquet.

[rutext] =>
Красный – цвет страсти, цвет обожания и поклонения, цвет горячий и пылкий, стремительный и напористый. Этот цвет привлекает внимание, он не может оставить кого-либо равнодушным. Выбирая букет из сезонных цветов в ярко-красной гамме, Вы можете быть уверены, что такой подарок запомнится надолго.

Наш профессиональный флорист специально соберет для Вас букет из самых свежих и качественных цветов, и мы обещаем, что результат Вам очень понравится. Также Вы можете уточнить наличие определенных цветов в салоне или оставить свои пожелания по поводу заказа, связавшись с нашим менеджером.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.
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[fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-12-13 09:54:17 [height] => 40 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => Order bouquet of seasonal flowes in red tones with delivery [p_description] => The bouquet of seasonal flowes in red tones cannot be forgotten ever. [p_keywords] => bouquet of seasonal flowes, red seasonal flowers, red bouquet, bouquet of red flowers, bouquet for woman, seasonal bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet of seasonal flowes in red tones [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 541 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 5 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 523 [vpl_url] => tsveti-na-den-materi [vpl_list_id] => 541 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы на День Матери [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти на День Матері [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for Mother's Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.41 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Amaryllis red [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray red [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Skimmia red [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Амариліс червоний [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова червона [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Скіммія червона [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10309 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 10310 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 10312 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 21836 [flower_id] => 815 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Amaryllis red [ru_name] => Амариллис красный [ua_name] => Амариліс червоний [en_name] => Amaryllis red [group] => 28 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 21837 [flower_id] => 896 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Rose spray red [ru_name] => Роза кустовая красная [ua_name] => Троянда кущова червона [en_name] => Rose spray red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 21838 [flower_id] => 1918 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Skimmia red [ru_name] => Скиммия красная [ua_name] => Скіммія червона [en_name] => Skimmia red [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 21839 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.56 [product_sostav] => Bouquet Mix in Red Colors - Состав: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Greens, Amaryllis red, Rose spray red, Skimmia red, Roses red up to 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет-микс в красных тонах - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Зелень в букет, Амариллис красный, Роза кустовая красная, Скиммия красная, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет-мікс в червоних тонах - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Зелень у букет, Амариліс червоний, Троянда кущова червона, Скіммія червона, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet Mix in Red Colors - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Greens, Amaryllis red, Rose spray red , Skimmia red, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => buket-miks-v-krasnykh-tonakh [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7795_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7795_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7795_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7795_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7795_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7795_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 301 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Red is the color of passion, the color of adoration and worship, the color of hot and loving, impetuous and energetic... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7795 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/buket_miks_v_krasnyih_tonah-7795_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7795_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7795_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7795_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7795_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7795_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7795_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7795_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7795_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7795_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [20] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [21] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet Mix in Red Colors [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7795 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7795 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7795 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [815] => Array ( [id] => 7795 [flower_id] => 815 [price] => 95 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 7795 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1918] => Array ( [id] => 7795 [flower_id] => 1918 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 7795 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 715 [price] => 5243 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5243 [price_cur] => 5243 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 5243 [price_discount] => 5243 [price_discount_cur] => 5243 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5243 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 5243 [price_member] => 5243 [price_member_cur] => 5243 [price_member_qty] => 5243 [price_member_qty_cur] => 5243 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (55 * 4) *1 + (65 * 3) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 5243 [business] => 6030 [vip] => 6816 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [43] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [name] => Flowers for the dearest [ru_name] => Цветы для самой любимой [ua_name] => Квіти для самої коханої [en_name] => Flowers for the dearest [title] => Купить букет Flowers for the dearest недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

For the most beloved. The perfect combination of beautiful, delicate flowers with Raffaello candies. The gift is suitable for raising the mood and a delicious tea party.

[rutext] =>

Для самой любимой.Идеальное сочетание красивых,нежных цветов с конфетами Раффаэлло. Подарок подходит для поднятия настроения и вкусного чаепития.

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[count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Коробка [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт. [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 19284 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19285 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 19286 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19287 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19288 [flower_id] => 1161 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box [ru_name] => Коробка квадратная М [ua_name] => Коробка [en_name] => Box [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19289 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 19567 [flower_id] => 2148 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Pink cymbidium orchids [ru_name] => Цимбидиум розовый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Pink cymbidium orchids [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20227 [flower_id] => 948 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Candies Raffaello 4 pcs. [ru_name] => Конфеты Raffaello 4 шт. [ua_name] => Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт. [en_name] => Candies Raffaello 4 pcs. [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Flowers for the dearest - Состав: Rose spray cream, Eustoma white, Freesia white, Hypericum green, Box, Oasis, Pink cymbidium orchids, Candies Raffaello 4 pcs.. [ru_product_sostav] => Цветы для самой любимой - Состав: Роза кустовая кремовая, Эустома белая, Фрезия белая, Гиперикум зелёный, Коробка квадратная М, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Цимбидиум розовый (цветок орхидея), Конфеты Raffaello 4 шт.. [ua_product_sostav] => Квіти для самої коханої - Склад: Троянда кущова кремова, Еустома біла, Фрезія біла, Гіперікум зелений, Коробка, Оазис, Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея), Цукерки Raffaello 4 шт.. [en_product_sostav] => Flowers for the dearest - Composition: Rose spray cream, Eustoma white, Freesia white, Hypericum green, Box, Oasis, Pink cymbidium orchids, Candies Raffaello 4 pcs.. [url_link] => dlya-samoy-lubimoy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 31 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 5 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => For the most beloved. The perfect combination of beautiful, delicate flowers with Raffaello candies. The gift is suitable for raising the mood and a delicious tea party. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9835 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/dlya_samoy_lyubimoy-9835_5ed_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9835_four_d32_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9835_second_ded_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9835_third_d5e_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flowers for the dearest [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rebenku [name] => For a child [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rebenku ) [3] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [5] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) [6] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [977] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 977 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2148] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 2148 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [948] => Array ( [id] => 9835 [flower_id] => 948 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 695 [price] => 5097 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5097 [price_cur] => 5097 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 5097 [price_discount] => 5097 [price_discount_cur] => 5097 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5097 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 5097 [price_member] => 5097 [price_member_cur] => 5097 [price_member_qty] => 5097 [price_member_qty_cur] => 5097 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 3) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 3) *1 + (75 * 1) *1 + (0 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 5097 [business] => 5861 [vip] => 6626 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [44] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [name] => Box with roses and orchids [ru_name] => Коробка с розами и орхидеями [ua_name] => Коробка з трояндами та орхидеями [en_name] => Box with roses and orchids [title] => Купить букет Box with roses and orchids недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Delicate bouquets in light colors are an excellent gift for any occasion for your nearest and dearest.

This weightless composition will be the best congratulations on your birthday, anniversary, Valentine's day or other significant date. By ordering an arrangement of orchids with delivery, you can pleasantly surprise your girlfriend, wife, mother, sister or other loved one and give him unforgettable emotions.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website

[rutext] =>

Нежные букеты в светлых тонах - отличный подарок к любому поводу для самых родных и близких.

Эта невесомая композиция станет лучшим поздравлением с Днем Рождения, годовщиной, днем Святого Валентина или другой знаменательной датой. Заказав композицию из орхидей с доставкой вы сможете приятно удивить девушку, жену, маму, сестру или другого близкого человека и подарить ему незабываемые эмоции.

Внимание: букет может отличаться от предствленного на сайте изображения

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[ru_product_sostav] => Коробка с розами и орхидеями - Состав: Роза кустовая кремовая, Эвкалипт, Конфеты Ferrero Rocher поштучно, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея), Коробка круглая большая. [ua_product_sostav] => Коробка з трояндами та орхидеями - Склад: Троянда кущова кремова, Евкаліпт, Цукерки Ferrero Rocher поштучно, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея), Коробка кругла велика. [en_product_sostav] => Box with roses and orchids - Composition: Rose spray cream, Eucalyptus, Ferrero Rocher candies by piece, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Big round box. [url_link] => korobka-s-rozami-s-orhideyami [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 47 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 5 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Delicate bouquets in light colors are an excellent gift for any occasion for your nearest and dearest... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9809 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/korobka_s_rozami_i_orhideyami-9809_40c_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/657194_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/657194_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656552_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656552_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/581420_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/581420_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Box with roses and orchids [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [13] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1984] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [flower_id] => 1984 [price] => 16 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1704] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [flower_id] => 1704 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [2150] => Array ( [id] => 9809 [flower_id] => 2150 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 640 [price] => 4928 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4928 [price_cur] => 4928 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 4928 [price_discount] => 4928 [price_discount_cur] => 4928 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4928 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 4928 [price_member] => 4928 [price_member_cur] => 4928 [price_member_qty] => 4928 [price_member_qty_cur] => 4928 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.7 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (35 * 7) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (0 * 3) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 4928 [business] => 5667 [vip] => 6406 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [45] => Array ( [id] => 8268 [name] => Tasty present [ru_name] => Вкусный презент [ua_name] => Корисний подарунок [en_name] => Tasty present [title] => Товар «Tasty present» [small_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina-8268_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina-8268_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina-8268_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
If you came to visit your relatives and you do not know which gift to offer them, basket «Tasty present» is an excellent idea. It will cause not only positive emotions, but it will also bring many benefits. Because so many vitamins and juicy fruits are assembled in one place: oranges, pears, mandarins and apples. Which recipient will not be in delight?

You can offer this basket for grandmother, mother, spouse, best friend or father.  In any case, they will know how much you care about them and show the signs of attention.

Attention! The product may differ from the represented image on website.
[rutext] =>

Вы приехали в гости к любимым родственникам, и не знаете, какой сделать им подарок? Корзинка «Вкусный презент» - это отличный вариант, который вызовет не только положительные эмоции, но и принесет немало пользы! Ведь столько витаминов и сочных фруктов собрано в одном месте – апельсины, груши, мандарины и яблоки. Ну какой получатель не будет в восторге?

Вы можете вручить корзину бабушке, маме, супруге, лучшему другу или отцу – в любом случае, им будет приятно знать, что Вы заботитесь о них и проявляете знаки внимания.

Внимание! Товар может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novaya_korzina-8268_s.jpg [large] => novaya_korzina-8268_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novaya_korzina_s.jpg [large] => novaya_korzina_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => vkusnyj-prezent [ru_link] => vkusnyj-prezent [en_link] => tasty-present [ua_link] => korysnyj-podarunok [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-04-28 19:46:49 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 254 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 52 [vpl_url] => korziny-fruktov [vpl_list_id] => 254 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты из фруктов {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Букети з фруктів Одеса [vpl_name_en] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 28 [rating_value] => 4.61 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Apple [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Pear [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Orange [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tangerines [count] => 5 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Яблуко [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Груша [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Апельсин [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Мандарини [count] => 5 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 23489 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23490 [flower_id] => 1275 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Apple [ru_name] => Яблоко [ua_name] => Яблуко [en_name] => Apple [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23491 [flower_id] => 1263 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Pear [ru_name] => Груша [ua_name] => Груша [en_name] => Pear [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 23492 [flower_id] => 1258 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Orange [ru_name] => Апельсин [ua_name] => Апельсин [en_name] => Orange [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 23493 [flower_id] => 1271 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Tangerines [ru_name] => Мандарины [ua_name] => Мандарини [en_name] => Tangerines [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Tasty present - Состав: Box M, Apple, Pear, Orange, Tangerines. [ru_product_sostav] => Вкусный презент - Состав: Корзина M, Яблоко, Груша, Апельсин, Мандарины. [ua_product_sostav] => Корисний подарунок - Склад: Кошик M, Яблуко, Груша, Апельсин, Мандарини. [en_product_sostav] => Tasty present - Composition: Box M, Apple, Pear, Orange, Tangerines. [url_link] => vkusnyj-prezent [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novaya_korzina-8268_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina-8268_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina-8268_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 20 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => If you came to visit your relatives and you do not know which gift to offer them, basket «Tasty present» is an excellent idea... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8268 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina-8268_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina-8268_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina-8268_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585340_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585340_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Tasty present [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => korziny-fruktov [name] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [link] => [slug] => korziny-fruktov ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1197] => Array ( [id] => 8268 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1275] => Array ( [id] => 8268 [flower_id] => 1275 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1263] => Array ( [id] => 8268 [flower_id] => 1263 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1258] => Array ( [id] => 8268 [flower_id] => 1258 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1271] => Array ( [id] => 8268 [flower_id] => 1271 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 555 [price] => 4884 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4884 [price_cur] => 4884 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 4884 [price_discount] => 4884 [price_discount_cur] => 4884 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4884 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 4884 [price_member] => 4884 [price_member_cur] => 4884 [price_member_qty] => 4884 [price_member_qty_cur] => 4884 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 8.8 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (150 * 1) *1 + (30 * 5) *1 + (30 * 2) *1 + (35 * 2) *1 + (25 * 5) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [46] => Array ( [id] => 8712 [name] => A soft sky [ru_name] => Кроткий небосвод [ua_name] => Лагідний небосхил [en_name] => A soft sky [title] => Купить букет A soft sky недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_27-8712_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_27-8712_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_27-8712_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
This bouquet looks exactly like glares of light at blue sky, expressed in colors on this airy and tender bouquet. White carnations and elegant callas, blue statices and Vanda orchids, white freesias and clematis florets, trachelium branches and lots of green, complemented with an elegant ribbon, has been composed in such a lovely flower bunch, fated to become desired.

Bouquet «A soft sky» represent a real holiday of light and colors, expresses love and tenderness, warmth and care, attention and respect. These flowers will become a great gift for March 8th and February 14th, belover’s Birthday and festive, charming dear one’s heart with its beauty, and making her face shine with tender smile. You’ll see reflections of glares in her eyes, filled with joy and happiness, like this flower bunch is.

Attention! Bouquet decoration may differ from images displayed on our site. 
[rutext] =>
Блики света на синем небосводе, весеннем и теплом, выражены в цветах этого воздушного и нежного букета. Белые гвоздики и элегантные каллы, синие статицы и орхидея ванда, белые фрезии и цветочки клематиса, веточки трахелиума и ореол зелени, в дополнении элегантной ленточки, составили связку цветов, обреченную быть желанной в руках дорогой девушки.

Букет «Кроткий небосвод» — праздник цвета и красок, способный выразить любовь и нежность, тепло и заботу, внимание и уважение. Цветы станут великолепный подарком на 8 марта и 14 февраля, День Рождения или именины, очаровав красотой само сердце дорогой девушки, украсив лицо любимой нежной улыбкой. Подарив этот букет, вы увидите, как в её глазах сияют огоньки счастья, как отражение бликов, наполняющий эту волшебную связку небесных цветов. 

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_buket_27-8712_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_buket_27-8712_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8712_five_s.jpg [large] => 8712_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8712_four_s.jpg [large] => 8712_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8712_second_s.jpg [large] => 8712_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8712_third_s.jpg [large] => 8712_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-krotkij-nebosvod [ru_link] => buket-krotkij-nebosvod [en_link] => a-soft-sky [ua_link] => buket-lagidnyj-neboshyl [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order the bouquet «A soft sky» in our online shop. Delivery! [image_title_en] => Buy fabulous bouquet «A soft sky» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-07 01:45:58 [height] => 30 [diametre] => 22 [color] => white [p_title] => Buy refined bouquet «A soft sky» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «A soft sky» represent a real holiday of light and colors, expresses love and tenderness, warmth and care, attention and respect. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «A soft sky» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.05 [main_list_id] => 371 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 24 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 307 [vpl_url] => orhidei [vpl_list_id] => 371 [vpl_name_ru] => Орхидеи {$loc} [vpl_name_ua] => Орхідеї {$loc_ua} [vpl_name_en] => Orchid [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Statice blue [count] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Clematis [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Calla white [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Carnation white [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Vanda Orchid [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Trahelium green [count] => 3 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 5 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Статиця синя [count] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Клематис [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Кала біла [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика біла [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Орхідея Ванда [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Трахеліум зелений [count] => 3 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 5 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 14535 [flower_id] => 926 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Statice blue [ru_name] => Статица синяя [ua_name] => Статиця синя [en_name] => Statice blue [group] => 16 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 14536 [flower_id] => 1857 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Clematis [ru_name] => Клематис [ua_name] => Клематис [en_name] => Clematis [group] => 85 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 14537 [flower_id] => 854 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Calla white [ru_name] => Калла белая [ua_name] => Кала біла [en_name] => Calla white [group] => 9 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 14538 [flower_id] => 825 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation white [ru_name] => Гвоздика белая [ua_name] => Гвоздика біла [en_name] => Carnation white [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 14539 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 14540 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 14541 [flower_id] => 1356 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Vanda Orchid [ru_name] => Орхидея Ванда [ua_name] => Орхідея Ванда [en_name] => Vanda Orchid [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 14637 [flower_id] => 1705 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Trahelium green [ru_name] => Трахелиум зеленый [ua_name] => Трахеліум зелений [en_name] => Trahelium green [group] => 65 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 14638 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 1.04 [product_sostav] => A soft sky - Состав: Statice blue, Clematis, Calla white, Carnation white, Greens, Tape for flowers, Vanda Orchid, Trahelium green, Freesia white. [ru_product_sostav] => Кроткий небосвод - Состав: Статица синяя, Клематис, Калла белая, Гвоздика белая, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Орхидея Ванда, Трахелиум зеленый, Фрезия белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Лагідний небосхил - Склад: Статиця синя, Клематис, Кала біла, Гвоздика біла, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Орхідея Ванда, Трахеліум зелений, Фрезія біла. [en_product_sostav] => A soft sky - Composition: Statice blue, Clematis, Calla white, Carnation white, Greens, Tape for flowers, Vanda Orchid, Trahelium green, Freesia white. [url_link] => buket-krotkij-nebosvod [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novyiy_buket_27-8712_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_27-8712_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novyiy_buket_27-8712_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8712_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8712_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8712_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8712_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8712_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8712_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8712_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8712_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 3 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This bouquet looks exactly like glares of light at blue sky, expressed in colors on this airy and tender bouquet... 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Bouquet "Dandelion" - a fantastic symphony of flowers and colors. It consists of a yellow daffodil - a symbol of spring and rebirth, and a spray rose - a sign of happiness, elegance, romance, admiration. Such a bouquet is perfect to cheer up, congratulate on the holiday, present a surprise. You will show your appreciation and admiration for the person, and in return, his eyes will shine with happiness.

Recommended for: in business, gratitude, to say get well, to a girl, for mom, daughter, colleague.

[rutext] =>

Букет "Одуванчик" - фантастическая симфония цветов и красок. В его состав входят желтый нарцисс - символ весны и возрождения и кустовая роза - знак счастья, элегантности, романтики, восхищения. Такой букет отлично подойдет для того, чтобы поднять настроение, поздравить с праздником, преподнести сюрприз. Вы покажете свою признательность и восхищение человек, а взамен его глаза будут сиять от счастья.

Рекомендуем по поводу: в бизнесе, благодарность, сказать выздоравливай, девушке, для мамы, дочке, коллеге.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Одуванчик - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Зелень в букет, Розы кустовые розовые, Эустома белая, Нарцисс. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Сонечко - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Зелень у букет, Троянди кущові рожеві, Еустома біла, Нарцис. [en_product_sostav] => Dandelion - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens, Roses spray pink , Eustoma white, Narcissus. 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The "I love you" bouquet speaks for itself about the most sincere and strong feelings for your significant other. As they say, "instead of a thousand words"! This bouquet contains an ideal combination of soft Teddy mice and Raffaello candies. All this beauty is wrapped in a beautiful and festive package, which produces a "Wow!" effect on the girl. We wish you a good Valentine's Day with your beloved!

[rutext] =>

Букет "I love you" - сам за себя говорит о самых искренних и сильных чувствах к Вашей  второй половинке. Как говорится, "вместо тысячи слов"! В данном букете собрана идеальная комбинация из мягких мишек Тедди и конфет Raffaello. Вся эта красота завернута в красивую и праздничную упаковку, что производит на девушку эффект "Вау!". Желаем Вам хорошо провести День Святого Валентина рядом с Вашей любимой!

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[ru_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Состав: Мишка teddy 8 см, Конфеты Raffaello поштучно, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Склад: Брелок ведмедик teddy 8 см, Цукерки Raffaello поштучно, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => «I Love You» - Composition: Teddy 8 cm, Candies Raffaello per piece, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. 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=> 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет «I Love You» [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Candies for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) [2] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2027] => Array ( [id] => 9402 [flower_id] => 2027 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1983] => Array ( 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=> 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20787 [flower_id] => 1785 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose Kenya [ru_name] => Роза Кения [ua_name] => Троянда Кенія [en_name] => Rose Kenya [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 15 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20788 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20789 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20790 [flower_id] => 979 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Сhrysanthemum white [ru_name] => Хризантема белая ромашка [ua_name] => Хризантема біла ромашка [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 20791 [flower_id] => 1809 [ammount] => 3 [name] => astrantia [ru_name] => Астранция [ua_name] => астранція [en_name] => astrantia [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 20792 [flower_id] => 975 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hypericum white [ru_name] => Гиперикум белый [ua_name] => Гіперікум білий [en_name] => Hypericum white [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 20793 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.6 [product_sostav] => Unicorn of flowers - Состав: Rose Kenya, Freesia white, Roses spray pink, Сhrysanthemum white, astrantia, Hypericum white, Oasis. [ru_product_sostav] => Единорог из цветов - Состав: Роза Кения , Фрезия белая, Розы кустовые розовые, Хризантема белая ромашка, Астранция, Гиперикум белый, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции. [ua_product_sostav] => Єдиноріг з квітів - Склад: Троянда Кенія, Фрезія біла, Троянди кущові рожеві, Хризантема біла ромашка, астранція, Гіперікум білий, Оазис. [en_product_sostav] => Unicorn of flowers - Composition: Rose Kenya, Freesia white, Roses spray pink , Сhrysanthemum white, astrantia, Hypericum white, Oasis. [url_link] => edinorog-iz-tsvetov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/edinorog_iz_tsvetov-9911_b5f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/edinorog_iz_tsvetov-9911_b5f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/edinorog_iz_tsvetov-9911_b5f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9911 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/edinorog_iz_tsvetov-9911_b5f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/edinorog_iz_tsvetov-9911_b5f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/edinorog_iz_tsvetov-9911_b5f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Unicorn of flowers [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1785] => Array ( [id] => 9911 [flower_id] => 1785 [price] => 95 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 95 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 95 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 9911 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 9911 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [979] => Array ( [id] => 9911 [flower_id] => 979 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1809] => Array ( [id] => 9911 [flower_id] => 1809 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [975] => Array ( [id] => 9911 [flower_id] => 975 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9911 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2236] => Array ( [id] => 9911 [flower_id] => 2236 [price] => 177 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 177 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 177 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 177 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) )
Страница №4 - Цветы Schwerin — купить в интернет магазине | Цена: 1₴ - 10000₴ | Высота: 5-200 | К-во цветов: 1-1001 | Сортировка: Сначала дорогие

Подбор букета: найдено 777 товаров.

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Selection by parameters
5 cm
200 cm
Flowers count
1 pc
1001 pc
Composition type
To person
  • 8258-2548-3

    Burning feeling

    9753 ₴

  • 8377-2548-3


    9714 ₴

  • 9413-2548-3

    Candy bouquet Gold

    9592 ₴

  • 9004-2548-3

    Valley of Senses

    9553 ₴

  • 9368-2548-3

    Basket with sweets and teddy

    8768 ₴

  • 9874-2548-3

    Hydrangea in a box

    8543 ₴

  • 8554-2548-3

    Aquamarine dreams

    8470 ₴

  • 9381-2548-3

    Элегантность танца

    8470 ₴

  • 9581-2548-3

    Summer sky


  • 9502-2548-3


    8250 ₴

  • 8736-2548-3


    8177 ₴

  • 9370-2548-3

    Sweet surprise in the box


  • 9076-2548-3

    Roxana\'s Kingdom

    7825 ₴

  • 9735-2548-3

    «I Love You»

    7700 ₴

  • 9071-2548-3

    White Nights

    7619 ₴

  • 9412-2548-3


    7553 ₴

  • Pink peonies Schwerin


    Pink peonies


  • 8482-2548-3

    Perfection rose

    7150 ₴

  • 8477-2548-3

    Flower Bouquet Delights

    7128 ₴

  • 9270-2548-3

    Macaroon surprise

    6967 ₴

  • 9298-2548-3

    Счастливая пара

    6893 ₴

  • 8269-2548-3

    Fruit basket Vitamin

    6864 ₴

  • 7585-2548-3

    Flower box of happiness

    6717 ₴

  • 9878-2548-3

    Pink cloud

    6710 ₴

  • 8780-2548-3

    Winter touch

    6490 ₴

  • 8493-2548-3

    15 pink spray roses

    6343 ₴

  • 9597-2548-3

    Delicate marshmallows

    6270 ₴

  • 9877-2548-3

    Roses and lilies

    6233 ₴

  • 8746-2548-3

    Feelings alchemy

    5925 ₴

  • Spring watercolor Schwerin


    Spring watercolor

    5925 ₴

  • 9537-2548-3

    White cloud


  • Florist designed bouquet Schwerin


    Florist designed bouquet

    5390 ₴

  • Bouquet Mix in Red Colors Schwerin


    Bouquet Mix in Red Colors

    5243 ₴

  • 9835-2548-3

    Flowers for the dearest

    5097 ₴

  • 9809-2548-3

    Box with roses and orchids

    4928 ₴

  • 8268-2548-3

    Tasty present

    4884 ₴


Address: UA, Schwerin
Telephone: +380 68 390 9090
Mon-Sun: 8:00-21:00
Schwerin — Courier delivery 0 ₴

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