    [0] => Array
            [id] => 7596
            [name] => Orchid dance
            [ru_name] => Бал орхидей
            [ua_name] => Бал орхідей
            [en_name] => Orchid dance
            [title] => Купить букет Orchid dance недорого
            [small_image] => /bouquet/bal_orhidey-7596_s.jpg
            [big_image] => /bouquet/bal_orhidey-7596_b.jpg
            [original_image] => /bouquet/bal_orhidey-7596_o.jpg
            [top] => 1
            [hit] => 0
            [preorder_bouquet] => 0
            [actsiya] => 0
            [new] => 0
            [this_is_popular] => 0
            [text] => 

Bright original bouquets are a great way to say how much you love your loved ones. In addition, unique combinations and rich palettes are the sure key to even the most sophisticated female heart. Such compositions are perfect as a gift for a wife on a wedding anniversary, a mother for a birthday, or a creative friend for a name day.

“The Orchid Ball” is a magnificent phantasmagoric bouquet that combines tenderness and pretentiousness, charm and simplicity, individuality and love. An unusual combination of pink alstroemerias and roses, white lilies and eustomas, multi-colored orchids, lush greenery and sophisticated design creates a real holiday of taste and happiness!
Give exquisite gifts, fill the lives of your loved ones with bright emotions and let your feelings be embodied in the most luxurious bouquets!

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Яркие оригинальные букеты – это великолепный способ сказать, насколько Вы любите своих родных. Кроме того, уникальные сочетания и насыщенные палитры – верный ключ даже к самому утонченному женскому сердцу. Такие композиции отлично подойдут в качестве подарка жене на годовщину свадьбы, маме на День Рождения или творческой подруге на именины.

«Бал орхидей» - это великолепный фантасмагорический букет, который соединил в себе нежность и вычурность, шарм и простоту, индивидуальность и любовь. Необычные сочетание розовых альстромерий и роз, белых лилий и эустом, разноцветных орхидей, сочной зелени и утонченного дизайна создает настоящий праздник вкуса и счастья!
Дарите изысканные подарки, наполняйте жизнь родных яркими эмоциями и пусть ваши чувства воплощаются в самых роскошных букетах!

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

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orchid branch [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Сhrysanthemum green [count] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 7 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria pink [count] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 5 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 5 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Lily white [count] => 2 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 4 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гілка зеленої орхідеї [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гілка рожевої орхідеї [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гілка жовтою орхідеї [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема зелена [count] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 7 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія рожева [count] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 5 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 5 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Лілія біла [count] => 2 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 4 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9382 [flower_id] => 1113 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Green orchid branch [ru_name] => Ветка зеленой орхидеи [ua_name] => Гілка зеленої орхідеї [en_name] => Green orchid branch [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9383 [flower_id] => 1114 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Pink orchid branch [ru_name] => Ветка розовой орхидеи [ua_name] => Гілка рожевої орхідеї [en_name] => Pink orchid branch [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9384 [flower_id] => 1625 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Yellow orchid branch [ru_name] => Ветка желтой орхидеи [ua_name] => Гілка жовтою орхідеї [en_name] => Yellow orchid branch [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 9385 [flower_id] => 981 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Сhrysanthemum green [ru_name] => Хризантема зелёная [ua_name] => Хризантема зелена [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9386 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 9388 [flower_id] => 811 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Alstroemeria pink [ru_name] => Альстромерия розовая [ua_name] => Альстромерія рожева [en_name] => Alstroemeria pink [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 9391 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 9393 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 9394 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9396 [flower_id] => 863 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Lily white [ru_name] => Лилия белая [ua_name] => Лілія біла [en_name] => Lily white [group] => 6 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 20200 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 1.44 [product_sostav] => Orchid dance - Состав: Green orchid branch, Pink orchid branch, Yellow orchid branch, Сhrysanthemum green, Eustoma white, Alstroemeria pink, Roses spray pink, Greens, Box M, Lily white, Freesia white. [ru_product_sostav] => Бал орхидей - Состав: Ветка зеленой орхидеи, Ветка розовой орхидеи, Ветка желтой орхидеи, Хризантема зелёная, Эустома белая, Альстромерия розовая, Розы кустовые розовые, Зелень в букет, Корзина M, Лилия белая, Фрезия белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Бал орхідей - Склад: Гілка зеленої орхідеї, Гілка рожевої орхідеї, Гілка жовтою орхідеї, Хризантема зелена, Еустома біла, Альстромерія рожева, Троянди кущові рожеві, Зелень у букет, Кошик M, Лілія біла, Фрезія біла. [en_product_sostav] => Orchid dance - Composition: Green orchid branch, Pink orchid branch, Yellow orchid branch, Сhrysanthemum green, Eustoma white, Alstroemeria pink, Roses spray pink , Greens, Box M, Lily white, Freesia white. [url_link] => buket-bal-orhidey [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/bal_orhidey-7596_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/bal_orhidey-7596_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/bal_orhidey-7596_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7596_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7596_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7596_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7596_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7596_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7596_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 12 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bright original bouquets are a great way to say how much you love your loved ones... 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) [6] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 25 [name] => Exotic bouquets ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Orchid dance [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1113] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 1113 [price] => 450 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 450 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 450 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 450 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1114] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 1114 [price] => 450 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 450 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 450 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 450 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1625] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 1625 [price] => 500 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 500 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 500 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 500 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [981] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 981 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [811] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 811 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1.5 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [863] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 863 [price] => 105 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 7596 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 3790 [price] => 25267 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 25267 [price_cur] => 640 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 640 [price_discount] => 25267 [price_discount_cur] => 640 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 25267 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 640 [price_member] => 25267 [price_member_cur] => 640 [price_member_qty] => 25267 [price_member_qty_cur] => 640 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (450 * 1) *1 + (450 * 1) *1 + (500 * 1) *1 + (60 * 4) *1 + (100 * 7) *1 + (30 * 5) *1 + (60 * 5) *1 + (50 * 5) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (100 * 2) *1 + (50 * 4) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 640 [business] => 736 [vip] => 832 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [name] => Flower box of happiness [ru_name] => Цветочная коробочка счастья [ua_name] => Квіткова коробочка щастя [en_name] => Flower box of happiness [title] => Купить букет Flower box of happiness недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

“The Flower Box of Happiness” is a unique tandem of luxurious flowers and a magnificent dessert. A beautiful romantic box in the shape of a heart hides in itself the languor of orchids, the tenderness of spray roses, the weightlessness of white freesias, the dreaminess of lavender and the richness of summer greens. The highlight of this gift is a unique cookies Macarons.
Please your beloved with such a unique gift that will tell about your love more eloquently than all the words!

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image on the website.

[rutext] =>

Сердце женщины – это большой утонченный цветок, который предпочитает такие же изысканные и оригинальные подарки. Отличным дополнением к цветочному подарку может стать коробка ее любимых сладостей. С таким подарком Вы точно сможете удивить ее!

«Цветочная коробочка счастья» - это уникальный тандем роскошных цветов и великолепного десерта. Красивая романтичная коробка в виде сердца скрывает в себе томность орхидей, нежность кустовых роз, невесомость белых фрезий, мечтательность лаванды и сочность летней зелени. Изюминкой этого подарка является неповторимое печенье макарон.
Порадуйте любимую таким уникальным подарком, который расскажет о Вашей любви красноречивее, чем все слова!

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Смотрите все композиции в коробке в {$city_where}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 7585_five_s.jpg [large] => 7585_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7585_four_s.jpg [large] => 7585_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7585_second_s.jpg [large] => 7585_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7585_third_s.jpg [large] => 7585_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_second_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_third_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_four_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_four_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_five_s.jpg [large] => tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-tsvetochnaya-korobochka-schastya [ru_link] => buket-tsvetochnaya-korobochka-schastya [en_link] => flower-box-of-happiness [ua_link] => buket-kvitkova-korobochka-shastya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-28 15:26:09 [height] => 15 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 409 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 6 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 168 [vpl_url] => bestsellers [vpl_list_id] => 409 [vpl_name_ru] => Бестселлеры [vpl_name_ua] => Бестселери {$city} [vpl_name_en] => bestsellers [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.59 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Lavender [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Cookies macaron [count] => 6 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Decorative branches [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => hamelatsium [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Box in heart shape [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Лаванда 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Array ( [id] => 9378 [flower_id] => 1403 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Cookies macaron [ru_name] => Печенье макарон [ua_name] => Печиво макарон [en_name] => Cookies macaron [group] => 49 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9380 [flower_id] => 1574 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Decorative branches [ru_name] => Декоративные ветки [ua_name] => Декоративні гілки [en_name] => Decorative branches [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 9381 [flower_id] => 1567 [ammount] => 1 [name] => hamelatsium [ru_name] => Хамелациум [ua_name] => Хамелаціум [en_name] => hamelatsium [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 19561 [flower_id] => 1704 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20386 [flower_id] => 1010 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box in heart shape [ru_name] => Коробка в форме сердца [ua_name] => Коробка у формі серця [en_name] => Box in heart shape [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.92 [product_sostav] => Flower box of happiness - Состав: Freesia white, Roses spray pink, Lavender, Cookies macaron, Decorative branches, hamelatsium, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Box in heart shape. [ru_product_sostav] => Цветочная коробочка счастья - Состав: Фрезия белая, Розы кустовые розовые, Лаванда, Печенье макарон, Декоративные ветки, Хамелациум, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея), Коробка в форме сердца. [ua_product_sostav] => Квіткова коробочка щастя - Склад: Фрезія біла, Троянди кущові рожеві, Лаванда, Печиво макарон, Декоративні гілки, Хамелаціум, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея), Коробка у формі серця. [en_product_sostav] => Flower box of happiness - Composition: Freesia white, Roses spray pink , Lavender, Cookies macaron, Decorative branches, hamelatsium, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Box in heart shape. [url_link] => buket-tsvetochnaya-korobochka-schastya [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7585_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7585_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7585_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7585_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7585_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7585_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7585_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7585_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 29 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => “The Flower Box of Happiness” is a unique tandem of luxurious flowers and a magnificent dessert... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7585 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_korobochka_schastya-7585_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7585_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7585_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7585_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7585_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7585_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7585_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7585_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7585_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7585_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7585_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7585_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7585_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608532_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608532_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower box of happiness [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) [1] => Array ( [url] => buketi-s-makarunami [name] => Bouquets with macaroons [link] => [slug] => buketi-s-makarunami ) [8] => Array ( [url] => serdtsa [name] => Hearts [link] => [slug] => serdtsa ) [9] => Array ( [url] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina [name] => Heards Valentines Day [link] => [slug] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina ) [12] => Array ( [url] => orhidei [name] => Orchid [link] => [slug] => orhidei ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [968] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1397] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1397 [price] => 160 [price_rate] => 0.4 [price_ukraine] => 180 [price_ukraine_rate] => 0.5 [price_cis] => 180 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 180 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1403] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1403 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [1574] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1574 [price] => 10 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 10 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 10 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 10 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1567] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1567 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 61 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 61 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 61 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1704] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1704 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1010] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 1010 [price] => 110 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2573] => Array ( [id] => 7585 [flower_id] => 2573 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 15 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 15 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 15 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1991 [price] => 13273 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 13273 [price_cur] => 337 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 337 [price_discount] => 13273 [price_discount_cur] => 337 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 13273 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 337 [price_member] => 13273 [price_member_cur] => 337 [price_member_qty] => 13273 [price_member_qty_cur] => 337 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 3) *1 + (60 * 2) *1 + (180 * 5) *1 + (60 * 6) *1 + (10 * 2) *1 + (61 * 1) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 + (15 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 337 [business] => 387 [vip] => 437 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7575 [name] => Funeral basket of roses [ru_name] => Траурная корзина из роз [ua_name] => Траурний кошик з троянд [en_name] => Funeral basket of roses [title] => Купить букет Funeral basket of roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

There are times when with the help of flowers it is necessary to express not joy, but deep sorrow and condolences. In such cases, a bouquet of a pair of burgundy roses with a black ribbon can be an ideal composition.

A mourning basket of roses is a testament to the memory and deepest respect for the person who was not indifferent to you. With the help of such a gesture, you can honor the blessed memory of the deceased and express your attitude towards his life.
In addition, a laconic basket will be an ideal option for ordering a corporate mourning bouquet for an employee.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Бывают случаи, когда с помощью цветов необходимо выразить не радость, а глубокую скорбь и соболезнования. В таких случаях идеальной композицией может стать букет из парного количества бордовых роз с черной лентой.

Траурная корзина из роз – это свидетельство памяти и глубочайшего уважения к человеку, который был Вам не безразличен. С помощью такого жеста Вы сможете почтить светлую память усопшего и выразить свое отношение к его жизни.
Кроме того, лаконичная корзина станет идеальным вариантом для заказа корпоративного траурного букета для сотрудника.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Траурная корзина из роз - Состав: Корзина M, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Роза красная, Рускус. [ua_product_sostav] => Траурний кошик з троянд - Склад: Кошик M, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда червона, Рускус. [en_product_sostav] => Funeral basket of roses - Composition: Box M, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Rose red, Ruskus. [url_link] => buket-traurnaya-korzina-iz-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7575_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7575_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7575_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7575_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7575_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7575_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 122 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => There are times when with the help of flowers it is necessary to express not joy, but deep sorrow and condolences... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7575 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7575_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7575_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7575_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7575_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7575_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7575_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7575_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7575_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7575_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_7575_1713875880_small.jpeg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_7575_1713875880_full.jpeg [city] => [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_7575_1713875800_small.jpeg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_7575_1713875800_full.jpeg [city] => [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_7575_1713875770_small.jpeg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_7575_1713875770_full.jpeg [city] => [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/640931.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/640931_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Funeral basket of roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [2] => Array ( [url] => kupyt-buket-cvetov [name] => Buy flowers Kherson [link] => [slug] => kupyt-buket-cvetov ) [3] => Array ( [url] => cvetochnie-korziny [name] => Baskets of flowers [link] => [slug] => cvetochnie-korziny ) [5] => Array ( [url] => kupit-tsvety [name] => Buy flowers [link] => [slug] => kupit-tsvety ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1197] => Array ( [id] => 7575 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 7575 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7575 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [882] => Array ( [id] => 7575 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 38 ) [1063] => Array ( [id] => 7575 [flower_id] => 1063 [price] => 18 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 10 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2580 [price] => 18920 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 18920 [price_cur] => 479 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 479 [price_discount] => 18920 [price_discount_cur] => 479 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 18920 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 479 [price_member] => 18920 [price_member_cur] => 479 [price_member_qty] => 18920 [price_member_qty_cur] => 479 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (350 * 1) *1 + (45 * 2) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 + (50 * 38) *1 + (20 * 10) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 479 [business] => 551 [vip] => 623 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 7573 [name] => Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies [ru_name] => Траурный букет из калл [ua_name] => Траурний букет з калл [en_name] => Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies [title] => Купить букет Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Flowers are not only joy and happiness, they are also support in difficult times. With the help of a laconic bouquet you can express your gratitude, honor the memory of a loved one, or express condolences regarding a death.

A funeral bouquet of calla lilies is a simple but heartfelt composition that, with its light tones, will tell about your respect and feelings for someone who is no longer alive. With the help of such a bouquet you can comfort the living and honor those who are no longer with us. The discreet decor in the form of a black ribbon symbolizes deep sorrow.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Цветы – это не только радость и счастье, это еще и поддержка в сложные времена. С помощью лаконичного букета можно выразить свою благодарность, почтить память родного человека или выразить соболезнования по поводу смерти.

Траурный букет из калл – это простая, но проникновенная композиция, которая своими светлыми тонами расскажет о Вашем уважении и чувствах к тому, кого уже нет. С помощью такого букета Вы сможете утешить живых и почтить тех, кого с нами уже нет. Сдержанный декор в виде черной ленты символизирует глубокую скорбь.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [large] => traurnyiy_buket-7573_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => traurnyiy_buket_s.jpg [large] => traurnyiy_buket_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => traurnyj-buket-iz-kall [ru_link] => traurnyj-buket-iz-kall [en_link] => funeral-bouquet-of-calla [ua_link] => traurnyj-buket-z-kall [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-12 16:11:13 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 58 [google_product_category] => 5606 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 10 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 297 [vpl_url] => cvety-calla [vpl_list_id] => 58 [vpl_name_ru] => Каллы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Кали {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Callas [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.41 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Calla white [count] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Кала біла [count] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9269 [flower_id] => 854 [ammount] => 10 [name] => Calla white [ru_name] => Калла белая [ua_name] => Кала біла [en_name] => Calla white [group] => 9 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9270 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9271 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.48 [product_sostav] => Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies - Состав: Calla white, Greens, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Траурный букет из калл - Состав: Калла белая, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Траурний букет з калл - Склад: Кала біла, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies - Composition: Calla white, Greens, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => traurnyj-buket-iz-kall [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Flowers are not only joy and happiness, they are also support in difficult times... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7573 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/traurnyiy_buket-7573_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Funeral bouquet of Calla lilies [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [3] => Array ( [url] => kupyt-buket-cvetov [name] => Buy flowers Kherson [link] => [slug] => kupyt-buket-cvetov ) [5] => Array ( [url] => kupit-tsvety [name] => Buy flowers [link] => [slug] => kupit-tsvety ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [854] => Array ( [id] => 7573 [flower_id] => 854 [price] => 79 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 10 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7573 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7573 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1570 [price] => 10467 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10467 [price_cur] => 265 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 265 [price_discount] => 10467 [price_discount_cur] => 265 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10467 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 265 [price_member] => 10467 [price_member_cur] => 265 [price_member_qty] => 10467 [price_member_qty_cur] => 265 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (150 * 10) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 265 [business] => 305 [vip] => 345 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7572 [name] => Bouquet of freesies [ru_name] => Букет невесты Из фрезий [ua_name] => Із фрезій [en_name] => Bouquet of freesies [title] => Купить букет Bouquet of freesies недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Delicate and romantic bouquet in light colors is a symbol of tenderness and purity. Most often such bouquets become a bright wedding bouquet of the bride, because in addition to sophistication in such compositions is charm and individuality.

Bouquet "Of freesias" is a weightless lightness of white flowers, complemented by lush greenery and simple but exquisite decor. Such a wedding bouquet will be a harmonious completion of the bride's image. In addition, this composition can be a great gift for the anniversary of the relationship, Valentine's Day, March 8 or Mother's Day.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Нежный и романтичный букет в светлых тонах – это символ нежности и чистоты. Чаще всего такие букеты становятся ярким свадебным букетом невесты, ведь помимо утонченности в таких композициях заключен шарм и индивидуальность.

Букет «Из фрезий» - это невесомая легкость белых цветов, дополненная сочной зеленью и простым, но изысканным декором. Такой свадебный букет станет гармоничным завершением образа невесты. Кроме того, эта композиция может быть отличным подарком на годовщину отношений, День Влюбленных, 8 Марта или День Матери.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7572_four_s.jpg [large] => 7572_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7572_second_s.jpg [large] => 7572_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7572_third_s.jpg [large] => 7572_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_second_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_third_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_four_s.jpg [large] => novyiy_svadebnyiy_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-iz-frezyj [ru_link] => buket-iz-frezyj [en_link] => Bouquet-of-freesies [ua_link] => buket-buket-iz-frezyj [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-10 16:05:01 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 556 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 21 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 557 [vpl_url] => buket-nevesti [vpl_list_id] => 556 [vpl_name_ru] => Букет невесты [vpl_name_ua] => Букет нареченої {$city} [vpl_name_en] => The bride's bouquet [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.36 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9263 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 21 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9264 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9265 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.96 [product_sostav] => Bouquet of freesies - Состав: Freesia white, Greens, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет невесты Из фрезий - Состав: Фрезия белая, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Із фрезій - Склад: Фрезія біла, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet of freesies - Composition: Freesia white, Greens, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-iz-frezyj [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7572_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7572_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7572_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7572_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7572_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7572_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 13 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Delicate and romantic bouquet in light colors is a symbol of tenderness and purity... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7572 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novyiy_svadebnyiy-7572_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7572_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7572_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7572_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7572_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7572_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7572_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7572_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7572_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7572_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595187_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595187_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet of freesies [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [968] => Array ( [id] => 7572 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 21 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7572 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7572 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1170 [price] => 7800 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7800 [price_cur] => 198 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 198 [price_discount] => 7800 [price_discount_cur] => 198 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7800 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 198 [price_member] => 7800 [price_member_cur] => 198 [price_member_qty] => 7800 [price_member_qty_cur] => 198 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 21) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 198 [business] => 228 [vip] => 257 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7562 [name] => 101 pink rose [ru_name] => Букет 101 розовая роза [ua_name] => Букет 101 рожева троянда [en_name] => 101 pink rose [title] => Купить букет 101 pink rose недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

101 pink rose is a luxury sign of attention for girlfriend or wife. It's filled with romance and tenderness, like spring, as a dawn, like a smile. Just enchanting gift!

You can buy this large bouquet of roses not only for the second half, but also for sister or girlfriend for a Birthday (especially if it's an anniversary), the wedding day, a solemn statement from the hospital and any other important event in the life of your dear women.

Don't assume about the price, think about the great joy that you give together with these gorgeous flowers. The happiness of receiving such bouquet will be sincere and stormy, like a first love. And similarly, will live in a woman's heart for years to come. To give happiness is easy. Try it!

Note: the design of the bouquet may differ slightly from the photos.

[rutext] =>

101 розовая роза – роскошный знак внимания любимой девушке или жене. Он наполнен романтикой и нежностью, как весна, как рассвет, как улыбка. Просто фееричный подарок!

Кстати, Вы можете купить этот большой букет роз не только для второй половинки, но и для сестры или подруги на День Рождения (особенно, если это юбилей), день свадьбы, торжественную выписку из роддома, а также на любое другое важное событие в жизни дорогой Вам женщины. Оттенок бутонов вполне это позволяет.

А также смотрите и другие варианты букетов из 101 розы 101 красная роза, 101 кремовая роза, 101 розовая роза, 101 белая роза, 101 желтая роза, 101 красно-белая роза
Не думайте о цене, подумайте о той огромной радости, которую Вы подарите вместе с этими шикарными цветами. Выразить словами ее очень тяжело. Поверьте, она будет искренней и бурной, как первая любовь. И точно так же, останется жить в женском сердце на долгие годы. Дарить счастье – легко. Попробуйте!

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от фото, представленного на сайте в качестве примера.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 101_rozovaya_roza-7562_s.jpg [large] => 101_rozovaya_roza-7562_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7562_four_s.jpg [large] => 7562_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7562_second_s.jpg [large] => 7562_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7562_third_s.jpg [large] => 7562_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 101_rozovaya_roza_s.jpg [large] => 101_rozovaya_roza_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 101_rozovaya_roza_second_s.jpg [large] => 101_rozovaya_roza_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 101_rozovaya_roza_third_s.jpg [large] => 101_rozovaya_roza_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 101_rozovaya_roza_four_s.jpg [large] => 101_rozovaya_roza_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-101-rozovaya-roza [ru_link] => buket-101-rozovaya-roza [en_link] => 101-pink-rose [ua_link] => buket-101-rozheva-troyanda [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy exquisite composition of 101 pink rose in website [image_title_en] => Buy romantic bouquet of 101 pink rose with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-12 22:30:59 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy the luxury bouquet of 101 pink rose in website [p_description] => The luxury bouquet of pink roses is the perfect gift for girlfriend or wife for St. Valentine's Day, wedding anniversary, birthday [p_keywords] => delivery of flowers, flower delivery, bouquet of pink roses, 101 pink rose, bouquet of roses, rose bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «101 pink rose» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 575 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 626 [vpl_url] => rozi-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [vpl_list_id] => 575 [vpl_name_ru] => Розы на День Валентина [vpl_name_ua] => Троянди на День Валентина [vpl_name_en] => Roses for Valentine's Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.32 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [count] => 101 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда Джумілія до 60см [count] => 101 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9248 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23833 [flower_id] => 2474 [ammount] => 101 [name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [ru_name] => Роза Джумилия до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда Джумілія до 60см [en_name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 4.12 [product_sostav] => 101 pink rose - Состав: Tape for flowers, Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет 101 розовая роза - Состав: Лента на цветы, Роза Джумилия до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет 101 рожева троянда - Склад: Стрічка на квіти, Троянда Джумілія до 60см. [en_product_sostav] => 101 pink rose - Composition: Tape for flowers, Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm. [url_link] => buket-101-rozovaya-roza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7562_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7562_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7562_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7562_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7562_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7562_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 88 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => 101 pink rose is a luxury sign of attention for girlfriend or wife. It's filled with romance and tenderness, like spring, as a dawn, like a smile. Just enchanting gift... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7562 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/101_rozovaya_roza-7562_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7562_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7562_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7562_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7562_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7562_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7562_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7562_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7562_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7562_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/626432_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/626432_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614616_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614616_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/606574_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/606574_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600024_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600024_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [4] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/597540_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/597540_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [5] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/593443_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/593443_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 101 pink rose [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-bolshie-buketi-iz-roz [name] => Large bouquets of roses [link] => [slug] => tsveti-bolshie-buketi-iz-roz ) [2] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [3] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => Bouquets 101 roses [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) [15] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => 101 roses [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) [17] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => 101 roses bouquets [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7562 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [2474] => Array ( [id] => 7562 [flower_id] => 2474 [price] => 28.5 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 101 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 6100 [price] => 40667 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 40667 [price_cur] => 1030 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 1030 [price_discount] => 40667 [price_discount_cur] => 1030 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 40667 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 1030 [price_member] => 40667 [price_member_cur] => 1030 [price_member_qty] => 40667 [price_member_qty_cur] => 1030 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 2) *1 + (60 * 101) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 1030 [business] => 1184 [vip] => 1339 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7441 [name] => White spay roses by the piece [ru_name] => Белые кустовые розы поштучно [ua_name] => Білі кущові троянди поштучно [en_name] => White spay roses by the piece [title] => Купить букет White spay roses by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Luxury roses enchant at first sight! That is why these bouquets are the favorite gifts for women. On March 8, or birthday, anniversary or Valentine's Day - bouquet of white roses will tell about the most intimate feelings.

White shrub roses by piece is a wonderful way to choose size of the bouquet or complete the composition with these flowers. Delicate white color as a symbol of loyalty, tenderness, purity and gratitude, is best suited as the floral greeting to wife, mother, sister, or even colleagues.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture.

[rutext] =>

Роскошь белых роз пленит с первого взгляда! Именно поэтому такие букеты являются любимыми подарками для женщин. На 8 Марта или День Рождения, на юбилей или День Влюбленных – композиция из белых роз сможет рассказать о самых сокровенных чувствах.

Белые кустовые розы поштучно – это чудесный способ самостоятельно выбрать размер букета или же дополнить этими цветами уже готовую композицию. Нежный белый цвет, как символ верности, чистоты и благодарности, лучше всего подойдет в качестве цветочного поздравления для жены, мамы, сестры или даже коллеги.

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_s.jpg [large] => belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-belye-kustovye-rozy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-belye-kustovye-rozy-poshtuchno [en_link] => white-spay-roses-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-bili-kushchovi-troyandy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy delicate bouquet of White spay roses by the piece with the best flower delivery [image_title_en] => Buy exquisite White spay roses by the piece in omline flower shop [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-01-07 11:06:33 [height] => 40 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => Buy tender bouquet of White spay roses by the piece with delivery [p_description] => Beautiful bouquet of White spay roses by the piece is the best gift for mother, girlfriend, wife of colleague for birthday or anniversary [p_keywords] => rose bouquets, white roses bouquet, white rose bouquet, international flower delivery, online flower shop, flower bouquet, flower shops that deliver [p_h1] => White spay roses by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 357 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 64 [vpl_url] => tsveti-rozy-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 357 [vpl_name_ru] => Лепестки роз {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Пелюстки троянд [vpl_name_en] => Rose petals [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 16 [rating_value] => 4.69 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose shrub white [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова біла [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8983 [flower_id] => 893 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Rose shrub white [ru_name] => Роза кустовая белая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова біла [en_name] => Rose shrub white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => White spay roses by the piece - Состав: Rose shrub white. [ru_product_sostav] => Белые кустовые розы поштучно - Состав: Роза кустовая белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Білі кущові троянди поштучно - Склад: Троянда кущова біла. [en_product_sostav] => White spay roses by the piece - Composition: Rose shrub white . [url_link] => buket-belye-kustovye-rozy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 54 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Luxury roses enchant at first sight. That is why these bouquets are the favorite gifts for women... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7441 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7441_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет White spay roses by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => kustovie-rozy [name] => Spray roses {$city} [link] => [slug] => kustovie-rozy ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) [4] => Array ( [url] => mestnye-rozy-poshtuchno [name] => Local roses by piece [link] => [slug] => mestnye-rozy-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [893] => Array ( [id] => 7441 [flower_id] => 893 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 50 [price] => 333 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 333 [price_cur] => 9 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 9 [price_discount] => 333 [price_discount_cur] => 9 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 333 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 9 [price_member] => 333 [price_member_cur] => 9 [price_member_qty] => 333 [price_member_qty_cur] => 9 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7438 [name] => Cream spay roses by the piece [ru_name] => Кремовые кустовые розы поштучно [ua_name] => Кремові кущові троянди поштучно [en_name] => Cream spay roses by the piece [title] => Купить букет Cream spay roses by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Beautiful cream roses – are a great way to congratulate friends and relatives with a holiday or important date. Pastel bouquet would be a nice gift to mum birthday, sister's wedding day, to wife on the anniversary of relationship, or on the anniversary of grandmother. Additionally, rigor and neutrality of the bouquet makes it a great present for a colleague or superior.

The composition of the cream spray roses by piece – is a way to create your own gift by choosing the number of flowers and the way to design the bouquet.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture.

[rutext] =>

Красивые кремовые розы – отличный способ поздравить родных и близких с праздником или важной датой. Пастельный букет станет приятным подарком маме на День Рождения, сестре на день свадьбы, жене на годовщину отношений или же бабушке на юбилей. Кроме того, строгость и нейтральность такого букета делает его отличным презентом для коллеги или начальника.

Композиция из кремовых кустовых роз поштучно – Ваш способ создать подарок самостоятельно, выбирая количество цветков и способ оформления букета.

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_s.jpg [large] => kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-kremovye-kustovye-rozy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-kremovye-kustovye-rozy-poshtuchno [en_link] => cream-spay-roses-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-kremovi-kushchovi-troyandy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order delicate Cream shrub roses by piece with delivery to any destination [image_title_en] => Buy original Cream shrub roses by piece in the online shop of flowers [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-16 09:49:52 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => cream [p_title] => Order a beautiful Cream shrub roses by piece with delivery [p_description] => Beautiful bouquet of cream shrub roses by piece - a great gift for to mum, sister. colleague, wife for Birthday, March 8 [p_keywords] => cream roses, bouquet of cream roses, flowers, delivery of bouquets. buy flowers, order flowers, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, flower shop [p_h1] => Cream spay roses by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 248 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Cream [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 409 [vpl_url] => mestnye-rozy-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 248 [vpl_name_ru] => Местные розы поштучно {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Місцеві троянди поштучно {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Local roses by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 18 [rating_value] => 4.44 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9952 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Cream spay roses by the piece - Состав: Rose spray cream. [ru_product_sostav] => Кремовые кустовые розы поштучно - Состав: Роза кустовая кремовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Кремові кущові троянди поштучно - Склад: Троянда кущова кремова. [en_product_sostav] => Cream spay roses by the piece - Composition: Rose spray cream. [url_link] => buket-kremovye-kustovye-rozy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 46 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Beautiful cream roses – are a great way to congratulate friends and relatives with a holiday or important date... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7438 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/kremovyie_kustovyie_rozyi_poshtuchno-7438_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/587027_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/587027_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Cream spay roses by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) [2] => Array ( [url] => mestnye-rozy-poshtuchno [name] => Local roses by piece [link] => [slug] => mestnye-rozy-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [id] => 7438 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 60 [price] => 400 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 400 [price_cur] => 11 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11 [price_discount] => 400 [price_discount_cur] => 11 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 400 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11 [price_member] => 400 [price_member_cur] => 11 [price_member_qty] => 400 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7435 [name] => White freesia by the piece [ru_name] => Белая фрезия поштучно [ua_name] => Біла фрезія поштучно [en_name] => White freesia by the piece [title] => Купить букет White freesia by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Want to enhance the feminity and youth of dear recipient? Then white freesias are exactly what you need. Just take a look at the elegant inflorescences on a thin stem . An unusual form of the flower gives to the plant gracefulness, refinement and aristocratic splendour.

The bouquet of snow-white freesias will be a perfect present for a girlfriend or for any official event. Whether it is an anniversary, jubilee, name day, play premiere or house - warming - freesia will add to the atmosphere of any event the notes of solemnity and exclusive odour .

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture.

[rutext] =>

Желаете подчеркнуть женственность и юность дорогой получательницы? В таком случае, белоснежные фрезии – это отличный выбор. Вы только взгляните, как элегантно расположены соцветия на тонком стебле. Необычная форма цветка придает растению изящности, утонченности и аристократической роскоши.

Собираетесь на свидание к любимой девушке, тогда не забудьте сделать ей приятный подарок, вручив небольшую охапку фрезий. Такой неожиданный сюрприз подарит дорогой получательнице море позитивных эмоций, и она еще не раз будет вспоминать долгожданное свидание только с теплом на сердце.

Кроме этого, букет из белоснежных фрезий станет замечательным презентом на какое-либо официальное событие. Будь то годовщина свадьбы, юбилей, именины, корпоративный вечер, премьера спектакля, рождение ребенка, новоселье – фрезии помогут наполнить атмосферу любого события торжественностью и благоухающим ароматом. 

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_s.jpg [large] => belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belaya_freziya_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => belaya_freziya_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-belaya-fresia-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-belaya-fresia-poshtuchno [en_link] => white-freesia-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-bila-fresia-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-03-16 12:39:48 [height] => 40 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => White freesia by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 61 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 315 [vpl_url] => cvety-freesia [vpl_list_id] => 61 [vpl_name_ru] => Фрезия [vpl_name_ua] => Фрезія [vpl_name_en] => Freesia [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.53 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8978 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => White freesia by the piece - Состав: Freesia white. [ru_product_sostav] => Белая фрезия поштучно - Состав: Фрезия белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Біла фрезія поштучно - Склад: Фрезія біла. [en_product_sostav] => White freesia by the piece - Composition: Freesia white. [url_link] => buket-belaya-fresia-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 56 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Want to enhance the feminity and youth of dear recipient. Then white freesias are exactly what you need. Just take a look at the elegant inflorescences on a thin stem ... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7435 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belaya_freziya_poshtuchno-7435_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608315_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/608315_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/571964.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/571964_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет White freesia by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [968] => Array ( [id] => 7435 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 50 [price] => 333 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 333 [price_cur] => 9 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 9 [price_discount] => 333 [price_discount_cur] => 9 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 333 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 9 [price_member] => 333 [price_member_cur] => 9 [price_member_qty] => 333 [price_member_qty_cur] => 9 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7434 [name] => Pink eustoma by the piece [ru_name] => Розовые эустомы поштучно [ua_name] => Рожеві еустоми поштучно [en_name] => Pink eustoma by the piece [title] => Купить букет Pink eustoma by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>


Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture.


[rutext] =>

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-rozovye-eustomy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-rozovye-eustomy-poshtuchno [en_link] => pink-eustoma-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-rozhevi-eustomy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-01-08 14:20:10 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Pink eustoma by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma pink [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Еустома рожева [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8977 [flower_id] => 997 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eustoma pink [ru_name] => Эустома розовая [ua_name] => Еустома рожева [en_name] => Eustoma pink [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Pink eustoma by the piece - Состав: Eustoma pink. [ru_product_sostav] => Розовые эустомы поштучно - Состав: Эустома розовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Рожеві еустоми поштучно - Склад: Еустома рожева. [en_product_sostav] => Pink eustoma by the piece - Composition: Eustoma pink. [url_link] => buket-rozovye-eustomy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 28 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] =>  Warning. The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture. . [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7434 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7434_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Pink eustoma by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [997] => Array ( [id] => 7434 [flower_id] => 997 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 100 [price] => 667 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 667 [price_cur] => 17 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 17 [price_discount] => 667 [price_discount_cur] => 17 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 667 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 17 [price_member] => 667 [price_member_cur] => 17 [price_member_qty] => 667 [price_member_qty_cur] => 17 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7433 [name] => White eustoma by the piece [ru_name] => Белые эустомы поштучно [ua_name] => Білі еустоми поштучно [en_name] => White eustoma by the piece [title] => Купить букет White eustoma by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>


Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture.


[rutext] =>

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_s.jpg [large] => belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-belye-eustomy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-belye-eustomy-poshtuchno [en_link] => white-eustoma-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-bili-eustomy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-06 15:20:54 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => White eustoma by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 453 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 318 [vpl_url] => cvety-eustoma [vpl_list_id] => 453 [vpl_name_ru] => Эустома {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Еустома {$city_ua} [vpl_name_en] => Eustoma {$city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 16 [rating_value] => 4.69 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8976 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => White eustoma by the piece - Состав: Eustoma white. [ru_product_sostav] => Белые эустомы поштучно - Состав: Эустома белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Білі еустоми поштучно - Склад: Еустома біла. [en_product_sostav] => White eustoma by the piece - Composition: Eustoma white. [url_link] => buket-belye-eustomy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 66 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] =>  Warning. The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture. . [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7433 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7433_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет White eustoma by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [994] => Array ( [id] => 7433 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 100 [price] => 667 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 667 [price_cur] => 17 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 17 [price_discount] => 667 [price_discount_cur] => 17 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 667 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 17 [price_member] => 667 [price_member_cur] => 17 [price_member_qty] => 667 [price_member_qty_cur] => 17 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 7432 [name] => Purple eustoma by the piece [ru_name] => Фиолетовые эустомы поштучно [ua_name] => Фіолетові еустоми поштучно [en_name] => Purple eustoma by the piece [title] => Купить букет Purple eustoma by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Eustomas are delicate and elegant flowers that will be an appropriate gift in a variety of situations. Don't know how to complement a present to a colleague? Choose them! Do you want to please your beloved wife? A bouquet of delicate purple eustomas will definitely help you! Are you choosing flowers for March 8 and want them to stand for more than one day? Eustomas are a great option as they will last up to a few weeks in a vase.
We offer these beautiful fresh cut flowers by the piece. You can buy one branch or several at once to make a luxurious bouquet for the person you love!

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Эустомы – нежные и элегантные цветы, которые станут уместным подарком в самых разных ситуациях. Не знаете, чем дополнить презент коллеге? Выбирайте их! Хотите обрадовать любимую жену? Букет нежных фиолетовых эустом обязательно вам поможет! Выбираете цветы на 8 марта и хотите, чтобы они простояли не один день? Эустомы – это отличный вариант, ведь они будут жить в вазе до нескольких недель.

Мы предлагаем эти прекрасные свежесрезанные цветы поштучно. Вы можете купить как одну веточку, так и сразу несколько, чтобы составить роскошный букет для того человека, которого вы любите!

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_s.jpg [large] => fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-fioletovye-eustomy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-fioletovye-eustomy-poshtuchno [en_link] => purple-eustoma-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-fioletovi-eustomy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.4 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-12-30 23:44:03 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Purple eustoma by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma violet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Еустома фіолетова [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20966 [flower_id] => 998 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eustoma violet [ru_name] => Эустома фиолетовая [ua_name] => Еустома фіолетова [en_name] => Eustoma violet [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Purple eustoma by the piece - Состав: Eustoma violet. [ru_product_sostav] => Фиолетовые эустомы поштучно - Состав: Эустома фиолетовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Фіолетові еустоми поштучно - Склад: Еустома фіолетова. [en_product_sostav] => Purple eustoma by the piece - Composition: Eustoma violet. [url_link] => buket-fioletovye-eustomy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 51 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Eustomas are delicate and elegant flowers that will be an appropriate gift in a variety of situations. Don't know how to complement a present to a colleague. Choose them... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7432 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_eustomyi_poshtuchno-7432_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Purple eustoma by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [998] => Array ( [id] => 7432 [flower_id] => 998 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 60 [price] => 400 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 400 [price_cur] => 11 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11 [price_discount] => 400 [price_discount_cur] => 11 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 400 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11 [price_member] => 400 [price_member_cur] => 11 [price_member_qty] => 400 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 7431 [name] => Alstroemeria mix by the piece [ru_name] => Альстромерия разноцветная поштучно [ua_name] => Альстромерія різнокольорова поштучно [en_name] => Alstroemeria mix by the piece [title] => Купить букет Alstroemeria mix by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture.

[rutext] =>

Вы только взгляните, какие альстромерии нежные, изящные и прекрасные! Сделайте неожиданный сюрприз второй половинке, вручив целую охапку лиловых цветов без какого-либо повода! Поверьте, даже самая неприступная женщина не устоит перед таким жестом, и оценит его по достоинству.

На сегодняшний день, альстромерия – весьма популярное растение среди флористов. «Перуанская лилия» имеет необычный экзотический окрас, тем самым, она способна идеально дополнить практически любую цветочную композицию. Кроме этого, ее ценят за свойство долгое время сохранять свежесть, а также стойкость к морозам.

Вы можете выбрать любое количество альстромерий, и дополнить их другими, представленными на нашем сайте, цветами. Профессиональные флористы помогут Вам собрать чувственный и красноречивый подарок для дорогой получательницы. 

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_s.jpg [large] => rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-mix-alstroemeria-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-mix-alstroemeria-poshtuchno [en_link] => pink-alstroemeria-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-riznokolyorova-alstroemeria-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-03-16 20:04:23 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Pink Alstroemeria by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія різнокольорова [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20589 [flower_id] => 809 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [ru_name] => Альстромерия разноцветная [ua_name] => Альстромерія різнокольорова [en_name] => Alstroemeria varicolored [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Alstroemeria mix by the piece - Состав: Alstroemeria varicolored. [ru_product_sostav] => Альстромерия разноцветная поштучно - Состав: Альстромерия разноцветная. [ua_product_sostav] => Альстромерія різнокольорова поштучно - Склад: Альстромерія різнокольорова. [en_product_sostav] => Alstroemeria mix by the piece - Composition: Alstroemeria varicolored. [url_link] => buket-mix-alstroemeria-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 78 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Warning. The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers can differ from the picture. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7431 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozovaya_alstromeriya_poshtuchno-7431_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615747_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615747_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Alstroemeria mix by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [809] => Array ( [id] => 7431 [flower_id] => 809 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 55 [price] => 367 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 367 [price_cur] => 10 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10 [price_discount] => 367 [price_discount_cur] => 10 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 367 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10 [price_member] => 367 [price_member_cur] => 10 [price_member_qty] => 367 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 7430 [name] => Pink chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) [ru_name] => Розовые хризантемы поштучно (ветка) [ua_name] => Рожеві хризантеми поштучно (гілка) [en_name] => Pink chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) [title] => Купить букет Pink chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Chrysanthemums are considered autumn flowers, but you can please your friends and acquaintances with them at any time of the year. This delicate flower with a delicate spicy aroma is notable for the fact that it stays in a vase for a very long time and does not fade. That is why a bouquet of chrysanthemums is the best choice for those who want their gift to please for a long time.
In addition, chrysanthemum is a universal flower. It can be safely given to both men and women, regardless of their status in your life (for example, both very close people and unfamiliar colleagues). Everyone will like the delicate pink color, and you can choose any number of branches - either one or several at once, to make a chic bouquet!

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Хризантемы считаются осенними цветами, но порадовать ими своих друзей и знакомых можно в любое время года. Этот нежный цветок с тонким пряным ароматом примечателен тем, что очень долго стоит в вазе и не вянет. Вот почему букет из хризантем – это оптимальный выбор для тех, кто хочет, чтобы их подарок радовал продолжительное время.

Кроме того, хризантема – это универсальный цветок. Его смело можно дарить и мужчинам, и женщинам, вне зависимости от их статуса в вашей жизни (например, как очень близким людям, так и малознакомым коллегам). Нежный розовый цвет понравится всем, и вы можете выбрать любое количество веточек – как одну, так и сразу несколько, чтобы составить шикарный букет!

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-rozovye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-rozovye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [en_link] => pink-chrysanthemum-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-rozhevi-khryzantemy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-12-30 23:41:01 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Pink chrysanthemum by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray pink [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова рожева [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8973 [flower_id] => 987 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray pink [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая розовая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова рожева [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray pink [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Pink chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) - Состав: Chrysanthemum spray pink. [ru_product_sostav] => Розовые хризантемы поштучно (ветка) - Состав: Хризантема кустовая розовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Рожеві хризантеми поштучно (гілка) - Склад: Хризантема кущова рожева. [en_product_sostav] => Pink chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) - Composition: Chrysanthemum spray pink . [url_link] => buket-rozovye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 22 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Chrysanthemums are considered autumn flowers, but you can please your friends and acquaintances with them at any time of the year... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7430 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozovyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7430_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Pink chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [987] => Array ( [id] => 7430 [flower_id] => 987 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 65 [price] => 433 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 433 [price_cur] => 11 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11 [price_discount] => 433 [price_discount_cur] => 11 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 433 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11 [price_member] => 433 [price_member_cur] => 11 [price_member_qty] => 433 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (65 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 7429 [name] => Yellow chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) [ru_name] => Желтые хризантемы поштучно (ветка) [ua_name] => Жовті хризантеми поштучно (гілка) [en_name] => Yellow chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) [title] => Купить букет Yellow chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers may defer from image.

[rutext] =>

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами. Вид цветов может несколько отличаться от их изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_s.jpg [large] => jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka_s.jpg [large] => jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-zheltye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-zheltye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [en_link] => yellow-chrysanthemum-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-zhovti-khryzantemy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2019-02-07 17:34:29 [height] => 40 [diametre] => 0 [color] => yellow [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Yellow chrysanthemums by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Yellow [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray yellow [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Хризантеми кущові жовті [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8972 [flower_id] => 1553 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray yellow [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая желтая [ua_name] => Хризантеми кущові жовті [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray yellow [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Yellow chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) - Состав: Chrysanthemum spray yellow. [ru_product_sostav] => Желтые хризантемы поштучно (ветка) - Состав: Хризантема кустовая желтая. [ua_product_sostav] => Жовті хризантеми поштучно (гілка) - Склад: Хризантеми кущові жовті. [en_product_sostav] => Yellow chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) - Composition: Chrysanthemum spray yellow. [url_link] => buket-zheltye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 18 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Warning. The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers may defer from image. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7429 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/jeltyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7429_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Yellow chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1553] => Array ( [id] => 7429 [flower_id] => 1553 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 65 [price] => 433 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 433 [price_cur] => 11 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11 [price_discount] => 433 [price_discount_cur] => 11 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 433 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11 [price_member] => 433 [price_member_cur] => 11 [price_member_qty] => 433 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (65 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 7428 [name] => White chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) [ru_name] => Белые хризантемы поштучно (ветка) [ua_name] => Білі хризантеми поштучно (гілка) [en_name] => White chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) [title] => Купить букет White chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

White chrysanthemums are elegant and beautiful flowers that bring purity, tenderness and beauty to any bouquet or arrangement. Their graceful white petals look charming and add a special charm to any event or interior.

These white flowers are a symbol of purity, freshness and new beginnings. They are ideal for wedding ceremonies where they symbolize purity and innocence. White chrysanthemums are also suitable for other special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to express sincere love and respect for loved ones.

Apart from their beauty, white chrysanthemums are also known for their longevity. They remain fresh and beautiful for a long time, delighting the eyes and hearts of their owners. Their sturdy stems and lush buds make them an ideal choice for decorations, bouquets and other floral arrangements.

Let white chrysanthemums bring light and joy into your life. Whether used in a wedding ceremony, home decor or as a gift, these flowers are sure to bring a smile and leave a lasting impression. They are the epitome of elegance and sublimity, giving a special charm to any event or space.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers may defer from image.

[rutext] =>

Белые хризантемы - это элегантные и прекрасные цветы, которые приносят чистоту, нежность и красоту в любой букет или композицию. Их изящные белые лепестки смотрятся очаровательно и придают особый шарм любому мероприятию или интерьеру.

Эти белые цветы являются символом чистоты, свежести и нового начала. Они идеально подходят для свадебных церемоний, где они символизируют чистоту и невинность. Белые хризантемы также подходят для других особых случаев, таких как юбилеи, дни рождения или просто для выражения искренней любви и уважения к близким людям.

Кроме своей красоты, белые хризантемы также известны своей долговечностью. Они остаются свежими и прекрасными на протяжении долгого времени, радуя глаз и сердце своих обладателей. Их прочные стебли и пышные бутоны делают их идеальным выбором для декорации, букетов и других цветочных композиций.

Позвольте белым хризантемам принести свет и радость в вашу жизнь. Независимо от того, используются ли они в свадебной церемонии, в домашнем интерьере или в качестве подарка, эти цветы непременно вызовут улыбку и оставят незабываемое впечатление. Они являются воплощением элегантности и возвышенности, придающих особый шарм любому мероприятию или пространству.

Вас может заинтересовать раздел: купить ромашки {$city} или купить ромашки в {$city_where} Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_s.jpg [large] => belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka_s.jpg [large] => belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-belye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-belye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [en_link] => white-chrysanthemum-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-bili-khryzantemy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-16 09:48:52 [height] => 40 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => White chrysanthemums by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 59 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 310 [vpl_url] => cvety-romashki [vpl_list_id] => 59 [vpl_name_ru] => Ромашки {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Ромашки {$city_ua} [vpl_name_en] => Daisies {$city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 26 [rating_value] => 4.42 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова біла [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8971 [flower_id] => 1463 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая белая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова біла [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => White chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) - Состав: Chrysanthemum spray white. [ru_product_sostav] => Белые хризантемы поштучно (ветка) - Состав: Хризантема кустовая белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Білі хризантеми поштучно (гілка) - Склад: Хризантема кущова біла. [en_product_sostav] => White chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) - Composition: Chrysanthemum spray white. [url_link] => buket-belye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 167 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 6 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => White chrysanthemums are elegant and beautiful flowers that bring purity, tenderness and beauty to any bouquet or arrangement... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7428 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7428_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/618562.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/618562_full.jpg [city] => kremenchyg [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/586770.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/586770_full.jpg [city] => odessa [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет White chrysanthemums by the piece (spray) [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1463] => Array ( [id] => 7428 [flower_id] => 1463 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 65 [price] => 433 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 433 [price_cur] => 11 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11 [price_discount] => 433 [price_discount_cur] => 11 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 433 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11 [price_member] => 433 [price_member_cur] => 11 [price_member_qty] => 433 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (65 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 7410 [name] => Light pink carnations by the piece [ru_name] => Светло-розовые гвоздики поштучно [ua_name] => Світло-рожеві гвоздики поштучно [en_name] => Light pink carnations by the piece [title] => Купить букет Light pink carnations by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Light pink carnation symbolizes nucleation of the new life and the new love. Many people believe that carnations can bring good luck and make dreams come true.

Bouquet of pink carnations is a good present for a young girl or a child. If you looking for the best Happy Birthday’s gift for a baby, the bouquet of pink carnations will be the best variant. We advice give single pink carnation to your dear without no reason.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Сама по себе гвоздика – очень нежный и благородный цветок. Светло-розовая гвоздика наиболее чувственна и пронзительна, она одновременно манит к себе и тут же охлаждает пыл строгим и невинным видом. Трепетные лепестки напоминают о весне и о зарождении новой жизни и нового чувства.

Такой цветок подойдет для очаровательной юной девушки или ребенка. Пышный букет из розовых гвоздик станет идеальным подарком малышу и его матери на первый день рождения.

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_s.jpg [large] => svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-svetlo-rozovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-svetlo-rozovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [en_link] => light-pink-carnations-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-svitlo-rozhevi-gvozdyky-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order light pink carnation by the piece at on-line flower shop [image_title_en] => Buy light pink carnation by the piece with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-12-23 10:48:59 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy light pink carnation by the piece with delivery [p_description] => Light pink carnations will be gorgeous accent in wedding bouquet and make bride so tender and beautiful [p_keywords] => pink carntion, pink carnation flower. carnation pink [p_h1] => Light pink carnations by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Carnation light pink [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика світло-рожева [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8846 [flower_id] => 1592 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Carnation light pink [ru_name] => Гвоздика светло-розовая [ua_name] => Гвоздика світло-рожева [en_name] => Carnation light pink [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Light pink carnations by the piece - Состав: Carnation light pink. [ru_product_sostav] => Светло-розовые гвоздики поштучно - Состав: Гвоздика светло-розовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Світло-рожеві гвоздики поштучно - Склад: Гвоздика світло-рожева. [en_product_sostav] => Light pink carnations by the piece - Composition: Carnation light pink. [url_link] => buket-svetlo-rozovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 49 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 5 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Light pink carnation symbolizes nucleation of the new life and the new love. Many people believe that carnations can bring good luck and make dreams come true... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7410 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7410_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/648908.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/648908_full.jpg [city] => odessa [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Light pink carnations by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1592] => Array ( [id] => 7410 [flower_id] => 1592 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 45 [price] => 300 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 300 [price_cur] => 8 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 8 [price_discount] => 300 [price_discount_cur] => 8 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 300 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 8 [price_member] => 300 [price_member_cur] => 8 [price_member_qty] => 300 [price_member_qty_cur] => 8 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (45 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 7408 [name] => Pink carnations by the piece [ru_name] => Розовые гвоздики поштучно [ua_name] => Рожеві гвоздики поштучно [en_name] => Pink carnations by the piece [title] => Купить букет Pink carnations by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Pink carnation is strict and sensual in one moment. What do you see in these petals? Pink flowers can symbolize mother love or innocence of childhood, but some people interpret them as an erotic character.

That's why pink carnations are for your close people, who can treat them right. It can be a good present for a girlfriend or a wife and for a daughter or a mother.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Розовая гвоздика одновременно строга и чувственна. Какой из смыслов Вы вложите в неё? Нежность розовых лепестков кому-то напоминает о теплой маминой любви, кому-то ассоциируется с легкостью и чистотой детства, а кому-то дарит эротическое впечатление.

Букет из розовых гвоздик – это что-то очень личное, лучше дарить его действительно близким людям, например, матери или дочке, а, может быть, и девушке или жене. Такой букет очень порадует бабушку, которая оценит его противоречивую строгость.

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-rozovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-rozovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [en_link] => pink-carnations-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-rozhevi-gvozdyky-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order pink carnations by the piece at on-line flower shop [image_title_en] => Buy pink carnations by the piece with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-12-23 10:56:09 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy pink carnations by the piece with delivery [p_description] => Pink carntions can express your love to your mother and grandmother [p_keywords] => pink flowers, pink bouquet, carnation pink, [p_h1] => Pink carnations by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Carnation pink [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика рожева [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8845 [flower_id] => 833 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Carnation pink [ru_name] => Гвоздика розовая [ua_name] => Гвоздика рожева [en_name] => Carnation pink [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Pink carnations by the piece - Состав: Carnation pink. [ru_product_sostav] => Розовые гвоздики поштучно - Состав: Гвоздика розовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Рожеві гвоздики поштучно - Склад: Гвоздика рожева. [en_product_sostav] => Pink carnations by the piece - Composition: Carnation pink. [url_link] => buket-rozovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 23 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Pink carnation is strict and sensual in one moment. What do you see in these petals... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7408 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/rozovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7408_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Pink carnations by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [833] => Array ( [id] => 7408 [flower_id] => 833 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 50 [price] => 333 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 333 [price_cur] => 9 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 9 [price_discount] => 333 [price_discount_cur] => 9 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 333 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 9 [price_member] => 333 [price_member_cur] => 9 [price_member_qty] => 333 [price_member_qty_cur] => 9 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 7407 [name] => White carnations by the piece [ru_name] => Белые гвоздики поштучно [ua_name] => Білі гвоздики поштучно [en_name] => White carnations by the piece [title] => Купить букет White carnations by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

White carnation symbolizes innocence and nobility. Petals of carnation look like clouds in the sky, so Ancient Greeks dedicated this flower to the god Zeus.

Bouquet of white carnations or one single flower can be given to your girlfriend or daughter and so to your colleague or teacher. Carnations suit to men too.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Белая гвоздика – настоящее воплощение нежности и благородства. Древние греки считали эти цветы посвященными богу Зевсу, потому что необычная форма их лепестков напоминала им о пушистых облаках на небосводе.

Сейчас белая гвоздика символизирует невинность и чистоту, её можно подарить как любимой девушке или дочери, так и коллеге по работе или преподавателю. Особенно чувственным и запоминающимся станет букет, состоящий из белых гвоздик. Гвоздика – универсальный цветок, который можно дарить как женщинам, так и мужчинам.

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_s.jpg [large] => belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-belye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-belye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [en_link] => white-carnations-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-bili-gvozdyky-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order white carnations by the piece at on-line flower shop [image_title_en] => Buy white carnations by the piece with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-12-23 10:56:39 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => Buy white carnations by the piece with delivery [p_description] => White carnation will be beautiful accent in gorgeous bouqut for mother or friend and nice in wedding bouquet [p_keywords] => white carnation, white carnation flower, white flower meaning, white bouquet, bride flower bouquet [p_h1] => White carnations by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Carnation white [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика біла [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8844 [flower_id] => 825 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Carnation white [ru_name] => Гвоздика белая [ua_name] => Гвоздика біла [en_name] => Carnation white [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => White carnations by the piece - Состав: Carnation white. [ru_product_sostav] => Белые гвоздики поштучно - Состав: Гвоздика белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Білі гвоздики поштучно - Склад: Гвоздика біла. [en_product_sostav] => White carnations by the piece - Composition: Carnation white. [url_link] => buket-belye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 42 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => White carnation symbolizes innocence and nobility. Petals of carnation look like clouds in the sky, so Ancient Greeks dedicated this flower to the god Zeus... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7407 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7407_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [20] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет White carnations by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [825] => Array ( [id] => 7407 [flower_id] => 825 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 45 [price] => 300 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 300 [price_cur] => 8 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 8 [price_discount] => 300 [price_discount_cur] => 8 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 300 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 8 [price_member] => 300 [price_member_cur] => 8 [price_member_qty] => 300 [price_member_qty_cur] => 8 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (45 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 7394 [name] => Crimson gerberas by the piece [ru_name] => Малиновые герберы поштучно [ua_name] => Малинові гербери поштучно [en_name] => Crimson gerberas by the piece [title] => Купить букет Crimson gerberas by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_s.jpg [large] => malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-malinovye-gerbery-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-malinovye-gerbery-poshtuchno [en_link] => crimson-gerberas-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-malynovi-gerbery-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-10 17:06:30 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Crimson gerberas by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 436 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 291 [vpl_url] => cvety-gerbera [vpl_list_id] => 436 [vpl_name_ru] => Гербера [vpl_name_ua] => Гербера [vpl_name_en] => Gerbera [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.38 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Crimson gerbera [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гербера малинова [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8825 [flower_id] => 1587 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Crimson gerbera [ru_name] => Гербера малиновая [ua_name] => Гербера малинова [en_name] => Crimson gerbera [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Crimson gerberas by the piece - Состав: Crimson gerbera. [ru_product_sostav] => Малиновые герберы поштучно - Состав: Гербера малиновая. [ua_product_sostav] => Малинові гербери поштучно - Склад: Гербера малинова. [en_product_sostav] => Crimson gerberas by the piece - Composition: Crimson gerbera. [url_link] => buket-malinovye-gerbery-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 13 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Warning. The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7394 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/malinovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7394_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Crimson gerberas by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1587] => Array ( [id] => 7394 [flower_id] => 1587 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 55 [price] => 367 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 367 [price_cur] => 10 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10 [price_discount] => 367 [price_discount_cur] => 10 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 367 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10 [price_member] => 367 [price_member_cur] => 10 [price_member_qty] => 367 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [20] => Array ( [id] => 7393 [name] => White gerberas by the piece [ru_name] => Белые герберы поштучно [ua_name] => Білі гербери поштучно [en_name] => White gerberas by the piece [title] => Купить букет White gerberas by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_s.jpg [large] => belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-belye-gerbery-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-belye-gerbery-poshtuchno [en_link] => white-gerberas-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-bili-gerbery-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-10 17:06:12 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => White gerberas by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Gerberа white [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гербера біла [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8826 [flower_id] => 843 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gerberа white [ru_name] => Гербера белая [ua_name] => Гербера біла [en_name] => Gerberа white [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => White gerberas by the piece - Состав: Gerberа white. [ru_product_sostav] => Белые герберы поштучно - Состав: Гербера белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Білі гербери поштучно - Склад: Гербера біла. [en_product_sostav] => White gerberas by the piece - Composition: Gerberа white. [url_link] => buket-belye-gerbery-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 17 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Warning. The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7393 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7393_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет White gerberas by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [843] => Array ( [id] => 7393 [flower_id] => 843 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 55 [price] => 367 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 367 [price_cur] => 10 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10 [price_discount] => 367 [price_discount_cur] => 10 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 367 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10 [price_member] => 367 [price_member_cur] => 10 [price_member_qty] => 367 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [id] => 7392 [name] => Orange gerberas by the piece [ru_name] => Оранжевые герберы поштучно [ua_name] => Помаранчеві гербери поштучно [en_name] => Orange gerberas by the piece [title] => Купить букет Orange gerberas by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Give your dearest people the sun, independently of the weather or time of the day! Airy gerberas are just like ripe peaches attract with juicy shades and pleasant scent. Such flowers can fascinate and give a lot of positive emotions. So, if you are choosing the gift for someone's birthday, name day, professional holiday or any other significant event then add supplement it with such bright and tender blooms.

According to the flower language, gerberas symbolise everlasting and sincere love. 
Therefore give the bouquets of shiny gerberas to all your dear people without any doubt.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Букет из оранжевых гербер, словно прекрасный рассвет, подарит душевное тепло, спокойствие и отличное настроение, которое будет сопровождать получателя на протяжении всего дня. Устройте неожиданный сюрприз любимой девушке, дорогой маме, нежной супруге или заботливой бабушке! Закажите любое количество персиковых гербер с доставкой на дом или рабочее место адресата. Только представьте, какие будет испытывать эмоции получатель, когда перед ним предстанет курьер с охапкой солнечных цветов. Кроме этого, приятный сюрприз можно дополнить и другими товарами. К примеру, воздушные шарики, корзинки сочных фруктов, вкусные лакомства или мягкие игрушки всегда приносили только радость. Так почему бы и Вам не сделать самый обычный день дорогого человека немножко слаще и приятней?

С яркими герберами любой день может стать по-настоящему солнечным и незабываемым. Просто дарите свои чувства и эмоции, вручая вот такие милые и нежные цветы.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_s.jpg [large] => oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-orangevye-gerbery-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-orangevye-gerbery-poshtuchno [en_link] => orange-gerberas-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-pomaranchevi-gerbery-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-10 17:06:43 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => orange [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Orange gerberas by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 436 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Orange [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 291 [vpl_url] => cvety-gerbera [vpl_list_id] => 436 [vpl_name_ru] => Гербера [vpl_name_ua] => Гербера [vpl_name_en] => Gerbera [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.38 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Gerbera orange [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гербера помаранчева [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8824 [flower_id] => 847 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gerbera orange [ru_name] => Гербера оранжевая [ua_name] => Гербера помаранчева [en_name] => Gerbera orange [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Orange gerberas by the piece - Состав: Gerbera orange. [ru_product_sostav] => Оранжевые герберы поштучно - Состав: Гербера оранжевая. [ua_product_sostav] => Помаранчеві гербери поштучно - Склад: Гербера помаранчева. [en_product_sostav] => Orange gerberas by the piece - Composition: Gerbera orange. [url_link] => buket-orangevye-gerbery-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 17 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Give your dearest people the sun, independently of the weather or time of the day. Airy gerberas are just like ripe peaches attract with juicy shades and pleasant scent... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7392 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/oranjevyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7392_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Orange gerberas by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [847] => Array ( [id] => 7392 [flower_id] => 847 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 55 [price] => 367 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 367 [price_cur] => 10 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10 [price_discount] => 367 [price_discount_cur] => 10 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 367 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10 [price_member] => 367 [price_member_cur] => 10 [price_member_qty] => 367 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [22] => Array ( [id] => 7391 [name] => Yellow gerberas by the piece [ru_name] => Желтые герберы поштучно [ua_name] => Жовті гербери поштучно [en_name] => Yellow gerberas by the piece [title] => Купить букет Yellow gerberas by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_s.jpg [large] => jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-zheltye-gerbery-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-zheltye-gerbery-poshtuchno [en_link] => yellow-gerberas-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-zhonvti-gerbery-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2019-02-07 17:26:23 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => yellow [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Yellow gerberas by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 436 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Yellow [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 291 [vpl_url] => cvety-gerbera [vpl_list_id] => 436 [vpl_name_ru] => Гербера [vpl_name_ua] => Гербера [vpl_name_en] => Gerbera [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.38 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Gerberа yellow [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гербера жовта [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8823 [flower_id] => 844 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gerberа yellow [ru_name] => Гербера жёлтая [ua_name] => Гербера жовта [en_name] => Gerberа yellow [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Yellow gerberas by the piece - Состав: Gerberа yellow. [ru_product_sostav] => Желтые герберы поштучно - Состав: Гербера жёлтая. [ua_product_sostav] => Жовті гербери поштучно - Склад: Гербера жовта. [en_product_sostav] => Yellow gerberas by the piece - Composition: Gerberа yellow. [url_link] => buket-zheltye-gerbery-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 19 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Warning. The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7391 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/jeltyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7391_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Yellow gerberas by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [844] => Array ( [id] => 7391 [flower_id] => 844 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 55 [price] => 367 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 367 [price_cur] => 10 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 10 [price_discount] => 367 [price_discount_cur] => 10 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 367 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 10 [price_member] => 367 [price_member_cur] => 10 [price_member_qty] => 367 [price_member_qty_cur] => 10 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (55 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [23] => Array ( [id] => 7390 [name] => Light pink gerberas by the piece [ru_name] => Светло-розовые герберы поштучно [ua_name] => Світло-рожеві гербери поштучно [en_name] => Light pink gerberas by the piece [title] => Купить букет Light pink gerberas by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Gerberas are universal flowers that will be an appropriate gift for a girlfriend or wife, mother or sister, friend, colleague and even boss. This flower, similar to the sun, looks modest and luxurious at the same time and will certainly improve the mood of the one you give it to.
You can buy light pink delicate gerberas from us by the piece. With the help of such a flower, you can decorate your Christmas or New Year's gift in an interesting way, because the pink color goes well with the main shades of these holidays - red, white and green. Gerberas do not fade for a long time, which means that your gift will please you for more than one day!

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Герберы – универсальные цветы, которые станут уместным подарком девушке или жене, маме или сестре, другу, коллеге и даже начальнику. Этот цветок, похожий на солнышко, выглядит одновременно скромно и роскошно и непременно улучшит настроение того, кому вы его подарите.
Светло-розовые нежные герберы у нас можно купить поштучно. С помощью такого цветка вы сможете интересно оформить свой рождественский или новогодний подарок, ведь розовый цвет отлично сочетается с основными оттенками этих праздников – красным, белым и зелёным. Герберы долго не вянут, а значит ваш подарок будет радовать не один день!

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_s.jpg [large] => svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7390_second_s.jpg [large] => 7390_second_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [second] => Array ( [small] => svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_second_s.jpg [large] => svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_second_b.jpg ) [first] => Array ( [small] => svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-svetlo-rozovye-gerbery-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-svetlo-rozovye-gerbery-poshtuchno [en_link] => pink-gerberas-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-rozhevi-gerbery-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2022-12-30 23:35:29 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Light pink gerberas by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 436 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 291 [vpl_url] => cvety-gerbera [vpl_list_id] => 436 [vpl_name_ru] => Гербера [vpl_name_ua] => Гербера [vpl_name_en] => Gerbera [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.38 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Gerbera pink [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гербера рожева [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8822 [flower_id] => 849 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gerbera pink [ru_name] => Гербера розовая [ua_name] => Гербера рожева [en_name] => Gerbera pink [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Light pink gerberas by the piece - Состав: Gerbera pink. [ru_product_sostav] => Светло-розовые герберы поштучно - Состав: Гербера розовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Світло-рожеві гербери поштучно - Склад: Гербера рожева. [en_product_sostav] => Light pink gerberas by the piece - Composition: Gerbera pink. [url_link] => buket-svetlo-rozovye-gerbery-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7390_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7390_second_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 36 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Gerberas are universal flowers that will be an appropriate gift for a girlfriend or wife, mother or sister, friend, colleague and even boss... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7390 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/svetlo_rozovyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno-7390_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7390_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7390_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7390_second_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/601490_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/601490_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/601490_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/601490_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Light pink gerberas by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [849] => Array ( [id] => 7390 [flower_id] => 849 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 60 [price] => 400 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 400 [price_cur] => 11 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11 [price_discount] => 400 [price_discount_cur] => 11 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 400 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11 [price_member] => 400 [price_member_cur] => 11 [price_member_qty] => 400 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [24] => Array ( [id] => 7389 [name] => Gerberas mix by the piece [ru_name] => Герберы разноцветные поштучно [ua_name] => Різнокольорові гербери поштучно [en_name] => Gerberas mix by the piece [title] => Купить букет Gerberas mix by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Scarlet gerberas, like the first feeling of falling in love, are able to excite the heart of a beloved woman. It would seem that an ordinary flower, but how much charm and tenderness is in it! According to an ancient legend, the plant appeared thanks to the sincere and bright love of an angel for an earthly girl. Unfortunately, the story does not end with the happy reunion of the lover with the beautiful "flower". And yet, she gave the plant a deep meaning.

In the language of flowers, gerberas represent true love, sincerity, and purity. By presenting a whole bunch of scarlet flowers, you can express your most intimate feelings. However, it is not necessary to give gerberas only to lovers. Such flowers are perfect as a congratulation for mom, grandmother, sister, or aunt. Give your loved ones new experiences, bring a lot of bright colors into their lives with the help of sensual and eloquent plants, and they will thank you more than once!

See also all bouquets of gerberas.

Attention! When ordering this bouquet, you choose multi-colored gerberas. If you want the flowers to be of the same color, please agree on the possibility with the manager. The bouquet may differ from the image presented on the site. The number of flowers in the bouquet is up to you.

[rutext] =>

Алые герберы, словно первое чувство влюбленности, способны взволновать сердце любимой женщины. Казалось бы, обычный цветок, но сколько в нем обаяния и нежности! Согласно древней легенде, растение появилось благодаря искренней и светлой любви ангела к земной девушке. К сожалению, история не заканчивается счастливым воссоединением влюбленного с прекрасным «цветком». И, тем не менее, она подарила растению глубокий смысл.

На языке цветов герберы обозначают верную любовь, искренность намерений и чистоту. Подарив целую охапку алых цветов, Вы сможете выразить Ваши самые сокровенные чувства. Однако не обязательно дарить герберы только возлюбленным. Такие цветы прекрасно подойдут в качестве поздравления для мамы, бабушки, сестры или тёти. Дарите близким людям новые впечатления, приносите в их жизнь множество ярких красок с помощью чувственных и красноречивых растений, и они еще не раз скажут Вам за это спасибо!

Смотрите также все букеты из гербер.

Внимание! Заказывая этот букет Вы выбираете разноцветные герберы. Если Вы хотите, чтоб цветы были одного цвета согласуйте, пожалуйста, возможность с менеджером. Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_s.jpg [large] => gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => krasnyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => krasnyie_gerberyi_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => raznotsvetnie-gerbery-poshtuchno [ru_link] => raznotsvetnie-gerbery-poshtuchno [en_link] => mix-gerberas-by-the-piece [ua_link] => riznokolyorovi-gerbery-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-10 17:03:40 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Multicolored gerberas by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 436 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 291 [vpl_url] => cvety-gerbera [vpl_list_id] => 436 [vpl_name_ru] => Гербера [vpl_name_ua] => Гербера [vpl_name_en] => Gerbera [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.38 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Gerberа varicolored [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гербера різнокольорова [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20590 [flower_id] => 848 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gerberа varicolored [ru_name] => Гербера разноцветная [ua_name] => Гербера різнокольорова [en_name] => Gerberа varicolored [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Gerberas mix by the piece - Состав: Gerberа varicolored. [ru_product_sostav] => Герберы разноцветные поштучно - Состав: Гербера разноцветная. [ua_product_sostav] => Різнокольорові гербери поштучно - Склад: Гербера різнокольорова. [en_product_sostav] => Gerberas mix by the piece - Composition: Gerberа varicolored. [url_link] => raznotsvetnie-gerbery-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 47 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Scarlet gerberas, like the first feeling of falling in love, are able to excite the heart of a beloved woman... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7389 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/gerberyi_raznotsvetnyie_poshtuchno-7389_7ca_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/604360_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/604360_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/603315_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/603315_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Gerberas mix by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [848] => Array ( [id] => 7389 [flower_id] => 848 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 60 [price] => 400 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 400 [price_cur] => 11 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 11 [price_discount] => 400 [price_discount_cur] => 11 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 400 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 11 [price_member] => 400 [price_member_cur] => 11 [price_member_qty] => 400 [price_member_qty_cur] => 11 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [25] => Array ( [id] => 7299 [name] => 51 yellow rose [ru_name] => 51 желтая роза [ua_name] => 51 жовта троянда [en_name] => 51 yellow rose [title] => Купить букет 51 yellow rose недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

51 yellow rose - the wish of prosperity, happiness and good luck in everything, and besides, it's just luxurious sunny gift. You can buy the yellow bouquet for any occasion, especially if the recipient likes these flowers. It can be ordered for a birthday, anniversary, or wedding dating, jubilee for both women and men. Luxury fresh roses with amazing warm tint will bring a lot of joy. You'll see!

Surprise your loved one, relative or colleague with a luxurious bouquet of roses. This bright floral gift, of course, will be pleased and remembered. Moreover - it will bring good luck to the house of the recipient. Present it with us!

Note: bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site because it consists mix spring flowers.

[rutext] =>

51 желтая роза — не просто пожелание процветания, благополучия и удачи во всем, это также роскошный солнечный подарок. Этот букет выгодно подчеркнет ваши чувства и признательность. Вы можете купить желтый букет к любому торжеству, особенно, если получатель любит эти цветы. Он подойдет на День Рождения, годовщину знакомства или свадьбы, юбилей и будет уместен как женщине, так и мужчине. Роскошные свежие розы изумительного теплого оттенка доставят море радости и станут символом ваших теплых чувств. Вот увидите!

Каждая роза выращена с особым вниманием и заботой на фермах, где соблюдаются лучшие агрономические практики, что обеспечивает их высокое качество и долговечность. Удивите близкого человека, родственника или коллегу роскошным букетом роз. Такой яркий цветочный презент, несомненно, запомнится и понравится. Более того – он принесет удачу в дом получателя. Подарите радость и удачу вместе с нами!

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7299_four_s.jpg [large] => 7299_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7299_second_s.jpg [large] => 7299_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7299_third_s.jpg [large] => 7299_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza_second_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza_third_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza_four_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-51-zheltaya-roza [ru_link] => buket-51-zheltaya-roza [en_link] => 51-yellow-roses [ua_link] => buket-51-zhovta-troyanda [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy a great bouquet of yellow roses - the sunny gift [image_title_en] => 51 yellow rose - the sun with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-10 05:38:15 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => yellow [p_title] => Buy a great bouquet of roses. 51 yellow rose with delivery [p_description] => 51 yellow rose - a bright and warm sun with delivery! Luxury fresh roses with amazing warm shade will bring a lot of joy. You'll see! [p_keywords] => 51 yellow rose bouquet, big bouquet of yellow roses, bouquet of yellow roses photo, big bouquet of roses, yellow bouquet buy [p_h1] => 51 yellow rose [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 0.98 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Yellow [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose yellow [count] => 51 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда жовта [count] => 51 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8208 [flower_id] => 879 [ammount] => 51 [name] => Rose yellow [ru_name] => Роза жёлтая [ua_name] => Троянда жовта [en_name] => Rose yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 8209 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 8210 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.12 [product_sostav] => 51 yellow rose - Состав: Rose yellow, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => 51 желтая роза - Состав: Роза жёлтая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => 51 жовта троянда - Склад: Троянда жовта, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => 51 yellow rose - Composition: Rose yellow, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-51-zheltaya-roza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7299_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7299_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7299_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7299_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7299_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7299_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 41 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => 51 yellow rose - the wish of prosperity, happiness and good luck in everything, and besides, it's just luxurious sunny gift... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7299 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7299_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7299_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7299_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7299_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7299_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7299_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7299_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7299_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7299_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615815_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615815_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 51 yellow rose [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [879] => Array ( [id] => 7299 [flower_id] => 879 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 51 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7299 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7299 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 3100 [price] => 20253 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 20253 [price_cur] => 513 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 513 [price_discount] => 20253 [price_discount_cur] => 513 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 20253 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 513 [price_member] => 20253 [price_member_cur] => 513 [price_member_qty] => 20253 [price_member_qty_cur] => 513 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.5333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 51) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 513 [business] => 590 [vip] => 667 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [26] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [name] => Fresh [ru_name] => Букет цветов Свежий [ua_name] => Букет квітів Свіжий [en_name] => Fresh [title] => Купить букет Fresh недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/svejiy-7238_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/svejiy-7238_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/svejiy-7238_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

«Fresh» - it is a beautiful pink and green bouquet of flowers, which breathes of spring and femininity. It is very gentle, light and such airy! Viburnum makes it special - a little forest, a little fairy.

You can buy this magical bouquet for mother on birthday, on March 8, for the wife or girlfriend - February 14, the anniversary of dating or marriage, for colleague, sister, friend - to congratulate with the birth of a child. Flowers have great power to speak in understandable language - the language of feelings.

And when juicy light green carnations, green chrysanthemums, quivering pink roses and carnations are collected in such a nice big fresh bouquet, then nothing is impossible those who present. Get the answer "Yes" to a marriage proposal - easy! Thank grandmother for warmth and care on Mother's Day - no problem! Wish your dear a good morning and tell how you miss her - yes, please! The solution is simple: buy flowers. Right now. And the result will surprise you!

Note: design of the basket and brands of the sweets may differ from the image displayed on our site

[rutext] =>

«Свежий» – это красивый розово-зеленый букет цветов, который дышит весной и женственностью. Он очень нежный, легкий и такой воздушный! Вибурнум делает его особенным – немного лесным, немного сказочным.

Вы можете купить этот волшебный букет для мамы в День Рождения или на 8 Марта, для жены или любимой девушки – на 14 февраля, годовщину знакомства или свадьбы, коллеге, сестре, подруге – чтобы поздравить с рождением ребенка. Цветы имеют великую силу говорить на всем понятном языке – языке чувств.

А когда сочные салатовые гвоздики, зеленые хризантемы, трепетные розовые розы и альстромерия собраны в такой красивый большой свежий букет, то нет ничего невозможного для его дарителя. Получить ответ «Да» на предложение руки и сердца – легко! Поблагодарить бабушку за тепло и заботу в День матери – без проблем! Пожелать любимой доброго утра и рассказать, как скучаете без нее – да, пожалуйста! Решение простое: купите цветы. Прямо сейчас. И результат Вас удивит!

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svejiy-7238_s.jpg [large] => svejiy-7238_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7238_four_s.jpg [large] => 7238_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7238_second_s.jpg [large] => 7238_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7238_third_s.jpg [large] => 7238_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svejiy_buket_s.jpg [large] => svejiy_buket_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => svejiy_buket_second_s.jpg [large] => svejiy_buket_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => svejiy_buket_third_s.jpg [large] => svejiy_buket_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => svejiy_buket_four_s.jpg [large] => svejiy_buket_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-svezhiy [ru_link] => buket-svezhiy [en_link] => fresh [ua_link] => buket-svizhy [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy beautiful pink and green bouquet «Fresh» [image_title_en] => Order beautiful flower bouquet «Fresh» [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-19 16:25:25 [height] => 55 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy big beautiful flower bouquet «Fresh» with delivery [p_description] => Beautiful pink and green bouquet «Fresh» will elegant and gentle congratulate women with occasion. Large selection of beautiful bouquets, Delivery. [p_keywords] => fresh bouquet, bouquets of fresh flowers, pink and green bouquet, beautiful flower bouquet, buy fresh bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «Fresh» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 152 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 16 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 1 [vpl_url] => krasivye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 152 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты на годовщину свадьбы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Букети на річницю весілля {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Bouquets for wedding anniversary [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 27 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria pink [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Ornithogalum [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Viburnum [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Сhrysanthemum green [count] => 3 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Carnation green [count] => 3 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Trahelium purple [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія рожева [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Орнитогалум [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Вібурнум [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема зелена [count] => 3 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика зелена [count] => 3 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Трахеліум фіолетовий [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 7928 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7929 [flower_id] => 811 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Alstroemeria pink [ru_name] => Альстромерия розовая [ua_name] => Альстромерія рожева [en_name] => Alstroemeria pink [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7930 [flower_id] => 1047 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Ornithogalum [ru_name] => Орнитогалум [ua_name] => Орнитогалум [en_name] => Ornithogalum [group] => 59 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 7931 [flower_id] => 1512 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Viburnum [ru_name] => Вибурнум [ua_name] => Вібурнум [en_name] => Viburnum [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7932 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7933 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7934 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 8997 [flower_id] => 981 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Сhrysanthemum green [ru_name] => Хризантема зелёная [ua_name] => Хризантема зелена [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 19638 [flower_id] => 828 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation green [ru_name] => Гвоздика зелёная [ua_name] => Гвоздика зелена [en_name] => Carnation green [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 19749 [flower_id] => 1709 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Trahelium purple [ru_name] => Трахелиум фиолетовый [ua_name] => Трахеліум фіолетовий [en_name] => Trahelium purple [group] => 65 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.88 [product_sostav] => Fresh - Состав: Roses spray pink, Alstroemeria pink, Ornithogalum, Viburnum, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Greens, Сhrysanthemum green, Carnation green, Trahelium purple. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Свежий - Состав: Розы кустовые розовые, Альстромерия розовая, Орнитогалум, Вибурнум, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Зелень в букет, Хризантема зелёная, Гвоздика зелёная, Трахелиум фиолетовый. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Свіжий - Склад: Троянди кущові рожеві, Альстромерія рожева, Орнитогалум, Вібурнум, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Зелень у букет, Хризантема зелена, Гвоздика зелена, Трахеліум фіолетовий. [en_product_sostav] => Fresh - Composition: Roses spray pink , Alstroemeria pink, Ornithogalum, Viburnum, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Greens, Сhrysanthemum green, Carnation green, Trahelium purple. [url_link] => buket-svezhiy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/svejiy-7238_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/svejiy-7238_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/svejiy-7238_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7238_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7238_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7238_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7238_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7238_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7238_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 11 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => «Fresh» - it is a beautiful pink and green bouquet of flowers, which breathes of spring and femininity. It is very gentle, light and such airy... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7238 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/svejiy-7238_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/svejiy-7238_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/svejiy-7238_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7238_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7238_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7238_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7238_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7238_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7238_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7238_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7238_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7238_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [20] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [21] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Fresh [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-podruge [name] => Flowers for a girl friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-podruge ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [901] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [811] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 811 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1.5 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1047] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 1047 [price] => 46 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 46 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 46 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 46 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1512] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 1512 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 108 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 108 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 108 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [981] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 981 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [828] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 828 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1709] => Array ( [id] => 7238 [flower_id] => 1709 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1071 [price] => 7140 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7140 [price_cur] => 181 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 181 [price_discount] => 7140 [price_discount_cur] => 181 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7140 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 181 [price_member] => 7140 [price_member_cur] => 181 [price_member_qty] => 7140 [price_member_qty_cur] => 181 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 3) *1 + (30 * 3) *1 + (46 * 3) *1 + (108 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 181 [business] => 208 [vip] => 235 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [27] => Array ( [id] => 7212 [name] => 101 creamy roses [ru_name] => Шикарный букет роз 101 кремовая роза [ua_name] => Шикарний букет роз 101 кремова троянда [en_name] => 101 creamy roses [title] => Купить букет 101 creamy roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Roses are universal flowers that are liked by almost all women. That is why, when choosing a bouquet, give preference to them. We offer a luxurious option for a gift - this is a 101 cream rose with a stem length of 60 cm. The color is very gentle and sweet, and any woman will definitely like it.

You can give cream roses to your beloved wife, girlfriend, mother, mother-in-law, friend and colleague. They will be appropriate in any situation. Bringing pleasure to loved ones is easy - just order delivery, and we will do everything for you.

[rutext] =>

Розы – это универсальные цветы, которые нравятся практически всем женщинам. Именно поэтому, выбирая букет, отдавайте предпочтение именно им. Предлагаем роскошный вариант подарка – это 101 кремовая роза с длиной стебля 60 см. Цвет очень нежный и милый, и точно придется по душе любой женщине.
Кремовые розы можно подарить любимой жене, девушке, маме, теще, подруге и коллеге. Они будут уместны в любой ситуации. Доставлять близким удовольствие легко – стоит лишь заказать доставку, а мы все сделаем за вас.

Просмотреть другие букеты из 101 розы: 101 роза {$city}, 101 красная роза, 101 белая роза, 101 розовая роза, 101 желтая роза, 101 красно-белая роза.


[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 101_kremovaya_roza-7212_s.jpg [large] => 101_kremovaya_roza-7212_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7212_four_s.jpg [large] => 7212_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7212_second_s.jpg [large] => 7212_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7212_third_s.jpg [large] => 7212_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 101_kremovaya_roza_s.jpg [large] => 101_kremovaya_roza_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 101_kremovaya_roza_second_s.jpg [large] => 101_kremovaya_roza_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 101_kremovaya_roza_third_s.jpg [large] => 101_kremovaya_roza_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 101_kremovaya_roza_four_s.jpg [large] => 101_kremovaya_roza_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-101-kremovaya-roza [ru_link] => buket-101-kremovaya-roza [en_link] => 101-cream-roses [ua_link] => buket-101-kremova-troyanda [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order [image_title_en] => Buy bouquet of 101 creamy rose [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-06-24 02:40:50 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => cream [p_title] => Buy bouquet [p_description] => Bouquet "101 creamy rose" - a magnificent gift to the girlfriend, beloved wife, mother's birthday. Order 101 rose with delivery - UFL - 390 90 90 [p_keywords] => 101 rose, buy 101 rose, creamy roses, bouquet of creamy roses, creamy roses bouquet, order 101 rose [p_h1] => Bouquet [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 0.9 [main_list_id] => 238 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Cream [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 85 [vpl_url] => roses [vpl_list_id] => 238 [vpl_name_ru] => Розы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Троянди {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Roses {$city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.53 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose cream [count] => 101 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кремова [count] => 101 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 7755 [flower_id] => 881 [ammount] => 101 [name] => Rose cream [ru_name] => Роза кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кремова [en_name] => Rose cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 10527 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 10528 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 4.24 [product_sostav] => 101 creamy roses - Состав: Rose cream, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Шикарный букет роз 101 кремовая роза - Состав: Роза кремовая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Шикарний букет роз 101 кремова троянда - Склад: Троянда кремова, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => 101 creamy roses - Composition: Rose cream, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-101-kremovaya-roza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7212_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7212_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7212_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7212_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7212_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7212_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 35 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Roses are universal flowers that are liked by almost all women. That is why, when choosing a bouquet, give preference to them... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7212 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/101_kremovaya_roza-7212_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7212_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7212_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7212_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7212_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7212_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7212_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7212_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7212_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7212_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/637142_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/637142_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/628557.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/628557_full.jpg [city] => kremenchyg [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 101 creamy roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-bolshie-buketi-iz-roz [name] => Large bouquets of roses [link] => [slug] => tsveti-bolshie-buketi-iz-roz ) [2] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [3] => Array ( [url] => rasprodazha [name] => Sale {$city} [link] => [slug] => rasprodazha ) [4] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => Bouquets 101 roses [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) [11] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => 101 roses [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) [13] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => 101 roses bouquets [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [881] => Array ( [id] => 7212 [flower_id] => 881 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 101 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7212 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7212 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 6160 [price] => 36960 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 36960 [price_cur] => 936 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 936 [price_discount] => 36960 [price_discount_cur] => 936 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 36960 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 936 [price_member] => 36960 [price_member_cur] => 936 [price_member_qty] => 36960 [price_member_qty_cur] => 936 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 101) *1 + (20 * 3) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 936 [business] => 1077 [vip] => 1217 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [28] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [name] => Lavender [ru_name] => Букет лавандовый [ua_name] => Букет лавандовий [en_name] => Lavender [title] => Купить букет Lavender недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/lavandovyiy-7158_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/lavandovyiy-7158_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/lavandovyiy-7158_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Lavender bouquet is a floral gift with exceptional tenderness, lightness and purity. It's incredibly fragrant and airy. White roses and freesia blends perfectly with the purple lavender, brassica and brunei. They are perfect as a gift for the bride on the wedding day, for girlfriend or wife - on Birthday or 14 February, for sister - in honor of the anniversary or graduation. Also it is an elegant compliment to the young mother having discharged from the maternity hospital or christening baby.

Amazing bouquet of lavender in white and purple tones will add freshness and elegance to any festive occasion. An unusual and beautiful in a special way, it will be able to tell much more than most compelling words, because presenting flowers to a woman - this is an act, this is an action, a confirmation of your attitudes and feelings to her.

Notice: design of the bouquet may differ from the one presented on the site.

[rutext] =>

Лавандовый букет – флористический подарок исключительной нежности, легкости и чистоты. Он невероятно ароматный и воздушный. Белые розы и фрезия идеально сочетаются с фиолетовой лавандой, брассикой и брунией. Они прекрасно подойдут в качестве подарка невесте в день свадьбы, любимой девушке или жене – на День Рождения или 14 февраля, сестре – в честь юбилея или выпускного бала. А еще это изысканный комплимент молодой маме на выписку из роддома или крестины ребенка.

Изумительный букет с лавандой в бело-фиолетовых тонах добавит свежести и элегантности любому торжественному событию. Необычный и по-особенному красивый, он сможет рассказать гораздо больше, чем самые убедительные слова, ведь подаренные женщине цветы – это поступок, это действие, это подтверждение Вашего отношения и чувств к ней.

Внимание: букет может несколько отличаться от фото, представленных на сайте.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => lavandovyiy-7158_s.jpg [large] => lavandovyiy-7158_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7158_four_s.jpg [large] => 7158_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7158_second_s.jpg [large] => 7158_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7158_third_s.jpg [large] => 7158_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => lavandovyiy_buket_s.jpg [large] => lavandovyiy_buket_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => lavandovyiy_buket_second_s.jpg [large] => lavandovyiy_buket_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => lavandovyiy_buket_third_s.jpg [large] => lavandovyiy_buket_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => lavandovyiy_buket_four_s.jpg [large] => lavandovyiy_buket_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-lavandoviy [ru_link] => buket-lavandoviy [en_link] => lavender [ua_link] => buket-lavandovy [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2020-01-17 17:14:54 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 600 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 13 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 769 [vpl_url] => cvety-lavanda [vpl_list_id] => 600 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты с лавандой [vpl_name_ua] => Букети з лавандою [vpl_name_en] => Bouquets with lavanda [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Lavender [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Brunia [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Ornithogalum [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Brassica purple [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Лаванда [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Брунія [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Орнитогалум [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Брассика фіолетова [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 7373 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 9 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7375 [flower_id] => 1397 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Lavender [ru_name] => Лаванда [ua_name] => Лаванда [en_name] => Lavender [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7376 [flower_id] => 1394 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Brunia [ru_name] => Бруния [ua_name] => Брунія [en_name] => Brunia [group] => 61 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 7377 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7378 [flower_id] => 1047 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Ornithogalum [ru_name] => Орнитогалум [ua_name] => Орнитогалум [en_name] => Ornithogalum [group] => 59 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7379 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7380 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20294 [flower_id] => 1879 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Brassica purple [ru_name] => Брассика фиолетовая [ua_name] => Брассика фіолетова [en_name] => Brassica purple [group] => 66 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 1 [product_sostav] => Lavender - Состав: Roses white local, Lavender, Brunia, Freesia white, Ornithogalum, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Brassica purple. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет лавандовый - Состав: Роза белая местная, Лаванда, Бруния, Фрезия белая, Орнитогалум, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Брассика фиолетовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет лавандовий - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Лаванда, Брунія, Фрезія біла, Орнитогалум, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Брассика фіолетова. [en_product_sostav] => Lavender - Composition: Roses white local, Lavender, Brunia, Freesia white, Ornithogalum, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Brassica purple. [url_link] => buket-lavandoviy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/lavandovyiy-7158_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/lavandovyiy-7158_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/lavandovyiy-7158_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7158_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7158_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7158_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7158_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7158_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7158_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 20 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Lavender bouquet is a floral gift with exceptional tenderness, lightness and purity. It's incredibly fragrant and airy... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7158 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/lavandovyiy-7158_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/lavandovyiy-7158_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/lavandovyiy-7158_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7158_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7158_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7158_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7158_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7158_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7158_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7158_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7158_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7158_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 25 [name] => Exotic bouquets ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569667.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569667_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Lavender [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [1397] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [flower_id] => 1397 [price] => 160 [price_rate] => 0.4 [price_ukraine] => 180 [price_ukraine_rate] => 0.5 [price_cis] => 180 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 180 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1394] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [flower_id] => 1394 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1047] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [flower_id] => 1047 [price] => 46 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 46 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 46 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 46 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1879] => Array ( [id] => 7158 [flower_id] => 1879 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 90 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1374 [price] => 9160 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 9160 [price_cur] => 232 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 232 [price_discount] => 9160 [price_discount_cur] => 232 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 9160 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 232 [price_member] => 9160 [price_member_cur] => 232 [price_member_qty] => 9160 [price_member_qty_cur] => 232 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 9) *1 + (180 * 1) *1 + (45 * 2) *1 + (50 * 5) *1 + (46 * 4) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (90 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 232 [business] => 267 [vip] => 302 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [29] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [name] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy [ru_name] => Букет из леденцов с мишкой [ua_name] => Букет з льодяників з ведмедиком [en_name] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy [title] => Товар «Lollipop bouquet with teddy» [small_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet of candy lollipop with a lovely little soft bear Teddy - an original gift for adults and children on New Year's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day and without any reason! Especially, it will delight the sweet tooth. Just think - 50 chocolates and a wonderful soft toy combined in one sweet and sincere gift. It should not be underestimated. It wishes a happy and "sweet" life that will understand a little girl and a grown lady.

Buy a bouquet of sweet lollipop with a cute teddy bear - give more than joy - give attention and care!

Note! Design of the sweet bouquet may differ from the one presented on the site.

[rutext] =>

Букет из леденцов чупа-чупс с чудным маленьким мишкой Teddy – оригинальный подарок для детей и взрослых на Новый год, День Рождения, День всех влюбленных и просто так! Особенно он порадует сладкоежек. Подумать только – 50 конфет и чудная мягкая игрушка, соединенные в один милый и душевный презент. Его нельзя недооценить. Это пожелание радостной и «сладкой» жизни, которое поймет и маленькая девочка, и вполне взрослая леди.

Купить сладкий букет из чупа-чупсов с милым мишкой – подарить больше, чем радость: подарить внимание и заботу!

Внимание: букет из конфет может внешне несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7081_four_s.jpg [large] => 7081_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7081_second_s.jpg [large] => 7081_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7081_third_s.jpg [large] => 7081_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-iz-ledentsov-s-mishkoy [ru_link] => buket-iz-ledentsov-s-mishkoy [en_link] => lollipop-bouquet-with-teddy [ua_link] => buket-buket-z-lyodyanykiv-z-vedmedykom [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy bouquet of lollipop and teddy bear [image_title_en] => Bouquet of lollipop and teddy bear with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2020-06-15 13:21:32 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => Buy sweet bouquet of chupa-chups and teddy with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet of candy and soft bear Teddy - original sweet gift for children and adult sweet tooth. Delivery of bouquets of sweets - UFL! [p_keywords] => Bouquet of lollipop, bouquet with teddy bear, sweet bouquet buy, order bouquet with teddy [p_h1] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 435 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 257 [vpl_url] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [vpl_list_id] => 435 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты из конфет на День Валентина [vpl_name_ua] => Букети з цукерок на День Валентина [vpl_name_en] => Candies for Valentine's day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 23 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [count] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Льодяники Чупа-Чупс [count] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6869 [flower_id] => 1434 [ammount] => 50 [name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [ru_name] => Леденцы Чупа-Чупс [ua_name] => Льодяники Чупа-Чупс [en_name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6870 [flower_id] => 1378 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [ru_name] => Игрушка Мишка Teddy 15 см [ua_name] => Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см [en_name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 13 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6871 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6872 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.12 [product_sostav] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy - Состав: Lollipops Chupa-Chups, Toy Teddy bear 15 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет из леденцов с мишкой - Состав: Леденцы Чупа-Чупс, Игрушка Мишка Teddy 15 см, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет з льодяників з ведмедиком - Склад: Льодяники Чупа-Чупс, Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Lollipop bouquet with teddy - Composition: Lollipops Chupa-Chups, Toy Teddy bear 15 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-iz-ledentsov-s-mishkoy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7081_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7081_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7081_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7081_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7081_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7081_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet of candy lollipop with a lovely little soft bear Teddy - an original gift for adults and children on New Year's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day and without any reason... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7081 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/buket_iz_ledentsov_s_mishkoy-7081_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7081_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7081_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7081_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7081_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7081_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7081_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7081_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7081_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7081_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Lollipop bouquet with teddy [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [2] => Array ( [url] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Candies for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) [3] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1434] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [flower_id] => 1434 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 50 ) [1378] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [flower_id] => 1378 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7081 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1340 [price] => 8933 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8933 [price_cur] => 227 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 227 [price_discount] => 8933 [price_discount_cur] => 227 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8933 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 227 [price_member] => 8933 [price_member_cur] => 227 [price_member_qty] => 8933 [price_member_qty_cur] => 227 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 50) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [30] => Array ( [id] => 7080 [name] => Chupa-chups bouquet [ru_name] => Букет из чупа-чупсов [ua_name] => Букет з чупа-чупсів [en_name] => Chupa-chups bouquet [title] => Товар «Chupa-chups bouquet» [small_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Tasty chupa-chups bouquet - a sweet tooth's dream that comes true. This is a whole 50 chocolates, beautifully assembled and packed! Such a present will delight a child's birthday much more than a classic bouquet. Children are such childish! They need delicious, lot and funny.

Moreover, with help of a candy bouquet you can apologize for the offense to your beloved and wish recovery diseased niece, granddaughter, little son, to surprise a wife in honor of March 8, the anniversary of dating or marriage. Give joy to your close one's - much easier than seems. Just try!

Note! Design of the sweet bouquet may differ from the one presented on the site.

[rutext] =>

Сладкий букет из чупа-чупсов – мечта сладкоежки, ставшая реальностью. Это же целых 50 конфет, красиво собранных и упакованных! Такой презент порадует ребенка в День Рождения куда больше, чем классический букет. Дети – такие дети! Им важно, чтобы вкусно, много и весело.

Более того, букетом из конфет можно извиниться за проступок перед любимой, пожелать выздоровления заболевшей племяннице, внучке, маленькому сыну, сделать приятный сюрприз жене в честь 8 Марта, годовщины знакомства или свадьбы. Подарить близким радость – на много проще, чем может показаться. Попробуйте!

Внимание: букет из чупа-чупсов может внешне несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

Мега оригинальность: букет из чупа-чупсов. Кому дарить?


Приближающийся праздник близкого человека – это повод задуматься о подарке, который принесет ему массу положительных эмоций. Очень часто основной презент дополняют букетом. Но бывают моменты, когда традиционные цветочные композиции, какими б роскошными они не были, хочется заменить чем-то более оригинальным и позитивным. Особенно актуально это, когда предстоит поздравить друга, любимую девушку или даже маленького ребенка, который просто не сможет оценить цветочную продукцию. И UFL знает, то предложить в таком случае!


Оригинальный букет из чупа-чупсов сделает жизнь слаще и красочнее!

Не всегда хочется превращать праздник в пафосное мероприятие, больше похожее на прием у королевы. Так приятно иногда повеселиться на день рождения в компании друзей в шуточной, позитивной и непринужденной обстановке. Именно в такой момент сладкий букет станет просто незаменимым подарком! Достоинств у него масса:


Букет чупа-чупсов от UFL – вкусно, красиво и креативно!

Кроме достоинств, которые имеет такой оригинальный подарок, он еще имеет и массу других «плюсов»:

Флористы UFL предлагают вам оригинальные, красивые и креативные композиции из леденцов, которые обязательно приведут в восторг получателя. Вы смело можете подарить такой букет:


[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7080_four_s.jpg [large] => 7080_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7080_second_s.jpg [large] => 7080_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7080_third_s.jpg [large] => 7080_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_chupa_chupsov_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-iz-chupa-chupsov [ru_link] => buket-iz-chupa-chupsov [en_link] => chupa-chups-bouquet [ua_link] => buket-buket-z-chupa-chupsiv [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Sweet chupa-chups bouquet with delivery [image_title_en] => Buy chupa-chups bouquet [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-13 23:19:45 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => Buy chupa-chups bouquet with delivery. Original candy bouquet [p_description] => Original chupa-chups bouquet - sweet gift on birthday to child and adult. Big choise candy bouquets, delivery [p_keywords] => chupa-chups bouquet, sweet flower bouquet, lollipop bouquet, flower bouquet with chupa-chups, order chupa-chups bouquet [p_h1] => Chupa-chups bouquet [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 530 [google_product_category] => 4748 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 501 [vpl_url] => semejnye-podarki-na-8-marta [vpl_list_id] => 530 [vpl_name_ru] => Семейные подарки на 8 марта [vpl_name_ua] => Родинні подарунки на 8 березня [vpl_name_en] => Family's presents for March 8 [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 18 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [count] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Льодяники Чупа-Чупс [count] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6866 [flower_id] => 1434 [ammount] => 50 [name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [ru_name] => Леденцы Чупа-Чупс [ua_name] => Льодяники Чупа-Чупс [en_name] => Lollipops Chupa-Chups [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6867 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6868 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.08 [product_sostav] => Chupa-chups bouquet - Состав: Lollipops Chupa-Chups, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет из чупа-чупсов - Состав: Леденцы Чупа-Чупс, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет з чупа-чупсів - Склад: Льодяники Чупа-Чупс, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Chupa-chups bouquet - Composition: Lollipops Chupa-Chups, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-iz-chupa-chupsov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7080_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7080_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7080_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7080_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7080_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7080_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 75 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Tasty chupa-chups bouquet - a sweet tooth's dream that comes true. This is a whole 50 chocolates, beautifully assembled and packed... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7080 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/buket_iz_chupa_chupsov-7080_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7080_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7080_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7080_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7080_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7080_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7080_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7080_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7080_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7080_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Chupa-chups bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [2] => Array ( [url] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Candies for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => buketi-iz-konfet-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) [3] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1434] => Array ( [id] => 7080 [flower_id] => 1434 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 50 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7080 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7080 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1040 [price] => 6933 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6933 [price_cur] => 176 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 176 [price_discount] => 6933 [price_discount_cur] => 176 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6933 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 176 [price_member] => 6933 [price_member_cur] => 176 [price_member_qty] => 6933 [price_member_qty_cur] => 176 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 50) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [31] => Array ( [id] => 7070 [name] => Women's socks bouquet [ru_name] => Женский букет из носков [ua_name] => Жіночий букет зі шкарпеток [en_name] => Women's socks bouquet [title] => Товар «Women's socks bouquet» [small_image] => /bouquet/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

"Women's Bouquet of Socks" is the fruit of a rich human imagination and a manifestation of creativity. After all, it is assembled not from the usual natural flowers, but from multi-colored women's socks!

Imagine how many flower bouquets every woman receives in her life: mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, lover, employee. But there is another way to surprise them by giving an ordinary gift in such an unusual form. On any holiday - whether it's Birthday, March 8 or Mother's Day - there is a place for this pleasant and useful gift. An original bouquet of socks can serve as both an independent gift and an interesting addition to the main congratulatory element.

Attention: the bouquet may look slightly different from the photos presented on the site.

[rutext] =>

«Женский букет из носков» – плод богатой человеческой фантазии и проявление креативности. Ведь он собран не из привычных живых цветов, а из разноцветных женских носков!

Представьте себе, сколько цветочных букетов в жизни получает каждая женщина: мама, бабушка, теща, возлюбленная, сотрудница. Но есть еще способ их удивить, подарив обычный подарок в такой необычной форме. На любом празднике – будь то День Рождения, 8 Марта или День матери – найдется место для этого приятного и полезного подарка. Оригинальный букетик из носков может послужить как самостоятельным подарком, так и интересным дополнением к основному поздравительному элементу.

Внимание: букет может внешне несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_s.jpg [large] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7070_four_s.jpg [large] => 7070_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7070_second_s.jpg [large] => 7070_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7070_third_s.jpg [large] => 7070_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov_s.jpg [large] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov_second_s.jpg [large] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov_third_s.jpg [large] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov_four_s.jpg [large] => jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => zhenskiy-buket-iz-noskov [ru_link] => zhenskiy-buket-iz-noskov [en_link] => womens-socks-bouquet [ua_link] => zhinochy-buket-zi-shkarpetok [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-08 19:58:17 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 558 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 541 [vpl_url] => podarki-dlya-zhenschin [vpl_list_id] => 558 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки для женщин [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки для жінок [vpl_name_en] => Gift for a woman [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.48 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Women\'s socks (pair) [count] => 8 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Шкарпетки жіночі (пара) [count] => 8 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6786 [flower_id] => 1433 [ammount] => 8 [name] => Women\'s socks (pair) [ru_name] => Носки женские (пара) [ua_name] => Шкарпетки жіночі (пара) [en_name] => Women\'s socks (pair) [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6787 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6788 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.4 [product_sostav] => Women's socks bouquet - Состав: Women\'s socks (pair), Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Женский букет из носков - Состав: Носки женские (пара), Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Жіночий букет зі шкарпеток - Склад: Шкарпетки жіночі (пара), Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Women's socks bouquet - Composition: Women\'s socks (pair), Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => zhenskiy-buket-iz-noskov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7070_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7070_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7070_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7070_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7070_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7070_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 20 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => "Women's Bouquet of Socks" is the fruit of a rich human imagination and a manifestation of creativity... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7070 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/jenskiy_buket_iz_noskov-7070_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7070_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7070_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7070_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7070_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7070_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7070_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7070_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7070_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7070_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Women's socks bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [1] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1433] => Array ( [id] => 7070 [flower_id] => 1433 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 8 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7070 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7070 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 600 [price] => 4000 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4000 [price_cur] => 102 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 102 [price_discount] => 4000 [price_discount_cur] => 102 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4000 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 102 [price_member] => 4000 [price_member_cur] => 102 [price_member_qty] => 4000 [price_member_qty_cur] => 102 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (70 * 8) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [32] => Array ( [id] => 7069 [name] => Men`s socks bouquet [ru_name] => Мужской букет из носков [ua_name] => Чоловічий букет зі шкарпеток [en_name] => Men`s socks bouquet [title] => Товар «Men`s socks bouquet» [small_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Looking for a gift for a real man? Then pay attention to our "Men's Bouquet of Socks". After all, it is both beautiful and unusual, and, most importantly, is intended exclusively for the strong half of humanity.

This original composition is made of men's socks in dark shades. Birthday, corporate party, February 23 - at any holiday, a bouquet of socks will be a beautiful decoration. A mother can take care by giving it to her son or husband, a daughter to her dad or older brother, a girl to her lover, a women's team to her beloved boss. There is no limit to human imagination, just as there is no limit to feelings, which is why such wonderful flower gifts arise that you can already please your men with.

Attention! The bouquet may differ slightly from the photos presented on the site.

[rutext] =>

Ищете подарок для настоящего мужчины? Тогда обратите внимание на наш «Мужской букет из носков». Ведь он и красивый, и необычный, и, что самое главное, предназначен исключительно для сильной половины человечества.

Эта оригинальная композиция сделана из мужских носков темных оттенков. День Рождения, корпоратив, 23 февраля – на любом празднике букет из носков станет красивым украшением. Мама может проявить заботу, подарив его сыну или мужу, дочка – своему папе или старшему братику, девушка – возлюбленному, женский коллектив – любимому начальнику. Нет предела человеческой фантазии, как и нет предела чувствам, поэтому и возникают такие замечательные цветочные подарки, которыми Вы уже сейчас можете порадовать своих мужчин.

Внимание! Букет может несколько отличаться от фото, представленных на сайте.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_s.jpg [large] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 7069_five_s.jpg [large] => 7069_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7069_four_s.jpg [large] => 7069_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7069_second_s.jpg [large] => 7069_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7069_third_s.jpg [large] => 7069_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov_s.jpg [large] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov_second_s.jpg [large] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov_third_s.jpg [large] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov_four_s.jpg [large] => mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => muzhskoy-buket-iz-noskov [ru_link] => muzhskoy-buket-iz-noskov [en_link] => men-socks-bouquet1 [ua_link] => cholovichy-buket-zi-shkarpetok [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-01-28 03:45:01 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 460 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 368 [vpl_url] => drugoe [vpl_list_id] => 460 [vpl_name_ru] => Другие подарки {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Інші подарунки {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Other gifts {$city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 25 [rating_value] => 4.56 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Men\'s socks (pair) [count] => 12 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Шкарпетки чоловічи (пара) [count] => 12 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6782 [flower_id] => 1432 [ammount] => 12 [name] => Men\'s socks (pair) [ru_name] => Носки мужские (пара) [ua_name] => Шкарпетки чоловічи (пара) [en_name] => Men\'s socks (pair) [group] => 36 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6783 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6785 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.56 [product_sostav] => Men`s socks bouquet - Состав: Men\'s socks (pair), Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Мужской букет из носков - Состав: Носки мужские (пара), Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Чоловічий букет зі шкарпеток - Склад: Шкарпетки чоловічи (пара), Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Men`s socks bouquet - Composition: Men\'s socks (pair), Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => muzhskoy-buket-iz-noskov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7069_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7069_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7069_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7069_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7069_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7069_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7069_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7069_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 50 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Looking for a gift for a real man. Then pay attention to our "Men's Bouquet of Socks"... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7069 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/mujskoy_buket_iz_noskov-7069_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7069_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7069_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7069_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7069_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7069_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7069_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7069_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7069_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7069_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7069_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7069_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7069_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569957.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569957_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Men`s socks bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1432] => Array ( [id] => 7069 [flower_id] => 1432 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 12 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7069 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7069 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 760 [price] => 5067 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5067 [price_cur] => 129 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 129 [price_discount] => 5067 [price_discount_cur] => 129 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5067 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 129 [price_member] => 5067 [price_member_cur] => 129 [price_member_qty] => 5067 [price_member_qty_cur] => 129 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 12) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [33] => Array ( [id] => 7017 [name] => Tasty gift [ru_name] => Букет цветов Вкусный подарок [ua_name] => Букет квітів Смачний подарунок [en_name] => Tasty gift [title] => Купить букет Tasty gift недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>




[rutext] =>

«Вкусный подарок» - это идеальное сочетание нежного микса цветов и вкуснейшего французского печенья макарон! Представьте, каково будет удивление получателя, когда он откроет красивую розовую коробочку, а там будут не только совершенной красоты цветы, но и сладкое угощение!

Розовые розы издавна считаются символом элегантности, изысканности, а зеленые гвоздики, гиперикум и гортензия создают ощущение спокойствия и умиротворения. А маленький вкусный подарок внутри обязательно придется по вкусу каждой сладкоежке! Такая композиция будет более чем уместна в подарок девушке на День Рождения, День Святого Валентина, 8 Марта, профессиональный праздник или просто так, в знак Вашей привязанности и любви.

Внимание! Внешне товар может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_s.jpg [large] => vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7017_four_s.jpg [large] => 7017_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7017_second_s.jpg [large] => 7017_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7017_third_s.jpg [large] => 7017_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => vkusnyiy_podarok_s.jpg [large] => vkusnyiy_podarok_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => vkusnyiy_podarok_second_s.jpg [large] => vkusnyiy_podarok_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => vkusnyiy_podarok_third_s.jpg [large] => vkusnyiy_podarok_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => vkusnyiy_podarok_four_s.jpg [large] => vkusnyiy_podarok_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-vskusniy-podarok [ru_link] => buket-vskusniy-podarok [en_link] => tasty-gift [ua_link] => buket-smachny-podarunok [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2020-04-15 09:29:55 [height] => 15 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.5 [main_list_id] => 440 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 6 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 295 [vpl_url] => cvety-hydrangea [vpl_list_id] => 440 [vpl_name_ru] => Гортензия {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Гортензія {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Hydrangea [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 20 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Cookies macaron [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Carnation green [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum green [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Box round XL 20x30см [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Печиво макарон [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика зелена [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Коробка кругла XL 20x30см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6248 [flower_id] => 1403 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Cookies macaron [ru_name] => Печенье макарон [ua_name] => Печиво макарон [en_name] => Cookies macaron [group] => 49 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6250 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 21619 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 21620 [flower_id] => 828 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation green [ru_name] => Гвоздика зелёная [ua_name] => Гвоздика зелена [en_name] => Carnation green [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 21621 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 21622 [flower_id] => 2557 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round XL 20x30см [ru_name] => Коробка круглая XL 20x30см [ua_name] => Коробка кругла XL 20x30см [en_name] => Box round XL 20x30см [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.56 [product_sostav] => Tasty gift - Состав: Cookies macaron, Oasis, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Carnation green, Hypericum green, Box round XL 20x30см. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Вкусный подарок - Состав: Печенье макарон, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Роза розовая до 60 см, Гвоздика зелёная, Гиперикум зелёный, Коробка круглая XL 20x30см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Смачний подарунок - Склад: Печиво макарон, Оазис, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Гвоздика зелена, Гіперікум зелений, Коробка кругла XL 20x30см. [en_product_sostav] => Tasty gift - Composition: Cookies macaron, Oasis, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Carnation green, Hypericum green, Box round XL 20x30см. [url_link] => buket-vskusniy-podarok [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7017_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7017_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7017_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7017_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7017_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7017_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 25 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] =>  Note:   bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site; in the winter and spring hydrangea will be changed by another flower, similar in shape and color, as well as the cost; some flowers are seasonal and may be changed by a similar in color and cost... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7017 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/vkusnyiy_podarok-7017_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7017_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7017_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7017_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7017_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7017_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7017_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7017_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7017_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7017_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/573780.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/573780_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Tasty gift [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => sezonnie-cvety [name] => Seasonal flowers [link] => [slug] => sezonnie-cvety ) [1] => Array ( [url] => buketi-s-makarunami [name] => Bouquets with macaroons [link] => [slug] => buketi-s-makarunami ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [5] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1403] => Array ( [id] => 7017 [flower_id] => 1403 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 7017 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [887] => Array ( [id] => 7017 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [828] => Array ( [id] => 7017 [flower_id] => 828 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [977] => Array ( [id] => 7017 [flower_id] => 977 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [2557] => Array ( [id] => 7017 [flower_id] => 2557 [price] => 190 [price_rate] => 0 [price_ukraine] => 190 [price_ukraine_rate] => 0 [price_cis] => 190 [price_cis_rate] => 0 [price_world] => 190 [price_world_rate] => 0 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 765 [price] => 7650 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 7650 [price_cur] => 194 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 194 [price_discount] => 7650 [price_discount_cur] => 194 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 7650 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 194 [price_member] => 7650 [price_member_cur] => 194 [price_member_qty] => 7650 [price_member_qty_cur] => 194 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 10 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 3) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 + (75 * 3) *1 + (190 * 1) *0 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 194 [business] => 223 [vip] => 252 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [34] => Array ( [id] => 6979 [name] => For a lady [ru_name] => Для леди [ua_name] => Для леді [en_name] => For a lady [title] => Купить букет For a lady недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/dlya_ledi-6979_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/dlya_ledi-6979_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/dlya_ledi-6979_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Attention: The bouquet may differ from the image on website. The flowerpot is included to the price of the bouquet.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Для леди» – нежное сочетание белых и розовых хризантем, эффектно дополненное колосками. Необычности и особого шарма всей композиции добавляет оригинальное кашпо. Воздушный и легкий, очаровательный и трепетный, как и сама женщина, этот букет поможет поздравить любимую сестру и маму, жену и дочку, племянницу и сотрудницу. Доставка цветов {$city}.

Заказать эти прелестные цветы для своей леди Вы можете по любому поводу: День Рождения, свадьба или ее годовщина, день бухгалтера, юбилей начальницы отдела, День влюбленных, выпускной вечер в школе, рождение дочери. Легкость хризантем, подчеркнутая белой вуалью гипсофилы, поможет признаться в любви, пожелать доброго утра или поблагодарить за романтический вечер. Ведь розовый цвет символизирует самые нежные чувства. Подарите Вашей леди глоточек счастья вместе с нашим изумительным букетом!

Внимание: композиция может внешне несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => dlya_ledi-6979_s.jpg [large] => dlya_ledi-6979_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6979_four_s.jpg [large] => 6979_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6979_second_s.jpg [large] => 6979_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6979_third_s.jpg [large] => 6979_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_dlya_ledi_s.jpg [large] => buket_dlya_ledi_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_dlya_ledi_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_dlya_ledi_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_dlya_ledi_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_dlya_ledi_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_dlya_ledi_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_dlya_ledi_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-dlya-ledi [ru_link] => buket-dlya-ledi [en_link] => for-a-lady [ua_link] => buket-dlya-ledi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-16 10:38:47 [height] => 20 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 497 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 3 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 341 [vpl_url] => cvety-lubimoy-devushke [vpl_list_id] => 497 [vpl_name_ru] => Девушке [vpl_name_ua] => Дівчині [vpl_name_en] => For a girlfriend [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.37 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Gypsophila white [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Spikelets [count] => 11 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Ruskus [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Ornamental flowerpot S [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray pink [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гіпсофіла біла [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Колоски [count] => 11 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Рускус [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Кашпо S [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова біла [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова рожева [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6079 [flower_id] => 913 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gypsophila white [ru_name] => Гипсофила белая [ua_name] => Гіпсофіла біла [en_name] => Gypsophila white [group] => 20 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6080 [flower_id] => 1371 [ammount] => 11 [name] => Spikelets [ru_name] => Колоски [ua_name] => Колоски [en_name] => Spikelets [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6081 [flower_id] => 1063 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Ruskus [ru_name] => Рускус [ua_name] => Рускус [en_name] => Ruskus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6082 [flower_id] => 1159 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Ornamental flowerpot S [ru_name] => Кашпо S [ua_name] => Кашпо S [en_name] => Ornamental flowerpot S [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6523 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 22100 [flower_id] => 1463 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая белая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова біла [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 22101 [flower_id] => 987 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray pink [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая розовая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова рожева [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray pink [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.68 [product_sostav] => For a lady - Состав: Gypsophila white, Spikelets, Ruskus, Ornamental flowerpot S, Oasis, Chrysanthemum spray white, Chrysanthemum spray pink. [ru_product_sostav] => Для леди - Состав: Гипсофила белая, Колоски, Рускус, Кашпо S, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Хризантема кустовая белая, Хризантема кустовая розовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Для леді - Склад: Гіпсофіла біла, Колоски, Рускус, Кашпо S, Оазис, Хризантема кущова біла, Хризантема кущова рожева. [en_product_sostav] => For a lady - Composition: Gypsophila white, Spikelets, Ruskus, Ornamental flowerpot S, Oasis, Chrysanthemum spray white, Chrysanthemum spray pink . [url_link] => buket-dlya-ledi [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/dlya_ledi-6979_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/dlya_ledi-6979_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/dlya_ledi-6979_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6979_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6979_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6979_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6979_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6979_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6979_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 144 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 7 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Attention: The bouquet may differ from the image on website. The flowerpot is included to the price of the bouquet. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6979 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/dlya_ledi-6979_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/dlya_ledi-6979_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/dlya_ledi-6979_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6979_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6979_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6979_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6979_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6979_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6979_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6979_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6979_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6979_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595666_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595666_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/594799_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/594799_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/594799_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/594799_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет For a lady [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [name] => Flowers for graduates [link] => [slug] => tsvety-vypusknikam ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [913] => Array ( [id] => 6979 [flower_id] => 913 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1371] => Array ( [id] => 6979 [flower_id] => 1371 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 10 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 10 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 10 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) [1063] => Array ( [id] => 6979 [flower_id] => 1063 [price] => 18 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1159] => Array ( [id] => 6979 [flower_id] => 1159 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 6979 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1463] => Array ( [id] => 6979 [flower_id] => 1463 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [987] => Array ( [id] => 6979 [flower_id] => 987 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 605 [price] => 4033 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4033 [price_cur] => 103 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 103 [price_discount] => 4033 [price_discount_cur] => 103 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4033 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 103 [price_member] => 4033 [price_member_cur] => 103 [price_member_qty] => 4033 [price_member_qty_cur] => 103 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 1) *1 + (10 * 11) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (65 * 1) *1 + (65 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 103 [business] => 118 [vip] => 133 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [35] => Array ( [id] => 6959 [name] => With gerberas [ru_name] => Букет из гербер [ua_name] => Букет з гербер [en_name] => With gerberas [title] => Купить букет With gerberas недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/iz_gerber-6959_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/iz_gerber-6959_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/iz_gerber-6959_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Gerbera — is a flowering embodiment of joy and warmth. Each color nuances of the finest South African sparkling gems of the most sincere smile, endless, inexhaustible optimism and, of course, a bright sun that awakens in us only the most purest feelings. We have invested in this bouquet of the most vivid emotions. Bouquet of roses is so ordinary, that’s why making a surprise with gorgeous gerberas.

Bouquet «With gerberas» — is a perfect choice for a gift for your girlfriend, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, colleague or teacher. Bright colors make everyone’s life better and brighten as the sun. If you want to order bigger bouquet it’s very easy to do it. Only choose needed equipment.

Attention! Bouquet may differ from images presented on our site.

[rutext] =>

Герберы — это цветущее воплощение радости и тепла. В каждом цветовом нюансе этих прекрасных южноафриканских жемчужин искрится самая искренняя улыбка, бесконечный, неиссякаемый оптимизм и, конечно же, яркое солнце, которое пробуждает в нас только самые светлые чувства.

Мы вложили в этот букет самые яркие эмоции — не сомневайтесь, яркая композиция из 21 герберы будет освещать жилье ярче, чем любая лампа.

Стоит отметить, что эти цветы — универсальный подарок: они идеально подходят как мужчинам, так и женщинам и будут уместными к любому празднику. Букет из гербер — идеальный выбор, если Вы выбираете подарок человеку, который греет Вас, освещает Ваш путь и не дает замерзнуть!

Внимание! Внешний вид букета может незначительно отличаться от представленного на фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => iz_gerber-6959_s.jpg [large] => iz_gerber-6959_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6959_four_s.jpg [large] => 6959_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6959_second_s.jpg [large] => 6959_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6959_third_s.jpg [large] => 6959_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_gerber_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_gerber_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_gerber_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_gerber_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_gerber_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_gerber_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_iz_gerber_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_iz_gerber_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-iz-gerber [ru_link] => buket-iz-gerber [en_link] => with-gerberas [ua_link] => buket-z-gerber [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order bouquet in our online shop. Delivery! [image_title_en] => Buy fabulous bouquet «With gerberas» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-10 17:05:14 [height] => 55 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => Buy beautiful bouquet «With gerberas» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «With gerberas» — is a perfect choice for a gift for your girlfriend, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, colleague or teacher. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «With gerberas» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 436 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 21 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 291 [vpl_url] => cvety-gerbera [vpl_list_id] => 436 [vpl_name_ru] => Гербера [vpl_name_ua] => Гербера [vpl_name_en] => Gerbera [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 4.38 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Gerberа varicolored [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гербера різнокольорова [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5958 [flower_id] => 848 [ammount] => 21 [name] => Gerberа varicolored [ru_name] => Гербера разноцветная [ua_name] => Гербера різнокольорова [en_name] => Gerberа varicolored [group] => 7 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5959 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.88 [product_sostav] => With gerberas - Состав: Gerberа varicolored, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет из гербер - Состав: Гербера разноцветная, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет з гербер - Склад: Гербера різнокольорова, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => With gerberas - Composition: Gerberа varicolored, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-iz-gerber [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/iz_gerber-6959_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/iz_gerber-6959_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/iz_gerber-6959_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6959_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6959_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6959_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6959_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6959_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6959_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 20 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Gerbera — is a flowering embodiment of joy and warmth... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6959 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/iz_gerber-6959_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/iz_gerber-6959_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/iz_gerber-6959_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6959_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6959_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6959_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6959_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6959_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6959_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6959_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6959_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6959_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615066_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615066_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет With gerberas [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [848] => Array ( [id] => 6959 [flower_id] => 848 [price] => 47 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 21 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6959 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1280 [price] => 8533 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8533 [price_cur] => 217 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 217 [price_discount] => 8533 [price_discount_cur] => 217 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8533 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 217 [price_member] => 8533 [price_member_cur] => 217 [price_member_qty] => 8533 [price_member_qty_cur] => 217 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 21) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 217 [business] => 249 [vip] => 281 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [36] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [name] => Bouquet 11 red roses [ru_name] => Букет 11 красных роз [ua_name] => Букет 11 червоних троянд [en_name] => Bouquet 11 red roses [title] => Купить букет Bouquet 11 red roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

If you’re choosing this bouquet — it means that your woman adores red roses. You’re not mistaken! A real beauty of red roses is impossible to notice. Besides flowers, this bouquet is decorated by elements of greens, stylish packing and a tape. It’s a great gift for your girlfriend, wife, sister, mother, daughter or colleague.

Bouquet «11 roses» — is a bright gift which will like everyone. It’s a great way to show your care and love. If you need a bigger bouquet, change it on business or VIP. We guarantee not only a higher quality of flowers, but also fast delivery in time. Also don’t forget making happy your women not only in a festive day, but also without any case.
Attention! Bouquet may differ from images presented on our site.

[rutext] =>

Букет-каскад из алых роз – это классика цветочных композиций и в то же время оригинальный вариант для выражения своих чувств. Словно 11 стрел Амура, королевы цветов расскажут всё без лишних слов и помогут проявить Вашу заботу и любовь.

Букет «11 красных роз» – страстное признание на свидании, романтическом ужине, годовщине и уместный презент на День рождения или юбилей. Подарите его своей жене в знак примирения или оставьте на постели любимой девушки с запиской «Прости» – и Ваши старания будут оценены по достоинству! Делайте яркие подарки и дарите только самые лучшие мгновения своим близким и любимым!

 А также смотрите и другие варианты букетов из 11 и 15 белых и красных роз 11 красных роз {$city}, 11 белых роз {$city}, 15 красных роз {$city}, 15 белых роз {$city}
Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [large] => 11_krasnyih_roz-6888_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6888_four_s.jpg [large] => 6888_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6888_second_s.jpg [large] => 6888_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6888_third_s.jpg [large] => 6888_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 11_krasnyih_roz_s.jpg [large] => 11_krasnyih_roz_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 11_krasnyih_roz_second_s.jpg [large] => 11_krasnyih_roz_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 11_krasnyih_roz_third_s.jpg [large] => 11_krasnyih_roz_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 11_krasnyih_roz_four_s.jpg [large] => 11_krasnyih_roz_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-11-krasnih-roz [ru_link] => buket-11-krasnih-roz [en_link] => 11-red-roses [ua_link] => buket-11-chervonyh-troyand [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order bouquet «11 roses» in our online shop [image_title_en] => Buy beautiful bouquet «11 roses» with delievery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-05-21 14:38:49 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => Buy gorgeous bouquet «11 roses» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «11 roses» — is a bright gift which will like everyone. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «11 roses» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 594 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 744 [vpl_url] => 11-roz [vpl_list_id] => 594 [vpl_name_ru] => 11 роз [vpl_name_ua] => 11 троянд [vpl_name_en] => 11 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 11 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 11 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5695 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5696 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6574 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20551 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 11 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.64 [product_sostav] => Bouquet 11 red roses - Состав: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет 11 красных роз - Состав: Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет 11 червоних троянд - Склад: Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet 11 red roses - Composition: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => buket-11-krasnih-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6888_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6888_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6888_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6888_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6888_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6888_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 41 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => If you’re choosing this bouquet — it means that your woman adores red roses. You’re not mistaken. A real beauty of red roses is impossible to notice... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6888 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/11_krasnyih_roz-6888_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6888_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6888_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6888_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6888_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6888_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6888_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6888_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6888_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6888_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet 11 red roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1031] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 6888 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 740 [price] => 4933 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4933 [price_cur] => 125 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 125 [price_discount] => 4933 [price_discount_cur] => 125 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4933 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 125 [price_member] => 4933 [price_member_cur] => 125 [price_member_qty] => 4933 [price_member_qty_cur] => 125 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 11) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 125 [business] => 144 [vip] => 163 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [37] => Array ( [id] => 6883 [name] => Queen [ru_name] => 101 роза Королевский [ua_name] => 101 троянда Королівський [en_name] => Queen [title] => Купить букет Queen недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/korolevskiy-6883_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/korolevskiy-6883_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/korolevskiy-6883_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

101 roses, framed in a chic composition - a luxurious and elegant gift for your beloved. Only a queen is truly worthy of such a gift. Such a flower arrangement would be appropriate for a birthday, and on the occasion of an engagement or wedding, and just for no reason.

By presenting a “Royal” bouquet of red and white roses, you can also hint to the recipient about your attitude in the language of flowers. The proposed combination symbolizes both pure and sincere feelings, and at the same time the passion and ardor of your love. Only a person with refined taste can choose such a gift!

To receive a huge bouquet of roses from 101 beautiful flowers from a loved one is the desire of every girl. We are ready to help you deliver warm emotions to your loved ones and bring smiles to the faces of your loved ones!

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image on the website.

[rutext] =>

101 роза, оформлена в шикарную композицию – роскошный и элегантный подарок для любимой. Такого презента поистине достойна только королева. Такая цветочная композиция будет уместной и в День Рождения, и по случаю помолвки или свадьбы, и просто без повода.

Подарив, «Королевский» букет красно-белых роз, Вы можете так же намекнуть получательнице о Вашем отношении на языке цветов. Предложенное сочетание символизирует одновременно чистые и искренние чувства, и в то же время страсть и пылкость вашей любви. Такой подарок может выбрать только человек с утонченным вкусом!
А также смотрите и другие варианты букетов из 101 розы 101 красная Эль-Торо, 101 белая роза, 101 красно-белая роза, 101 розовая роза, 101 желтая роза
Получить от любимого огромный букет роз из 101 красивого цветка – желание каждой девушки. Мы готовы помочь Вам доставить теплые эмоции Вашим любимым людям и вызвать улыбки на лицах Ваших близких!

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от изображения на сайте. Просмотреть другие букеты из 101 розы: 101 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korolevskiy-6883_s.jpg [large] => korolevskiy-6883_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6883_four_s.jpg [large] => 6883_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6883_second_s.jpg [large] => 6883_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6883_third_s.jpg [large] => 6883_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korolevskiy_buket_s.jpg [large] => korolevskiy_buket_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => korolevskiy_buket_second_s.jpg [large] => korolevskiy_buket_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => korolevskiy_buket_third_s.jpg [large] => korolevskiy_buket_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => korolevskiy_buket_four_s.jpg [large] => korolevskiy_buket_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-korolevskiy [ru_link] => buket-korolevskiy [en_link] => queen [ua_link] => buket-korolivsky [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-05-26 14:52:25 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 561 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 171 [vpl_url] => 101-roza [vpl_list_id] => 561 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты 101 роза {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Букети 101 троянда {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Bouquets 101 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 26 [rating_value] => 4.54 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 33 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 68 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 33 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 68 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5692 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 33 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5693 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 68 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 4.04 [product_sostav] => Queen - Состав: Rose red, Roses white local. [ru_product_sostav] => 101 роза Королевский - Состав: Роза красная, Роза белая местная. [ua_product_sostav] => 101 троянда Королівський - Склад: Троянда червона, Троянда біла місцева. [en_product_sostav] => Queen - Composition: Rose red, Roses white local. [url_link] => buket-korolevskiy [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/korolevskiy-6883_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/korolevskiy-6883_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/korolevskiy-6883_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6883_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6883_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6883_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6883_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6883_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6883_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 58 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => 101 roses, framed in a chic composition - a luxurious and elegant gift for your beloved. Only a queen is truly worthy of such a gift... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6883 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/korolevskiy-6883_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/korolevskiy-6883_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/korolevskiy-6883_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6883_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6883_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6883_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6883_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6883_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6883_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6883_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6883_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6883_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/593326_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/593326_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Queen [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-bolshie-buketi-iz-roz [name] => Large bouquets of roses [link] => [slug] => tsveti-bolshie-buketi-iz-roz ) [5] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [7] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => Bouquets 101 roses [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) [22] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => 101 roses [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) [25] => Array ( [url] => 101-roza [name] => 101 roses bouquets [link] => [slug] => 101-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 6883 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 33 ) [877] => Array ( [id] => 6883 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 68 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 5050 [price] => 33667 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 33667 [price_cur] => 853 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 853 [price_discount] => 33667 [price_discount_cur] => 853 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 33667 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 853 [price_member] => 33667 [price_member_cur] => 853 [price_member_qty] => 33667 [price_member_qty_cur] => 853 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 33) *1 + (50 * 68) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 853 [business] => 981 [vip] => 1109 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [38] => Array ( [id] => 6856 [name] => Mixed peonies [ru_name] => Букет пионов микс [ua_name] => Букет півоній [en_name] => Mixed peonies [title] => Купить букет Mixed peonies недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/pionyi_miks-6856_848_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/pionyi_miks-6856_848_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/pionyi_miks-6856_848_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 1 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Oh, this enchanting mix of multi-colored peonies! Their heady aroma drives you crazy, and these delicate, delicate petals!.. It’s not for nothing that peonies are considered real favorites of women, they are so beautiful.

The “Peonies Mix” bouquet is reminiscent of sweet girlish dreams, shimmering in shades of pink, crimson and white. It will be the best birthday gift for your mother, wife, or girlfriend. Dear women will certainly be delighted with it - after all, peonies bloom only once a year! This means that the flower surprise will definitely be a success :)

A bouquet of white and pink peonies is a magnificent combination of tenderness and elegance. Mixed peonies create a harmonious combination, filling the space with their aromas and beauty. This bouquet not only looks nice, but also has the ability to lift the mood and bring joy to its recipient.

Attention: the design of the bouquet and the shade of the flowers may differ from the images shown.

[rutext] =>

Ох уж этот фееричный микс разноцветных пионов! Их пьянящий аромат сводит с ума, а эти нежные-нежные лепестки!.. Пионы не зря считаются настоящими любимцами женщин, настолько они прекрасны.

Букет «Пионы микс» напоминает сладкие девичьи грезы, переливаясь розовыми, малиновыми и белыми оттенками. Он станет лучшим подарком на День Рождения мамы, жены, девушки. Дорогие женщины будут наверняка восхищены им — ведь пионы цветут лишь раз в году! А значит, цветочный сюрприз обязательно удастся :) 

Букет из белых и розовых пионов — это великолепное сочетание нежности и элегантности. Пионы микс создают гармоничное сочетание, наполняя пространство своими ароматами и красотой. Этот букет не только приятно смотрится, но и обладает способностью поднять настроение и принести радость своему получателю.

Перейти в раздел купить пионы {$city}

Внимание: оформление букета и оттенок цветов может отличаться от представленных изображений

Купить пионы с доставкой в: КиевОдесса, Харьков, Львов, Днепр, Николаев, Запорожье, Винница, Херсон, Черкассы, Кривой Рог, Полтава, Чернигов, Сумы, Житомир, Мариуполь, Ужгород, Ивано-Франковск, Черновцы, Кременчуг, Хмельницкий, Луцк.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => pionyi_miks-6856_848_s.jpg [large] => pionyi_miks-6856_848_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6856_four_4b4_s.jpg [large] => 6856_four_4b4_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6856_second_1de_s.jpg [large] => 6856_second_1de_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6856_third_b19_s.jpg [large] => 6856_third_b19_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => pionyi_miks_s.jpg [large] => pionyi_miks_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-piony-miks [ru_link] => buket-piony-miks [en_link] => mixed-peonies [ua_link] => buket-pivoniyi-miks [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-14 16:06:21 [height] => 55 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 63 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 1 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 29 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 308 [vpl_url] => cvety-peony [vpl_list_id] => 63 [vpl_name_ru] => Пионы [vpl_name_ua] => Півонії [vpl_name_en] => Peonies [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 17 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Peony [count] => 29 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => tape [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Wrapping 3 m [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Півонія [count] => 29 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => стрічка [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка 3 м [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 23378 [flower_id] => 918 [ammount] => 29 [name] => Peony [ru_name] => Пион [ua_name] => Півонія [en_name] => Peony [group] => 24 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23508 [flower_id] => 2580 [ammount] => 1 [name] => tape [ru_name] => лента [ua_name] => стрічка [en_name] => tape [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23835 [flower_id] => 2571 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Wrapping 3 m [ru_name] => Упаковка 3 м [ua_name] => Упаковка 3 м [en_name] => Wrapping 3 m [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.24 [product_sostav] => Mixed peonies - Состав: Peony, tape, Wrapping 3 m. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет пионов микс - Состав: Пион, лента, Упаковка 3 м. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет півоній - Склад: Півонія, стрічка, Упаковка 3 м. [en_product_sostav] => Mixed peonies - Composition: Peony, tape, Wrapping 3 m. [url_link] => buket-piony-miks [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/pionyi_miks-6856_848_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/pionyi_miks-6856_848_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/pionyi_miks-6856_848_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6856_third_b19_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6856_third_b19_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6856_four_4b4_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6856_four_4b4_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6856_second_1de_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6856_second_1de_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 62 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 10 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Oh, this enchanting mix of multi-colored peonies. Their heady aroma drives you crazy, and these delicate, delicate petals... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6856 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/pionyi_miks-6856_848_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/pionyi_miks-6856_848_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/pionyi_miks-6856_848_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6856_four_4b4_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6856_four_4b4_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6856_four_4b4_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6856_second_1de_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6856_second_1de_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6856_second_1de_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6856_third_b19_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6856_third_b19_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6856_third_b19_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585711_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585711_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585687_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585687_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585687_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585687_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Mixed peonies [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [918] => Array ( [id] => 6856 [flower_id] => 918 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 80 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 80 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 29 ) [2580] => Array ( [id] => 6856 [flower_id] => 2580 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2571] => Array ( [id] => 6856 [flower_id] => 2571 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2490 [price] => 16600 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 16600 [price_cur] => 421 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 421 [price_discount] => 16600 [price_discount_cur] => 421 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 16600 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 421 [price_member] => 16600 [price_member_cur] => 421 [price_member_qty] => 16600 [price_member_qty_cur] => 421 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.6666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (80 * 29) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (150 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 421 [business] => 484 [vip] => 547 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [39] => Array ( [id] => 6848 [name] => White Orchid wedding bouquet [ru_name] => Свадебный букет из орхидей [ua_name] => Весільни букет з орхидей [en_name] => White Orchid wedding bouquet [title] => Купить букет White Orchid wedding bouquet недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "White Orchid" is a small, insanely beautiful and fragrant companion of the bride on the happiest day of her life. Would it be possible to imagine such a solemn moment without flowers? Amazing white orchids will add oriental exoticism and mystery to the holiday. By the way, the well-known vanilla also belongs to their family.

Flowers will keep their freshness for a long time, thanks to the porter. In addition, it is lightweight and very comfortable for a girl's hand. Such a marvelous bouquet will please both the wedding anniversary and the engagement day. From all sides – handsome!

Attention: the bouquet may look different from the image presented on the site, the composition will remain unchanged.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Белая орхидея» – небольшой, безумно красивый и ароматный спутник невесты в самый счастливый день в ее жизни. Разве можно представить такой торжественный момент без цветов? Изумительные белые орхидеи добавят празднику восточной экзотики и загадки. Кстати, всем известная ваниль тоже принадлежит к их семейству.

Цветы долго сохранят свою свежесть, благодаря портбукетнице. К тому же, она легкая и очень удобная для девичьей руки. Такой дивный букет порадует и в годовщину бракосочетания, и в день помолвки. Со всех сторон – красавчик!

Внимание: букет может внешне отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения, состав останется без изменений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya-6848_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6848_four_s.jpg [large] => 6848_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6848_second_s.jpg [large] => 6848_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6848_third_s.jpg [large] => 6848_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya_second_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya_third_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => belaya_orhideya_four_s.jpg [large] => belaya_orhideya_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => belaya-orkhideya-6848 [ru_link] => belaya-orkhideya-6848 [en_link] => white-orchid-6848 [ua_link] => bila-orhideya-6848 [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-04-24 10:15:16 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.1 [main_list_id] => 556 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 9 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 557 [vpl_url] => buket-nevesti [vpl_list_id] => 556 [vpl_name_ru] => Букет невесты [vpl_name_ua] => Букет нареченої {$city} [vpl_name_en] => The bride's bouquet [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.36 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [count] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5558 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19420 [flower_id] => 1704 [ammount] => 9 [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 2 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 24212 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => White Orchid wedding bouquet - Состав: Greens, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Свадебный букет из орхидей - Состав: Зелень в букет, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея), Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Весільни букет з орхидей - Склад: Зелень у букет, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея), Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => White Orchid wedding bouquet - Composition: Greens, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Tape for flowers. [url_link] => belaya-orkhideya-6848 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6848_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6848_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6848_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6848_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6848_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6848_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 5 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "White Orchid" is a small, insanely beautiful and fragrant companion of the bride on the happiest day of her life... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6848 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/belaya_orhideya-6848_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6848_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6848_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6848_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6848_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6848_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6848_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6848_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6848_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6848_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => [name] => ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет White Orchid wedding bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1031] => Array ( [id] => 6848 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1704] => Array ( [id] => 6848 [flower_id] => 1704 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6848 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 565 [price] => 4143 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 4143 [price_cur] => 105 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 105 [price_discount] => 4143 [price_discount_cur] => 105 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 4143 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 105 [price_member] => 4143 [price_member_cur] => 105 [price_member_qty] => 4143 [price_member_qty_cur] => 105 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 1) *1 + (55 * 9) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 105 [business] => 121 [vip] => 137 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [40] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [name] => Tenderness of bride [ru_name] => Нежность невесты [ua_name] => Ніжність нареченої [en_name] => Tenderness of bride [title] => Купить букет Tenderness of bride недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] => [rutext] =>

Самый счастливый и волнительный день для каждой девушки должен быть утонченным и особенным. Именно потому букет невесты – это воплощение нежности, чистоты, изысканности и индивидуального вкуса. Кроме того, сочетание белого и нежных сиреневых оттенков всегда гармонично завершают образ, наполняя его романтичными красками.

«Нежность невесты» - это оригинальный свадебный букет, который станет изюминкой торжества в любом стиле. Подчеркните утонченность и трогательность момента с помощью ранних весенних гиацинтов, белых фрезий, светлых эустом, сочной зелени и ненавязчивого стильного декора.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

Наличие гиацинтов уточняйте у менеджера. Заказ осуществляется за 2 недели до даты доставки.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7557_four_s.jpg [large] => 7557_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7557_second_s.jpg [large] => 7557_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7557_third_s.jpg [large] => 7557_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_second_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_third_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_four_s.jpg [large] => svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-nezhnost-nevesty [ru_link] => buket-nezhnost-nevesty [en_link] => tenderness-of-bride [ua_link] => buket-nizhnist-narechenoyi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-06 14:04:07 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 374 [google_product_category] => 5455 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 10 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 326 [vpl_url] => buket-nevesty [vpl_list_id] => 374 [vpl_name_ru] => Букет невесты [vpl_name_ua] => Букет нареченої [vpl_name_en] => Bridal bouquet [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 20 [rating_value] => 4.6 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hyacinth mix [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum green [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma white [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гіацинт мікс [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Еустома біла [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9241 [flower_id] => 1019 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Hyacinth mix [ru_name] => Гиацинт микс [ua_name] => Гіацинт мікс [en_name] => Hyacinth mix [group] => 19 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9242 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9244 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 9245 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9246 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19993 [flower_id] => 994 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Eustoma white [ru_name] => Эустома белая [ua_name] => Еустома біла [en_name] => Eustoma white [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.52 [product_sostav] => Tenderness of bride - Состав: Hyacinth mix, Freesia white, Hypericum green, Greens, Tape for flowers, Eustoma white. [ru_product_sostav] => Нежность невесты - Состав: Гиацинт микс, Фрезия белая, Гиперикум зелёный, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Эустома белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Ніжність нареченої - Склад: Гіацинт мікс, Фрезія біла, Гіперікум зелений, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Еустома біла. [en_product_sostav] => Tenderness of bride - Composition: Hyacinth mix, Freesia white, Hypericum green, Greens, Tape for flowers, Eustoma white. [url_link] => buket-nezhnost-nevesty [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7557_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7557_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7557_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7557_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7557_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7557_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 3 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7557 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/svadebnyiy_buket_novyiy-7557_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7557_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7557_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7557_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7557_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7557_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7557_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7557_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7557_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7557_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/595322_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/595322_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Tenderness of bride [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [5] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1019] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 1019 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [977] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 977 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 7557 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [41] => Array ( [id] => 7529 [name] => Basket of orchids [ru_name] => Корзина орхидей [ua_name] => Корзина орхідей [en_name] => Basket of orchids [title] => Купить букет Basket of orchids недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/korzina_orhidey-7529_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/korzina_orhidey-7529_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/korzina_orhidey-7529_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Exquisite orchid is a great gift for all creative and sophisticated individuals who primarily appreciate the originality and uniqueness. Believe us, this gift will be a real decoration of birthday, March 8, Valentine's Day or romantic anniversary.

Composition «Basket of orchids» is a beautiful pot with four diverse orchids that will be a wonderful useful present. Fresh flowers will delight the recipient with its colors for a long time, reminding about your care and attention. With a proper care, luxury orchid becomes graceful accent in any greenhouse. Tell more about your feelings and emotions with the help of delicate orchids in a pot.

Attention! Composition may differ from images presented on our site.

[rutext] =>

Изысканные орхидеи – великолепный подарок всем творческим и утонченным личностям, которые в первую очередь ценят оригинальность и неповторимость. Поверьте, такой подарок станет настоящим украшением Дня Рождения, 8 Марта, Дня Влюбленных, именин, романтической годовщины или юбилея.

«Корзина орхидей» - это красивый горшок с четырьмя разнообразными орхидеями, которые станут великолепным презентом с пользой. Живые цветы будут радовать получателя своими красками еще долгое время, напоминая о Вашей заботе и внимании. При правильном уходе, роскошная орхида станет изящным акцентом в любой домашней оранжерее. Скажите больше о своих чувствах и эмоциях с помощью утонченных орхидей в горшке.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korzina_orhidey-7529_s.jpg [large] => korzina_orhidey-7529_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 7529_five_c42_s.jpg [large] => 7529_five_c42_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7529_four_s.jpg [large] => 7529_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7529_second_s.jpg [large] => 7529_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7529_third_s.jpg [large] => 7529_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korzina_orhidey_s.jpg [large] => korzina_orhidey_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => korzina_orhidey_second_s.jpg [large] => korzina_orhidey_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => korzina_orhidey_third_s.jpg [large] => korzina_orhidey_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => korzina_orhidey_four_s.jpg [large] => korzina_orhidey_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-korzina-orkhidey [ru_link] => buket-korzina-orkhidey [en_link] => basket-of-orchids [ua_link] => buket-korzina-orchidey [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy composition «Basket of orchids» with delivery [image_title_en] => Order composition «Basket of orchids» in our online shop [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-07 10:39:07 [height] => 70 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => Buy creative composition «Basket of orchids» with delivery to any city [p_description] => Composition «Basket of orchids» is a beautiful pot with four diverse orchids that will be a wonderful useful present. [p_keywords] => Buy potted orchids, home orchid in a pot, orchid in a pot shop, orchid in a pot cheaply, buy an orchids, buy orchids in pots [p_h1] => Composition «Basket of orchids» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 367 [google_product_category] => 984 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 170 [vpl_url] => komnatnye-tsvety [vpl_list_id] => 367 [vpl_name_ru] => Комнатные цветы [vpl_name_ua] => Кімнатні квіти [vpl_name_en] => House flowers [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 23 [rating_value] => 4.65 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hedera [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Orchid phalaenopsis [count] => 4 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Хедера [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Орхідея фаленопсис у горщику [count] => 4 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9086 [flower_id] => 1081 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hedera [ru_name] => Хедера [ua_name] => Хедера [en_name] => Hedera [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 12 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 19431 [flower_id] => 1073 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Orchid phalaenopsis [ru_name] => Орхидея фаленопсис в горшке 2 ветки [ua_name] => Орхідея фаленопсис у горщику [en_name] => Orchid phalaenopsis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 9 [item_type] => 12 ) ) [weight] => 0.2 [product_sostav] => Basket of orchids - Состав: Hedera, Orchid phalaenopsis. [ru_product_sostav] => Корзина орхидей - Состав: Хедера, Орхидея фаленопсис в горшке 2 ветки. [ua_product_sostav] => Корзина орхідей - Склад: Хедера, Орхідея фаленопсис у горщику. [en_product_sostav] => Basket of orchids - Composition: Hedera, Orchid phalaenopsis. [url_link] => buket-korzina-orkhidey [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/korzina_orhidey-7529_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/korzina_orhidey-7529_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/korzina_orhidey-7529_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7529_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7529_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7529_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7529_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7529_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7529_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7529_five_c42_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7529_five_c42_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 10 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Exquisite orchid is a great gift for all creative and sophisticated individuals who primarily appreciate the originality and uniqueness... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7529 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/korzina_orhidey-7529_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/korzina_orhidey-7529_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/korzina_orhidey-7529_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7529_five_c42_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7529_five_c42_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7529_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7529_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7529_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7529_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7529_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7529_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7529_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7529_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7529_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7529_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Basket of orchids [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => komnatnye-tsvety [name] => House flowers [link] => [slug] => komnatnye-tsvety ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [5] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1081] => Array ( [id] => 7529 [flower_id] => 1081 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1073] => Array ( [id] => 7529 [flower_id] => 1073 [price] => 455 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 800 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 800 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 800 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [2193] => Array ( [id] => 7529 [flower_id] => 2193 [price] => 500 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 500 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 500 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 500 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [42] => Array ( [id] => 7427 [name] => Green chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) [ru_name] => Зеленые хризантемы поштучно (ветка) [ua_name] => Зелені хризантеми поштучно (гілка) [en_name] => Green chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) [title] => Купить букет Green chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers may defer from image.

[rutext] =>

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами. Вид цветов может немного отличаться от картинки.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_s.jpg [large] => zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka_s.jpg [large] => zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-zelenye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-zelenye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [en_link] => green-chrysanthemum-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-zeleni-khryzantemy-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2019-10-15 16:43:39 [height] => 45 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Green chrysanthemum by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8964 [flower_id] => 1552 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая зеленая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова зелена [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Green chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) - Состав: Chrysanthemum spray green. [ru_product_sostav] => Зеленые хризантемы поштучно (ветка) - Состав: Хризантема кустовая зеленая. [ua_product_sostav] => Зелені хризантеми поштучно (гілка) - Склад: Хризантема кущова зелена. [en_product_sostav] => Green chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) - Composition: Chrysanthemum spray green. [url_link] => buket-zelenye-khrizantemy-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 6 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Warning. The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself. Flowers may defer from image. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7427 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/zelenyie_hrizantemyi_poshtuchno_vetka-7427_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 1 [alt] => Букет Green chrysanthemum by the piece (spray) [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1552] => Array ( [id] => 7427 [flower_id] => 1552 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [43] => Array ( [id] => 7409 [name] => Purple carnations by the piece [ru_name] => Фиолетовые гвоздики поштучно [ua_name] => Фіолетові гвоздики поштучно [en_name] => Purple carnations by the piece [title] => Купить букет Purple carnations by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Purple flowers are always unusual and mysterious. These flowers suit for creative and romantical persons. Purple carnations mix tenderness and rigor of flower with inscrutability and freshness of starry night.

To intrigue, to joy, to inspire… Why do we need a reason to give purple carnations? Choose them for you girlfriend or for your mother, or select for your colleague or teacher. Also a bouquet of these flowers can be the best present for a man if you want to be cordial, but not sentimental.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Фиолетовая гвоздика не похожа на гвоздики другого цвета. Она далеко не так проста и безобидна. Фиолетовый цвет и форма её лепестков напоминает о таинственности звездной ночи. Этот цветок хорошо подойдет для подростков и молодых людей, а также придется по вкусу людям творческим.

Букет из фиолетовых гвоздик станет хорошим подарком на День Рождения тинейджеру, а также поможет настроиться на творческий лад человеку креативной профессии перед началом нового проекта. Также хорошо подойдет такой букет для бабушки или дедушки, которым понравится сочетание строгости и озорства этих цветов.

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_s.jpg [large] => fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-fioletovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-fioletovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [en_link] => purple-carnations-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-fioletovi-gvozdyky-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order purple carnation by the piece at on-line flower shop [image_title_en] => Buy purple carnation by the piece with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-12-23 10:55:38 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => Purple carnations by the piece. Large selection of colors - ua-flowers [p_description] => Purple carnation You can bring either to musician or artist. It's perfect bouquet for creative person [p_keywords] => purple flowers, wedding bouquet, wedding flower bouquet [p_h1] => Purple carnations by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Carnation violet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика фіолетова [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8847 [flower_id] => 1393 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Carnation violet [ru_name] => Гвоздики фиолетовые [ua_name] => Гвоздика фіолетова [en_name] => Carnation violet [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Purple carnations by the piece - Состав: Carnation violet. [ru_product_sostav] => Фиолетовые гвоздики поштучно - Состав: Гвоздики фиолетовые. [ua_product_sostav] => Фіолетові гвоздики поштучно - Склад: Гвоздика фіолетова. [en_product_sostav] => Purple carnations by the piece - Composition: Carnation violet. [url_link] => buket-fioletovye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 15 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Purple flowers are always unusual and mysterious. These flowers suit for creative and romantical persons... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7409 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/fioletovyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7409_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Purple carnations by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1393] => Array ( [id] => 7409 [flower_id] => 1393 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [44] => Array ( [id] => 7406 [name] => Green carnations by the piece [ru_name] => Зеленые гвоздики поштучно [ua_name] => Зелені гвоздики поштучно [en_name] => Green carnations by the piece [title] => Купить букет Green carnations by the piece недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

If you want to be original, bring green carnations. You will definitely impress addressee with such bouquet. These extraordinary flowers express not only creativity and untraditional choosing of flower's color, and also depth of your feelings and soul. Pleasant surprise and frankness is the dearest thing in the world.

The bouquet of green carnations you can bring to your grandmother and grandfather to express your gratitude to them. Bring bouquet to colleagues to congratulate them with professional success or with Birthday. Choose occasion and we will choose the best flowers for it.

Warning! The number of flowers in the bouquet you choose yourself.

[rutext] =>

Зеленые цветы всегда очень необычны и загадочны, их выбирают тонко чувствующие творческие натуры. Необычные зеленые гвоздики сочетают в себе строгость и нежную красоту цветка с таинственностью и свежестью зелени.

Подарить необычную зеленую гвоздику можно кому угодно, даже без повода. Это будет лучший способ заинтересовать, порадовать и вдохновить дорогого Вам человека. Букет из зеленых гвоздик станет хорошим подарком для мужчины, если Вы хотите выразить сердечность и восхищение, но боитесь излишней эмоциональности.

Внимание! Количество цветков в букете Вы выбираете сами.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_s.jpg [large] => zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_s.jpg [large] => zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-zelenye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [ru_link] => buket-zelenye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [en_link] => green-carnations-by-the-piece [ua_link] => buket-zeleni-gvozdyky-poshtuchno [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 1 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order green carnation by the piece at on-line flower shop [image_title_en] => Green carnation with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-12-23 10:57:08 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => Buy green carnation by the piece with delivery [p_description] => Green carnation - is flower not only for creative people, but it will be gorgeouse accent in wedding bouquet [p_keywords] => green carnation, carnation bouquet, online flower shop, flower shop [p_h1] => Green carnations by the piece [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 208 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 1 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 231 [vpl_url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [vpl_list_id] => 208 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы поштучно [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти поштучно [vpl_name_en] => Flowers by piece [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 29 [rating_value] => 4.55 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Carnation green [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика зелена [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8843 [flower_id] => 828 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Carnation green [ru_name] => Гвоздика зелёная [ua_name] => Гвоздика зелена [en_name] => Carnation green [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Green carnations by the piece - Состав: Carnation green. [ru_product_sostav] => Зеленые гвоздики поштучно - Состав: Гвоздика зелёная. [ua_product_sostav] => Зелені гвоздики поштучно - Склад: Гвоздика зелена. [en_product_sostav] => Green carnations by the piece - Composition: Carnation green. [url_link] => buket-zelenye-gvozdiki-poshtuchno [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 14 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => If you want to be original, bring green carnations. You will definitely impress addressee with such bouquet... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7406 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/zelenyie_gvozdiki_poshtuchno-7406_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Green carnations by the piece [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-poshtuchno [name] => Flowers by piece [link] => [slug] => tsveti-poshtuchno ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [828] => Array ( [id] => 7406 [flower_id] => 828 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [45] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [name] => Tender love [ru_name] => Белые розы и тюльпаны [ua_name] => Букет квітів Ніжне кохання [en_name] => Tender love [title] => Купить букет Tender love недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet «Tender love» of the magnificent white roses and trembling tulips makes everyone dizzy by its aroma and ease. Amazing flowers breathe the freshness, filling all around with wonderful aroma. That is, in the opinion of our florists, how tender love looks: exquisite, elegant and modest.

You can buy our delicate bouquet for a girl or wife on the anniversary of dating, her name-day, the important date of a personal nature. Besides, white roses combined with pink tulips will be a perfect compliment to the bride or the couple on their wedding day. Just want to make an offer? Take this bouquet as a help, it will be able to express the most tender feelings easily and eloquently, and what's the most important - very gently!

Note: bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Нежная любовь» из великолепных белых роз и трепетных тюльпанов опьяняет ароматом и легкостью. Изумительные цветы дышат свежестью, наполняя все вокруг чудным ароматом. Именно так, по мнению наших флористов, и выглядит нежная любовь: изысканно, нарядно и скромно.

Вы можете купить наш нежный букет для девушки или жены на годовщину знакомства, ее День ангела, на важную дату личного характера. Кроме того, белоснежные розы в сочетании с розовыми тюльпанами станут прекрасным комплиментом невесте или молодоженам в день свадьбы. Только мечтаете сделать предложение? Возьмите этот букет себе в помощники, он сможет выразить самые нежные чувства легко и красноречиво, а главное – очень нежно!

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

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[fake_perc_sale] => 1.96 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-07-11 17:24:30 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => Buy tender bouquet of tulips and roses «Tender love» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Tender love»of white roses and pink tulips - a charming gift on wedding, birthday, anniversary of acquaintance. Bouquet delivery [p_keywords] => bouquet of tulips and roses, tender bouquet, bouquet on wedding, beautiful tender bouquet, bouquet of white roses, buy tender bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «Tender love» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 157 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 15 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 20 [vpl_url] => tsvety-podruge [vpl_list_id] => 157 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы подруге {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти подрузі {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for a girl friend [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 23 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tulip pink [count] => 15 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 23 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Тюльпан рожевий [count] => 15 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8499 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 23 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 8500 [flower_id] => 964 [ammount] => 15 [name] => Tulip pink [ru_name] => Тюльпан розовый [ua_name] => Тюльпан рожевий [en_name] => Tulip pink [group] => 12 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 8501 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 8502 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.6 [product_sostav] => Tender love - Состав: Roses white local, Tulip pink, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Белые розы и тюльпаны - Состав: Роза белая местная, Тюльпан розовый, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Ніжне кохання - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Тюльпан рожевий, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Tender love - Composition: Roses white local, Tulip pink, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-nezhnaya-lubov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7344_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7344_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7344_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7344_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7344_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7344_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 24 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet «Tender love» of the magnificent white roses and trembling tulips makes everyone dizzy by its aroma and ease... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7344 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7344_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7344_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7344_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7344_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7344_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7344_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7344_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7344_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7344_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600512_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600512_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Tender love [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-podruge [name] => Flowers for a girl friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-podruge ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [5] => Array ( [url] => vera-nadezhda-lyubov [name] => Day of Vera, Nadezhda, Liubov [link] => [slug] => vera-nadezhda-lyubov ) [6] => Array ( [url] => tjulpany [name] => Tulips [link] => [slug] => tjulpany ) [15] => Array ( [url] => tulpany [name] => Tulips [link] => [slug] => tulpany ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 23 ) [964] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [flower_id] => 964 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [46] => Array ( [id] => 7342 [name] => Burgundy [ru_name] => Бургунди [ua_name] => Бургунді [en_name] => Burgundy [title] => Купить букет Burgundy недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/burgundi-7342_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/burgundi-7342_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/burgundi-7342_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet of roses and orchids «Burgundy» - a delightful mix of colors of pink and purple shades, giving a result of the deep tone of a young red wine, just poured out a glass. You can do this charming present on girlfriend's or wife's birthday, anniversary of dating, Valentine's Day. It will please mom on Mother's Day, a colleague - on the occasion of the anniversary and professional day, niece - in the school-leaving party. Stylish and fairly neutral, it is suitable for almost any greeting holiday.

The original bouquet in tart wine hue will make the holiday rich and emotional. Give your dear woman sincere moments of joy and happiness and she will respond you with an ocean of tenderness and love. Just try!

Note: bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Букет из роз и орхидей «Бургунди» – восхитительный микс цветов розового и фиолетового оттенка, дающий в результате глубокий тон молодого красного вина, только что налитого в бокал. Такой очаровательный презент можно сделать любимой девушке или жене на День Рождения, годовщину знакомства, День влюбленных. Он порадует маму в День матери, коллегу – по случаю юбилея или профессионального праздника, племянницу – в день выпускного бала. Стильный и достаточно нейтральный, он подойдет для поздравления практически с любым праздником.

Оригинальный букет терпкого винного оттенка сделает праздник насыщенным и эмоциональным. Подарите дорогой Вам женщине мгновения искренней радости и счастья, она ответит океаном нежности и любви. Попробуйте!

Внимание: Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => burgundi-7342_s.jpg [large] => burgundi-7342_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7342_four_s.jpg [large] => 7342_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7342_second_s.jpg [large] => 7342_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7342_third_s.jpg [large] => 7342_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => burgundi_s.jpg [large] => burgundi_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => burgundi_second_s.jpg [large] => burgundi_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => burgundi_third_s.jpg [large] => burgundi_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => burgundi_four_s.jpg [large] => burgundi_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-burgundi [ru_link] => buket-burgundi [en_link] => burgundy [ua_link] => buket-burgundi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy bouquet of roses and orchids «Burgundy» [image_title_en] => Order bouquet «Burgundy» with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-03 16:41:41 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy bouquet of roses and orchids «Burgundy». Bouquets with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet of pink roses and purple orchids «Burgundy» - a great way to congratulate your beloved with Birthday, colleagues - with the anniversary, etc. [p_keywords] => bouquet of roses and orchids, buy bouquets, original bouquets, orchids [p_h1] => Bouquet «Burgundy» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => middle [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 596 [google_product_category] => 0 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 9 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 741 [vpl_url] => sem-roz [vpl_list_id] => 596 [vpl_name_ru] => 7 роз {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => 7 троянд {$city} [vpl_name_en] => 7 roses {$city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Pink cymbidium orchids [count] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [count] => 7 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Троянда Джумілія до 60см [count] => 7 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 8498 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 8518 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19714 [flower_id] => 2148 [ammount] => 9 [name] => Pink cymbidium orchids [ru_name] => Цимбидиум розовый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Pink cymbidium orchids [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 22438 [flower_id] => 2474 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [ru_name] => Роза Джумилия до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда Джумілія до 60см [en_name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 0.8 [product_sostav] => Burgundy - Состав: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Pink cymbidium orchids, Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Бургунди - Состав: Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Цимбидиум розовый (цветок орхидея), Роза Джумилия до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Бургунді - Склад: Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Цимбидиум рожевий (квітка орхідея), Троянда Джумілія до 60см. [en_product_sostav] => Burgundy - Composition: Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Pink cymbidium orchids, Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm. [url_link] => buket-burgundi [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/burgundi-7342_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/burgundi-7342_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/burgundi-7342_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7342_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7342_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7342_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7342_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7342_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7342_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 11 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet of roses and orchids «Burgundy» - a delightful mix of colors of pink and purple shades, giving a result of the deep tone of a young red wine, just poured out a glass... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7342 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/burgundi-7342_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/burgundi-7342_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/burgundi-7342_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7342_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7342_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7342_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7342_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7342_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7342_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7342_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7342_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7342_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Burgundy [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-podruge [name] => Flowers for a girl friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-podruge ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [name] => Flowers for graduates [link] => [slug] => tsvety-vypusknikam ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1031] => Array ( [id] => 7342 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7342 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7342 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2148] => Array ( [id] => 7342 [flower_id] => 2148 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [2474] => Array ( [id] => 7342 [flower_id] => 2474 [price] => 28.5 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [47] => Array ( [id] => 7259 [name] => Heart bouquet [ru_name] => Розы в виде сердца [ua_name] => Букет серце [en_name] => Heart bouquet [title] => Купить букет Heart bouquet недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

«Heart bouquet» - an original gift to your beloved on Valentine's Day, birthday, anniversary or wedding dating.

Amazing tight buds on solid stems collected in a beautiful bouquet. it is better than any words to tell about your feelings, help to congratulate effectively and so that will be remembered for a long time. Roses in a heart will also be a wonderful compliment and gratitude to his wife in a child's birthday. What else exept these luxury flowers can brighten tell about that love and affection you have for the best woman on earth? Such actions cannot be forgotten and are very much appreciated. You'll see!

Note: bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site because it consists mix smping flowers.

[rutext] =>

Букет роз «В виде сердца» — оригинальный подарок для любимой ко Дню святого Валентина, на День Рождения, годовщину знакомства или свадьбы.

Изумительные тугие бутоны на плодных стеблях собраны в прекрасный букет. Он лучше любых слов расскажет о Ваших чувствах, поможет поздравить эффектно и так, что запомнится надолго. Розы в виде сердца станут также чудесным комплиментом и благодарностью жене в День Рождения ребенка. Ведь что, как не эти роскошные цветы, может ярче поведать о той люби и нежности, которые Вы испытываете к самой лучшей женщине на земле? Такие поступки не забываются и ценятся очень высоко. Вот увидите!

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => v_vide_serdtsa-7259_s.jpg [large] => v_vide_serdtsa-7259_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7259_four_s.jpg [large] => 7259_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7259_second_s.jpg [large] => 7259_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7259_third_s.jpg [large] => 7259_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_v_vide_serdtsa_s.jpg [large] => buket_v_vide_serdtsa_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => buket_v_vide_serdtsa_second_s.jpg [large] => buket_v_vide_serdtsa_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => buket_v_vide_serdtsa_third_s.jpg [large] => buket_v_vide_serdtsa_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => buket_v_vide_serdtsa_four_s.jpg [large] => buket_v_vide_serdtsa_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-v-vide-serdca [ru_link] => buket-v-vide-serdca [en_link] => heart-bouquet [ua_link] => buket-buket-serce [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy an original bouquet of red roses in form of heart [image_title_en] => Heart roses bouquet - rommance with delivery! [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-11-08 20:50:26 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => Buy a bouquet of red roses in form of heart with delivery [p_description] => Original gift for your beloved- a bouquet of red roses in a form of heart! Surprise ypur girl or wife with unusual bouquet with delivery: 044 390 9090 [p_keywords] => heart bouquet, bouquet of roses in form of heart, buy heart bouquet, flower bouquet of red roses in form of heart [p_h1] => Heart bouquet [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 362 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 68 [vpl_url] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca [vpl_list_id] => 362 [vpl_name_ru] => Розы в виде сердца {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Троянди у вигляді серця [vpl_name_en] => Roses in a shape of a heart [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.58 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 45 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Frame [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 45 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Каркас [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8064 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 45 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 8065 [flower_id] => 1158 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Frame [ru_name] => Каркас [ua_name] => Каркас [en_name] => Frame [group] => 36 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 8066 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.88 [product_sostav] => Heart bouquet - Состав: Rose red, Frame, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Розы в виде сердца - Состав: Роза красная, Каркас, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет серце - Склад: Троянда червона, Каркас, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Heart bouquet - Composition: Rose red, Frame, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-v-vide-serdca [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7259_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7259_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7259_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7259_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7259_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7259_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 63 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => «Heart bouquet» - an original gift to your beloved on Valentine's Day, birthday, anniversary or wedding dating... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7259 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7259_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7259_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7259_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7259_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7259_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7259_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7259_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7259_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7259_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656030_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656030_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656030_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656030_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Heart bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya ) [1] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca [name] => Roses in a shape of a heart [link] => [slug] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca ) [3] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [4] => Array ( [url] => serdtsa [name] => Hearts [link] => [slug] => serdtsa ) [5] => Array ( [url] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina [name] => Heards Valentines Day [link] => [slug] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 7259 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 45 ) [1158] => Array ( [id] => 7259 [flower_id] => 1158 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1.1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7259 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [48] => Array ( [id] => 6965 [name] => The blue sky [ru_name] => Букет невесты Голубое небо [ua_name] => Блакитне небо [en_name] => The blue sky [title] => Купить букет The blue sky недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/goluboe_nebo-6965_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/goluboe_nebo-6965_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/goluboe_nebo-6965_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet "Blue Sky" is an incredibly delicate composition, saturated with peace, tranquility and romance. Sensual and, at the same time, modest, it combines exactly those harmonious contrasts that we can see in the endless summer sky - in the rich blue of the sky, in white flakes of clouds, in which the most incredible images are sometimes read.

The composition inspires with its minimalistic restraint - our florists tried to get rid of unnecessary details so that your attention is focused on the most important thing. We used blue gartensias and freesias tinted with white rose - the colors are incredibly harmoniously combined with each other and form a beautiful harmonious duet.

Bouquet "Blue Sky" will be a wonderful gift for parents, colleague or girlfriend - it was created in order to give only the warmest emotions only to the closest people.

Attention! The appearance of the bouquet may differ slightly from that shown in the photo.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Голубое небо» — это невероятно нежная композиция, пропитанная умиротворением, спокойствием и романтикой. Чувственный и, в то же время, скромный, он сочетает в себе именно те гармоничные контрасты, которые мы можем видеть в бескрайнем летнем небе — в насыщенной синеве небосвода, в белых хлопьях облаков, в которых порой читаются самые невероятные образы.

Композиция вдохновляет своей минималистичной сдержанностью — наши флористы постарались избавиться от лишних деталей, чтобы Ваше внимание было сосредоточенно на самом главном. Мы использовали голубые гартензии и фрезии, оттененные белой розой — цвета невероятно гармонично сочетаются друг с другом и образуют прекрасный слаженный дуэт.

Букет «Голубое небо» станет прекрасным подарком родителям, коллеге или любимой девушке — он создан для того, чтобы дарить только самые теплые эмоции только самым близким людям.

Внимание! Внешний вид букета может незначительно отличаться от представленного на фото

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет невесты Голубое небо - Состав: Гортензия голубая, Роза белая местная, Фрезия белая, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Блакитне небо - Склад: Гортензія блакитна, Троянда біла місцева, Фрезія біла, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => The blue sky - Composition: Hydrangea blue, Roses white local, Freesia white, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-goluboye-nebo [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/goluboe_nebo-6965_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/goluboe_nebo-6965_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/goluboe_nebo-6965_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6965_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6965_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6965_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6965_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6965_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6965_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 30 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet "Blue Sky" is an incredibly delicate composition, saturated with peace, tranquility and romance... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6965 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/goluboe_nebo-6965_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/goluboe_nebo-6965_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/goluboe_nebo-6965_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6965_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6965_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6965_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6965_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6965_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6965_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6965_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6965_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6965_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => [name] => ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615330_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615330_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595853_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/595853_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет The blue sky [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [5] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [910] => Array ( [id] => 6965 [flower_id] => 910 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [877] => Array ( [id] => 6965 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 11 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 6965 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6965 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [49] => Array ( [id] => 6839 [name] => Crimson peonies [ru_name] => Малиновые местные пионы [ua_name] => Малинові місцеві півонії [en_name] => Crimson peonies [title] => Купить букет Crimson peonies недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Order bouquet performed 2 weeks before delivery.

[rutext] =>

Наслаждение с каждым вдохом… Ароматы поздней весны и сладость приближающегося ягодного лета слились в сказочный букет «Малиновые пионы». Яркий, колоритный и неповторимый, он понравится брюнеткам, кареглазым красоткам и станет идеальным украшением для всех чувственных и темпераментных особ!

Пионы – цветы, приносящие счастье в семью, поэтому так часто их можно увидеть в руках невест. Подарите «Малиновые пионы» на свадьбу, День рождения сестре или просто в знак благодарности, и они пожелают долгих и весёлых лет. Пусть Ваши близкие и любимые почувствуют себя счастливыми! Ведь пышное благоухание этого букета невольно заставляет мечтать, любить и радоваться каждому мгновению!

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

Заказывать пионы следует по предварительному согласованию с менеджером за 2 недели до доставки!

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => malinovyie_pionyi-6839_s.jpg [large] => malinovyie_pionyi-6839_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [second] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => malinovyie_pionyi_s.jpg [large] => malinovyie_pionyi_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-malinovie-piony [ru_link] => buket-malinovie-piony [en_link] => crimsonpeonies [ua_link] => buket-malynovi-pivoniyi [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-14 16:08:40 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 63 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 29 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 308 [vpl_url] => cvety-peony [vpl_list_id] => 63 [vpl_name_ru] => Пионы [vpl_name_ua] => Півонії [vpl_name_en] => Peonies [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 17 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Peony crimson [count] => 29 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Wrapping 3 m [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Півонія малинова [count] => 29 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка 3 м [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 23372 [flower_id] => 1350 [ammount] => 29 [name] => Peony crimson [ru_name] => Пион малиновый [ua_name] => Півонія малинова [en_name] => Peony crimson [group] => 24 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 24323 [flower_id] => 2571 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Wrapping 3 m [ru_name] => Упаковка 3 м [ua_name] => Упаковка 3 м [en_name] => Wrapping 3 m [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 24324 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.24 [product_sostav] => Crimson peonies - Состав: Peony crimson, Wrapping 3 m, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Малиновые местные пионы - Состав: Пион малиновый, Упаковка 3 м, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Малинові місцеві півонії - Склад: Півонія малинова, Упаковка 3 м, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Crimson peonies - Composition: Peony crimson, Wrapping 3 m, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-malinovie-piony [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 7 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Order bouquet performed 2 weeks before delivery. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6839 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/malinovyie_pionyi-6839_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Crimson peonies [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-podruge [name] => Flowers for a girl friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-podruge ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-neveste [name] => Flowers for a bride [link] => [slug] => tsvety-neveste ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1350] => Array ( [id] => 6839 [flower_id] => 1350 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 29 ) [2571] => Array ( [id] => 6839 [flower_id] => 2571 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6839 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) )
Страница №13 - Цветы Rum Cay — купить в интернет магазине | Цена: 1$ - 10000$ | Высота: 5-200 | К-во цветов: 1-1001 | Сортировка: Сначала новые

Подбор букета: найдено 777 товаров.

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5 cm
200 cm
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1 pc
1001 pc
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Address: UA, Rum Cay
Telephone: +380 68 390 9090
Mon-Sun: 8:00-21:00
Rum Cay — Courier delivery 0 $

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