    [0] => Array
            [id] => 114
            [name] => Dream cloud
            [ru_name] => Букет из лилий - Облако мечты
            [ua_name] => Букет квітів Хмарка мрій
            [en_name] => Dream cloud
            [title] => Купить букет Dream cloud недорого
            [small_image] => /bouquet/oblako_mechtyi-114_s.jpg
            [big_image] => /bouquet/oblako_mechtyi-114_b.jpg
            [original_image] => /bouquet/oblako_mechtyi-114_o.jpg
            [top] => 0
            [hit] => 0
            [preorder_bouquet] => 0
            [actsiya] => 0
            [new] => 0
            [this_is_popular] => 1
            [text] => 

The bouquet of white lilies is an excellent present for any celebration, birthday or for no particular reason!

Composition: 9 lilies.

Size: 70 х 60 cm.

The vase is not included to the price. You can order it separately.

Attention: the bouquet can differ from the picture.

[rutext] =>

Букет из белых лилий - превосходный подарок на любое торжество: День рождения, 8 Марта, профессиональный праздник, День святого Валентина, именины, рождение ребенка или просто так!

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Ваза в его стоимость не включена, ее Вы можете заказать отдельно.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => oblako_mechtyi-114_s.jpg [large] => oblako_mechtyi-114_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 114_four_s.jpg [large] => 114_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 114_second_s.jpg [large] => 114_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => pomni_obo_mne_s.jpg [large] => pomni_obo_mne_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => pomni_obo_mne_second_s.jpg [large] => pomni_obo_mne_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [four] => Array ( [small] => pomni_obo_mne_four_s.jpg [large] => pomni_obo_mne_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 30 [link] => buket-oblako-mechtyi [ru_link] => buket-oblako-mechtyi [en_link] => dream-cloud [ua_link] => buket-hmarka-mriy [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 7 [product_raiting] => 31 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-07-03 11:40:38 [height] => 70 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 400 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 9 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 119 [vpl_url] => traurnyie-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 400 [vpl_name_ru] => Траурные букеты [vpl_name_ua] => Траурні букети [vpl_name_en] => Mourning bouquets [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Lily white [count] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Лілія біла [count] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 875 [flower_id] => 863 [ammount] => 9 [name] => Lily white [ru_name] => Лилия белая [ua_name] => Лілія біла [en_name] => Lily white [group] => 6 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6793 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6794 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => Dream cloud - Состав: Lily white, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет из лилий - Облако мечты - Состав: Лилия белая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Хмарка мрій - Склад: Лілія біла, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Dream cloud - Composition: Lily white, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-oblako-mechtyi [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/oblako_mechtyi-114_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/oblako_mechtyi-114_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/oblako_mechtyi-114_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/114_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/114_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/114_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/114_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 39 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => The bouquet of white lilies is an excellent present for any celebration, birthday or for no particular reason.Composition: 9 lilies.Size: 70 х 60 cm... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 4 [code] => SP 114 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/oblako_mechtyi-114_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/oblako_mechtyi-114_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/oblako_mechtyi-114_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/114_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/114_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/114_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/114_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/114_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/114_second_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614648_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614648_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Dream cloud [rate] => 4 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Flowers for mother-in-law [link] => [slug] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [863] => Array ( [id] => 114 [flower_id] => 863 [price] => 105 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 9 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 114 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 114 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 940 [price] => 5953 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 5953 [price_cur] => 151 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 151 [price_discount] => 5953 [price_discount_cur] => 151 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 5953 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 151 [price_member] => 5953 [price_member_cur] => 151 [price_member_qty] => 5953 [price_member_qty_cur] => 151 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 9) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 151 [business] => 174 [vip] => 196 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9101 [name] => Teddy bear white 90 cm [ru_name] => Мишка белый 90 см [ua_name] => Ведмідь білий 90 см [en_name] => Teddy bear white 90 cm [title] => Товар «Teddy bear white 90 cm» [small_image] => /bouquet/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

White Teddy bear is a loyal friend and a reliable satellite. His soft and delicate paws are made for hugs. And the paws size makes an irresistible impression even of the most sophisticated ladies.

The plush toy amazes not only with its height but also with the highest quality of the material. The white bear will become an outstanding gift for both young girl and adult lady. You won’t miss if you choose that one as a gift on Birthday, Name-day or Valentine’s Day. Besides, there’s nothing better than the 1-meter height plush bear in the situation you want to say “I love you” or “I’m sorry”. The Teddy bear will become the best support in relieving your feelings. Give it a chance!

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Белый мишка — верный спутник и надёжный друг. Его мягкие лапы так и манят в свои объятия. Размеры же лап этого медведя произведут неотразимое впечатление даже на самых изысканных и искушенных подарками дам.

Плюшевая игрушка впечатляет не только своими размерами, но и высококачественным материалом, из которого состоит. Белый мишка станет потрясающим подарком как для маленькой девочки, так и для состоявшейся леди. День рождения, именины, 14 февраля, желание сказать «прости» или «я люблю тебя» — мишка лучше 1000 роз выразит самое важное, что хочется донести.

Внимание! Товар может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_s.jpg [large] => mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => mishka_belyiy_105_sm_86e_s.jpg [large] => mishka_belyiy_105_sm_86e_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => mishka-beliy-90-cm [ru_link] => mishka-beliy-90-cm [en_link] => teddy-bear-white-90-cm [ua_link] => vedmid-bily-90cm [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Teddy bear white 105 cm | make an order on UFL website [image_title_en] => Teddy bear white 105 cm | fast delivery fron UFL [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-02-03 11:48:04 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => Teddy bear white 105 cm | Plush toys from UFL [p_description] => White Teddy bear is a loyal friend and a reliable satellite [p_keywords] => 1-meter teddy bear, white teddy bear, huge teddy bear [p_h1] => Teddy bear white 105 cm [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 130 [google_product_category] => 1259 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 359 [vpl_url] => myahkie-igrushki [vpl_list_id] => 130 [vpl_name_ru] => Мягкие игрушки [vpl_name_ua] => М'які іграшки [vpl_name_en] => Soft toys [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Toy Teddy bear white 90 cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Іграшка Ведмедик білий 90 см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16953 [flower_id] => 1966 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Toy Teddy bear white 90 cm [ru_name] => Игрушка Мишка белый 90 см [ua_name] => Іграшка Ведмедик білий 90 см [en_name] => Toy Teddy bear white 90 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 13 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Teddy bear white 90 cm - Состав: Toy Teddy bear white 90 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Мишка белый 90 см - Состав: Игрушка Мишка белый 90 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Ведмідь білий 90 см - Склад: Іграшка Ведмедик білий 90 см. [en_product_sostav] => Teddy bear white 90 cm - Composition: Toy Teddy bear white 90 cm. [url_link] => mishka-beliy-90-cm [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 65 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => White Teddy bear is a loyal friend and a reliable satellite. His soft and delicate paws are made for hugs... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9101 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/mishka_belyiy_105_sm-9101_c01_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/633583.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kremenchyg/633583_full.jpg [city] => kremenchyg [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Teddy bear white 90 cm [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1966] => Array ( [id] => 9101 [flower_id] => 1966 [price] => 870 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 1000 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 1000 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 1000 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1000 [price] => 6333 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6333 [price_cur] => 161 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 161 [price_discount] => 6333 [price_discount_cur] => 161 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6333 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 161 [price_member] => 6333 [price_member_cur] => 161 [price_member_qty] => 6333 [price_member_qty_cur] => 161 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (1000 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9070 [name] => Cream frost [ru_name] => Букет цветов Кремовый иней [ua_name] => Кремовий іній [en_name] => Cream frost [title] => Купить букет Cream frost недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A bunch of flowers «Cream frost» is all you need in order to create a special holiday atmosphere. This bouquet is a universal gift. You can bring it on any type of events, from daughter’s anniversary — to sweetheart’s Birthday. Be sure you will be looking stylish, gentle and elegant with that refined bunch of pink hydrangeas, purple roses, dianthus, green skimmias and spray cream roses, surrounded with green and decorative wrapping.

Bouquet «Cream frost» is something you want to gift. There is nothing easier than picking the pertinent bouquet for the right day. And there’s nothing more important than that.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Связка воздушных цветов «Кремовый иней» — то, что нужно для праздника! Такой букет подойдёт по любому из событий, от выпускного дочери — до Дня рождения любимой женщины. Как иначе, ведь связка, составленная из розовых гортензий, диантуса, зелёных скиммий, сиреневых и кустовых кремовых роз, впечатляет своей простотой и, в то же время, какой-то особой изысканностью.

Букет «Кремовый иней» — то, что хочется подарить. Ведь нет ничего проще, чем преподнести уместный подарок в нужный день. И ничего важнее.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_s.jpg [large] => kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9070_four_df7_s.jpg [large] => 9070_four_df7_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9070_second_2e5_s.jpg [large] => 9070_second_2e5_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9070_third_dea_s.jpg [large] => 9070_third_dea_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-kremoviy-iney [ru_link] => buket-kremoviy-iney [en_link] => cream-frost [ua_link] => buket-kremovy-iniy [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Bouquet «Cream frost» | Order with delivery [image_title_en] => Bouquet «Cream frost» | Buy in our online shop [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-29 22:47:34 [height] => 30 [diametre] => 25 [color] => cream [p_title] => Bouquet «Cream frost» | order with delivery from UFL [p_description] => Bouquet «Cream frost» is something you want to gift. [p_keywords] => bunch of floweres, elegant bouquet, refined bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «Cream frost» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 157 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 5 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Cream [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 20 [vpl_url] => tsvety-podruge [vpl_list_id] => 157 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы подруге {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти подрузі {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for a girl friend [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea pink [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Skimmia green [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Barbatus [count] => 4 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія рожева [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Скіммія зелена [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Барбатус [count] => 4 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16866 [flower_id] => 911 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hydrangea pink [ru_name] => Гортензия розовая [ua_name] => Гортензія рожева [en_name] => Hydrangea pink [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16868 [flower_id] => 1948 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Skimmia green [ru_name] => Скиммия зелёная [ua_name] => Скіммія зелена [en_name] => Skimmia green [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16870 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 20197 [flower_id] => 1980 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Barbatus [ru_name] => Барбатус [ua_name] => Барбатус [en_name] => Barbatus [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => Cream frost - Состав: Hydrangea pink, Skimmia green, Rose spray cream, Barbatus, [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Кремовый иней - Состав: Гортензия розовая, Скиммия зелёная, Роза кустовая кремовая, Барбатус, [ua_product_sostav] => Кремовий іній - Склад: Гортензія рожева, Скіммія зелена, Троянда кущова кремова, Барбатус, [en_product_sostav] => Cream frost - Composition: Hydrangea pink, Skimmia green, Rose spray cream, Barbatus, [url_link] => buket-kremoviy-iney [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9070_second_2e5_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9070_second_2e5_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9070_third_dea_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9070_third_dea_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9070_four_df7_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9070_four_df7_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 9 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A bunch of flowers «Cream frost» is all you need in order to create a special holiday atmosphere. This bouquet is a universal gift... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9070 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/kremovyiy_iney-9070_2e5_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9070_four_df7_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9070_four_df7_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9070_four_df7_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9070_second_2e5_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9070_second_2e5_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9070_second_2e5_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9070_third_dea_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9070_third_dea_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9070_third_dea_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Cream frost [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-podruge [name] => Flowers for a girl friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-podruge ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Flowers for mother-in-law [link] => [slug] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia ) [3] => Array ( [url] => sezonnie-cvety [name] => Seasonal flowers [link] => [slug] => sezonnie-cvety ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [911] => Array ( [id] => 9070 [flower_id] => 911 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1948] => Array ( [id] => 9070 [flower_id] => 1948 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9070 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [2038] => Array ( [id] => 9070 [flower_id] => 2038 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1980] => Array ( [id] => 9070 [flower_id] => 1980 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1065 [price] => 6745 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6745 [price_cur] => 171 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 171 [price_discount] => 6745 [price_discount_cur] => 171 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6745 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 171 [price_member] => 6745 [price_member_cur] => 171 [price_member_qty] => 6745 [price_member_qty_cur] => 171 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (65 * 2) *1 + (60 * 4) *1 + (55 * 5) *1 + (30 * 4) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 171 [business] => 197 [vip] => 222 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 473 [name] => Fruit Set [ru_name] => Фруктовый набор [ua_name] => Фруктовий набір [en_name] => Fruit Set [title] => Товар «Fruit Set» [small_image] => /bouquet/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

Large range of fruits, which includes this set, will become not only pleasant and beautiful, but a very useful gift!

Organize a luxurious fruit feast for your colleagues or loved ones. This spectacular composition combines traditional, loved by all, and exotic fruits. Large apples and pears exude a sweet-fresh aroma, yellow bananas with tender pulp give a sunny mood, and juicy oranges and kiwis add piquant sourness. The composition is crowned with a delicious ripe pineapple.

The set is appropriate for business meetings, receptions, and official events, as well as for an anniversary, or a celebration of a significant date. Among other things, it is also a useful gift. It will appeal to children and older people, men and women, bosses and subordinates. Decorate the life of loved ones with fruit still life!

Attention: externally the set and its content may differ from the photo presented on the site, and the composition will remain unchanged.

[rutext] =>

Организуйте своим коллегам или близким роскошное фруктовое застолье. В этой эффектной композиции сочетаются традиционные, всеми любимые, и экзотические фрукты. Крупные яблоки и груши источают сладко-свежий аромат, желтые бананы с нежной мякотью дарят солнечное настроение, сочные апельсины и киви добавляют пикантной кислинки. Венчает композицию аппетитный спелый ананас.

Набор уместен на деловых встречах, приемах, официальных мероприятиях, а также на юбилее, праздновании знаменательной даты. Кроме всего прочего, это еще и полезный подарок. Он придется по вкусу детворе и людям старшего возраста, мужчинам и женщинам, начальникам и подчиненным. Украсьте жизнь близких людей фруктовым натюрмортом!

Внимание: внешне набор и его наполнение могут отличаться от представленного на сайте фото, состав останется без изменений.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Фруктовый набор - Состав: Ананас, Груша, Яблоко, Апельсин, Киви, Банан, Виноград 0,5 кг, Поднос. [ua_product_sostav] => Фруктовий набір - Склад: Ананас, Груша, Яблуко, Апельсин, Ківі, Банан, Виноград 0,5 кг, Таця. [en_product_sostav] => Fruit Set - Composition: Pineapple, Pear, Apple, Orange, Kiwi, Banana, Grape 0,5 kg, Tray. [url_link] => fruktovyiy-nabor [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 277 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 7 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Large range of fruits, which includes this set, will become not only pleasant and beautiful, but a very useful gift... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 473 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/fruktovyiy_nabor-473_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/643175_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/643175_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/639712_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/639712_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/617901.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/617901_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [3] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/612974_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/612974_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Fruit Set [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => korziny-fruktov [name] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [link] => [slug] => korziny-fruktov ) [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [4] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1257] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 1257 [price] => 199 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1263] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 1263 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1275] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 1275 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1258] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 1258 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1265] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 1265 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1383] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 1383 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1492] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 1492 [price] => 125 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 125 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 125 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 125 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1171] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 1171 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2573] => Array ( [id] => 473 [flower_id] => 2573 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 15 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 15 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 15 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 900 [price] => 6840 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6840 [price_cur] => 174 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 174 [price_discount] => 6840 [price_discount_cur] => 174 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6840 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 174 [price_member] => 6840 [price_member_cur] => 174 [price_member_qty] => 6840 [price_member_qty_cur] => 174 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (30 * 1) *1 + (20 * 3) *1 + (35 * 4) *1 + (20 * 3) *1 + (30 * 4) *1 + (125 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (15 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 9734 [name] => Flower delivery by MIME [ru_name] => Доставка цветов МИМОМ [ua_name] => Доставка квітів МІМом [en_name] => Flower delivery by MIME [title] => Товар «Flower delivery by MIME» [small_image] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] => [rutext] =>
Мимы — потрясающие, эксцентричные, и всеми любимые актёры! Кто из нас в силах устоять перед очарованием этих кудесников?

Мы спешим порадовать любительниц сценических мастеров замечательной новостью о том, что теперь по Киеву, и только по Киеву, доступна услуга доставки цветов мимом! Это — поистине замечательная новость как для любителей делать оригинальные подарки, так и для любительниц их получать! Ведь что может быть экстравагантнее, чем букет, доставленный мимом?

Мы предлагаем уникальную в своем роде услугу, особенности которой:
Внимание! Услугу необходимо заказать за 3-4 дня до даты доставки. Костюм и внешний вид мима могут отличаться от  представленных на сайте изображений. Дополнительные детали вы можете уточнить у менеджера.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [large] => dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => dostavka-cvetov-mimom [ru_link] => dostavka-cvetov-mimom [en_link] => flower-delivery-by-mime [ua_link] => dostavka-cvetov-mimom [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-10-03 01:59:44 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 0 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Delivery with Mim [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Доставка мімом [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18992 [flower_id] => 2101 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Delivery with Mim [ru_name] => Доставка мимом [ua_name] => Доставка мімом [en_name] => Delivery with Mim [group] => 93 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 10 ) ) [weight] => 0.04 [product_sostav] => Flower delivery by MIME - Состав: Delivery with Mim. [ru_product_sostav] => Доставка цветов МИМОМ - Состав: Доставка мимом. [ua_product_sostav] => Доставка квітів МІМом - Склад: Доставка мімом. [en_product_sostav] => Flower delivery by MIME - Composition: Delivery with Mim. [url_link] => dostavka-cvetov-mimom [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9734 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/dostavka_tsvetov_mimom-8947_98f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Flower delivery by MIME [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2101] => Array ( [id] => 9734 [flower_id] => 2101 [price] => 1400 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 1100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 1100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 1100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1100 [price] => 6967 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 6967 [price_cur] => 177 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 177 [price_discount] => 6967 [price_discount_cur] => 177 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 6967 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 177 [price_member] => 6967 [price_member_cur] => 177 [price_member_qty] => 6967 [price_member_qty_cur] => 177 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (1100 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [name] => Flower artel [ru_name] => Букет цветов Цветочная артель [ua_name] => Квіткова артіль [en_name] => Flower artel [title] => Купить букет Flower artel недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_artel-9083_60f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_artel-9083_60f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/tsvetochnaya_artel-9083_60f_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Composition «Flower artel» is a masterpiece of the floristic art. The composition consists of green cymbidium, multicolored callas, spray roses, green chrysanthemums, pink carnations, skimmia, and greenery.

The decorative chest is a stylistic basis of the bouquet, which reveals the character and mood of the composition. «Flower artel» is a fascinating present you may choose for mom, girlfriend, mother-in-law, teacher, colleague, and chief. You’ll make a right decision when you choose that one.

Attention! The composition may differ from the images displayed on our site. Please contact our manager to know the details

[rutext] =>

Композиция «Цветочная артель» — это великолепное произведение флористов, дизайн которого превращает букет цветов в стильный декоративный подарок. Цветочный композиция состоит из цимбидиума зелёного, разноцветных калл, кустовых роз, зелёных хризантем, розовых гвоздик, скиммии и зелени.

Стилистическая основа букета — декоративный ящик, диктующий характер и настроение композиции. «Цветочная артель» — замечательный подарок маме, любимой женщине, тёще, преподавателю, коллеге и руководителю. Вы примете правильной решение, выбрав эту композицию.

Внимание! Композиция может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. Детали вы можете уточнить у менеджера.

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[p_keywords] => arrangement of flowers, flower composition [p_h1] => Composition «Flower artel» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 161 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 11 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 23 [vpl_url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [vpl_list_id] => 161 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы жене на День Рождение {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти дружині на День Народження {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium green (flower orchid) [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Calla [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Carnation pink [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Сhrysanthemum green [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Skimmia green [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум зелений (квітка орхідея) [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Кала [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика рожева [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема зелена [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Скіммія зелена [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16983 [flower_id] => 1969 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Cymbidium green (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум зеленый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум зелений (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium green (flower orchid) [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16984 [flower_id] => 853 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Calla [ru_name] => Калла [ua_name] => Кала [en_name] => Calla [group] => 9 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16986 [flower_id] => 833 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Carnation pink [ru_name] => Гвоздика розовая [ua_name] => Гвоздика рожева [en_name] => Carnation pink [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16988 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 16989 [flower_id] => 981 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Сhrysanthemum green [ru_name] => Хризантема зелёная [ua_name] => Хризантема зелена [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum green [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 16990 [flower_id] => 1948 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Skimmia green [ru_name] => Скиммия зелёная [ua_name] => Скіммія зелена [en_name] => Skimmia green [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 16991 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.72 [product_sostav] => Flower artel - Состав: Cymbidium green (flower orchid), Calla, Carnation pink, Roses spray pink, Сhrysanthemum green, Skimmia green, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Цветочная артель - Состав: Цимбидиум зеленый (цветок орхидея), Калла, Гвоздика розовая, Розы кустовые розовые, Хризантема зелёная, Скиммия зелёная, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Квіткова артіль - Склад: Цимбідіум зелений (квітка орхідея), Кала, Гвоздика рожева, Троянди кущові рожеві, Хризантема зелена, Скіммія зелена, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Flower artel - Composition: Cymbidium green (flower orchid), Calla, Carnation pink, Roses spray pink , Сhrysanthemum green, Skimmia green, Tape for flowers. 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For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower artel [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu [name] => Flowers for a boss [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rukovoditelyu ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-partneram [name] => Flowers for partners [link] => [slug] => tsvety-partneram ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-korporativnym-klientam [name] => Flowers for corporate clients [link] => [slug] => tsvety-korporativnym-klientam ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-kollege [name] => Flowers for a colleague [link] => [slug] => tsvety-kollege ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-zeljonye-hrizantemy [name] => Green chrysanthemums [link] => [slug] => tsveti-zeljonye-hrizantemy ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1969] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [flower_id] => 1969 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [853] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [flower_id] => 853 [price] => 79 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [833] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [flower_id] => 833 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [981] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [flower_id] => 981 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1948] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [flower_id] => 1948 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2624] => Array ( [id] => 9083 [flower_id] => 2624 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1300 [price] => 8233 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8233 [price_cur] => 209 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 209 [price_discount] => 8233 [price_discount_cur] => 209 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8233 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 209 [price_member] => 8233 [price_member_cur] => 209 [price_member_qty] => 8233 [price_member_qty_cur] => 209 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (65 * 3) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (60 * 4) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (65 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 209 [business] => 240 [vip] => 271 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [name] => Spring firework [ru_name] => Букет цветов Весенний салют [ua_name] => Весняний салют [en_name] => Spring firework [title] => Купить букет Spring firework недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Just like butterflies spread their wings in a delicate fly, these flowers charm. White lilies, pink chrysanthemum, astilbe, matthiola, pink alstroemeria, carnations, limonium and aspidistras, complemented with an atlas ribbon, are all components of this, particularly beautiful composition.

Bouquet «Spring fireworks» is the lightness of beauty and the beauty of lightness. These flowers may become a marvelous present for a girlfriend, a mom, a sister, a teacher, a colleague and a chief. If you decide to choose the bunch of flowers for such occasions as 8th of March, Mother’s Day, Teacher’s Day or Name-day, you’ll bring her delight and joy which will remain in memory.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site. Please contact our manager to know the details.

[rutext] =>

Словно бабочки, вылетающие из раскрытых ладоней волшебницы, красочные цветы этой композиции очаровывают. Белая лилия, розовая хризантема, астильбы, матиолы, розовые альстромерии, гвоздики, лимониумы и аспидистры, сплетённые атласной лентой — компоненты композиции, неповторимой в своей особенной красоте.

Букет «Весенний салют» — это лёгкость красоты и красота лёгкости. Цветы станут замечательным подарком девушке, маме, сестре, преподавателю, коллеге и руководителю. Выбрав связку цветов к таким праздникам, как 8 марта, День матери, День учителя и именины, вы гарантируете дорогому человеку восторг и удовольствие, которые останутся в памяти.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. Детали вы можете узнать у менеджера.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Весенний салют - Состав: Лилия белая, Хризантема розовая, Астильба, Матиола, Альстромерия розовая, Гвоздика, Лимониум, Аспидистра, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Весняний салют - Склад: Лілія біла, Хризантеми рожеві, , Матіола, Альстромерія рожева, Гвоздика, Лімоніум, Аспідістра, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Spring firework - Composition: Lily white, Сhrysanthemum pink, Астильба, Matiola, Alstroemeria pink, Carnation, limonium, Aspidistra, Greens, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => vesenniy-salut [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9084_second_06f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9084_second_06f_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9084_third_a2e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9084_third_a2e_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9084_four_2ef_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9084_four_2ef_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 7 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Just like butterflies spread their wings in a delicate fly, these flowers charm... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9084 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/vesenniy_salyut-9084_7ad_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9084_four_2ef_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9084_four_2ef_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9084_four_2ef_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9084_second_06f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9084_second_06f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9084_second_06f_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9084_third_a2e_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9084_third_a2e_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9084_third_a2e_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Spring firework [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-podruge [name] => Flowers for a girl friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-podruge ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-kollege [name] => Flowers for a colleague [link] => [slug] => tsvety-kollege ) [5] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-dlya-druzey [name] => Flowers or friends [link] => [slug] => tsvety-dlya-druzey ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [863] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 863 [price] => 105 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [984] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 984 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1566] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 1566 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1044] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 1044 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [811] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 811 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1.5 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1772] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 1772 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1591] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 1591 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1006] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 1006 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9084 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1325 [price] => 8392 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8392 [price_cur] => 213 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 213 [price_discount] => 8392 [price_discount_cur] => 213 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8392 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 213 [price_member] => 8392 [price_member_cur] => 213 [price_member_qty] => 8392 [price_member_qty_cur] => 213 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 1) *1 + (65 * 1) *1 + (40 * 3) *1 + (65 * 7) *1 + (30 * 3) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (25 * 5) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 213 [business] => 245 [vip] => 277 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 2490 [name] => Angel\'s wings [ru_name] => Букет цветов Ангельские крылья [ua_name] => Букет квітів Крила янгола [en_name] => Angel\'s wings [title] => Купить букет Angel\'s wings недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/2490_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/2490_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/2490_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

Wonderful combination of charming delicate daisies and luxurious lilies. Pure white and light bouquet brings joy and serenity. Send your warm hugs to relatives or friends to cheer them at difficult moment with the help of this white miracle.

Composition: white lilies, white daisy chrysanthemums, white carnations.

Size: 55 x 50 cm. Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image.

[rutext] =>

Чудесное сочетание очаровательных легкомысленных ромашек и утонченных роскошных лилий. Белоснежный и легкий букет излучает радость и спокойствие. Передайте привет своим близким или подбодрите друга в трудную минуту с помощью этого молочного чуда.

Белый цвет – особый. Только он способен подчеркнуть торжество момента в день свадьбы. Невинность ослепительных одежд невесты – обязательная составляющая каждого бракосочетания. А белоснежный букет «Крылья ангела» будто создан специально для этого события. Наши флористы любовно составляли его из искристо-алебастровых лилий, ромашковых хризантем и гвоздик. Чарующее сочетание оттенков белого покорит невесту изысканной роскошью. Пусть в течение всего этого счастливого дня молодожены будут любоваться цветочными переливами, светлыми и трогательными, как их чувства. Но ангелы нужны не только в день бракосочетания. Такой подарок будет уместен и в День рождения, в День ангела, День святого Валентина, на именинах, крестинах и на венчании.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Ваза в его стоимость не включена, ее Вы можете заказать отдельно

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 2490_s.jpg [large] => 2490_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 2490_four_s.jpg [large] => 2490_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 2490_second_s.jpg [large] => 2490_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 2490_third_s.jpg [large] => 2490_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => Lunnaya_sonata_s.jpg [large] => Lunnaya_sonata_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => Lunnaya_sonata_second_s.jpg [large] => Lunnaya_sonata_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => Lunnaya_sonata_third_s.jpg [large] => Lunnaya_sonata_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => Lunnaya_sonata_four_s.jpg [large] => Lunnaya_sonata_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 30 [link] => buket-angelskie-kryilya [ru_link] => buket-angelskie-kryilya [en_link] => angel-wings [ua_link] => buket-krila-yangola [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 9 [product_raiting] => 35 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-06-29 14:09:55 [height] => 55 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 118 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 18 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 336 [vpl_url] => cvety-dlja-mamy [vpl_list_id] => 118 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты маме [vpl_name_ua] => Мамі [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for a mom [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 28 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Lily white [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Carnation white [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [count] => 8 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Лілія біла [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика біла [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова біла [count] => 8 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2074 [flower_id] => 863 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Lily white [ru_name] => Лилия белая [ua_name] => Лілія біла [en_name] => Lily white [group] => 6 [flower_color] => 3 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2076 [flower_id] => 825 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Carnation white [ru_name] => Гвоздика белая [ua_name] => Гвоздика біла [en_name] => Carnation white [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 3 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7133 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 7134 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7135 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 22116 [flower_id] => 1463 [ammount] => 8 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая белая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова біла [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.88 [product_sostav] => Angel\'s wings - Состав: Lily white, Carnation white, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Chrysanthemum spray white. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Ангельские крылья - Состав: Лилия белая, Гвоздика белая, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Хризантема кустовая белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Крила янгола - Склад: Лілія біла, Гвоздика біла, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Хризантема кущова біла. [en_product_sostav] => Angel\'s wings - Composition: Lily white, Carnation white, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Chrysanthemum spray white. [url_link] => buket-angelskie-kryilya [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/2490_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2490_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2490_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2490_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2490_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2490_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2490_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/2490_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/2490_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 17 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Wonderful combination of charming delicate daisies and luxurious lilies. Pure white and light bouquet brings joy and serenity... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 4 [code] => SP 2490 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2490_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2490_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2490_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2490_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2490_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2490_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2490_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2490_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2490_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/2490_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/2490_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/2490_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614145_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614145_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Angel\'s wings [rate] => 4 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-neveste [name] => Flowers for a bride [link] => [slug] => tsvety-neveste ) [1] => Array ( [url] => vera-nadezhda-lyubov [name] => Day of Vera, Nadezhda, Liubov [link] => [slug] => vera-nadezhda-lyubov ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [863] => Array ( [id] => 2490 [flower_id] => 863 [price] => 105 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [825] => Array ( [id] => 2490 [flower_id] => 825 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 2490 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 2490 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 2490 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1463] => Array ( [id] => 2490 [flower_id] => 1463 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 8 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1385 [price] => 8772 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8772 [price_cur] => 223 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 223 [price_discount] => 8772 [price_discount_cur] => 223 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8772 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 223 [price_member] => 8772 [price_member_cur] => 223 [price_member_qty] => 8772 [price_member_qty_cur] => 223 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 5) *1 + (45 * 5) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (65 * 8) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 223 [business] => 256 [vip] => 289 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [name] => Bouquet Fairy of the forest [ru_name] => Букет Лесная фея [ua_name] => Букет Лісова фея [en_name] => Bouquet Fairy of the forest [title] => Купить букет Bouquet Fairy of the forest недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/lesnaya_feya-3702_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/lesnaya_feya-3702_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/lesnaya_feya-3702_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Every bride dreams of being the most beautiful and feminine on the day her family is born. That is why all the details of a girl’s image must harmoniously match each other. One of the most important and necessary accessories of a bride’s wedding dress is a bouquet. It should not only be beautiful, but also carry some kind of symbol, from which the happy life of a married couple will begin.

Thanks to the decorative frame, the “Forest Fairy” bouquet has a rather unusual shape. If you are a creative person and prefer not to follow the traditions of wedding decoration, then such a bright and delicate accessory is what you need!

It contains a variety of flowers: spray roses, carnations, bouvardia, ornithogalum and others. Together they create a very unusual bouquet, filled with many of the most reverent and tender feelings. Start your married life in a fabulous and magical way with the “forest fairy”, and she will bring only happiness and a sea of smiles to your home.

Attention! The bouquet may differ slightly from the image shown on the website.

[rutext] =>

Каждая невеста мечтает быть самой прекрасной и женственной в тот день, когда зарождается ее семья. Именно поэтому все детали образа девушки должны гармонично соответствовать друг другу. Одним из самых важных и нужных аксессуаров свадебного наряда невесты является букет. Он должен быть не просто красивым, но и нести в себе какой-то символ, с которого и начнется счастливая жизнь супружеской пары.

Благодаря декоративному каркасу букет «Лесная фея» имеет достаточно необычную форму. Если Вы творческая натура и предпочитаете не следовать традициям оформления свадьбы, тогда такой яркий и нежный аксессуар – это то, что нужно!

В его составе присутствуют самые разные цветы: кустовые розы, гвоздики, бувардия, орнитогалум и другие. Вместе они создают очень необычный букет, наполненный множеством самых трепетных и нежных чувств. Начните свою супружескую жизни сказочно и волшебно вместе с «лесной феей», и она будет приносить в Ваш дом только счастье и море улыбок. 

Внимание! Букет может слегка отличаться от представленно на сайте изображения. 

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет Лесная фея - Состав: Розы кустовые розовые, Орнитогалум, Гвоздика зелёная, Гвоздики фиолетовые, Бувардия, Лимониум, Эвкалипт, Лента на цветы, Каркас. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет Лісова фея - Склад: Троянди кущові рожеві, Орнитогалум, Гвоздика зелена, Гвоздика фіолетова, Бувардія, Лімоніум, Евкаліпт, Стрічка на квіти, Каркас. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet Fairy of the forest - Composition: Roses spray pink , Ornithogalum, Carnation green, Carnation violet, Bouvardia, limonium, Eucalyptus, Tape for flowers, Frame. [url_link] => buket-lesnaya-feia [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/lesnaya_feya-3702_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/lesnaya_feya-3702_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/lesnaya_feya-3702_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/3702_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/3702_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/3702_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/3702_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/3702_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/3702_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Every bride dreams of being the most beautiful and feminine on the day her family is born. That is why all the details of a girl’s image must harmoniously match each other... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 3702 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/lesnaya_feya-3702_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/lesnaya_feya-3702_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/lesnaya_feya-3702_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/3702_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/3702_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/3702_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/3702_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/3702_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/3702_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/3702_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/3702_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/3702_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet Fairy of the forest [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [6] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [901] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1047] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 1047 [price] => 46 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 46 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 46 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 46 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [828] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 828 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1393] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 1393 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1537] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 1537 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1591] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 1591 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1158] => Array ( [id] => 3702 [flower_id] => 1158 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1.1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1388 [price] => 8791 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 8791 [price_cur] => 223 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 223 [price_discount] => 8791 [price_discount_cur] => 223 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 8791 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 223 [price_member] => 8791 [price_member_cur] => 223 [price_member_qty] => 8791 [price_member_qty_cur] => 223 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 5) *1 + (46 * 3) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 + (45 * 2) *1 + (65 * 3) *1 + (55 * 2) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (250 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 223 [business] => 256 [vip] => 290 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [name] => Gift Basket 11 [ru_name] => Фруктовая корзина [ua_name] => Подарунковий кошик 11 [en_name] => Gift Basket 11 [title] => Товар «Gift Basket 11» [small_image] => /bouquet/klassika-2842_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/klassika-2842_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/klassika-2842_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

A nice gift on the different occasion like an anniversary, a festive event or Your attention.

Ingredients:The recipient will be delighted by the following components -
1 bottle of red wine. Also fruit in the basket are provided - 1 kg of apples, 1 kg of oranges, 1 kg of lemons, 1 kg of bananas, 1 pineapple, 1 kg of kiwi fruit, mango.

[rutext] =>

Прекрасный подарок по случаю вечеринки, праздничного события в личной или профессиональной жизни.

Внимание: внешне корзина и ее наполнение могут отличаться от представленного на сайте фото, состав останется без изменений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => klassika-2842_s.jpg [large] => klassika-2842_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [second] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) [flora] => Array ( [second] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [first] => Array ( [small] => podarochnaya_korzina_11_c92_s.jpg [large] => podarochnaya_korzina_11_c92_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 33 [link] => podarochnaya-korzina-11 [ru_link] => podarochnaya-korzina-11 [en_link] => gift-basket-11 [ua_link] => podarunkoviy-koshik-11 [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 3 [product_raiting] => 12 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.61 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-10-20 21:39:20 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 560 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 565 [vpl_url] => den-roditeley [vpl_list_id] => 560 [vpl_name_ru] => День Родителей [vpl_name_ua] => День Батьків [vpl_name_en] => Parents Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Pineapple [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Kiwi [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Orange [count] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Mango [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Apple [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Basket L [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Banana [count] => 4 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Ананас [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Ківі [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Апельсин [count] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Манго [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Яблуко [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Кошик L [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Банан [count] => 4 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 23481 [flower_id] => 1257 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Pineapple [ru_name] => Ананас [ua_name] => Ананас [en_name] => Pineapple [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23482 [flower_id] => 1265 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Kiwi [ru_name] => Киви [ua_name] => Ківі [en_name] => Kiwi [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23483 [flower_id] => 1258 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Orange [ru_name] => Апельсин [ua_name] => Апельсин [en_name] => Orange [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 23484 [flower_id] => 1270 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Mango [ru_name] => Манго [ua_name] => Манго [en_name] => Mango [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 23485 [flower_id] => 1275 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Apple [ru_name] => Яблоко [ua_name] => Яблуко [en_name] => Apple [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 23487 [flower_id] => 2200 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Basket L [ru_name] => Корзина L [ua_name] => Кошик L [en_name] => Basket L [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 23986 [flower_id] => 1383 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Banana [ru_name] => Банан [ua_name] => Банан [en_name] => Banana [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.72 [product_sostav] => Gift Basket 11 - Состав: Pineapple, Kiwi, Orange, Mango, Apple, Basket L.Banana, [ru_product_sostav] => Фруктовая корзина - Состав: Ананас, Киви, Апельсин, Манго, Яблоко, Корзина L.Банан, [ua_product_sostav] => Подарунковий кошик 11 - Склад: Ананас, Ківі, Апельсин, Манго, Яблуко, Кошик L.Банан, [en_product_sostav] => Gift Basket 11 - Composition: Pineapple, Kiwi, Orange, Mango, Apple, Basket L.Banana, [url_link] => podarochnaya-korzina-11 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/klassika-2842_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/klassika-2842_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/klassika-2842_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 82 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A nice gift on the different occasion like an anniversary, a festive event or Your attention... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 4 [code] => SP 2842 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/klassika-2842_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/klassika-2842_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/klassika-2842_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/632755.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/632755_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569305.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/569305_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kherson/569061_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kherson/569061_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kherson [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Gift Basket 11 [rate] => 4 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => korziny-fruktov [name] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [link] => [slug] => korziny-fruktov ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1257] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [flower_id] => 1257 [price] => 199 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1265] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [flower_id] => 1265 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1258] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [flower_id] => 1258 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1270] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [flower_id] => 1270 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1275] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [flower_id] => 1275 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1520] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [flower_id] => 1520 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [2200] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [flower_id] => 2200 [price] => 300 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1383] => Array ( [id] => 2842 [flower_id] => 1383 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1200 [price] => 9120 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 9120 [price_cur] => 231 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 231 [price_discount] => 9120 [price_discount_cur] => 231 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 9120 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 231 [price_member] => 9120 [price_member_cur] => 231 [price_member_qty] => 9120 [price_member_qty_cur] => 231 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (20 * 3) *1 + (35 * 4) *1 + (100 * 1) *1 + (20 * 4) *1 + (25 * 4) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (30 * 4) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 9501 [name] => Fruit box [ru_name] => Фруктовая коробка [ua_name] => Фруктова коробка [en_name] => Fruit box [title] => Товар «Fruit box» [small_image] => /bouquet/fruktovaya_korobochka-9501_315_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/fruktovaya_korobochka-9501_315_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/fruktovaya_korobochka-9501_315_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

"Fruit box" is a bright and unusual way to present a pleasant gift to your loved ones. It consists of: coconut, pineapple, banana (3 pcs.), mango, avocado, marshmallow, a jar of honey, which makes the gift not only pleasant, but also useful. All this is beautifully decorated in a beautiful heart-shaped box and will make the surprise extraordinarily romantic and memorable.

We recommend for a gift: Mom, Mother-in-law, Daughter, Girlfriend, Man, Girlfriend, Sister, in confessions of Love, say Sorry or Miss you.

The product may differ from the one shown in the photo.

[rutext] =>

"Фруктовая коробка" - яркий и необычный способ преподнести приятный подарок Вашим близким. В ее состав входят : кокос, ананас, банан (3 шт.), манго, авокадо, зефир, баночка меда, что делает подарок не только приятным, но и полезным. Все это красиво оформлено в красивой коробочке в форме сердца и сделает сюрприз необычайно романтическим и запоминающемся.

Рекомендуем на подарок : Маме, Теще, Дочке, Девушке, Мужчине, Подруге, Сестре, в признаниях Любви, сказать Прости или Скучаю.

Товар может отличаться от представленного на фото.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Фруктовая коробка - Состав: Коробка квадратная М, Кокос, Ананас, Банан, Манго, Авакадо, Зефир, Баночка меда. [ua_product_sostav] => Фруктова коробка - Склад: Коробка, Кокос, Ананас, Банан, Манго, Авакадо, Зефір, Баночка меда. [en_product_sostav] => Fruit box - Composition: Box, Coconut, Pineapple, Banana, Mango, Avocado, Zephyr, A jar of honey. 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=> podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1161] => Array ( [id] => 9501 [flower_id] => 1161 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2055] => Array ( [id] => 9501 [flower_id] => 2055 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1257] => Array ( [id] => 9501 [flower_id] => 1257 [price] => 199 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1383] => Array ( [id] => 9501 [flower_id] => 1383 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 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[price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 0 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1133 [price] => 9328 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 9328 [price_cur] => 237 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 237 [price_discount] => 9328 [price_discount_cur] => 237 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 9328 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 237 [price_member] => 9328 [price_member_cur] => 237 [price_member_qty] => 9328 [price_member_qty_cur] => 237 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 8.2333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (200 * 1) *1 + (150 * 1) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (30 * 3) *1 + (100 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (43 * 1) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 8803 [name] => Gift basket Sweet moments [ru_name] => Подарочная корзина «Сладкие мгновения» [ua_name] => Подарунковый кошик «Солодкі моменти» [en_name] => Gift basket Sweet moments [title] => Товар «Gift basket Sweet moments» [small_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
This fabulous basket full of sweets is an awesome and particular gift for so long-expected holidays. It’s a luxurious present, components of which will amaze any child! Kids’ champagne, biscuits, oranges, grape, bananas and Kinder surprises are elements of the truly stunning mix for the dearest ones’.

Gift basket «Sweet moments» is an incredible present that consists of the most wanted sweets for every child! This basket is a gorgeous gift for Christmas, a New Year, a Birthday and a festive of a carefree child that will make this day a bit brighter and much more delicious!

Attention! Gift decoration may differ from images displayed on our site.В 
[rutext] =>
Великолепная подарочная корзина — это яркий и неповторимый презент к приближающимся праздникам! Это роскошный подарок, составляющие которого приведут в восторг любого ребёнка! Детское шампанское, бисквиты Барни, излюбленные детьми Kinder-сюрпризы, а также бананы, апельсины и виноград, упакованные в декоративную корзину, уже спешат порадовать счастливых владельцев!

Подарочная корзина «Сладкие мгновения» — это самые сладкие и желанные дары детства! Это корзина — замечательный подарок к Рождеству и Новому Году, Дню рождения и именинам драгоценного ребёнка, который сделает знаменательный день чуточку ярче, и намного вкуснее. Подарите радость тому, кто дарит вам счастье!

Внимание! Изображение подарка может немного отличаться от представленных на сайте.
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[p_keywords] => buy present, buy gift, gift basket, sweet candies, candy, chocolate, present for children, new year present [p_h1] => Gift basket «Sweet moments» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 314 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 718 [vpl_url] => paskhalnie-korziny [vpl_list_id] => 314 [vpl_name_ru] => Пасхальные корзины {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Пасхальні корзини [vpl_name_en] => Easter baskets [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 24 [rating_value] => 5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Grape 1 kg [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Banana [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Oranges, 1 kg [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Biscuit Barney [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Kids champagne n/a [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Виноград 1 кг [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Банан [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Апельсини, 1 кг [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Яйце Kinder сюрприз [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Бісківт Барні [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Дитяче шампанське б/а [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 15196 [flower_id] => 1490 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Grape 1 kg [ru_name] => Виноград 1 кг [ua_name] => Виноград 1 кг [en_name] => Grape 1 kg [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 15197 [flower_id] => 1383 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Banana [ru_name] => Банан [ua_name] => Банан [en_name] => Banana [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 15198 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 15199 [flower_id] => 1425 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oranges, 1 kg [ru_name] => Апельсины, 1 кг [ua_name] => Апельсини, 1 кг [en_name] => Oranges, 1 kg [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 15200 [flower_id] => 1295 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [ru_name] => Яйцо Kinder сюрприз [ua_name] => Яйце Kinder сюрприз [en_name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 15201 [flower_id] => 1701 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Biscuit Barney [ru_name] => Бисквит Барни [ua_name] => Бісківт Барні [en_name] => Biscuit Barney [group] => 49 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 15231 [flower_id] => 1870 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Kids champagne n/a [ru_name] => Детское шампанское б/а [ua_name] => Дитяче шампанське б/а [en_name] => Kids champagne n/a [group] => 38 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.44 [product_sostav] => Gift basket Sweet moments - Состав: Grape 1 kg, Banana, Box M, Oranges, 1 kg, Egg Kinder Surprise, Biscuit Barney, Kids champagne n/a. [ru_product_sostav] => Подарочная корзина «Сладкие мгновения» - Состав: Виноград 1 кг, Банан, Корзина M, Апельсины, 1 кг, Яйцо Kinder сюрприз, Бисквит Барни, Детское шампанское б/а. [ua_product_sostav] => Подарунковый кошик «Солодкі моменти» - Склад: Виноград 1 кг, Банан, Кошик M, Апельсини, 1 кг, Яйце Kinder сюрприз, Бісківт Барні, Дитяче шампанське б/а. [en_product_sostav] => Gift basket Sweet moments - Composition: Grape 1 kg, Banana, Box M, Oranges, 1 kg, Egg Kinder Surprise, Biscuit Barney, Kids champagne n/a. [url_link] => korzina-sladkiye-mgnoveniya [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8803_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8803_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8803_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8803_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8803_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8803_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 19 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This fabulous basket full of sweets is an awesome and particular gift for so long-expected holidays. It’s a luxurious present, components of which will amaze any child... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8803 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/podarochnaya_korzina_sladkie_mgnoveniya-8803_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8803_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8803_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8803_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8803_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8803_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8803_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8803_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8803_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8803_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Gift basket Sweet moments [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => korziny-fruktov [name] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [link] => [slug] => korziny-fruktov ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1490] => Array ( [id] => 8803 [flower_id] => 1490 [price] => 300 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1383] => Array ( [id] => 8803 [flower_id] => 1383 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 8803 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1425] => Array ( [id] => 8803 [flower_id] => 1425 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1295] => Array ( [id] => 8803 [flower_id] => 1295 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1701] => Array ( [id] => 8803 [flower_id] => 1701 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1870] => Array ( [id] => 8803 [flower_id] => 1870 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 200 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 200 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1230 [price] => 9348 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 9348 [price_cur] => 237 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 237 [price_discount] => 9348 [price_discount_cur] => 237 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 9348 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 237 [price_member] => 9348 [price_member_cur] => 237 [price_member_qty] => 9348 [price_member_qty_cur] => 237 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (30 * 1) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (70 * 3) *1 + (30 * 3) *1 + (200 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [name] => Fruit basket [ru_name] => Корзина с фруктами [ua_name] => Кошик з фруктами [en_name] => Fruit basket [title] => Товар «Fruit basket» [small_image] => /bouquet/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

This beautiful fruit basket is not only stunningly vivid, bot also very healthy and vitamin full! If you present it to your loved one, it shows your love and affection and that you care about their health!

A fruit basket is not only a tasty but also a useful gift. Ripe bananas, ruddy apples, exotic kiwis, oranges, pineapple, fragrant pears and grapes are carefully placed in a wicker basket decorated with a bow.

Such a fruity surprise will help you congratulate your friends and relatives in an original way, and thank your colleagues and business partners. A vitamin gift is especially relevant in the winter months when you really want fresh, fragrant fruits filled with the summer sun.

Weight: 5 kg

Attention: Outwardly, the basket and its content may differ from the photo presented on the site, and the composition will remain unchanged.

[rutext] =>

Корзина с фруктами — не только вкусный, но и полезный подарок. Спелые бананы, румяные яблоки, экзотические киви, апельсины, ананас, ароматные груши и виноград бережно уложены в плетеную корзину, декорированную бантом.

Такой фруктовый сюрприз поможет Вам оригинально поздравить друзей и близких, поблагодарить коллег и бизнес-партнеров. Витаминный презент особенно актуален в зимние месяцы, когда так хочется свежих, ароматных фруктов, наполненных летним солнцем.

Вес: 5 кг

Внимание: внешне корзина и ее наполнение могут отличаться от представленного на сайте фото, состав останется без изменений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korzina_s_fruktami-6551_s.jpg [large] => korzina_s_fruktami-6551_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [second] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korzina_s_fruktami_s.jpg [large] => korzina_s_fruktami_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [third] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) [four] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => korzina-s-fruktami [ru_link] => korzina-s-fruktami [en_link] => fruit-basket-1 [ua_link] => koshyk-z-fruktamy [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.25 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-04 03:08:44 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 254 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 52 [vpl_url] => korziny-fruktov [vpl_list_id] => 254 [vpl_name_ru] => Букеты из фруктов {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Букети з фруктів Одеса [vpl_name_en] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 28 [rating_value] => 4.61 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Grape 0,5 kg [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Pineapple [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Apple [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Kiwi [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Orange [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Pear [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Banana [count] => 4 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Basket L [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Виноград 0,5 кг [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Ананас [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Яблуко [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Ківі [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Апельсин [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Груша [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Банан [count] => 4 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Кошик L [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 23473 [flower_id] => 1492 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Grape 0,5 kg [ru_name] => Виноград 0,5 кг [ua_name] => Виноград 0,5 кг [en_name] => Grape 0,5 kg [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23474 [flower_id] => 1257 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Pineapple [ru_name] => Ананас [ua_name] => Ананас [en_name] => Pineapple [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23475 [flower_id] => 1275 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Apple [ru_name] => Яблоко [ua_name] => Яблуко [en_name] => Apple [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 23476 [flower_id] => 1265 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Kiwi [ru_name] => Киви [ua_name] => Ківі [en_name] => Kiwi [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 23477 [flower_id] => 1258 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Orange [ru_name] => Апельсин [ua_name] => Апельсин [en_name] => Orange [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 23478 [flower_id] => 1263 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Pear [ru_name] => Груша [ua_name] => Груша [en_name] => Pear [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 23479 [flower_id] => 1383 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Banana [ru_name] => Банан [ua_name] => Банан [en_name] => Banana [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 23480 [flower_id] => 2200 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Basket L [ru_name] => Корзина L [ua_name] => Кошик L [en_name] => Basket L [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1 [product_sostav] => Fruit basket - Состав: Grape 0,5 kg, Pineapple, Apple, Kiwi, Orange, Pear, Banana, Basket L. [ru_product_sostav] => Корзина с фруктами - Состав: Виноград 0,5 кг, Ананас, Яблоко, Киви, Апельсин, Груша, Банан, Корзина L. [ua_product_sostav] => Кошик з фруктами - Склад: Виноград 0,5 кг, Ананас, Яблуко, Ківі, Апельсин, Груша, Банан, Кошик L. [en_product_sostav] => Fruit basket - Composition: Grape 0,5 kg, Pineapple, Apple, Kiwi, Orange, Pear, Banana, Basket L. [url_link] => korzina-s-fruktami [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 119 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This beautiful fruit basket is not only stunningly vivid, bot also very healthy and vitamin full... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6551 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/korzina_s_fruktami-6551_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600024_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600024_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kherson/577264_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kherson/577264_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kherson [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Fruit basket [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => korziny-fruktov [name] => Fruit bouquets Odessa [link] => [slug] => korziny-fruktov ) [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [3] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1492] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [flower_id] => 1492 [price] => 125 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 125 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 125 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 125 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1257] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [flower_id] => 1257 [price] => 199 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1275] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [flower_id] => 1275 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1265] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [flower_id] => 1265 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1258] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [flower_id] => 1258 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1263] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [flower_id] => 1263 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1383] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [flower_id] => 1383 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [2200] => Array ( [id] => 6551 [flower_id] => 2200 [price] => 300 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1310 [price] => 9956 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 9956 [price_cur] => 253 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 253 [price_discount] => 9956 [price_discount_cur] => 253 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 9956 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 253 [price_member] => 9956 [price_member_cur] => 253 [price_member_qty] => 9956 [price_member_qty_cur] => 253 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (125 * 1) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (20 * 5) *1 + (20 * 5) *1 + (35 * 5) *1 + (30 * 3) *1 + (30 * 4) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [name] => Funeral basket \ [ru_name] => Траурная корзина [ua_name] => Траурна кошик [en_name] => Funeral basket \ [title] => Купить букет Funeral basket \ недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Losing someone dear and near to your heart is always a tragedy. That’s one of the reasons we do our best to help you choose the pertinent flower composition as soon as possible.

Funeral basket «Emerald» is an elegant combination of white roses, alstroemerias, chrysanthemums and a wealth of green. It also contains a minimum of décor — only a black ribbon and a modest basket.

Attention! The basket may differ from the images displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Утрата близкого человека - момент тяжелый и горестный. Поэтому мы стремимся максимально быстро и качественно помочь вам с выбором необходимой цветочной композиции. 

Траурная корзина «Изумруд» - это сдержанное сочетание белых лилий, альстромерий и хризантем с изобилием зелени. Декор минимален - аккуратная лента черного цвета и неброская корзина. 

Внимание: траурный букет может внешне несколько отличаться от фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_s.jpg [large] => traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8497_four_s.jpg [large] => 8497_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8497_second_s.jpg [large] => 8497_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8497_third_s.jpg [large] => 8497_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => traurnaya_korzina_11_s.jpg [large] => traurnaya_korzina_11_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => traurnaya_korzina_11_second_s.jpg [large] => traurnaya_korzina_11_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => traurnaya_korzina_11_third_s.jpg [large] => traurnaya_korzina_11_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => traurnaya_korzina_11_four_s.jpg [large] => traurnaya_korzina_11_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-traurnaja-korzina-izumrud [ru_link] => buket-traurnaja-korzina-izumrud [en_link] => funeral-basket-emerald [ua_link] => buket-traurnyj-koshyk-smaragd [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order funeral basket «Emerald» with delivery to any city [image_title_en] => Order the funeral basket with delivery | UFL [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-07-10 02:59:05 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => Order funeral basket «Emerald» in the online-shop [p_description] => Funeral basket «Emerald» is an elegant combination of white roses, alstroemerias, chrysanthemums and a wealth of green. [p_keywords] => funeral basket, funeral flowers, funeral bouquet, funeral composition, funeral roses, order funeral composition, funeral flowers delivery [p_h1] => Funeral basket «Emerald» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 400 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 15 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 119 [vpl_url] => traurnyie-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 400 [vpl_name_ru] => Траурные букеты [vpl_name_ua] => Траурні букети [vpl_name_en] => Mourning bouquets [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.5 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Lily white [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria white [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Bow [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [count] => 4 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Лілія біла [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія біла [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Бант [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Хризантема кущова біла [count] => 4 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 13349 [flower_id] => 863 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Lily white [ru_name] => Лилия белая [ua_name] => Лілія біла [en_name] => Lily white [group] => 6 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 13350 [flower_id] => 806 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Alstroemeria white [ru_name] => Альстромерия белая [ua_name] => Альстромерія біла [en_name] => Alstroemeria white [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 13351 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 13352 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 13353 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 13417 [flower_id] => 1152 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Bow [ru_name] => Бант [ua_name] => Бант [en_name] => Bow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 22146 [flower_id] => 1463 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [ru_name] => Хризантема кустовая белая [ua_name] => Хризантема кущова біла [en_name] => Chrysanthemum spray white [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.8 [product_sostav] => Funeral basket \ - Состав: Lily white, Alstroemeria white, Box M, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Bow, Chrysanthemum spray white. [ru_product_sostav] => Траурная корзина - Состав: Лилия белая, Альстромерия белая, Корзина M, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Бант, Хризантема кустовая белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Траурна кошик - Склад: Лілія біла, Альстромерія біла, Кошик M, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Бант, Хризантема кущова біла. [en_product_sostav] => Funeral basket \ - Composition: Lily white, Alstroemeria white, Box M, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Bow, Chrysanthemum spray white. [url_link] => buket-traurnaja-korzina-izumrud [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8497_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8497_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8497_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8497_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8497_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8497_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 22 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Losing someone dear and near to your heart is always a tragedy... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8497 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina_11-8497_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8497_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8497_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8497_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8497_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8497_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8497_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8497_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8497_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8497_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/598312.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/598312_full.jpg [city] => odessa [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/592032_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/592032_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Funeral basket \ [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [863] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [flower_id] => 863 [price] => 105 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [806] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [flower_id] => 806 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1152] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [flower_id] => 1152 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1463] => Array ( [id] => 8497 [flower_id] => 1463 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1585 [price] => 10038 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10038 [price_cur] => 255 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 255 [price_discount] => 10038 [price_discount_cur] => 255 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10038 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 255 [price_member] => 10038 [price_member_cur] => 255 [price_member_qty] => 10038 [price_member_qty_cur] => 255 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 7) *1 + (35 * 4) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (45 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (25 * 1) *1 + (65 * 4) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 255 [business] => 293 [vip] => 331 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [name] => Watercolor splashes [ru_name] => Корзина с цветами [ua_name] => Кошик з квітами [en_name] => Watercolor splashes [title] => Купить букет Watercolor splashes недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_212-8569_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_212-8569_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_212-8569_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Present your mother, granny or aunt not just a bouquet but a basket full of gorgeous flowers. The flower arrangement is made of soft pink and violet shades. Alstroemerias, roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and eustomas are collected in one bouquet that expresses tender feelings and underlines the best features of the addressee.

You can add to the bouquet «Watercolor splashes» balloons, a basket of juice fruits or delicious sweets. With the help of additional small presents, your flower gift will deeply impress the dear recipient.

Attention: The bouquet may differ from the image on website.

[rutext] =>

Подарите своей маме, бабушке или тёте не просто букет, а целую корзину роскошных цветов. Композиция выполнена в нежно розовых и сиреневых тонах. Альстромерии, розы, гвоздики, хризантемы, эустомы – здесь собраны одни из самых чувственных и трепетных цветов, которые способны подчеркнуть наилучшие качества получательницы.

Закажите букет «Брызги акварели» с доставкой на рабочее место или дом получательницы. Дополните презент воздушными шариками, сочными фруктами или вкусными сладостями. Тогда впечатления от подарка будет гораздо больше, и Ваши близкие будут вспоминать об этом дне только с теплом в сердце. 

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

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[p_keywords] => flower basket, flowers in the basket, bouquet in the basket, order flowers, buy flowers, flower delivery, flower arrangements [p_h1] => Bouquet «Watercolor splashes» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 250 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 17 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 50 [vpl_url] => cvetochnie-korziny [vpl_list_id] => 250 [vpl_name_ru] => Корзины цветов {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Кошики квітів {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Baskets of flowers [show_menu] => 1 [review_count] => 25 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma violet [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Сhrysanthemum pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 6 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Carnation violet [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Alstroemeria pink [count] => 3 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Statice blue [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Еустома фіолетова [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Хризантеми рожеві [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 6 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика фіолетова [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Альстромерія рожева [count] => 3 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Статиця синя [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 13848 [flower_id] => 998 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Eustoma violet [ru_name] => Эустома фиолетовая [ua_name] => Еустома фіолетова [en_name] => Eustoma violet [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 13849 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 13850 [flower_id] => 984 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Сhrysanthemum pink [ru_name] => Хризантема розовая [ua_name] => Хризантеми рожеві [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum pink [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 13851 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 13852 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 13853 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 13899 [flower_id] => 1393 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation violet [ru_name] => Гвоздики фиолетовые [ua_name] => Гвоздика фіолетова [en_name] => Carnation violet [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 13900 [flower_id] => 811 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Alstroemeria pink [ru_name] => Альстромерия розовая [ua_name] => Альстромерія рожева [en_name] => Alstroemeria pink [group] => 2 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 20171 [flower_id] => 926 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Statice blue [ru_name] => Статица синяя [ua_name] => Статиця синя [en_name] => Statice blue [group] => 16 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 1.04 [product_sostav] => Watercolor splashes - Состав: Eustoma violet, Box M, Сhrysanthemum pink, Roses spray pink, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Carnation violet, Alstroemeria pink, Statice blue. [ru_product_sostav] => Корзина с цветами - Состав: Эустома фиолетовая, Корзина M, Хризантема розовая, Розы кустовые розовые, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Гвоздики фиолетовые, Альстромерия розовая, Статица синяя. [ua_product_sostav] => Кошик з квітами - Склад: Еустома фіолетова, Кошик M, Хризантеми рожеві, Троянди кущові рожеві, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Гвоздика фіолетова, Альстромерія рожева, Статиця синя. [en_product_sostav] => Watercolor splashes - Composition: Eustoma violet, Box M, Сhrysanthemum pink, Roses spray pink , Oasis, Tape for flowers, Carnation violet, Alstroemeria pink, Statice blue. [url_link] => buket-bryzgi-akvareli [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novaya_korzina_212-8569_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_212-8569_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_212-8569_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8569_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8569_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8569_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8569_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8569_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8569_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8569_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8569_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 5 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Present your mother, granny or aunt not just a bouquet but a basket full of gorgeous flowers. The flower arrangement is made of soft pink and violet shades... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8569 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_212-8569_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_212-8569_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novaya_korzina_212-8569_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8569_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8569_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8569_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8569_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8569_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8569_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8569_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8569_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8569_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8569_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8569_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8569_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Watercolor splashes [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => cvetochnie-korziny [name] => Baskets of flowers [link] => [slug] => cvetochnie-korziny ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [998] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 998 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [984] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 984 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1393] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 1393 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [811] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 811 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1.5 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [926] => Array ( [id] => 8569 [flower_id] => 926 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1615 [price] => 10228 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10228 [price_cur] => 259 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 259 [price_discount] => 10228 [price_discount_cur] => 259 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10228 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 259 [price_member] => 10228 [price_member_cur] => 259 [price_member_qty] => 10228 [price_member_qty_cur] => 259 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 5) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (65 * 3) *1 + (60 * 6) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 + (30 * 3) *1 + (40 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 259 [business] => 298 [vip] => 337 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 9371 [name] => Roses in a box [ru_name] => Розы в коробке [ua_name] => Троянди в коробці [en_name] => Roses in a box [title] => Купить букет Roses in a box недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_b.jpg [original_image] => 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Bouquet “Strong Attraction” is a luxurious and exquisite gift for true connoisseurs of beauty. Looks chic, expensive, graceful, it's perfect for important occasions, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's Day, March 8, business. All colors are in the same color palette, which makes their combination perfect. A pink rose means appreciation and gratitude, a red rose is a symbol of passionate love for a person, so a bouquet should be given to a person whom you love and respect very much. Eucalyptus perfectly complements the roses and completes the overall picture.

[rutext] =>

Букет "Сильное влечение" - роскошный и изысканный подарок, для настоящих ценителей красоты. Смотрится шикарно, дорого, изящно, он идеально подходит для важных мероприятий, Свадьбы, Юбилея, Дня Рождения, ко Дню Святого Валентина, на 8 Марта, в Бизнесе. Все цвета находятся в одной цветовой палитре, что делает их сочетание идеальным. Розовая роза — означает признательность и благодарность, красная роза — символ страстной любви к человеку, поэтому букет стоит дарить человеку которого Вы сильно любите и уважаете. Эвкалипт превосходно дополняет розы и делает общую картину завершенной. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_s.jpg [large] => silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9371_four_9b9_s.jpg [large] => 9371_four_9b9_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9371_second_857_s.jpg [large] => 9371_second_857_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9371_third_857_s.jpg [large] => 9371_third_857_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => silnoe_vlechenie_abd_s.jpg [large] => silnoe_vlechenie_abd_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => silnoe_vlechenie_second_s.jpg [large] => silnoe_vlechenie_second_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => silnoe_vlechenie_four_s.jpg [large] => silnoe_vlechenie_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-silnoe-vlechenie [ru_link] => buket-silnoe-vlechenie [en_link] => strong-attraction [ua_link] => buket-sylne-vablennnya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-13 01:28:05 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 0 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 106 [vpl_url] => dostavka-roz [vpl_list_id] => 390 [vpl_name_ru] => Доставка роз [vpl_name_ua] => Доставка троянд {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Roses delivery [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 26 [rating_value] => 4.62 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 8 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 13 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 8 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 13 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 5 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17810 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 8 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17811 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 13 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17812 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 17814 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 21498 [flower_id] => 2555 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [ua_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [en_name] => Box round L 25x13cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.12 [product_sostav] => Roses in a box - Состав: Rose red, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Eucalyptus, Tape for flowers, Box round L 25x13cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Розы в коробке - Состав: Роза красная, Роза розовая до 60 см, Эвкалипт, Лента на цветы, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [ua_product_sostav] => Троянди в коробці - Склад: Троянда червона, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Евкаліпт, Стрічка на квіти, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [en_product_sostav] => Roses in a box - Composition: Rose red, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Eucalyptus, Tape for flowers, Box round L 25x13cm. [url_link] => buket-silnoe-vlechenie [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9371_second_857_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9371_second_857_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9371_third_857_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9371_third_857_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9371_four_9b9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9371_four_9b9_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 28 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet “Strong Attraction” is a luxurious and exquisite gift for true connoisseurs of beauty... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9371 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/silnoe_vlechenie-9371_794_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9371_four_9b9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9371_four_9b9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9371_four_9b9_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9371_second_857_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9371_second_857_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9371_second_857_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9371_third_857_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9371_third_857_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9371_third_857_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Roses in a box [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 9371 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 8 ) [887] => Array ( [id] => 9371 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 9371 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9371 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2555] => Array ( [id] => 9371 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1680 [price] => 10640 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10640 [price_cur] => 270 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 270 [price_discount] => 10640 [price_discount_cur] => 270 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10640 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 270 [price_member] => 10640 [price_member_cur] => 270 [price_member_qty] => 10640 [price_member_qty_cur] => 270 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 8) *1 + (60 * 13) *1 + (50 * 5) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (230 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 270 [business] => 310 [vip] => 351 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [name] => Bouquet Tender feelings [ru_name] => Букет с гортензией Нежные чувства [ua_name] => Букет Ніжні почуття [en_name] => Bouquet Tender feelings [title] => Купить букет Bouquet Tender feelings недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Need a stunning bouquet with delivery? Just look at the airy composition "Tender Feelings". With how much lightness, tenderness, and luxury is in it, it is difficult to imagine something as romantic and at the same time restrained and stylish. Such a bouquet is useful for any event, it will be a win-win option to prepare a surprise for a date or cheer up your soulmate during the working day. Here it is so versatile and bewitchingly beautiful.

This bouquet of hydrangeas and roses combined the most pleasant, charming shades: pale blue, marshmallow pink, peach, purple, and white. Together they create a stunning composition that impresses with its sophistication and sophistication, pleases with the right decor, several shades of greenery, noble packaging that emphasizes the overall color scheme, and, of course, affordable price and prompt preparation.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the photos presented on the site.

[rutext] =>

Нужен невероятно красивый букет с доставкой? Вы только взгляните на воздушную композицию «Нежные чувства». Сколько в ней легкости, нежности и роскоши, сложно представить себе что-нибудь настолько же романтичное и в тоже время сдержанное и стильное. Такой букет пригодится для любого события, станет беспроигрышным вариантом, чтобы подготовить сюрприз на свидание или поднять настроение своей второй половинке в течение рабочего дня. Вот такой он универсальный и завораживающе красивый.
Этот букет из гортензии и роз объединил в себе самые приятные, очаровательные оттенки: нежно-голубой, зефирно-розовый, персиковый, фиолетовый, белый. Вместе они создают потрясающую композицию, которая впечатляет своей изысканностью и утонченностью, радует правильно подобранным декором, зеленью нескольких оттенков, благородной упаковкой, подчеркивающей общее цветовое решение, и, конечно же, доступной ценой и оперативной подготовкой.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

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=> 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.25 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-06 14:12:15 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0.95 [main_list_id] => 541 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 12 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 523 [vpl_url] => tsveti-na-den-materi [vpl_list_id] => 541 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы на День Матери [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти на День Матері [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for Mother's Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 22 [rating_value] => 4.41 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea blue [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Calla pink [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Roses spray pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Trahelium white [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Freesia violet [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Vuvuzela rose [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Freesia pink [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Gelleborus (hellebore) [count] => 2 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 3 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [11] => Array ( [name] => Bouvardia [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія блакитна [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Кала рожева [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Трахеліум білий [count] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія фіолетова [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда Вувузела [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія рожева [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Геллеборус (морозник) [count] => 2 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 3 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [11] => Array ( [name] => Бувардія [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18698 [flower_id] => 910 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Hydrangea blue [ru_name] => Гортензия голубая [ua_name] => Гортензія блакитна [en_name] => Hydrangea blue [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18699 [flower_id] => 860 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Calla pink [ru_name] => Калла розовая [ua_name] => Кала рожева [en_name] => Calla pink [group] => 9 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18700 [flower_id] => 901 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Roses spray pink [ru_name] => Розы кустовые розовые [ua_name] => Троянди кущові рожеві [en_name] => Roses spray pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 18701 [flower_id] => 1917 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Trahelium white [ru_name] => Трахелиум белый [ua_name] => Трахеліум білий [en_name] => Trahelium white [group] => 65 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 18702 [flower_id] => 974 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Freesia violet [ru_name] => Фрезия фиолетовая [ua_name] => Фрезія фіолетова [en_name] => Freesia violet [group] => 4 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 18703 [flower_id] => 1950 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Vuvuzela rose [ru_name] => Роза Вувузела [ua_name] => Троянда Вувузела [en_name] => Vuvuzela rose [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 15 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 18704 [flower_id] => 973 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Freesia pink [ru_name] => Фрезия розовая [ua_name] => Фрезія рожева [en_name] => Freesia pink [group] => 4 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 18705 [flower_id] => 1800 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Gelleborus (hellebore) [ru_name] => Хелеборус (морозник) [ua_name] => Геллеборус (морозник) [en_name] => Gelleborus (hellebore) [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 18706 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 18707 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 18708 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 18709 [flower_id] => 1537 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Bouvardia [ru_name] => Бувардия [ua_name] => Бувардія [en_name] => Bouvardia [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.96 [product_sostav] => Bouquet Tender feelings - Состав: Hydrangea blue, Calla pink, Roses spray pink, Trahelium white, Freesia violet, Vuvuzela rose, Freesia pink, Gelleborus (hellebore), Eucalyptus, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Bouvardia. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет с гортензией Нежные чувства - Состав: Гортензия голубая, Калла розовая, Розы кустовые розовые, Трахелиум белый, Фрезия фиолетовая, Роза Вувузела, Фрезия розовая, Хелеборус (морозник), Эвкалипт, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Бувардия. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет Ніжні почуття - Склад: Гортензія блакитна, Кала рожева, Троянди кущові рожеві, Трахеліум білий, Фрезія фіолетова, Троянда Вувузела, Фрезія рожева, Геллеборус (морозник), Евкаліпт, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Бувардія. [en_product_sostav] => Bouquet Tender feelings - Composition: Hydrangea blue, Calla pink, Roses spray pink , Trahelium white, Freesia violet, Vuvuzela rose, Freesia pink, Gelleborus (hellebore), Eucalyptus, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Bouvardia. [url_link] => nezhnie-chuvstva [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9663_third_5bf_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9663_third_5bf_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9663_four_ce2_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9663_four_ce2_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9663_second_b41_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9663_second_b41_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 126 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 4 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Need a stunning bouquet with delivery. Just look at the airy composition "Tender Feelings"... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9663 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/nejnyie_chuvstva-9663_159_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9663_four_ce2_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9663_four_ce2_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9663_four_ce2_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9663_second_b41_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9663_second_b41_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9663_second_b41_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9663_third_5bf_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9663_third_5bf_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9663_third_5bf_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614527_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/614527_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/613086_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/613086_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [2] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600015_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600015_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Bouquet Tender feelings [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-vypusknikam [name] => Flowers for graduates [link] => [slug] => tsvety-vypusknikam ) [2] => Array ( [url] => sezonnie-cvety [name] => Seasonal flowers [link] => [slug] => sezonnie-cvety ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [910] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 910 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [860] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 860 [price] => 79 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 80 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 80 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 80 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [901] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 901 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1917] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 1917 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [974] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 974 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1950] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 1950 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 120 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [973] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 973 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1800] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 1800 [price] => 58 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1537] => Array ( [id] => 9663 [flower_id] => 1537 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1780 [price] => 10710 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10710 [price_cur] => 272 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 272 [price_discount] => 10710 [price_discount_cur] => 272 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10710 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 272 [price_member] => 10710 [price_member_cur] => 272 [price_member_qty] => 10710 [price_member_qty_cur] => 272 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.0166666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (80 * 3) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (75 * 2) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (120 * 2) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (75 * 2) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (65 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 272 [business] => 312 [vip] => 353 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 9299 [name] => Изумрудный [ru_name] => Букет цветов Изумрудный [ua_name] => Букет квітів Смарагдовий [en_name] => Изумрудный [title] => Купить букет Изумрудный недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/izumrudnyiy-9299_fdf_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/izumrudnyiy-9299_fdf_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/izumrudnyiy-9299_fdf_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet “Emerald” - a romantic bouquet of spray roses, lavender and eucalyptus, created to convey your most tender and pure impulses to your loved ones as much as possible. It is perfect for a gift, grandmother, mother, sister, girlfriend, birthday, wedding, because roses symbolize love, and pink color – romance, kindness, passion.

[rutext] =>

Букет "Изумрудный" - романтический букет из кустовой розы, лавандера и эвкалипта, создан максимально донести Ваши самые нежные и чистые побуждение к любимым и близким. Он отлично подойдет на подарок, бабушке, маме, сестре, девушке, на день рождение, на свадьбу, ведь розы символизируют любовь, а розовый цвет — романтичность, доброту, страсть.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Изумрудный - Состав: Роза кустовая лавандер, Фрезия белая, Эвкалипт, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Коробка круглая M 20x21см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Смарагдовий - Склад: Троянда кустова лавандер, Фрезія біла, Евкаліпт, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Коробка кругла M 20x21см. [en_product_sostav] => Изумрудный - Composition: Rose bush lavender, Freesia white, Eucalyptus, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Box round M 20x21cm. 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Did you dream about the big cake of Kinders when you were a child? Let the dreams come true! You can order the real dream right now at our website. It is an amazing cake of Kinder sweets. The cake consist of 40 bars of kinder chocolate, 5 biscuits Barney, three kinder-surprises, stuffed Teddy bear and 2 bars of Kinder milk chocolates with cereals than is decorated like a cake with a red ribbon and a cute bow.

Every child will be delighted with this wonderful cake! Just imagine how this sweet gift can impress the person! You can give it to any addressees with different ages, because everyone of us has a little child in the heart. Such a present will be perfect for Birthday, New Year or as congratulation of success. .

Attention! The look of the cake can differ from Image

[rutext] =>

Кто из нас не мечтал в детстве об огромном вкусном торте из киндеров? Мечты сбываются! Прямо сейчас вы можете заказать исполнение своей мечты в виде восхитительного торта из сладостей Киндер! Торт состоит из 40 стиков Kinder chocolatе, трех Kinder-сюрпризов, 2 плиток молочного шоколада Kinder со злаками, 5 бисквитов Барни и мягкого мишки Тедди, красиво оформленных в форме торта, обвязанного красной лентой с милым бантом.

Конечно же, любой ребенок будет в восторге от одного вида этого шикарного торта! Только представьте, насколько этот сладкий подарок может впечатлить человека. Вы можете дарить его вне зависимости от возраста получателя, ведь в душе каждого из нас живет ребенок. Такой подарок будет идеальным для сладкоежки на День Рождения, Новый год или в честь выздоровления.

Внимание! Внешний вид торта может не полностью совпадать с его изображением на сайте.

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[p_keywords] => Kinder cake, Cake of kinders, unusual cake. cake of candies, kinder-surprise, cake delivery, sweet gift [p_h1] => Kinder Cake [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.2 [main_list_id] => 485 [google_product_category] => 5749 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 556 [vpl_url] => konfety [vpl_list_id] => 485 [vpl_name_ru] => Конфеты {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Цукерки {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Candies [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Kinder chocolate [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Bow [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Biscuit Barney [count] => 5 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Яйце Kinder сюрприз [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Kinder chocolate [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Бант [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Бісківт Барні [count] => 5 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10094 [flower_id] => 1295 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [ru_name] => Яйцо Kinder сюрприз [ua_name] => Яйце Kinder сюрприз [en_name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 10095 [flower_id] => 1294 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Kinder chocolate [ru_name] => Kinder chocolate 100г [ua_name] => Kinder chocolate [en_name] => Kinder chocolate [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 10098 [flower_id] => 1152 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Bow [ru_name] => Бант [ua_name] => Бант [en_name] => Bow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 10099 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 10121 [flower_id] => 1500 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [ru_name] => Шоколад молочный Kinder Chocolate со злаками [ua_name] => Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals [en_name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [group] => 50 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 10228 [flower_id] => 1378 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [ru_name] => Игрушка Мишка Teddy 15 см [ua_name] => Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см [en_name] => Toy Teddy bear 15 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 13 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 10229 [flower_id] => 1701 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Biscuit Barney [ru_name] => Бисквит Барни [ua_name] => Бісківт Барні [en_name] => Biscuit Barney [group] => 49 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 0.72 [product_sostav] => Kinder Cake - Состав: Egg Kinder Surprise, Kinder chocolate, Bow, Tape for flowers, Kinder milk chocolate with cereals, Toy Teddy bear 15 cm, Biscuit Barney. [ru_product_sostav] => Торт Киндер - Состав: Яйцо Kinder сюрприз, Kinder chocolate 100г, Бант, Лента на цветы, Шоколад молочный Kinder Chocolate со злаками, Игрушка Мишка Teddy 15 см, Бисквит Барни. [ua_product_sostav] => Торт Кіндер - Склад: Яйце Kinder сюрприз, Kinder chocolate, Бант, Стрічка на квіти, Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals, Іграшка Ведмедик Teddy 15 см, Бісківт Барні. [en_product_sostav] => Kinder Cake - Composition: Egg Kinder Surprise, Kinder chocolate, Bow, Tape for flowers, Kinder milk chocolate with cereals, Toy Teddy bear 15 cm, Biscuit Barney. 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[video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7771 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/tort_kinder-7771_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/tort_kinder-7771_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/tort_kinder-7771_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7771_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7771_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7771_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7771_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7771_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7771_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7771_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7771_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7771_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Kinder Cake [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke [name] => Valentine's Day Gifts for Girlfriend [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-valentina-devushke ) [5] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) [6] => Array ( [url] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina [name] => Presents for Valentinie's Day [link] => [slug] => podarki-na-den-svyatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1295] => Array ( [id] => 7771 [flower_id] => 1295 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1294] => Array ( [id] => 7771 [flower_id] => 1294 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 130 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 130 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 130 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1152] => Array ( [id] => 7771 [flower_id] => 1152 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7771 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1500] => Array ( [id] => 7771 [flower_id] => 1500 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1378] => Array ( [id] => 7771 [flower_id] => 1378 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1701] => Array ( [id] => 7771 [flower_id] => 1701 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1445 [price] => 10982 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 10982 [price_cur] => 279 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 279 [price_discount] => 10982 [price_discount_cur] => 279 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 10982 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 279 [price_member] => 10982 [price_member_cur] => 279 [price_member_qty] => 10982 [price_member_qty_cur] => 279 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (70 * 3) *1 + (130 * 5) *1 + (25 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (45 * 2) *1 + (300 * 1) *1 + (30 * 5) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [name] => Semiramis [ru_name] => Букет цветов Семирамида [ua_name] => Букет квітів Семіраміда [en_name] => Semiramis [title] => Купить букет Semiramis недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/semiramida-8752_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/semiramida-8752_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/semiramida-8752_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
An elegant and tender combination of refined flowers represented in this gorgeous bouquet, the grace of which makes it be worth of the queen. White carnations, cream roses, bicolor callas, spray red roses, lime eustomas, and ilex berries filling the arrangement with gentle colors, and eucalyptus makes it look more picturesque.

Bouquet «Semiramis» is the floral wealth, gorgeous colors, size and shape of which are the best compliments for a lady. This romantic bunch may delight dear mom, beloved girl, respected colleague and a strict chief, releasing its’ charming magic. So what are you waiting for?

Attention! Bouquet decoration may differ from the images displayed on our site.
[rutext] =>
Элегантное и нежное сочетание изысканных растений представлено в виде великолепного букета, чья грация покорила бы даже царицу, чьим именем названа роскошная связка цветов. Белые гвоздики, кремовые розы, двухцветные каллы, кустовые алые розы, салатовые эустомы и ягодки илекса наполняют тёплыми красками цветочное произведение, а нотки эвкалипта придают букету живописный вид.

Букет «Семирамида» — цветочная идиллия, великолепие красок и богатство ароматов которой послужит лучшим комплементом для восхитительной леди. Это — замечательный подарок, который станет изыском на любом из праздников и торжественных мероприятий. Букет способен порадовать дорогую маму, любимую девушку, уважаемую коллегу и строгого руководителя, раскрыв перед ними волшебство цвета, покоряющее сердца. Удивите любимого человека великолепным букетом.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => semiramida-8752_s.jpg [large] => semiramida-8752_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8752_five_s.jpg [large] => 8752_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8752_four_s.jpg [large] => 8752_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8752_second_s.jpg [large] => 8752_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8752_third_s.jpg [large] => 8752_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-semiramida [ru_link] => buket-semiramida [en_link] => semiramis [ua_link] => buket-semiramida [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order the bouquet in our online shop. Delivery! [image_title_en] => Buy fabulous bouquet «Semiramis» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2021-10-04 08:55:49 [height] => 35 [diametre] => 30 [color] => white [p_title] => Buy gorgeous bouquet «Semiramis» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Semiramis» is the floral wealth, gorgeous colors, size and shape of which are the best compliments for a lady. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Semiramis» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 161 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 15 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 23 [vpl_url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [vpl_list_id] => 161 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы жене на День Рождение {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти дружині на День Народження {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma light green [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Calla bicolor [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray red [count] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Ilex yellow [count] => 2 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Rose cream [count] => 6 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Carnation green [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Еустома салатова [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Евкаліпт [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Кала двокольорова [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова червона [count] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Ілекс жовтий [count] => 2 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кремова [count] => 6 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика зелена [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 14902 [flower_id] => 1801 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma light green [ru_name] => Эустома салатовая [ua_name] => Еустома салатова [en_name] => Eustoma light green [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 14903 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 14904 [flower_id] => 856 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Calla bicolor [ru_name] => Калла двухцветная [ua_name] => Кала двокольорова [en_name] => Calla bicolor [group] => 9 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 14905 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 14906 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 14907 [flower_id] => 896 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Rose spray red [ru_name] => Роза кустовая красная [ua_name] => Троянда кущова червона [en_name] => Rose spray red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 14908 [flower_id] => 1033 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Ilex yellow [ru_name] => Илекс желтый [ua_name] => Ілекс жовтий [en_name] => Ilex yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 14910 [flower_id] => 881 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Rose cream [ru_name] => Роза кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кремова [en_name] => Rose cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 19637 [flower_id] => 828 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation green [ru_name] => Гвоздика зелёная [ua_name] => Гвоздика зелена [en_name] => Carnation green [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 1.04 [product_sostav] => Semiramis - Состав: Eustoma light green, Eucalyptus, Calla bicolor, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Rose spray red, Ilex yellow, Rose cream, Carnation green. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Семирамида - Состав: Эустома салатовая, Эвкалипт, Калла двухцветная, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза кустовая красная, Илекс желтый , Роза кремовая, Гвоздика зелёная. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Семіраміда - Склад: Еустома салатова, Евкаліпт, Кала двокольорова, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда кущова червона, Ілекс жовтий, Троянда кремова, Гвоздика зелена. [en_product_sostav] => Semiramis - Composition: Eustoma light green, Eucalyptus, Calla bicolor, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Rose spray red , Ilex yellow, Rose cream, Carnation green. 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=> 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [856] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [flower_id] => 856 [price] => 79 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 90 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 90 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1033] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [flower_id] => 1033 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 102 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 102 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 102 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [881] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [flower_id] => 881 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [828] => Array ( [id] => 8752 [flower_id] => 828 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1739 [price] => 11014 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 11014 [price_cur] => 279 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 279 [price_discount] => 11014 [price_discount_cur] => 279 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 11014 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 279 [price_member] => 11014 [price_member_cur] => 279 [price_member_qty] => 11014 [price_member_qty_cur] => 279 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (100 * 3) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (90 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (70 * 4) *1 + (102 * 2) *1 + (60 * 6) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 279 [business] => 321 [vip] => 363 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [20] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [name] => Blooming valley [ru_name] => Букет цветов Цветущая долина [ua_name] => Букет квітів Квітуча долина [en_name] => Blooming valley [title] => Купить букет Blooming valley недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

This is grand flower bouquet, the luxury of which could be compared only with the splendor of its colors. Yellow roses and callas, blue statices, pink eustomas and carnations, noble brassic and hypericum berries, are all necessary components of the wonderful flower bunch, which will please even the most sophisticated ladies.

Bouquet «Blooming valley» is a top of beauty and the harmony of colors. This magnificent present will be a great gift for Birthday, March 8th, Mother’s Day, professional holidays and grand celebrations. The bouquet will amaze a beloved woman and a dear colleague, regardless of her age and status. Who can resist the stunning beauty of such colorful flowers?

Attention! Bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site. 

[rutext] =>
Это - грандиозный цветочный букет, роскошь которого можно сравнить только с великолепием наполняющих его красок. Множество ярких и изумительных растений послужили составляющими компонентами экспрессивной цветочной идиллии. Желтые кустовые розы и каллы, синие статицы, фиолетовые эустомы и гвоздики, великолепные брассики и ягоды гиперикума, оформленные стильной упаковкой, позволили создать блестящий и дорогой подарок, способный удивить самых искушенных леди.

Букет «Цветочная долина» — это апогей красоты, богатства и гармонии красок. Шикарная охапка цветов станет великолепным подарком ко Дню рождения, 8 марта, Дню матери, ряду профессиональных праздников и грандиозных пиршенств. Букет приведет в восторг любимую женщину и дорогую коллегу, независимо от возраста и статуса, ведь кто в силах устоять перед головокружительной красотой самых ярких из цветов?

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_s.jpg [large] => tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8753_five_s.jpg [large] => 8753_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8753_four_s.jpg [large] => 8753_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8753_second_s.jpg [large] => 8753_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8753_third_s.jpg [large] => 8753_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-cvetuschaya-dolina [ru_link] => buket-cvetuschaya-dolina [en_link] => blooming-valley [ua_link] => buket-kvitucha-dolyna [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order the bouquet in our online shop. Delivery! [image_title_en] => Buy fabulous bouquet «Blooming valley» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2019-05-08 18:42:36 [height] => 35 [diametre] => 30 [color] => yellow [p_title] => Buy colorful bouquet «Blooming valley» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Blooming valley» is a top of beauty and the harmony of colors. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Blooming valley» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 174 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 20 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Yellow [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 137 [vpl_url] => originalnye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 174 [vpl_name_ru] => Оригинальные букеты Киев [vpl_name_ua] => Оригінальні букети {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Original bouquets Kiev [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.33 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Calla yellow [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Statice blue [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma violet [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum green [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Carnation violet [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Rose shrub yellow [count] => 5 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Brassica white [count] => 3 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Кали жовта [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Статиця синя [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Еустома фіолетова [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика фіолетова [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова жовта [count] => 5 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Брассика біла [count] => 3 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 14911 [flower_id] => 857 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Calla yellow [ru_name] => Каллы жёлтые [ua_name] => Кали жовта [en_name] => Calla yellow [group] => 9 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 14912 [flower_id] => 926 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Statice blue [ru_name] => Статица синяя [ua_name] => Статиця синя [en_name] => Statice blue [group] => 16 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 14913 [flower_id] => 998 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Eustoma violet [ru_name] => Эустома фиолетовая [ua_name] => Еустома фіолетова [en_name] => Eustoma violet [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 14915 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 14916 [flower_id] => 1393 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Carnation violet [ru_name] => Гвоздики фиолетовые [ua_name] => Гвоздика фіолетова [en_name] => Carnation violet [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 14917 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 14918 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 14919 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 14937 [flower_id] => 894 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose shrub yellow [ru_name] => Роза кустовая жёлтая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова жовта [en_name] => Rose shrub yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 20313 [flower_id] => 1880 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Brassica white [ru_name] => Брассика белая [ua_name] => Брассика біла [en_name] => Brassica white [group] => 66 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 1.12 [product_sostav] => Blooming valley - Состав: Calla yellow, Statice blue, Eustoma violet, Hypericum green, Carnation violet, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Rose shrub yellow, Brassica white. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Цветущая долина - Состав: Каллы жёлтые, Статица синяя, Эустома фиолетовая, Гиперикум зелёный, Гвоздики фиолетовые, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза кустовая жёлтая, Брассика белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Квітуча долина - Склад: Кали жовта, Статиця синя, Еустома фіолетова, Гіперікум зелений, Гвоздика фіолетова, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда кущова жовта, Брассика біла. [en_product_sostav] => Blooming valley - Composition: Calla yellow, Statice blue, Eustoma violet, Hypericum green, Carnation violet, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Rose shrub yellow, Brassica white. [url_link] => buket-cvetuschaya-dolina [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8753_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8753_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8753_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8753_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8753_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8753_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8753_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8753_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 13 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This is grand flower bouquet, the luxury of which could be compared only with the splendor of its colors... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8753 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/tsvetuschaya_dolina-8753_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8753_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8753_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8753_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8753_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8753_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8753_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8753_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8753_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8753_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8753_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8753_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8753_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Blooming valley [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [4] => Array ( [url] => originalnie-buketi [name] => Original bouquets [link] => [slug] => originalnie-buketi ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [857] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 857 [price] => 79 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [926] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 926 [price] => 39 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [998] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 998 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [977] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 977 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1393] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 1393 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [894] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 894 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1880] => Array ( [id] => 8753 [flower_id] => 1880 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1775 [price] => 11242 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 11242 [price_cur] => 285 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 285 [price_discount] => 11242 [price_discount_cur] => 285 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 11242 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 285 [price_member] => 11242 [price_member_cur] => 285 [price_member_qty] => 11242 [price_member_qty_cur] => 285 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (150 * 3) *1 + (40 * 3) *1 + (60 * 3) *1 + (75 * 3) *1 + (45 * 5) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (70 * 5) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 285 [business] => 328 [vip] => 370 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [id] => 9495 [name] => Flower box Famingo [ru_name] => Композиция в коробке Фламинго [ua_name] => Композиція квітів Фламінго [en_name] => Flower box Famingo [title] => Купить букет Flower box Famingo недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/flamingo-9495_189_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/flamingo-9495_189_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/flamingo-9495_189_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A flower arrangement in a box is an incredibly effective and touching solution that will suit almost any celebration or event. Especially when it comes to such a stylish solution as the "Flamingo" bouquet.


[rutext] =>

Цветочная композиция в коробке – это невероятно эффектное и трогательное решение, которое подойдет практически для любого торжества или события. Особенно, если речь идет о таком стильном решении, как букет «Фламинго». Насколько интересно в нем переплелись все оттенки фиолетового, розового и лилового, которые несколько оттенены насыщенной зеленой листвой. А коробка, в которой расположились цветы, и атласная лента с бантом удачно подобраны в тон композиции, что еще ярче подчеркивает ее непринужденность и выдержанность.
Такой букет в шляпной коробке станет причиной отличного настроения, как только окажется в руках у своей обладательницы. Его приятный аромат окутает все вокруг, а использование оазиса станет причиной для того, чтобы композиция простояла долго, сохранив свою красоту и свежесть. Заказывайте эти цветы в коробке, и вы точно не ошибетесь, ведь они просто прекрасны.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Композиция в коробке Фламинго - Состав: Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Зелень в букет, Роза кустовая лавандер, Орхидея фаленопсис в горшке 2 ветки, Роза розовая до 60 см, Коробка круглая большая, Эустома фиолетовая. [ua_product_sostav] => Композиція квітів Фламінго - Склад: Оазис, Зелень у букет, Троянда кустова лавандер, Орхідея фаленопсис у горщику, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Коробка кругла велика, Еустома фіолетова. [en_product_sostav] => Flower box Famingo - Composition: Oasis, Greens, Rose bush lavender, Orchid phalaenopsis, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Big round box, Eustoma violet. [url_link] => buket-flamingo [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/flamingo-9495_189_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/flamingo-9495_189_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/flamingo-9495_189_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9495_second_34e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9495_second_34e_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9495_third_b7a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9495_third_b7a_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9495_four_1bd_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9495_four_1bd_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 6 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A flower arrangement in a box is an incredibly effective and touching solution that will suit almost any celebration or event... 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Flowers in a hat box are a unique, beautiful and gorgeous gift. As a rule, such bouquets are presented for very often celebrations like weddings, jubilees or anniversaries. And the flower arrangement «Cloud lightness» is not an exception.

If your best friends decided to marry and you do not know what bouquet you should present them, then white flowers with beautiful white artificial pigeons are what you need! Refined roses as a symbol of love are surrounded by bright greens and two birds which are an embodiment of peace and fidelity. Do not hesitate and select «Cloud lightness» and all guests will remember this floral composition for a long time.

Attention: The bouquet may differ from the image on website.

[rutext] =>

Цветы в шляпной коробке – это не только красивый и роскошный подарок, но и оригинальный. Зачастую подобные «букеты» преподносят на очень важные торжества, к примеру, на свадьбы, юбилеи, годовщины или корпоративные вечера. И, конечно же, композиция «Легкость облака» - не исключение.

Если Ваши лучшие друзья решили связать друг друга узами брака, а Вы не знаете, какой букет им подарить, тогда цветы в белоснежных тонах с красивыми декоративными голубями – это то, что нужно! Изящные розы, как символ любви, оберегает сочная зелень и 2 птицы олицетворяющие мир и преданность. Ну, какой получатель не будет в восторге? Поэтому, не сомневайтесь, а выбирайте именно «Легкость облака», и она запомнится всем присутствующим на долгие годы. 

Внимание! Композиция может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

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novaya_tsvetochnaya_korobka_five_s.jpg [large] => novaya_tsvetochnaya_korobka_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-legkost-oblaka [ru_link] => buket-legkost-oblaka [en_link] => cloud-lightness [ua_link] => buket-legkist-hmarynky [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order bouquet «Cloud lightness» with delivery [image_title_en] => Buy stunning bouquet «Cloud lightness» with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2020-04-08 03:33:44 [height] => 25 [diametre] => 25 [color] => white [p_title] => Order bouquet «Cloud lightness» in the internet shop with delivery [p_description] => «Cloud lightness» of white roses, lush greens and decorative artificial birds will become an excellent gift for wedding or anniversary [p_keywords] => wedding bouquet, wedding composition, wedding arrangement, flower bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, white bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «Cloud lightness» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 165 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 6 [vpl_url] => dostavka-tsvetov [vpl_list_id] => 165 [vpl_name_ru] => Доставка букетов из цветов [vpl_name_ua] => Доставка букетів з квітів {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Flower bouquets delivery [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.32 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 10 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Eucalyptus [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Decorative elements [count] => 1 ) [5] => 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Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 13864 [flower_id] => 1027 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Eucalyptus [ru_name] => Эвкалипт [ua_name] => Евкаліпт [en_name] => Eucalyptus [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 13866 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 13867 [flower_id] => 1155 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Decorative elements [ru_name] => Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов [ua_name] => Декоративні елементи букети квітів [en_name] => Decorative elements [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 13868 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 13869 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 21465 [flower_id] => 2555 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [ua_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [en_name] => Box round L 25x13cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.48 [product_sostav] => Cloud lightness - Состав: Roses white local, Rose spray cream, Eucalyptus, Greens, Decorative elements, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Box round L 25x13cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Легкость облака - Состав: Роза белая местная, Роза кустовая кремовая, Эвкалипт, Зелень в букет, Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Легкість хмаринки - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Троянда кущова кремова, Евкаліпт, Зелень у букет, Декоративні елементи букети квітів, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [en_product_sostav] => Cloud lightness - Composition: Roses white local, Rose spray cream, Eucalyptus, Greens, Decorative elements, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Box round L 25x13cm. [url_link] => buket-legkost-oblaka [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/novaya_tsvetochnaya_korobka-8571_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/novaya_tsvetochnaya_korobka-8571_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/novaya_tsvetochnaya_korobka-8571_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8571_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8571_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8571_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8571_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8571_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8571_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8571_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8571_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 10 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Flowers in a hat box are a unique, beautiful and gorgeous gift. As a rule, such bouquets are presented for very often celebrations like weddings, jubilees or anniversaries... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8571 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/novaya_tsvetochnaya_korobka-8571_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/novaya_tsvetochnaya_korobka-8571_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/novaya_tsvetochnaya_korobka-8571_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8571_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8571_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8571_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8571_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8571_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8571_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8571_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8571_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8571_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8571_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8571_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8571_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Cloud lightness [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [7] => Array ( [url] => kupyt-buket-cvetov [name] => Buy flowers Kherson [link] => [slug] => kupyt-buket-cvetov ) [9] => Array ( [url] => renamed [name] => Flower arrangements [link] => [slug] => renamed ) [10] => Array ( [url] => kupit-tsvety [name] => Buy flowers [link] => [slug] => kupit-tsvety ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 8571 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 21 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 8571 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 10 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 8571 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8571 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1155] => Array ( [id] => 8571 [flower_id] => 1155 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 8571 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8571 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2555] => Array ( [id] => 8571 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2100 [price] => 13300 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 13300 [price_cur] => 337 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 337 [price_discount] => 13300 [price_discount_cur] => 337 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 13300 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 337 [price_member] => 13300 [price_member_cur] => 337 [price_member_qty] => 13300 [price_member_qty_cur] => 337 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 21) *1 + (60 * 10) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (55 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (230 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 337 [business] => 388 [vip] => 438 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [23] => Array ( [id] => 7772 [name] => Basket of Kinders [ru_name] => Корзина киндеров [ua_name] => Кошик кіндерів [en_name] => Basket of Kinders [title] => Товар «Basket of Kinders» [small_image] => /bouquet/korzina_kinderov-7772_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/korzina_kinderov-7772_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/korzina_kinderov-7772_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

We sincerely believe that chocolate could improve mood and treat diseases. And of cause kinder can do it!! Thirty of the most delicious sweets by known brands, including the Kinder-surprise, Kinder Country, Kinder Bueno and Kinder Chocolate, are gathered in a beautiful basket that is decorated with ribbons. We are sure that this gift will please any sweet tooth.

Cute and charming gift is well suiting for the woman or the child, but also it can be appropriate for the father on his birthday or your friend. If your loved ones are crazy about sweets and chocolate - give them this basket of pure delight!

Note: Gift decoration may differ from online image.

[rutext] =>

Шоколад способен поднять настроение даже самому грустному человеку. И это даже научно доказано, ведь в этом сладком угощении очень много гормона счастья – эндорфина. Почти каждый человек на планете любит шоколад, а особенно – маленькие дети. Милая корзина киндеров – это именно тот подарок, о котором мечтает большинство маленьких сладкоежек.

В состав корзины входят самые вкусные сладости от компании Kinder, которые обожают и дети, и взрослые со всего мира. Подарите своему ребенку корзинку счастья и радости на День Рождения, именины или просто без повода! Ведь родители любят своих деток не только по праздникам, не так ли?

Внимание: оформление подарка может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korzina_kinderov-7772_s.jpg [large] => korzina_kinderov-7772_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7772_four_s.jpg [large] => 7772_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7772_second_s.jpg [large] => 7772_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7772_third_s.jpg [large] => 7772_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => korzina_kinderov_s.jpg [large] => korzina_kinderov_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => korzina_kinderov_second_s.jpg [large] => korzina_kinderov_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => korzina_kinderov_third_s.jpg [large] => korzina_kinderov_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => korzina_kinderov_four_s.jpg [large] => korzina_kinderov_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => korzina-kinderov [ru_link] => korzina-kinderov [en_link] => basket-of-kinders [ua_link] => koshyk-kinderiv [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 0 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => buy kinder basket [image_title_en] => Order Kinder basker with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-03-13 23:13:28 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => [p_title] => [p_description] => The best gift for beloved ones who like sweets and chocolate! Order delivery right now! [p_keywords] => Kinder busket, busket of kinders, busker of sweent, busket of candies, order gift delivery, unusual gift, sweet gift, buy kinder basket [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 489 [google_product_category] => 2559 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 416 [vpl_url] => podarki-zhene-na-14-fevralya [vpl_list_id] => 489 [vpl_name_ru] => Подарки Жене на 14 февраля [vpl_name_ua] => Подарунки дружині на 14 лютого [vpl_name_en] => Presents for a wife on Valentines Day [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 25 [rating_value] => 4.32 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Kinder Bueno waffles with milk chocolate [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Kinder chocolate 21 g [count] => 13 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => New Year decorations [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Яйце Kinder сюрприз [count] => 7 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Вафли Kinder Bueno з молочним шоколадом [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Kinder chocolate 21 г [count] => 13 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Новорічний декор [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10096 [flower_id] => 1295 [ammount] => 7 [name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [ru_name] => Яйцо Kinder сюрприз [ua_name] => Яйце Kinder сюрприз [en_name] => Egg Kinder Surprise [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 10101 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 10102 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 10122 [flower_id] => 1500 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [ru_name] => Шоколад молочный Kinder Chocolate со злаками [ua_name] => Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals [en_name] => Kinder milk chocolate with cereals [group] => 50 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 10161 [flower_id] => 1498 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Kinder Bueno waffles with milk chocolate [ru_name] => Вафли Kinder Bueno с молочным шоколадом [ua_name] => Вафли Kinder Bueno з молочним шоколадом [en_name] => Kinder Bueno waffles with milk chocolate [group] => 50 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 19153 [flower_id] => 2111 [ammount] => 13 [name] => Kinder chocolate 21 g [ru_name] => Kinder chocolate 21 г [ua_name] => Kinder chocolate 21 г [en_name] => Kinder chocolate 21 g [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 24004 [flower_id] => 1164 [ammount] => 1 [name] => New Year decorations [ru_name] => Новогодний декор [ua_name] => Новорічний декор [en_name] => New Year decorations [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 17 ) ) [weight] => 1.32 [product_sostav] => Basket of Kinders - Состав: Egg Kinder Surprise, Box M, Tape for flowers, Kinder milk chocolate with cereals, Kinder Bueno waffles with milk chocolate, Kinder chocolate 21 g, New Year decorations. [ru_product_sostav] => Корзина киндеров - Состав: Яйцо Kinder сюрприз, Корзина M, Лента на цветы, Шоколад молочный Kinder Chocolate со злаками, Вафли Kinder Bueno с молочным шоколадом, Kinder chocolate 21 г, Новогодний декор. [ua_product_sostav] => Кошик кіндерів - Склад: Яйце Kinder сюрприз, Кошик M, Стрічка на квіти, Шоколад молочний Kinder Chocolate with cereals, Вафли Kinder Bueno з молочним шоколадом, Kinder chocolate 21 г, Новорічний декор. [en_product_sostav] => Basket of Kinders - Composition: Egg Kinder Surprise, Box M, Tape for flowers, Kinder milk chocolate with cereals, Kinder Bueno waffles with milk chocolate, Kinder chocolate 21 g, New Year decorations. [url_link] => korzina-kinderov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/korzina_kinderov-7772_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/korzina_kinderov-7772_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/korzina_kinderov-7772_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7772_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7772_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7772_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7772_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7772_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7772_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 29 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => We sincerely believe that chocolate could improve mood and treat diseases. And of cause kinder can do it... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7772 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/korzina_kinderov-7772_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/korzina_kinderov-7772_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/korzina_kinderov-7772_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7772_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7772_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7772_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7772_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7772_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7772_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7772_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7772_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7772_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_7772_1706202685_small.jpeg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_7772_1706202685_full.jpeg [city] => [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Basket of Kinders [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [4] => Array ( [url] => sladosti-na-den-valentina [name] => Sweets for Valentine's day [link] => [slug] => sladosti-na-den-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1295] => Array ( [id] => 7772 [flower_id] => 1295 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 7772 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7772 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1500] => Array ( [id] => 7772 [flower_id] => 1500 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1498] => Array ( [id] => 7772 [flower_id] => 1498 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [2111] => Array ( [id] => 7772 [flower_id] => 2111 [price] => 37 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [1164] => Array ( [id] => 7772 [flower_id] => 1164 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 50 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2135 [price] => 13522 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 13522 [price_cur] => 343 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 343 [price_discount] => 13522 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[hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Presenting a flower arrangement is an amazing opportunity to surprise and delight friends and loved ones. For such an unusual and stuttering presentation, a flowered pig is suitable, which undoubtedly can cause a sincere smile from anyone.


[rutext] =>

Подарить цвточную композицию - удивительная возможность удивить и порадовать друзей и близких. Для такого необычного и запоминающегося презента подходит цеточный поросенок, что несомненно сможет вызвать искреннюю улыбку у кого-либо 

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Состав: Hydrangea, Carnation pink, Eustoma white, Rose bush lavender, Eucalyptus, Oasis, Decorative elements, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Box round M 20x21cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Цветочный поросенок - Состав: Гортензия, Гвоздика розовая, Эустома белая, Роза кустовая лавандер, Эвкалипт, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов, Роза розовая до 60 см, Коробка круглая M 20x21см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Квіткове порося - Склад: Гортензія, Гвоздика рожева, Еустома біла, Троянда кустова лавандер, Евкаліпт, Оазис, Декоративні елементи букети квітів, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Коробка кругла M 20x21см. [en_product_sostav] => Flower little pig - Composition: Hydrangea, Carnation pink, Eustoma white, Rose bush lavender, Eucalyptus, Oasis, Decorative elements, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Box round M 20x21cm. [url_link] => tsvetochniy-porosenok [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 6 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Presenting a flower arrangement is an amazing opportunity to surprise and delight friends and loved ones... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9745 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/tsvetochnyiy_porosenok-9745_df1_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9745_five_cfe_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9745_four_a35_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9745_second_a69_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9745_third_81d_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Daughter ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 30 [name] => For children ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/637766_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/637766_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Flower little pig [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-rebenku [name] => For a child [link] => [slug] => tsvety-rebenku ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [908] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 908 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [833] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 833 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 7 ) [994] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 994 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 90 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1999] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 1999 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1027] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 1027 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1155] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 1155 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [887] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [2554] => Array ( [id] => 9745 [flower_id] => 2554 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 200 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 1850 [price] => 14060 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 14060 [price_cur] => 356 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 356 [price_discount] => 14060 [price_discount_cur] => 356 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 14060 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 356 [price_member] => 14060 [price_member_cur] => 356 [price_member_qty] => 14060 [price_member_qty_cur] => 356 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (300 * 1) *1 + (50 * 7) *1 + (100 * 3) *1 + (100 * 3) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (55 * 1) *1 + (60 * 5) *1 + (150 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 356 [business] => 410 [vip] => 463 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [25] => Array ( [id] => 9065 [name] => Chateau Haut-Brion [ru_name] => Букет цветов в коробке [ua_name] => Букет квітів в коробці [en_name] => Chateau Haut-Brion [title] => Купить букет Chateau Haut-Brion недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Compositions of flowers are another one alternative to classic bouquets. Those delicate flowers in an elegant round-shaped box are so adorable… no women will resist their charms.

Composition «Chateau Haut-Brion»  is a refined combination of pink roses, green hypericum berries, airy сhamelaucium florets, green, and decorative elements. That marvelous gift won’t let anyone stay indifferent. Any woman, regardless of her age and status, will be pleased with such a delicate sign of attention, warmth, and care.

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Цветочные композиции — превосходная альтернатива классическим букетам. А нежнейшие цветы, помещенные в элегантную круглую коробку  — это подарок, от которого захватывает дух!

Композиция «Шато о-Брион» — это изысканное сочетание розовых роз, ягодок зелёного гиперикума, воздушных цветочков хамелациума, зелени и декоративных элементов. Этот великолепный подарок не оставит равнодушным ни девушку, ни женщину. Любая леди, независимо от её статуса, будет польщена столь умилительным проявлением внимания, тепла и заботы с вашей стороны.

Внимание! Внешний вид композиции может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_s.jpg [large] => shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9065_four_14c_s.jpg [large] => 9065_four_14c_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9065_second_bbd_s.jpg [large] => 9065_second_bbd_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9065_third_cc9_s.jpg [large] => 9065_third_cc9_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => shato_o_brion_ff6_s.jpg [large] => shato_o_brion_ff6_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => shato_o_brion_second_s.jpg [large] => shato_o_brion_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => shato_o_brion_third_s.jpg [large] => shato_o_brion_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => shato_o_brion_four_s.jpg [large] => shato_o_brion_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-shato-o-brion [ru_link] => buket-shato-o-brion [en_link] => chateau-haut-brion [ua_link] => buket-shato-o-brion [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Composition «Chateau Haut-Brion» | order now [image_title_en] => Composition «Chateau Haut-Brion» | buy with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-13 01:23:50 [height] => 25 [diametre] => 25 [color] => pink [p_title] => Composition «Chateau Haut-Brion» | flowers in box [p_description] => Composition «Chateau Haut-Brion» is a refined combination of pink roses, green hypericum berries, airy сhamelaucium florets and green. [p_keywords] => flowers in box, flowers in round-shaped box, flower compositions [p_h1] => Composition «Chateau Haut-Brion» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 0 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 6 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 341 [vpl_url] => cvety-lubimoy-devushke [vpl_list_id] => 497 [vpl_name_ru] => Девушке [vpl_name_ua] => Дівчині [vpl_name_en] => For a girlfriend [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.37 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum green [count] => 6 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => hamelatsium [count] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гіперікум зелений [count] => 6 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Хамелаціум [count] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16836 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 21 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16837 [flower_id] => 977 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Hypericum green [ru_name] => Гиперикум зелёный [ua_name] => Гіперікум зелений [en_name] => Hypericum green [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16838 [flower_id] => 1567 [ammount] => 4 [name] => hamelatsium [ru_name] => Хамелациум [ua_name] => Хамелаціум [en_name] => hamelatsium [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16839 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 16841 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 21480 [flower_id] => 2555 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [ua_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [en_name] => Box round L 25x13cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.36 [product_sostav] => Chateau Haut-Brion - Состав: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Hypericum green, hamelatsium, Greens, Oasis, Box round L 25x13cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов в коробке - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Гиперикум зелёный, Хамелациум, Зелень в букет, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів в коробці - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Гіперікум зелений, Хамелаціум, Зелень у букет, Оазис, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [en_product_sostav] => Chateau Haut-Brion - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Hypericum green, hamelatsium, Greens, Oasis, Box round L 25x13cm. [url_link] => buket-shato-o-brion [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9065_second_bbd_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9065_second_bbd_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9065_third_cc9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9065_third_cc9_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9065_four_14c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9065_four_14c_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 7 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Compositions of flowers are another one alternative to classic bouquets... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9065 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/shato_o_brion-9065_bbd_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9065_four_14c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9065_four_14c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9065_four_14c_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9065_second_bbd_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9065_second_bbd_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9065_second_bbd_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9065_third_cc9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9065_third_cc9_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9065_third_cc9_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Chateau Haut-Brion [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [887] => Array ( [id] => 9065 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 21 ) [977] => Array ( [id] => 9065 [flower_id] => 977 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [1567] => Array ( [id] => 9065 [flower_id] => 1567 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 61 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 61 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 61 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9065 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9065 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2555] => Array ( [id] => 9065 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2279 [price] => 14434 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 14434 [price_cur] => 366 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 366 [price_discount] => 14434 [price_discount_cur] => 366 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 14434 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 366 [price_member] => 14434 [price_member_cur] => 366 [price_member_qty] => 14434 [price_member_qty_cur] => 366 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 21) *1 + (75 * 6) *1 + (61 * 4) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (230 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 366 [business] => 421 [vip] => 476 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [26] => Array ( [id] => 9898 [name] => 51 creamy roses [ru_name] => 51 кремовая роза [ua_name] => 51 кремова троянда [en_name] => 51 creamy roses [title] => Купить букет 51 creamy roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

51 cream roses - a bouquet worthy of a real queen.

If you still don't know how to surprise your beloved, give her this inimitable composition. Such flowers are a symbol of sophistication and elegance, their ideal half-opened buds breathe with tactile tenderness, love and charm.

A unique bouquet of 51 roses can express the best wishes, tell about new feelings that have just arisen, filled with ardor and passion.

If you want to choose a similar composition for mom, then this is the best way to say how much she is dear, how much space she occupies in your heart. Also, 51 roses with delivery will be appropriate when congratulating the newlyweds on their wedding day, a young mother on the birth of her baby.

Give such a flower arrangement for any reason or even without it, in order to cheer up a person dear to your heart, cause a smile, joy. Believe me, there is no event in life in which a charming bouquet of roses would not be appropriate.

Attention: the bouquet may look slightly different from the images shown.

[rutext] =>

51 кремовая роза – букет, достойный настоящей королевы.

Если вы еще не знаете, как удивить свою любимую, преподнесите ей эту неподражаемую композицию. Такие цветы – это символ изысканности и элегантности, их идеальные полураскрытые бутончики дышат осязательной нежностью, любовью и очарованием.

Неповторимый букет из 51 розы может выразить наилучшие пожелание, рассказать о только зародившихся новых чувствах, наполненных пылкостью и страстью.

Если вы хотите выбрать подобную композицию маме, то это лучший способ сказать о том, настолько она дорога, сколько места занимает в вашем сердце. Также 51 роза с доставкой станет уместной при поздравлении молодоженов с их днем бракосочетания, молодой маме с рождением ее малыша.

Дарите такую цветочную композицию по любому поводу или даже без него, чтобы поднять дорогому сердцу человеку настроение, вызвать улыбку, радость. Поверьте, нет в жизни такого события, при котором очаровательный букет роз будет не уместен.

Внимание: букет может внешне несколько отличаться от представленных изображений. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_s.jpg [large] => 51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_kremovaya_roza_956_s.jpg [large] => 51_kremovaya_roza_956_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => 51-kremovaya-roza [ru_link] => 51-kremovaya-roza [en_link] => 51-creamy-roses [ua_link] => 51-kremova-troyanda [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-06-11 04:05:54 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => cream [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Cream [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose creamy Kimberly up to 50 cm [count] => 51 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Wrapping 4 m [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кремова Кімберлі до 50 см [count] => 51 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка 4 м [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20744 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 24348 [flower_id] => 2810 [ammount] => 51 [name] => Rose creamy Kimberly up to 50 cm [ru_name] => Роза кремовая Кимберли до 50 см [ua_name] => Троянда кремова Кімберлі до 50 см [en_name] => Rose creamy Kimberly up to 50 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 24349 [flower_id] => 2572 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Wrapping 4 m [ru_name] => Упаковка 4 м [ua_name] => Упаковка 4 м [en_name] => Wrapping 4 m [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) ) [weight] => 2.12 [product_sostav] => 51 creamy roses - Состав: Tape for flowers, Rose creamy Kimberly up to 50 cm, Wrapping 4 m. [ru_product_sostav] => 51 кремовая роза - Состав: Лента на цветы, Роза кремовая Кимберли до 50 см, Упаковка 4 м. [ua_product_sostav] => 51 кремова троянда - Склад: Стрічка на квіти, Троянда кремова Кімберлі до 50 см, Упаковка 4 м. [en_product_sostav] => 51 creamy roses - Composition: Tape for flowers, Rose creamy Kimberly up to 50 cm, Wrapping 4 m. [url_link] => 51-kremovaya-roza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 20 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => 51 cream roses - a bouquet worthy of a real queen.If you still don't know how to surprise your beloved, give her this inimitable composition... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9898 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/51_kremovaya_roza-9898_98f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 51 creamy roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [9] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9898 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2810] => Array ( [id] => 9898 [flower_id] => 2810 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 51 ) [2572] => Array ( [id] => 9898 [flower_id] => 2572 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 150 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2465 [price] => 15612 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 15612 [price_cur] => 396 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 396 [price_discount] => 15612 [price_discount_cur] => 396 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 15612 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 396 [price_member] => 15612 [price_member_cur] => 396 [price_member_qty] => 15612 [price_member_qty_cur] => 396 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (45 * 51) *1 + (150 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 396 [business] => 455 [vip] => 514 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [27] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [name] => Aquamarine [ru_name] => Букет цветов Аквамарин [ua_name] => Букет квітів Аквамарин [en_name] => Aquamarine [title] => Купить букет Aquamarine недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/akvamarin-8407_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/akvamarin-8407_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/akvamarin-8407_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Airy and peaceful bouquet «Aquamarine» can help you to decently congratulate, express deep respect and accentuate the beauty of the addressee. The flower arrangement represented on the image looks very noble and  aristocratic. Emerald carnations harmonise with white roses, lotuses and blue hydrangeas. 

Owing to the laconic appearance it will be an ideal gift for a birthday, career promotion as well as a wedding anniversary or jubilee.

The flowers are excellent catalysts of high spirit and joy. So, do not postpone the pleasant moments and rejoice beloved people right now.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Воздушный, олицетворяющий мир, спокойствие и чистоту «Аквамарин» поможет Вам достойно поздравить, выразить глубокое уважение и подчеркнуть красоту адресата. Представленный на фото букет выглядит весьма благородно и аристократично. Изумрудные гвоздики гармонично сочетаются с белоснежными розами, кувшинками, дополненными гортензиями небесного оттенка.

Благодаря тому, что композиция выглядит лаконично, она идеально подойдет в качестве подарка как на именины, продвижение по карьерной лестнице, так и на годовщину свадьбы, юбилей.

Нет ничего приятней, чем видеть искренние улыбки на лицах близких людей. Цветы – это отличные катализаторы позитивного настроения. Поэтому не откладывайте такие приятные моменты на потом, а радуйте любимых женщин и просто хороших знакомых уже сейчас.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

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Delivery! [image_title_en] => Order stunning bouquet «Aquamarine» in the online-shop with delivery. [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-21 13:37:03 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 45 [color] => white [p_title] => Stunning bouquet «Aquamarine» with delivery to any city! [p_description] => The bouquet «Aquamarine» is a refined addititon to your gift, The arrangement is made of roses, carnations, lotus, freesias, eustomas etc. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful flowers, buy flowers, flower delivery, order flowers,flowers with delivery, [p_h1] => Bouquet «Aquamarine» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 161 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 19 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 23 [vpl_url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [vpl_list_id] => 161 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы жене на День Рождение {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти дружині на День Народження {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Carnation green [count] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Hydrangea blue [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Gladiolus white [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 10 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Eustoma light green [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Lotus [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Gelleborus (hellebore) [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика зелена [count] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гортензія блакитна [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гладіолус білий [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 10 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Еустома салатова [count] => 4 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Лотос [count] => 3 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Геллеборус (морозник) [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12963 [flower_id] => 828 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Carnation green [ru_name] => Гвоздика зелёная [ua_name] => Гвоздика зелена [en_name] => Carnation green [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12964 [flower_id] => 910 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hydrangea blue [ru_name] => Гортензия голубая [ua_name] => Гортензія блакитна [en_name] => Hydrangea blue [group] => 25 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12965 [flower_id] => 1653 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gladiolus white [ru_name] => Гладиолус белый [ua_name] => Гладіолус білий [en_name] => Gladiolus white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12966 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 10 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 12967 [flower_id] => 1801 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Eustoma light green [ru_name] => Эустома салатовая [ua_name] => Еустома салатова [en_name] => Eustoma light green [group] => 5 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 12968 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 12969 [flower_id] => 1388 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Lotus [ru_name] => Лотос [ua_name] => Лотос [en_name] => Lotus [group] => 58 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 12970 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 12977 [flower_id] => 1800 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Gelleborus (hellebore) [ru_name] => Хелеборус (морозник) [ua_name] => Геллеборус (морозник) [en_name] => Gelleborus (hellebore) [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 13043 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) ) [weight] => 1.28 [product_sostav] => Aquamarine - Состав: Carnation green, Hydrangea blue, Gladiolus white, Roses white local, Eustoma light green, Freesia white, Lotus, Tape for flowers, Gelleborus (hellebore), Greens. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Аквамарин - Состав: Гвоздика зелёная, Гортензия голубая, Гладиолус белый, Роза белая местная, Эустома салатовая, Фрезия белая, Лотос, Лента на цветы, Хелеборус (морозник), Зелень в букет. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Аквамарин - Склад: Гвоздика зелена, Гортензія блакитна, Гладіолус білий, Троянда біла місцева, Еустома салатова, Фрезія біла, Лотос, Стрічка на квіти, Геллеборус (морозник), Зелень у букет. [en_product_sostav] => Aquamarine - Composition: Carnation green, Hydrangea blue, Gladiolus white, Roses white local, Eustoma light green, Freesia white, Lotus, Tape for flowers, Gelleborus (hellebore), Greens. [url_link] => buket-akvamarin [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/akvamarin-8407_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/akvamarin-8407_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/akvamarin-8407_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8407_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8407_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8407_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8407_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8407_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8407_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 45 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Airy and peaceful bouquet «Aquamarine» can help you to decently congratulate, express deep respect and accentuate the beauty of the addressee... 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( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Aquamarine [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [4] => Array ( [url] => kupyt-buket-cvetov [name] => Buy flowers Kherson [link] => [slug] => kupyt-buket-cvetov ) [5] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [6] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [7] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Flowers for mother-in-law [link] => [slug] => tsvety-teshche-na-den-rozhdenia ) [8] => Array ( [url] => sezonnie-cvety [name] => Seasonal flowers [link] => [slug] => sezonnie-cvety ) [9] => Array ( [url] => kupit-tsvety [name] => Buy flowers [link] => [slug] => kupit-tsvety ) [18] => Array ( [url] => buket-nevesti [name] => The bride's bouquet [link] => [slug] => buket-nevesti ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [828] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 828 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [910] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 910 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 300 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 300 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 300 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1653] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 1653 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [877] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 10 ) [1801] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 1801 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 95 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1388] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 1388 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1800] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 1800 [price] => 58 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 75 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 75 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 75 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8407 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 1 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2530 [price] => 16023 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 16023 [price_cur] => 406 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 406 [price_discount] => 16023 [price_discount_cur] => 406 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 16023 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 406 [price_member] => 16023 [price_member_cur] => 406 [price_member_qty] => 16023 [price_member_qty_cur] => 406 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (45 * 4) *1 + (300 * 3) *1 + (40 * 1) *1 + (50 * 10) *1 + (100 * 4) *1 + (50 * 4) *1 + (55 * 3) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (75 * 1) *1 + (50 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 406 [business] => 467 [vip] => 528 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [28] => Array ( [id] => 9287 [name] => 50 red roses [ru_name] => 50 красных роз [ua_name] => 50 червоних троянд [en_name] => 50 red roses [title] => Купить букет 50 red roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/iz_50_roz-9287_070_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/iz_50_roz-9287_070_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/iz_50_roz-9287_070_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet of 50 roses. You can buy a bouquet of 50 roses inexpensively on our website of the UFL flower shop at any time of the day 24/7. This is a charming bouquet, reminiscent of a dessert of love and harmony. Red roses look chic and elegant, and the meaning of this floral message is pure love and harmony! Any woman will not resist such beauty. You can give a bouquet on March 8 to your mother, beloved, bride, Valentine's Day. This bouquet can be given with or without cause, because it is the perfect way to show your good intentions to your loved ones! It's also the perfect anniversary gift!

[rutext] =>

Букет из 50 роз. Купить букет из 50 роз недорого, можно на нашем сайте магазина цветов UFL в любое время суток 24/7. Это очаровательный букет, напоминает десерт из любви и гармонии. Красные розы выглядят шикарно и элегантно, а смысл этого цветочного послания – чистая любовь и гармония! Перед такой красотой не устоит любая женщина. Подарить букет можно на 8 марта маме, любимой, невесте, День святого Валентина. Этот букет можно дарить по поводу и без, ведь он идеальный способ показать ваши благие намерения к Вашим близким! А еще это идеальный подарок на юбилей! Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

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[ru_product_sostav] => 50 красных роз - Состав: Роза красные до 60 см, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => 50 червоних троянд - Склад: Троянди червоні до 60 см, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => 50 red roses - Composition: Roses red up to 60 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-50-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/iz_50_roz-9287_070_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/iz_50_roz-9287_070_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/iz_50_roz-9287_070_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9287_second_a20_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9287_second_a20_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9287_third_9ea_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9287_third_9ea_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9287_four_9ea_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9287_four_9ea_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 74 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet of 50 roses. You can buy a bouquet of 50 roses inexpensively on our website of the UFL flower shop at any time of the day 24/7... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9287 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/iz_50_roz-9287_070_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/iz_50_roz-9287_070_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/iz_50_roz-9287_070_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9287_four_9ea_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9287_four_9ea_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9287_four_9ea_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9287_second_a20_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9287_second_a20_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9287_second_a20_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9287_third_9ea_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9287_third_9ea_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9287_third_9ea_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 50 red roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [1] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1986] => Array ( [id] => 9287 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 50 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9287 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9287 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2540 [price] => 16087 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 16087 [price_cur] => 408 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 408 [price_discount] => 16087 [price_discount_cur] => 408 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 16087 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 408 [price_member] => 16087 [price_member_cur] => 408 [price_member_qty] => 16087 [price_member_qty_cur] => 408 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 50) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 408 [business] => 469 [vip] => 530 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [29] => Array ( [id] => 8283 [name] => Red and cream roses (51 pcs.) [ru_name] => Красно-кремовые розы (51 шт.) [ua_name] => Червоно-кремові троянди (51 шт.) [en_name] => Red and cream roses (51 pcs.) [title] => Купить букет Red and cream roses (51 pcs.) недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Do you want to impress the woman you love? Present a chic bouquet for the anniversary of your mother? Happy birthday to your boss? Bouquet "51 red-cream roses" is ideal for these occasions. The noble combination of red and cream shades of the queen of flowers - roses will amaze a woman, she will be grateful and grateful to you.

A bouquet of "51 red-cream roses" will delight your beloved on Valentine's Day. It can also be presented to the newlyweds at the wedding. Cream roses symbolize harmony and fidelity, and in combination with red - the flowers of love, wish the newlyweds a happy family life.

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Хотите поразить любимую женщину? Преподнести шикарный букет на юбилей маме? Поздравить с Днем Рождения начальницу? Букет «51 красно-кремовая роза» идеально подойдет для этих случаев. Благородное сочетание красного и кремового оттенков королевы цветов — розы поразит женщину, она будет Вам признательна и благодарна.

Букет «51 красно-кремовая роза» приведет в восторг любимую на День святого Валентина. Также его можно преподнести и на свадьбу молодоженам. Кремовые розы символизируют гармонию и верность, и в сочетании с красными — цветами любви, пожелает новобрачным счастливой семейной жизни.

Внимание: букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_s.jpg [large] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8283_four_s.jpg [large] => 8283_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8283_second_s.jpg [large] => 8283_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8283_third_s.jpg [large] => 8283_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht_s.jpg [large] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht_second_s.jpg [large] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht_third_s.jpg [large] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht_four_s.jpg [large] => krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-krasnokremovye-rozy-51-sht [ru_link] => buket-krasnokremovye-rozy-51-sht [en_link] => red-and-cream-roses-51-pcs [ua_link] => buket-chervono-kremovi-rozy-51-sht [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-02-13 18:14:33 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 0.9 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose cream [count] => 25 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 26 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кремова [count] => 25 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 26 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12390 [flower_id] => 881 [ammount] => 25 [name] => Rose cream [ru_name] => Роза кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кремова [en_name] => Rose cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 12391 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 26 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 12392 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 12393 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.12 [product_sostav] => Red and cream roses (51 pcs.) - Состав: Rose cream, Rose red, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => Красно-кремовые розы (51 шт.) - Состав: Роза кремовая, Роза красная, Лента на цветы, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => Червоно-кремові троянди (51 шт.) - Склад: Троянда кремова, Троянда червона, Стрічка на квіти, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => Red and cream roses (51 pcs.) - Composition: Rose cream, Rose red, Tape for flowers, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-krasnokremovye-rozy-51-sht [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8283_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8283_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8283_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8283_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8283_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8283_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 60 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Do you want to impress the woman you love. Present a chic bouquet for the anniversary of your mother. Happy birthday to your boss... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8283 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/krasno_kremovyie_rozyi_51_sht-8283_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8283_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8283_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8283_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8283_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8283_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8283_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8283_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8283_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8283_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656686_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656686_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/thekharkovarea/608996.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/thekharkovarea/608996_full.jpg [city] => thekharkovarea [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Red and cream roses (51 pcs.) [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [881] => Array ( [id] => 8283 [flower_id] => 881 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 25 ) [882] => Array ( [id] => 8283 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 26 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8283 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8283 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 6 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2840 [price] => 16188 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 16188 [price_cur] => 410 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 410 [price_discount] => 16188 [price_discount_cur] => 410 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 16188 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 410 [price_member] => 16188 [price_member_cur] => 410 [price_member_qty] => 16188 [price_member_qty_cur] => 410 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 5.7 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 25) *1 + (50 * 26) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 410 [business] => 472 [vip] => 533 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [30] => Array ( [id] => 8415 [name] => Roses in box Heart surprise [ru_name] => Розы в коробке Сердечный сюрприз [ua_name] => Троянди в коробці Серцевий сюрприз [en_name] => Roses in box Heart surprise [title] => Купить букет Roses in box Heart surprise недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Confess your love in an original way! Give your beloved the composition “Heart Surprise”, and everything will become clear to her without words. After all, the bouquet itself is created from the most delicate, sensual and eloquent flowers - beautiful roses in two shades.

Just look how beautiful a snow-white heart looks, shrouded in a purple haze! Such a composition will be an excellent testimony of your feelings, and will help you remember a wonderful day with enthusiastic emotions and real trepidation in your soul.

Attention! The composition may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Признавайтесь в любви оригинально! Подарите своей возлюбленной композицию «Сердечный сюрприз», и ей станет все ясно без слов. Ведь сам букет создан из самых нежных, чувственных и красноречивых цветов – прекрасных роз двух оттенков.

Вы только взгляните, как красиво смотрится белоснежное сердце, окутанное лиловой дымкой! Такая композиция станет отличным свидетельством Ваших чувств, и поможет запомнить чудесный день восторженными эмоциями и настоящим трепетом в душе. 

Внимание! Композиция может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. 

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_s.jpg [large] => serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => serdechnyiy_syurpriz_s.jpg [large] => serdechnyiy_syurpriz_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-serdechnyj-surpriz [ru_link] => buket-serdechnyj-surpriz [en_link] => heart-surprise [ua_link] => buket-serdechnyj-surpriz [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-08 12:32:06 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 238 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 13 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 85 [vpl_url] => roses [vpl_list_id] => 238 [vpl_name_ru] => Розы {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Троянди {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Roses {$city} [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.53 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 26 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Rose white [count] => 13 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 26 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла до 60 см [count] => 13 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 21456 [flower_id] => 2555 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [ua_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [en_name] => Box round L 25x13cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 21457 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 26 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 21459 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 21460 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 22314 [flower_id] => 2284 [ammount] => 13 [name] => Rose white [ru_name] => Роза белая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда біла до 60 см [en_name] => Rose white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 1.68 [product_sostav] => Roses in box Heart surprise - Состав: Box round L 25x13cm, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Rose white. [ru_product_sostav] => Розы в коробке Сердечный сюрприз - Состав: Коробка круглая L 25x13см, Роза розовая до 60 см, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Роза белая до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Троянди в коробці Серцевий сюрприз - Склад: Коробка круглая L 25x13см, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда біла до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Roses in box Heart surprise - Composition: Box round L 25x13cm, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Rose white. [url_link] => buket-serdechnyj-surpriz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 29 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 3 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Confess your love in an original way. Give your beloved the composition “Heart Surprise”, and everything will become clear to her without words... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8415 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/serdechnyiy_syurpriz-8415_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [name] => Flower arrangements ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Roses in box Heart surprise [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya ) [2] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca [name] => Roses in a shape of a heart [link] => [slug] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca ) [4] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [8] => Array ( [url] => serdtsa [name] => Hearts [link] => [slug] => serdtsa ) [9] => Array ( [url] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina [name] => Heards Valentines Day [link] => [slug] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2555] => Array ( [id] => 8415 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [887] => Array ( [id] => 8415 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 26 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 8415 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8415 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2284] => Array ( [id] => 8415 [flower_id] => 2284 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2635 [price] => 16688 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 16688 [price_cur] => 423 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 423 [price_discount] => 16688 [price_discount_cur] => 423 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 16688 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 423 [price_member] => 16688 [price_member_cur] => 423 [price_member_qty] => 16688 [price_member_qty_cur] => 423 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (230 * 1) *1 + (60 * 26) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (60 * 13) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 423 [business] => 486 [vip] => 550 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [31] => Array ( [id] => 4292 [name] => Funeral basket #16 [ru_name] => Ритуальная корзина из живых цветов № 16 [ua_name] => Ритуальна корзина з живих квітів№ 16 [en_name] => Funeral basket #16 [title] => Купить букет Funeral basket #16 недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 1 [text] =>

One lives, one dies, that’s how it goes. Flowers are only entire attributes of a whole life — flowers for its beginning and flowers for the time it ends. And there’s no single solemn ceremony without a funeral basket.

The funeral wreath is a symbol of a special type of love and respect when there are no words to tell.

Attention! The wreath may differ from the images displayed on our site. 

[rutext] =>

Так устроена жизнь: люди рождаются и умирают. С цветами встречают их появление на свет, с цветами провожают и в последний путь. Любой ритуал прощания не проходит без траурных венков. Живые и искусственные цветы венки сопровождают ушедших в мир иной в последний путь. В эти дни сложно выразить свои чувства словами, а цветы помогают отдать дань уважения, оказать знак внимания и выразить соболезнование родственникам. Смотрите все венки на похороны

Состав: розы желтые – 18 шт., орхидея - 4 шт., лилия белая - 4 ветки, корзина, зелень.

Размер: 55 х 45 см.

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[p_keywords] => funeral flowers, funeral bouquet, funeral wreath, funeral basket, funeral composition, order funeral composition, order funeral flowers [p_h1] => Funeral basket #16 [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 1.1 [main_list_id] => 399 [google_product_category] => 5606 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 15 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 569 [vpl_url] => ritualnyie-venki [vpl_list_id] => 399 [vpl_name_ru] => Ритуальные венки [vpl_name_ua] => Ритуальні вінки [vpl_name_en] => Ritual Wreaths [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.47 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose yellow [count] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Box M [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [count] => 15 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда жовта [count] => 18 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Кошик M [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [count] => 15 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1418 [flower_id] => 879 [ammount] => 18 [name] => Rose yellow [ru_name] => Роза жёлтая [ua_name] => Троянда жовта [en_name] => Rose yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1421 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1422 [flower_id] => 1197 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box M [ru_name] => Корзина M [ua_name] => Кошик M [en_name] => Box M [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 19417 [flower_id] => 1704 [ammount] => 15 [name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [ru_name] => Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея) [ua_name] => Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея) [en_name] => Cymbidium white (flower orchid) [group] => 11 [flower_color] => 2 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 23566 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.52 [product_sostav] => Funeral basket #16 - Состав: Rose yellow, Greens, Box M, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Oasis. [ru_product_sostav] => Ритуальная корзина из живых цветов № 16 - Состав: Роза жёлтая, Зелень в букет, Корзина M, Цимбидиум белый (цветок орхидея), Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции. [ua_product_sostav] => Ритуальна корзина з живих квітів№ 16 - Склад: Троянда жовта, Зелень у букет, Кошик M, Цимбідіум білий (квітка орхідея), Оазис. [en_product_sostav] => Funeral basket #16 - Composition: Rose yellow, Greens, Box M, Cymbidium white (flower orchid), Oasis. [url_link] => buket-ritualnaya-korzina-16 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4292_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4292_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4292_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4292_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4292_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4292_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 15 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => One lives, one dies, that’s how it goes. Flowers are only entire attributes of a whole life — flowers for its beginning and flowers for the time it ends... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 4 [code] => SP 4292 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_korzina_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__16-4292_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4292_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4292_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4292_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4292_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4292_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4292_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4292_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4292_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4292_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Funeral basket #16 [rate] => 4 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [url] => ritualnyie-venki [name] => Ritual Wreaths [link] => [slug] => ritualnyie-venki ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [879] => Array ( [id] => 4292 [flower_id] => 879 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 18 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 4292 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 4292 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1704] => Array ( [id] => 4292 [flower_id] => 1704 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 4292 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2450 [price] => 17068 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 17068 [price_cur] => 433 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 433 [price_discount] => 17068 [price_discount_cur] => 433 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 17068 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 433 [price_member] => 17068 [price_member_cur] => 433 [price_member_qty] => 17068 [price_member_qty_cur] => 433 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.9666666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 18) *1 + (50 * 3) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (55 * 15) *1 + (45 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 433 [business] => 497 [vip] => 562 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [32] => Array ( [id] => 6183 [name] => The Tender сompliment 51 roses [ru_name] => Нежный комплимент 51 роза [ua_name] => Ніжний комплімент 51 троянда [en_name] => The Tender сompliment 51 roses [title] => Купить букет The Tender сompliment 51 roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
Note: the picture that is presented is an example. Bouquet will be different from the represented image

This cream-colored cloud in the white frame is both gentle and solemn. The combination of roses exclusively (milky, cream and coral red ones) makes this composition the height of elegance and grace. All the three colors of the buds symbolize love, loyalty, harmony and purity.

Just think how many moments of life this bouquet can make brighter! The birth of a new life and the first date, a young girl’s school leaving party and the anniversary of a woman in the full bloom. "The tender compliment" can be both a gift for the anniversary of acquaintance and a tribute for the wedding feast.

Created by our florists from the freshest flowers, the bouquet will delight your beloved ones for a long time. Order it now and add more beauty to their life!

Attention: The vase is not included into the price.

[rutext] =>

Кремовое облако в белом обрамлении, нежное и торжественное. Сочетание только роз: молочных, кремовых и коралловых - делает эту композицию верхом изящества и изысканности. Все три цвета, входящих в ее состав бутонов, символизируют любовь, верность, согласие и чистоту.

Сколько моментов в жизни этот букет может украсить! Рождение новой жизни и первое свидание, праздник юной леди на выпускном вечере и цветущей женщины на торжестве в честь юбилея. «Нежный комплимент» может выступить как в качестве подарка к годовщине знакомства, так и в роли подношения к свадебному пиру.

А так же смотрите другие варианты букетов на 51 - 101 розу

Созданный нашими флористами только из свежих цветов, этот букет будет радовать ваших близких долгое время. Закажите его сейчас – добавьте красоты в их жизнь!

Внимание! Оформление может отличаться от представленного на сайте. Ваза в стоимость не включена. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

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[ru_product_sostav] => Нежный комплимент 51 роза - Состав: Роза кремовая, Роза белая местная, Роза коралловая до 60 см, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Ніжний комплімент 51 троянда - Склад: Троянда кремова, Троянда біла місцева, Троянда коралова до 60 см, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => The Tender сompliment 51 roses - Composition: Rose cream, Roses white local, Rose coral under 60 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-nezhniy-kompliment [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 150 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 4 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Note: the picture that is presented is an example. Bouquet will be different from the represented imageThis cream-colored cloud in the white frame is both gentle and solemn... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6183 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/nejnyiy_kompliment_51_roza-6183_946_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/598270_delivered.jpg [large_image] => 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/delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585960_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [5] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585960_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585960_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [6] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585592_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/585592_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [7] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/584615.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/584615_full.jpg [city] => odessa [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [8] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/583072.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/583072_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет The Tender сompliment 51 roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [3] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [881] => Array ( [id] => 6183 [flower_id] => 881 [price] => 28 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 17 ) [877] => Array ( [id] => 6183 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 17 ) [880] => Array ( [id] => 6183 [flower_id] => 880 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 17 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 6183 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6183 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 2950 [price] => 17936 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 17936 [price_cur] => 455 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 455 [price_discount] => 17936 [price_discount_cur] => 455 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 17936 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 455 [price_member] => 17936 [price_member_cur] => 455 [price_member_qty] => 17936 [price_member_qty_cur] => 455 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.08 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 17) *1 + (50 * 17) *1 + (60 * 17) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 455 [business] => 523 [vip] => 591 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [33] => Array ( [id] => 7575 [name] => Funeral basket of roses [ru_name] => Траурная корзина из роз [ua_name] => Траурний кошик з троянд [en_name] => Funeral basket of roses [title] => Купить букет Funeral basket of roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

There are times when with the help of flowers it is necessary to express not joy, but deep sorrow and condolences. In such cases, a bouquet of a pair of burgundy roses with a black ribbon can be an ideal composition.

A mourning basket of roses is a testament to the memory and deepest respect for the person who was not indifferent to you. With the help of such a gesture, you can honor the blessed memory of the deceased and express your attitude towards his life.
In addition, a laconic basket will be an ideal option for ordering a corporate mourning bouquet for an employee.

Attention: the design of the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Бывают случаи, когда с помощью цветов необходимо выразить не радость, а глубокую скорбь и соболезнования. В таких случаях идеальной композицией может стать букет из парного количества бордовых роз с черной лентой.

Траурная корзина из роз – это свидетельство памяти и глубочайшего уважения к человеку, который был Вам не безразличен. С помощью такого жеста Вы сможете почтить светлую память усопшего и выразить свое отношение к его жизни.
Кроме того, лаконичная корзина станет идеальным вариантом для заказа корпоративного траурного букета для сотрудника.

Внимание: оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Траурная корзина из роз - Состав: Корзина M, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Роза красная, Рускус. [ua_product_sostav] => Траурний кошик з троянд - Склад: Кошик M, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Троянда червона, Рускус. [en_product_sostav] => Funeral basket of roses - Composition: Box M, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Rose red, Ruskus. [url_link] => buket-traurnaya-korzina-iz-roz [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/traurnaya_korzina1-7575_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7575_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7575_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7575_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7575_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7575_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7575_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 122 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => There are times when with the help of flowers it is necessary to express not joy, but deep sorrow and condolences... 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Flower box 'With love' - a luxurious composition of 51 different types of roses. It can be a pleasant surprise for a loved one on a holiday or a significant date.

[rutext] =>

Цветочная коробка 'С любовью' - роскошная композиция из 51 розы разных видов. Может стать приятным сюрпризом для любимого на праздник или значимую дату. 

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[ru_product_sostav] => Розы 51 шт в коробке 'С любовью' - Состав: Роза красная, Роза белая местная, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Коробка квадратная L, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции. [ua_product_sostav] => Троянди в коробці 'З любов'ю' - Склад: Троянда червона, Троянда біла місцева, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Коробка квадратная L, Оазис. [en_product_sostav] => Roses in box 'With love' - Composition: Rose red, Roses white local, Greens, Tape for flowers, Square box L, Oasis. [url_link] => rozi-v-korobke-s-lubovyu [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/rozyi_v_korobke_s_lyubovyu-9748_a98_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_s_lyubovyu-9748_a98_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/rozyi_v_korobke_s_lyubovyu-9748_a98_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9748_second_e7f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9748_second_e7f_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9748_third_c19_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9748_third_c19_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9748_four_93c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9748_four_93c_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9748_five_229_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9748_five_229_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 32 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Flower box 'With love' - a luxurious composition of 51 different types of roses. It can be a pleasant surprise for a loved one on a holiday or a significant date. 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Share your feelings with colorful roses! Present a bouquet of beautiful roses for birthday, March 8, anniversary or other celebration, along with a reverent message, packaging of delicious chocolates and balloons. Believe me, this recognition will not remain indifferent, and will be appreciated.

You can also present a luxurious bouquet of 51 roses to your beloved wife for an anniversary or to your mother for an anniversary. You will see that pleasant words of gratitude and genuine smiles of happiness will not be long in coming.

[rutext] =>

Рассказывайте о своих чувствах с помощью разноцветных роз! Преподнесите букет красивых бутонов на День Рождения, 8 Марта, юбилей или другое торжество вместе с трепетным посланием, упаковкой вкусных конфет и воздушными шариками. Поверьте, такое признание не останется равнодушным, и будет оценено по достоинству.

Вы также можете подарить роскошный букет из 51 розы любимой супруге на годовщину или же маме на юбилей. Вот увидите, приятные слова благодарности и неподдельные улыбки счастья не заставят себя долго ждать. 

А также Вы можете посмотреть варианты букетов из 101 розы

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => buket_roz_51_raznotsvetnaya_roza-8331_367_s.jpg [large] => buket_roz_51_raznotsvetnaya_roza-8331_367_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_raznotsvetnaya_roza_s.jpg [large] => 51_raznotsvetnaya_roza_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-51-raznocvetnaja-roza [ru_link] => buket-51-raznocvetnaja-roza [en_link] => 51-multi-colored-roses [ua_link] => buket-51-riznokoljorova-trojanda [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-01-28 04:58:10 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => multicolor [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 0.97 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 13 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Multicolored [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 17 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 13 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [count] => 8 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Rose white [count] => 13 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 17 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 13 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда коралова до 60 см [count] => 8 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла до 60 см [count] => 13 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20114 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20115 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20116 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 21955 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 17 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 21957 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 13 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 21958 [flower_id] => 880 [ammount] => 8 [name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза коралловая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда коралова до 60 см [en_name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 22315 [flower_id] => 2284 [ammount] => 13 [name] => Rose white [ru_name] => Роза белая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда біла до 60 см [en_name] => Rose white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 2.2 [product_sostav] => 51 multi-colored roses - Состав: Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Rose coral under 60 cm, Rose white. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет роз 51 разноцветная роза - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Роза красные до 60 см, Роза розовая до 60 см, Роза коралловая до 60 см, Роза белая до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет троянд 51 різнокольорова троянда - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди червоні до 60 см, Троянда рожева до 60 см, Троянда коралова до 60 см, Троянда біла до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => 51 multi-colored roses - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Greens, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm, Rose pink up to 60 sm, Rose coral under 60 cm, Rose white. [url_link] => buket-51-raznocvetnaja-roza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/buket_roz_51_raznotsvetnaya_roza-8331_367_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/buket_roz_51_raznotsvetnaya_roza-8331_367_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/buket_roz_51_raznotsvetnaya_roza-8331_367_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 88 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Share your feelings with colorful roses... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8331 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/buket_roz_51_raznotsvetnaya_roza-8331_367_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/buket_roz_51_raznotsvetnaya_roza-8331_367_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/buket_roz_51_raznotsvetnaya_roza-8331_367_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_8331_1707185153_small.jpeg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_8331_1707185153_full.jpeg [city] => [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_8331_1707185138_small.jpeg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/prod_8331_1707185138_full.jpeg [city] => [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 51 multi-colored roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya ) [1] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [3] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [4] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8331 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8331 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8331 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 8331 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 17 ) [887] => Array ( [id] => 8331 [flower_id] => 887 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) [880] => Array ( [id] => 8331 [flower_id] => 880 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 8 ) [2284] => Array ( [id] => 8331 [flower_id] => 2284 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 13 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 3030 [price] => 18614 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 18614 [price_cur] => 472 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 472 [price_discount] => 18614 [price_discount_cur] => 472 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 18614 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 472 [price_member] => 18614 [price_member_cur] => 472 [price_member_qty] => 18614 [price_member_qty_cur] => 472 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.1433333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 2) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (50 * 17) *1 + (60 * 13) *1 + (60 * 8) *1 + (60 * 13) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 472 [business] => 542 [vip] => 613 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [36] => Array ( [id] => 7299 [name] => 51 yellow rose [ru_name] => 51 желтая роза [ua_name] => 51 жовта троянда [en_name] => 51 yellow rose [title] => Купить букет 51 yellow rose недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

51 yellow rose - the wish of prosperity, happiness and good luck in everything, and besides, it's just luxurious sunny gift. You can buy the yellow bouquet for any occasion, especially if the recipient likes these flowers. It can be ordered for a birthday, anniversary, or wedding dating, jubilee for both women and men. Luxury fresh roses with amazing warm tint will bring a lot of joy. You'll see!

Surprise your loved one, relative or colleague with a luxurious bouquet of roses. This bright floral gift, of course, will be pleased and remembered. Moreover - it will bring good luck to the house of the recipient. Present it with us!

Note: bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site because it consists mix spring flowers.

[rutext] =>

51 желтая роза — не просто пожелание процветания, благополучия и удачи во всем, это также роскошный солнечный подарок. Этот букет выгодно подчеркнет ваши чувства и признательность. Вы можете купить желтый букет к любому торжеству, особенно, если получатель любит эти цветы. Он подойдет на День Рождения, годовщину знакомства или свадьбы, юбилей и будет уместен как женщине, так и мужчине. Роскошные свежие розы изумительного теплого оттенка доставят море радости и станут символом ваших теплых чувств. Вот увидите!

Каждая роза выращена с особым вниманием и заботой на фермах, где соблюдаются лучшие агрономические практики, что обеспечивает их высокое качество и долговечность. Удивите близкого человека, родственника или коллегу роскошным букетом роз. Такой яркий цветочный презент, несомненно, запомнится и понравится. Более того – он принесет удачу в дом получателя. Подарите радость и удачу вместе с нами!

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7299_four_s.jpg [large] => 7299_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7299_second_s.jpg [large] => 7299_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7299_third_s.jpg [large] => 7299_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza_second_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza_third_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 51_jeltaya_roza_four_s.jpg [large] => 51_jeltaya_roza_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-51-zheltaya-roza [ru_link] => buket-51-zheltaya-roza [en_link] => 51-yellow-roses [ua_link] => buket-51-zhovta-troyanda [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy a great bouquet of yellow roses - the sunny gift [image_title_en] => 51 yellow rose - the sun with delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-10 05:38:15 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => yellow [p_title] => Buy a great bouquet of roses. 51 yellow rose with delivery [p_description] => 51 yellow rose - a bright and warm sun with delivery! Luxury fresh roses with amazing warm shade will bring a lot of joy. You'll see! [p_keywords] => 51 yellow rose bouquet, big bouquet of yellow roses, bouquet of yellow roses photo, big bouquet of roses, yellow bouquet buy [p_h1] => 51 yellow rose [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 0.98 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Yellow [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose yellow [count] => 51 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда жовта [count] => 51 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8208 [flower_id] => 879 [ammount] => 51 [name] => Rose yellow [ru_name] => Роза жёлтая [ua_name] => Троянда жовта [en_name] => Rose yellow [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 8209 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 8210 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.12 [product_sostav] => 51 yellow rose - Состав: Rose yellow, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => 51 желтая роза - Состав: Роза жёлтая, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => 51 жовта троянда - Склад: Троянда жовта, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => 51 yellow rose - Composition: Rose yellow, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-51-zheltaya-roza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7299_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7299_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7299_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7299_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7299_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7299_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 41 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => 51 yellow rose - the wish of prosperity, happiness and good luck in everything, and besides, it's just luxurious sunny gift... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7299 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/51_jeltaya_roza-7299_74a_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7299_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7299_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7299_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7299_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7299_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7299_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7299_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7299_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7299_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [name] => Grandmother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => For a man ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 33 [name] => Mother-in-law ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615815_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/615815_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 51 yellow rose [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [879] => Array ( [id] => 7299 [flower_id] => 879 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 51 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7299 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7299 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 3100 [price] => 19241 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 19241 [price_cur] => 488 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 488 [price_discount] => 19241 [price_discount_cur] => 488 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 19241 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 488 [price_member] => 19241 [price_member_cur] => 488 [price_member_qty] => 19241 [price_member_qty_cur] => 488 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.2066666666667 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (60 * 51) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 + (20 * 1) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 488 [business] => 561 [vip] => 634 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [37] => Array ( [id] => 9887 [name] => 51 red roses [ru_name] => 51 красная роза [ua_name] => 51 червона троянда [en_name] => 51 red roses [title] => Купить букет 51 red roses недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A bouquet of 51 short El Toro roses is smaller than a bouquet of standard roses 60cm. But the scarlet color of the rose and the curly petals of the buds are very unusual and attractive. The bouquet looks elegant and at european style. It can be given as to your  beloved girl also for any other holiday.

[rutext] =>

Букет из 51 короткой розочки Эль Торо меньше стандартого букета из розы 60см. Но алый цвет розы и кучерявые лепестки бутона очень необычны и привлекательны. Букет выглядит изящно и по-европейски. Его можно подарить как любимой девушке, так и на любой другой праздник. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_s.jpg [large] => 51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_krasnaya_roza_a63_s.jpg [large] => 51_krasnaya_roza_a63_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => 51-krasnaya-roza [ru_link] => 51-krasnaya-roza [en_link] => 51-red-roses [ua_link] => 51-chervona-troyanda [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-05-26 02:39:44 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 51 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Roses El Toro 50 cm [count] => 51 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянди Ель Торо 50 см [count] => 51 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20648 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20649 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20782 [flower_id] => 2080 [ammount] => 51 [name] => Roses El Toro 50 cm [ru_name] => Роза красная Эль Торо 50 см [ua_name] => Троянди Ель Торо 50 см [en_name] => Roses El Toro 50 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 2.2 [product_sostav] => 51 red roses - Состав: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses El Toro 50 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => 51 красная роза - Состав: Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Роза красная Эль Торо 50 см. [ua_product_sostav] => 51 червона троянда - Склад: Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди Ель Торо 50 см. [en_product_sostav] => 51 red roses - Composition: Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Roses El Toro 50 cm. [url_link] => 51-krasnaya-roza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 93 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A bouquet of 51 short El Toro roses is smaller than a bouquet of standard roses 60cm... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9887 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/51_krasnaya_roza-9887_e8f_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 51 red roses [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-valentina [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-valentina ) [2] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [11] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9887 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9887 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [2080] => Array ( [id] => 9887 [flower_id] => 2080 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 51 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 3140 [price] => 19887 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 19887 [price_cur] => 504 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 504 [price_discount] => 19887 [price_discount_cur] => 504 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 19887 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 504 [price_member] => 19887 [price_member_cur] => 504 [price_member_qty] => 19887 [price_member_qty_cur] => 504 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 2) *1 + (20 * 2) *1 + (60 * 51) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 504 [business] => 579 [vip] => 655 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [38] => Array ( [id] => 6432 [name] => Funeral arrangement 4 [ru_name] => Траурная композиция 4 [ua_name] => Траурна композиція 4 [en_name] => Funeral arrangement 4 [title] => Купить букет Funeral arrangement 4 недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
Funeral arrangement in a basket of 30 red roses and greenery. Height - 70cm.

Note: the picture that is presented is an example. Bouquet mayl be different from the represented image 
[rutext] =>

Траурная композиция в корзине из 30 красных роз и зелени. Красивая и тихая, как печаль. На церемонии прощания она станет отличным заместителем всех слов и поможет проводить усопшего, выражая уважение и сочувствие родным и близким.

Корзина делает композицию удобной для транспортировки и последующей установки у могилы. Когда скорбь не дает возможности подобрать нужные слова, цветы прекрасно справятся с ролью переводчиков.

Композиция может отличаться от изображения на сайте. Высота - 70см.

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[ru_product_sostav] => Траурная композиция 4 - Состав: Роза красная, Корзина M, Зелень в букет, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Монстера. [ua_product_sostav] => Траурна композиція 4 - Склад: Троянда червона, Кошик M, Зелень у букет, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Монстера. [en_product_sostav] => Funeral arrangement 4 - Composition: Rose red, Box M, Greens, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Monstera. [url_link] => buket-traurnaya-kompozitsiya-4 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6432_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6432_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6432_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6432_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/6432_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/6432_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 18 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Funeral arrangement in a basket of 30 red roses and greenery. Height - 70cm.Note: the picture that is presented is an example... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 6432 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/traurnaya_kompozitsiya_4-6432_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6432_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6432_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6432_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6432_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6432_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6432_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/6432_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/6432_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/6432_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/636187.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/odessa/636187_full.jpg [city] => odessa [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Funeral arrangement 4 [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 6432 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 30 ) [1197] => Array ( [id] => 6432 [flower_id] => 1197 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 350 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 350 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 350 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 6432 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 6432 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 6432 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1045] => Array ( [id] => 6432 [flower_id] => 1045 [price] => 450 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 450 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 450 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 450 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 3195 [price] => 20235 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 20235 [price_cur] => 513 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 513 [price_discount] => 20235 [price_discount_cur] => 513 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 20235 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 513 [price_member] => 20235 [price_member_cur] => 513 [price_member_qty] => 20235 [price_member_qty_cur] => 513 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (50 * 30) *1 + (350 * 1) *1 + (50 * 5) *1 + (45 * 3) *1 + (20 * 3) *1 + (450 * 2) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 513 [business] => 590 [vip] => 666 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [39] => Array ( [id] => 8559 [name] => 51 roses Jumilia [ru_name] => 51 роза Джумилия [ua_name] => 51 троянда Джумілія [en_name] => 51 roses Jumilia [title] => Купить букет 51 roses Jumilia недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

A festive and soft bouquet of 51 white and pink roses will become a wonderful addition to the main present for wife, girlfriend, best friend or mother. It is made in accordance with all traditions of the classical design. In truth, such laconic flower arrangement can impress the beloved woman and provoke a storm of emotions. 

The classics always stays in fashion. And presented bouquet confirms this statement. Such floral complement deserves the attention of every addressee and trusts us, she will highly appreciate it!

Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image presented on the website.

[rutext] =>

Торжественный и нежный букет из 51 бело-розовой розы Джумилия станет замечательным дополнением к основному подарку для супруги, девушки, подруги или мамы. Он оформлен согласно всем традициям классического дизайна. На самом деле даже такой, казалось бы, лаконичный букет может произвести бурю эмоций и впечатлить любимую женщину.

Классика никогда не выйдет из моды, и представленный букет, является этому прямым подтверждением. Такой цветочный комплимент заслуживает внимания каждой получательницы, и поверьте, они его оценят по достоинству. 

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_s.jpg [large] => 51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 8559_five_s.jpg [large] => 8559_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 8559_four_s.jpg [large] => 8559_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 8559_second_s.jpg [large] => 8559_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 8559_third_s.jpg [large] => 8559_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_belo_rozovaya_roza_s.jpg [large] => 51_belo_rozovaya_roza_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 51_belo_rozovaya_roza_second_s.jpg [large] => 51_belo_rozovaya_roza_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 51_belo_rozovaya_roza_third_s.jpg [large] => 51_belo_rozovaya_roza_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 51_belo_rozovaya_roza_four_s.jpg [large] => 51_belo_rozovaya_roza_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => 51-roza-jumilia [ru_link] => 51-roza-jumilia [en_link] => 51-roses-jumilia [ua_link] => 51-troyanda-jumilia [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Order beautiful bouquet of 51 white and pink rose with delivery to any city [image_title_en] => Buy the bouquet of tender roses. Around the world delivery! [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-05-26 02:34:26 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 60 [color] => pink [p_title] => Buy bouquet of 51 white and pink rose with delivery [p_description] => The bouquet of 51 white and pink rose will be an outstanding gift for wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, friend for any occasion [p_keywords] => roses, flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => 51 white and pink rose [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 1 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [count] => 51 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Wrapping 1m [count] => 4 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда Джумілія до 60см [count] => 51 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка 1 м [count] => 4 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 13791 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 22437 [flower_id] => 2474 [ammount] => 51 [name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [ru_name] => Роза Джумилия до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда Джумілія до 60см [en_name] => Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23528 [flower_id] => 2569 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Wrapping 1m [ru_name] => упаковка 1 м [ua_name] => Упаковка 1 м [en_name] => Wrapping 1m [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.24 [product_sostav] => 51 roses Jumilia - Состав: Tape for flowers, Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm, Wrapping 1m. [ru_product_sostav] => 51 роза Джумилия - Состав: Лента на цветы, Роза Джумилия до 60 см, упаковка 1 м. [ua_product_sostav] => 51 троянда Джумілія - Склад: Стрічка на квіти, Троянда Джумілія до 60см, Упаковка 1 м. [en_product_sostav] => 51 roses Jumilia - Composition: Tape for flowers, Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm, Wrapping 1m. [url_link] => 51-roza-jumilia [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8559_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8559_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8559_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8559_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8559_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8559_four_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8559_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8559_five_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 102 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 4 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => A festive and soft bouquet of 51 white and pink roses will become a wonderful addition to the main present for wife, girlfriend, best friend or mother... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8559 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/51_roza_djumiliya-8559_487_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8559_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8559_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8559_five_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8559_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8559_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8559_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8559_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8559_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8559_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8559_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8559_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8559_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 41 [name] => Girlfriend ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/596463_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/596463_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586775_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/586775_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет 51 roses Jumilia [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => 51-roza [name] => 51 roses [link] => [slug] => 51-roza ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8559 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2474] => Array ( [id] => 8559 [flower_id] => 2474 [price] => 28.5 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 51 ) [2569] => Array ( [id] => 8559 [flower_id] => 2569 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 3280 [price] => 20773 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 20773 [price_cur] => 526 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 526 [price_discount] => 20773 [price_discount_cur] => 526 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 20773 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 526 [price_member] => 20773 [price_member_cur] => 526 [price_member_qty] => 20773 [price_member_qty_cur] => 526 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 6.3333333333333 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (20 * 1) *1 + (60 * 51) *1 + (50 * 4) *1 [complectation] => Array ( [standart] => 526 [business] => 605 [vip] => 684 ) ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [40] => Array ( [id] => 6294 [name] => Big rose bouquet [ru_name] => Большой букет роз [ua_name] => Великий букет троянд [en_name] => Big rose bouquet [title] => Купить букет Big rose bouquet недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/6294_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/6294_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/6294_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 0 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

The large bouquet of lush cup-shaped roses of two rich velvet colors – pink and red – is perfect for romantic and elegant women, for emotional characters who appreciate luxury of relationship and abundant life.

Anniversary, birth of a baby, presentation, recital of a creative lady, declaration of love , mother’s or beloved girl’s birthday – that is where this bouquet will be the king among other gifts. Its flavor will talk vividly about the depth, diversity and tenderness of feelings and its fragrance will dwell in the memory for a long time, remind of this floral miracle and excite only pleasant emotions.

Design of the bouquet may differ from the one presented on the site. The vase is not included in the cost.

[rutext] =>

Большой букет из полных бокальчатых роз двух бархатных насыщенных оттенков – розового и красного – идеален для романтичных и изысканных женщин, эмоциональных натур, которые ценят роскошь отношений и всю полноту жизни.

Юбилей, рождение ребенка, презентация, творческий вечер креативной дамы, признание в любви, просто День рождения любимой или мамы – вот, где этот букет будет королем среди других подарков. Его колорит расскажет о глубине, многогранности и нежности чувств, а аромат останется в памяти и долго будет напоминать о цветочном чуде, вызывая только приятные эмоции.

Внимание! Оформление букета может отличаться от представленного на сайте. Ваза в его стоимость не включена. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 6294_s.jpg [large] => 6294_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 6294_four_s.jpg [large] => 6294_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 6294_second_s.jpg [large] => 6294_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 6294_third_s.jpg [large] => 6294_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => Bolshoy_buket_roz_s.jpg [large] => Bolshoy_buket_roz_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => Bolshoy_buket_roz_second_s.jpg [large] => Bolshoy_buket_roz_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => Bolshoy_buket_roz_third_s.jpg [large] => Bolshoy_buket_roz_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => Bolshoy_buket_roz_four_s.jpg [large] => Bolshoy_buket_roz_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => bolshoy-buket-roz [ru_link] => bolshoy-buket-roz [en_link] => big-rose-bouquet [ua_link] => velyky-buket-troyand [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => 5 [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 1.68 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-05-26 02:47:31 [height] => 70 [diametre] => 0 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 1.1 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [count] => 35 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [count] => 20 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [count] => 35 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [count] => 20 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 3594 [flower_id] => 887 [ammount] => 35 [name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [ru_name] => Роза розовая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда рожева до 60 см [en_name] => Rose pink up to 60 sm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6727 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 23302 [flower_id] => 1986 [ammount] => 20 [name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза красные до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянди червоні до 60 см [en_name] => Roses red up to 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) ) [weight] => 2.28 [product_sostav] => Big rose bouquet - Состав: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. [ru_product_sostav] => Большой букет роз - Состав: Роза розовая до 60 см, Лента на цветы, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Великий букет троянд - Склад: Троянда рожева до 60 см, Стрічка на квіти, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Big rose bouquet - Composition: Rose pink up to 60 sm, Tape for flowers, Roses red up to 60 cm. 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Life is so arranged: people give birth and die. With colors meet their bearing, with colors accompany and in the last way. Any ritual of farewell does not pass without mourning chaplets. Living and artificial flowers chaplets accompany going away to the world another in the last way. In these days it is difficult to phrase feelings, and flowers help to give the contribution of respect, render the sign of attention and express condolence to the relatives.

Attention: funeral wreaths are available for order 1 day before delivery. If you need urgent delivery, please contact the manager.

[rutext] =>

Так устроена жизнь: люди рождаются и умирают. С цветами встречают их появление на свет, с цветами провожают и в последний путь. Любой ритуал прощания не проходит без траурных венков. Живые и искусственные цветы венки сопровождают ушедших в мир иной в последний путь. В эти дни сложно выразить свои чувства словами, а цветы помогают отдать дань уважения, оказать знак внимания и выразить соболезнование родственникам. Перейти в раздел ритуальные венки

Внимание: траурные венки доступны к заказу за 1 день до доставки. При необходимости срочной доставки свяжитесь, пожалуйста, с менеджером.


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[ru_product_sostav] => Ритуальная композиция из живых цветов № 2 - Состав: Гвоздика красная, Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов, Зелень в букет, Каркас, Гипсофила белая, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Роза красные до 60 см. [ua_product_sostav] => Ритуальна композиція з живих квітів № 2 - Склад: Гвоздика червона, Декоративні елементи букети квітів, Зелень у букет, Каркас, Гіпсофіла біла, Оазис, Троянди червоні до 60 см. [en_product_sostav] => Ritual composition from fresh flowers № 2 - Composition: Carnation red, Decorative elements, Greens, Frame, Gypsophila white, Oasis, Roses red up to 60 cm. [url_link] => ritualnaya-kompozitsiya-2 [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/ritualnaya_kompozitsiya_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__2-4279_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_kompozitsiya_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__2-4279_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_kompozitsiya_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__2-4279_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4279_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4279_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4279_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4279_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/4279_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/4279_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 20 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 2 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Life is so arranged: people give birth and die. With colors meet their bearing, with colors accompany and in the last way... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 4279 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_kompozitsiya_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__2-4279_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_kompozitsiya_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__2-4279_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/ritualnaya_kompozitsiya_iz_jivyih_tsvetov_number__2-4279_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4279_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4279_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4279_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4279_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4279_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4279_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/4279_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/4279_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/4279_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 34 [name] => Condolence ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 21 [name] => Funeral ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Ritual composition from fresh flowers № 2 [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [4] => Array ( [url] => ritualnyie-venki [name] => Ritual Wreaths [link] => [slug] => ritualnyie-venki ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [830] => Array ( [id] => 4279 [flower_id] => 830 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 20 ) [1155] => Array ( [id] => 4279 [flower_id] => 1155 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 4279 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) [1158] => Array ( [id] => 4279 [flower_id] => 1158 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1.1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [913] => Array ( [id] => 4279 [flower_id] => 913 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 100 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 25 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 4279 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1986] => Array ( [id] => 4279 [flower_id] => 1986 [price] => 29 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 16 ) [2735] => Array ( [id] => 4279 [flower_id] => 2735 [price] => 450 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 650 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 650 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 650 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 7 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 6130 [price] => 46588 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 46588 [price_cur] => 1180 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 1180 [price_discount] => 46588 [price_discount_cur] => 1180 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 46588 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 1180 [price_member] => 46588 [price_member_cur] => 1180 [price_member_qty] => 46588 [price_member_qty_cur] => 1180 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 7.6 [rate_list] => [price_debug] => (45 * 20) *1 + (55 * 1) *1 + (50 * 15) *1 + (250 * 1) *1 + (100 * 25) *1 + (45 * 5) *1 + (50 * 16) *1 + (650 * 1) *1 ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 ) [42] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [name] => Tender love [ru_name] => Белые розы и тюльпаны [ua_name] => Букет квітів Ніжне кохання [en_name] => Tender love [title] => Купить букет Tender love недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Bouquet «Tender love» of the magnificent white roses and trembling tulips makes everyone dizzy by its aroma and ease. Amazing flowers breathe the freshness, filling all around with wonderful aroma. That is, in the opinion of our florists, how tender love looks: exquisite, elegant and modest.

You can buy our delicate bouquet for a girl or wife on the anniversary of dating, her name-day, the important date of a personal nature. Besides, white roses combined with pink tulips will be a perfect compliment to the bride or the couple on their wedding day. Just want to make an offer? Take this bouquet as a help, it will be able to express the most tender feelings easily and eloquently, and what's the most important - very gently!

Note: bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site.

[rutext] =>

Букет «Нежная любовь» из великолепных белых роз и трепетных тюльпанов опьяняет ароматом и легкостью. Изумительные цветы дышат свежестью, наполняя все вокруг чудным ароматом. Именно так, по мнению наших флористов, и выглядит нежная любовь: изысканно, нарядно и скромно.

Вы можете купить наш нежный букет для девушки или жены на годовщину знакомства, ее День ангела, на важную дату личного характера. Кроме того, белоснежные розы в сочетании с розовыми тюльпанами станут прекрасным комплиментом невесте или молодоженам в день свадьбы. Только мечтаете сделать предложение? Возьмите этот букет себе в помощники, он сможет выразить самые нежные чувства легко и красноречиво, а главное – очень нежно!

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [large] => nejnaya_lyubov-7344_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 7344_four_s.jpg [large] => 7344_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 7344_second_s.jpg [large] => 7344_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 7344_third_s.jpg [large] => 7344_third_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => nejnaya_lyubov_s.jpg [large] => nejnaya_lyubov_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => nejnaya_lyubov_second_s.jpg [large] => nejnaya_lyubov_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => nejnaya_lyubov_third_s.jpg [large] => nejnaya_lyubov_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => nejnaya_lyubov_four_s.jpg [large] => nejnaya_lyubov_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-nezhnaya-lubov [ru_link] => buket-nezhnaya-lubov [en_link] => tender-love [ua_link] => buket-nizhne-kohannya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Buy a bouquet of white roses and tender pink tulips [image_title_en] => Buy bouquet «Tender love» - tender gift with delivery! [fake_perc_sale] => 1.96 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-07-11 17:24:30 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => Buy tender bouquet of tulips and roses «Tender love» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Tender love»of white roses and pink tulips - a charming gift on wedding, birthday, anniversary of acquaintance. Bouquet delivery [p_keywords] => bouquet of tulips and roses, tender bouquet, bouquet on wedding, beautiful tender bouquet, bouquet of white roses, buy tender bouquet [p_h1] => Bouquet «Tender love» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 157 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 15 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 20 [vpl_url] => tsvety-podruge [vpl_list_id] => 157 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы подруге {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти подрузі {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Flowers for a girl friend [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.52 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Roses white local [count] => 23 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Tulip pink [count] => 15 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда біла місцева [count] => 23 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Тюльпан рожевий [count] => 15 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8499 [flower_id] => 877 [ammount] => 23 [name] => Roses white local [ru_name] => Роза белая местная [ua_name] => Троянда біла місцева [en_name] => Roses white local [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 8500 [flower_id] => 964 [ammount] => 15 [name] => Tulip pink [ru_name] => Тюльпан розовый [ua_name] => Тюльпан рожевий [en_name] => Tulip pink [group] => 12 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 8501 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 8502 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.6 [product_sostav] => Tender love - Состав: Roses white local, Tulip pink, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Белые розы и тюльпаны - Состав: Роза белая местная, Тюльпан розовый, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Ніжне кохання - Склад: Троянда біла місцева, Тюльпан рожевий, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Tender love - Composition: Roses white local, Tulip pink, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-nezhnaya-lubov [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7344_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7344_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7344_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7344_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7344_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7344_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 24 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Bouquet «Tender love» of the magnificent white roses and trembling tulips makes everyone dizzy by its aroma and ease... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7344 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/nejnaya_lyubov-7344_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7344_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7344_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7344_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7344_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7344_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7344_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7344_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7344_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7344_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 35 [name] => Get well ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Colleague ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 24 [name] => Classic bouquets ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 8 [name] => New-born ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600512_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/600512_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Tender love [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-podruge [name] => Flowers for a girl friend [link] => [slug] => tsvety-podruge ) [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [name] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [5] => Array ( [url] => vera-nadezhda-lyubov [name] => Day of Vera, Nadezhda, Liubov [link] => [slug] => vera-nadezhda-lyubov ) [6] => Array ( [url] => tjulpany [name] => Tulips [link] => [slug] => tjulpany ) [15] => Array ( [url] => tulpany [name] => Tulips [link] => [slug] => tulpany ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [877] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [flower_id] => 877 [price] => 28.2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 23 ) [964] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [flower_id] => 964 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 15 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7344 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [43] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [name] => Edible men bouquet [ru_name] => Съедобный мужской букет [ua_name] => Їстівний чоловічий букет [en_name] => Edible men bouquet [title] => Товар «Edible men bouquet» [small_image] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Would you like to congratulate a person, but you know that he is indifferent to flower bouquets? Then there is an edible men's bouquet for you!

[rutext] =>

Вы хотели бы поздравить человека, но знаете, что он равнодушен к цветочным букетам? Тогда для вас есть съедобный мужской букет!

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Array ( [name] => Wrapping 1m [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Перець червоний гіркий [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Лимон [count] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Пиво (пляшка/банка) [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Ковбаски/снек (упаковка) [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Шоколадний батончик Snickers [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Сир (упаковка, 150г) [count] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Сосиски копчені [count] => 6 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка 1 м [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 20628 [flower_id] => 2209 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Red hot chilli pepper [ru_name] => Перец красный горький [ua_name] => Перець червоний гіркий [en_name] => Red hot chilli pepper [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 20629 [flower_id] => 1269 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Lemon [ru_name] => Лимон [ua_name] => Лимон [en_name] => Lemon [group] => 53 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20630 [flower_id] => 1313 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Beer (bottle/can) [ru_name] => Пиво (бутылка/банка) [ua_name] => Пиво (пляшка/банка) [en_name] => Beer (bottle/can) [group] => 38 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 20631 [flower_id] => 2210 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Sausages / Snack (pack) [ru_name] => Колбаски/снек (упаковка) [ua_name] => Ковбаски/снек (упаковка) [en_name] => Sausages / Snack (pack) [group] => 56 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 20632 [flower_id] => 1575 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Chocolate bar Snickers [ru_name] => Шоколадный батончик Snickers [ua_name] => Шоколадний батончик Snickers [en_name] => Chocolate bar Snickers [group] => 55 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 20633 [flower_id] => 2213 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Cheese (packing, 150g) [ru_name] => Сыр (упаковка, 150г) [ua_name] => Сир (упаковка, 150г) [en_name] => Cheese (packing, 150g) [group] => 56 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 20635 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 20636 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 20637 [flower_id] => 2212 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Smoked sausages [ru_name] => Сосиски копченые [ua_name] => Сосиски копчені [en_name] => Smoked sausages [group] => 56 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 9 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 22390 [flower_id] => 2569 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Wrapping 1m [ru_name] => упаковка 1 м [ua_name] => Упаковка 1 м [en_name] => Wrapping 1m [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 0.92 [product_sostav] => Edible men bouquet - Состав: Red hot chilli pepper, Lemon, Beer (bottle/can), Sausages / Snack (pack), Chocolate bar Snickers, Cheese (packing, 150g), Greens, Tape for flowers, Smoked sausages, Wrapping 1m. [ru_product_sostav] => Съедобный мужской букет - Состав: Перец красный горький, Лимон, Пиво (бутылка/банка), Колбаски/снек (упаковка), Шоколадный батончик Snickers, Сыр (упаковка, 150г), Зелень в букет, Лента на цветы, Сосиски копченые, упаковка 1 м. [ua_product_sostav] => Їстівний чоловічий букет - Склад: Перець червоний гіркий, Лимон, Пиво (пляшка/банка), Ковбаски/снек (упаковка), Шоколадний батончик Snickers, Сир (упаковка, 150г), Зелень у букет, Стрічка на квіти, Сосиски копчені, Упаковка 1 м. [en_product_sostav] => Edible men bouquet - Composition: Red hot chilli pepper, Lemon, Beer (bottle/can), Sausages / Snack (pack), Chocolate bar Snickers, Cheese (packing, 150g), Greens, Tape for flowers, Smoked sausages, Wrapping 1m. [url_link] => syedovniy-muzhskoy-buket [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 104 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Would you like to congratulate a person, but you know that he is indifferent to flower bouquets. Then there is an edible men's bouquet for you. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9791 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/syedobnyiy_mujskoy_buket-9791_20c_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/601545_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/601545_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/587306.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kharkov/587306_full.jpg [city] => kharkov [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Товар Edible men bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [2209] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2209 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1269] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1269 [price] => 10 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 20 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 20 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1313] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1313 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 80 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 80 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 80 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [2210] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2210 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1575] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1575 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [2213] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2213 [price] => 70 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2212] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2212 [price] => 15 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 30 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 30 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 30 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [2569] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2569 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 100 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2672] => Array ( [id] => 9791 [flower_id] => 2672 [price] => 2 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 4 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 4 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 4 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 8 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 3 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [44] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [name] => Lilac daybreak [ru_name] => Букет цветов Лиловый рассвет [ua_name] => Ліловий світанок [en_name] => Lilac daybreak [title] => Купить букет Lilac daybreak недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

What a wonderful beauty! Plenty of adorable spray roses, bouvardia, allium, aspidistra, latirus, chamelaucium, and green will amaze the receiver with its charming colors and marvelous fragrance.

Bouquet «Lilac daybreak» reflects deserves its name. The bunch of delicate flowers represents the first shades of sunrise. All you need is to choose the bouquet and congratulate your dear one with its particular magic. Don’t make her wait!

Attention! The bouquet may differ from the images displayed on our site. 

[rutext] =>

 Что за удивительное воплощение красоты! Множество дивных сплетений кустовых роз, бувардии, аллиума, аспидистры, латируса, хамелациума и буйной зелени порадует дорогую сердцу получательницу умопомрачительной игрой красок и тонкими ароматами.

Букет «Лиловый рассвет» отображает своё название. Связка раскрывает красоту первых ноток рассвета, проникающих в самое сердце. Преподнесите эту чудесную связку важному для вас человеку по особому событию. Будьте уверены, этот подарок останется замеченным.

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленных на сайте изображений.

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_s.jpg [large] => lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9074_four_8aa_s.jpg [large] => 9074_four_8aa_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9074_second_254_s.jpg [large] => 9074_second_254_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9074_third_755_s.jpg [large] => 9074_third_755_b.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => buket-liloviy-rassvet [ru_link] => buket-liloviy-rassvet [en_link] => lilac-daybreak [ua_link] => buket-lilovy-svitanok [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => Bouquet «Lilac daybreak» | order now [image_title_en] => Bouquet «Lilac daybreak» | buy with fast delivery [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-01-12 17:33:08 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 30 [color] => cream [p_title] => Bouquet «Lilac daybreak» | refined bouquets from UFL [p_description] => Bouquet «Lilac daybreak» reflects deserves its name. [p_keywords] => amazing bouquet, refined bouquet, romantic bouquet, flowers for wife [p_h1] => Bouquet «Lilac daybreak» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 161 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 3 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Cream [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 23 [vpl_url] => tsvety-zhene-na-den-rozhdenia [vpl_list_id] => 161 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветы жене на День Рождение {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Квіти дружині на День Народження {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Birthday Flowers for a wife [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 15 [rating_value] => 4.67 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Allium [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Rose premium pink [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Bouvardia [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Latirus pink [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => hamelatsium [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 6 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Aspidistra [count] => 5 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Алліум [count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Троянда преміум рожева [count] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Бувардія [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Латірус бузковий [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Хамелаціум [count] => 3 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 6 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Аспідістра [count] => 5 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16917 [flower_id] => 1002 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Allium [ru_name] => Аллиум [ua_name] => Алліум [en_name] => Allium [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 16918 [flower_id] => 907 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose premium pink [ru_name] => Роза премиум розовая [ua_name] => Троянда преміум рожева [en_name] => Rose premium pink [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 15 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16919 [flower_id] => 1537 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Bouvardia [ru_name] => Бувардия [ua_name] => Бувардія [en_name] => Bouvardia [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 16920 [flower_id] => 1956 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Latirus pink [ru_name] => Латирус сиреневый [ua_name] => Латірус бузковий [en_name] => Latirus pink [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 16921 [flower_id] => 1567 [ammount] => 3 [name] => hamelatsium [ru_name] => Хамелациум [ua_name] => Хамелаціум [en_name] => hamelatsium [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 16922 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 6 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 16923 [flower_id] => 1006 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Aspidistra [ru_name] => Аспидистра [ua_name] => Аспідістра [en_name] => Aspidistra [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 16924 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 16925 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.24 [product_sostav] => Lilac daybreak - Состав: Allium, Rose premium pink, Bouvardia, Latirus pink, hamelatsium, Rose spray cream, Aspidistra, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Лиловый рассвет - Состав: Аллиум, Роза премиум розовая , Бувардия, Латирус сиреневый, Хамелациум, Роза кустовая кремовая, Аспидистра, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов. [ua_product_sostav] => Ліловий світанок - Склад: Алліум, Троянда преміум рожева , Бувардія, Латірус бузковий, Хамелаціум, Троянда кущова кремова, Аспідістра, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів. [en_product_sostav] => Lilac daybreak - Composition: Allium, Rose premium pink , Bouvardia, Latirus pink, hamelatsium, Rose spray cream, Aspidistra, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet. [url_link] => buket-liloviy-rassvet [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9074_second_254_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9074_second_254_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9074_third_755_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9074_third_755_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9074_four_8aa_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9074_four_8aa_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 2 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => What a wonderful beauty... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9074 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/lilovyiy_rassvet-9074_630_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9074_four_8aa_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9074_four_8aa_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9074_four_8aa_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9074_second_254_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9074_second_254_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9074_second_254_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9074_third_755_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9074_third_755_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9074_third_755_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 17 [name] => For mother ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 28 [name] => Teacher ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 5 [name] => Gratitude ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => Business ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 39 [name] => Sister ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Lilac daybreak [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [url] => zhivye-tsvety [name] => Bouquets of fresh flowers [link] => [slug] => zhivye-tsvety ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-zhenshchine [name] => Flowers for a woman [link] => [slug] => tsvety-zhenshchine ) [5] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [1002] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 1002 [price] => 35 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 35 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 35 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 35 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [907] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 907 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 0.9 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 0.9 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1537] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 1537 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1956] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 1956 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1567] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 1567 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 61 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 61 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 61 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 6 ) [1006] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 1006 [price] => 20 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 25 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 25 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 25 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 9074 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [45] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [name] => From the big heart [ru_name] => От большого сердца [ua_name] => Від великого серця [en_name] => From the big heart [title] => Купить букет From the big heart недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_o.jpg [top] => 0 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

From a big heart - a gift that will tell about your feelings

Looking for a unique and special way to express your love and gratitude? The composition with an intoxicating aroma fascinates at first glance and will surely become a good gift or addition to it. A bright mix of flowers skillfully arranged in a round box is a real breath of spring. Send your special someone the perfect gift today — from a big heart!

The UFL company has been specializing in flower delivery for many years, so buying flowers in a box from us is always a good idea. If you place an order in advance, the delivery of flowers in Kyiv will be quick and save your time. There is no such event in life, during which magical flowers in a box would be inappropriate!

[rutext] =>

От большого сердца – подарок, который расскажет о ваших чувствах

Ищете уникальный и особый способ выразить свою любовь и благодарность? Композиция с опьяняющим ароматом завораживает с первого взгляда и обязательно станет хорошим подарком или дополнением к нему. Яркий микс цветов искусно скомпонован в круглой коробке – настоящее дыхание весны. Отправьте своему особому человеку идеальный подарок сегодня — от большого сердца!

Компания UFL много лет специализируется на доставке цветов, поэтому купить цветы в коробке у нас – всегда хорошая идея. При заранее оформленном заказе доставка цветов в Киеве будет быстрой и сэкономит ваше время. Нет в жизни такого события, во время которого волшебные цветы в коробке будут неуместны!

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_s.jpg [large] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9620_four_2d8_s.jpg [large] => 9620_four_2d8_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9620_second_c3b_s.jpg [large] => 9620_second_c3b_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9620_third_332_s.jpg [large] => 9620_third_332_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa_c3b_s.jpg [large] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa_c3b_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa_second_s.jpg [large] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa_third_s.jpg [large] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa_four_s.jpg [large] => ot_bolshogo_serdtsa_four_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => ot-bolshogo-serdca [ru_link] => ot-bolshogo-serdca [en_link] => from-the-big-heart [ua_link] => vid-velikogo-sercya [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2024-05-06 14:03:37 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => white [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 538 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 13 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => White [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 240 [vpl_url] => cvetochnye-kompozicii [vpl_list_id] => 538 [vpl_name_ru] => Цветочные композиции [vpl_name_ua] => Квіткові композиції [vpl_name_en] => Flower Arrangement [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 27 [rating_value] => 4.59 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Hyacinth mix [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Freesia white [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Clematis [count] => 5 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда коралова до 60 см [count] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Гіацинт мікс [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Фрезія біла [count] => 5 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Клематис [count] => 5 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18627 [flower_id] => 880 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [ru_name] => Роза коралловая до 60 см [ua_name] => Троянда коралова до 60 см [en_name] => Rose coral under 60 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18628 [flower_id] => 1019 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hyacinth mix [ru_name] => Гиацинт микс [ua_name] => Гіацинт мікс [en_name] => Hyacinth mix [group] => 19 [flower_color] => 9 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18630 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 18631 [flower_id] => 968 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Freesia white [ru_name] => Фрезия белая [ua_name] => Фрезія біла [en_name] => Freesia white [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 18632 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 18633 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 19980 [flower_id] => 1857 [ammount] => 5 [name] => Clematis [ru_name] => Клематис [ua_name] => Клематис [en_name] => Clematis [group] => 85 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 21445 [flower_id] => 2555 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Box round L 25x13cm [ru_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [ua_name] => Коробка круглая L 25x13см [en_name] => Box round L 25x13cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.2 [product_sostav] => From the big heart - Состав: Rose coral under 60 cm, Hyacinth mix, Rose spray cream, Freesia white, Greens, Oasis, Clematis, Box round L 25x13cm. [ru_product_sostav] => От большого сердца - Состав: Роза коралловая до 60 см, Гиацинт микс, Роза кустовая кремовая, Фрезия белая, Зелень в букет, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Клематис, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [ua_product_sostav] => Від великого серця - Склад: Троянда коралова до 60 см, Гіацинт мікс, Троянда кущова кремова, Фрезія біла, Зелень у букет, Оазис, Клематис, Коробка круглая L 25x13см. [en_product_sostav] => From the big heart - Composition: Rose coral under 60 cm, Hyacinth mix, Rose spray cream, Freesia white, Greens, Oasis, Clematis, Box round L 25x13cm. [url_link] => ot-bolshogo-serdca [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9620_second_c3b_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9620_second_c3b_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9620_third_332_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9620_third_332_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9620_four_2d8_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9620_four_2d8_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 3 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => From a big heart - a gift that will tell about your feelingsLooking for a unique and special way to express your love and gratitude... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9620 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/ot_bolshogo_serdtsa-9620_b77_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9620_four_2d8_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9620_four_2d8_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9620_four_2d8_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9620_second_c3b_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9620_second_c3b_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9620_second_c3b_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9620_third_332_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9620_third_332_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9620_third_332_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет From the big heart [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [880] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [flower_id] => 880 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1019] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [flower_id] => 1019 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [899] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [968] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [flower_id] => 968 [price] => 49 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1857] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [flower_id] => 1857 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 5 ) [2555] => Array ( [id] => 9620 [flower_id] => 2555 [price] => 150 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 150 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 230 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 4 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [46] => Array ( [id] => 9718 [name] => Yellow teddy with a tie-bow [ru_name] => Желтый мишка из цветов с бантиком [ua_name] => Жовтий ведмедик з бантиком [en_name] => Yellow teddy with a tie-bow [title] => Купить букет Yellow teddy with a tie-bow недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>

Warning : it is necessary to issue an order within 1-2 working days before the delivery date.

[rutext] =>

Игрушки из цветов необходимо заказывать за 1-2 суток до момента доставки!

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_s.jpg [large] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 9718_five_35d_s.jpg [large] => 9718_five_35d_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9718_four_df9_s.jpg [large] => 9718_four_df9_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9718_second_d26_s.jpg [large] => 9718_second_d26_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9718_third_ab0_s.jpg [large] => 9718_third_ab0_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_035_s.jpg [large] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_035_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_second_s.jpg [large] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_third_s.jpg [large] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_third_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_four_s.jpg [large] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_four_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_five_s.jpg [large] => jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom_five_b.jpg ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => zheltiy-mishka-s-bantikom [ru_link] => zheltiy-mishka-s-bantikom [en_link] => yellow-teddy-with-tie-bow [ua_link] => zhovty-medvedyk-z-bantykom [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-02-12 14:06:11 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => yellow [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => Flower toy 'Yellow teddy with bow-tie' [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 134 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 50 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Yellow [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 360 [vpl_url] => igrushki-iz-cvetov [vpl_list_id] => 134 [vpl_name_ru] => Игрушки из цветов [vpl_name_ua] => Іграшки із квітів [vpl_name_en] => Flower toys [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 26 [rating_value] => 4.62 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Сhrysanthemum yellow [count] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Oasis [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Decorative elements [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Хризантеми жовті [count] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Оазис [count] => 4 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Декоративні елементи букети квітів [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18902 [flower_id] => 980 [ammount] => 50 [name] => Сhrysanthemum yellow [ru_name] => Хризантема жёлтая [ua_name] => Хризантеми жовті [en_name] => Сhrysanthemum yellow [group] => 3 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18903 [flower_id] => 1167 [ammount] => 4 [name] => Oasis [ru_name] => Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции [ua_name] => Оазис [en_name] => Oasis [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18904 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 19948 [flower_id] => 1155 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Decorative elements [ru_name] => Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов [ua_name] => Декоративні елементи букети квітів [en_name] => Decorative elements [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.24 [product_sostav] => Yellow teddy with a tie-bow - Состав: Сhrysanthemum yellow, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Decorative elements, [ru_product_sostav] => Желтый мишка из цветов с бантиком - Состав: Хризантема жёлтая, Оазис на цветы в коробке или композиции, Лента на цветы, Декоративные элементы в букеты цветов, [ua_product_sostav] => Жовтий ведмедик з бантиком - Склад: Хризантеми жовті, Оазис, Стрічка на квіти, Декоративні елементи букети квітів, [en_product_sostav] => Yellow teddy with a tie-bow - Composition: Сhrysanthemum yellow, Oasis, Tape for flowers, Decorative elements, [url_link] => zheltiy-mishka-s-bantikom [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9718_second_d26_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9718_second_d26_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9718_third_ab0_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9718_third_ab0_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9718_four_df9_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9718_four_df9_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9718_five_35d_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9718_five_35d_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 1 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => Warning : it is necessary to issue an order within 1-2 working days before the delivery date. [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 9718 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/jeltyiy_mishka_s_bantikom-9718_e42_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9718_five_35d_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9718_five_35d_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9718_five_35d_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9718_four_df9_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9718_four_df9_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9718_four_df9_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9718_second_d26_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9718_second_d26_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9718_second_d26_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/9718_third_ab0_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/9718_third_ab0_o.jpg [original] => /bouquet/9718_third_ab0_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Yellow teddy with a tie-bow [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( ) [is_second_img] => [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [980] => Array ( [id] => 9718 [flower_id] => 980 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 50 ) [1167] => Array ( [id] => 9718 [flower_id] => 1167 [price] => 30 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 4 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 9718 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [2176] => Array ( [id] => 9718 [flower_id] => 2176 [price] => 250 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1155] => Array ( [id] => 9718 [flower_id] => 1155 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 55 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 55 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 55 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 5 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) [47] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [name] => Secret amorousness [ru_name] => Букет цветов Тайная влюблённость [ua_name] => Букет квітів Таємна закоханість [en_name] => Secret amorousness [title] => Купить букет Secret amorousness недорого [small_image] => /bouquet/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_s.jpg [big_image] => /bouquet/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_b.jpg [original_image] => /bouquet/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_o.jpg [top] => 1 [hit] => 0 [preorder_bouquet] => 1 [actsiya] => 0 [new] => 0 [this_is_popular] => 0 [text] =>
This delicate bouquet may easily become a highlight of any celebration for a reason of its’ incredible flower selection. It consists of red and cream roses, an elegant brassic, airy bouvardia, solidago branches, pink hypericum berries and a skimmia, complemented with an elegant wrapping, emphasizing its marvelous properties.

Bouquet «Secret amorousness» is a luxurious present for the closest ones. This expressive flower bunch will become a great present for a beloved one, March 8th, February 14th, and another celebration. The romantic bunch will let her know about your most important feelings better than thousands of words.

Attention! Bouquet decoration may differ from the images displayed on our site.
[rutext] =>
Трепетный и чувственный, этот букет поражает насыщенностью своих красок, и даже лепестки воздушных растений, кажется, шепчут о любви. Составленный из алых и кремовых роз,  элегантной брассики, кремовых гвоздик, воздушной бувардии, веточек солидаго, ягод розового гиперикума и скиммии, букет обернут в хрупкую упаковку, подчеркивающую его тона и лучшие качества.

Букет «Тайная влюбленность» — роскошный подарок для самых любимых. Насыщенная интенсивными красками охапка цветов станет замечательным презентом дорогой девушке ко Дню Рождения, 8 марта, 14 февраля, и другой знаменательной и важной для неё дате. Романтическая связка расскажет ей о самых важных и сокровенных чувствах, и сделает это лучше многих слов!

Внимание! Букет может отличаться от представленного на сайте изображения.
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Delivery! [image_title_en] => Buy fabulous bouquet «Secret amorousness» with delivery to any city [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-07-04 02:39:25 [height] => 0 [diametre] => 0 [color] => cream [p_title] => Buy luxurious bouquet «Secret amorousness» with delivery [p_description] => Bouquet «Secret amorousness» is a luxurious present for the closest ones. [p_keywords] => flower bouquet, flowers, bouquets, beautiful bouquets, buy bouquet, flower delivery, order flowers, flowers with delivery [p_h1] => Bouquet «Secret amorousness» [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 174 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 14 [size_name] => Middle [color_name] => Cream [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 137 [vpl_url] => originalnye-buketi [vpl_list_id] => 174 [vpl_name_ru] => Оригинальные букеты Киев [vpl_name_ua] => Оригінальні букети {$city} [vpl_name_en] => Original bouquets Kiev [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 30 [rating_value] => 4.33 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray cream [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Bouvardia [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Hypericum pink [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Solidago [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Skimmia [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Carnation cream [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Greens [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Астильба [count] => 2 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Rose spray red [count] => 2 ) [11] => Array ( [name] => Brassica white [count] => 2 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова кремова [count] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Бувардія [count] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Гіперикум рожевий [count] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Солидаго [count] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Скімія [count] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Гвоздика кремова [count] => 3 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Зелень у букет [count] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => [count] => 2 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Троянда кущова червона [count] => 2 ) [11] => Array ( [name] => Брассика біла [count] => 2 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 15095 [flower_id] => 899 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Rose spray cream [ru_name] => Роза кустовая кремовая [ua_name] => Троянда кущова кремова [en_name] => Rose spray cream [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 15096 [flower_id] => 1537 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Bouvardia [ru_name] => Бувардия [ua_name] => Бувардія [en_name] => Bouvardia [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 15098 [flower_id] => 1673 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Hypericum pink [ru_name] => Гиперикум розовый [ua_name] => Гіперикум рожевий [en_name] => Hypericum pink [group] => 15 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 15099 [flower_id] => 1568 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Solidago [ru_name] => Солидаго [ua_name] => Солидаго [en_name] => Solidago [group] => 81 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 15100 [flower_id] => 1528 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Skimmia [ru_name] => Скиммия [ua_name] => Скімія [en_name] => Skimmia [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 15101 [flower_id] => 1729 [ammount] => 3 [name] => Carnation cream [ru_name] => Гвоздика кремовая [ua_name] => Гвоздика кремова [en_name] => Carnation cream [group] => 18 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 15102 [flower_id] => 1031 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Greens [ru_name] => Зелень в букет [ua_name] => Зелень у букет [en_name] => Greens [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 18 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 15103 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 15104 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 15358 [flower_id] => 1566 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Астильба [ru_name] => Астильба [ua_name] => [en_name] => Астильба [group] => 37 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 15359 [flower_id] => 896 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Rose spray red [ru_name] => Роза кустовая красная [ua_name] => Троянда кущова червона [en_name] => Rose spray red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 15786 [flower_id] => 1880 [ammount] => 2 [name] => Brassica white [ru_name] => Брассика белая [ua_name] => Брассика біла [en_name] => Brassica white [group] => 66 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 1 ) ) [weight] => 0.96 [product_sostav] => Secret amorousness - Состав: Rose spray cream, Bouvardia, Hypericum pink, Solidago, Skimmia, Carnation cream, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Астильба, Rose spray red, Brassica white. [ru_product_sostav] => Букет цветов Тайная влюблённость - Состав: Роза кустовая кремовая, Бувардия, Гиперикум розовый, Солидаго, Скиммия, Гвоздика кремовая, Зелень в букет, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы, Астильба, Роза кустовая красная, Брассика белая. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет квітів Таємна закоханість - Склад: Троянда кущова кремова, Бувардія, Гіперикум рожевий, Солидаго, Скімія, Гвоздика кремова, Зелень у букет, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти, , Троянда кущова червона, Брассика біла. [en_product_sostav] => Secret amorousness - Composition: Rose spray cream, Bouvardia, Hypericum pink, Solidago, Skimmia, Carnation cream, Greens, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers, Астильба, Rose spray red , Brassica white. [url_link] => buket-taynaya-vlyublonnost [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8791_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8791_second_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8791_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8791_third_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8791_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8791_four_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/8791_five_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/8791_five_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 13 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => This delicate bouquet may easily become a highlight of any celebration for a reason of its’ incredible flower selection... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 8791 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/taynaya_vlyublennost-8791_o.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8791_five_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8791_five_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8791_five_b.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8791_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8791_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8791_four_b.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8791_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8791_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8791_second_b.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/8791_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/8791_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/8791_third_b.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] => Sorry ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/618811_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kievlocaldistrict/618811_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kievlocaldistrict [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Secret amorousness [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-8-marta [name] => Women's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-8-marta ) [4] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-den-vlyublennyh [name] => Love [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-den-vlyublennyh ) [7] => Array ( [url] => originalnie-buketi [name] => Original bouquets [link] => [slug] => originalnie-buketi ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 899 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 50 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1537] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1537 [price] => 45 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1673] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1673 [price] => 60 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 60 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 60 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 60 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1568] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1568 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 65 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 65 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 65 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1528] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1528 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1729] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1729 [price] => 25 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 3 ) [1031] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1031 [price] => 100 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 120 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 150 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1179] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1179 [price] => 80 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 100 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 120 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1566] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1566 [price] => 65 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 40 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [896] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 896 [price] => 75 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 70 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 70 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 70 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) [1880] => Array ( [id] => 8791 [flower_id] => 1880 [price] => 55 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 45 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 2 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 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An exquisite bouquet of 51 crimson roses of the Shangri-La variety will not leave indifferent any recipient. Perfect buds of an incredible shade of fruit wine, combined with an intoxicating divine aroma, fascinate and beckon with their singularity.

[rutext] =>

Изысканный букет из 51 малиновой розы сорта Шангри-Ла не оставит равнодушным ни одного получателя. Идеальные бутоны невероятного оттенка фруктового вина в сочетании с пьянящим божественным ароматом завораживают и манят своей необыкновенностью. Такой шикарный букет займет почетное место среди подарков на День Рождения, свадьбу, годовщину или юбилей. Благодаря коротким стеблям, букет достаточно легкий и аккуратный, а пышная упаковка делает его воздушным как десерт. Обратите внимание на себя прямо сейчас, заказывайте букет из 51 розы Шангри-Ла с доставкой по Киеву.

Высота розы: 50 см.

Внимание: букет может несколько отличаться от представленных фотографий. Просмотреть другие букеты из 51 розы: 51 роза {$city}

[kl_pictures] => Array ( [ufl] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => 51_malinovaya_roza-9680_72e_s.jpg [large] => 51_malinovaya_roza-9680_72e_b.jpg ) [five] => Array ( [small] => 9680_five_c12_s.jpg [large] => 9680_five_c12_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => 9680_four_5be_s.jpg [large] => 9680_four_5be_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => 9680_second_653_s.jpg [large] => 9680_second_653_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => 9680_third_ebb_s.jpg [large] => 9680_third_ebb_o.jpg ) ) [flora] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => [large] => ) ) ) [bought_count] => 1 [link] => 51-maliinovaya-roza [ru_link] => 51-maliinovaya-roza [en_link] => 51-crimson-roses [ua_link] => 51-malynova-troyanda [econom] => 0 [is_bouquet] => 1 [per_count_bouqet] => 0 [product_rates_count] => 1 [product_raiting] => [youtube_link] => [image_alt_en] => [image_title_en] => [fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-05-26 02:47:52 [height] => 50 [diametre] => 60 [color] => pink [p_title] => [p_description] => [p_keywords] => [p_h1] => [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => large [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 379 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => Large [color_name] => Pink [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 177 [vpl_url] => 51-roza [vpl_list_id] => 379 [vpl_name_ru] => 51 роза [vpl_name_ua] => 51 троянда [vpl_name_en] => 51 roses [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 21 [rating_value] => 4.57 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose Shangri-La 50 cm [count] => 51 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда Шангрі-Ла 50 см [count] => 51 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18767 [flower_id] => 2081 [ammount] => 51 [name] => Rose Shangri-La 50 cm [ru_name] => Роза Шангри-Ла 50 см [ua_name] => Троянда Шангрі-Ла 50 см [en_name] => Rose Shangri-La 50 cm [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 18768 [flower_id] => 1179 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [ru_name] => Упаковать букет цветов [ua_name] => Упаковка на букет квітів [en_name] => Packing for a flower bouquet [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 20610 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 2.12 [product_sostav] => 51 crimson roses - Состав: Rose Shangri-La 50 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => 51 малиновая роза - Состав: Роза Шангри-Ла 50 см, Упаковать букет цветов, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => 51 малинова троянда - Склад: Троянда Шангрі-Ла 50 см, Упаковка на букет квітів, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => 51 crimson roses - Composition: Rose Shangri-La 50 cm, Packing for a flower bouquet, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => 51-maliinovaya-roza [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/51_malinovaya_roza-9680_72e_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/51_malinovaya_roza-9680_72e_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/51_malinovaya_roza-9680_72e_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9680_second_653_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9680_second_653_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9680_third_ebb_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9680_third_ebb_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9680_four_5be_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9680_four_5be_o.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/9680_five_c12_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/9680_five_c12_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 4 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => An exquisite bouquet of 51 crimson roses of the Shangri-La variety will not leave indifferent any recipient... 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«Heart bouquet» - an original gift to your beloved on Valentine's Day, birthday, anniversary or wedding dating.

Amazing tight buds on solid stems collected in a beautiful bouquet. it is better than any words to tell about your feelings, help to congratulate effectively and so that will be remembered for a long time. Roses in a heart will also be a wonderful compliment and gratitude to his wife in a child's birthday. What else exept these luxury flowers can brighten tell about that love and affection you have for the best woman on earth? Such actions cannot be forgotten and are very much appreciated. You'll see!

Note: bouquet decoration may differ from the image displayed on our site because it consists mix smping flowers.

[rutext] =>

Букет роз «В виде сердца» — оригинальный подарок для любимой ко Дню святого Валентина, на День Рождения, годовщину знакомства или свадьбы.

Изумительные тугие бутоны на плодных стеблях собраны в прекрасный букет. Он лучше любых слов расскажет о Ваших чувствах, поможет поздравить эффектно и так, что запомнится надолго. Розы в виде сердца станут также чудесным комплиментом и благодарностью жене в День Рождения ребенка. Ведь что, как не эти роскошные цветы, может ярче поведать о той люби и нежности, которые Вы испытываете к самой лучшей женщине на земле? Такие поступки не забываются и ценятся очень высоко. Вот увидите!

Внимание: оформление букета может несколько отличаться от представленных на сайте фото.

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[fake_perc_sale] => 0 [min_order_count] => 1 [min_order_count_ukraine] => 0 [min_order_count_cis] => 0 [min_order_count_world] => 0 [last_changes] => 2023-11-08 20:50:26 [height] => 60 [diametre] => 0 [color] => red [p_title] => Buy a bouquet of red roses in form of heart with delivery [p_description] => Original gift for your beloved- a bouquet of red roses in a form of heart! Surprise ypur girl or wife with unusual bouquet with delivery: 044 390 9090 [p_keywords] => heart bouquet, bouquet of roses in form of heart, buy heart bouquet, flower bouquet of red roses in form of heart [p_h1] => Heart bouquet [3D_image] => [3D_active] => [active] => 1 [soldout] => 0 [size] => [rate_value] => 0 [main_list_id] => 362 [google_product_category] => 2899 [free_shipping] => 0 [is_kiev_only] => 0 [is_not_kiev_only] => 0 [flowers_count] => 0 [size_name] => small [color_name] => Red [main_list] => Array ( [vpl_id] => 68 [vpl_url] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca [vpl_list_id] => 362 [vpl_name_ru] => Розы в виде сердца {$city} [vpl_name_ua] => Троянди у вигляді серця [vpl_name_en] => Roses in a shape of a heart [show_menu] => 0 [review_count] => 19 [rating_value] => 4.58 ) [composition] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Rose red [count] => 45 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Frame [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Tape for flowers [count] => 1 ) ) [composition_ua] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Троянда червона [count] => 45 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Каркас [count] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Стрічка на квіти [count] => 1 ) ) [flowers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8064 [flower_id] => 882 [ammount] => 45 [name] => Rose red [ru_name] => Роза красная [ua_name] => Троянда червона [en_name] => Rose red [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 14 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 8065 [flower_id] => 1158 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Frame [ru_name] => Каркас [ua_name] => Каркас [en_name] => Frame [group] => 36 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 8066 [flower_id] => 1162 [ammount] => 1 [name] => Tape for flowers [ru_name] => Лента на цветы [ua_name] => Стрічка на квіти [en_name] => Tape for flowers [group] => 0 [flower_color] => 0 [item_type] => 16 ) ) [weight] => 1.88 [product_sostav] => Heart bouquet - Состав: Rose red, Frame, Tape for flowers. [ru_product_sostav] => Розы в виде сердца - Состав: Роза красная, Каркас, Лента на цветы. [ua_product_sostav] => Букет серце - Склад: Троянда червона, Каркас, Стрічка на квіти. [en_product_sostav] => Heart bouquet - Composition: Rose red, Frame, Tape for flowers. [url_link] => buket-v-vide-serdca [url_link_ua] => [image_40x40] => /bouquet/thumb40/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_s.jpg [images_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_o.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7259_second_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7259_second_o.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7259_third_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7259_third_o.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [link] => /bouquet/7259_four_s.jpg [origin_link] => /bouquet/7259_four_o.jpg ) ) [orders_count] => 63 [statictics] => Array ( [month_bought] => 1 [week_views] => 1 ) [preview_text] => «Heart bouquet» - an original gift to your beloved on Valentine's Day, birthday, anniversary or wedding dating... [video] => [video_preview] => [audio] => [full_link] => [rating] => 5 [code] => SP 7259 [all_pictures] => Array ( [first] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/v_vide_serdtsa-7259_o.jpg ) [four] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7259_four_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7259_four_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7259_four_o.jpg ) [second] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7259_second_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7259_second_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7259_second_o.jpg ) [third] => Array ( [small] => /bouquet/7259_third_s.jpg [large] => /bouquet/7259_third_b.jpg [original] => /bouquet/7259_third_o.jpg ) ) [povods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 36 [name] => With love ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6 [name] => For young lady ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Flowers for birthday ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 7 [name] => For her ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 31 [name] => Wedding Day ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => I Miss You ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Wedding flowers ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 23 [name] => Аnniversary ) ) [can_delivery_today] => 1 [delivery_photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656030_delivered.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656030_delivered_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) [1] => Array ( [small_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656030_befdel.jpg [large_image] => /delivery_photos/ukraine/kiev/656030_befdel_full.jpg [city] => kiev [city_name] => [city_name_ua] => ) ) [show_from] => 0 [alt] => Букет Heart bouquet [rate] => 5 [has_alcohol] => 0 [product_lists] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya [name] => Flowers for Valentine's Day [link] => [slug] => tsvety-na-14-fevralya ) [1] => Array ( [url] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa [name] => Heart-shaped bouquets [link] => [slug] => byketi-v-vide-serdtsa ) [2] => Array ( [url] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca [name] => Roses in a shape of a heart [link] => [slug] => tsveti-rozy-v-vide-serdca ) [3] => Array ( [url] => dostavka-roz [name] => Roses delivery [link] => [slug] => dostavka-roz ) [4] => Array ( [url] => serdtsa [name] => Hearts [link] => [slug] => serdtsa ) [5] => Array ( [url] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina [name] => Heards Valentines Day [link] => [slug] => serdechki-ko-dnju-svjatogo-valentina ) ) [is_second_img] => 1 [price_data] => Array ( [flowers] => Array ( [882] => Array ( [id] => 7259 [flower_id] => 882 [price] => 22 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 45 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 45 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 50 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 45 ) [1158] => Array ( [id] => 7259 [flower_id] => 1158 [price] => 50 [price_rate] => 1.1 [price_ukraine] => 250 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 250 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 250 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) [1162] => Array ( [id] => 7259 [flower_id] => 1162 [price] => 21 [price_rate] => 1 [price_ukraine] => 40 [price_ukraine_rate] => 1 [price_cis] => 40 [price_cis_rate] => 1 [price_world] => 20 [price_world_rate] => 1 [ammount] => 1 ) ) ) [count_name_words] => 2 [show_buy_button] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [clear] => 0 [price] => 0 [price_old] => 0 [price_qty] => 0 [price_cur] => 0 [price_old_cur] => 0 [price_qty_cur] => 0 [price_discount] => 0 [price_discount_cur] => 0 [percent_discount] => 0 [price_discount_qty] => 0 [price_discount_qty_cur] => 0 [price_member] => 0 [price_member_cur] => 0 [price_member_qty] => 0 [price_member_qty_cur] => 0 [price_from] => 0 [price_from_cur] => 0 [price_list] => Array ( ) [price_list_cur] => Array ( ) [full_price_for_promo] => 0 [full_price_for_promo_cur] => 0 [rate] => 0 [rate_list] => ) [in_card] => 0 [in_wish] => 0 [unavailable] => 1 ) )
Страница №14 - Цветы Medan — купить в интернет магазине | Цена: 1$ - 10000$ | Высота: 5-200 | К-во цветов: 1-1001 | Сортировка: Сначала дешевые

Подбор букета: найдено 777 товаров.

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Selection by parameters
5 cm
200 cm
Flowers count
1 pc
1001 pc
Composition type
To person
  • Dream cloud Medan


    Dream cloud

    151 $

  • 9101-1004-3

    Teddy bear white 90 cm

    161 $

  • 9070-1004-3

    Cream frost

    171 $

  • Fruit Set Medan


    Fruit Set

    174 $

  • 9734-1004-3

    Flower delivery by MIME

    177 $

  • 9083-1004-3

    Flower artel

    209 $

  • 9084-1004-3

    Spring firework

    213 $

  • Angel\'s wings Medan


    Angel\'s wings

    223 $

  • 3702-1004-3

    Bouquet Fairy of the forest

    223 $

  • Gift Basket 11 Medan


    Gift Basket 11

    231 $

  • 9501-1004-3

    Fruit box


  • 8803-1004-3

    Gift basket Sweet moments

    237 $

  • 6551-1004-3

    Fruit basket

    253 $

  • 8497-1004-3

    Funeral basket \

    255 $

  • 8569-1004-3

    Watercolor splashes

    259 $

  • 9371-1004-3

    Roses in a box

    270 $

  • 9663-1004-3

    Bouquet Tender feelings

    272 $

  • 9299-1004-3


    275 $

  • 7771-1004-3

    Kinder Cake

    279 $

  • 8752-1004-3


    279 $

  • 8753-1004-3

    Blooming valley

    285 $

  • 9495-1004-3

    Flower box Famingo

    296 $

  • 8571-1004-3

    Cloud lightness

    337 $

  • 7772-1004-3

    Basket of Kinders

    343 $

  • 9745-1004-3

    Flower little pig

    356 $

  • 9065-1004-3

    Chateau Haut-Brion

    366 $

  • 9898-1004-3

    51 creamy roses

    396 $

  • 8407-1004-3


    406 $

  • 9287-1004-3

    50 red roses

    408 $

  • 8283-1004-3

    Red and cream roses (51 pcs.)

    410 $

  • 8415-1004-3

    Roses in box Heart surprise

    423 $

  • Funeral basket #16 Medan


    Funeral basket #16

    433 $

  • 6183-1004-3

    The Tender сompliment 51 roses

    455 $

  • 7575-1004-3

    Funeral basket of roses

    456 $

  • 9748-1004-3

    Roses in box 'With love'

    456 $

  • 8331-1004-3

    51 multi-colored roses

    472 $

  • 7299-1004-3

    51 yellow rose

    488 $

  • 9887-1004-3

    51 red roses

    504 $

  • 6432-1004-3

    Funeral arrangement 4

    513 $

  • 8559-1004-3

    51 roses Jumilia

    526 $

  • 6294-1004-3

    Big rose bouquet

    554 $


Address: UA, Medan
Telephone: +380 68 390 9090
Mon-Sun: 8:00-21:00
Medan — Courier delivery 0 $

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🏆 Best flower shop 2023
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